Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening!
    Liquid FD here as well, Steve you do well with just a water fast- I couldn’t do that! Hope yours goes okay Dave & you’re not tempted at speedway!
    Mary- hope your friend’s stroke is not too bad & she gets the help she needs…
    Jean- have a lovely day with Katie!
    Hemmy- hope your car gets through it’s MOT okay…
    Rang a new HomeStart family today- she hadn’t got on well with her last volunteer so I was a bit nervous, but I think it went okay…saw my friend with her girls who have autism, she was in a better place than when I saw her a few weeks ago, so that’s good.
    Dropped washing off with son on my way home, picked up a big pile from him to do! Friend gave me a book about gut health, has some interesting recipes, not sure why I was looking at them on a FD!
    Going out to the coast tomorrow as the weather should be good, might be lunch out…šŸ¦

    I was ok at speedway,but I could smell the food all nightšŸ˜±.Done 34 hours fasting so far will keep going until I crumble.It helped yesterday because I was bowling in the afternoon then out at speedway in the evening.The speedway was on telly so I didn’t get home until 10pm, always later when on TV. Will take Denise to Spanish lessons and Chloe around the park.

    Good morning

    I cheated and extended my fast to 41 hours I’m not doing any kind of exercise on my non food days at least until I get used to them again.

    I have jumped on the scales luckily I didn’t break them and have managed to lose 2lbs this week which is more than I thought but I did have a few good walks last week.

    Good luck to all those fasting today.

    Good afternoon F B Brits and what a beautiful one it is too. Xxxx

    Early out across the fields at 7am.. .. back by 8.30 as the village garage guy was picking the car up at 9am for MOT. My old Kia 4×4 does me and Pip well its 16 yrs old. So fingers crossed. lol. I have had hardly any problems with it since new. I really don’t fancy an electric car at all.

    Just had a late lunch of Ryvita cheese and spring onions. .. My favourite Eggs a few homemade chips and beans this evening…

    Going to mow the lawns later when cooler .. Kristy here Thursday till Sunday .

    Sym.. Hope you are having a lovely time with your family.

    H H .. I hope you are enjoying being at the coast ..

    Good luck all fasting today..

    Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you. Xxxx

    Coming up to 39 hours fasting.Feeling peckish now.Think I’ll have egg and bacon for tea, plus beans and black pudding.

    Hi all!
    Well done Steve losing 2lbs šŸ‘, & with the extended fast, Dave as well. I managed to keep mine going for 42hrs, had an ice cream at the beach!
    We had bacon & egg tonight as well, my friend I saw yesterday gave me eggs from her hen (it’s called Barry, she thought it was a he, her cockerel was supposed to be a girl so is called Matilda!)
    Hope your car passed it’s MOT Hemmy…
    Enjoy your time with Katie, Jean…
    Taking Xena out in a bit, it was far too hot for her earlier.

    Eggstrodinary,I enjoyed my tea. Still 400 under my allowance so will see what I weigh tomorrow. Jean enjoy your self, lose weight next week.

    I always like a good fry up though I haven’t had one for a while with a nice runny fried egg on fried bread and beans I might have to rustle something up in the coming days.

    Dave is going to the eggstreme with his puns it’s not something I would eggspect from you and the yolk is on definitely on you.

    I shell be taking notes from now on and the punishment will be very hard boiled. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚

    Steve don’t get in a scramble like the England teamšŸ„ššŸ„ššŸ„š

    Dave it’s fine I won’t poach any of your jokes.

    Steve a word in your shell like, I managed to lose 4lbs when I got weighed at MoreLife. So very happy with that think the 41 hour fast helped. I’m going to try time restricted eating this week. Going to try and do 20-4. Of I can manage it I hope to lose a pound or two.

    I’ve lost a stone and a half since I started going to MoreLife. In 11 weeks. So pretty good going if I say so myself. It’s my last weekly session next Wednesday then it changes to once a month.

    Eggsellent puns, I think you’ve definitely eggsxhausted them, I can’t think of any more to white…šŸ˜‚
    Really well done Dave, you’ve lost so much with doing the More life šŸ‘
    Steve- enjoy your fry up if you have one, haven’t had fried bread for years! Not sure it’s quite the same if it’s not fried in bacon fat though!
    Hemmy & Jean, hope you both enjoy your time with your girls, have you got everything shipshape Hemmy?
    Nana- how’s your friend doing? So hard when you were & close & saw lots of each other šŸ¤— Has it been too hot to go for a ride on Geraldine?
    Busy day here- was up late (for me!), a very warm walk with Xena in the forest, then did our shopping. Resisted trying the new MacDonalds which opened next to our Tesco last week šŸ˜‡ Washed all my net curtains (only on 3 windows) & cleaned the windows, ironed the curtains & back up- far too hot really to do all that but it’s been too rainy up until now to get the washing dry! Been a low day today, we had a sandwich & salad for dinner, nice & easy, I did make raspberry ripple ice cream though, for another time when the boys come…. FD tomorrow.

