Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Afternoon All..
    A different walk and did some bramble picking on the way..quite a big bag full. I shall give them to Jacqui on Sunday. Walking with Natalie….

    We have a narrow boat cafe, she comes occasionally so I went down for breakfast/ brunch..quite nice sitting on the canal side… she is here three days then comes back at the end of the month.

    I lost 2lbs this week 😊

    Charlie has had another seizure yesterday only a small one.. looks like it’s something we have to live with…I still think it’s to do with his flea tablets it will still be in his body..or maybe not???
    He is fine today.

    A different walk for you near the river.. would Xena be in the mud? Always nice when it’s early…ice cream sounds tasty ..

    You are more stable with your weight than me.. I have done well this week.. I shall try and be mindful again…
    Lots of weeding in the garden always lots to be done.. I don’t like ivy it’s such a pain..

    You seem very in the wars with lots going on.. so sad for poppy at such a young age.. glad your aunt and friend are out of hospital.
    Enjoy your meal..

    Good luck on your bowls today.. it’s very windy here but warm.

    Have a good weekend..

    Jean x

    Got hammered at bowls lost 21-4 but they’re was worst than me. I think we got a record low team score. But they slaughter every team when they play at home. Turned into a nice sunny day, my son’s home to Wolverhampton to watch wrestling, he’s staying over so just Denise and I and Chloe😁.

    Good morning everyone a clamy day today. No sun out but humid. Off to hospital soon to take Denise to see the Doctor about her knee. Got to go miles away to an hospital I’ve never even seen. There are quite a few hospitals in Manchester. I’ve been a good boy so far this week and kept under my allowance for food. Chilli and rice for tea,I won’t have breakfast or dinner,lunch if you prefer.Football today the charity shield.I think United will win easily 😭😭City will probably play their reserves but it dosent count for much.

    Not good news for Denise, she’s got to lose weight before they will consider operating on her knee. Not of a shambles really she only seen a nurse who didn’t weigh her or measure her hight. Told her to come back in 4 months. I can help her with the weight loss so see how it goes.

    Good morning everyone, last day of the Olympics,I like watching the Olympics especially the athletics and cycling.My dad used to take me to watch cycling and they also had athletics on at the same time. The cycling track was outdoors with a cinder track for athletics at the bottom.Chicken for tea tonight I think I’ll do roast potatoes in duck fat 😋😋😋. Will stop doing it soon to help Denise out maybe then have jacket potato.Denise is really down because it’s almost impossible to lose enough weight for her operation and she’s inn a lot of pain and painkillers just don’t work for her.

    Afternoon All…
    A very hot day here, out early walking.. popped to Jacqui’s for lunch and chat.

    I am now fasting into Monday hopefully..

    Sorry to hear Denise has to loose a lot of weight before the op. Hope you can give her some encouragement it is hard when you can’t move about. It’s getting her mind set you can’t do anything without getting focussed …

    Very hot and boy wants to walk….

    Jean x

    I’ll help her, she’s starting tomorrow. She was very good last time she had to lose weight too have her knee done. I think the doctor gave her some tablets to start her off, but don’t know if they still do it now. Better take Chloe out in sure she as a built in clock 😁.

    Good afternoon everyone Xxxx

    Its a hot one today and even hotter tomorrow…Hot for the dogs.

    A lovely walk at 8am just a nice breeze.. I have not been doing much today having a day of rest.

    I am not sure what to eat later ,, maybe jacket potato with cheese and tomatoes.

    Dave.. I bet Denise is fed up .. its hard when you really are forced to diet..You can both do it together though. Do you eat the same things. I would ask about the tablets though as she need s to lose the weight for medical reasons they might help her.

    Sym.. Lovely to have lunch at Jacqui’s ..does she live very far away from you. I hope your fasting goes well..

    Happy Sunday everyone.. Xxxx

    We normally have different food apart from Sunday. She can eat lots of things I can’t bare. She likes salads, and to be honest she dosent eat that much, she dosent like junk food ie burgers. Her salads are extremely colourful,a real work of art. I know when I went to see our GP she referred me to the weight loss program and also said that there is no weight loss pills for at least 12 months.

    Denise is looking at going on holiday in a month tho Benidorm, We’ve never been there before. She said seeing that she won’t get her knee done we may as well go on holiday. I won at bowls today played another good player but just won 21-19.

