Day 12,Germany, FD 😊
This topic contains 1,590 replies, has 123 voices, and was last updated by ccco 7 years ago.
Day 12 Wales 🏴 FD
A much needed FD today and I’ve boarded the Dry Till Fri wagon.
@dykask – I find taking a magnesium tablet with a glass of water at bedtime helps constipation. My digestive system is naturally sluggish but since taking a 250mg of magnesium citrate each evening all is good.
Happy Monday everyone ☺️
Hello from NI day 12 Slow day
Sorry haven’t caught up on posts since Thursday evening. Not a fast day as having lunch with number 3 son before he heads back to England. He came home for number 3 sons leaving party – a good time was had by one and all and going by the ones nursing hangovers the next day I was glad that I was the designated driver. I was able to cope with the late night, I don’t think I could cope now with a late night and a few drinks. I actually didn’t miss it. Son number 5 had me in tears. He is a twin of the one leaving to go to NZ and when he gave a little speech he said his twin leaving would leave a little hole in his heart and that their birthday in April would be the first ever that they would not be together. I had never even taken into account how he may be feeling.
@stevetoontaxidriver – I hope you didn’t gloat over your wife too much after the game.
Hopefully I will catch up on posts but I am busy in work and am off for 3 days while OH and I head to Donegal for a mini break. Hope the weather will be good to get some nice walks.
Day 12, Newcastle, FD
Seeing as I managed a 36 hour water only fast on holiday (yes, really!), I am aiming for a liquid fast today. I am having tea and coffee with milk, so not entirely calorie free. I loved the feeling of achievement and well-being after my first ever successful liquid fast. I’d been for a full body lymphatic massage and the masseuse encouraged me to go for a water only fast at least once a month. Me being me, had to go and do it the next day. Going to aim for at least one weekly.
So – the story of my holiday lapse for those who have been following my progress on giving up alcohol. Bearing in mind that we booked the cruise last October, at that point I paid for the All Inclusive package which was on special offer at £10 per person per day. Or I thought I had. Before going on holiday and after giving up booze, I telephoned the company and asked if they had alcohol free beer and wine on board. The answer was yes. Well a) turned out I hadn’t booked the package and b) a 330ml bottle of alcohol free beer was £4.40 and there was no AF wine. I queried my booking and it was quickly agreed that we could have the package at the special price of £10 per person per day vs £25 per person per day for those purchasing the package on arrival. Obviously we went for that as OH had no intention of being AF for his holiday. Trouble was, it would still cost me a premium of £3.30 for every bottle of AF beer. Economics won out. Strangely I felt no guilt as I had set out with the best intention. However, I was delighted to find that a) I could only drink half pints of beer, b) I really, really, don’t like white wine (the prosecco was a good alternative), c) felt very much in control. On arriving home Friday evening, I did not feel like a drink – nor Saturday and finally shared a bottle of red with our Roast Beef dinner yesterday evening. The book I read has really changed my perspective on alcohol and for the most part, I will be saying ‘no thank you’.
@ccco – I use Yunmai scales which I ordered from Amazon. They sync to an app on my phone which registers progress across a range of stats including body fat. You could look them up on Amazon and read the reviews. I’m happy with them.
@metatauta – thinking of you having been there and got the T-shirt. Sending a big virtual hug. xx
@rainbowsmile – I hope you are on the up after a sad day last week and that you enjoyed your dancing. Do you go to Ceroc?
@michelinme – well done on your presentation – so pleased to hear it went well. You sure sound like you have a pressured job.
“When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is.” –
@strawberriesandcream. That all sounds good. Sounds like you have got a totally different thing now with alcohol. Hurray.
And I completely get the financial bit. After being aghast at the price my local charges for AF beer, and seeing as they were pressing all their customers to give them feedback, I went online and wrote a snotty message saying I thought it was a rip off. Went to send, and was told that they weren’t accepting emails blah blah blah. Grrrrr.
Nice to see you back.
FD today. London. UK. Need to go back and do some reading to get back into the right frame of mind for fasting.
Day 12 – UK – FD
Day 11 – UK – NFD
Well the weekend ended up being a great big feast involving lots of good food and wine!!!!!!! I suppose that’s what happens when you have been away for a while and catch up with friends on your return 😉 but such fun!!! So today will be a FD firmly pressing my RESET button for the week ahead 😇
We had a bit more snow last night, less than an inch in the village but it looked very pretty first thing this morning.
