Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hi all, thanks for the responses and questions. Yes I have posted from time to time having been away for some years. I would log in and just read some of the posts to maintain my interest and post the odd comment or reply to a post. Brad27, I am a Union man, have never watched a League game, sadly. Today I decided to go a full 24 hrs water only from my 6.00pm dinner last night. Was at the gym for my light weights session around 2.00pm, quick sauna then home. I went Keto tonight at 6.00pm a full 24 hr window, an “English breakfast, 2 slices smoked bacon, 1 link Cumberland sausage, 2 eggs scrambled and 100 gms of chestnut mushrooms. Not sure of the Calorie or full protein count but very low carb. It only started to become a little uncomfortable around 4.00pm but I do feel full. Thats 3 continuous days plus last Thursday on my first week on the Fast blood sugar diet. Again not sure re Tomorrow, I usually meet up with a friend in a local cafe but we will see. Dinner another chicken or ham broth. Just staying positive reading Michaels books and on YT watching the likes of Jason Fung et al. Will get weighed tomorrow as my first week is up but I may move weigh day to a weekend. What day do you all usually have as your marker?

    When I do it always Monday and Thursday. I’m a very poor eater.I can’t stand soup or broth,hate cheese and ham. I have done 24 hour fasts and longer. When I have anything to eat I immediately want more. I am never satisfied with food. Can honestly say that I am full because I’m not. They’re is a medical condition for this according to what I have been told at MoreLife.Freezing today minus 6 at 6am not that I get up that early. Only for the toilet. So do you follow Gateshead couscous?

    My mistake you probably watch the Falcons.Gateshead are league. Are you far from Workington?

    Afternoon All…
    Very cold but a lovely walk. -6 overnight and we have -7 tonight.. I think it starts to improve then.
    Heating and bill going up nicely 😳

    Problem with my wet room shower it’s dripping… one person wouldn’t come out, then a friends hubby had a look and was uninterested. I was told you couldn’t get the part… gone to my local DIY shop, they have found me one and it’s on the way. They are exceptional..Hope it’s the right one. They have given me a list of local plumbers to, marking the ones who do small jobs.🤞🏻

    I weighed this morning I am still 3 lbs up quite surprisingly.. I really must get back to fasting..

    Hope the 8 lbs moves quick. It’s ok having holidays and Christmas I do think it upsets our rhythm.

    I have been out driving for some shopping and sorting my shower out. It wasn’t too bad. A big too sunny I put my sun hat on, it was very bright.
    Hope you don’t get the plumbers cold…

    I liked looking on UTube for Jason Fung, one or two others it really makes you think..Dr Robert Lustig, about sugar was most interesting about T1 and T2 .. I don’t know if you have come across him.

    Jean x

    Couscous.. type changed your name..

    Couscous – wow, you have done really well with your first week! I’ve done extended fasts but not just water, couldn’t face one without tea & coffee! Enjoy your meal out tomorrow if you have one, & hope the scales are good! Alot of us do a Friday weigh-in on here…
    Jean- good you’ve been able to drive, hope you can find someone to do the job! We’re lucky our plumber is only round the corner, but he is a bit scatty & won’t always turn up when he says …
    Dave- I’m the same as you, rarely feel full & once I start eating I can keep going, even hungrier then! But it is definitely better on keto, your blood sugar level evens out so you’re less hungry, I think eating more protein helps too …Hard when you’re a bit of a fussy eater as well…
    Hemmy-hope you’ve had a good day out, & not got too cold!
    Poor Xena got a bit harassed with some dogs on our walk this morning, I did tell one of them off as the owner didn’t! Took a dinner over to son’s, had my haircut, & did cleaning this afternoon- quite annoyed with Mum as we need to do some banking stuff & kept the day free tomorrow, she doesn’t want to go & keeps making excuses, her usual avoiding being an adult behaviour! She just wants to go out & enjoy seeing her friends & not take responsibility for anything, I would happily do all the finances for her with the POA invoked but she thinks she’s fine ☹️ So might have to get a bit firm with her!

