Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hope your better soon Jean.I played bowls for 3 hours so feeling very stiff now. The roofers are still at it. Just a steak toastie for tea tonight so a low day. But I’m out tomorrow night at the fishing club so will no doubt stop a few going sour.

    Jean- hope you soon get on the mend šŸ¤—
    Dave- hall stairs & landing is a real pain to do, don’t envy you that! Ours needs doing really, but we keep putting it off! Hope you don’t feel too stiff after the bowling!
    Hemmy- well done keeping your weight the same, glad that you had a good weekend!
    Nana- thinking of you with your daughter going away šŸ¤—
    Couscous – are you back to fasting?
    It was frosty and bright here, but cloudy later…dropped son’s washing off & the tiffin, did have a lazy afternoon, I’ve pulled something in my back & it’s been a bit sore…just had the one meal today, poached eggs & avocado, strawberries & yoghurt for pudding…

    Was your poached egg good, I’ve tried loads of different ways of doing them. I don’t like them when the white is not set properly but like a runny yolk.I get them right 95% of the time now. Weigh-in tomorrow and not looking forward to it. Not sure if I have one or two more visits to MoreLife after tomorrow.Bowling and speedway season starts in April so not too far away. I’ve bought a paint pad for painting rather than a roller. I remember painting my grandma’s house with one and it went on so easily. The roofers are back maybe they will finish it today. Then can concentrate on painting.Front door needs doing and we couldn’t decide what colour to get then we found a thin of paint half price so got itšŸ˜‚. It’s grey, Denise seen a door as we were on the way to Sainsbury’s today and said it looked good. I’m not bothered about colour is have anything just to get it done but Denise is fussy.No heating on today so Denise will soon be frozen. She was frozen last night and I’m sat in just my boxer’s absolutely roasting.We are totally different in virtually everything.

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx

    It s a dull but dry day so no complaints today. A good walk although very muddy.

    I have just had a ham sandwich and yogurt … This evening egg beans and a few homemade chips.

    Trying to do some spring cleaning. while not outside weather. .not moving very fast though lol.

    Dave.. I bet you will be glad to see the roofers finished now.. Nice to get things done and back to normal.
    Its good we are all different like you and Denise.. makes it more interesting.

    H H .. Like I always say you are so good doing all that baking and stickling with your diet. I bet peeps love coming to your house.

    Sym.. Hope you are feeling a bit better today..

    Hope everyone one else is having a nice day….. No medicine cures what happiness cannot .Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    Still feeling rough it comes and goes I feel I am getting better then it attacks againā€¦
    Just taking Charlie out for his two walks and doing jobs as when I can.

    I needed a passport photo for my driving licence and toes painted, I managed with a good two hours.

    Just paid for my bathroom fittings as they are all ready to go, could be Thursday now or Friday.

    Lovely to get into the cleaning mode.. maybe after my bathroom I shall start tooā€¦I walked round Tescoā€™s and I have no idea what I fancyā€¦better cooking for two!

    I think eggs for tonight never think of poached.. maybe on toast with tomatoes.
    Is the roof finished yet?
    Stairs is always the biggest job lots of climbingā€¦
    My front door is grey. You must as fit as a fiddle all the sport you do.. our AGM tomorrow I possibly wonā€™t goā€¦

    Hope your back soon improves it takes a while. Lovely Tiffin always a favourite with people.

    Hope everyone one else is well, the page has turned.

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone, not been a bad day here but rain is forecast for this evening.
    No loss on the scales when I weighed on Friday but no gain either šŸ¤ž I’ll have lost this week but I did have lunch out on Saturday with my old workmates. Also it’s OH’s birthday on Sunday so we’re going off to Lowestoft on Saturday for a couple of days to celebrate, a fair bit of walking will be done though to hopefully help counteract the wine and food we’ll be having.
    Our daughter is now living in Castleford but staying with the same friend that she stayed with over Christmas and New Year until she gets her own placeto rentanda job. An awful lot of stuff was taken with her, but there’s still a lot left here so we haven’t got all of our space back yet !
    Had a good day eating wise yesterday and came in at 1200 calories, hopefully today will be the same. We’re having grilled Salmon a favourite of mine with potatoes and broccoli.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and I’ll try to remember to post on Friday.
    Nana xxx