@rainbowsmile – hello – hope you had a fab time dancing 💃
@scribbleartist – your attitude to 5:2 is much like mine was when I started this journey – I saw it as a permanent lifestyle change and hoping for health benefits gain. In my case these have been lowered cholesterol levels each year for the past 2 years, improved asthma to the extent that I am off all my medication, higher levels of energy and happiness in my own skin, plus I lost over 22kg and have maintained that loss for some 14months now without ever feeling deprived!!! I naturally found that my eating habits changed as well and mainly follow a mediterranean style way of eating now. Good luck with your journey!
@shinything – why don’t you try accurately calorie counting a few of your favourite meals in the portions you would normally eat – this will give you an idea of what you are consuming and you can then adjust the portion sizes??
@annach – This is a great website to learn about Kefir and fermenting:-
@annemarilyn – when are you off to Peru?
@michelinme – I think you need one of these 🤗 TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER x
@merryapple – re the debate on water – I have an OH who is a medic (retired now) who strongly believes you should only drink water if you actually feel thirsty although he understands why I drink lots of water on my FDs (he tells me it is distraction therapy!!!) I drink 2-3L of water daily whether I’m fasting or not!
@Strawberriesandcream – Welcome back and glad to hear that good times were had despite some “disasters”. Happy one year challenge anniversary and talking about role models what about yourself “I was absolutely delighted when I put on my Levi 501s on the day we travelled home and found they were no tighter than the day we travelled out (looser if anything)” BTW you can have both sparkling water and proseco 🥂 that’s why we follow this WOL 😉 x
@bert1802 – 🤗
@ccco – I’m with @onahealthyhigh in that to help with reading and commenting on the posts but instead of split screens, I open two pages of the forum on my laptop and read one and type in the second one, makes it easy ☺️ I’m a yoga fan too and recently treated myself to some fab yoga outfits from a company called Lorna Jane when I was in Melbourne
Sounds like a few of us love Yoga – I discovered it just over 2 years ago and love it, great physical and mental benefits for me – I now do two regular 1.5hr classes a week with a fabulous teacher 🧘♀️
Hello to @songbirdme @steffieagle @lindasue @redrockgirl302 @coda @ciren2 @steve-toon-taxi-driver @onahealthyhigh @penz @pashaw @mogaman and any other long timers on these challenges I have not mentioned recently
BTW has anyone heard from some of our previous members who have been absent for a while – if you are lurking in the background and reading the posts we are thinking of you all @brightonbelle @lynzm @okeydokey (and her family) @liathanail @in-it-to-thin-it @snowflake56 (think of you often, hope you have put some weight back on and that your health is holding up and that retirement plans are going well ) @lilymartin @fuvvie @jessyoursize @happymargo @fatrabbit and anyone else I have missed – Pop in to say hello and let us know how you are doing 🤗
“Keep the Faith. The Most Amazing Things in Life tends to Happen Right at the Moment you’re about to Give Up!”
Day12 UK NFD
Yesterday was a disaster food and wine wise, but had a lovely time with friends. We went to a gorgeous pub for Sunday lunch and we went through the card, starters, mains and puds along with copious amounts of wine. We were celebrating a friend’s birthday and we laughed all day. That’s the benefit of this WOL, in the past that would have thrown me off completely and I’d have gone straight back into bad habits . This morning I’m comfortable with a NFD, knowing tomorrow will be a FD.
I’m going to try giving up alcohol for lent -(I failed dry January miserably). I know it starts on Wednesday but as it’s valentines my OH has bought a bottle of fizz so I’ll start on Thursday. Good Friday is my birthday so that’s my target. We have tickets to see the terracotta warriors in Liverpool on that day so we’ll probably go across and make a nice day of it.
Ash Wednesday last year marked the real start of me on this WOL, I gave up sweets for Lent and then morphed into 5:2. I’m hoping this gives me the motivation to keep going.
Have a great week everyone. If Wine Gums attack, try a yoghurt!
Day 12, Surrey (UK), FD
Just checking in. Reading ‘The Longevity Diet’ by Valter Longo at the moment. Interesting that he recommend eating breakfast! I’m on a FD today and have missed breakfast, as I usually do on a FD, though I eat it all other days. Still achieving a steady 1-2lb per week loss with no serious side effects*, so I’ll stick with 5:2 for the time being.
@toddybear, glad to hear you had a good time in Rome, and that you are back on track! Happy to hold your hand crossing the finishing line, if you want!
@simcoeluv, been reading your posts on various threads. All very interesting. Thank you for your enlightening contributions.
