February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,590 replies, has 123 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 6 years, 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 501 through 550 (of 1,595 total)

  • Day 6 – 2nd post

    And as we are 10 pages in I thought I would post a timely reminder for our newbies who have recently joined of the posting formats. It really does make each post easier to read. Thanks guys ☺️

    The usual format is to start your post with the day of the month, where you are and whether you are fasting (FD) or having a non fast day (NFD). Some may want to post that they are having a Controlled Day (CD – below TDEE), others a Liquid only Fast Day (LFD). Some have back to back (B2B) fast days.

    For example, my first post will be
    Day 1 – Ireland – FD

    If you start the challenge later in the month you are still always welcome. Please note that even though it might be your first day on the challenge, if its February 8th (for example) then it is Day 8.
    As this is a true worldwide forum it keeps us all on the same track to know what day it is – and it is fun to hear about the different lifestyles, weathers, stories and customs from all parts of the globe.

    mjrbc44: Ho hum! I got out today to do all my activities, such as my personal training. Later today, I have my book club. That has kept me on my FD wonderfully. However, tomorrow is another ice and snow day, another day stuck inside! Ugh! I do well when I have things to do, so tomorrow I will have to make things up to keep me busy. Again I will miss yoga! I am glad you got a light. I have heard of them!

    Hi @johnnyr I think the problem about alcohol being processed by your body first is that it elevates your blood sugar levels, so bad from an insulin response perspective. I could be wrong, but pretty sure I have read that somewhere. Champagne is even worse apparently, due to the bubbles!

    Diana123: I don’t think tomorrow will be that day. We are expecting snow, rain, and ice rain tomorrow! Ugh! I couldn’t get out of the ice on Monday, so missed yoga and personal training. I managed personal training today but tomorrow will be another day to miss yoga. This has been a brutally cold Winter. Thank God my daughter got married last Winter! January turned out to be an alright time for he wedding in 2017, although I was stressed out about what we would do for a B plan, if the weather didn’t cooperate. It did! It was even warm! She married on Jan. 28 and if you remember that date in 2016 was a huge snow storm. I don’t know what she was thinking because we had people coming from all over the world! Whatever would I have done with them! They married at the Marriott Waterfront in the East Harbor. Very nice. I am glad both my son and daughter are married now. No more worries on that score! BTW! I am planning a spa day at the Four Seasons down there when I succeed here! 🙂 Good luck today! Keep those dragons away and stay strong!

    Beddardo. In the 1960s when the breathalizer came in we did some trials. Anything mixed with bubbles goes into you faster – the bubbles apparently enlarge your pores. Gin and tonic is worse than gin and lime.

    Day 6 – 3rd post

    @mjrbcd44 yep, I do believe that if we so choose, myself, @debster251, @ Belfastsink, and @coda could meet up for coffee ☕️. I am in a different country however to my Northern Irish friends,…but it’s only a couple of hours really. I will certainly be scooting around Northern Ireland on the back of DH’s motorcycle this summer ☺️

    I have a good grasp of countries and am a real map nerd but my knowledge of US states is fairly rudimentary beyond the East and West coasts. I do love to hear all the different tales of weather and what people are up to all around the world.

    And that reminds me..@Borealis, you are the only Icelander that I know. I was so excited to discover that one of our customers for garden cress and edible flowers was the actual country of Iceland! I originally thought of the frozen food chain when the orders came in, but no, it’s your country. So if you ever come across a flower or a sprig of cress garnishing your meal at a restaurant in your home town….know that I probably picked it. 🙃. Ohh, supply chain and logistics – it’s a small world indeed 😀

    Right, just realised we have run completely out of heating oil and more snow forecast 😱 Delivery tomorrow. So it’s early to bed with hot water bottle because if I lit the fire I would only want to cosy up to it with a glass of wine 🤗🍷

    Day 6, Atlanta,GA USA NFD

    Yesterday was my fast day, i did not eat until 11:00 am this morning so i fasted from 10:00PM Sunday to 11:00AM Tuesday (this morning) with little over 500 calories intake yesterday. Good luck everyone

