February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,590 replies, has 123 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Day 10 Las Vegas NV CD

    Yesterday’s NFD was rather generous. I had a bison burger for dinner and my wife made potato salad. I ate way too much and enjoyed two glasses of wine. Today is going to be a CD as I have friends coming to town and we will go to dinner. I’ll fast until we go out

    I’m getting firmly entrenched into the exercise habit again and did a strong HITT on the spin bike and some mobility work.

    ccco diet soda is bad but not because of the sodium. On water fast days I actually add salt to my drinking water to avoid cramping. As my body uses glycogen I pee like a racehorse! LOL

    Day 10 – Massachusetts – nfd

    Yesterday’s fd felt great and I feel back in control. I love fds for that reason, I feel like I am making strides toward my goal!

    Today is my roommates birthday and we are planning a feast for dinner so it is very much a Nfd. Looking forward to tonight!

    @bert – you are hilarious! I’m sorry you had such a terrible time at the airport(s)? Traveling can be terrible.

    I put this here so I will do it – I need to weigh in and make sure I’m on track. I will do it Monday so I can’t indulge too much over the weekend.

    Day 10 NFD Oregon USA

    I think yesterday shall be called “Tales of the Red Counter”.

    Yesterday I brought my lunch to work. A nice pre-chopped salad in a bag. All I had to do was open it and toss it. It even had parmesan and salami bites to add. I was actually looking forward to it. AND THEN… In honor of national pizza day my client delivered free pizza to us. What is really sad is that by the time it got to us. It was kind of cold, it was thicker than I like and was cut in big pieces. But what did I do??? I ate it anyway.
    Which released a whole storm of dragons that kept me snacking right up until bed time.


    Aiming for much better control and pledging to “stay away from the red counter” (it’s where all the “free” food sits at work).

    Happy Saturday all!!

    Day 10, UK, NFD

    Its been a good day eating wise, I’ve been sensible so far 😀 . I try and prepare fresh food these days (I’m not a great cook 😳 ) and I find it that I eat less because its time consuming haha 😀

    @emma Taylor and @at thank you for the tips about not counting calories. And you are right @at, I think I’m underestimating my portions. I’ll have to find way to learn what a normal portion is. And I’d rather lose weight slowly and establish a new routing and way of eating 🐢

    @beddardo it would be great to have a recipe for home made sauerkraut ( not brussel sprouts 😳 ), kimchi and butter from kefir cream (never made those):D , thank you so much for sharing those.

    @bert you made me laugh with your posts 😂 , sorry you are having a terrible time around airports, hopefully that will improve 🤗

    I’m off to have some tea and chill now after having a hectic week.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend ❤

    Forgot to post on my last FD (Thursday – 2 days ago). The fasting felt so good in that I feel like I an think clearer. I break fast after an 8:30 yoga class, which is really nice.

    Today is my second FD for the week. I hope I can do it!

    I also have trouble coming off a fast – any advice is welcome.

    Day 10, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Forgot to post on my last FD (Thursday – 2 days ago). The fasting felt so good in that I feel like I an think clearer. I break fast after an 8:30 yoga class, which is really nice.

    Today is my second FD for the week. I hope I can do it!

    What is TDEE?

    Love this from Dykask, “Isn’t it amazing that it is many of the free things that really the most beneficial? Fasting, drinking water, exercising, sleep, etc …”

    Debster: I loved that link! I had fun playing around with it! 🙂

    Day 10 Stevensville Maryland USA

    Today is a CNFD doing 16:8, did all my errors this morning to keep me busy until noon. Only problem was all the fast food joints around the island. I pushed through came home and had a small piece of white fish, tomato and lettuce, Feeling full now so I should be able to wait until dinner today. It’s been raining all day so I am stuck in the house. Will keep busy by doing house chores.

    In a world where you can by anything, be kind. Have a great day.

    Debster: I had fun with that website! LOL I am going to try to send it to my sisters! Stay strong and have a great day!