    Good evening all

    It’s Monday so it’s my usual fasting schedule today nil by mouth except for very low or zero calorie drinks.

    I’m very happy with my new headphones which I did get to use at silly o’clock this morning as I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and remember it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Evening All..
    I have done a 26 hour fast, then very hungry didn’t want to nibble so ate…350 cals.

    A funny day warm but very overcast, humid.

    Just heard Singapour airlines are finishing my flight next year to Texas… it means Heathrow I don’t know if I can do that. It means a train, getting then across London on tube, and carrying my case then hotel over night.

    Charlie is a bit off ish been in his bed all day… he had a do with a dog this morning and fell on his side.. I think he might be sore..more his fault.. they came round the corner and took him by surprise…

    Hope they may give Denise some tablets to kick start her…Benidorm sounds a good idea.. go for it..

    Jacqui lives 35/49 mins away so not too bad, we have had road works on the bridge for 4 years so it slows us down. She is coming here on Thursday.
    I need to cut the grass tomorrow..

    Good the ear phones are working well..

    Keep going faster..

    Jean x

    Evening everyone, what a scorcher of a day its been – we’re sitting outside in the garden at the moment as its cooled down to 27°C.
    Enjoyed a nice weekend and I could see a marked improvement in my friday night friend.
    Jean well done on your fast and hope Charlie picks up.
    Steve well done to you also on your fd.
    Dave a shame about Denise’s operation but a holiday sounds good.
    Hope everyone is keeping alright and enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana xxx
    Nana x

    At the speedway writing this while they have an interval. Were winning by 8 points but don’t think it will be enough to get the bonus point. Denise was on the phone to the doctor asking about some pills to help her, I overheard her while I was in bed She’s not said anything about it so don’t know what was said.Hungry now not had any food today.

    Good morning people,a dullish day here and rain expected this afternoon, it always rains when we go shopping.Chloe met a big dog in the park she’s seen it before so she didn’t try to get away. it’s about the same size as her but very gentle. Going fishing tomorrow waiting for my maggots and worms to be delivered in the post.

    Good morning and what a beautiful day. Xxxx

    Early walk .. then a sit and coffee.. now just going to have a clean upstairs. Kristy here Fri..

    Hopefully we miss the storms .. at the moment nothing on our local BBC weather chart.

    Not sure what to have for meals today… I have lots of veg to use up… Maybe a soup.

    Sym.. How is Charlie today .. its very hot for them ..Pips in and out not settling.. I have put water in a spray bottle and keep spraying him .. Yes the grass is growing very quickly at the moment mines due for a cut Thursday .

    Enjoy your day everyone. You have to let go of the life you have to blossom in a new way. Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    Charlie seems to be back to normal they do worry you.. he goes strange before a seizure but it has passed. He did have a bad somersault do with another dog in the morning maybe he was sore or in shock…

    Cut the grass and I have been shopping… just sat outside in the shade having a cuppa..

    I really don’t know about these long fasts, just the 5.2 works for me….. I lost the 2lb then put it back on over 2 days when eating, this long last fast lost 1 lb..
    Although the not eating is quite easy to do better than I thought.

    Have you asked Denise if doc gave her tablets? Hope they did to help her start.

    Charlie likes it very hot outside, I wish he drank more water…..strange I like soup in hot weather. I have done bacon open so might have a butty tonight.
    Nice to have Kirsty coming up for a few days.

    Good your friend is improving 🤞🏻

    Jean x

    Don’t the shopping, Chloe met a dog that’s her own size, she’s seen it before it made a beeline fire her once it seen her but did stop when it got close to her, she was ok with it. I asked Denise about pills but she didn’t say one way or the other so not pushing it. Going to look now if I can find a nice hotel in Benidorm only everyone seen Benidorm on TV and I dint mean the show.My maggots arrived in the post cost £6 postage 🤪 the maggots are cheaper. Got dinner worms as well from Willy Worms😁. Lots to do if we’re going away in a month.

    This man helped me the most in losing weight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCyECbA3pUw, following his advice I lost the first 5 kilograms very easily, so I hope I will reach my dream weight

    Jean- glad that Charlie is okay today, they are such a worry! Well done with the fasting, the liquid ones do seem to be all that work for me now…
    Dave- poor Denise, I feel for her, not easy dieting when you’re fed up & in pain! Hope you can get a holiday in…
    Hemmy- nice Kristy is coming again!
    Nana- good that your friend is improving. Hugs to you all, you must be missing Poppy 🤗
    Steve- good you’re making use of your headphones! Well done with your fast…
    Just been enjoying the hot weather the last few days, Mum came for a BBQ one night, we’ve been out to the beach & lunch out at a riverside pub…not fasted, we decided to have a nice week before I start back on keto as eating out can be hard for me …there’ll be time for fasting next week!

