Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • My son got stuck in Birmingham last night, the train was cancelled and he’s booked on a train to Southampton today. He had to get a taxi home from Birmingham which cost him £90. It’s a disgrace. He’s on his way to Southampton now so hope he dosent need a taxi home from there or he’ll need a mortgage.The roofers said it should all be done by Monday. So I hope they are right. A sunny day today so it makes a change from all the rain.

    Evening All…
    Chilly day but bright… walked with Natalie and her mum this morning which was nice I don’t usually see her on a weekend.
    A lazy day really sorting Charlie’s food out for his holiday I need more and crocheting…
    I down loaded my holiday tickets for Jacqui to print off.

    Lovely you are loosing your weight slowly.. I think we all know our own naughties..well done on your pound off.
    I am waiting for my all clear on my eyes on Thursday then I can sort holiday things out.. everything is there just needs pulling out of wardrobe.
    It’s nice catching up with my friend she’s a Petanque lady she very nice.

    It’s a worry walking through the trees when it’s windy, I have stayed clear. SIL about the same apparently a bit better today..well done on 1/2 pound off.

    Hope you like your new watch.. shame on the roof and the rain hope they can get back soon.
    I am waiting for email for a price, off the plumber it’s not arrived as yet, supposed to be today.
    Nightmare for your son and loosing lots of money and all the messing about…it just gets worse.

    Cuppa time…
    Jean x

    Hi all, have been reading your posts today which all make me smile and recognise just how close all of you are on this journey. Last weekend I blew it, and today going the same way. When I started on 2nd Jan I was 16st 9LB. This morning 15st 10lb. Not bad but as I say, the weekends are my downfall. Monday coming will be back on the grindstone which I actually find quite easy now, (hopefully). Two days on 24 hr fast, eat 6.00pm each night then plan to introduce a light lunch the rest of the week. A Christmas present was a book, “Bored of Lunch” 6 ingredient Slow Cooker recipes. Several really good recipes which include nutritional values for cals, protein and carbs. Will be trying some out soon. Not many that freeze though. I sometimes use my camera phone when I see a book that interests me on a bookshelf. I photograph the book and order it at my local library then use a recipe that interests me. Look after the pennies….as they say. Gym at 7.30 am this morning then home for breakfast, coffee only then Greek Salad at Lunch time. Refuse to say what I had for dinner tonight…. Take care out there, will post again soon.

    That’s a stone off absolutely brilliant..Dave and Hemmy use the slow cooker they might like the recipes.
    I only have two meals a day, it’s just got in the habit, I eat after my walk about 10.30 then again about 4.30 so it gives me a good fasting window. Then my two fast days.
    It sometimes changes if I meet up will people.

    We are a close lot, Hemmy, Kay and myself have been on the group for 10 years, with the others joining us. We help each other with ups and downs of life, which obviously causes problems with eating. It’s a lovely group.

    Jean x

    Just noticed I’ve been on hear 10 years next month, time fly’s. Lots of noise next door, I took Chloe out and could hear the noise 200 yards away, so you can imagine how loud it is in our house.

    Dave you have been on here about 5-6 years

    Good morning FB Brit friends. Xxxx

    After yesterdays lovely sunny day its very dull and forecasting another storm. Hopefully we will miss this one to.

    Having a good weekend.. with food .. Just gradually cutting back on things. This morning ditched the breakfast toast.. Had Milky coffee .. banana satsuma. 3 walnuts. See how that goes this week.
    I only ever used to have fruit for breakfast but crept back to toast at Christmas.

    Day 7 no wine. I really must say I am not really missing it. ..Drinking more water and have a whole lemon squeezed into it. Its really good for you.

    C C Yes we have all come along way together.. its a journey of ups and downs .. happy occasions and sad ones and it all add to the journey.
    I think the weekends seem to be the danger spot.. its sort of Wow.. we have been soo good all week now time to relax get the Chocs savouries and wine out.

    I have found over the years just having 1 treat day per week works well..you can stay within 1-2 lbs of goal .. and that is easy to cope with
    I have stayed at goal weight give and take a pound for a few years now with Xmas always the downfall eating up the remains lol.

