Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good morning everyone. Xxx

    Already it s a beautiful day .. and now looks like a run of double figure dry sunny days.. thank goodness.

    I do so miss a local bank. Road works everywhere in Banbury and Bicester.

    Day 38 No Alc and its definitely made a big difference to my weight .. I am now back to my pre Christmas weight and sweet cravings all gone.
    Its left me feeling a bit low and tired.. apparently reading up on it ..it does take a few months to adjust.

    Tomorrow out with Pam to Strafford upon Avon .. so a busy week out for me lol.. Next Wed Dental check. ( I always follow you Sym) lol

    Nana .. How is the week going for you.

    Dave.. How are you and your son today..

    H H .. You are doing well this week with Keto hopefully a good result tomorrow .

    Sym I have an electric throw . I just use it without plugging in.. I would be worried about the house getting damp without heating on low. Roll on spring and warmer weather to have a break from it all. Oh but not too hot for the dogs lol

    Enjoy your day everyone ..“Believe in yourself .. you are important too.Xxxx

    Good morning I am getting back to feeling better. My son as gone in work today said he feels better. Just been out with Chloe in the sunshine, only 3°C but felt warmer. Not ready to decorate yet maybe next week. I still feel a little tired but did go bowling yesterday and slept better thanks to the fresh air.

    Afternoon All..
    A very chilly day… dentist and hygienist all ok.. I pay for Dentplan, I was wondering as pay as you go but not sure… I shall look into it.. I think I pay £38 per month.. I have been paying it for 50 years but it’s creeping up in price.

    I have a window blind man coming Saturday but other than that a bit of quiet time..

    Dave ..
    Glad you feel much better. I would wait till you feel yourself before decorating.

    I do have my heat on in the day if I am working around.. night time I cosy up.
    Fasting today not sure what to eat tonight.
    Enjoy your day out tomorrow in Stratford…

    Jean x

    I just pay when I go to the dentist Jean. Sounds very expensive what you pay. I’ll leave the decorating until I’m 100% I keep forgetting to take my tablets since I was ill. Midi start taking them again but won’t take the co-codamol.Managed ok without them. Scrambled eggs bacon and tomatoes for tea. Chloe as just had all her food, very early for her it’s usually 10pm. She had a tin of sardines in her kibble. Will give her some more later tonight.

    Afternoon All..
    I had a bit of a planned day… but.. I walked Charlie across the fields and on my way back I met Fay stopped for a chat, we realised Charlie was having a seizure, if lasted 2 mins, I was going to walk and get the car while Fay stayed with him but he got up to come with me, very wobbly and we both walked him home. He’s been asleep for 3 hours, a look up and back to sleep, he seems to be waking again…
    Still I have hot on with jobs, cleaning and paper work. I can’t believe it’s nearly 3 now.

    Thinking of going to the chippy, he can come with me.

    Glad you are feeling a little better better… I shall work the dentist fee out and see how it compares.. I am getting to an age were I might need more dentistry. A bit late to cancel now.. I will see.
    Enjoy your meal.

    Jean x

    Hemmy have you tried the butter beans yet? I had them tonight😋. It’s been a beautiful day today suns been out and not too cold. Went to the AGM of the bowling club. Got to go back next week to pay the subs.I missed the AGM at my other club so will have to pay that as well.My shadow is on the sofa with me as usual. I like it though.

    Jean- hope Charlie is okay, poor boy, good job you had Faye with you.
    Dave- glad you’re feeling better. Hubby likes steak & kidney pie, but didn’t put any in this time as son’s not so keen, so you would’ve been okay with it!
    Hemmy- you’ve had a busy week, well done with your weight & the no alcohol!
    Forgot to post yesterday…had a nice catch up with my sister, today we’ve been out to Lavenham again, such a pretty town! Stopped at a café but just had a coffee, the cakes looked amazing but resisted 😇 Did stay the same this week though.
    Have a good weekend!

    Good evening I’m starving so had some fruit. Hope Charlie’s ok now, it breaks my heart when an animal is not well especially a dog. I’ll take Chloe out at 10pm for the last walk. Never did this with the other dogs but Chloe won’t go out the back so I have to take her out. Don’t really like going out at that time you never know who is hanging about and while Heidi would have protected me Chloe would run away.

    Good morning one and all. Nice sunny day but only 4°C. Having chilli tonight.I get weighed on Wednesday then just one more visit in April then I have finished at MoreLife. Will have to pull my socks up for the last month.

    Good afternoon everyone Xxx

    What a glorious day. for March 1st … and looks like a run of them now.

    Its been a busy social week..so a restful easy weekend now. Weight is good back to my goal.

    Day 40 no alcohol..
    I am very tired though.. its normal after quitting regular alcohol.. so just got good old fashioned Lucozade the small bottles from Amazon .. 8 for £5 .. plus Vitamin B 12 .

