Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening!
    Yes, shame about the football… youngest son got Spain in their work sweepstake so he won £100, a consolation!
    Lovely morning here, got hot walking Xena, then took mum out, not a FD as we stopped at the cafe for almond croissants 😋 Had planned to do gardening this afternoon but the weather changed & back to rain! Courgettes from the garden tonight with sage butter & walnuts. FD tomorrow, hopefully!

    Morning All..
    Very light rain here.. wondering to walk in shorts too warm for over trousers.

    My painter came back yesterday and finished the job.. a few things were missed. He had still missed a small bit but I shall do that myself.

    A good fd yesterday finished about 500 cals.

    The ninja is a bit tricky to clean, I do the filter after each time. Hope steak turned out well..

    I love a good almond croissant, nice to get mum out to join you. Lucky on your son winning £100 a nice bonus.

    Jean x

    Morning All..
    Very light rain here.. wondering to walk in shorts too warm for over trousers.

    My painter came back yesterday and finished the job.. a few things were missed. He had still missed a small bit but I shall do that myself.

    A good fd yesterday finished about 500 cals.

    The ninja is a bit tricky to clean, I do the filter after each time. Hope steak turned out well..


    Good morning Friends. Xxxx

    Its a dark day here and weather warnings out.. so Garden Centre lunch changed to tomorrow.

    A good day yesterday ..so hopefully the same today.. Just having light meals 3 times a day cutting out all sweet things just having fruit.

    I have not weighed since last week so will step on the scales in the morning.lol

    I do feel tired though Sugar and rubbish really takes its toll. Legs aching in this very damp weather too. I may up the Yeast Vite for a few days .

    H H .. Your son did well winning the £100

    Sym.. I bet you are pleased the painting is finished..lovely to get jobs done.

    Enjoy your day everyone.. hopefully not too wet for walking

    Remember, you’ve got this! 😊..Xxxx

    Weather here is a bit of drizzle but heavy rain was forecast.. they never seem to get it right..

    Good idea to change your plans.. to be safe.

    I am trying to be good just a few biscuits to eat and then I won’t buy any more, a small chocolate bar eaten too.. too tempting.

    I have to go through to Skipton BS not sure what to do on my new account, I thought I had done well, it’s attaching it to Santander I can’t see how to do it..

    Have a good day

    Good morning everyone just been round the park with Chloe, she likes the park. The sun is trying to come out and it’s quite warm. Going to Sainsbury’s at 12 our shopping day so it will rain later, it always does when we go shopping. No football for a week or two, nice to have a break but the pre season as started already.Its Amazon prime day today and tomorrow.Anyone buying anything?

    Good afternoon all

    It’s a cloudy wet day here and probably going to stay that way throughout Tuesday.

    Well I got on the scales earlier and it was about as exciting as a John Major press conference, I have put a pound on this week so the message is kids do not have a mini splurge two days before weighing in.


    Step away from the chocolate bars and biscuits just say NO its not worth it just think about all your friends lol.

    I see Gareth Southgate’s stepped down as England manager so will now wait to see who the next one will be.

    Hope it’s someone who likes to attack.Sick of defensive football. Watching the Lionesses at the moment much better than the men, they actually go forward.Struggling at the moment, not got on the scales but maybe for a good reason.

    Evening everyone, a mixed bag of weather here in the fens today rain and showers.
    Enjoyed a nice weekend after our two days away in Norwich and was careful with my eating and drinking, so fingers crossed 🤞 for Friday morning weigh in.
    Am pleased to be able to visit my friend who had a stroke tomorrow afternoon at Addenbrookes hospital, sadly she’s expected to be in hospital for up to another six weeks.
    Dave won’t be buying anything in the Amazon sale.
    Typhoo love the John Major comment.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Dave- try & keep strong, you’d done so well! Have watched some of the lionesses too…have you found anything to buy on Amazon? Tried to persuade hubby to get a George Foreman electric outdoor grill but he wasn’t keen!
    Jean- good the painters came back! I think maybe some building societies won’t take money online from a bank, we can’t transfer from TSB to Nationwide?
    Hemmy- hope the weather is better for your trip out tomorrow…
    Nana- hope the visit goes well with your friend tomorrow, such a long time she’s been in & still a way to go…is her speech affected? That would be so hard 😢
    Steve- you make me laugh- how did John Major ever get to be PM?! & have a fling with Edwina 😂
    Have done another liquid FD today, it was hard going as I’ve not had tea or coffee, sore stomach & I think that makes it worse. We took the boys prom suits into town, there’s been an appeal for outfits for kids in care, so a good cause. Did our shopping, & weeded the drive, got bitten by loads of ants! Not had too much rain today, lots was forecasted … Supposed to be getting hot later in the week!

