Day 13 NSW Australia NFD
This topic contains 1,590 replies, has 123 voices, and was last updated by ccco 7 years ago.
Day 13,Germany, NFD
My night after yesterday’s FD wasn’t too good… I really felt hungry and woke up often… Even though about getting up and having a snack… In the morning I was glad though I didn’t! Now I have just had a wonderful muesli-porridge and will finish my breakfast with a nice hot drink.
I also sticked to my commitment not to weigh in this morning!
By the way, I still haven’t had any alcohol in February, even though my dry January is over! Wasn’t “necessary” so far. That really feels good and I think my idea to generally limit drinking to once a week is a good and sane thing for me…
Have a good Tuesday my fellow fasters!
Wishing you all strength and good sane decisions!
Day 13 Belfast NFD
I need to re-focus. I haven’t had a really ‘crisp’ fast day for a week or two so Thursday will be a mindful day. My sugar dragon won’t go back into its cave. I’m going to focus hard on giving up sugar (sweets and cakes) for lent.
@strawberriesandcream – good to see you back. I hope the good outweighed the bad, because I know you were looking forward to it off so long.
@ccco a pound a week is a reasonable expectation if you do the maths. Slow and steady is the way to go.
@califdreamer – You’re in maintenance and will never need them again! Ditch those big clothes!
@miraclelou – now you can relax and give it your best shot!
@xrox – that’s the moment that makes this WOL worth while. Well done!
Good to see you @okeydokey
@shinything – I drive a convertible which must be eternal optimism in NI! When you get the roof down it’s all the sweeter!
To quote @fatrabbit, ‘thin feels better than anything tastes.’ TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!
Day 13, London, UK, FD (1st of B2B2B)
I’m so determined this morning, I have my 3pm soup in the fridge at work and another portion ready for when I get home at 7pm ………………….. AND THAT’S IT!!!! I looked over my chart on MFP and noted the most successful weeks I’ve had, now I’m aiming to replicate those weeks and NO faffing about!!! This isn’t even remotely difficult, but I’m self-sabotaging for NO reason, I said I would just do Dry ‘til Fri, but my weekend extends to Mondays and it’s proving hazardous to my sanity!!! The decision has been made……………………. Social drinking only, and most likely Dry ‘til my B’day on the 24th, no hard & fast rules but no stupid ‘must empty the bottle’ drinking like yesterday – I must be able to have ‘things’ in the house without having to finish them, this is my focus for the rest of the month!!!! Rant over!!!!!
@ccco, I’ve just started reading the ‘Blood sugar diet’ I may shake things up a bit in April when I get back from my holiday…….. still in love with 5:2, but maybe it isn’t loving me right now as I’m still hunting for my mojo!!!!!! One day at a time though, today I’ve GOT this!!!!!
Welcome back @okeydokey, glad to see you’re still going strong!!!!
I hope everyone is having a good and productive day!!! Onward & Downwards!!!
Day 13, Cornwall UK, NFD
Pleased with my fast day yesterday, and managed to do HIIT class in the gym as well. My weight seems to be bouncing backwards and forwards, but I’m feeling good in my clothes which is what counts.
Speaking of which well done @xrox what an amazing feeling!
And finally… there is no way that I’m fasting on pancake day 🙂
Day 13 Leicestershire FD
I had a bad NFD yesterday …. definitely have over eaten on my NFD, yet I am sooo controlled on my FD’s.
Weigh in tomorrow and I will be devastated if the the scales are not being nice, as 3 x FD per week I should see a difference.
So putting my sugar-high day behind me, I shall be good today and hopefully the “chubby fairies” will take away some of my excess whilst I sleep tonight!!
No Pancakes for me 🙁
Good luck everyone
*****Fast Day Pocket list*****
Day 13, Finalnd, NFD
I have had an horrendous last week….I blame my birthday yesterday and a feeling of entitlement to eat what i want. And I know everyone else has this feeling too, but I felt sooo crappy afterwards, didn’t enjoy it really. Bloated is what i am feeling, blah! I have moved my FD’s around this week cos i just can’t fast on my days off. So after a reset, off we go towards losing the kilo i gained and getting to goal. Need to already plan ahead for winter holidays next week..aaggghh
I have payed attention to the split screen discussion and am going to give it ago!
