Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Just back from taking Chloe out, it’s freezing and wet. Think it’s going to be a bad summer this year.Not going on holiday this year either, first time in over 50 years, Denise’s knee is just too bad, she can barely walk. I need to win the lottery then I would pay for her to have it done. I feel hungry all the time which is not good but so far I’m resisting the food.After our walk Chloe’s asleep within minutes🤣. She got up on the sofa with me last night and I put a blanket over the two of us, she was quite happy with that.

    Page turned so I’ll probably forget someone!
    Slider- well done losing 2.5lbs, that’s great, & very well done resisting all the treats at work! 😇
    Dave- hopefully you can pull that pound back & lose again this week! Such a shame you can’t go away this year, poor Denise 😔…my aunt & uncle have usually been abroad but they’re trying a coach trip this year as he’s so unsteady & tied, will be interesting to see if they enjoy it, can’t imagine they will, my aunt is like Hyacinth Bouquet if you know that old comedy, Keeping Up Appearances 😂
    Jean- hope you get your energy back, are you playing boules today?
    Nana- hope you’ve had a good break 🥰
    Hemmy- doing your neighbours’ garden has gone quickly, you got off lightly! Well done keeping at goal, shame you’re not fancying food though 🤗
    Lost 1.5lbs last week. The boys are coming for dinner tonight, have made dessert already & will make veggie birria tacos soon to reheat, hope they’re all right! The house is looking lovely & clean & tidy now it’s just us!
    Have a good rest of the weekend everyone 🥰

    Afternoon All…
    What a grotty cold day.. managed a dry walk then the rain started …
    Popped out for shopping I hate doing it on a Saturday..

    Sorting through the freezer found two home made fish cakes… lovely crusty bread that’s for this evening…I need to eat through it again…
    The neighbours holiday seems to have passed quick glad you have had rain makes it easier for you.
    I saw some of the parade, I thought Cathrine looked quite good but Charles under the weather and tired.
    It’s hard going through chemo.

    Sorry to hear Denise isn’t too good, hope she can get some to help…

    Enjoy the meal tonight with the boys you will be like mother hen!!!
    No boules on a Saturday now it seems to have fallen off..nice quiet day reading..
    It will be interesting how your aunt and uncle feel on the coach trip..

    A bit of a damp walk but not too bad.. I booked my painter I asked him to call me for a chat, he’s ringing me on Monday.

    Jean x

    I took Chloe out for the second walk and it started pouring down, so we sheltered under a tree, it stopped so we moved on then the heavens opened and we got drenched. Blue sky now🤪. Waiting for the 3rd footie game to start at 8pm.Plenty of goals so not bad, hope England score a few tomorrow.

    Morning All..
    A good across the fields and riverbank walk, cows in one place so avoided them…they have been near the gate for two days now, they will be soon on the move again. It’s easy that we can spot them.

    Bed changed all washing dry and ironed, airing. Blankets out blowing and sofa blankets in the washer. No rain but expected.. more done than I thought.
    I think I will cut the grass…🤞🏻

    This weather is so bad.. what a summer!
    The winter was so wet too.. it must stop and calm down at some time..

    I will be fasting Monday it’s well needed… but it will then be iffy as Katie is here, wine flowing and food…
    Back to normal 1st July…
    That’s life!!

    Jean x

    Jean you have to enjoy life, you can always lose weight another day. I like to hear where the cows are🤣. It’s a nice sunny day today for a change. Beef stew for tea, having a change. Will do it in the ninja using the pressure cooker setting. Will just stick it on for an hour, probably fine in half that but I like to make sure. It’s nice to take Chloe out and not get soaked.

    Afternoon all,

    Yes I’m back again as my weight is yo yoing and I’m not looking to set foot on the scales as I don’t really want to know what they say until I get some fasting in.

    Definitely not fasting today as it’s Fathers day and a few goodies are waiting to be eaten but will probably have the first fast tomorrow.

    Not sure I’ll be voting next month as it’s really difficult to tell the main parties apart and not sure I would trust any of them to run a bath let alone the country.

    It’s a very wet and grey day here in Scotland can someone please put in an order for some sunshine for the next few months.

    Enjoy the weekend everyone.

    Happy Fathers day everyone.. Xxxx

    Lovely to have the sun shining and no rain today… A long walk with MaryAnn and her spaniel.

    Lazy day.. lawns too wet to mow.. hopefully tomorrow.. Out Tues’s and Friday this week to lunch and shopping.

    I had a bacon sandwich for lunch my favourite at the moment lol These days I seem to have fads with food then get bored with it.. but fortunately not a big appetite at the moment.

    My friends are back from their Scottish holiday…. it rained nearly every day..so fishing was limited. I have 2 lovely pots of honey and some shortbread for my watering.

    Welcome back Typhoo X .. Its not easy trying to keep on track at times..easier in summer though when we get some that is lol.

    Slider…how are you this weekend..

    Dave… Oh beef stew .. bet that smells good.

    Nana .. Is it back to fasting this week.

    H H …How is your day going.

    Sym …You have been busy this morning.. Whats for tea. I haven’t decided yet.

    Enjoy the afternoon everyone I hope the sun is with you… Your strength is always
    bigger than the challenge. Xxxx

    The cows I suppose will be on the move tomorrow.. the bull must say come on girls let’s go..