    Well done HH hope the keto works,I believe it’s very difficult to do.Chloe as gone to bed and left me. I’m going fishing later today but not too early.

    Good evening,a pleasant day’s fishing, caught a few so not a bad day. Had a shower to get rid of the fish slime. Chloe was sniffing it🤪😁. Denise is under 800 again so she’s doing great.I think we might be going to book a holiday tomorrow 🙏🫰.

    Dave- fish slime, lovely 😂 Denise is doing well! Hope you can find somewhere to go on holiday, you might get a bargain…
    I have done keto for quite a while before, it is difficult, but I don’t feel very good when I eat too many carbs so hope I’ll feel better with it…
    Another hot day here, did our shopping, a big pile of ironing I’ve been putting off, & made some cheese bread again we had with salad tonight (while I can still eat it 😂).
    Hope everyone is okay…

    Well got soaked playing bowls, out stopped raining so I took my coat off, you might know it then poured down but I didn’t put it back on.We finally won our game by 2 points.I won 21-17. So 2 wins pity of 2 this week. Chicken breast and a baked potato for tea.

    Well done with the bowls Dave, shame about the shower!
    We had to go into town today, youngest popped in for a haircut this afternoon – his barber is on holiday! First time I’ve done it for a while …making some cakes for him tomorrow, he’s doing another shift with the full time fire crew so it’s to take there. We had a takeaway tonight, I’m not weighing this week!!

    Jean said the same🐔🐔🐔🍗🐣🐤🐥 If you gain you gain, it’s not the end of the world.i can guarantee I’ll put lots off weight on on holiday.

    Good morning everyone dull here but dry. Bowls again today not many weeks left off the season. All being well will book a holiday today. No idea what to have for tea tonight. What you all up to.

    Holiday booked so better get insurance and car park booked. Looking forward to it. It’s been a lovely warm sunny day today, I played terrible at bowls but won. The team won by 6 points and we play them again on Tuesday in the cup and the have to give us 2 points start.

    Evening everyone, a quick check in. I managed to lose a pound this week despite having a Chinese takeaway last Friday and a lunch out on Wednesday with my OH, sister and brother in law to celebrate my late mums birthday at her favourite place to go which was a local garden centre, however, I was so full that I didn’t eat anything else that day.
    Dave a nice holiday to look forward.
    Hemmy hope you’re enjoying time with your daughter.
    Just back from visiting my friend who had the stroke and she’s incredible you wouldn’t know that anything had happened to her.
    A very nice chicken tikka biryani this evening only going to eat half of it. A nice couple of glasses of white wine also.
    Hope everyone else is keeping alright.
    Have a good weekend everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Well done Mary, that’s great 👍
    Dave- glad you have a holiday to look forward to…
    Hope everyone else is okay…
    Had a busy day- made brookies for son after I walked Xena, my sister came round for a coffee, saw mum for the afternoon, made fishcakes for our dinner, dropped the cakes off to son, cooked our dinner!
    Tomorrow we’re going out in the evening with eldest & his gf, youngest was hoping to come but has been asked to do a shift with the full time fire crew, he doesn’t want to turn that down!
    Have a good weekend everyone 🥰

    Carpark booked, insurance paid for and got some Euro’s which I’ll pick up on Monday.Thunderbirds after go😁. Chilli for tea tonight. Denise is doing very well on her diet she should lose this week, she gets weighed on Monday.

    Evening All..

    Charlie off colour again but he did eat his first meal at about 4pm.. seems to have been asleep all day.. he managed his two walks. A gurgling belly and bum!

    A long quiet day although I have started a new book.
    I felt quite chilly.. jeans back on!

    Lovely to have your holiday booked something look forward too… I shall be going to Texas in 3 weeks so getting my packing head on.

    You always sound so busy.. lovely to have the family around and all the baking done for your son.

    Glad your friend is doing well. Nice to have lunch out and think about your mum.

    Hemmy .
    Hope you are having a nice time with Kirsty..