@flourbaby There are some scandinavian restaurants in London where you can get Runeberg cakes, but you will have to wait until next year now!
@johnnyr thanks for the running info. I almost signed up for a 10km, but didn’t. My son wants me to go jogging with him, he is 12 and really lovely to go at my pace. Runners are out, but haven’t put them on yet…I will make that my March goal ;-), or maybe when the snow is gone!
@bert1802 oh i have laughed at your posts. I am glad you saw some friendly faces while you were lost though.
@coda how are you coping with your son moving to the other side of the world? I left Australia 20 years ago, and have only recently started to understand how difficult it must have been on my family left behind. When you are off having the adventure of your life you don’t realize how hard it is. My son is only 12, and is already talking about moving to Australia, and it makes my heart ache just thinking about it. At least we have Skype now right?!
@ioanamaus I also have motivation issues. While telling myself it is good to catch up with these posts, I should be outside exercising or doing HIIT. Always great at making plans to do things, very rarely get them done. Am watching closely the tips that come to you!Your list of reasons for exercising or losing weight was spot on!
Well after writing about it, i am going to stop here and actually go and do the HIIT i should’ve done about 3 hours ago.
Have a great day everyone!
Day 13 – UK – FD
Today not started very well – I was going to do a 5k but at my ‘drop off point’ (OH waits for me in Costa Coffee!!) it was blowing a gale and the heavens were well and truly open so I wimped out! Promised myself I will go for a long walk this afternoon if it fairs up.
I’ve been interested in the discussion about breakfast/no breakfast… Up until now I have always been a ‘breakfast is the most important meal’ gal but having read around 5:2 for 3 months now I’m a believer in breaking the fast when you’re hungry. It certainly helps with the 16:8 timescales. I was really interested in what Dr Jason Fung has to say in The Obesity Code and he has some very interesting snippets on YouTube.
Anyway after this morning’s debacle I think I should get myself on the Pocket List!!
*****Fast Day Pocket list*****
You don’t get what you wish for… you get what you work for
Day 13…..Florida……CD
Happy Fat Tuesday! Today, is the last day before the Lenten season. Although not all of you participated in the sacrifice of Lent, it is not a day to over indulged and fatten up as the day suggests.
Remember why you started and where you plan on being in the next couple weeks!
So, tomorrow for me it starts, no soda/fizzy drinks and no sweets or pretend healthy sweets! Plus, a strict 40 day plan! I’m actually a bit excited over this endeavor.
Although, I’m giving these things up, today I’m striving for a very controlled day, right around 1200 calories!
I’ve bought rope, zip ties, glue, duck tape and staples, no matter what I’m am staying on this darn wagon!
@okaydokay…….Glad to hear from you again!
To the newbies…..
I know that in the last couple days, my stories have been over the top and that I derailed my self unintentionally or maybe, more likely intentionally….. Either way, my journey and struggles can be used as a teaching tool. Although, I couldn’t get my crap together, I still stayed connected, I kept trying and I kept going….basically, hit the reset button.
We all struggle, we all get lost in our travels, tumble off the wagon and play dead in the road, but what you do after is what’s important. Please don’t allow a stubbed toe, derail all your effort. Keep trying, keep going! You can do it!
Join me as I reset!
Add your name to the list as confirmation and to see you are not alone!
Button resetters……
I talk a lot of smack for someone who tips over while trying to put on their underwear!
Day 13, Newcastle, NFD
Extremely successful LFD yesterday – in fact, I’m still in it at 40 hours and not feeling hungry yet. I’m eating out early this evening, so may well hang on. Not even the cheesecake lurking in the fridge is tempting me. Because: THERE’S ALWAYS TOMORROW!!! Yay for that!!!!
Thanks @flourbaby, @Mrjbcd44, @annemarilyn, @emma-taylor & @at for your positive and encouraging welcome back. I could so easily have kept quiet about my falling off the AF waggon – but what would have been the point in that. It is the sharing and caring shown on this forum that has made such a huge difference to my life over the past 12 months.