* dog breath and occasional constipation, not that anyone really wants to know, ha ha!
Day 12 USA Wisconsin FD
Once again yesterday turned into a NFD (controlled at least).
Plan for today is for a successful FD, teach my classes at the Y and bike. I tried a HIIT ride last week and it went well, so will repeat that.
@ccco and @at great that we all, as well as others on this forum, love yoga. Wish I would have realized its benefits much earlier in life, but grateful that I practice now. And yes, clothes are a fun part of any activity! I am less than a stone from my goal weight. Even though the scale has stayed the same for the past week, I feel and look better in my swimming suit and yoga clothes, I think. Very motivating for me.
So amazing to have this supportive group – grateful for that as well. Good luck to everyone today.
Take care, Markie
Day 12, Belfast, NFD
Days 10 & 11, NFDs
Had a major chicken dinner last night with the entire clan – stepkids, their partners and grandkids. Lovely.
Bit quiet in work as I’m winding down towards my last day on Wednesday. I find it difficult to fast when work’s quiet but I’ll give it a go tomorrow. Lent starting soon too…I’m not particularly religious but it’s a nice time to try and give up the chocolates, crisps, desserts etc. I really should try to give up alcohol too…you’ll be a good example @saffy420!!
@coda your boys all sound lovely…spreading their wings too. My two younger sisters are twins, special bond indeed.
Good luck everyone today x
Day 12 USA (Illinois) NFD
Going to do my best today despite going out for both lunch and supper. Choral rehearsal tonight generally burns up plenty of calories. Oh, and Silver Sneakers this morning.
Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well. Keep the faith. This WOL works as you work it. Even in maintenance, I am happy to report!
Onward and downward.
Day 12, Hampshire, UK – FD
DAY 11 – NFD
DAY 10 – NFD
Got my BOOST today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really want to share this with you all…..
So for the last almost 2 weeks, the scales haven’t dropped, I didn’t feel like I had stopped loosing weight because generally I felt slimmer. I decided this week that I am no longer weighing myself every week and so I didn’t go on the scales this monring, I will do it at the end of the month and I hope I stay in check.
Today lunchtime I went into Topshop to return some jeans I didn’t like, had a browse through the sale and as usual, all they have is size 6, 8 and 10. I picked up a few 10s, thought I can possibly fit into them and EVERYTHING FITS!!!!! I swear I almost had to look twice and twist and turn to check that meat wasn’t hanging out from 1 side lol, one pair of jeans was a 12 and it was hanging off me, I cannot explain how great that felt, it was just the BOOST I needed to show that all those FD and heavy gym sessions were working, it just takes time. Also I am not stepping foot on those scales in the middle of the month again, they are the worse thing for motivation because if the number isn’t down, you feel like a failure….you are not, its not just about the numbers!!!
Loving my FD after that, happy FD!!!
Day 12 Stevensville, Maryland FD
Whelp here comes another week, I planned my two 250 calorie meals yesterday and have my 2 liters of water on the desk. Fasting is so much easier at work. Again, goals for this week today and Thursday FD the rest of the week 16:8 fast. Stay off the scale until Friday. Still struggling with alcohol, plan to read up on the subject this week. @xrox I know how you feel my scale only move .5 pound on Friday but I feel the fat melting and my measurements are on the downward side of things.
In a world where you can be anything be kind. Have a great Monday.
Day 12 Reset FD
I had a bad cold most of last week and couldn’t stand to drink water; only hot chocolate would do. well sugar begets sugar as you all know, so my diet was TERRIBLE all weekend. Well it’s Monday, I feel better so enough of that rubbish, as they say. Reset button firmly set and here we go. Liquid fast today planned – just hot lemon water to get rid of the icky bloated and sickening feeling in my gut.
I hope I feel more like myself in the morning.
Day 12 – Massachusetts – FD
I am not stepping on the scale today, although I sad I would. I am not feeling well and can tell I am bloated, so I will wait and set a new aim for Wednesday. Is that too indulgent?
I feel as though I am not pulling everything together to get the success I want this month, so it’s time for a little more attention to this problem.
Comfort is the enemy!
Day 12 Much needed FD Oregon USA
@MiracleLou–wow! Finally told your husband. I can’t imagine as my husband asks me daily what’s for dinner…it’s actually (smiles mischievous grin) a relief in that respect too to have been able to say “it’s a FD for me”. He fends for himself now om these days!
@xrox–true and total victory!!
Big congrats!