    Hi all. I was pleasantly surprised at my weight loss but I know most will be water. I am still on the 800 blood sugar diet and feel ok. Today, around lunch time my body told me I needed food so a 1 egg omelette with 100 gms of mushrooms mixed with a spoonful of fromage frae. It did the job. An afternoon kip then dinner was chicken, bean and veg casserole home made around 500 cals I think and again low carb.
    Symba7, no, I have not come across Dr Lustig, will check him out. Brad, I sometimes watch the Falcons, Gateshead is across the Tyne from “The Toon” and Workington is too far away. Hedgehog, I do sometimes have tea instead of plain water. Around 7 yrs ago I did a 60 hour plus water only fast prior to a colonoscopy. It became quite easy after 24 hrs but would be a challenge now. I lost 7lb but that was mainly water. I am off to the gym for some low intensity cardio, 30 mins inclined walk then a sauna. Good luck out there.

    Hair cut time we usually do it together..I was 2weeks ago. My shower part is on its way then it will be finding a plumber.. and hoping the parts right!
    Your mum sounds hard work at the moment wanting to do her own thing.. she keeps you on your toes.

    I remembered the books name…Dr Robert Lustig.. the book is “ Fat Chance”
    I could do to read again and Dr Fung.. puts you in the mind set…both are on Michael ‘s thinking…
    Good weight loss….😊

    Jean x

    Afternoon All..
    So very cold here… a lovely walk this morning I don’t mind the cold, crispy under foot on the grass, it always seems much colder on the evening.
    The light is changing Spring is on its way 20 mins earlier am and 20 mins later pm.

    My part has arrived hoping it’s the right one. Really hard to find a plumber.. I have rung loads.. I remembered one who came to my toilet last year and he’s coming Monday…so 🤞🏻…

    I am back fasting on Monday, get onboard again.. 5 weeks to loose 3 lbs always hard when near goal…

    Keep safe everyone on these slippy roads ..
    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone.. Xxxx

    Oh another very cold day.. I have to say I will be glad to see Sundays s milder temps again.

    Yesterdays lunch and shop was very enjoyable in Leamington .. Tired today though as long day on my feet.. as needed to walk Pip at 9am in the intense frost and cold in all with the walking and shopping on my feet for 6 hours.. Good job this ole country gal is a sort off fit one lolol.

    This morning weigh I am still 4lbs over my goal weight .. I will resume again next Monday. Its too cold now.

    Sym you will soon get those 3 lbs gone with the reward of the cruise.. Start again on Monday make it ” challenge cruise Time ” Account on here every day what you eat and drink like we did years ago. .. Xx

    I Hope everyone is having a good day.. “It’s Friday! Time to go make stories for Monday Xxxx

    Good afternoon everyone minus 5 all night and most of the day. Chloe half her PJ’s on last night and spent the night on my sofa, leaving me on my own. Denise is still unable to climb up the stairs so Chloe kept her company. Don’t know what to have for tea tonight. Might be poached eggs and chips.

    OMG Just been out for half an hour in the garden with Pip playing… Its soo cold everything frozen already .. Brrrr lol

    Dave…Poached eggs and chips sounds lovely for a Friday evening. do you have any brown or tomato sauce with it . Hopefully Denise might improve when this intensely cold weather is over. Everyone I know seems to be feeling very stiff including myself…. Chloe has a good choice of her beds lol.

    This evening I decided on a concoction as Kristy would say lolol Fish fingers a small jacket potato and some of my favourite small Brussel sprouts . Xxxx

    Denise as just bought some fish fingers. She as them with Chloe. I put vinegar on chips never sauce unless at McDonald’s then ketchup. Chloe looks good in her PJ’s she’s dosent mind wareing things. As her hat and coat on for walks especially when it’s minus 5. Getting warmer on Sunday. Within a 2 mile radius I have lots of sports to go and watch. Speedway Premier league football lots of non league football, American football Basketball and if I got a bit further then half the rugby league teams and Sale Sharks for union plus cricket.I play bowls in a League 4 times a week in the summer. Used to play darts twice a week in 2 leagues.