    2lbs had gone on after my birthday, & both came off after yesterday, that was quick, not that I’m complaining! Still 1.5- 2 lbs up from Christmas though…Back is sill a bit painful, walked okay with Xena but can’t face getting too stuck into cleaning. Youngest picked up all his uniform today, it could do with a wash & iron so we’ll be popping in tomorrow to pick it up šŸ˜ƒ HomeStart family didn’t answer again today, she’s getting unreliable šŸ˜”
    Take it easy Jean, maybe give your AGM a miss, they might not thank you for sharing your lurgy, hope you feel better soon šŸ¤—

    Good morning everyone a sunny day here. I’m off to MoreLife think they’re is one more session after today’s two at the most. I’ve lost 3.5lbs so better than last time.Our AGM is at the end of this month. Not sure when the other bowling club are having theirs.

    Good afternoon everyone.Xxxx

    Its been a lovely sunny morning but its gone cold and dull now.

    I was surprised to see I had put a pound on this morning because I had thought yesterday had been a good day. You never can tell.

    Day 17 no Alc .. So I am pleased with that.

    I do struggle with drinking water .. how about everyone else? Kristy loves it drinks glassfuls .. First thing she does on arrival is fill this massive water jug..

    This evening its fish fingers a jacket potato and broccoli

    Nana. .Well done staying the same. while out and about.. That’s the way to-do it.

    Dave.. Well done on your loss.. it will be soon busy sports time so will make it easier for you.

    H H .. I find that when you put on lbs quickly they also come off the same .. Be careful while your back is dodgy .. the back definitely needs being careful with.

    Sym.. How are you today.. . how long till the holiday.it will do you good . Dont worry doing much in the house it will gather dust while you are away.

    Enjoy the afternoon everyone. If you can’t see the bright side of life, polish the dull side Xxxx

    Dave- well done with your loss!
    Jean- hope you’re improving today, when does the plumber come?
    Nana- we still have loads of stuff that the boys have left behind, not sure if we’ll ever get rid of it!
    Hemmy- I do get a very dry mouth so have to drink lots, I’m fine with water. I do like sparkling mineral water with a slice of lime for a treat instead of wine…
    Took mum to get her ears checked/ syringed this morning, she got herself all worked up about it & wanted me to cancel the appointment, honestly, it’s not like she’s got to have surgery! Got up to silly messages from her, so not a good start to the day, I really hope she never needs anything much doing! Picked up son’s uniform – 10 T shirts, 2 trousers, 2 smart shirts, fleece etc. so got started washing that … Did our shopping, back is a bit better today…

    I never drink water, horrible stuff ok when boiled with a teabag in it. The group I’m in at MoreLife is 2 Italian women, 2 west Indian women a Romanian lady and me. One of the Italian women was having a go at me because I had a few pints last night but still lost weight, she gained a poundšŸ¤£. They can believe I don’t like pasta and say if you had mine you would like it šŸ˜€.

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx

    Ohh its a cold day today but at least we had morning sunshine and its dry.

    I had lost the pound this morning I had gained yesterday lol .. I expect its just water really. lol
    Only just had lunch so I wont want much for dinner… Maybe just beans on toast.
    Day 18 and no Alc .. sleeping much better.

    I spent an interesting 2 hrs with my artist / writer neighbour .. she started my ancestor chart for me.. soo interesting. Will keep me busy.

    H H .. Oh bless your Mum.. I think they focus on anything different and really make a biggie out of any normal events. My Mum did. If there was a Drs app one week Mum would continually say if anything came up that week . ” Don’t forget we have got a Drs app this week. Like nothing else mattered e lol

    Dave.. ohh you be careful of those women tempting you with their pasta lolol.

    Sym… How are you today.

    Nana Are you out and about today.