    Markle99: I love what you do with the exercise and yoga but don’t know how you are getting out so well in Wisconsin, given the kind of snowy weather I understand Wisconsin has! Here in Maryland, I am expecting to be stuck in here again tomorrow because of snow and ice rain! Monday, I had to skip my yoga because I couldn’t walk on the ice on my walkway, so I was afraid to drive. Schools opened late. Now I have to have another such day and will be stuck in here again ! I really need Spring here! 🙂

    ccco USA FD: Thank you Daffodil. There were a few things I couldn’t follow because I didn’t know what they meant, such as CD!

    ccco USA FD Day 8: Today is a FD for me but not my regular FD. Yesterday was but it didn’t go well, so it turned into a 16:8 day. Today, so far, I’ve done well on for my FD. Not sure what I will do tomorrow because it is supposed to be a normal FD for me. B2B FDs don’t work well for me! We’ll see. I am on a Mediterranean diet but I am thinking of going vegetarian some days of he week. Never did that before, so I will see how that works. Good luck everyone!

    Day 6 – Fife, Scotland 16:8

    Well I had put on a whopping quarter of a pound this morning. I’m not at all despondant as I had a busy weekend and Friday is my main weight measurement day.
    Trying 16: 8 today after a fast day yesterday, hanging in there so far!!


    Day 6 – Fife, Scotland 16:8

    Well I had put on a whopping quarter of a pound this morning. I’m not at all despondant as I had a busy weekend and Friday is my main weight measurement day.
    Trying 16: 8 today after a fast day yesterday, hanging in there so far!!


    Day 6 – Budapest – NFD

    I forgot to post yesterday… but it was World Nutella Day (and I celebrated obviously), plus a date night out with my husband. Did some damage 🙂 Today went well, I made some very sensible eating choices… getting ready for tomorrow’s FD. February’s going pretty well so far, and my body is slowly getting used to these changes.

    Day 6 – USA – FD

    Hello all! I am doing a fast day today. Started the morning off with just good old H2O ( had a dentist appointment). For lunch I had a light broth with veggies. I’m planning a hearty meal of Bourbon Salmon with steamed broccoli. Can’t wait! Been marinating since last night. Approximately 600 calories for the day

    Day 6 Stevensville Maryland USA CD is going really well. But I am at work so that makes it simple. @therealwil78 thanks for sharing your Bourbon Salmon dish gives me an idea for my Thursday FD. I really need to make better planning of my meals on FD’s.

    In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

    Day 6 UK CD

    Yesterday’s FD was fine, amazingly, after my over-eating sugar-crunching feast day on Sunday. Rather a relief to be back in the land of don’t eat all day and know what I’m having for supper. Lentil stew with leftover rice & peas, quorn chicken fillets (my staple!) followed by nuked (rather than baked) apple with loads of cinnamon, lowfat greek yogurt & cacao – yum. Ate slowly & mindfully and felt very full. Taming some dragons.

    Someone was asking about chocolate replacement? I have loved discovering raw cacao powder. It is much more chocolatey than chocolate itself, gives all the boost without the sugar and is packed full of vitamins and minerals – what’s not to love?! I eat it mixed with lowfat greek yogurt and a tsp honey, or as a hot drink with a little plant milk topped with boiling water. Also makes great treats, to stave off the cravings of shop-bought stuff eg homemade chocolate with coconut oil, honey, chopped nuts & raisins, or chocolate cake. It means I generally don’t miss chocolate or sweets – until I eat Percy Pigs! (Having just discovered they make veggie ones I’m trying not to be addicted)

    Today I was out at health centre getting results of last week’s wrist xray from a fall just before Christmas that’s got more painful as it goes along. Discovered I’ve been going round with a broken wrist and now need an MRI to work out if I need surgery or just a cast – Oops! Popped into the shop afterwards and read a few sweet/snack packets but couldn’t find anything under 300 calories & somehow managed to escape without buying anything. It was the last thing I needed after Saturday’s bread-fest and Sunday’s sugar-rush.