@michelinme–thank you for so eloquently and kindly pointing out to @ccco that the individual posts were making it hard to keep up. I was struggling too but didn’t want to discourage. Your words were perfect!
@daffodil2010-at least you had soccer to “blame”?? I didn’t really even do anything fun this weekend!! 😂😂
Speaking of sports… Do others watch the Olympics the way we do here in the states? I am enthralled. Staying up late and tuning in on the weekends. Some really incredible performances. And with our international flair of this forum, it makes me feel more connected to other countries so I am enjoying the Olympics all the more!
Alright I took the advice of others today and used the notepad feature on my phone. Not to comment on posts this morning but to create this beautiful pocket list!
Please copy and paste and add your name. I need all the help I can get!!!
**Fast Day Pocket List Day 12**
Have a great day everyone!
Day 12, FD, Hampshire UK
Hi everyone
I haven’t posted on here at all during Feb as I’ve been under the weather and not felt like doing IF.
So my last FD was 24th January…
I am on a FD today and motivated by my holiday at the end of March PLUS the health benefits of IF, in particular that IF is meant to stimulate BDNF… who knew?
CONGRATS TO @xrox! That is brilliant news my fellow Hampshire dweller 🙂
I will be weighing myself on Friday morning after another planned FD for Thursday – I hope nearly 3 weeks without IF hasn’t done too much damage!
Adding myself to the Pocket List!
**Fast Day Pocket List Day 12**
Day 12 – SW WA USA – FD
Along with many, it’s time for a Fast Day! I think I enjoyed too many Paleo Chocolate Chip Scones I made yesterday; a recipe I came across on Facebook. Yummy & healthy but still need to limit.
Off to work on a sunny Monday. Will catch up on posts a later! I get behind overnight.
Together we are stronger!
Day 12, FD, USA
Bad weekend, bad! But it’s done and in the past. It is a new week and I do like to kick them off with a FD.
Bert1802 – I hadn’t checked the forum all weekend so I had to go back many pages to catch up on all the posts. Yours was one of the first and I so laughed!! Based on your experience, I’ll avoid taxis, Uber, Lyft, and maybe just stick to walking. It might take me longer, but at least I know I can depend on Shanks’ pony! But if I see you driving past, @at, I’ll stick my thumb out – thanks for the offer of a ride!
I’m going to be such a hypocrite now, but I have decided to weigh myself daily to get me back on the 5:2 wagon. I know I am not losing weight but I need the scales as an added voice.
Wow, MiracleLou, you have amazing staying power to be able to “hide” a year of 5:2 from your husband. Or maybe he really is that unobservant? 🙂
Such a great way to put it, Mjrbcd44, I think I am definitely a good 5:2 compliant person Mon – Thurs and a completely different eating fest dragon lover Fri – Sun!
Day 12, London, UK, NFD but very CD
So I’m very late checking in because I’ve been super busy today, it could have turned into a FD but that bottle of shiraz needs finishing today, otherwise I’ll be greedily looking at it throughout Tue-Thurs’ B2B2B and I would probably break by Wednesday!!!!
I LOVE a busy day whether fasting or not because as they say – the devil makes work for idle hands, and unfortunately that ‘work’ usually involves those ‘hands’ stuffing cr@p into my mouth!!!!!!!!!
@miraclelou, LMAO at your post……………….. 1 year down the line……………..”Poirot” he is NOT!!!!! So glad he didn’t respond negatively, you know, ‘You can’t starve yourself…………….. like you’ve already been successfully doing for a year ………by the way you look fab …………………….. Oh!!’
@ccco, Have you finished the book yet, I read it in one sitting then started 5:2 the following week which coincided with November 1st 2016 ………….. I hope you get as much out of it as I did, there’s lots of conflicting stuff on the internet, but I think Dr. M has made it simple for those of us who are ………… quite simple!!!!
@mjrbcd44, I’m in the same camp as well as the clean plate club, I believe @lilymartin called it ‘doing fooditory penance’ in December, very apt!!!!
@strawberriesandcream, I’m an all or nothing girl myself (eat ALL the cake, ALL the chocolate, ALL of the bottle of wine…………….. you know where I’m going with this!!!) This WOL has given me some perspective, I’ve still got work to do, but I feel a little less likely to go off the rails as there really is ALWAYS tomorrow, how you deal with it is ALL about attitude!!!!! Congrats!!!
Keep the faith people, we CAN do this, that cake/biscuit/cheese can wait ‘til tomorrow …………..……. or you might just forget it altogether!!!!!