Well done @xrox!!!! I bet the fat was having hysterics let alone weeping 🙂
Great positive attitude @penz – after all – what’s the alternative. Hope you were pleased with your FD yesterday.
As you may well remember @flourbaby – I was definitely an ‘all or nothing’ girl when I started out 12 months ago. As you say – “it’s all about attitude” – and I’ve finally got it. The penny’s dropped. I had let food and alcohol have power over me in the same way that almost every other element of my life had done. I can look back clearly and see where I went wrong so many times, expecting people to change if only I gave a bit more. Well they didn’t and I resorted to food and alcohol to dull the disappointments and confusion. Well no more – the light bulb is permanently on.
One step at a time @michelinme – that last 14lbs will be eradicated before you know it.
Welcome back @okeydokey – hope you, @fordprefect & @BooperDooper are well. Congratulations on ditching 40lbs since you started your 5:2 journey. Very inspirational.
@nesslock2018 – which channel is Grand Hotel on please – and when?
@bert1802 – now, you did get on the right waggon didn’t you?? The one marked ‘Headed for Lent’ 🙂 All the best – you know you will do it.
@miraclelou – good for you – I like your thinking: a drink in February “really wasn’t necessary so far.” As @flourbaby says – it’s all about attitude.
@mrs-minimalist – tomorrow is a new day and a new start. Hope you all recover quickly.
@debster251 – thanks – but I’m afraid the little blue bikini never made it out of the case – the weather was dismal for all but 2 days (neither of which were warm enough to strip off). Never mind, we have our Eastern Med trip at the end of May to look forward to.
@realmac – I’m watching the snowboarding right now – WOW!!!!!!
Belated birthday greetings @kerryn73 🙂
“When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is.” –
Day 13 – UK-Reading – NFD
I’m a newbie with the 5:2 – I started last week and so far have only managed two “proper” fasting days. But it does seem to be getting easier. The only problem is that I seem to put on all the weight I lose in between FDs. Maybe that will get better.
Anyways, I’d love to join the challenge. Do I report my weight? There’s probably a post I should read that explains it …
Day 13, CFD, USA
Successful FD yesterday. Had the epiphany last night that 5:2 is really easy IF YOU DO IT! I feel like I have my motivation back. Glad your travel plans are back on track, Bert1802 (Florida must be returning to normal). Adding myself to your new list:
Button resetters……
Toddybear – I used to be conned (and “conned” is how I feel) by the “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” mantra and would dutifully force down breakfast every day. I didn’t feel like it, I wasn’t hungry, but I succumbed to the “wisdom” of the day. I wondered why I was consuming calories I didn’t want; how could this be good for me?!?! So now I break my fast when I get hungry which is usually about 1130 in the morning (and I get up before 6am). I must have my coffee though when I get to work, so perhaps this is really my breakfast!
KTCaroline – welcome!! Read the very first post in this forum for “instructions” but it’s really up to you. We’re just a very supportive social group with no real rules.
Day 13 Stevensville Maryland CNFD
Yesterday was a great FD until I got home and over indulged in alcohol, darn it. It is hard for me because my DH is a beverage professional, he has been in the wine industry for 30+ years. He works for a company based out of NY and they are a French company that imports and distributes in the USA. They have a large portfolio and he is always coming home with half empty bottles of wine that he has sampled to his clients. My 93 MIL lives with us and she enjoys 2 to 3 glasses a night of wine and truly loves the samples. We sit around the table and she has such a great long term memory, and her stories are fascinating. She grew up in Germany during the war.
Just realized I am making excuses for my over indulges, really need to work on this. My first step is going to be giving up alcohol on FD’s for Lent. It’s a start.
Goal for the week stay off the scale until Friday and lose 1 lb. this week.
In a world where you can be anything, be kind. Have a great day.
Day 13 Lancaster, PA 2nd FD of 4 b2b
Great to read your posts @debster251 and @strawberriesandcream 😊✨🌈 @bert1802 I’m looking forward to reading your posts again. 😊You all help to keep me focused and on track. It’s so nice to know I can read posts and post how my FD is doing. 🤗✨
@strawberriesandcream @fordprefect and @booperdooper are fasting today also 😊
Yesterday’s FD went well, mostly water with 1/2 cup warm milk before sleep 😴
Today will be another FD. The 2nd FD and 3rd FD’s for me clear away congestion and digestion issues, along with any bug like a head cold or sinus that could be lingering. I always feel much more clear headed and my memory improves and by the 3rd day I’m calmer than usual. These are all things I like. For Valentines Day, I will have 🥗 salad greens and keep my calories under 500.