    Cornish-jane: Sounds like you are doing well, better than I am! Way to go! I bought sauerkraut. I really like it and used to eat eat on occasion. This time went wrong! I ate some and discovered it made me throw up! I tried a few times with the same reaction. I think it is too acidic for me now! However, sour pickles worked wonders! I found a brand with no calories and they are now my go to for my gut! Stay strong and good luck!

    Saffy420: WTG! I am a yoga junkie myself! I swear by it! I spent the morning browsing sales for yoga clothes and found some things I like and, of course, I bought them! I firmly believe exercise is easier when you look good! 🙂

    Markie99: I think I have become a yoga junkie! I only have two classes a week because I can’t find any other classes I can do safely, but I have found a Pilates class I could try! Today is a FD and so is tomorrow! I spent the morning looking for yoga clothes on sale and found a few! Of course, I bought them! I firmly believe that exercise is easier when you look good! Stay the course!

    SongBirdMe: Wow! With all that snow, it looks like you surely have had your fill of exercise! We have had a very cold Winter so far but not much snow to speak of! I am surprised because the Farmer’s Almanac seems to be wrong this year! Nevertheless, I am a Spring and Summer person! I really should be a SnowBird but I think I would be bored! Stay strong and good luck!

    AT: Thanks for the advice! I am checking out those websites! I am amazed how you were able to remember all those things about everyone! My mind is not quite so agile! Maybe this diet will help! I am not getting any younger! Stay strong (which it looks like you are!)! 🙂

    Rainbowsmile: Have fun!

    Scribbleartist: These awful Winter days make me think about how lucky I am that I am doing this lifestyle and I think about how great I will look when Spring comes and I shed those Winter clothes! Have a great day!

    Mjrbcd44: I am lucky that I don’t have office food or any free deliveries to contend with but, if I did, I would probably be there right with you! It’s hard but tomorrow is another day! Good luck!

    DanceforHer: I have the same problem! I have been reading what other people are doing and they seem not to eat too much, something like soup or a salad! I originally found myself ravenous and that went to no good! Now I am trying harder to control myself! It seems to me once I’ve been doing this awhile, I won’t have that appetite ! Good luck! 🙂

    ccco USA Day 10 FD: This is the first time I have tried a 48 hour water fast! So far, so good! Yesterday was a NFD, so I took the opportunity to eat three meals with enough food to, hopefully, sustain me over the fast! So far so good, although I don’t know why I sometimes feel nauseous when I fast. Nevertheless, I will ride it out! I was disappointed this past week because I wasn’t very successful this past week! I thought the 48 hour fast would be a good kick start for the coming week! I bought the Fast Diet book last night from Amazon and believe I will get it tomorrow. Reading that should be inspirational! Most of the people who wrote reviews about it were very positive about it! My new exercise clothes should inspire me, too! I am drinking plenty of lemon water (no diet cola)! Onward and downward! Stay strong everyone!

    Day10 Gozo Malta, nfd

    Today is St Pail Day in Malta and Gozo. In the year 60 St Paul was going to be taken to Romeas he was a Roman to be tried there for his faith and his ship about 275 persons got shipwrecked in Malta and as St Paul predicted nobody lost his life. He stayed in Malta for three months before leaving for Rome and he preached to the people of Malta and they all become Christians. So today is a public holiday in Malta. All this is written in the Bible.

    Today I ate above my tdee but not much. We ordered a takeaway this evening and I ordered a veal escalope stuffed with smoked salmon and spinach wth chips and vegetables. It was big.

    Tomorrow I’m having two of my daughters with their husband and children for lunch. I made carrot soup, rice fruity balls (one of my daughters’ husband helped me make them ready to put in the oven tomorrow) and apple and almond crumble today. Tomorrow I prepare the poussins in an oriental way to serve with the fruity rice balls.

    I had my granddaughters all day as my daughter was duty at the hospital but her husband was here in the afternoon.

    Good night 🌙💤😴 everyone, onwards and downwards.