    Evening …

    All biscuits and chocolate are now finished… as long as I don’t open any more..
    I really must get it under control.. I will think of you if I falter….

    BS should be sorted now…I can transfer both ways…
    Weather looks good for a few days…nice the prom things are passed on…

    Glad you enjoyed your few days away..

    Charlie loves the park..

    Night all

    Good morning everyone a bright sunny day. I’m not playing bowls on Wednesday now will have a rest. My knees are getting worse and my hip is hurting now as well. Think I need putting down. But will keep going. Got to get on the scales and not looking forward to it.

    Got weighed and I’m exactly 19 stone so a small loss, happy with that.

    Afternoon all

    Like many of us I do find it much easier on a fast day if there’s no chocolate, biscuits or sweets around to tempt me or the day after when we can eat normally.

    When the movie The Grey Man was released I thought great a biographical film on John Major but fortunately it wasn’t anything to do with him.


    A small loss is still a loss and a positive result I’m hoping for something similar the next time I weigh myself.

    I’m hoping to be in the 18 stone division next time🥊🥊🥊

    Good morning Friends.. Xxxx

    What a beautiful day again not a cloud in sight.. We must get over the fields earlier today its going to be a hot one.

    Got on the scales this morning and i have lost 2 lbs of the 4 I had put on.. Its incredible really but that 4 extra lbs had slowed me down I Felt sluggish.

    Dave.. well done on your loss.. you will soon be down to your next goal mark.

    Steve .. Like you I am better not having any sweet stuff around..

    H H I hope you are feeling better re your stomach that is an awful feeling seems to affect the whole body

    Sym.. Sweet stuff seems to be like a drug once started you cant stop. I can have loads of stuff here and not bother but once started on cant stop.

    Nana how are things with you.

    Enjoy this lovely day after all the rain.. Be nice to yourself, you deserve it xxxx

    Good morning everyone not a bad day here. I’ll be alright when I get all my Samsung stuff, I’ll have data coming out of my ears, now virgin have told me I’ll be updating to the 360 box which is supposed to be their best one and it won’t cost me any more. Denise is not happy though because she will lose all her soaps she’s recorded on the old box. Loads of Emmerdale and Corrie, fortunately I can get the ones I like on catch-up elsewhere 😁😁. Waiting for the new remote control to come through the letter box.

    Lol Dave.. you love your new gadgets as I like to cling on to my old tried and tested stuff like grim death lolol. I always imagine new stuff with either be to complicated or wont work lol.

    I love technology. It was roasting at bowls, glad to get off the green. Only 3 cups of tea so far today.

    Afternoon everyone, a very warm afternoon here. A lovely visit with Auntie earlier she really is an amazing 91 year old.
    Have been very good with my eating this week so fingers crossed for a loss tomorrow morning on the scales.
    A lovely visit yesterday afternoon with my friend who had the stroke, we were allowed to take her in a wheelchair to what is called the concourse at Addenbrookes hospital and had almost an hour with her enjoying a coffee. Luckily her speech and memory were unaffected by the stroke and she’s able to use her right arm and hand with hardly any difficulty, she just needs to get her right leg stronger. Drs have said they’re looking to let her have home visits next week.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.

    Afternoon All..
    A very hot day, a bit too hot dare I say.
    I got the grass cut and bed changed and washed.