    I think that for me slipping into sugary snacks can open up the cravings and I find I’m back in the land of eating my feelings. Better to get a bit more of a plan, a bit more sleep and make this sustainable while I’ve still got plenty to lose. I’m still feeling puffy after the weekend and need to keep it all a bit more conscious for now.

    GP was impressed with my 6kg weight loss since 1 December , and thinks 5:2 will work well with my various health issues. He’d heard & read good things about it in the medical press and is interested to see how I get on.

    Day 6 – Massachusetts – FD

    Yesterday’s FD kind of became a CD. So I am trying again today, and so far so good! Many dinners planned for the upcoming week though…

    Have a good one all! Remember, comfort is the enemy!

    Day 6 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Behind on the lovely posts but checking in on a sunny day – love the sun!

    Keeping it controlled today after a good FD yesterday. Still up a little after getting carried away on Sunday’s NFD.

    Together we are stronger!

    Day 6, Gozo Malta, cd

    Yesterday’s fd ended around 600 calories. I’m happy 😃 about it. Today was a cd around 1,200 calories.

    Tomorrow I am to have a fd again.

    I’m making a broth with corn fed chicken 🐓. I’ll serve the chicken with broccoli after having some broth with carrots, zucchini, celery and small shaped pasta. My eldest daughter will come and have lunch with us from Malta. I’ll have to eliminate the pasta from my broth if I have any.

    So glad you’re on track again Coda and doing water fasts. I have never tried one.

    Bert you’re lucky you didn’t get hurt with the bathroom lights. Take care.

    Good night 💤😴🌙 everyone, onwards and downwards.

    michelinme: I am sorry about your wrist! I hope it repairs itself quickly in time for Spring and Summer fun (yes, I actually believe it will come one day, despite the fact that I am sitting here waiting for our ice and snow storm to begin!). I am glad you mentioned your doctor’s approval of this diet. That’s always good to hear! Feel better soon and stay strong!


    Thanks for that clarification. It makes sense. I think the programme I watched made out that it was more evil than any other food, whereas I think any sugar/high carb may poss have the same effect?

    ccco USA FD: 2nd Post
    Well today’s fast also turned into a 16:8 and I ended it with too many calories. I don’t know why I’ve lost control of myself. Interestingly, I discovered I can no longer eat that much and am currently grappling with a stomachache for going overboard! That serves me right! I just started another 24 hour fast (water only) and hope tomorrow will be an improvement. I will be stuck in here with the bad weather expected tomorrow, which I hopes doesn’t lead to mindless eating! This Winter has become incredibly boring! 🙁 Stay strong everyone!

    Day 6, UK, NFD

    My FD was really good yesterday, under 500 kcal. Still, I stepped on scales this morning and I was not a gram lighter 😟 . It was a bit disappointing I must say.
    I really am a 🐢 .

    Ah well, we solder on.

    Stay strong and on course everyone ❤

    Day 5, Day 6, USA, Missouri Ozarks, both FD

    Everything is going great, so much energy, sleeping so well – on my fasting days that is !

    Maintaining at or below goal weight.

    My best to all.

    Day 6 Las Vegas NV USA WFD

    First the weather report, sunny and 70 degrees. First water fast day of the month going OK. I’m not physically hunger but the idea of eating is very appealing! LOL Off day from intense exercise for me. I did go to the gym and rode the bike very gently to get the blood flowing. Stretched and did a couple of easy sets of pull ups.

    Day 7 16:8 Auckland, NZ
    Almost the end of the first week and down from nearly 83kg to 80.3 this morning. I think that the way I am eating puts me into ketosis in the mornings which is enhancing the weight loss. I find the mornings difficult. Start with hot water and lemon and soon after a black coffee with stevia which keeps me going until 12 when I break the fast with a substantial protein and salad lunch. I often have yoghurt with a little vanilla essence mid afternoon and then protein and vegetable dinner. Trying to eliminate sugar and refined carbs for the duration or at least I get down a few more kilos. Thank you for all the post I find them very interesting and motivating.