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone.. just going in the freezing garden to play with Pip

    Beauty is everywhere. You only have to look to see it. Xxxx

    Hemmy not tempted at all I don’t like pasta. They are trying to convert me but it’s won’t happen. Just took Chloe out for a second walk and it’s very cold, the sun is out but it’s not warming up at all.Can just about feel my fingers so cold there only benefit with Chloe is that she dosent pull so I could put my hands on my pockets while on our walk. Pity I didn’t think about doing it sooner. Sausage and mash for tea maybe a few butter beans.

    Frosty start here & foggy as well, up & out early for a walk with my friend and her dog, she’s been ill so hasn’t been able to walk much…we had a moan about Mum’s as hers has dementia too, she’s very difficult, worse than mum…cut hubby’s hair & got the kitchen cleaned up afterwards, bacon & egg for dinner so that’s easy.
    Dave- macaroni cheese?! šŸ˜‚ My favourite pasta šŸ˜‚
    Hemmy- well done with that pound, water or goods in transit I’m sure! Hope you didn’t get too cold in the garden with Pip…
    Jean- hope the plumber doesn’t take too long, & hope you don’t feel too rough šŸ¤—
    Nana- have a good day…
    Couscous – come back, you were doing so well!

    Dave …. It s funny but I have never tried butter beans .. what sort of taste are they I always imagine them bland for some reason.

    Evening Allā€¦
    I think I am a bit better but far from right.

    The plumber worked hard today, we had a plan A then B but ended with plan C.. a bit difficult to do, water had got through so he said it was good it was being done. We are down to floor boards now on one side. So itā€™s the drain and pipes then water pipes, levelling the the floor tomorrow.

    Hope your daughterā€™s settling in Castleford, you will miss her.. how far away from you is she?

    I donā€™t drink enough water, I sometimes have a big jug out and it makes me remember. You do well stopping the alcohol, still I donā€™t drink much these days.

    Thick frost here very chilly. I donā€™t like pasta. No fd here today I just didnā€™t feel like it..

    Just been snuggling watching TV with the boy.. must move tomorrow maybe garden centre for some house plants see how I am.

    Jean x

    HH cruel pasta with cheese,Can’t think of anything worst than that, maybe if you add garlic. It’s still very nippy here no roofers yesterday, no idea when they will be back. Most of you ladies don’t really need to lose any weight, Hemmy is where she wants to be and going of pictures you all look good to me. Forgot to take my watch off so it was vibrating and in the end I had to get up.

    Hemmy butter beans are totally different from other beans difficult to describe.Denise says they are bland but I like them, they are big and fill you up. Worth getting a little tin to try. Still very nippy, Chloe had her hat and coat on, she makes me laugh the way she walks. Her head goes from side to side strutting her stuff šŸ˜‚.

    Good afternoon friends, Xxxx

    Ohh its a freezing cold one today It was a bitter wind over the fields .

    Scales stayed the same this morning so 2 lbs over my best weight still. Its hard this very cold weather as we need the energy to stay well.

    Day 19 no Alc

    I have just been and got a few bits I needed from My village Coop.. I am not doing a big shop this week as lots to use up from last week.. Think I will stop weekly big shop.
    I tend to still buy for a family when I shop not one person. So I have a challenge now with myself to be more imaginative with using up what I have.
    Also will copy my friend as she buys a good amount of things when on offer.

    Dave … yes i will get a small tin of the beans I am curious now. I bet it is cold at the moment for Chloe bless her she sounds well wrapped up though. Too cold for on the roof I guess but you need it done and dusted now I expect.

    H H .. How is uniform washing and pressing going. Its good you and your friend can compare stages with your Mums.

    Sym.. Good the plumber is getting on with the job bet you will be glad to see an end .. Its bad enough anyway a woman alone getting jobs done super worry when you are not feeling up to it health wise .

    It will be a quick 10mins in the garden today..I am just going to have an easy afternoon curled up under my fur throw. lol

    Enjoy your afternoon ….”Friday is a day to finish your goals for the week and take it easy. Xxxx

    Good afternoon friends, Xxxx

    Ohh its a freezing cold one today It was a bitter wind over the fields .