    Have good week .C C and get back in the saddle. .

    Dave.. I hope the noise next door didn’t last too long plus never upset Chloe . Did your son get back ok

    Sym… Ohh I think your 2 meals a day and timing are great I might try that.. I think my dinner at 6.30 is too late.
    What time does Charlie eat.

    Enjoy your day everyone.. My Gran said “Sunday was a day of rest” Xxxx.

    What time does Pip eat? When we first got Chloe she would gobble down her food as soon as we gave it to her. That was just kibble what they recommend at the centre where we got her. Now she as fish with most of her meals, a tin full of fish mixed with kibble.Sunday she as whatever we have and that disappears in minutes. Her own dog food can’t sometimes be there all day then she as it about10pm.I think when we first got her she wasn’t taking any chances and scoffed it right away.My son got home at 1-30am and it cost him over £90 he went to bed and was up early yesterday as he’s gone to Southampton for a couple of days. The noise died down eventually around 11-30pm.Chloe was in a playful mood today rolling on her back so I would tickle her belly then jumping when I stopped. Lamb for tea tonight my favourite.

    They said the roof will be finished today, YIPPEE.Will be happy when the scaffolding is all gone. Then we can tidy up, next job is decorating. Going to do the whole house room by room. Do that will take a while but should keep us busy.Wall paper and painting. Going to take it slowly so we don’t get fed up doing it.

    Dave… Pip eats at 6pm.. I have always found it a good time with my dogs.
    Its late enough if I am out in the afternoon and early enough if I am going out in the evening… Springers are not that bothered about their food more interested in activity lol… What ever the weather.
    Kristy’s terrier is always wanting food but choosy about going out in wet or windy weather . lol Like humans I expect lolol

    The lamb sounds lovely I can smell it from here.. Mum loved her lamb chops on a Sunday thought lamb was the tastiest meat. . Enjoy.

    Couscous – brilliant, well done losing a stone! That’s brilliant, it is hard staying on track at the weekend, the more I fasted the more I ate on nonFDs sometimes! We have been all on here a while, it does help & nice to support each other with all life’s problems, not just the weight ones …
    Dave- hope all the roof stuff & scaffolding cleared away soon… don’t envy you the decorating, we keep putting off the hall stairs & landing, worst job! Hope your son gets back okay, very windy down south this time!
    Jean- hope your eyes are okay when they’re checked, will be nice to concentrate on your cruise! I’ll have been on here 8 years this year, it’s gone so quickly!
    Hemmy- I do 2 meals most days too, but about 11am or 12, then 6ish, if I ate early like Jean I would be really hungry by bed time!
    Youngest coming for dinner tonight, hunters chicken & then chocolate mousse. As long as we don’t get a power cut, the lights keep going off, very windy here!
    Naughty Xena pulled me right off my feet when I got her out the car this morning, I went flying! Have been working on getting her to wait, but obviously alot more work needed! Lucky it was Sandy so a soft landing!
    Have a good evening everyone 🥰

    I still can’t get over Chloe growling at one of the roofers. Must be the Irish accent she was born in Tipperary so maybe she was mistreated in Ireland, she does have lots of bite marks in her legs and body and nose. Chloe would eat 24/7 and also sleep 24/7. I’ve been scammed online so I have a bill just short of£30 pending so I got onto the fraud department of my bank. They have traced the company,I tried to get in touch with them but it says on their website may have moved so can’t get in touch. Hopefully the bank will block the payment and all will be ok.

    Evening All…
    Up and out early. I was joining Jacqui at church with 30 school children singing. . It was a service remembering all the fishing vessels which went down in bad weather, we had a large fishing community in Hull. Quite emotional but very nice. The mayor, wreaths, police and sea cadets and TV cameras were there.

    No email from the plumber.. I have emailed him to see if he’s had chance to do it… hopefully tomorrow.

    Charlie has his breakfast before his walk at 8am, I know that’s wrong but he wants it then, dinner after pm walk 4.15 ish.
    I seem to have fallen into two meals, I always eat after the walk, so lunch is too close so I miss it. Unless I am meeting anyone for lunch. Drinking lemon in water gives me cystitis so I give that a miss. Take care.