    Hi Pomona and welcome:

    While the body burns fat whenever it suffers a calorie shortage, it generally takes a body about three or four days of water fasting to get into ketosis. An outline of how it progresses can be found on page 7, the 6 Dec 15 post on this link: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/ Many newbies get sick about the time the body is switching over to ketosis, and have to fight their way through what is called the ‘keto flu’. But your weight loss is great! Keep going!

    The link also contains information that may help you as you go forward with 5:2.

    Good Luck!

    Day 7, Norway, FD

    Today will be an FD, i had to put my red bull back in the fridge when i realized i had to shift to an FD today instead of tomorrow. During this entire week there is something in Kristiansand Norway called “Eat for 100.-“, which basically means that all the restaurants that are joining will serve one thing on the menu for only 100NOK (about $13). Monday was an FD, tuesday was an “Eat for 100.-“, so today will be an FD, cause tomorrow is our second eat out this week. Has to take advantage of this great offer. They do this cause these winterdays are so slow for their business. Our eating out never turns out to only cost 100NOK…yesterday turned in to 440NOK + tips 🙂 With diet coke ……and ok….dessert…. will skip dessert tomorrow, and keep a real tight FD today. Also i’ll be working at the elderly center again this weekend, saturday & sunday, so that will keep me from having too many kcals over the weekend….Maybe next tuesday i can see some new numbers…getting tired of seeing 84 now!!

    Happy FD everyone fasting today.

    Day 7 NSW Australia NFD
    Hi everyone, just checking in.
    Enjoy your day.

    Day 7 – Ireland 🇮🇪 -LFD

    At the last minute, with lunch prepared and everything, I gave decided to skip the NFD and make today not only an FD, but an LFD at that. I feel able to do it, so will give it a go.

    Yesterday’s FD ended up near 700 calories, and that coupled with non-movement in the bathroom department (apologies for too much information – I generally refer to it as releasing hostages but that could also be too graphic an image 😁😃)…….ANYWAY…..I was not expecting much on the old scales today. But down 1.5lbs, so that’s 3 since Monday.

    I am not a tortoise for weight loss, nor for that matter for weight gain either ha ha 🐎
    Easy come, easy go…..

    @Maayaa that’s sounds great with the “eat for 100”, so go and enjoy. Another FD will be waiting ☺️
    @shinything that’s the attitude, do soldier on. We are all different, with different metabolises, different rates of weight loss…..just keep note of the downward trend. Take your waist measurement. For reassurance, put the tape measure at the measurement you had when you started this WOL…enjoy the empty space in between 👍

    Got to fly. Today is a good day to have a good day.

    Day 7, UK, NFD
    Still 1.1kg of the w/e excess with me, but I recall from December that the switch from weight loss to maintenance is a bit of an art form. Hopefully a FD on Friday will see me enter the w/e more or less where I was last w/e.

    Day 6 a cold Belfast FD🐢🗡🐉🍰

    I didn’t swim this morning. I couldn’t be bothered to de-ice and de-snow the car at 6.45 this morning, but I shall make up for it with a walk, planks and some squats. Lovely blue skies this morning but the rain is never far away😟

    @mjrbcd44 I had a good chuckle reading your post. When I first started posting on this forum, I used to read the posts in the ‘appropriate’ accent (in my head of course) Sadly I only have one ‘default’ American accent! I would love to get a map and pin each location for our posters.
    @michelinme I hope you get your wrist sorted soon
    @maayyaa – eat for 100 sounds too tempting!
    @BikViking you can do it👍

    Thank you to @Strawberriesandcream for this…

    Failure is temporary giving up is permanent.

    Hello from NI day 7 Fast day – faltered a little this morning as to whether to make this a water and 2 coffee day, I didn’t weigh out everything for last nights dinner so knowing how it doesn’t take much to go over, it was a pasta bolognese with garlic bread but I was hungry when I started cooking so had 2 mini pears and a ciabbatta roll with cheese before my dinner – however I didn’t eat the second piece of garlic bread and didn’t finish my dinner – so maybe not as bad as it could have been. But my resolve has strengthened so going to go for it. If I want to get to where I was I have to dig deep.