✨✨✨✨Fast Day Pocket List✨✨✨
Wishing Everybody Well ✨🌈✨
✨Add your name if your Fasting. ✨😀
I love this @strawberriesandcream, “When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is.” – ✨✨Thank-you for sharing.😎
2nd Post
@flourbaby, I always enjoy reading your posts. ✨Lets have an excellent FD, together! I’ve got you in my Pocket for Good wishes, Good fortitude and Good Luck this week. ✨🌼✨🌼
Day 13 UK CD
Successful FD yesterday, amazingly, helping to push the reset button after my very sugarry few days – not awful, but definitely off track. But I love that I can come here, say it like it is and simply start again. It’s usually so easy to think that something has been spoiled and to give up – this is Adult Life, and we can choose to do differently.
Today marks 5 years since i stopped smoking – the Best Decision Ever, bar none. Lent is always a good motivator for me and I found it particularly hard to resist the humour of stopping smoking on Ash Wednesday. I’m healthier, happier and richer as a result, and much more in touch with myself. 😀
I’m thinking about Lenten fasting for this year tho it seems strange when I’m already fasting! I don’t often drink, nor eat refined carbs or cakes or biscuits – other than healthier home-made ones. I also seem to have successfully moved from chocolate to making my own with raw cacao, but sweets are still my downfall, esp when tired.
I think it will be helpful to give up these “pure sugar treats” which are usually Colin Caterpillar/veggie Percy Pigs. My brain responds to them with cravings and without control in the same way it used to with cigarettes, so that should be telling me something.
I think I’m also going to take up some Lenten disciplines of morning meditation and yoga, plus evening reflection and review. It’ll help to bookend my day and hold it in a wider framework, always good when my tendency is to get caught up in the things of each day and lose track of the bigger picture.
Looking forward to pancakes later – made with coconut flour & eggs, drizzled with lemon juice and a sprinkling of coconut sugar – yum!
thanks for this pocket list @bert1802
Joining the button resetters!
Day 13, Emden Germany (but I’m Dutch), NFD
Hi everyone,
@daffodil2010 I’d like to join again, can you put me on the spread sheet, please?
@at hi, dear friend, I’m fine, we adjusted my medikation and I stopped fasting. My weight is up to 53,7 kg again, so still on maintenance. Most of the work is done now, only 18 days of work and than retirement. DH got back to nephrology and dialysis already and loves it, he only wants to work a few times a month.
@lynzm how are you? Are you still somewhere around here? Planning on having my own “drawer of willpower” at work, from tomorrow on it’s Lent again.
Won’t have much time to read or react every day but plan to sign in regularly, my eating habits are not the best, way too much sweets. Have to get back to a healthier way of eating, but I’m still doing my 6 min planks every morning.
Take care everyone!
Day 13 USA (Illinois) FD
Doing my *1*:6 today to keep maintenance. I’m so glad this has worked for about 13 months now. Still I try not to go too crazy on those 6 NFD’s per week.
Onward and downward.
Day 13, Cornwall UK, NFD
Had a good fast day yesterday but today I am HUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY. And I am trying to stick to healthy eating and not stuff my face with buttered toast. It feels harder doing a normal day than a fast day sometimes. Just had some Marmite Tea to try and drown the dragons.
@mrsminimalist – I read today that Finland is the best place in the world to live. But when you ask the locals, they apparently disagree. Best wishes in getting through your bad day and remember you live in the best country in the world!
Day 13 FD 800cal Oregon USA
So many great posts this morning! @okeydokey I love your emojis! I am typing this on my new phone right now and I’m having to learn where all my buttons are again!🙄🌼 (Slow going). Also just appreciate your positive attitude and success. Welcome back.
@strawberriesandcream–so much wisdom in your post. “Resorting to food and drink to dull the disappointment and confusion”. I hope the penny is going to drop for me there SOON!! Intellectually I know I am doing it…. but I still do it.
