February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,590 replies, has 123 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 7 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 951 through 1,000 (of 1,595 total)

  • Day 12 UK FD
    Day 13 FD

    Scales down a bit this morning after FD yesterday. Enjoying the Happy Scales app. Thanks to whoever mentioned it on this thread. The moving average it gives you with the graph is a really good way of tracking progress. For those out there who fret over the slightest up or down movement of the scales, this app takes the pain away by smoothing out the trend-line of your weight-loss. It gets more accurate the more days you measure. It really stops you getting annoyed about a slight gain. I know I can fluctuate by +/-1kg 1 day to the next, which is almost laughable.


    Yay! Go running! You won’t regret it. My first 10k before Xmas with son no.2 (age 14) was great. A real dad and son moment. I limped around with a sore calf and was in a fair bit of pain for the last mile, but it was worth it to see him finish 30 secs before me. It was the farthest he’d ever run, and I don’t think he thought he could do it. But under an hour was great for him, and it was my fastest for a few years in spite of slight injury.

    I’m missing @ccco‘s enthusiasm too, so uplifting and always made me giggle a bit 😊.
    Hope you are still here @ccco 🤗 , did you get your new yoga outfits maybe?

    Day 13,Germany, NFD
    Everything OK today! Made some nice beef Gulasch and Knödel today (sorry, no clue about translation for it…) and could really enjoy it!
    @daffodil2010 doesn’t it feel so great the next morning, not having eaten at night! I am glad you made it, too! 💪
    Hey, and I haven’t shared with you yet my successes with my leftovers dilemma. I had made it MY BIG TOPIC FOR FEBRUARY! And I can really tell that there has been much progress! I haven’t finished breads tuff from my kids, I haven’t finished their plates!!! Feels so much healthier and gives me more self respect…
    So thank you all again who have helped me in this with your thoughts and understanding!
    Tomorrow is a FD again.
    Have a good day my fellow fasters!

    ccco USA NFD Day 13

    Hi, everyone! I think I have had one too many fast days but I wasn’t even hungry, so I kept going! The only problem was that I went to bed Sunday night and didn’t wake up until Monday afternoon! Today I ate something but am exhausted. Going to bed early today! Be back tomorrow! Stay strong everyone!

    @at @mjrbcd44 @onahealthyhigh and @ – Anyone else I may have received a comment from,
    Thank you! 🙂

    I am already a bit over today’s intended 500-calorie goal. I am wondering if I should just call it a NFD. I’m at about 666 calories and it’s nearly 4:00p.m. my time.

    I think I can make it through though, and while 500 calories would be the ideal amount for a day like today, I would still call it a win. I’ll just have to try harder going forward to hit the proper numbers.

    I’ll be in bed in six or seven hours, so I will try to make it a successful FD.

    2nd post
    @lemons Dr Mosley allows up to 800 calories in his updated version. So call it, it is a successful fast day!

    Day 13 – California – NFD (instead of FD)

    @onahealthyhigh, really? That’s cool! I thought the 800 number was for his other plan, The Blood Sugar Diet.

    I think, however, today will be a NFD. I rarely eat breakfast, but today I decided to eat my calories in the morning like he said he does in the BBC documentary.

    Lesson of the day: Hold off till as late as possible instead of eating my FD calories early in the day.

    Tomorrow I will make it a FD, save my intake for later in the day.

    @daffodil2010 I would like to join the forum. Sory for the late request during this month. I have been lazy to post, but I have been fasting at least twice weekly since April 2017.

    Day 14 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – CD

    Happy Valentine’s Day everybody 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    For me, due to our different working hours, I won’t even see my husband awake today. Currently he is asleep and I go to work in 30 minutes. He works from 2pm u till midnight, so he is gone when I come home from work, and I am asleep when he comes home from work 😔 So no Valentines Day with DH today…guess I will hang out with you guys on the forum instead 😍😍

    Good B2B FD, planning a CD today. Oat bran bread and chicken sandwich for lunch, quorn fillet, turnip and broccoli for dinner, apple and yoghurt for my Valentines dessert 😆 No wine…all by myself….pat myself on the back in advance.