    @michelinme – Ouch about the wrist – hope surgery is not required.

    @anna6 – thank you – long may it last

    @debster251 – lol I was thinking the same thing about getting a map and marking where everyone is after reading the post from @mjrbcd44

    Have a good day!

    ‘It is not about being the best it is about being better than yesterday’

    Day 7, London, UK, FD (1st of B2B)

    So yesterdays’ FD turned into a NFD but relatively controlled, I’ll take it!!

    Celebrated 100 years of women having the vote here, by pointing out to my boss just how many women he has working for him……………… no big deal but I work in a construction company !!!!! & we’re about 70% female in management roles ……………… he wouldn’t DARE change it, he knows I would have to call his wife!!!!

    @mjrbcd44, your digression was sooooo worth it, I was tickled by your reading posts in an accent, of course if you did it out loud, friends & family would be giving you ‘that’ look and asking “Are you all right dear??”
    Love the image of the Irish contingent getting together, but absolutely, completely, totally LMAO at your comment regarding the Londoners, “including the shires and Newcastle”, – I was imagining Strawberriesandcream choking on her sparkling water & Steve toon taxi driver falling off of his rower at reading that!!!

    @kerryn73 and @penz & @johnnyr – I think I ran once, No, maybe twice, but only for a bus and the first time I tried to jump on, I missed & was left sprawled on the pavement!!! Considering those routemaster buses haven’t been in circulation for a while ……………………………………… lets just say I don’t run, …………………..never ……………..ever!!!!

    @daffodil2010, is it wrong of me to be jealous of you cozying up to the fire with a glass (bottle) of vino, even though you didn’t!!!!! It’s entirely your fault for putting that image in my mind!!!

    I’m looking forward to being successful at fasting today, It really isn’t as difficult as I’m making it at the moment …………… just having a bit of a wobble!!! After boxing tonight, I’ll have my soup then go to bed, THAT should do it!!

    Onward & Downwards people!!!!!

    Day 7 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    I am in awe of those of you doing LFDs in winter. Yesterday’s FD came in at 700 calories so a bit higher than planned but I felt so cold and unusually went to bed feeling hungry. I did sleep like a log though, I always sleep better on the FD nights, I think it is because I stretch my calories out for 3 small meals so by bedtime there isn’t so much to digest in my tummy. OH dared to suggest I fast every day as I don’t disturb him on FD nights!

    Keep dodging the dragons 🐉 everyone 😊

    Day 7, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Just checking in – have a good day all 🙂

    Day 7 – Japan – NFD

    @missybear I find a LFD much easier than just eating a small amount. It also breaks the calorie restriction mindset. On my NFDs I focus more on nutrition than calories. The FD add some luxury to the diet.

    At first I had problems sleeping on LFD. Sometimes I would feel hunger but mostly it was the extra energy that seems to start ramping up after about 20 hours of fasting. I was just too awake to sleep. My body did adjust though which is nice because you don’t notice hunger when you are fasting.

    Normally after the second night I’m hungry but I try to workout before eating. That is the time when fat is being burned at the highest rate. Exercises also curbs hunger for a while. When I do eat it is very enjoyable.

    Day 7, Belfast, NFD

    Yesterday’s FD went well.Can’t believe we are 11 pages in and it’s just the start of February. trying to catch up on all the motivational posts!
    Good luck everyone today.

    Day 7, South Wales, NFD

    Thanks for the links to the weight loss programmes on Channel 4 @johnnyr and @flourbaby – I watched the one about alcohol last night (as an alternative to drinking alcohol it was very palatable). Looks like the weekend glass of wine will be with steak, not chips!

    Might try watching another in the series later. Quite interesting seeing what a variety of diets there are out there!

    Day 7…..Florida….FD

    Okay, this is getting a bit ridiculous….. I haven’t had a successful FD in a minute or two. I’m really feeling the effects of my inconsistency. Mybelly is mad and my skin is showing a bit of stress as well. Gosh darn it, I’m 43 yrs old, there is no reason for me to have a ache filled teenager face…Ugg!