    That’s a lot to pay out for your son. The trains are terrible. Chloe naughty growling maybe it’s her past. Strange Charles was born in Ireland too. He is with the Irish kennel club.

    I will come for dinner tonight it sounds good. Hope you are ok after your fall it takes you by surprise. I think my weather is better than this morning.

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone The sun is out after rain last night. It feels quite warm after all the cold weather. I was up early today Chloe didn’t know what to do think she was in shock. She’s asleep now catching up on her beauty sleep. She’s malting not much counts off her like Heidi the German shepherd but can notice it on the stairs. Might have fish and chips tonight just for a change.

    Morning All…
    Walk with Natalie it was very cold.

    Charlie isn’t well this morning, I just don’t know, he hasn’t eaten and fast asleep.

    Plumber confirmed gave an estimate of £1400.. thought that was good. So off to shop to confirm what I want and give a deposit.

    Happy Birthday.. fish and chips sounds just right.
    Have a lovely day.

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx

    It started off a lovely day but its gone very dark and looks like rain again.

    After walking came back and gave upstairs a good clean. Sorting draws and throwing more bits away.. Spring cleaning early .. Best doing it now as come spring I will be in the garden

    Fruit breakfast ..Just had a ham sandwich . not feeing very hungry today sweet cravings gone thank goodness.

    Dave.. Happy Birthday have a lovely day . enjoy your fish and chips.

    H H .. Hope you never had any bruises today..

    Sym.. Good you have a decent price for your Bathroom .. nice to get it all done and dusted.

    Enjoy your day everyone whatever you are doing “Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” Xxxx

    Happy birthday Dave! Nice to have fish and chips 😋 Don’t blame Chloe growling at the Irishman, some of the racing dogs can get treated really badly …
    Jean- just read online that eating before 5pm is the optimum for shedding or keeping off belly fat, so you do well eating early! I have just a slice of lime in sparkling water, that seems to be okay for me & my bladder!
    Hemmy- well done doing a bit of a clear out! Good you’re not too hungry & the sweet cravings are going…no bruises today thanks, it was sandy where I went over!
    Couscous, Kay, Nana hope you’re all okay…
    Had a lie-in again today, so weird how I can suddenly sleep late! Met a friend for a cuppa today, she had cake but I resisted, so nicely low carb today. Got some jobs done & another short workout. Sticking to every other day at the moment…

    Evening All…
    Charlie ate about 5pm then I took him for his walk.. he seems sluggish hope he’s more his self tomorrow…

    Looks like the full bathroom will be about 4k a bit under to what I expected although it’s an estimate.
    It’s booked in for the 7th Friday or the 10th Monday.. it will be fun packing the same week as no bathroom and muck ever!. He is hoping to finish another job early or it will be the end of March…

    You always start early spring cleaning but a good idea… I need to paint my bathroom ceiling before the plumber arrives.
    I need a good sort out out might get motivated after holiday.

    I am not sure of the belly or maybe it’s the biscuits 😂..it works different with everyone it’s what’s easier…the eating pattern just fell into the routine. well done on resisting the cake you are stronger than me…

    A few missing hope all ok..

    Jean x

    Good evening everyone fish and chips when good and Denise made me a nice cake. I can’t resist it 😈😈😈. Just been out with Chloe it’s trying to rain so not good weather. I was up at 6am this morning so feeling tired now. Maybe a cuppa will wake me up.

    Good morning everyone I’m up early again. Don’t like getting up early but I had no choice today. Denise is calling me for waking her up 😆.She made me a lovely cake for my birthday so I won’t be losing any weight until I scoff it😆😂. Chloe’s started sleeping downstairs on the sofa so I have plenty of room in bed, I’ll be glad when Denise is back though. She’s still waiting for an appointment at the leg clinic, her legs are swollen and rock hard. She goes to Spanish lessons today so I drop her off then take Chloe around the park carefully avoiding all the other dogs. I have to hide behind bushes. When I had Heidi my German shepherd I looked forward to meeting other dogs she loved playing with other dogs but I suppose Chloe is just so afraid of them after having lots of bite marks on her legs, body and nose. Poor thing I feel sorry for her but she’s happy now when we are at home. I love dogs so much. She is due her injection this month but is do afraid, her heart rate was over 200 when I took her in last year.