    “Evening All”. Now which Television character said that at the start of one of the most popular TV series ever made? Now 8.35pm coming to the end of 5 straight Blood Sugar 800 Fast Days. At lunch time, 1.00pm I had one of those “Fast 800” Food shakes, Banana flavour, 196 cals, 4.3 carbs and 21.6 gms of protein. I bought the bag as a last alternative for lunch. Have to say not a big fan of the taste but they do fill you up for a few hours. Lazy afternoon, dinner at 6.00pm was a M & S Chicken Stir Fry with Hosin sauce I think. £8.00 to feed 2. Not bad I suppose but nearly 3 hrs later am feeling hungry, in need of wine and some supper. Ist time this week I have felt like this. Does anyone else have a particular meal and then feels as if they could eat “A Store Horse” soon after as we say “Up North”. Will stick it out though, Tomorrow is just another day. Do not know whether to ease of or stick with it for the weekend, will decide tomorrow. Good Night all.

    Dixon of Dock Green 😃.I used to watch it. It all depends how you feel, if it’s going well then stay with it. My problem is as soon as I eat I want more. I’ve done 40 hours fasting but one you eat that’s it I am like a Tasmanian devil 👿😈. I’ll be 71 this month and I’m the youngest on the bowling team. Still very nippy outside but warming up by Monday.

    Morning All…
    What a beautiful walk this morning, I enjoy these frosty days no muddy feet.

    A surprise I weighted in as I forgot yesterday.. over a pound off.. must be Dave’s cake and chocolate diet !!
    Well it’s put me back on board Now!!

    6 hours walking is a lot, no wonder you are aching.. I don’t like shopping that much. I didn’t like the sound of your dinner!!
    I have a gallon water bottle which I carry for Charlie’s feet washing… it was solid ice in the car. I have never had that before.

    I can go weeks without the hunger feeling.. then all of a sudden I can eat like a horse..sometimes I go with the flow.. then it passes and I am ok again.
    I am not a great food eater, I eat to live not live to eat.. I think the saying is…

    Chloe must get cold the way you dress her up to keep her warm , she has thin fur like Charlie.
    You are catching me up 71 getting old now..😂

    Have a good weekend….

    Jean x

    Quick post, hello all!
    Got both boys, eldest’s gf & my sister & BIL all coming for dinner, so busy cooking & tidying. Had a bad stomach yesterday, gone back on the omeprazole to settle it, I wonder if it was the FD I did on Thursday & then not eating until late yesterday, will have to see…
    Will post more tomorrow, have a good weekend! 🥰

    Good afternoon everyone. xxxx

    Another freezing day .. very foggy sun was about but never got through. Its only just cleared. Thank goodness for the Wood burner.. we are toasty.

    A good chilly walk then lunch and just sitting.. Weekend off. I am reading a good book its a job to put it down lol.

    C S .. Maybe a good idea to have weekends off .. something to look forward to while being very mindful on choice on the week days .. We are all different though what work s for us.
    I also love the M&S £8 meal deals.. Kristy and I love the Prawn and noodles with the stir fry sauce.. Like you though absolutely hungry again in a short time lol.

    Nana.. Hope all is good with you.

    Dave.. Do you think it might be better not fasting so many hours if it then makes you want to eat a lot after coming out of it.

    H H .. Hope your meal goes well I bet it will be perfect Xx Enjoy the time with your family.

    Sym… Oh that did make me laugh you not fancying my last night dinner it doesnt sound very tasty but it is well I like it lolol.

    Well done on your loss.. Yesss here comes that gorgeous woman on the cruise.

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone.. Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” Xxxx

    Hemmy if I only fasted for ten minutes or 10 years I would be hungry. I’m always hungry they’re is a medical term for it. Having chilli tonight it might stop me feeling chilly. All the home automation is going my head in so I’ll leave it for another day. Greyhounds don’t have much of a coat, very thin so I have to keep her warm. My last dog Heidi was ok in minus 20 German shepherds have 2 coats so they are ok. She got a few comments of people today saying how cute she looked in her hat.😀

    Have a great night with your family around you.. have a lovely meal.

    Dresses should fit, my cocktail dress will with big knickers! Flatten any lumps out 😂 sorry guys.
    Looks like the fog is arriving here now… a misty look about the place.
    Nothing done here a couple of TV programmes watched and some crocheting finished off.

    Dave ..
    Strange all the dogs are different.. well wrapped up from our pm walk.

    Jean x

    Had two walks last one about 9:30 pm. Roll on summer. Watching football now.