    Jean x

    Evening All..
    A couple of walks but a very lazy day… just reading..very quiet…

    I will be fasting tomorrow ..

    Hope everyone having a good weekend.

    Jean x

    Jean- poor Charlie, they do give us some worries, hope he’s ok now, sounds like it’s been a long weekend for you 🤗
    Dave- good you’re all booked & organised for your holiday! Hope Denise is pleased with how much she’s lost this week, sounds like she’s done well!
    Hemmy- hope you & Kristy have had a good weekend…
    Nana & Steve- hope your weekend has been good too…
    We had a lovely evening out with son & gf, all felt quite grown up & made me feel really old! I had a lovely paneer butter masala but some of the others’ food was only mediocre! They were looking after gf’s family’s dog Pixie, she’s blind & nervous of new people, I took lots of treats so she did keep coming to me! Had a late walk with Xena & we met lots of different dogs, Xena was really good with them all. Just a lazy day after that. A FD for me tomorrow & then starting keto.

    Good luck with the Keto, don’t think I could do it myself.I think Denise as gone to get weighed so will see how she’s done soon. I’ll get weighed on Wednesday. The only trouble with holiday is I gain a stone every time I go, but can’t be dieting on holiday.Bowling Mon,Tue, Thursday and Friday this week. I found a great app for airport it tells you everything but it cost£30+ per year so forget that I only go once this year.

    Denise lost 5.5lbs so a great start.

    Good afternoon F B Brits. Hope you are all well.

    It was a lovely weekend with Kristy .. always sad to see her go.

    Weighed this morning and I had put on 2 lbs.. I definitely eat more with company . A lovely Sunday lunch out yesterday ..so it s back to normal eating today.

    Tomorrow its my monthly Garden Centre lunch with my friend Christine… always enjoyable

    I have just mowed so now going back out to trim the edges.. The garden definitely keeps me on my toes. lol

    Its a M & S lasagne for dinner .. enjoy the rest of the day everyone.. Xxxx

    Dave- Denise has done really well! Busy week for you with the bowling…
    Hemmy- must be hard when Kristy goes, good you were busy with the garden today & enjoy your lunch tomorrow…
    Hope everyone else is okay 🥰
    Went for an early walk with my friend & her dog, weather has been lovely. Got some jobs done & saw mum- she’s still finding lots to clear out so came home with 2 cool bags & a mini BBQ 😂
    Have managed a liquid FD today, carbs dead on 20g, they need to be that or under every day to get in to ketosis, it was the protein shake which bumped it up today.

    Evening All..
    I have had a good fast day kept busy…
    A good long country park walk with Oreo and Natalie, loads of blackberries still about.
    Did a bit of shopping and bought lots of chocolate to take to Texas.
    Xmas chocolates are already for sale for Xmas ☹️ in Tesco.
    Charlie had his yearly bath, very mucky looking. He wasn’t impressed although he went loony in the garden later…

    Charlie is back to normal possibly eating stuff he shouldn’t, he found stuff today again!! Pate and he shouldn’t eat that ( liver)🤞🏻he’s ok.
    Well done on the liquid fast..hope getting back into Keto is not too bad.

    Well done on Denise trying hard to stick to plan, brilliant to have lost the 5 1/2 lbs. 👏👏

    Lovely to have some company a few days off doesn’t matter. Time is precious with Kirsty . Weight will soon be off. Enjoy your garden centre lunch.
    I am seeing Jacqui tomorrow she has two weeks more off school.

    Jean x

    Good morning, it’s easy to early for me to be up. But we have a cup game of bowls and it’s near the airport which is about 11 miles away. Starts at 10-30 am🤯🤪. So Chloe will get an early walk today. I’ll be back as Arnie used to say.

    And here I am, I won at bowls but the team lost by just a few points. Only 2 games left on a Monday bowling.Unless we progress in the cup. On Friday two teams I play for play each other.So I get called Judas by one of them😁😁.

    Evening All..
    A lovely day but very windy.
    I have been to Jacqui’s for lunch had a lovely chatty day always nice to have her to myself.
    Only another week and she will be back at school.