    Morning everyone, a horrible rainy morning here again.
    Was glad to see the end of last week after the two funerals we attended,the first one had some very emotional songs throughout the whole service.
    I’d forgotten that we had our annual Over 60’s Christmas meal and Pantomime on Saturday evening but luckily I received a reminder email Saturday morning. A very enjoyable time a lovely meal and as much wine as you like all free. I take a bottle of alcohol free wine as I can’t drink a lot of wine in a short time span.
    As a result of everything last week I have put on two pounds which I expected. Also yesterday’s planned 1300 calorie day didn’t happen as we went for a curry night at our Newmarket friends home, very enjoyable and got home at 1am, I drove so managed to save some calories.
    Dave glad you had a nice birthday 🎂. Hope Denise gets sorted out soon.
    Hedgehogs naughty Xena, glad you’re not bruised.
    Hemmy we really need to have a good spring clean, maybe after our daughter moves out this weekend. She’s going to be moving up to Castleford for a fresh start,we’ll miss her but it’ll be good for her and at the end of the day we want her to be happy and also her asthma and other allergies were greatly improved when she stayed up there over Christmas and the New Year.
    Jean new bathroom to look forward to. Hope Charlie is better today.
    Hope everyone has a good week, mine is going to be a usual one from now on🤞
    Nana xxx

    Afternoon All…

    Walked a different direction so muddy in one part I nearly fell. Charlie after being off and not eating yesterday, he found a dead porpoise and starting eating it…twice.. until I realised what it was… it stunk to high heaven! They are naughty..

    I have got a lot of holiday things out laid on the bed, also a lot of sorting and charity bag growing.

    Poor Denise she is having to wait a long time to see the hospital…could she go private?
    Poor Chloe going for her jab, Charlie is end of March, he’s not keen either…

    Hard time going to two funerals, it makes you think of your age…. I remember the pantomime from other years they do a lot for oldies in your area.. nothing much here. 2 lbs will soon come off, enjoy while you can then start when things settle down.
    I will be glad when I can have a normal shower again, without faffing with a screw driver to get it to work.

    Jean x

    I don’t know what to do about Chloe. She is terrified of going inside buildings,she is not bothered about the injections but just the thought of going in the vets. Last year her heart rate was over 200 which is not good. She’s 7 now, I think I stopped Heidi have boosters once she was 7. Three very first dog I had when I was at school a Manchester terrier never had any jabs or pills and was 19 when she passed away. Is you look online some say that they should have the booster, some say they should have it every 3 years and dinner say they don’t need it, we never have boosters apart from COVID obviously. That reminds me I’ve not had my booster yet. It upsets Chloe so much going to the vets. I don’t know what I’ll do.

    Hi FBB friends. Xxxx

    Its a cold dark damp day.. ..just come back from Bicester Post office and soo very sick of road works that seem to have been there forever now.
    I dont find any pleasure at all in driving these days.

    Weight good this morning ..so onwards and downwards.. I will have to be careful when Kristy is here at the weekend.

    Only just had lunch so I wont want much this evening. Maybe some soup and fruit. .

    Nana. .You will soon lose you lbs .. its good to just enjoy things in life when you can.. Always hard when they move back in then you just get used to having them around then off they go again.

    Dave .. Any cake left lolol .. Chloe sounds adorable.so glad she now has a loving home.

    H H .. Well done resisting the cake . Not easy when out having a cuppa with a friend. . Good doing the workouts

    Sym.. Its amazing how they seem to find all the old disgusting things on the walks to eat. lol
    So fed up with getting wet walking..

    Enjoy your day everyone “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”.. Xxxx

    Last piece of cake just about to disappear when I make a cuppa. Can start from tomorrow losing weight again. Had rain here today, hurry up summer.