    Evening All..
    Just a quickie..
    We have had a night away in Bridlington the weather superb, lots of walking and a lovely timeā€¦
    Very busy coming and going, she goes back to her sisters on Friday night, a couple of nights then back to me for one. Train on Monday to Heathrow.
    We have had a lovely time but very busy..
    Sorry I canā€™t catch up with everything ..
    Hope everyone is fine.
    Jean x

    How are the cows doing in this heat Jean? Going to be a sticky night tonight.I managed the 4 hour eating period and I’m bowling the next two days so that will help.

    Not a good night for sleeping last night. Chloe was panting all night then jumping up on the bed then down againšŸ’¤šŸ¤Ŗ. I’ve just checked my weight for the year. I’ve lost 2 stone 5lbs so a good year so far. Still a good way to go but definitely moving in the right direction.

    Got slaughtered at bowls, the team we played are top of the 1st division, we are in the 3rd Division.We put our best two bowlers on first and they both lost 21-4 and 21-3 respectively.I lost 21-7. We had one winner. Not as warm as yesterday but not too bad. I can eat in another 40 minutes, going to do the 20-4 eating window

    Well done Dave, that’s great for this year!
    Have had another liquid FD today, I find the Monday one much easier than Thursday, I don’t know why?! Been busy again though, finished washing the kitchen curtains & doing the windows, we dropped washing off with youngest son, have done some tidying in the garden & rung my HomeStart family.
    Hopefully lunch out by the river tomorrow if it’s still nice, eldest son can now come for a BBQ on Saturday so will have to get some bits for that, & will need more gas!
    Hope everyone is okay šŸ„°

    How lovely to eat by the river, your so lucky. There at a few rivers but non close by. I love waking down rivers or canals,canals especially the pace of life is much slower, I enjoyed watching the programme about canal boats in the telly, 20 episodes. I’m on my third day of time restricted eating.I do 20 hours fasting and 4 hours where I can eat.

    Weather different today, won at bowls for a change. Fine my third 20:4 eating period,I must admit I was hungry tonight but did it, see how I do tomorrow .

    You’re doing well Dave! Hopefully you can stick with it tomorrow as well…
    Lost a pound this week!
    Bought some more gas for the BBQ tomorrow & got all the food…lunch out was very nice šŸ™‚

    It’s nice to go out for lunch. Not been out for food of any description since January. I booked a couple of days away in July for our anniversary so that’s something to look forward to. So have breakfast there twice and evening meals as well. And try and fit in a picnic by the water.

    Well I have managed 3 days of 20:4 eating.I must admit I’m hungry now so only another six and a quarter hours to go. It’s easier when I am bowling so the weekend may be problematic perhaps I should hibernate. It’s very dull today so definitely not shorts weather.

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    Feeling off ish today, croaky voice, sore throat and a cough and banging headā€¦
    I did feel a bit better after I walked.
    Having some of Steveā€™s cough medicine..

    I really need to vacuum, I have tidied around a bit so looks betterā€¦surprising how messier it gets when thereā€™s threeā€¦

    Monday the piper will call his tune and everything will jump in the suitcase again like magic!!šŸ˜‚

    You have done so well this year Heidi would be so proud.. as we all areā€¦

    Glad your lunch out went well.. a pound off good too..

    Have a good weekend everyone..

    Jean x

    Hope you’re on the mend soon Jean, I’m starving but just another hour and I can put tea on, footballs back so I can watch that and take my mind off food.That will be four days of 20 hour fasting, hope it pays off.

    It was a struggle yesterday but managed to get through it.Three more to do, don’t think I will be doing it regularly, it’s too hard to do 7 days running.Maybe 16-8 would be better.Chicken for tea tonight going to do homemade chips with it. I do them in the air fryer so healthy chips,fed up of roast and mash spuds.Hope England play better tonight.

    Evening Allā€¦
    Busy day lunch at Jacquiā€™s and bringing Katie back to me.. taking her to the train to Heathrow tomorrow..