Day 12 California FD
I’m aiming for a WFD today, on my normal Monday FD. We’ll see how it goes. The FD is much needed after a weekend of eating.
Adding myself to the Pocket List.
**Fast Day Pocket List Day 12**
Day 12 UK FD
I’ve been off the rails so far this month and need to get back on track. Really glad to come & read so many helpful tips, stories of perseverance and resetting and encouraging progress. They all speak to my heart and give me perspective.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the Now, especially when overtired, struggling or disheartened. Whilst I may not be able to imagine resisting temptation for the whole of Lent, having only a stone to go, being able to fit into TopShop size 10 jeans or living in maintenance mode – you all make me realise it’s there. A choice at a time, a day at a time, a challenge at a time. Thank you!
Yesterday I used my over-sugared caffinated energy to make two big pots of tasty lentil and vegetable stew, now portioned and frozen ready for the next 7 FDs. It really helps to have things ready, and preparation is the thing that slips when times get tougher, motivation wanes or life gets busier.
I think it’s so easy to keep moving the goalposts of what we expect of ourselves and simply forget how far we’ve come. I was all set to beat myself up for succumbing to the sugar dragon these last few days, for picking the easy options and getting by with a quick boost rather than a mindful response. But I was exahusted from doing some important project work, and that was my priority for the last week.
Time to celebrate the fact that I kept my FDs and didn’t eat the many cakes etc. I had a load of coffee, not enough water and a lot of sugary sweets and it’ll take soem time to wind down my brain and reset my body, but i’m going in the right direction now – gently 🙂
**Fast Day Pocket List Day 12**
Day 11, USA, Missouri Ozarks, Controlled Eating Day
Hello all, got a bonus day off work due to our ice storm. Today would normally be a fast day but I shared breakfast with the hubby ( oatmeal with raisins and cinnamon and cinnamon toast ) will have salad for dinner. I will have time for plenty of exercise so that is great ! And another bonus, I can catch up on the posts here, and take notes 😁
ccco USA FD
Hi everyone! I got the message! For now I will take notes! LOL I am not very tech savvy but I like the idea of the split screen. I know my sister does that for work and my children can do it but I have no clue. I will wait for one of my children or their spouses to show up and get them to explain to me how to do this. They are my tech people!
strawberries and cream: Thanks for the idea for a scale from Amazon, the Yunmai scale. I will check it out! If I can’t work it with my phone, my tech kids can help! LOL (I am really pathetic about tech! Usually I can hide that from everyone! LOL)
AT: I am eagerly awaiting my new yoga outfits! My friends and family call me the cool girl because I have snow white hair, which is very in style over here right now, drive a convertible,do personal training, and now will have the greatest yoga gear!! LOL All I need is to complete 5:2 successfully and I will have everything!!!
FlourBaby: I am almost finished with the book and love it. I think I will keep it by my easy chair so that whenever I start going off program, I can read a chapter as a support mechanism. I know most of the medical people I’ve read say to eat breakfast but maybe they do this simply because it has be de rigeur for so long, no one is willing to breakaway from it. Needless to say, whatever happened with nature. If my body doesn’t want more fuel, why would I want to force myself to take in more than my body is telling me I need? I am all in with Dr. Mosley!
I had a very successful 48 water fast this weekend and oddly I still didn’t feel like eating, so today I am doing a 16:8 and I still don’t feel hungry. This day is turning out to be very successful, too. Can’t wait to see the scale at the end of this week!
Take care everyone!
Day 12 Lancaster, PA FD
Glad to be back and Fasting✨
Thank-you @daffodil 🌼 for Hosting!
Weigh in 158 lbs
Pretty decent since my start in March of 2017 at 187lb and the year before at 197 lbs.
✨✨✨✨This works!!!✨✨✨
😊 So glad, reading people’s posts today!
I am adding myself to the Pocket List! ✨
**Fast Day Pocket List Day 12**
✨🌈✨🌼Wishing Everyone Well! ✨🌈✨🌼
Hi everyone,
Day 13 FD
I am doing three FD’s in a row, we will see how this goes. Just got to find ways to distract myself. I have just started watching the Grand Hotel, for any Downtown Abbey watchers, its quite similar a good watch, and good for relearning my Spanish as its in Spanish with English subtitles.
Yesterday went well, ate my chicken broth and found a great recipe, frozen cherries dipped in natural yoghurt, 15 cherries for 75 calories, and they tasted great!