    Dave- what sort of cake was it? Just so I can dribble here! I reckon Chloe might be okay without the vaccinations, she keeps well away from other dogs & may well have built up immunity from her past ones, if it causes her that much trauma 😢 I think I asked last year & your vet doesn’t do home visits? Ours would if necessary…
    Jean- hope Charlie doesn’t get sick after tucking in today, what are they like 🤢 A couple of Xena’s friends have had funny tummies , hope it’s not a doggy bug…One had tucked in to some chips he found on a walk, so probably that!
    Hemmy- well done with your weight, what have you got planned when Kristy comes, will you have a meal out?
    Nana- very hard your daughter moving away, but it sounds like it’ll be good for her, why do you think her asthma is better up there?
    Couscous- are you doing okay this week?
    Not done too much today, my neck was a bit painful & I didn’t sleep well, did have a long play at a park in a different village with Xena, we went for a wander round the (very muddy!) fields & another game, another wander & another play! Had one of my favourite keto meals- tofu fajitas but without the tortilla wraps, about 10g carbs…

    Hi all, just reading your posts makes me realise my retired life seems lazy and somewhat boring. Brad, I also love cake, chocolate is tops but I make a decent Banana and Walnut along with Cheese scones. However when hungry anything goes and thats my downfall. Had a bad, bad weekend, wine, more wine, a Chinese Saturday night, Sunday lunch was a superb sausage and bacon bun with a pint of lager at a local restaurant then a sarnie at home before dinner. Monday fell off my Fast day wagon, wine and a Pasty for supper. Today back on track, a 19 hr fasting window, dinner a 2 egg omelette, mushrooms and smoked bacon, around 600 cals I reckon. Spent 3 hours trimming Hawthorn trees at the bottom of our garden, a real pain as is getting rid of the cuttings but it needs doing otherwise the branches spread out and cast a day long shadow over the lawn. Keep on doing what you all do out there.

    HH the cake was a Lemon victory sponge 😋😋😋. All gone now so back to losing weight. Got to pull my socks up. Bowling later today so that should burn a few calories, we usually play for a couple of hours. Three dog walks not that we go very far, You would think greyhounds need lots of exercise but they are the laziest dogs alive. She must sleep at least 22 hours a day, wish I could too, she’s just stick her nose on my phone while I’m writing this😀😃😄. Better go to bed so goodnight.

    Good morning everyone in our little Brit corner. Xxxx

    The weather is soo strange.. today its blue sky and sunshine here after yesterdays gloom and damp.

    The fields are so wet again. Muddy an mucky. Roll on spring.

    A good day yesterday .day 10 no Alco .. feeling much better lighter and more energy with all that sweet rubbish gone.

    Scales looking good .hopefully by Friday just 2lbs will be left to go.

    Dave yes best to just enjoy your cake .. when we do have treats or even when we shouldn’t Its always best to just really enjoy them at the time. Tomorrow is another day.

    H H .. Hopefully Xena doesnt pick up the bug. .Natural yogurt is very good upset tummies … plus some mashed potato.. it works wonders.

    Nana .. Are you out and about today.

    Sym… You will soon be away in warmer climes. Its a really good time of year to get away. .

    C C How is it going .just do little by little .. January is always a hard month after the relaxing of Xmas.

    Kay.. How are things with you xx

    Onwards and downwards….. “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” Xxxx

    I like that Hemmy I’m possible.A nice sunny day today going bowling at 12-30.I think Denise likes me bowling gets me from under her feet. Just took Chloe out so no doubt she’ll be asleep soon. My car insurance is due next week I’ve had a good look around for a good price but I will be letting my car insurance auto renew it’s £40 cheaper than last year with Aviva.Nobody could even match it. I’ve been with them the longest of all the ones I’ve insured with, they never put it up but silly amounts like others have. Cottage pie tonight. I got a new watch and it keeps telling me to take a walk, I tell it to shove off😂.

    Morning All..
    A lovely bright day but still on the chilly side… due to the muddy fields we did the old road and village walk popped to cemetery and had a tidy.

    A bad nights sleep sore throat and swallowing problem .. on thinking now… I did my eye drops in both eyes and went straight to sleep.. the salty drops have stayed in my throat with lying down and irritated it…. After my cuppa I feel much better.

    Glad something had stayed low it makes a change.
    Lemon cake sounds good.