    Day 7/8/9 NFDs all 16:8/ Melbourne Australia

    Good morning sorry I haven’t contributed much lately. Life is a little hectic

    @ccco I wish my mind was more agile LOL! Sadly I’m not so lucky. I use split screen mode to respond. Some of us jot down notes on paper as we read, others have an iPad and computer.

    Have a great day everyone

    day 10- NFD
    @at I have purchased from the Kefir company on Amazon, no mention of yeasts though?@beddardo that’s interesting about giving up smoking. My gut in is disarray following years of extremely high dose PPIs and a fundoplication op. Patience is the key or so I am telling myself… I was a veggie for 9 years so my fibre content was probably through the roof. When I have room I intend to make sauerkraut, we have lots of German/Polish relatives.

    Onahealthyhigh! Aha! Split screen is above my computer expertise!! LOL I guess I will stick to paper and pencil! Have a great day!

    Anna6: I am familiar with that biblical story of St. Paul! While I have never been to Malta, I saw a special on it. It is a beautiful and historic place. I’ve gotten close to Malta and maybe one day I will get there! 🙂 You should like a sensational cook!

    Day 10 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Time to head out for a few necessities for travel including metatarsal pads for the pesky left foot. So looking forward to our trip to Peru. Just touched base with a friend who spends quite a bit of time in Peru with a non-profit. We may be connecting in Lima.

    @anna6 – what a great present day connection to Malta. It brings Paul’s story right into the present. Thanks for sharing.

    AnneMarilyn: Have a great time in Peru! My sister-in-law comes from Peru. She has taught my nieces and nephews to speak Spanish, since they were born, which I think is wonderful for them to have that second language! My poor brother is another thing! He speaks not a word after all these years! LOL 🙂

    Day 10 UK NFD

    After some really careful eating, i blew it today with a load of sugar. Unexpectedly stressful time in the last couple of hours of the conference, rather than taking a break and deep breath I picked up the sweets and self-medicated/energy-boosted with about 100g sugar! O well. At least I’ve survived the 3day event and now i can rest, rehydrate and get back into the swing.

    Apart from that i’ve been great at avoiding the many conference-time temptations of cakes, chips, refined carbs, high-fat lunches and sugar. I’ve had one good fast day and other days taken my own food with me and been within my TDEE. Apart from too much coffee, not enough water/sleep and this last minute sugar-loading, i’ve done surprisingly well.

    Now i need to avoid the temptations of beating myself up for the slip up, staying in overdrive mode & jumping up to go out tomorrow. Otherwise I’ll be whizzing around on coffee & sugar and finding it hard to stop the unhealthy buzzyness. Time to slow down, encouarge myself to stay home and rest up. Plenty more to get through in the next few weeks and be really helpful to take some time to get grounded back into myself and healthier habits first.

    michelinme: Sounds rough! We are here for you! Stay strong! 🙂

    Day 11 – Japan – NFD and loving it!

    When I was 10kg heavier my primary goal was losing weight. Now my goals have shifted and I’m actually still trying to understand my goals. This is my current list:

    1) Stay healthy — Not as easy as it used to be
    2) Don’t gain any fat — outlive the drained fat cells
    3) Build muscle
    4) Get my body fat down to 15%

    I guess at that point my weight will be where my weight is. If it bothers me I can just put a scale in an elevator and weight myself as the elevator is going down! Or you can go the other way is you want to be a bit heavier on the scale.

    Day 11 NFD Auckland NZ

    Had a 3 course meal plus various glasses of wine at a French restaurant last night. Up .4kg. Could I not just have had two courses… Life on the dairy farm where we are staying involves lamb chops, sausages, duck eggs and creamy milk for breakfast etc etc. I’m trying to say no and reduce the amount I consume but I suspect my two fast days will end up helping to maintain not reduce weight.

    We’ve been out of our 100 year old house for five months now because of alterations. It’s our eighth move so far which means it’s difficult to get any routines going. Hopefully it will all be finished soon and we can go home.

    @dykask I have been following your debate on water with interest. I recall my father who was a renal physician telling me that drinking lots of water slows weight loss, which runs counter to most diet advice. It’s a metabolic thing (not oral gratification) but I can’t remember the details beyond that it is something to do with the hydrolysis of fats.