    Good afternoon everyone,a dry day and a bit warmer. I’ve got my eye on a new smart watch. It’s not out yet so I’ll get saving up. Roast beef tonight forgot to do the batter for the Yorkshire pudding so I’ll do it now.

    Good evening everyone. xxxx

    A much easier walking day… all frost had at last completely gone from the fields.

    A good later walk then went to Banbury Tesco and did a big shop. I have been using up lots of bits since Xmas..

    I am just waiting for a delivery of a Toasted sandwich maker from Amazon. A George Forman at a good reduced price. I do. like a toasted cheese and onion o toasted sarnie. for lunch. .. You can also use it for other things will look into it.

    I am having my last naughty day today this 4lbs must go. .. My friend Sarah and I are starting tomorrow

    Today its my favourite no cook Sunday.. Fresh baguettes and cold roast beef .. for lunch and dinner. Oh and a fresh cream éclair.. all very naughty but nice and last supper lolol

    Dave…Ohh roast beef and yorkies. did they rise well…. Did you have roast potatoes too… Bet Chloe was on the ball lolol.

    Sym… Yes a big hooray for big knickers lolol .. there is an old saying … ” Little pickers need bigger knickers ” lolol

    I hope everyone is having good day…. ” Sunday is a good day to do nothing an feel good about it ” Xxxx

    Had a lovely evening, not sure that the food was that good, but nice to be all together…Xena had the best time, all her favourite people! Relaxing day today, & then we go to Cromer for a few nights tomorrow, Xena’s going to the dog sitters.
    Hemmy- nice you’ve had a Sunday off, back to it tomorrow.
    Dave- I was hungry like that too, I think carbs make it worse…how many hats have you got for Chloe?!
    Jean- where are you visiting on your cruise? The dress will look great, I’m sure, do you have to dress up for dinner every night, is it a formal cruise?
    Couscous – hope you do as good this week as you did last week, you do well with the exercise too!
    Nana- hope you’ve had a good weekend too…

    Evening All…
    A very cold day today, with fog and damp.
    A lazy day nothing exciting here…

    It’s nice having Sunday dinner it’s not the same making it for yourself… enjoy your beef and puds..

    I have not heard that saying ..lol….they only come out occasionally…I like your no cooking Sunday I would enjoy that.

    Enjoy your trip away .. at least the weather is getting milder…
    We have two black tie nights, the other is summer dresses with a bit of fuss.
    It’s the figure of 8 cruise we did half last year we are doing the other half this year..Tenerife, Madeira, Fuertventura , La Palma and last day back to Tenerife…2 sea days.

    Jean x

    Hemmy I’m a dab hand at Yorkshire pudding always rises very well.HH Chloe as got two winter hats and one summer hat 😀😄. She gets lots of Awwwws in the street😁. Trying to go without bread this week. It’s been hard today but managed it.

    Just ordered a new roof, I’ll never be rich. Hope it all goes well. Got to get the scaffolding done first. Going bowling at 12-30 and it’s 3°C so quite nippy. Day 2 of no bread, it was difficult yesterday especially with all the lovely gravy so I put my plate under the tap quickly so I wasn’t tempted.Might be an omelette for tea tonight. Or a baked potato.

    My doctor told me very simply not to spike my glucose too early in the morning.
    Basically no sugar.

    Have black coffee and water and just hold out! first meal at about 1 or 2 pm.

    Morning All…
    A cold damp day.. the heating didn’t come on last night first time in ages..

    My plumbers been not good news, he couldn’t the tap off to get the part in…. So if I can get a complete fitment which is identical he can grind the tile down and ‘might’ get it in. So that will be about £180 plus his time. My tiled floor isn’t good and the shower drain hole isn’t good either.. it’s 20 years old maybe time for a new bathroom and update. £5000 plus???

    I am fasting today…

    At least a new bathroom is cheaper than a new roof… I really don’t want to pay out….I suppose l have to update or the house gets left behind…

    Have a good time on your break away..

    Jean x

    Went bowling but it was too wet and frosty underground so it was like bowling in the street. Waiting for the scaffolding to go up then the roof too be done. Hope the rain stays away. Still not sure what to have for tea. Ideas on a postcard😁.

    Hi Susan, I hope your Doctor has a lot of experience re Glucose spiking and why.