    Well done on your part of winning.. season soon seems to be over…

    Jean x

    Was just about to post last night but got called round to our neighbour, she’d had another fall but luckily okay this time … Did fine with keto yesterday, had a HomeStart meeting with loads of yummy cookies on offer, I resisted 😇 Neck is playing up again so not much else done, cleaning is not going to help it!
    Dave- well done with the bowling, how do you chose which team to play for? Or could you play for both matches with different people?!
    Jean- nice to see Jacqui, I expect the holidays have gone quickly for her?!
    Hemmy- hope you had a nice lunch out…
    Hope everyone else is doing okay 🥰

    Good morning everyone in our little corner. Xxxx

    Its a beautiful morning and at 20 deg forecast today a lovely working in the garden and walking our fur babies weather.

    It was a lovely lunch yesterday at the Garden Centre in Buckingham with Chris. Good reasonably priced daily specials and always a lovely busy buzz.. I just love that place. Red onion and cheese quiche for us with a big fresh salad.

    Feeling tired today as been in company chatting since last Friday lolol .. Looking forward to a day on my own in the garden. Lots to do

    Sym Yes lovely to have the girls to your self .. I am always pleased that Kristy mostly comes alone it s more relaxing. I find and Phil does jobs for his Dad.

    Dave.. Well done with the bowls .. you do keep yourself busy.

    H H .. Do you feel its easier for you on Keto .. Its hard when faced with lots of treats at meetings well done you for resisting.

    Steve.. and Nana how are things with you

    Not sure on food today just had some toast and a banana for breakfast and feeling full lol I should make a soup really with lots of veg bits that are hanging around.

    Have a good day everyone … Beauty is in the simple things of life Xxxx

    Good morning everyone,I just got of the scales and have lost 4lbs so doing well. It will all go back on when I go to Spain. But who cares I’ll just lose it again. HH I play for the 2 teams in different leagues Mondays Debdale and Fridays High Bank.Thursdays North Reddish 🤪😁.I think it helps with Denise losing weight, stopped me from eating as much.

    Evening All..
    A good walk with the boys at the Country Park.
    A very productive day house clean up, weighed and sorted Charlie’s holiday food out, a few more clothes ready for packing on the bed…all a bit ??? at the moment.

    Lucky for your neighbour… It has passed quick Jacqui’s holiday, she was a week late on her holiday so she just had three weeks to the start of school when back. She has been on her computer a lot.
    Hope your neck soon improves.

    Dave ..
    Well done on 4 lbs off you can move it when you want too.. what date do you go on your hols?

    Lovely you got in your garden and a nice lunch out with Chris. I have another bush to cut back, my other one was successful.

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone. xxxx

    Its a cooler day today. The sun is trying to come through it looks like we have so far missed the storms that were forecast.

    Still feeling tired after busy social days ..I am as Andrew used to say ” losing myself in the garden” lol Yesterday I edged one side of a long path to the cottage so will finish the other side today.

    Dave .. very well done on your brilliant 4lbs loss.. .. yes you have to enjoy a holiday with no eating and drinking restrictions. You know how to get any surplus gain off.

    H H .. So glad your neighbour was okay .. How is Keto going..

    Sym Its keeping you busy getting ready for your trip.. packing for you and sorting things for Charlie.
    How long are you going for .

    I hope everyone else is well. xx

    I have my last M&S Italian meal today .. I think it was £9 for 3 I always add some veg. They are tasty and easy when you dont feel like cooking everyday.

    The key is to keep company with people who uplift you, Xxxx

    Morning All…
    The riverbank grass has been cut so looking a lot better.. strimming needs to be done.. so we walked our old route..

    Going to see Chris in half a hour.. I am not looking forward to it you never know what to expect..

    I am away about 16 days with the time zones.. I always look forward to going but I miss my boy. I have my daughter and grand children to consider. I won’t be around a lot longer so need to go while I can, then they can remember me. I go on the 11th Sept.
    It’s nice you have your garden it’s a good hobby to have. Long days on your own you have to keep busy.
    Cancer charity cake and coffee morning at our village hall tomorrow so I am going there for a couple of hours.

    Jean x

    We go the same day Jean , where are you flying from? Might see you😁. Just been out for a wet walk with Chloe, think I’ll get wet bowling this afternoon. Got to make an appointment at the dentist but might leave it until I return from holiday. I’m ok with Chloe, she dosent have to go in kennels, my son looks after her at home. Feeling a little peckish now but will wait until around 5pm. Are the cows still out Jean?

    Man terminal 2 ..10.40 in the morning…
    Shall you be about?

    Cows will be out till just before bonfire night.. they have them in then.

    Charlie is going to the house sitter this time, she stops doing it at Xmas.. then kennels…


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