    England won!! She likes her footballā€¦

    I have a good cold brewing I have felt off for a couple of days.. I only have them every 4 years but usually they are very goodā€¦

    House painter is starting the outside tomorrow, it will be touch and go there is rain about a bit.. dry till about 2pmā€¦

    I think Louise is coming I could well do without it.. a few quiet days needed. I feel quite off colour.

    You are doing really good.. I definitely need some fasting now!!!

    Jean x

    Busy day yesterday, a lovely river walk with Xena, did lots of cleaning & marinaded veggies & prawns, salads made…son, his gf & Mum came for dinner, son very happy with his new job (& gf!). Lazy day today, a different river walk with Xena, tide high so across the path & couldn’t walk all the way along but she still had a good run…made Korean BBQ tofu tonight, very nice! FD tomorrow.

    Good morning everyone just took Chloe out in the rain, bowling at 1pm so hope it stops by then. Nerve wracking watching England match last night, football is the only time I get stressed Denise says it’s just a game and she dosent know why I get worried šŸ¤Ŗ. This will be the 6th 20-4 eating period, should be easier today because I’m bowling then speedway tonight. Might even turn into a liquid fast like I did last Monday. It will be my last weigh-in with Jenna on Wednesday then we will have a new lady that takes us once a month. Still at the same place but in a different room.

    Good afternoon F B Brits.. hope you are having a lovely day. Xxxx

    it s been a wonderful few days with Kristy ..tired today lol.

    We went out for 2 lunches.. both enjoyable. A roast yesterday by the canal … . then shared making the rest of the meals.

    After not walking for 3 days it s amazing how much my legs ache and feel stiff after the break.. Just goes to show how dog walking keeps us fit. lol

    Such a shame an old boy in the village waited at the gate for me today to say he had just lost his 15 yr old Terrier .. So very sad for him.. ..I feel his pain.

    Just got the croc pot on as its cooler.. a big pot of chilli to have on jacket potatoes… i am not a rice fan. dinner this evening and lots to freeze.

    I hope everyone is having a good day.. ..( Hope you feel better today Sym ) Xx

    We are what we eat. Xxxx

    Wet and miserable weather today,went to bowling fortunately I didn’t play or I would have got soaked. Can’t believe how cold it is. The cows will be going back indoors Jean. On day 6 of 20-4 eating period.Will be longer today because of speedway.I was going to do a liquid fast today but feel hungry now and the smell of the food later at speedway will make me like a Tasmanian devil šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ.

    Great for 1st July isn’t it! Just grey here, no rain yet but on it’s way I think!
    Well done with your fasting Dave, you’re doing brilliantly! I hope that the scales are good this week!
    Glad you had a good time with Kristy, Hemmy!
    Been quite busy again today, we had to go into town, then B&Q, & then popped to Waitrose to have a look- they seem to be the only place which sells polenta which I fancy … Resisted the goodies in the cafĆ© & just had a coffee, will have a protein shake shortly, liquid FD has been okay.

    Back home from speedway a bad accident one of our young riders as had to go to hospital, hope he’s ok. Did a 24hour fast bar a few minutes. Just had something to eat now.

    Hi a newbie here hoping to lose between 1&2 stone ,ant tips for fast days please as Iā€™m new to it

    Hello and welcome Jabba,I do 800 calories on fast days,if you can drink water that helps but do not eat too much on non fast days or you won’t loose anything.I only have one meal on fast days, I have it in the evening.

    Morning All..
    Just a quick pass by..
    Katie is at the airport and sheā€™s on time..
    Painter is hereā€¦

    Still feeling unwell itā€™s developed into a heavy cold and banging head .. so not fasting this week. Just resting and not doing much.

    Welcome Jabba itā€™s a good way of lifeā€¦

    Catchup when feeling better..
    Jean x

    Good afternoon all

    You can tell it’s summer here in Scotland as the sky is grey and cloudy but at least its not raining or worse.

    I weighed myself earlier and I have managed to lose another 3lb I have no idea how that happened after the pizza I had at the weekend but I will very happily accept it.

    Welcome jabba it’s a very friendly and welcoming place so any further questions I’m sure someone here can answer it for you.