    I have struggled today fasting I am finding it hard at the moment. I have finished about 500 but a hard slog.

    Well done on the 2lbs off, I am really struggling..
    Lovely walking this morning a lovely breeze and warm.

    You are a tech geek…Denise won’t be happy loosing her programmes..

    Hoping your friend soon gets better, hard going with stroke.

    I am not looking forward to weighing tomorrow..

    Jean x

    Jean I kept telling her to watch them before I knew what was happening, she had over 100 Emmerdales to watch and 40 corrie.i keep up to date but she watches lose women and this morning instead of watching her soaps.

    Afternoon All
    A lovely park walk at 7.30am very nice temperature.

    Lazy day for me.. I have done a bit of shopping..

    I have stayed the same.. I can’t move it…

    Dave ..
    she deserves to loose them…you have to keep on top of them…
    Enjoy bowling today.. you will need water with you…

    Afternoon everyone, a very hot 30°C here so just staying indoors.
    Lost a pound this week which was pleasing.
    Indian takeaway planned for this evening and my turn to drive.
    Enjoy your weekend everyone and I’ll be back on Monday.
    Nana xxx

    Good afternoon dear friends on this very hot one .. Xxxx

    A lovely early morning walk then came back by 11am and decided to get the lawns done

    Well sods law .. two neighbours came along one after the other and chatted..so the sun was full on by the time I had finished.. lol so that’s me now for the day. will go out sit and read at 4pm..

    Nana .. well done with your lb loss… do you have much to go to goal now.

    Sym… I have realised that wine triggers me to eat rubbish or more volume of food. I drank a lot while football was on…. put myself on holiday. I could see then what I had always suspected .. the wine is my eating trigger. I drink it and then want sweet rubbish . For some people its if they are sad.. or happy ..
    I reckon everyone’s got an overeating trigger .. its just finding it. Wines out for me again now for a while .

    Dave ..enjoy your bowls .. hope you win.

    H H and Steve good luck if you are weighing today

    Enjoy this beautiful day everyone.. ..Remember Your worth is never up for debate. You are more than enough. Xxxx

    Good afternoon I lost, I did win yesterday though.It was absolutely roasting on the green so was glad to come off. Can have a rest until Monday now. Waiting for the Samsung stuff to get delivered.I got the virgin stuff and it says on the box all the recordings will disappear after 5 days.

    Afternoon All..
    This stupid boy of mine has been in the sun most of the day.. I managed a hour in the shade, too hot for me..
    Just walked him under the trees I was going to leave it till later but I thought get it over with, he’s been outside all day…
    So very hot…

    A bit of shopping and that’s it just been reading..

    Enjoy your takeaway and well done on the pound off..

    I agree if I have wine then I think nuts and crisps!!
    Just water today and a few cuppas.

    Hope all the gadgets have arrived…

    Going to see Jacqui tomorrow for lunch..
    Schools out for her!

    Jean x

    All arrived and are being charged now. Chloe as got a wet towel and she likes it keeping her cool. The cricket is slow going. Having baked potatoes and chicken breast for tea. Looking forward to it. I think I’m sharing the chicken with Chloe🤪.

    Nana- well done losing your pound…great that your friend is doing well & Auntie too, enjoy your takeaway tonight!
    Hemmy- well done with your 2lbs off, you had had a long spell without wine before hadn’t you? Nice to have a holiday week though…
    Dave- well done with your loss too, hopefully 18 something next week 🤞 Enjoy all your gadgets & hope Denise doesn’t murder you…
    Jean- funny Charlie laying in the sun! Have a nice time with Jacqui tomorrow, does she break up today? Has Phil gone back to work, or is he not well enough?
    Steve- hope you’re okay…
    Yesterday didn’t fast as I had a friend coming & always make brownies for us & for her to take home…had a lovely catch up, & then a phone call with another friend who’s moved away. Fasted today instead, been busy painting the shed- I’ve always hated the brown he did it with so we got a much nicer green. Hopefully I won’t be sun burnt! Had my haircut as well. Been 30° here today, ridiculous weather, either cold & wet or scorching! Xena’s not happy as she’s been made to wait for her walk, plus I have a nice new doormat & she wants it for her bed, she’s been told off for guarding it!
    Have a good weekend everyone, I’m helping with a HomeStart stall at a fete tomorrow, should be hot again…

    All gadgets charged,I will look at them later. Still very warm here fan as been on all day. Chloe dosent know what to do. Must be awful for dogs thankfully she only as short hair not like Heidi. And we bought her a cool mat but she won’t lie in it🤪.