    I am looking forward to going away but not leaving the boy I know he will be fine.
    Lovely to have Kirsty coming up at the weekend.

    I love cake but not banana bread.. strange as I love bananas..2 egg omelette is always good choice nice and filling…

    Weight looking good I may get a pound off on Friday 🤞🏻

    Jean x

    I have a 3 egg omelette, I’m greedy. They are good mixed with some onions and peppers. Had a good bowl today we played 3 games of 21 up . There was a lot bowling today but it was a lovely day for it. We won 3-0 so even better. Football tonight all our nothing, a must win game.Cottage pie for tea aces I’m hungry, not had anything to eat today so should be a low day.

    Couscous- you don’t sound too lazy, you go to the gym! If you’re going to blow it, blow it well, sounds like a good weekend 😂 Hope you don’t ache too much after gardening …Can I come for some cake?
    Dave- yours sounded nice, although lemon isn’t my top cake…it’s lovely that Chloe is so loving with you, would be nice if Xena was more like that! I do love our walks though, wouldn’t change that…have to admit it’s a 3 egg omelette here too!
    Jean- good if your weight is headed downwards! Hopefully Charlie will be fine when you’re away, he’s spoilt for the other 50 weeks, so don’t feel bad! Hope you soon feel better 🤗
    Hemmy- good your weight is going downwards too…we had a very muddy walk as well! Do you take Pip to walks in the car or can you walk from your village round the fields?
    A beautiful day here too, the snowdrops are out, so feels spring like, I think they’re forecasting snow soon though?
    I was half a pound down this morning too, that & the sun put me in a very good mood! It’ll go back on over the weekend though with my birthday treats! Just did shopping & a Joe Wicks workout. Popped to Mum’s with shopping for her, it was an oh dear visit, she’s got in such a muddle with cards again, I’d left them all sorted for her, in a muddle with her money too, I think sis & I are going to have to get tough with her, I’ve tried suggesting gently that she lets us do her money but she wouldn’t let us 😞 She says I’m a bully & I nag her as it is!
    Up early tomorrow, son’s taking his car in for a service & needs picking up!

    Good morning FB Brit friends. Xxxx

    Its a beautiful day here and full sunshine forecast all day.

    I slept so well last night the very best for months. .. Day 11 no Alco. Drinking more lemon water and feeling more energetic..
    I need to do a big shop today.. No Sunday roast to get as I have booked us Sunday lunch at our favourite pub. We can get glammed up lolol

    Dave.. I have just read Car Insurances are going down about time too. The same needs to happen to home insurance too. Well done on your Bowls win ..

    H H … Well done on your weight loss .. its a good feeling stepping on those ole scales and seeing a reduction lol. I expect Mum likes to stay independent financially but a headache for you and sis.

    Sym.. Hopefully you are ok today and no bad throat. .. The holiday will do you good after the eye treatment anything like that is a worry .

    Hope everyone else is well.. Xx
    They believed they could so they did. Xxxx

    Good morning everyone.The sun is out so that’s always good. Still cold but the snowdrops are out so not too long to spring.Crocus are also making an appearance.Chicken casserole for tea tonight so I’ll try and hang on until then before I eat.HH careful with the birthday treats they were my downfall but I’ve no idea how bad not got weighed for over 2 weeks and next time I do get weighed will be the 5th of February.

    Hi Brads, I recently batch cooked the Chicken Casserole recipe in one of Michael Moselys “Fast 800” recipe book with a couple of personal tweaks, I added a tin of Butter Beans and used up all of the Chicken breasts I found in the freezer. 3 portions waiting for me in the freezer. Also made the Lamb Tagine and the Pork Steaks in Mustard Sauce from his blood sugar diet recipe book. Can recommend the Latter and easy peasy to do. I enjoy those you can batch cook, makes life so much easier and if I have a few frozen diet meals I can use it helps keep me on the weight loss path.

    Evening All….
    I got my all clear with my eyes so two weeks to cruise..😁..
    I am full of cold but feeling ok, sucking lozenges and I will he having a very large hot whisky tonight so although fasting it will be far from a good day.