    Scales stayed the same this morning so 2 lbs over my best weight still. Its hard this very cold weather as we need the energy to stay well.

    Day 19 no Alc

    I have just been and got a few bits I needed from My village Coop.. I am not doing a big shop this week as lots to use up from last week.. Think I will stop weekly big shop.
    I tend to still buy for a family when I shop not one person. So I have a challenge now with myself to be more imaginative with using up what I have.
    Also will copy my friend as she buys a good amount of things when on offer.

    Dave … yes i will get a small tin of the beans I am curious now. I bet it is cold at the moment for Chloe bless her she sounds well wrapped up though. Too cold for on the roof I guess but you need it done and dusted now I expect.

    H H .. How is uniform washing and pressing going. Its good you and your friend can compare stages with your Mums.

    Sym.. Good the plumber is getting on with the job bet you will be glad to see an end .. Its bad enough anyway a woman alone getting jobs done super worry when you are not feeling up to it health wise .

    It will be a quick 10mins in the garden today..I am just going to have an easy afternoon curled up under my fur throw. lol

    Enjoy your afternoon ….”Friday is a day to finish your goals for the week and take it easy. Xxxx

    Dave- before keto I roasted butter beans a few times- delicious like that. Dry them off, toss them in a bit of oil & salt & roast for about 20 mins… wouldn’t fancy them on their own though, just heated up, they’re okay in a sauce …
    Jean- I feel sorry for your plumber, not good when you resort to plan C…not nice for you still feeling a bit poorly too šŸ¤— What house plants are you after? I would love more but our window sills aren’t very deep, & not enough light I think to have them away from the window…
    Hemmy- I am still cooking for more than just two here- hubby’s waistline is proof of that as well! What food do you need using up, we might come up with some ideas for you?
    All son’s uniform done, hour & a half of ironing – 2 pairs of very thick trousers, 2 smart shirts, a blazer, shorts, towel & 10 T shirts! Freezing here today, & showers, a very brisk walk this morning!

    The roofers paid a quick visit out was 1Ā°C and very windy so think they will be back soon to finish off.Chloe as got two winter hats 2 coats a snood and a sun hat šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ she’s warm at the moment in front of the gas fire.Denise is not far from it as well but is still cold so put a throw around her. I keep telling her to put the electric one round her but she never does. Don’t know why I got it.

    Evening Allā€¦
    A productive day in the bathroom very hard going and he was grumpyā€¦ heā€™s has the wooden floor and waste pipe done now ready for the tray to be fitted. I did thank him and apologised for the awkward job.. he just said thatā€™s why he gets paid for it most jobs are the same šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
    Heā€™s back Monday.

    I must get some packing organised over the weekend, all Charlieā€™s dinners are sorted so heā€™s got his bag getting full. I need some of his blankets washing then me sleeping with them to get my smell on them. Weather doesnā€™t look good for washing.

    I am feeling better, still coughing and a bit sniffy.

    Give cheese a go a mild cheddar good for toasties.. I like a double Gloucester thatā€™s mild too.

    I will need a good shop after holiday and batch cooking tooā€¦ I am not eating well enough I really donā€™t like food, so uninterested in itā€¦maybe itā€™s the coldā€¦

    I am after a couple of plants for the bathroom, maybe a fern ?? but I usually kill them!.I shall have a look… just a bit of colour.
    Plumber had blocked me in so I didnā€™t go today, he had to move the van yesterday as we have drain workers down our street.. and he was grumpy!
    He went on to plan D !.. not an easy job. I think we are ready to move forward nowā€¦

    Jean x


    Thinking of you overnight..I think it was you who was saying about going into your family history helped by your friend..(sorry I was in my poorly mode)
    I did 10 years of research into mine, mum and dad and grandparents then followed the male line. I think my earliest was 1630. I have had my books published for the family, with 5 generationā€™s of old photos and including dadā€™s war records. I am proud what I did ā€¦ something to hand down, each grandchild has one.