@Debster251–did you really use the words “crisp” and “fast day” in the same sentence?🤣🤣 Meaning understood but it still made me giggle.
Speaking of less than perfect FD’s–yesterday morphed from 800 to more like 1000 calories. Which given the fact that I was already “allowing” myself 800 calories was a little disappointing. If the 3 x 800 is going to work I need to make the days 800 or lower!
Good things–16:8 is going well. And unlike you @penz, I am a breakfast lover! So for me it is a discipline to skip. Yes I could eat the same food when I do break my fast but there is comfort wrapped up in breakfast for me that I am still trying to understand.
Got out for three miles yesterday. And increased running interval and shortened walking interval. It was not pretty but I did it.
Adding myself to the pocket today. Changing from Wednesday as I want the option to go out to dinner for Valentine’s Day.❤️❤️
Add your name if your Fasting. ✨😀
Happy Tuesday! Do I even want to know what Pancake Day is??😊
Day 13 California NFD
Well, went with a regular FD yesterday instead of a WFD, but made it til after 4pm with just water, black tea and coffee. My weight this morning was down 1.2 kg, a pretty big drop overnight. I suspect I was holding on to some water weight the day before.
@okeydokey, you mentioned doingg 4 B2B FD this week. These are the 500 or 600 calorie FD? I noticed during and after my FD yesterday that most of the congestion issues and aches and pains from the last several days have gone away. I would have thought it would take a full fast for that, but I definitely feel better. And I ate right up to within about 20 calories of the 500. I’m tempted to do another FD today.
Good luck to all the casters and non rasters today.
Day 13 – SW WA USA – NFD (maybe FD)
Still catching up on posts.
@at – Peru is right around the corner. Departing this Sunday!
@okeydokey – so good to hear you’re still on board.
Together we are stronger!
Day 13, UK, NFD
Pancake day! Yay! 😍 I love pancakes, but I’ve been really good today and had only 3 with cheese, which I made to be my lunch. Oh i made them using my sourdough starter and they came out really nice. Could have been much worse 😂
You made me laugh @rainbowsmile with your start : Day 13, Guildford UK, pancake day haha 😂
@debster251 you made me laugh too with your comment about that having a convertible in NI must be eternal optimism , haha 😂 , but I must agree with you.
Its always so nice and inspiring reading posts here, so happy to be part of this forum 😊
Whether or not you are celebrating a pancakes day, hope you have a good day ❤
Day 13 Lancaster, PA FD 2nd of 4 b2b
2nd Post
@califdreamer, I have immune system issues, from a bout of cancer in the past. I still have endometriosis. So when I fast for days in a row, I feel like I get the full layers of cleansing and healing. Including dormant Virus, detoxing, and possibly removing the painful endometrial tissue✨😊✨ So if I get started, getting past the up and down of the carbs by getting those out of my system. My body then starts burning fat, and people have done studies and posted that, endometrial tissue and the virus of Lyme disease are also digested out of the body. So I like to keep going once I get a solid day of fasting. 😊✨😊 Yesterday was a liquid fast less then 50 cals., today will hopefully be the same… so good so far!😊🌼😊Tomorrow is Valentines Day … which I had forgotten about, but I’m still determined to get through this for my health. So I will allow a green leaf salad and possibly something fun, have some warm chai tea instead. So I will allow up to 500 cals.
So that leaves Thursday as my 4th FD water and 1/2 cup of milk before bed. @50 calories. That’s my plan. 😊My hubby @fordprefect and I will go out to dinner on Saturday as a another celebration for Valentines Day 💕 with food and a drink 🍸. I’m motivated to lose some lbs before March 22. We will be getting together with extended family members for my Dad’s 75th Birthday “Bash” in North Carolina, US.