    Three egg omelette that’s a big one… lots of flowers are starting to show, the other week I saw a few clumps of buttercups out, snowdrops too.

    I like to batch cook as I live alone, it makes meals so much easier. I am eating out of the freezer I shall fill up again after my holiday.

    Long time since I have been out for a Sunday lunch..enjoy getting glammed up… still I will make up with the eating on the ship, I hope the food is as good as last time. Throat seems much better, my nose is like a tap!

    Mums a worry, I haven’t been to see Chris since September. So far to go with my eyes unwell, I was hoping to go next week but it might have to be after hols now. Lots on next week before the plumber arrives and turns my water off..??
    You are going well doing your Joe Wicks exercise you are keeping it up…

    Jean x

    CC I love butter beans but unfortunately I’m the only one so we have the chicken casserole and I do the butter beans separately. Don’t know what I’m having tomorrow to eat, will look when we’re in Sainsbury’s. Football again tonight Denise’s team.

    Jean- good you have the all clear with your eyes, but shame about the cold, hopefully it’ll be over & done with soon … Don’t envy you having your bathroom done with the upheaval but will be lovely when it’s done!
    Hemmy- enjoy your lunch out! Hope you got your shopping done okay, enjoy the sunshine!
    Dave- shouldn’t be too many birthday treats, I’ll extend it to a couple of days though! Not seen any crocuses yet, I love them….
    Couscous- well done stocking up the freezer! Do you have an other half to cook for?
    Son’s car got done okay, he had a shout just before he was supposed to leave though so he was late getting it to the garage…did some online training for HomeStart, checked in with Mum & she seemed a bit more together. Did some checking up about the LPA though & found out we can activate it at any time & do it all online , that should make it easier, when hubby did it for his dad he had to take a paper copy of it to each bank etc to be able to sort things. Hopefully won’t need to do anything just yet. Eldest son has decided to look into training to be an electrician, it would be nice if he could find his niche & get a job he enjoys… Highlight of the day, sis brought round an early birthday present- she made me up a smoked fish platter as I’d mentioned the pub had taken it off the menu when we last went, & she didn’t want to get me chocolate! Had some tonight as I’d planned salad, all very scrummy!

    Good morning everyone up early again😴😴😴The octopus engineer is coming round to commission my gas meter. Only 10 months late. I’ll have both smart meters working then. And can look into what tariff I can go on for gas.Chloe is in shock at being up early again don’t think she’s impressed.Missing out on her 23 hour sleep😀. I’ve got to move all the stuff in front of the meter so he can get to it. Do the telly and Freeview box have to go and the sound bar. Very limited space where the meter is. No idea what I’m having for tea tonight. May be chilli and rice.

    Good morning F B Brit friends. Xxxx

    Its a dull day here after yesterdays sunshine. At least dry.

    So pleased as I have lost 2 lbs this week .. so just 2lbs left after Xmas gain . After saying that it will probably go back on again for Monday morning lolol.

    Dave .. I hope it all gets sorted for you and works well. Lots still complaining about these meters not working.

    C C .. Batch cooking and freezing is good.. it takes temptation away from bad choices.

    H H . The fish platter sounded lovely. Nice to just enjoy it and not to have had to prepare it .

    Sym…So pleased for you all good with your eyes. .. Whisky hot water and cinnamon is good for colds and flu it sweats it out of you. Rest up save energy when you can. X

    Have a lovely weekend everyone. I will be back on Monday

    Keep your face towards the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you. Xxxx

    Afternoon All…
    Naughty Charlie this morning running and ignoring me!!
    Hair cut and I have my fringe back. I only grew it out because of my glasses and wasn’t laying right.. feels strange but happy with it.
    Tried all my holiday clothes on, matching shoes, jewellery etc, put a couple back in the wardrobe..

    1lb off for me…. 1lb needed to be back at goal, ready for the half stone to go on, on my cruise 😬

    Happy Birthday have a lovely day. The sea food platter sounds lovely.. fish and chips for me tonight. Still feeling sniffy.. whisky again tonight….

    Hope you get the meter sorted, I like octopus I always feel it’s one of the better ones.

    Well done on the 2lbs off..just enjoy the weekend. Enjoy your shopping if Kirsty takes you.