    Good evening everyone. xxxx

    Funny as a milder day yet it felt colder than in the freezing temps.

    A good walk then started an early spring clean as I never really bothered much after taking all the decorations down .

    A good day getting back on track.. to lose this 4lbs. For breakfast .. I had a slice of toast with a banana on top .. i think its full of potassium … a satsuma and a milky coffee.

    Lunch a toasted cheese and onion sandwich and a few walnuts.

    Just had 2 boiled eggs with 2 Ryvita this evening .

    Not counting calories as i am just working on cutting out rubbish I had got got accustomed to over the Xmas period. See what Friday brings lol.

    H H have a wonderful time on your away days..xx

    Nana Hope all is well with you.

    C C How did your weekend go.

    Sym.. I know what you mean re house expense.. it s a lot when its only one person to make decisions and foot the bill. .. I remember a few years back when some of the dry stone wall out front collapsed e it was a worry getting it sorted .. Good honest tradesmen seem to be thin on the ground these days.

    How is your day going re fasting.

    Dave.. What did you decide for your meal…. I am wondering if it would be a good Idea to-do what my Kristy does and right a list of main meals for the week. It would take the daily hassle out of what to have all the time. Jacket potato always an easy heathy standby.

    Enjoy your evening everyone. “Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward.Xxxx

    Good evening everyone. xxxx

    Funny as a milder day yet it felt colder than in the freezing temps.

    A good walk then started an early spring clean as I never really bothered much after taking all the decorations down .

    A good day getting back on track.. to lose this 4lbs. For breakfast .. I had a slice of toast with a banana on top . It think its think its full of potassium … a satsuma and a milky coffee.

    Lunch a toasted cheese and onion sandwich and a few walnuts.

    Just had 2 boiled eggs with 2 ryvita.

    Not counting calories as i am just working on cutting out rubbish I had got got accustomed to over the Xmas period. See what Friday brings lol.

    H H have a wonderful time on your away days..xx

    Nana Hope all is well with you.

    C C How did your weekend go.

    Sym.. I know what you mean re house expense.. it s a lot when its only one person to make decisions and foot the bill. .. I remember a few years back when some of the dry stone wall out front collapsed e it was a worry getting it sorted .. Good honest tradesmen seem to be thin on the ground these days.

    How is your day going re fasting.

    Dave.. What did you decide for your meal…. I am wondering if it would be a good Idea to-do what my Kristy does and right a list of main meals for the week. It would take the daily hassle out of what to have all the time. Jacket potato always an easy heathy standby.

    Enjoy your evening everyone. “Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward.Xxxx

    I had an omelette so low calories today. Bowling only lasted 30 minutes out was too wet and hard the green. The scaffolding as been put up front and back already, very quick. Hope they do the roof quickly are well. Think I will have egg and bacon tomorrow and a chicken stew Wednesday.Maybe cottage pie Thursday. Will have to think about Friday.

    Evening All…again. Decided that the weekend would not be Fast Days and Boy did I take advantage. Alcohol, including wine on Saturday plus pigging out at supper time. Sunday, alcohol free but had mash and sausage casserole for evening meal. Made me hungry 3 hours later so crisps and chocolate around 10.00pm, very childish. So, today no breakfast or lunch. Gym at 11.00am, 40 mins inclined walk then 20 mins sauna. Lazy afternoon and again at 6.00pm bacon, 2 eggs scrambled and mushrooms. Meant a 20 hrs non eating window. I feel fine, no hunger pains. One anomaly, bathroom scales showed I had put 3lb on over the weekend yet the gym scales, (old fashioned type) showed my weight was static from Friday, strange. Hemmy, I had to smile at the amount of bread you had, I love bread, especially an artisan baked Sourdough. Having read Chris Van Tullekens book, “Ultra Processed People” I was amazed to find that Supermarket bread is classed as UPF and high carb, including whole wheat. Like you I used to eat a few slices a day until my pre T2 . Now its off limits to me and I do miss my bread. Onwards and downwards as the saying goes. Good luck out there.

    Morning All..
    Heating kicked on again overnight I thought it had passed…
    A good fast day so watchful eating till fd Thursday.

    Good the scaffolding is up and the roof on its way. That’s very quick. Organised for the week with your menus.