    Hi Jabba & welcome on here!!I find it easier to just eat once on FDs, I get hungrier if I have 3 meals! & keep food simple, salad or soup…a good idea to measure as well as weigh as sometimes you can lose inches rather than weight.
    Dave- hope your weigh in is good tomorrow!
    Jean- hope you feel better soon!
    Steve- well done losing 3lbs, that’s great!
    I kept fasting until a late lunch, was busy until then, cut hubby’s hair & cleaned up. Made a start cleaning out my kitchen cupboards but didn’t get very far!

    Good morning F B Brits .. a wet one here. Xxxx

    Just weighed and I have put on 2 lbs .. I always do it eating up weekend left overs when Kristy’s been lol. All gone now so back on track today.

    I am on watering duty for a friend .. not a big garden just baskets and a couple of borders. not needed today.

    Soo very sad two of the village dogs passed on yesterday .both good ages but it still doesnt help the loss. .

    Sym.. hope you are feeling better today . drink lots of warm liquid….. honey and lemon. xx

    H H .. Ohh you are brave doing kitchen cupboards out did you manage to get them finished.

    Dave and tyhpoo .. well done with your loses.

    Nana .. how is it going for you.
    Jabba .. welcome to our little corner .. lots of tips here to help you along..

    Have a good day everyone..Be nice to yourself, you deserve it xxxx

    Hemmy, I’m sure you’ll soon get those 2lbs off! Sad about the dogs…
    Wet here as well, not feeling very lively, will finish the food cupboards today & hopefully not be tempted by anything! We went out for breakfast again this morning, we quite enjoy that now, I had the half size/ child’s portion, it was enough with hubby’s beans & mushrooms!
    Have a good day everyone šŸ„°

    Good afternoon back from MoreLife, my last weekly session.I lost 2lbs so have lost a stone and a half while attending there.I now go to monthly sessions for the next 9 months. I’m just over a pound to lose to move down a weight division.I sound like a boxeršŸ¤£.

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    A rainy day expected so painting off ..seen no rain.. annoying.. they will be here tomorrow..
    They donā€™t seem to work fastā€¦Tony did it all in 1 1/2 days.. but no filling..
    Some filling needed but not a lot..we have done two full days and still a bit to do.. they seem to drink coffee and vape and admire what they have done!!!

    I am still not too good but not worse, I do a few jobs then feel shattered, resting a lot.

    You need to come on each day and post, it is really good to do that. To keep a check and account of yourself.

    Good 3 lb loss well doneā€¦ we are dark and grey here but still dry.

    Well done on the fasting.. think I will start Monday.. I am not eating a lot donā€™t fancy much. Well done on the cupboardsā€¦ I have just cut a bush/tree down, 4ā€™ off the top, sat here looking at it, driving me crackers two trips to tip.. tired now.

    You will soon get the two pounds offā€¦ nice to enjoy some company… I really wouldnā€™t know what I have put on, trousers tight!! Never mind start on Monday.
    We lost a dog last week upsetting he was 12, with cancer.

    Jean x

    I only have another 25 pounds to lose so hopefully by Christmas I might be a little lighter even if I haven’t met my target.


    I only fast once a week but I don’t eat anything for the 36hrs probably not recommended for a first timer but you will still lose weight if you limit your calories on your fd to either 600 or 800.

    For those who’ve missed the rain I will very happily send it down to you free of charge..

    Your so thoughtful Steve sending rain to Manchester. I’m wondering if I should adjust my TDEE now I’ve lost more weight.

    Morning All..
    A very blowy cold sunny day..
    Meeting Natalie for our walk I havenā€™t seen her for two weeks the boys will be excited.

    I am still not well but much better, coming around now..

    We donā€™t want any rain my painter is coming today.. hope itā€™s not too windy.

    I always put my TDEE at the weight I want to be at goalā€¦

    Might try a for fd..

    Have a good dayā€¦
    Jean x

    Jean, so you set the weight you want to be then see what the TDDE is, am I correct? That would make it a lot harder I think especially if you’re well overweight like me. My TDEE is currently 2884.So I knock off 1200 from that to try and lose 2lb per week. Miserable weather here today and bowling so might get soaked.

    Yes I did that. I think I saw it wrote down somewhere..
    Still I only needed 2 1/2 stone off..
    Possibly too much if needing to loose more.
    Why not go a bit lower than you need to be..

    Dave is 1200 off the TDEE ?

    3500 cals = 1lbā€¦.
    So you need a deficit of 3500 to loose a pound.

    My TDEE is 2884, that’s just to lose nothing and gain nothing.

    So going off what you said I would have to have 1884 calories per day to lose 2lbs.My current allowance from MoreLife it’s 1765.

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