    Jean x

    That’s great Jean I may buy a tiny piece of cheese and put it on a toastie with onion. If I don’t like it I’m sure a certain 4 legs won’t turn her nose up at it. Although maybe I should leave it alone, it’s full of calories. The roofers are supposed to be coming today so I’ll wait in hopešŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤ž. Got a big juicy steak for tea and inch thick if not more. Dread to think how many calories are in it. I’ll check before I cook it. Some homemade chips with it and salad.

    Hi Everyone on this dull damp Saturday .

    We had a long walk today … we are still missing our little old friend Wesley… I was thinking today how very quiet it is these days compared to a few years ago. So many have gone over The Rainbow Bridge this last year ,, plus people moving from the village. .
    I also noticed lots have very small dogs now. and don’t walk far.
    I am not in a working mood weekend… Glamming up day tomorrow as Leamington Spa with Chris on Monday..lol

    I have just had a cheese and onion sandwich .. this evening its chicken breast .homemade chips and brocholi .

    Dave.. I bet you will enjoy your big steak.. careful on the chips lol. I couldnt live without cheese I love it all.

    H H .. Oh my goodness all that that ironing you are sooo good to your family. What are you cooking up today.

    Sym… How absolutely lovely you did those ancestor records for your girls .. My friend will do hers as it appeals to her writers interest. I was just really playing at doing mine. On the site she pays to look things up.
    I don’t think now I would have the patience .. but I did enjoy the bit I did. ..

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone. ā€œSaturday is a day to be kind to yourself, to unwind and go with the flow. Xxxx

    Evening All..
    I got some packing done, our couple of walks.

    I had coffee and cake at a garden centre and bought a couple of plants for my bathroom to give a bit of colour. I left Charlie at home sleeping.

    I am feeling a lot more my self still coughing a bit and a bit of sniffing.. but got my get up and go back.. I shall see Jacqui and Philip tomorrow..

    Definitely 4 legs will eat your cheese.. I was reading today how greyhounds are the lazy of all dogs, I did laugh.

    Enjoy your day at Lemmington Spa on Monday, find something nice to wear. I did my family tree when I retired at 60, Steve decided to do his too.. a good direction we went all over the country to different archives..

    Jean x

    I can vouch for it greyhounds are total lazybones. We will have had Chloe 3 years on Monday. That’s gone so quickly. Next time I’m shopping I’ll get a tiny piece of cheese.

    Morning Allā€¦
    First morning I havenā€™t coughed or a coughing do! I am feeling more with it now..

    I shall go to Jacquiā€™s as planned, she has holiday tickets and other paper work, I like it all together. Two boxes of crochet animals, 21 pop up mushrooms and about 15 octopus..let her take them to school see what her deputies/ others think before I continue..

    Threes years has passed so quickly with Chloe, she has got you were she wants šŸ˜‚
    Hope you like the cheese..

    Nana .,
    Enjoy your stay away safe journey..

    Have a good day everyone..

    Jean x

    Yes Chloe rules the roost,we all pamper her,she wasn’t eating the other day so Denise was hand feeding her which she liked šŸ˜‚can just imagine her laying in front of us while we give her a bunch of grapes like in Roman times. It would have to be chews in her case.Chicken tonight so once it’s in the oven she will be on high Good your feeling better Jean all ready for the cruise. Hemmy I bet you look great all glamed up.

    Hemmy- have a lovely day out tomorrow!
    Jean- hope the bathroom goes better for your grumpy plumber! Ours isn’t grumpy but he does talk about how difficult lots of jobs are…Glad you’re feeling a bit better šŸ¤— What a lovely idea doing the ancestry books for all the grandchildren!
    Dave- hope your roof finally gets finished this week! Bless her, Chloe certainly has a good home now! Can’t believe it’s been 3 years since you got her!
    Managed just one meal yesterday, we picked up some old crystal glasses someone was going to dump otherwise, will give them to our eldest son, he has plans for them as wedding favours, not that he’s even engaged yet šŸ˜‚ Gave Xena an extra walk, & saw mum in the afternoon. Youngest son came for dinner tonight, did Chinese lemon chicken for him & hubby, with chocolate fondant pudding, I had a keto version. Got to be on hand tomorrow as Mum has an electrician coming, & one of us will need to be there, one of her sockets had burnt out, luckily it didn’t start a fire! Son was saying that they put in safeguarding referrals if they’re called out & there are concerns about the householders, they went to a lady who’d left a pan on several times, didn’t have family around, neighbours were trying to help her. Sometimes it’s for people who are not coping & are hoarding, or people whose houses are really unsafe…he is so excited about starting tomorrow!