    Morning All..
    Looks nice but cloudy.. up shortly to walk.
    Going to Jacqui’s later.

    School is out for Jacqui, she had an awful day yesterday… a class went for their final swim lessons, 3 girls ( 8 years old) pushed a fully clothed teacher in the pool, she had to organise them dressing , getting back on the bus and back to school. 2 parents were horrified and the other parent blaming everyone else. Apparently they were discussing it at lunch time and was pulled up about it… but still did it!
    Philip is back to normal now.
    What a busy day for you painting and in this heat.. I have bought iron railings paint but just thinking about it.
    A lovely catch up with your tiny friend.

    All your tech charged up and ready to go.

    Jean x

    Afternoon all

    It’s looking quite nice outside but there is also some cloud around so who knows what the weather is going to do.

    Been looking online for a new tv as mine has a few spots on the screen and probably on its way out so that will be as technical I will get this summer.

    If you’re having some good weather wherever you are enjoy it and have a great weekend.

    You should have got one on Amazon prime day. Just trying new phone out, all seems ok.Much cooler today but nice.

    Hi F B Brits .. I hope you are having a good day. Xxxx

    Its been overcast here for most of the day so far. Just come back from doing a big shop at Banbury Tesco .

    This evening I am having.. A big smoked haddock fish cake ..with a bit of mashed potato and peas.. I cant remember when I last did mash..lots of butter.

    I got lots of fruit..no sweets choc or biscuits and cake. No wine .. cider instead as low in calories.

    Enjoy your day everyone. Do more things that make your heart smile Xxxx

    Does cider not make you eat rubbish like the wine does😁

    Do not go near the scrumpy Jack if you value your taste buds.

    Evening All…
    A lovely visit to daughter.. we are going to a shopping outlet tomorrow for a look around and lunch, Jacqui and Philp, his mum and friend and me.
    A change…

    Very hot again here but cloudy a bit of a breeze now really nice.

    Jean x

    Evening All…
    A lovely visit to daughter.. we are going to a shopping outlet tomorrow for a look around and lunch, Jacqui and Philp, his mum and friend and me.
    A change…

    Very hot again here but cloudy a bit of a breeze now really nice.

    Jean x

    Dave … Lolol No Tesco Comptons 2 litre bottles of Cider at only £2 a bottle is 4% Alco is not like a bottle of 11% wine lol.. No cravings at all while drinking it…Cider is very low on Calories 100 cals per half a pint.

    Morning All…
    A beautiful day here at the shopping outlet waiting for Jacqui an Co…

    Charlie has a tummy upset so hope he’s ok… he’s had no breakfast…

    Cider sounds good I shall be investigating it..

    Jean x

    Steve I have bad memories of scrumpy jack.I have started drinking cider when on holiday. The Strawberry and lime cider is my favourite. It’s a dull day today, the sun keeps trying to come out. We go for our mini break this week so I could well be testing the cider out if they sell it.