    Cheers everyone!

    Day 11 FD NZ BOP

    @mjrbcd44, that’s so funny about the cold pizza, it so is the way. What a good idea to toss the salad in a bag.

    Today is a FD day, just had my one meal, bacon and egg pie, although I probably should have aten later on in the day as I wasnt even hungry ha. I have been buying frozen chopped up strawberries and cherries at the supermarket and I have a little bowl of them as well, so good and low in calories!

    My hardest time of the day to stop eating is actually after dinner, I dont know how to stop! habit I guess 🙂

    @merryapple thats cool you are in Auckland New Zealand, I study in Auckland, you sound like you are rural Auckland. Interesting about fat hydrolysis and water drinking will have to do some research on that hmmm

    Interesting about the liquid diets, I read a pubmed research article that showed that people on a low calorie liquid diet (over 12 weeks) lost more weight than those on a low calorie food diet. But I find it a bit boring drinking all the time.

    Take care everyone

    Dykask! That’s funny! You can add to your list, nice skin! I have all the things you have on your list on mine, but I also have improved skin, too! Good luck!

    Merryapple! I just read your post and thought “Oh, no!” After all that water I drank, I could be doing more harm than good! That’s horrible, except I don’t know what else I would do! Anyway, I hope your home is finished soon! I like older homes. I’ve had a few myself! Have a great evening!

    ccco USA Day 10 FD: I am amazed that I still haven’t eaten anything! This is the longest I have ever done a fast. I hope to make it 48 hours, so I still have tomorrow to go. A couple of things I know about myself. I can’t eat anything now or I will wake the hunger dragon. I am not hungry anyway (or at least as long as I don’t sample something)! I am disappointed. I made the mistake of getting on the scale this evening. Despite having had nothing but water today, I couldn’t believe that I am actually up 2.4 lbs.! I shouldn’t have gotten on the scale. I will get on in the morning to see if it is water weight. What a bummer! Arrrg! Stay strong, everyone! 🙂

    merryapple: I have just spent the last hour trying to learn more about the water consumption you wrote of. The only thing I can think of by drinking so much water is the hydrolysis of water in our bodies promotes the creation of glucose. Maybe we are making more glucose that needs to be burnt up than we had before all that water consumption, so, consequently, it takes longer for us to get to the fat burning! I don’t know. Beyond that, I am lost! LOL

    ccco: Finally getting a headache from fasting but still going strong! 🙂 Looking forward to tomorrow and food!! LOL

    Day 11 NSW Australia FD
    Just checking in

    Day 11- NFD- Budapest

    Yesterday was a FD, and it went well. I like FDs, they’re calming (a lot less to worry about when it comes to food).

    Today is a NFD, and tomorrow another FD.
    @diana123 and @nesslock2018 thank you so much for sharing your inspiration and motivation. I’ll keep trying to go forward and hopefully notice more progress (in both my lifestyle and my eating habits). Baby steps are better than no steps, right? 🙂

    Day 11 Belfast NFD

    @CornishJane – you WILL succeed. What a great journey you’ve had so far. You haven’t come this far to only come this far.
    @ Beddardo – I’d love some of your recipes. I make water kefir and my own natural yoghurt. I would be interested in trying kombucha and sauerkraut. The fermented garlic sounds good too. I’d give anything a go.
    @saffy420 and @flourbaby – I am developing an anti winegum strategy. When I feel tempted, I go and buy a fruit yoghurt, which is a treat for me. No sweets of any type for me this February.
    @Ionamaus ANY steps are better than no steps. Keep strong

    I’m getting fed up with the cold and snow. ☃️ Bring on spring!

    Day 11 – NFD – Hampshire
    Morning all 🙂 Finally the sun shines through, it’s been raining the last couple of days.
    I’ve been super busy this week so haven’t had the time to reply but have finally caught up on all the posts. This week I was ill so took 2 days off work, missed one of my fast days and had a takeaway instead. Being ill really brought out the dragon and I definitely ate till I couldn’t move! I thought I was going to gain weight this week and am surprised that i actually lost weight.