@annemarilyn 👋 Hey, Glad to get back and see you here!💛
@janejust b2b is not for everyone. Wondering ✨ what you mean by losing the day? Also what do you mean by bonus? … oh I think 🤔 I know what your talking about. The b stands for back 2 back, meaning you do them in a row. Once I start on a day and get through it, my mind and body are willing to go on with another a little easier. For me I don’t have the ups and downs of the carbs and carb, sugar withdrawals. 😊 I hope this answers your question. Let us know if you have any others. ✨
✨✨Together We Are Stronger ✨😊
Day 13 – Fife, Scotland – NFD
Cereal for breakfast, stovies for lunch (it was very cold at work today) and having roast beef for tea…or dinner as most of you probably call it 🙂
Good result this morning though with a sneaky wee quarter pound loss, hoping to have a cycle tomorrow night and keep up the momentum.
Day 13 Las Vegas NV NFD
Yesterday for the first time in a long time I blew off a WFD. I was fine until about 3:00 and I started to crave red meat! I made myself a bison burger and ate it. Then some Chinese fish maw soup and a bunch of fresh coconut meat! Then some 85% dark chocolate for dessert! Actually less than my TDEE but way more than zero! I slept very well and feel good today. I feel like I should fast today but it’s a weight lifting day and I’m going to eat normally.
Day 13 – California – FD
Hi. It’s actually my first day.
I ate loads yesterday. Probably double my TDEE.
Every time I decide to start a diet (especially an intermittent fasting diet; I’ve tried and failed at this before), I have a tendency to gorge myself. This time was no different. Not something I am proud of or pleased with, but here we are.
I know that the non-fast days are supposed to be balanced and moderate. I am aiming for 1500-1700 calories on those days. (My TDEE is supposedly 1700-2000, but I was hoping to push a bit more and lose a bit faster perhaps.)
Hopefully, it will be different this time. Hopefully, I stick with 5:2, do it well, and succeed. And then maintain. Fingers crossed!
Hi Okeydokey. By bonus days I mean weight losses on the scales. I am a daily weigher 🙂 If I was to fast b2b 2 days and eat averagely normal for the remaining 5 days of the time I would probably spend the b2b days loosing what I have gained. And for some reason I find I loose again on the second days after fasting too. Last Friday I lost 500 grams after a fast day. Friday night I had chocolate popcorn and wine. The Saturday morning I lost another 700 grams. This Monday gone by I had gained quite a lot from over eating in the weekend. But lost it all overnight at 1.30 kilo loss. Then lost a further 300 grams today. Also because I am a little bit bad over the weekends I usually gain 1-2 kilos, if I get onto it on Monday its no problem (hence 1.3 kilos loss after a fast day) as the weight is not really real unless you continue to eat bad. The weight loss is slower I guess but so worth it as I never feel deprived.
Day 13 – UK – FD
Yesterday did end up being a controlled day and set me up nicely for a FD today!
Did a lovely if rather wet 5mile/8km walk with my walking group this morning and then an hour of HIT Pilates this evening and still managed my FD under 500cals!
@saffy420 – totally agree that this WOL allows us to enjoy social occasions with no guilt as we know that we can refocus the next day
@coda – sounds like you had a lovely family time with your boys – can understand how Son no 5 feels but he is lucky to have such a close knit family like yours to support him x
@xrox – such a wonderful feeling when you find that those smaller jeans fit like a glove 👖a definite boost!!!
@mjrbcd44 – I too have been watching the olympics but then I’m a bit sports mad and love Rugby, Tennis and Cricket too 😀Apologies for bailing out on a FD yesterday but it was for a good reason 😉
@fivetwofan5252 – nice to hear from you – hope your FD yesterday went well 🤗
@penz – be very happy to do another drive by and pick you up – look out for me I’ll be in a little white Audi A1 ☺️
@ccco – I can see you reaching your goal using 5:2 – we are all here to support and encourage you – Together we are stronger!!
@okeydokey – how wonderful to hear from you – I had tagged you in my post on Day 12 and lo and behold you sign in – so good to hear you and your family have been doing well and still following this WOL and 39lbs down !!!!!!!!! 🤗
@miraclelou and @daffodil2010 – great job on staying strong and not giving in to your night time food 😈
@kerryn73 – Happy Birthday for yesterday – please don’t berate yourself too much for eating what you felt like at the time – this WOL is very forgiving x
@bert1802 – we will be supporting you in your 40 day plan plus no soda/fizzy drinks and no sweets or pretend healthy sweets! We will be the 😇 on your shoulder keeping the temptation 😈at bay……..