    Good morning everyone another cold day. Going bowling at 12-30 so will wrap up.I watched the first half of the Superbowl, it was one way traffic so I went to bed.My son usually sits on the sofa with me to watch the game but Chloe wouldn’t movešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. What you all up to today then?

    Hi Everyone. xxxx

    Another grey damp cold day.. Very cold early this morning over the fields. First time this year my hands were cold even in gloves. I keep telling myself at least we are not snowed in lol.

    We had a lovely time in Leamington. Spa .. Never found any clothes but a lovely embordered bag in reds will be nice for spring I have a red Jacket ,.. lots of candles.. I just adore them ..I light some every evening it doesnt feel cosy without my candles. A nice lunch .. so very enjoyable even if the weather wasn’t kind.

    Dave.. Hope you won your game today. Bet Chloe does rule the household lol. Rightly so too. lol

    H H … Hope all went well with Mums electrician .all done and dusted now.. and all goes well for your son on his first day.

    Syn.. Soo glad your cough is improving .. lovely getting your holiday stuff organised.
    Well done on all your crochet work I bet they loved it. .

    Enjoy your evening everyone.. Happiness is enjoying the little things in life. Xxxx


    Hemmy-glad you had a good day out!
    Jean- hope your day has gone well…
    Dave- did you get any bowling done?
    Very cold here, quite wet too…Just the one meal today, avocado & poached eggs again , chia seed pudding with some raspberries so not many cals either. The lovely electrician came, socket replaced but we have to decide on a new heater, very hard for Mum to understand, Dad made it complicated by changing heaters about so some are Economy 7, some not! Gave her a chocolate pudding with instructions on how to cook it, but she ate it raw šŸ˜¬ Hope it doesn’t upset her stomach! Won’t be giving her any more of those…

    Good evening,managed to bowl food a couple of hours. Played 2 games and won both.I played really well today. Got a match on Wednesday so hope I play as well in that game.Ordered tickets for the Peter Craven memorial speedway meeting.He was my first sporting hero.He died in a crash trying to avoid a rider who had fell off his bike. That was in Edinburgh in the 60s. Rain stopped play in the bowls it was so cold as well could barely feel my hands. And had an electric hand warmer.

    Evening All..
    A busy day here.. Louise made an unexpected visit and out for lunch.. plumber here for 4 hours waiting for stuff to dry and set..bringing his mate tomorrow to help lift wall boards upstairs and get rid of the rubble ..it all smells of dust, solvent and wet plaster all over the house. He found a problem with my toilet leaking so I canā€™t use thatā€¦

    Lots to do tomorrow for holiday shopping bits and pieces.

    All men and dogs have selective hearing I quite agree with Denise!
    Good luck with your cooking..

    You seem to be having a bad time with your mum, itā€™s a shame she gets upset with a lot of thingsā€¦lots of visitors keeping you busy.. nice to catchup..

    Your red bag sounds lovely, nice finding a bargain with a good day out too.
    Jacquiā€™s taken all my crochet to school everyone seemed pleased with what I had done.. so more to make..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone, just done the shopping. It’s raining but the roofers have been, don’t know if it’s all done now or not. They have took all the slates away so will never too see when then come back.Fed up with it all now. Just want to start the decorating but ordered a steamer yesterday so that will be used to get all the old wallpaper off when it comes. Bought paper and paint for living room and front door. Also paint for the stairs. So that will keep me busy once we start. Will try and get my son involved šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‚.