    @ccco well done on your LFD! I don’t think I could ever do that. I think I’d get hangry during the day.

    “Food is fuel not therapy” I find this quote very apt as before this WOL I would eat all the time. When I was bored, upset and even happy to give myself a treat. Fast days have really taught myself how hunger feels.
    Have a great day!!

    Day 11 – Leicestershire – NFD

    Just completed 2 x FD. All ok got through them…could have been a lot easier if I had the chance to get outdoor….raining all day! Poor dog didn’t get much exercise either. But, bright and sunny today so a long healthy walk will do us both good. At least it will keep me away from the temptation to go cupboard and fridge raiding.
    Can’t hang around to long reading posts, just in case someone divulges the Rugby results!! As I have recorded the matches to watch today after my doggie walk.

    Loving your messages…keeping my spirits up…thank you.

    Remember: This months diet, Is next months body!! Good luck out there everyone.

    Day 11 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Day 11 North Wales NFD

    Day 11, Newcastle, NFD

    Hola! – I’m back from our two week cruise around The Canaries, Madeira and Morocco. Arrived home Friday evening and taking it very easy to recover.

    Now, rather than tell you all about it – it’s a bit of a saga – I’m going to use a quote which will give you the jist. It has never been attributed to anyone, although it was thought to be either Winston Churchill or Abraham Lincoln but there is no evidence so I’m going to take the liberty of changing the words slightly: Substituting ‘failure’ with ‘disaster’.

    “Success is going from one disaster to another without losing your enthusiasm.”

    Happily, we did have a lot of good times between the various disasters – the highlight being OH’s birthday in Madeira with a trip up the cable car and return on the toboggan – both of which were very exciting.

    Got weighed this morning and will commence our February challenge at 137.3lbs which I’m very happy with. However, my body fat is up to 33% which is too high. It should be 30% or under for my height and frame. So for this month, I’m going to focus on the fat figure vs the weight figure. I was absolutely delighted when I put on my Levi 501s on the day we travelled home and found they were no tighter than the day we travelled out (looser if anything). The upside of partying too hard and burning the candle at both ends!!!

    February is my one year anniversary on these challenges and I was delighted to experience how this WOL impacted my natural food choices and portion sizes during the cruise. Yes, I treat myself to desserts more often than not, but generally the sugar free option – although the full sugar spotted dick and custard deserved going back for seconds one night! Generally avoided bread and other higher carb foods. Not so much out of willpower – they just didn’t appeal amongst all the other lovely food on offer.

    In the past, I have stayed off the internet whilst on holidays, but this time, I read all your posts every day on my phone. I couldn’t reply because of the complicated way I have my password set up on my laptop which was left at home – and just reading all the posts took a great deal of time every morning as it was. We have so many newbies this month – hello to all – great to have you onboard the waggon. It made me realise how much I rely on this international family and the daily commanderie it provides.

    From memory – I want to make a couple of comments to folks – although I’d love to make many more – but you’d all be bored silly!

    @missybear – belated birthday greetings!
    @annemarilyn – best wishes for a super vacation – with some sun 🙂
    @dykask – I’m so glad you’re heavy workload has not stopped you posting your regular scientific insights – they are so interesting and fun to read.
    @EmmaTaylor – you have really changed my relationship with alcohol since introducing me to ‘Alcohol Explained’ – thank you again. More to come on that subject………..
    @flourbaby – with every mouthful of spotted dick and custard, I thought of you. I can’t remember now what it was that you imagined me spluttering over my sparkling water about – but it made me laugh out loud – because I’m afraid the sparkling water had been replaced by Prosecco – again more to come on that subject…………
    @debster251 – it was lovely to be mentioned by you in relation to one of the quotes I posted – you are so welcome!!
    @Stevetoontaxidriver – we did have dismal weather for the most part – but your post about the weather in our neck of the woods did cheer me up. Hope you car is back on the road.
    @at – glad you had a lovely vacation and are back home safely. What would we do without one of our amazing role models?!