    @taraga hello and welcome to the February forum. It’s never too late to join in…I think I remember you from other monthly forums? Anyway, glad to have you onboard.

    Today is a good day to have a good day ☺️

    Day 14 a wet and windy Belfast FD

    Happy Valentines Day!

    @strawberriesandcream – never mind, there’s always next time and a few more pounds despatched for that teeny weeny bikini!
    @at I’m a huge sports fan too; winter sports, athletics, rugby, swimming, tennis, you name it. Funny enough, not football.
    @kerryn73 happy belated birthday. I hope you had a great day!
    @diana123 – that wine dragon must be flying around your house all the time! Many of my mother’s stories were told around the dinner table with a few glasses of red. I miss those times.
    @mjrbcd44 – lol! I only just picked up the pun! And yes, that’s just my problem. I used to weigh and count every calorie and try to keep it well below 500. Now it’s 500 +++ so here’s back to counting.
    @annemarilyn I bet you’re so excited. Have a wonderful trip.
    Welcome back @taraga

    @bert 1802 I’m with you! I’ve been totally too lax so here’s to more control.

    Add your name to the list as confirmation and to see you are not alone!


    Another go at slaying that sugar dragon.
    I’m off to yet another training day for the Red Cross. I think I’ve been trained to within an inch of my life!
    Stay strong everyone.

    Day 14 – UK-Reading – FD

    I’ve moved Valentine’s Day to tomorrow as DD is coming over. So I’ve moved my FD to today (such power!). I’m pleased that I didn’t gain after my NFD yesterday, so I hope today will see another decent loss. Cos then its a food free for all!

    And what are button resetters? And pockets? So much to learn …

    Day 14, London, UK, FD (2nd of B2B2B)

    So-so FD yesterday, I forgot the padlock for the kitchen and the ‘KITCHEN IS CLOSED’ sign seems to have disappeared, I’ll rectify this issue tonight before the dragon starts roaring!!!!!

    Welcome back @taraga, I mentioned you in a recent post during my attempt to ensure we’re the most internationally diverse forum here!!!! You’re our only UAE member so you boosted our numbers nicely!!!!!

    @daffodil2010, I guess being 2nd best isn’t all bad ………………. Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!!!!

    @debster251 …………………………. I’m soooo IN!!! I’ve been chasing the damned wagon for a while now, with a quick airport stopover with @bert1802…………………………. THIS CANNOT CONTINUE!!!!!!! I’m leaning on that button ……………..HARD!!!!!

    Add your name to the list as confirmation and to see you are not alone!

    Stay strong everyone!!!!

    Day 14 – Japan – NFD

    Tonight is a valentine’s dinner … Very rich … Fondu … cheese & chocolate

    Day 14 UK FD

    Good so far. Every other day with 500kcal seems easy enough. I’d like to do EOD properly, but the weekend starts on Friday night for family reasons, so fasting has to be done midweek.

    Weight stable after eating pancakes yesterday 🙂 A Gallette with egg, a cumberland sausage, cheese and ham was perfect winter food, and probably not quite as carb-ridden as I was assuming. The sweet pancake with honey and lemon juice was fab too. Kids enjoyed them, and we had my dad over which is great, but I think he finds these small family occasions very hard since my mum died last summer 🙁
    It’s a pity fasting can’t help you with grief.

    Day 14 North Wales NFD

    Day 14, UK, NFD
    Yesterday’s FD went really well, right up to 5pm. Then it was splattered under a mountain of pancakes and cake and drowned in a lake of wine. And later there was cheese and crackers.

    I seem to struggle with anything more than 2 FDs a week at the moment… 77kg this morning and with a Valentine’s Day meal this evening, I will need tomorrow’s FD to be good. Still wondering how I’ll get my maintenance weight stabilised below 75kg…

    Day 14 NSW Australia FD
    Hi everyone

    Day 14 Brisbane Australia NFD

    Happy Valentines Day to all ❤

    Well had a good day, including a very healthy meal at a Vietnamese restaurant this evening with my darling husband.