    Dave- it has dragged on, your roof! Hope that they are finished now…then your hard work will start! Hope you like your cheese…
    Jean- nice to see Lou I’m sure, but she doesn’t give you much notice! Hope the plumber gets done soon so you can enjoy getting ready for your holiday!
    Hemmy- have a good day, whatever you’re up to…
    Nana- are you home & how long until the next break?!
    Had a very bad night, so feeling groggy today, it’s wet & cold so not feeling at all motivated! And I’m hungry, days like this if I’d not been back on keto I’d have been after biscuits & chocolate! Read up a bit on the lasting power of attorney Mum has, I think it’s getting to the point of activating it, but it feels wrong going behind her back…with FIL he was very happy for hubby to take over the finances, Mum’s not so keen. Had a long chat with my Aunt, she speaks to Mum every day so thinks maybe it’s time…Got to ring my HomeStart family shortly, & will start another second one after half term.

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx

    Dark and chilly again.. we need that sun to show it makes such a difference.

    An easy day today…Jacket potato this evening with cheese and beans.

    Day 23 no wine. Feeling good an not missing it at all this time..

    I must start reading again…I spend far too much time on the net.lol

    Dave.. You sound already to get to gripes with that decorating…I am waiting for
    spring to give me inclination ..

    H H … I would imagine your lack of sleep is worry over your Mum situ. .I can imagine it is hard for you . I was lucky with Mum as she was very happy for me to handle it all. I always made sure though she had money in her purse. Mind you she was very sharp and like Kristy always says. ” Gran had her marbles right to the end bless her ”

    Sym… I bet you will be glad to get away now.. nothing these days with house jobs and trades seem straight forward. Hope your loo is sorted ASP.

    I am getting the Eye now so its outside to play ..

    I hope everyone else is having a good day.. Count your age in blessings not years. Xxxx

    Scampi for tea tonight Will put it on at 5pm. Will be watching the footie tonight Real Madrid are in town.

    Afternoon All..,
    Itā€™s starting to come together the bathroom..wall and tray and shower head all done, heā€™s found a leak at the back of the toilet as itā€™s all in the unit you canā€™t see it. I called him Mr Grumpy today he has very negative thoughts.
    Itā€™s all looking nice.. toilet and floor down tomorrow šŸ¤žšŸ»

    Heā€™s had the heating on I was melting all afternoon, and the outside door wide open so heating was fighting against the cold. Turned it off when he left and I had all the windows open I couldnā€™t cope with it..

    Sorted the case out a bit, some packing itā€™s looks a lot better and organised now.

    I went shopping for a few toiletries and wool, 14 books from the charity shopā€¦

    I hope the roof soon gets sorted it looks like I might be finished before you. AGM for Petanque at 6.30 it will only be a hour. Hope the cheese goes well..

    I am sorry your mum is going down hill, at least you have things in place. Chris was over 7 years then went very quickly in 6 months. Itā€™s so sad to watch. It must frustrate them.

    Nothing is easy when you bring people in, always huffing and puffing on how hard the job is.. he seems to be a bit better now itā€™s nearly finished.
    I need to start decorating, I am wondering if I am still up to doing itšŸ˜¬ā€¦
    You are doing well with no wine.. I donā€™t drink much these days although I shall while I am away.. a lot of fds when home.

    Jean x

    Not sure when I’ll try the cheese, will check the date on it. Not in a rush to try it. 2 AGM’s this month. Our game as been cancelled tomorrow they couldn’t get a full team. So will have a practice instead.The season starts on April 2nd I think. Soon be spring. The years fly by.

    Morning everyone, it’s a dull cold one hereand will need to wrap up warm for my ride on Geraldine today.
    A lovely time away for OH’s birthday and I had gained a pound of the two pounds that I’d lost when I weighed myself on Friday morning. No more trips away now until 6th March so need to knuckle down until then.
    Hedgehogs a worry for you with your mum.My daughter seems to be getting herself organised in Castleford she’s still staying with her friend at present but has a flat lined to move into the beginning of next month it’s unfurnished so will need to sort out furniture for it luckily she’s got the bank of mum and dad to help as we’d rather she has the money now than after we’ve gone. Castleford is a two and a half hour drive from here so not to bad considering our drive to Lowestoft takes us just over two hours.
    Jean hope you’re getting back to normal in time for your cruise. Your plumber sounds a right miserable man.
    Dave just try the cheese you might be surprised and like it.
    Hemmy well done on no wine drinking, wish I could be as disciplined but I do enjoy my two glasses of wine on our Wednesday lunch meet up.
    Hope everyone else not posting is keeping well.
    Nana xxx