    Dave.. I have just been to the coop and keep forgetting to ask about butterbeans.. I really must try them as I have convinced myself I wont like them lol.
    Are you feeling well now.

    H H … I have got friends that live in Lavenham been there for years .. I have never been there but always imagine it pretty.

    Sym How is Charlie today.. It must be so worrying for you when that happens.

    Nana … Hope all is well with you and yours.

    I am having a cold roast beef day today .crusty roll for lunch and dinner .

    Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day ” Seize the day and make the most of every moment.”

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely day a village walk this morning.

    I have done a tip run and brushed out the garage. Cut the grass. I have some filling to do in my bathroom, lounge and outside on my french doors so getting all the things together, I shall pop to b&q tomorrow and make a start.

    Hillerys blinds have been and I have ordered a roller blind.

    Charlie is back to his normal self.

    I have to pull my socks up starting tomorrow a bit iffy since coming back off my holidays. I have 5 lbs to loose. I am in bed at 10 I couldn’t take Charlie out at that time, his last walk is 4pm ish.

    Nice to get out walking with your sister. I don’t know Lavenham. Hope you have had a good day today.

    What are you up to … are you in the garden I think everyone is here lots of noise about.

    Jean x

    Jean if I went to bed at 10pm I would weight 40 stone because if I get up early I’m eating all day. Much better getting up at 10am then not so bad. Hemmy we are all much better now. Chloe’s had her 2nd walk so 10pm or maybe earlier for the last one. Only a month to the bowling season and speedway starts this month so happy days. DON’T FORGET TO GET THE BUTTER BEANS HEMMY 😁😁😁. Can you hear me 😁😂🤣

    Yes a beautiful day out posts crossed. Roast beef sandwich always sounds good. Have a lovely restful weekend.

    I would be dead if I was in bed at 10am.. I don’t think I ever have…always an early bird up and bed early..

    Bed now so night to you both ..


    Jean I go to bed at 1am at the moment, used to be later but with Denise sleeping downstairs I have to go earlier. She’s watches TV then starts reading until she’s tired. If I was her I would be permanently tired she hardly ever sleeps. I think she gets 4hours of she’s lucky..Roast beef tonight food the Yorkshire pudding batter yesterday. Chloe didn’t eat at all yesterday but watch her go with the beef and Yorkshire pudding, it will be gone in a few minutes. Might do her an extra roast potato. Got the duck fat ready.

    Afternoon All…
    A lovely mild day, pleasant walking with a light coat on.
    I have lots of filling to do, some in the bathroom, kitchen and outside in my French door…
    I have finished the bathroom just need to retouch some ceiling paint were the plumber caught…
    I then had to go out to buy some more sealant as it was off… the prices have gone up a lot.

    Having a cuppa then cooking Charlie’s veggies.

    Small pork joint for me today, clearing the freezer out..no yorkshires today…

    Jean x

    Denise buys a large pork joint then cuts it into 3 , she gets 3 meals out of it and saves money. I’ll use up the butter beans with my roast tonight. A bit warmer today but I feel cold, got the fire on and Chloe up on the sofa in front of the fire next to me as usual. I must start the decorating again, finish off the stairs then it’s the living room next papering.

    Been to Asda opticians my mate got his specs from there so I went to order a pair of prescription sunglasses.Brilliant price £179 cheaper that what I paid at Specsavers.I got Polaroid lenses so will be ideal for fishing and bowling.I can get two pairs of glasses there for a big chunk less that what I pay for 1 at Specsavers. Just put the spuds on in the airfrier in duckfat😋😋😋. Done extra for Chloe.Oven heating up for Yorkshire pudding.

    Jean- sounds like you’ve had a busy weekend with the garden & DIY shopping! Hope Charlie is okay now?
    Dave- not sure I could keep eating the butter beans like you do, not got much flavour on their own! I take Xena out most nights at about 10pm too, feel pretty safe around here though…
    Hemmy- hope you’ve enjoyed the garden in this lovely weather! Maybe try multivitamins with some iron if you’re very tired?
    Nana- hope you’ve had a good weekend?
    Had a lovely long walk by the river with Xena yesterday, out for 2.5 hours, foggy when we left but sunny at the end! Took son’s washing round, he’s still doing on-call at weekends from home, had a shout just before I popped in so had to go later…Saw Mum as well, helped her do an online shopping order, she didn’t want to bother but realised she’d run out of chocolate & wine 😂 Another sunny day here today, had a long walk on the heath, so lucky to have the variety of places to walk so close by. We had fish for dinner tonight, hubby doesn’t seem bothered about having a roast, he is eating too much though, has a big plateful, was going to cut his down a bit but he asked for more potatoes 😬

    I’m definitely going to cut mine down. I’ve only had 1 tin of butter beans, and Chloe had a quarter of them, I have her quiet a bit of my food tonight, was too much for me. Not a problem for Chloe though. Bowling tomorrow afternoon only practice. The league starts the first week in April.

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