    Saved ourselves for a humungous bowl of mint chocolate chip and salted caramel with macadamia icecream at home. Will need to be super good over the next week!

    Day 14, Cornwall UK, FD

    Does anyone else get that Big Brother vibe as they’re typing out “Day 14…” ?

    I love the fact that with this WOL you can enjoy pancake day and then get back on it the next day. But I have also noticed that for lots of people if they enjoy a little it tends to snowball into a lot, and then there’s a huge amount of guilt that follows – no fun!

    I really recommend a book call First Bite: How We Learn to Eat by Bee Wilson. It really goes into the psychology of how we eat and how we’re brought up eating by our parents, and why it leads to us over-eating in later years. A very insightful and interesting read, and I think helpful too.

    Sorry, I really don’t mean to sound preachy, I just found it very helpful in looking at my eating habits.

    Day 14 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Happy Valentines everyone 💕

    @ccco sorry you’re exhausted, maybe try doing basic 5:2 with a break between FDs. My usual days are Monday and Thursday and I usually get an energy boost after a FD. It doesn’t feel so good for me without the 2 day gap between FDs. We’re all different and need to discover what works best for us. Hope you feel well rested soon.

    @lemons good luck, we all have to go through the trial and error stage to find out what suits us. Don’t be too tough on yourself, the majority of my FDs have been 800 calories and I’ve lost weight steadily.

    Well my Reset of yesterday partly worked, I kept well within TDEE, but when OH suggested wine to celebrate finally getting the last 2 rooms in our house sorted……..well, I didn’t say no!!! So Resetting again today and pressing down harder this time 🙂

    Add your name to the list to see you are not alone!
    Stay strong everyone!!!

    Day 14, Germany, FD
    Happy Valentinesday to all of you!
    Was just catching up with posts to get some motivation for this FD! Find it really hard today but the rest of the week isn’t possible for a FD because of social appointments.
    Feel really impatient inside today, kind of nervous and restless. “Unfortunately” I am at home with not much to do that would really keep me busy. That always makes it hard for me…
    Yet I am determined to stay strong! 💪
    @beddardo thanks for the recommendation of this book. Sounds interesting! Who is the author? Maybe I can find it in German as well….
    @ccco and everybody else struggling: me too find it easier with 2 days in between FDs. Unfortunately this week wasn’t possible. Hope you feel better soon!
    Let’s stay strong together!
    Onwards and downwards!

    Day 14…..Florida….FD

    Happy Valentines Day! I hope you all will be my Valentines!
    Happy Ash Wednesday…..
    Button Resetters……. Here we go! You ready? I’m ready!

    I must confess, I left the dragon out last night. I know not a good choice but I did it anyways! Now, It will be no soda/fizzy or sweets including sweet treats pretending to be healthy. I’m actually looking forward to this adventure!

    Thank you to everyone who supported and encouraged me as I made my way back to the wagon!

    @Bedardo…… I’m a huge Big Brother Fan! I never thought of it in terms of Big Brother. I’ve never seen the UK version of it, but the here in the states it’s pretty good. This year it will be a celebirty addition. Im not really sure how this season will be, I’m not super happy about having famous people on the show! I kind of think it’s a bit unfair to the game.

    Okay well….. it about that time!

    I talk a lot of smack for someone who tips over while trying to put on their underwear!

    Day 14, Newcastle, NFD

    Happy Valentine’s Day and best wishes for a successful Lent period – however you’re spending it.

    Off to A&E now to have both feet & ankles x-rayed following injuries sustained whilst on cruise, as a result of rough seas and too much dancing in flat trainers that did not provide any support to my feet. I hope it’s just Plantar Fasciitis, but GP suggested x-rays just in case.

    “When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is.” – TheMindsJournal.com

    Day 14 Akron OH CD

    Happy valentine’s day everyone.