    Somebody please hold down my reset button, I think it’s broke!

    @realmac……. Welcome! I did want to address one small little detail, not wanting to derail your effort but I don’t want you to succumb to defeat either. My concern is the lack of consumed calories on your NFD. Calories on FD are between 0 and 500 depending on your comfort level. I’m not a 0 calories girl! The plan is two days a week, three if your comfortable with that. But on NFD, you should really be eating to your TDEE. Use the link up top that says resources then TDEE calculator or any basic search of TDEE calculator will bring one up for you. Tip use your goal weight. Once you have that number eat those many calories on your NFD. Eating to your TDEE will not slow your efforts but ensure your getting enough nutrients. this will also ensure that your new life style is doable in the long term. You know, staying healthy and keep your weight in check. The ultimate goal!
    This is just food for thought and one 5:2er to another to offer support.
    I wish you the best of luck and were here for you!

    Well…..I’m off, I have an early day, then my MIL will arrive around dinner time. So busy, busy!

    I talk a lot of smack for someone who tips over while trying to put on their underwear!

    Day 7 – London- FD

    Morning to everyone this side of the world and hello to those on the other side.

    Not great at putting up posts, have written a few and then they have disappeared into the ether (not as tech savvy as I thought or loosing it fast!) so hope this doesn’t disappear otherwise I continue to be a stalker only!!

    Just completed a walking work out and enjoying a Wittard’s fruit tea and listening to James O’Brien on LBC. North London today is grey with blue sky bravely attempting to break through and from my window up on the fourth floor I can see energetic people in the park opposite me. I choose to do my exercise in the warm first thing and work up to hitting the streets later!

    Enjoying using my exercise app for instant and quick feedback to check calories in and out and to monitor my food portions to a regular size, used to find this a tedious process, but it helps with planning and adjusting through out the day. Also trying to take the good things I have learnt form all my previous attempts to get thinner and fitter (past ten years I have been in the yo yo cycle) and taking them with me on this lifetime journey. So have to keep telling myself I’m in for the tortoise race as I’m wanting this to be a WOL for me and not a fast unsustainable splurge but it’s hard to suppress those thoughts that want impressive results ASAP!!!

    FD’s ironically seem mentally easier than NFD (I could be speaking too soon as this is only my second) because the ‘beast/dragon’ isn’t allowed out because it’s not fed otherwise its an exhausting and constant conscious effort to behave around food, will it ever be automatic? I am that food addict!

    I pat myself on the back for each day that goes by that I have behaved and hope to not be so disappointed and hard on myself when I stumble or fall. I’m very bad at doing good things for me.

    So jealous of those living in the countryside who have proper fresh air and beautiful landscapes to walk in. So want a four legged walking buddy and soft ground under my feet! Have been trying to work towards this for a few years ie the “escape” and maybe this year will be the year but for the moment I pound the streets but in my heart I know I have tired of London but not life!

    Good luck to everyone today and many thanks for all the fun, interesting and positive posts that have helped me through this week, have a great day.

    Day 7 Brisbane, Australia


    Decided to change my FD to Saturday after yesterday. Feel good today. Had healthy cals to 1400 today. Ate more fruit so in a much better headspace increasing the cals by a couple of hundred. Clothes feel looser today. Now looking forward to FD later in the week. Keep the mantra in mind that this is a long term way of life not the diet life i have tried for 40 years.

    Cheers, good luck all for Day 8

    Day 7 UK CD/FD?

    Haven’t decided whether to make today the 2nd FD of the week… I usually fast on Thursdays but I’m going to be out all day for first of 3 days at a convention and meal breaks are a really good reason to take fresh air breaks too. I’ll need to make sure I take in my own food each day bc it’s generally either v expensive or junk.

    It’s very sunny today! i’ve got lots to do but am really struggling to get going after very full & long day yesterday. I’ve been unexpectedly leading a particular piece of project work for the last month and definitely over-used my limited resources of brain & energy. Still got to write a lot of important emails and write my talk for the presentation but feeling exhausted before I begin.