    Good morning everyone bowling later, I’m the driver today so I have 2 to pick up then drive to the green. Three of us take it in turn to drive when they season starts and also for winter bowling. It’s dry at the moment it’s 4Ā°C so not very warm. My hand warmers are fully charged. I’ll get the thermals out as well.

    Good afternoon everyone. xxx
    Another dark cold day here.. some sunshine would be lovely.

    A good walk .. regular dog walkers are few on the ground now.. I miss some of our old walking friends 4 legged and two lol. Some have moved from the village.. and dogs have passed on.
    I have only just had lunch as I came back from walking and decided to clean and hoover upstairs. So I am not sure what to have for dinner later, Maybe just scrambled eggs on toast.

    Day… 24 no Alc.

    Dave.. At least you will be warm for bowling.. Have you tried that cheese yet lol..

    Nana .. Enjoy your 2 glasses of wine.. Trouble with me is I will drink half a bottle ..it slows me down.. so better off having none at all. .

    H H ..How is your day going.

    Sym… Glad the work is nearly done.. A bit annoying to have a Mr Grumpy especially seeing you are paying him… Things are so different these days with trades.

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone. All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.” Xxxx

    Back from bowling was rubbish today, Having cottage pie and butter beans for tea. Have you tried yours yet Hemmy?I might try the cheese tomorrow. Will have a cheese and onion toastie. Could end up in the bin. It’s been a miserable day here and cold eventually there rain came so we called it a day but still had a couple of hours bowling. Just said to Chloe are we going, she usually jumps up but just lifted her head then went back to sleep. I don’t think it would bother her if we never went out.

    Dave ..

    That reminds me where are butter beans situated in the supermarkets. I looked in Tesco in the tinned veg section and baked beans and couldnt find any at all. . Will try local Coop..

    Ohh Re cheese I couldnt live without it eat it every day. Had Brie for lunch today lol.

    Quick post, son is popping in for dinner although has just rung to say there’s a hold up ahead…doing toad in the hole for him & hubby. Did our shopping today, Mum gave me a big long list, sis & I will make sure we insist on helping her do her order online in future, she doesn’t like doing it or coming shopping with us so puts it off. I got the ball rolling today to activate the LPA, it’ll take a few weeks, haven’t told her yet but she was happy for me to take her card to get cash out for her. Feels a big step šŸ˜¢

    Evening Allā€¦
    Bathroom should be finished tomorrowā€¦ hell of a job with the toilet, thought we might need a new loo plus cistern, difficult to buy as fitted in a unit.. I always seem to have problems things never seem to go right. He has messed about with new fittings but ended going back to the old fitting and cleaning it up.. šŸ¤žšŸ» itā€™s is fitted and working he will check tomorrow..

    Glad you had a nice time away.. itā€™s nice your daughters found a place to live, it will make her more settled.

    Taxi driver now! Hope your game went well. I shall start again after holiday.. must push myself to goā€¦

    Haddock and chips for us tonight absolutely tasty.
    I be will be glad when I am straight again. Mr Grumpy was saying his friend had died, he softened a bit, he seems fine if you get him chatting. He wants to retire but canā€™t afford to.

    Have a nice night with your son. Do you think your mum is still managing on her own? Would she go in a home. Itā€™s nice you are both so close.

    Fasting finished now until after holiday..

    Have a nice evening..

    Jean x

    Hemmy the butter beans in Sainsbury’s are with the tinned tomatoes and kidney beans,chicken peas. I’ll ask my son about Tesco he does.com there so knows every Isle. Chloe’s not had anything to eat yet today think it will be a late supper. She knows she dosent get chews until her food as been scoffed.

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