    Day 14, Leeds UK, NFD
    This journey has been going great!! Started with 82kgs in last week of Jan and already down to 77.5kgs, with only strict diet. Will start some fitness routine from next week. 70kg target by May month on the way!! feeling great to lose weight. More active n light feel to go around. Started to hate the snacks these days. More herbal teas help to cut down the fat!! Dont give up!! @daffodil2010 thanks to you for this thread, real motivation!!
    Happy Valentines Day everyone. 🙂

    2nd post
    Sooo hard today!.!!
    Even lots of broth could quiet my desire only for a short time! I will drink lots of water now and try to keep myself busy! Please send me good thoughts!

    Day 14 – London – FD

    Down but not out, determined.

    @beddardo – Why aye pet I do now!!!


    Day 14 – UK – NFD

    Had a good FD yesterday – but kept my pocket list close – thank you for your support!

    I have been out with OH sorting ‘house’ jobs and had a lovely breakfast whilst out and about… once upon a day I could have done that and comeback to prepare lunch…. now my portion size seems to have been re-calibrated (particularly after a FD) and I am now cutting out lunch and having an early evening meal.

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Day 14, MI, USA FD

    Good morning everyone and A Happy Valentine’s Day to all! These past few days I fell off the wagon, and let it roll over me a few times 😣. Today is a new day and new start! I am glad for the start of Lent, good reason to keep the sweet treats out of the house.

    Stay strong everyone, and have a fabulous day!

    Day 14 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Happy Valentine’s Day!
    Blessed Ash Wednesday!

    Those two days seem mutually exclusive…candy and indulgence compared with fasting and penitence. Then Easter is on April Fools Day. We will make these days what we need and want with control, right?

    Great FD yesterday just under 500 calories.

    Thrilled for Shaun White on the half-pipe last night. I love the Olympics.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 14 Stevensville Maryland CNFD

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all, yesterday I managed to stay under my TDEE and feel really good with that. Only one glass of wine with dinner. I did have a hard time falling asleep, guess alcohol helps me with that too. @at, thanks for the advice on only two days a week alcohol, with the 16:8 every day and 5.2 challenges plus reducing my smoking to one cigarette a day and not stepping on the scale until Friday’s, not sure I am ready for anything else on my plate just yet.

    @debster251, yes that wine dragon is a tough one to tame in my house. For Lent I am giving up alcohol on my FD’s for starters. @ccco I am glad to see you back, I missed you, hope your feel better soon.

    Have a great day everyone and thank you for taking the time to post here, it has really helped me stay strong.

    In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

    Day 14 – Iceland – Reset FD
    Days 11-13 – NFD

    Well, got off track this weekend and have been on the cream puff diet since… now there are still two of them left in the fridge but I am hoping they will disappear in my absence because the reset button needs hitting ASAP!

    @xrox – great news! Well done! 🎉
    @debster251 and @bert1802 – I am with you, no sweets or cakes during lent for me either
 and @bert1802 – I couldn’t help but imagining you at the same airport as Tom Hanks in The Terminal, one of my favourite films😄 Thanks for the hilarious posts, glad you found your way back to the wagon!

    Joining the button resetters!

    Stay strong everyone!

    @suresh3101 Great progress! Well done. Don’t be surprised if you weight stalls or goes up when you start exercising more. Muscle building seems to add water weight and muscle mass for me.

    @johnnyr Aim is to get under my BMI, i will start with a fast walk or a jog initially, not interested in weights as of now. Lets see, will keep you posted how it goes. Good luck to you too!!

    Day 14 MI, USA 2nd post

    I too am adding myself to the list of

    Button resetters!

    Day 14, NFD, US

    I don’t know whether to be sympathetic or envious @diana123. I’d love to have new wines to try all the time, but like you, I completely self-sabotaged yesterday, polishing off a martini and bottle of New Zealand Sav Blanc. Feeling disappointed with myself this morning and slightly hungover.