    This is the time when I would “usually” reach for the black coffee and sugary things, for instant artificial energy, then probably crash and burn for a week or so afterwards. Now I need to move my mind away from the sense of lack and struggle and overwhelm and eating to make it better to a place of letting go – light, abundant and effortless.

    I’m going to see how i do with some yoga stretching and meditation, plenty of water and some hot vegemite. Perhaps some carrot sticks and apple slices for when I need the crunch. Plan the practical personal things for tomorrow – clothes, timings, food – and then focus down on the external communication, finishing up with drafting my own talk. Hoping that’s all going to fit in the next 7 hours and give me room for a 500 calorie supper & an early night too.

    Day 7 UK NFD

    After a water/liquid fast from 10pm Sunday to 6pm (44hrs) Tuesday, including a 5k run on Monday, I managed 600kcal last night. Feel good today.

    My weight has been up and down since mid Jan. I think it’s because I started exercising more. But the past 2 days have seen a loss of 2.2kg in spite of the amount of fluid I’ve been drinking, so I’m hopeful I’ve kickstarted things a bit. FD tomorrow, might go to Fri evening if I feel strong enough. I’ve taken to weighing every day in the morning, seems to give me the mental nudge to persevere…

    Take care fasters. Good luck, be strong!

    Day 7, Surrey (UK), NFD

    Just checking in. Feeling cold again here today. Woke to find a smattering of snow on the ground. Off to do a run this afternoon after a morning at the keyboard – at least the sun is shining! Somehow, I’m finding today being a NFD is harder because I’m “allowed” things to eat that I don’t really fancy today, so perversely, it’s as if I’m wasting my chances! No matter, I will aim to eat good, nourishing food only when I’m hungry – of course, sticking to my TDEE.

    The scales showed a 1lb increase this morning, which partly offsets yesterday’s sudden 3lb drop. I find it interesting how unpredictable they can be, rather than depressing. I’ve also been reading some info for newbies (thank you @simcoeluv especially for your detailed explanations – very useful). It’s interesting to read that the term ‘fasting’ has different meanings, and actually 5:2 is more about calorie restriction than fasting in the truest sense of the word. Anyway, it all makes me more determined to keep on keeping on – however it works, this WOE IS working for me BIG time and that is what matters most!

    To rephrase yesterday’s mis-quote:

    “Scales are vanity, 5:2 is sanity”

    Day 7, Gozo Malta, fd

    Aiming to eat about 600 calories today.

    Have a great Wednesday everyone. Onwards and downwards.

    Day – 7, USA – NFD

    I went over may cals by 34 on my FD yesterday. Not letting it get me down though. I work out most days so I figure I make it up there as well. So I’m not fasting today, but being ever mindful of my caloric intake. I’m following the calorie model for someone trying to loose 2 lbs. per week so I’m consuming about 1,000 cals less on my NFD’s. I found this great recipe for Bourbon Salmon (370 cals). I had it for dinner last night and I brought some for lunch today. I’m so in love with it that I’m planning on having it for dinner tonight as well. Good luck to everyone fasting today! Onward and downward!

    Day 7 – USA – FD

    Day 7- MI, USA- NFD

    Good morning everyone! Cold and snowy here with a winter weather advisory, as usual. Yesterday went OK, managed 40 minutes on the elliptical, although speed was not high, felt exhausted. Will go back today and try again, and take my pup out to play in the snow, which he loves and I abhor, but he is my baby and it won’t hurt me.

    One of my issues is I never drank enough water, so I am making an effort and tracking on the fitbit my DD gave me for Christmas. I am rapidly seeing results in my skin since making an effort to drink at least 75oz of water each day!

    I have to work hard to stay at TDEE today, DS won an AFROTC scholarship for university, and am going to purchase a decadent torte to celebrate tonight. Chocolate is my weakness, and it’s too easy to let the dragon out! Have to stay strong and stick with a small piece!

    Have a fabulous day everyone!

    Day 7 Newcastle UK FD 🇬🇧.

Viewing 50 posts - 501 through 550 (of 1,595 total)

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