@Strawberriesandcream – As you say this WOL family is wonderful 🤗
@diana123 – maybe try applying the 5:2 system to drinking for a month as see how you get on – as in no alcohol for 5 days of the week and then you can enjoy a few drinks on two days that suit your life best
@snowflake56 – how wonderful to hear that your health and weight are both going in the right direction – great to hear that your OH has sorted himself out with doing something part time that he loves and last 18 days of work for you and then you can concentrate on yourself for a change – My yoga teacher is running a session tomorrow called “Love yourself restoration yoga” very apt on Valentines day – stay in touch 🤗
@ktcaroline and @lemons – Welcome on board
Just some general advice that worked for me
– Are you eating to the TDEE for your goal weight and not your current weight??? Do this now so that you lose weight faster and when you reach your goal weight you will also be used to eating much less too!!!
– Also make sure that you are not underestimating your calorie intake………..
– Don’t add the calories lost through exercise to your TDEE as this will increase your TDEE and is not useful if you are trying to lose weight unless you are someone who is burning “huge” amounts of calories when exercising……….
– Make sure that you drink plenty of water each day – no less than 2L
The best advice I can give to anyone new to this WOL is to stick to the basic 5:2 for the first month – The following link by @simcoeluv might prove helpful and answer a lot of your questions:–
To lose the weight and keep it off – we cannot go back to doing what we did before when we gained the weight! “IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT LOSING THE WEIGHT; IT’S ABOUT LOSING THE LIFESTYLE AND MINDSET THAT GOT YOU THERE” Steve Maraboli
Day 13 – 2nd post
@daffodil2010 great suggestion! It appears, after checking the numbers with a couple online calculators, my NFD calories would be approximately 1650, assuming I am sedentary. I ride my bike sometimes through the week, but I don’t want to overestimate my activity so I just picked sedentary as I have a desk job.
I’ll aim for that amount then. I appreciate the support very much! It’s great to be here.
2nd post
Welcome @lemons and @ktcaroline!
I read your post @lemons and could hear your voice (especially that one in your head telling you “here you go again about ready to start and fail another diet”) And it sounds like you’ve tried IF before too…can I just say that one thing that really resonated with me when I started, and still does is the idea that even if I only lose one-half pound per week, in a year that will be 26 pounds! I feel like it has helped me with my perspective on this not being a “diet” but a WOL.
As @at says–focus on just accomplishing two fast days per week and sticking to TDEE on NFD’s at first. Tell yourself that you can have <<insert your favorite dragon unleashing food here>> tomorrow and focus on creating new lifelong habits. Possibly most importantly–when you have an EFS (epic face stuffing) event. Hit reset. Move on. New day. It is NOT an excuse to give up completely.
This forum has been a real God-send for me, especially in that respect. So many folks here who have been successful with 5:2 over the long haul. And they all inspire me and grab hand when I stumble.
And that would be my other piece of advice–stay connected to this forum. It really does help!!
Day 14 Valentines Day FD (Yes I know 🙂 )
So today is meant to be a FD, but I had two pieces of chocolate brownie for breakfast, so its 10am now and I am pushing reset button and just going to stay under 200 cals for the rest of the day. I skipped gym this morning and yesterday annoyingly missed my spin class but heading to the gym for another class around lunchtime (what a good distraction!)
@Strawberriesandcream I am watching it on Netflix, its really good.
@mjrbcd44 thanks for the encouragement, how encouraging for all of us to hear that.
Day 14/16:8 CD/Melbourne Australia
Love the warmth and camaraderie and the excellent support. Still going strong, under goal weight now for 2 years and 10 months. Have only managed 2 fast days this year butmissing breakfast is certainly helping. Still consuming one to many 🍷🍷🍷😔 5 or 6 days a week.
Welcome @lemons hope you find your rhythm soon.
@ccco hope you are still around? Missing your enthusiasm this morning.
Lovely to hear from you @okeydokey (@booperdooper and @fordprefect) and @snowflake
Planning to see a movie this morning. The weather is a little too blustery with intermittent thunderstorms to garden. Have a great day everyone.
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5:57 am
13 Feb 18