    Happy Valentine’s Day, @daffodil2010 – plenty of love in this forum to share around, even if you can’t share it in person with your hubby today.

    Welcome, @lemons. The great thing about 5:2 is its flexibility. Play around with it and see what works for you which is what you’re finding already.

    Welcome to the forum @taraga. I won’t say welcome to 5:2 as it sounds like you’re well practiced in it! Tell us how you’ve been going so far.

    @ktcaroline. “Pocket” (pocket fasters, pocket winos) etc refers to the list of people’s names who are in the same boat as you. You can literally, or mentally, keep that list in your pocket as a reminder that you are not alone. The “reset button” refers to the flexibility (forgiveness?) of 5:2 that if you have a blow out epic face stuffing day, it’s not considered a “fail”. You simply hit the reset button, and start again. Hope that makes sense.

    I’m going to check out that book, Beddardo. You don’t sound preachy at all – your comments are so accurate, at least in terms of how they apply to me. That’s why I do liquid only FDs; if I allowed myself to eat only a little food I know it would snowball to a normal eating day.

    Good lunck everyone!

    Day 14, Cornwall UK, FD – 2nd Post

    @miraclelou the author is called Bee Wilson, definitely read it if you can, hope you can find a German edition.

    @bert1802, funnily enough I haven’t actually watched Big Brother for years, but there’s a guy that does the voiceover which always starts with “Day 14…” and it pops into my head with each entry I type 🙂

    @suresh3101 love your positivity!

    @dingping Exactly!!! 😀

    @borealis throw them out, , you’ll feel so much better

    Day 14 NFD Oregon USA

    Happy Valentine’s Day!!❤️❤️💖

    Made it through better yesterday but still about 850 calories (not below). Holding as a victory however as I really really really wanted to eat more from about 6 pm to 930 pm when I put myself to bed. Thank goodness for the Olympics that kept me engaged. And yes@Songbirdme–half pipe was incredible! Sean White’s last run–simply amazing.
    Also caught some curling action earlier in the day. This beautiful small Russian gal barking at her big burly partner”Sveeeeeeppp….Nye… Nye… Sveep”. At least that’s what it sounded like to me. Fascinating sport.

    @miraclelou. I am with you on being home and it being harder on FD’s. Sending you good thoughts.

    For all of you going into Lent I wish you all the best. Not being Catholic I have never experienced it but feel like I am improving my discipline right now with running. (Run/walking anyway). Did my fastest three miles yet yesterday. Mind you it’s not very fast but since commiting to the race have logged 19 miles in ten days so pleased with my effort.
    @Beddardo–sounds like a great book. As I mentioned, I am realizing an emotional connection to breakfasts that I believe stems from childhood. Actually I know it does. And it is really hard for me to let go of. That’s why I am reserving one weekend day for big breakfast.

    Off to work I go today. Have a great day everyone!!💪👍😘

    2nd post

    Who was it who was wandering around with a suspected broken wrist? Did you get it sorted out? May I join you hobbling around in my moon boot following today’s x-ray? I have a totally smashed 5th metatarsal (which may need pinning). Walking and dancing on it for a further two weeks after the injury occurred (Day 2 of cruise) has not been helpful. Oops!!!!

    @ccco – take it easy – you don’t want to be doing too much too soon – this is a lifestyle change not a race. Did you get help with your techy stuff yet?
    Good to ‘see you’ @taraga.

    “When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is.” – TheMindsJournal.com

    Day 14 Lancaster, PA FD 🤞
    Happy Valentines Day 🥀🌹💐🌹

    @janejust you are doing great! ✨🌈✨
    @snowflake56 It’s wonderful to see you here online again. I see your getting closer and closer to retiring. ✨
    @at ✨Very Awesome… I hadn’t seen it, so it kind of makes it a psychic connection.😊 Thank-you for for thinking of me and @fordprefect and @booperdooper. Glad to see you are doing great on maintenance as usual. Congrats 🎉
    @onahealthyhigh Congrats 🎉 For staying under your goal weight!