    Jean x

    Hemmy- have a lovely weekend with Kristy… Well done with 2lbs off, you lost that quickly!
    Jean- well done with your pound off too…good you’re all sorted for your holiday ☺️
    Dave- oh dear, another early start, hope it all got sorted okay 🤞
    Nana – hope you’re all right, hard seeing your daughter go 🤗
    Couscous – don’t go mad this weekend!
    Had a nice birthday, shame about the weather, we’ve had a couple of lovely days but it’s back to rain today, so we went to an antiques centre which has a 1940s style tea room, had a cream tea & we bought a clock, not an antique though. Youngest son popped in with flowers, & went to see Mum with my sister as well. Tomorrow the boys are coming for a Chinese takeaway. 2 days off keto!

    The roofers are back re-felting the roof and new batons.We had a leak not much but they are doing it anyway, had a look and half the times were up, so doing a good job hopefully.Got my gas meter commissioned yesterday had a problem with it but think it’s ok now.Hemmy I have the crockpot on with beef chunks and veg,I do it for 6 hours on high like you said. May give it a stir after a few hours.

    Hemmy the beef melted in the mouth.Definatly needs 6 hours.I must see how much it costs to run the crockpot for 6 hours just out of interest.i can do the same in my ninja airfrier on pressure cooker mode in 1 hour.With the same result.The roofer was back yesterday and took up half the roof tiles,he said the one who done it didn’t do a good job. He’s coming back tomorrow to do the other half. Then finally we might get rid of the scaffolding and start decorating 😁😬 Roast beef for tea tonight, I forgot to do the Yorkshire pudding batter last night so will do it in a minute.Ever since the roofers have been working here Chloe as been sleeping downstairs.I get of the sofa to go to bed and she jumps up on it🤣.Jean hope you’re feeling better today. HH nice to have the boys round. Nana what you up to this weekend.CC hope you didn’t have to many, I used to drink like a fish now it’s rare I have any.

    Dave- what a pain the roofers having to take it all up again, but good they’re sorting it out properly! Which room will you decorate first?
    Jean- hope you feel better soon 🤗
    Hemmy- hope you’ve had a good weekend with Kristy….
    Nana- hope your daughter gets away okay, will be strange going back to just the 2 of you 🤗
    Couscous – hope you’ve had a good weekend!
    Had a nice day yesterday, we were up late, did a good clean, saw mum for a game & then had a lovely evening & takeaway with sons & eldest’s gf. I did eat a bit too much, first time since starting keto though. Today’s been better, made rolo tiffin for youngest to take to the fire station, didn’t eat any, it didn’t even make my mouth water, I think I had my fill of sugar yesterday…Going to try just the one meal tomorrow!

    HH I’ll start with the stairs then the living room. Would costs to much to do them all at once. Going bowling tomorrow so that helps with food. Only one meal tomorrow. Had to much to eat today.

    Good morning FB Brit friends. Xxxx

    It s a grey start here hopefully some sunshine later for walking.

    Ohh so very pleased this morning as the scales were so kind and I am exactly the same weight as Friday morning.. Yippee.. I really couldnt believe it. lol
    It does make it easier though with Kristy not drinking or eating snacks. .. .

    A lovely weekend.. yesterday we went to Sunday lunch at Adderbury .. Soo very tasty I now order a child’s portion as the normal plate is massive. I can then have their melt in your mouth blackberry and apple crumble and custard.

    Day 15 no wine.

    How is everyone after the weekend.. .
    .Dave.. Glad the roofers have got to grips with the roof.. hopefully all done soon..

    H H .. It Sounded like a lovely weekend with your family.. sometimes you have to relax a bit with the menu choices .. We can all get back to it today.

    Sym.. Are you feeling better now.. Soon be holiday away and relax

    .How is everyone else Xx

    Enjoy your day all When you love what you have, you have everything you need.Xxxx

    Good morning I had way too much to eat yesterday so better take it easy today. The roofers are on the roof now so hopefully they will finish today. Going bowling this afternoon the sun is trying to make an appearance.

    Still feeling very rough.. just doing my two walks.
    Back when feeling better x

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