All the best for any on FD today
Day 12 Las Vegas NV WFD
Why does food taste so much better after a FD? Yesterday I had another bison burger. The grass fed meat is so lean that I put some avocado on it to add some fat. Super delicious and it added back the great mouth feel of a fattier meat without the saturated fat.
Had a very intense weight workout yesterday and I feel strong. Will do 30 easy minutes on the bike and a gymnastic strength mobility drill today
Hey @fatfingers I’m also currently reading the Longevity Diet – was also intrigued by reading about not skipping breakfast as I’ve just started doing that on my fast days and found that actually it works much better for me (more likely to overeat otherwise).
Ultimately I guess it’s whatever works best for you, hey?
@okeydokey, welcome back.
Day 12 2nd post
@ccco great job, thank you! Let me know when you’ve learned split screens – I’d love to know how to do that. ATM i use pen & paper to remember who to post to – but now I’m going to try the trick of opening two windows & writing in one while readin the other. Great to learn new things 🙂
2nd post, Germany, FD
Had a successful FD today – my first official one for my OH to know 😉
I realized that I am doing best to use most of my calories on FDs on drinks (milk in my tea/coffee and some chia seeds in my water based hot chocolate some vegetable juice). Was quite surprised though how fast such things add up to 500 kcal!!
I am very tempted to step on the scale tomorrow, yet since I have decided to only weigh in once a week after my 2nd FD I will stay strong and wait until Thursday morning! It does me good to stick to my decisions to stay accountable to myself!
Am looking forward to eat tomorrow!
@xrox so happy for you!! That is do great to fit into a new size clothes! Congratulations!!
Day 12, UK, FD
this has been a good FD so far, I was busy and out and about, didn’t even notice the time and it was already almost 6pm. Love when that happens on my FD 🙂
@metatauta I’m really glad to see you here posting even if you are not in the right frame of mind , as you put it, for FD. Shows that you haven’t given up! Stay strong, virtual hug flying your way 🤗
@ccco its good to see you are establishing your new routine and you feel positive 😀 . Like @daffodil2010 I too really love reading your posts 😊. I drive a convertible too and love it ❤ , but unfortunately here in UK we don’t get enough hot sunny days to take advantage of it. Ah well.
@at thats a good idea about counting calories in portions I usually eat and take it from there 🙂 , and I also read in one of the nutrition books that we should drink water when we are thirsty, and that our bodies are perfectly capable of telling us when we need water, interesting that your OH who was medic says the same thing.
@xrox so happy for you, I hope something like that happens to me to since my scales seem to be stuck 🐢
Have a lovely evening everyone 🤗
Day 12 North Wales FD
I am adding myself to the Pocket List! ✨
**Fast Day Pocket List Day 12**
Day 12 – Fife, Scotland – FD
Fasting today and it’s been a tough one. Rubbish day at work and it would have been easy to reach for the biscuits but held off.
Came home and had evening mealthen went out for a cycle in the cold and dark.
Having a quick cup of tea whilst typing this but could really eat a platful of almost anything!!
Early night to avoid any more hunger pangs!
Day 12….Florida….FD
Well, I made it back to the wagon…… I have no idea what got into me deciding to go traveling. I mean, I just got on a plane and said any destination would be fine. Why in the heck did I do that? I must have been out my ever loving mind!
I tell myself all the time, Im never doing that again…. but you all know the idiot side of my brain sometimes take over and I follow it like a unknowing school girl hair in pig tails skipping along side…. saying where we going? Where we going?
Today was a pretty good day overall, now all I have to do is make it through dinner and bed time…….
I’m starting my strict Lent diet tomorrow!
I talk a lot of smack for someone who tips over while trying to put on their underwear!
Day 13 – Japan – NFD 82.4kg
Fast #11 in 2018 is over for me. I did a 2nd reasonable workout before breaking the fast, 7 minutes of HIIT and over 100 floors of stairs. However I was feeling my run I did yesterday. This fast was only 37 hours because I started late. Late suppers aren’t that good for me. Even worst is a snack after supper, for me that is just being a pig.
More power to the people still in the fasts!
**Fast Day Pocket List Day 12**
Day 12 going on Day 13
2nd Post 🌈 Good FD, I will have a FD on Day 13 also 😊
@saffy420 Thank-you✨ Good to be back.😀Glad to read how you are doing.👍
@lindasue Thank-you! Glad to see you here, a fantastic support group! I’m very Thank-full @coda started the Challenge Groups!
✨Wishing Everyone a pleasant evening tonight and a Great Day tommorow. ✨🌈✨
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9:27 am
12 Feb 18