    I always worry when things go out of my control but will have to go with it and hope for honest people. Your 4 lbs will soon move.

    I know the feeling of starting to eat and then pig out totally. Strange on the scales…

    Jean x

    Couscous you talk about T1 and T2 not got a clue what that is. The only T1 I know is the terminal at the airport. Unless it’s MRI scans.I googled that. Waiting for roofers to start and hopefully the rain will stay away. Up early, too early for my liking but will have to do it until the roof is all done.

    Good morning FB Brit friends.. Xxxx

    It s a milder day with no frost forecast but still very chilly.

    A good day yesterday just stuck with the meals and nothing extra.

    C C .. I think it okay being super strict cutting everything out but then its whether you can keep up that level.. without going silly and undoing the good work.
    I guess its a different matter if there is a health concern though.

    If I tell myself I cant have something I then become obsessed with having it lolol Do you weigh once a week.. Most do.. I weigh everyday lol .. Good luck this week.

    Dave…I know whet you mean re getting that work done.. Hopefully it will go smoothly and all be done and dusted in no time.
    So is it egg and bacon today.? Not sure what to have yet as just had breakfast.. Will do a chart later I think. Do you have breakfast Dave.?

    Sym.. Do you have a local page on the net with local traders. Its lucky here as a local town has a page on Face book there are mainly women on there all recommending different trades they have used to each other. . Its very helpful. I bet the local trades have to be on their toes as the women will soon destroy them by not recommending. lol

    Tomorrows flowers are the seeds of today Xxxx

    Morning everyone, a dull morning here which makes it feel colder than it is. Off for an eye test this morning and then an Aldi shop afterwards on the way back home.
    I was rewarded with my mostly usual loss of half a pound when I stood on the scales Friday.Will weigh myself Thursday this week as we’re going for a two day break to Norwich then.
    Couscous it’s strange how we can have such resolve and then it all goes away, happens to me quite a lot at weekends so you’re not alone. Well done on what you’ve lost so far.
    Dave and Jean expensive times ahead for you both.
    Hemmy sounds like you’re back into no extras.
    Hedgehogs enjoy your time away.
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Afternoon All…
    I felt warm today.. to many layers!

    I have been to a local bathroom shop she was very helpful.. I have her bathroom fitter coming a week today to see what I want and measure up.. (he hopes 🤞🏻 as he’s busy)
    Strange how things change.. she only had two people wanting tiles last year, it’s boards now which click into place and even for the floor.. too many tiles crack on our floors so it’s not recommended. I must say they look good.

    T1 ..T2.. type 1 diabetes and type2 diabetes…
    Looks like I won’t be quick like you., looking at 2 or 3 months…

    Hoping doing it as a package will not be so stressed. I don’t like things out of my control. It stresses me. To be honest trailing around the shops they are all the same.. I hate shopping. See how I go.

    Half a pound girl 😁 it all adds up. Enjoy your trip to Norwich.

    Jean x

    Been raining all day, typical 🤬.Hemmy I normally never have breakfast but with getting up early I had porridge.Starving now so sausage, eggs,bacon and beans😋 for tea. I really miss bread but will keep going🤞.

    Brads27, I like your sense of humour re T1 and T2 /(Diabetes). Since being diagnosed as pre T2 have done lots of research and started to get a headache over whats out there. I have stuck with Michael Moseley and his “Blood Sugar Diet” and while a challenge I am into it. Do you bother with Mushrooms when having your bacon and eggs, they are extremely low in cals and carbs? Last week my Blood Pressure was 144/84. Today 122/79, a good improvement, shows the diet is working.

    Afternoon all!

    Hello to those who know me and those who don’t! 👋

    New Year and new start.

    I did well at the beginning of last year but then lost the motivation to carry on, so got stuck. I did put a bit back on but didn’t go up to my heaviest, which is something.

    I ideally want to lose 12lbs, which I know isn’t a lot, but it’s very hard…lol
    Firstly my aim is to lose 6lbs which will take me back down to my lowest weight last year.
    I’ve reworked out my TDEE (1483) and BMR (1236) and I’m aiming for an average of 1250 a day, with at least 3 days of 800 cals.
    I’m also reducing my eating window and lengthening my fasting time.