    I will fast with water and the 800 Calories.
    I found out last night that my Dad is going in for heart surgery and I will be driving to North Carolina, solo on the 15th. With my Dad’s immune system as of now, only 1 person at a time with him is what they’ve decided. My sister has been there and Thursday I will be going by myself. I’m glad to hear and to see my Dad. Since my children have been born, My DD, aka @booperdooper has always traveled with me to visit my mom, when she was alive and my Dad. I used to travel by myself a lot before the twins. 😊 I will miss them and @fordprefect but it will be worth spending time with my Dad.
    I may or may not have a FD ON Thursday… I guess I will see how traveling goes.
    Either way, after 2, so far successful Days of Fasting I feel great. I guess I might weigh myself sometime today, if I get a chance.
    I have so much to do today before my traveling, get eye glasses fixed, doctors appt. laundry, packing. 🤣

    I guess I better get to it!
    ✨✨🌈✨Wishing Everybody Well Today!✨✨ We Got This 👍 ✨✨Together we are 💪 Stronger! ✨✨

    Thank you @penz – much appreciated. I’m getting there … 🙂

    Day -14 – NFD – USA

    2nd post
    After 2 FD’s I let go of 3 lbs. ✨Doing happy 💃 dance! 💃💃 I went from 158 to 155 lbs. ✨✨
    ✨Have a Great Day Everyone! ✨

    ccco USA NFD Day 14

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! This will definitely be a wild eating day for me (if I am able)! My stomach must have shrink! LOL Anyway, dinner will be lobster and dessert will be cake! Haven’t been able get my kids to look at my computer yet. They are always so busy! Oh, well! Stay strong!

    Thanks @beddardo , you will love the transformation!! 🙂

    Day 14, UK, NFD

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! ❤ 💐
    Its been an ok day so far, and it will probably stay good food wise, since I’m single so no danger of chocolates flying my way 😂

    @ccco good to see you back today, you got me a bit worried yesterday. I hope you feel better, take it easy, as @Strawberriesandcream said this is a life style, so no need to rush 🙂 . You can still post here more than once a day, many of us do, and when your kids sort out your computer it will be much easier.

    I don’t mean to be a bother @beddardo, but I remembered our conversation here about fermenting, and that you said you will share some of your recipes? 😊

    I’m off to do some exercises, trying to build my strength back 💪 .

    Have a great day everyone 🌹

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

    I just found this forum and loved reading the posts. So motivating! It is very inspiring to read all the supportive posts from all around the world.

    I would love to be part of this global community. The FD lifestyle really appeals to me. The pounds have crept up over the last few years. I would love to lose about 25 pounds. I can do this! I plan to fast Mondays and Thursdays. I plan to give my kitchen and frig a big clear today, so I can make a nice, fresh start.

    @daffodil2010– can I be a late joiner for February?

    Day 14 – California – FD

    Hi everyone. I hope your day goes well, today. 🙂

    @penz @missybear, thank you! I appreciate the feedback.

    I’m fighting off a cold I caught over the weekend. It’s getting better, though. Headed back to work today, which I think will make fasting a bit easier than being at home.

    I am going to try to fast every other day, like you mentioned, @johnnyr. Seems doable if it can go up to 800 on FD, and up to 1650 on NFD.

    Yesterday I had about 1500. Today I aim for 800 at most.

    My weight this morning was: 163.1lbs
    My goal weight is: 145lbs

    Cheers! 🙂

    Day 14 Las Vegas NV WFD

    Had a checkup at the Dr yesterday. BP is at an all time low of 111/64. Blood chems are stellar. No meds at age 67.

    Had a good lower body weight workout yesterday. Today will be an easy 30 minutes on the bike, gymnastic mobility exercises and a ballroom dance lesson tonight.

    Valentines day is never a temptation for me as candy is not an issue. I love chocolate but only the really dark kind ~85% and that tends to be self limiting.

    I think I’m using my quest for muscle as an excuse for over eating on NFD’s. I’m feeling too full and need to cut back a bit.

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