    “Failure is temporary – quitting is permanent.” Together we are Stronger!

    Day 11, London, UK, NFD,

    Yesterdays’ CD wasn’t controlled afterall, The risotto was my undoing, I think it released the carb dragon and I ended up, once again, eating healthy stuff ………….. just far too much of it, above and beyond TDEE unfortunately!!!!1

    @mjrbcd44, if there’s one food I’m really starting to despise……………… it’s FREE food, managed to ‘collect’ 5 cookies at work this week during my FDs, saving them for NFDs……………WHY???? I really need to learn to ‘Let it Go!!!!!’

    @debster251, it’s such a strange one for me, I can walk past aisles of sweets, skittles, fruit gums, midget gems (don’t tell @coda) fruit pastilles ………. But one sniff of a wine gum and it’s ALL over!!!!!

    Welcome back @strawberriesandcream, I’m looking forward to hearing about the prosecco vs sparkling water, I guess there would be only SO much I could take!!!! Speaking of ‘your neck of the woods’ – I think you and @steve toon taxi driver were spluttering sparkling water or falling off of rowers respectively at @mjrbcd44 grouping all of us ‘Londoners’ together including the ‘shires’ and Newcastle!!! Still laughing ……………….. mostly because my geography is soooooo much worst!!!!

    Today hasn’t started as controlled as I wanted it to, and certainly won’t be OMAD ………………………. Where the heck have I put my mojo!!!!!!!!! I guess it’s at the same airport as @bert1802!!!!!

    Day 11…..Florida….CD

    I’m not counting my chickens before they are hatched, so today, Im at least going to control what I put in my mouth.

    Arrived at another airport, all seemed to be well as I walked out of the terminal. No one was offering me things, no one yelling eat this, eat that. So, I’m standing out side preparing for my walk to the wagon and I look up and who do I see…….@AT! Man, I am I glad to see you! Finally, on the road to the wagon!

    Last night, I was watching an episode of My 600lb life. For those who may not know it a program that follows people who carry between 500 and 600lbs for a year as they learn to eat better, go through gastric bypass and lose weight for an entire year. The Dr. on the show is Dr. Now for short.

    Dr. Now is really tough on his patients, he does sugar coat anything. Just the facts ma’am! Any who, he was talking to a guy, about his over eating and not following the diet plan.
    So, Dr. Now says look I’m tired of the excuses……It pretty simple 400 calories for breakfast, 400 calories for lunch and 400 calories for dinner. Nothing in between……. 1200 calories in total! Look it’s not that hard, but I can’t do it for you….You must do it for yourself! You put your self at 633lbs, so now you must put yourself 50lbs lighter in one month.

    That one statement really hit home….. It really is that simple even on FD! So, I have a new resolve. I also did a bit of research. Food on FD are pretty simple but NFD tend to be a bit harder, so I wanted to see really what a good healthy large portioned meal, you could get for 400 calories!
    You would be very surprised………

    So, I’ve given myself a challenge for lent……. no soda or sweets that’s my sacrifice but I am also going on a strict no holds bar diet…… starting Wed. this is what it will look like. FD….M, W and F…..NFD will be 1200 calories with Sunday’s being a so called free day but no more than 1500 calories. After the strict 40 day diet, no matter what the outcome, I’m going straight into maintenance……
    I’m no longer going to bounce back and forth……

    So, there you have it!

    I talk a lot of smack for someone who tips over while trying to put on their underwear!

    Day 11 USA Wisconsin NFD

    Hello, checking in on a busy day; it will be easy to control eating, which will be good.

    FD yesterday could have been better – eating increased later in the day, which is so disappointing. Scale is not up, but not down the pound I hoped to lose last week. Looking forward to the week ahead though, and more opportunities to meet my goal.

    @bert1802 thanks for your motivating post. Just what I needed to read at the beginning of my day!

    Good luck to everyone. Take care, Markie.

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