    Hope everyone is having a lovely day. Its been mild and sunny down here in North Cornwall today, so nice to see some sunshine 🌞


    Kay, nice you’re back on!
    Nana- well done with your half pound off! We’ll wave at you in Norwich on the way home from Cromer…do you go by train?
    Couscous – so hard not undoing all the good you’ve done in the week when you have a couple of days off! That’s often been my downfall, I’m trying to get better at that…
    Jean- a worry having to decide about the bathroom by yourself, probably easier to buy the whole thing & the shop send their fitter…
    Dave- hope your roof gets done okay! Not a great start to the year….
    Hemmy- sounds like you’re back on track! We always do a meal plan for the week before we go shopping, too easy to either go for something unhealthy or be lazy otherwise!
    The weather has been dry here so far, although not sunny, so nice to be back by the sea … trying to not overeat this holiday, not too many extras! That said we had a Chinese takeaway yesterday so I couldn’t stick to keto, but have done today. Got to have fish & chips when you’re by the sea so we’ll do that tomorrow. Had some nice walks & finally finished a book I’ve had on the go for a while!

    CC I was invited to go on a T2 course think it’s 6 weeks but lost the email. I’m still on A12 month weight loss plan with MoreLife. The only time I have mushrooms is when I’m out for a meal, Not overly keen on them. I was diagnosed with pre T2 so I just lost weight doing the 5-2 and I think I’m clear of it now. Welcome back Kay nice to see you on here again.

    Good evening FB Brit Friends .. Xxxx

    Oh what a lovely day even quite warm in the sunshine over the fields… chilly this evening.

    Kay … Really lovely to come on here and see you back… You will soon get back in the swing. or back in the saddle as they used to say on here. xx

    Nana .. Well done on your loss .. you are so very consistent chipping away at the s pounds. I really think that is the very best way to go. Enjoy your break.

    Dave.. Your dinner sounded tasty bet you enjoyed that after feeling so hungry.

    C C The blood suger diet seems to be a good one for you to follow. .

    H H.. OH nothing like Fish n chips by the sea… . they seem to take on a completely different taste than when at home. Enjoy your stay.

    Sym…Yes best to let the professionals sort the jobs out take the worry from you.
    Its not easy though I know ..

    I enjoyed my dinner. I got 2 Salmon steaks reduced from the local Coop .. so cooked both had one this evening with stir fry veggies and the other tomoz with some salad bits I need to use up.

    Enjoy your evening everyone
    ..Tomorrow is another day .. whether fasting or feasting.Xxxx

    Evening All..
    Eyes aching a bit today so just resting.. no crocheting…

    Lovely to have you back get you back on board. Good luck on your new start.

    Have a great break and forget your eating .. enjoy yourselves…

    Well done on your BP is lower, it will keep you motivated..

    I must start eating the porridge .. it’s good for you..

    A lot warmer here… I feel better that I talked to the lady, just hope the fitter can get up to see me.
    Good picking up a cheap bargain..😁

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone, up early again. When the roof is done I’m going to hibernate for a month to catch up on all the sleep I’m missing. Can’t see the point of getting up early unless going fishing. Not at all helpful for losing weight. It makes it ten times harder. Waiting for the roofers to take the old slates off, it rained most of yesterday so I’m hoping it stays away today. I had about 1300 calories yesterday. Think it’s either cottage pie or chicken stew the next two days. Friday chilli and Saturday beef casserole.Roast chicken Sunday.

    Good afternoon F B Brit friends. Xxxx

    Its a beautiful day here today .. we had a lovely walk.. so very sad though as when I got back I heard from Mary Ann that dear little Wesley her king Charles that has walked with us for many years is going over the Rainbow bridge tomorrow. I feel soo upset he’s a lovely natured boy .. so very sad his time is ready though.. He is just a bit younger than my Pip.

    its taken the sunshine out of the day.
    ..Tomorrow is another day. Xxxx

    Yes always extremely bad news when that happens.Denise says I care more about dogs than humans. Just been out with Chloe, feeling a bit stiff after bowling for two hours. Keeps me going though. Some of the blokes I play in the league are 90 plenty in their 80s.Cottage pie with butter beans for tea. Starving not had anything all day. Really missing the bread but saving lots of calories but not having any.

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