    Dave- I hope it’s nice for your break & the speedway doesn’t get cancelled, do you think you’ll get into the 18 stone before you go?
    Steve- hope you find a good deal with your new TV… Used to drink snakebite as a teenager, I have the alcohol free cider now but not actually anything like cider 😂
    Hemmy- enjoy your bottle, good if it doesn’t set cravings off…hope your fish cakes was good, smoked salmon ones for us tonight, home made too. And thanks, my tummy is better, I think maybe the ibuprofen set it off again ..
    Jean- have a nice day out & don’t spend too much 😂
    Nana- hope you’ve had a good weekend, any more BBQs?
    It was baking yesterday for the fete, but we were under cover so not too bad. Unfortunately next to a cake stall, bought some very nice cookies! Popped to a friend’s to drop off her birthday present, then saw mum in the afternoon, I keep suggesting we go out but she wants to stay in & play a game- she is out quite a bit with friends in the week but only to clubs in the village, I hate staying in when the weather’s nice, we can do that all winter! A lazy day today, Church & a bit of reading. Had a bit of rain but it dried up quickly…
    Enjoy your evening everyone!

    HH I’m hoping to be in the 18 stone mark🤞. Denise as just made me strawberries and ice cream so that won’t help. Will be careful what I have Monday and Tuesday.

    HH I’m hoping to be in the 18 stone mark🤞. Denise as just made me strawberries and ice cream so that won’t help. Will be careful what I have Monday and Tuesday.

    Good morning FB Brits.. .. It s a grey start here but dry and warm.

    A good weekend and back on track with eating and drinking. Sugar cravings gone..
    Feeling tired though..

    Sym.. did you buy anything at the shopping outlet.

    H H .. Yes fish cakes were nice but I bet your homemade ones were better lol.

    Dave.. Good luck this week getting down to the next level.

    Enjoy your day everyone…..” Close the old book and start a new one.” Xxxx

    Good afternoon all

    It’s another overcast day here but hopefully we won’t be getting too much rain.

    It’s Monday again so another fast day they are getting easier with each week that passes though I would never say going without food for 36 hours is easy.

    Legend says that scrumpy Jack isn’t for mere mortals and can only be drank in pints by someone native to the west country.

    I’m hoping to have lost at least a pound on my weigh in tomorrow and anything above that would be a very welcome bonus.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and we can all look forward to eating our first meal tomorrow.

    Afternoon All..
    A fast day here and I have a grumbling tummy..
    Dull weather but still in shorts.

    You are always busy cooking for people hope the fete did well.. our village festival this year is cancelled it’s a shame.

    Good luck on the weigh in hope the stone marker moves…

    We had a good cafe lunch. I bought a long dress bright pink and white half price £44 to £22, a small silver bag which my phone just fits in to take out with my summer dresses.. £30 down to £11.. so a couple of bargains. Feeling hungry today an egg and bacon dinner tonight.

    Hope you have some weight loss tomorrow.. I really would like a pound off this week…

    Jean x

    Think I’ll have the same jean I like egg and bacon.I lost at bowls 21-20. We played the top team in the league and beat them on their own green, first one that they have Speedway tonight against Oxford, are you cheering for them hammy😁.

    Evening everyone, been a lovely day today as my three great grandsons came to visit us and I took them to the recreation ground for a while, boy they’ve got a lot of energy.
    My curry friday night was excellent, and still no alcohol since we came back from Norwich.
    Have enjoyed a BBQ Saturday and Sunday as the weather was so nice.
    Off to St Ives tomorrow for lunch just the two of us to celebrate the anniversary of our first date 59 years ago.
    Jean some good bargains .
    🤞 for your weigh in tomorrow Steve.
    Hedgehog you’re always so active.
    Hemmy glad you had a nice weekend and the sugar cravings are gone enabling you to get back on track.
    Enjoy the speedway Dave.
    Nana xxx

    Nana- congratulations on your anniversary, have a lovely day 💕
    Steve- good luck for tomorrow 🤞
    Jean- sounds like you got some great bargains! Well done with your FD!
    Dave- good result with the bowls & hopefully another with speedway!
    Hemmy- well done conquering the sugar cravings!
    Met son today for breakfast, had lovely cinnamon toast, blueberries & yoghurt. He’s job hunting, no fire service vacancies still, helped him do a covering letter, unusual to have to do one these days! Boring cleaning & ironing done, & made a courgette & lemon drizzle cake as lots of courgettes…it was very nice, took some to mum & to a neighbour. Not sure if it’ll be a FD tomorrow either, if the weather is nice we might go out!

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