    Lovely to have you back…get you back onboard again..

    What a shame raining for the full holiday.. still it’s been very bad everywhere..
    Raiding the freezer.. mince and carrots already done..added peas, roast potatoes and a yorkshire, very tasty.

    Happy Father’s Day everyone…

    Jean x

    Sym… Your dinner sounds lovely. I had a Coop Hunters chicken with little potatoes ready meal.. no bacon just sauce potatoes tasteless very disappointing.. .. Tesco better with just the chicken and bacon…

    Just going to watch footie .. not mad on it but i am very patriotic lol

    Dave… are you watching…

    Enjoy your evening everyone … Xxxx

    Good morning,

    It’s another cloudy morning here and looking like it might rain at any time.

    Fasting today for the first time in quite a while and will be doing a non food day as usual so probably will be just the one fast a week but will see how things go.

    Great to see England get their first win of the tournament not the best performance maybe but three points on the board so onwards and upwards.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and remember it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    I’m glad you’re back typhoo, yes not a great game England but a win. Horrible weather at the moment sick of the rain and cold. Chloe asleep as usual,I think when I take her out she’s sleep walking💤. Not sure what to have to eat today, only had a cuppa so far today and bowling soon so no food until 5pm at the earliest.

    Morning All…
    Usual walk but cows have moved, so back tracked a bit.. dry but started to drizzle when we got back..

    Window man has measured the two windows, about £100 he is quite good value..a week to make so he will come back early July after Katie has gone.

    I decided to get some plants for Steve’s trough at the garden centre..Charlie is with me… we have popped into the cafe and in the dog area, I can’t see what’s on offer… I decided on a cherry scone, damage limitation… mine are 50 cals… this must be 1000 it’s enormous.. so no fast day… still Charlie has helped!!

    I don’t like sport.. so reading… TV is awful…

    Yes a good win or is it a scrape through😂
    I don’t like it but did look to see how they are doing…

    You are all making me feel guilty eating… still it’s a non weigh in week while Katie’s here.. maybe not so focused as I know that I will be eating and drinking…

    Jean x

    Good Afternoon FB Brits.. A lovely day again. Xxxx

    We did a good walk then decided to do all the mowing before having lunch .. so feeling tired now.

    Having a sit and cheese and tomato on toast .. so as its late I wont be wanting much later.

    I need to glam up a bit and sort clothes for lunch out tomorrow lol ..

    Kristy here next week Thurs -Sun so that will be nice. I must have a good clean this week as i put myself on holiday when she is here lol.

    Being a typical woman re footie .. I dont care how we won .. but we won lolol

    Dave .. Hope your weather improves soon .. the rain can get very depressing.

    Typoo .. You are very brave going straight into a non food day. I have never been able to do a liquid fast it makes me feel “Light”.

    Sym… Thats s very good price for the windows .. well done… Ohh I lovely cherry scones.. in the restaurant at M&S they are lovely. Big too lolol

    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone..

    A smile makes all the difference . Xxxx

    Played Bowls in the sun, makes sick a change. It rained at first but was nice when I played, it was a real nail biter.I ended up having to knock his 2 bowls out and gain one myself, all the rest of the two teams were watching and shouting. I did it so won 21:20. Not had anything to eat apart from a skinny whip biccy 80 calories. Might have beans on toast for tea. May even add scrambled eggs with it.

    Evening everyone, we enjoyed our week away and managed to walk 28 miles in all.
    Welcome back Typhoo and hope that today hasn’t been too difficult for you. I had a fd today and it was hard, even though I have been busy.
    Jean nice to have Katie visit you.
    Hemmy it’s been a lovely day here also.
    Dave good result with the bowls and sounds like you’re on a nice low day also.
    Have a good evening everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Hello all!
    Welcome back Typhoon! We have missed you…
    Had a lovely evening with the boys, then a nice lazy day yesterday, have been really hungry but kept it under control! Swapped FDs about, finally a sunny day today, took my car in for a minor job, then went to the coast to make the most of it! Had a cream tea out & then a bacon & avocado baguette for dinner with salad, hopefully not too bad but I don’t think I’ll lose this week!

    My first fast(try saying that quickly)is now complete so this morning I decided to jump on the scales just to see how much weight I need to lose.

    I’m 205lbs which is five pounds less than the last recorded weigh in which was January but I have a metabolic age of 59 which I’m not happy about as I won’t be 58 until the end of this year, I almost threw my thorntons chocolates in the bin lol.

    I have an even 30lbs I would like to lose to be around the 175lbs or 12 and a half stone.

    Thanks everyone for the very warm welcome back messages it’s nice to hear I was missed.

    Afternoon All..
    A sunny day here and warm 😎
    Walk with Natalie and Oreo nice to catch up, she’s busy working now so don’t see enough of her..
    Collected my tray of eggs.

    Played in my tournament 13-8 13-8 so I took the game..
    Semi is next I shall be playing Peggy.
    The other semi is two men so the final will be lady and a man.

    I nearly went to have a pm game but decided on cleaning and sorting the back bedroom out for Katie and Charlotte. Most done now just to polish of kitchen cupboards, shopping and baking a quiche.. biscuits?? I will see..

    New collar on for the boy, Fitbit stitched on so it doesn’t fall off. Harness mended coming unstitched. So he’s nice and tidy. Good groom and a hot water wipe down.

    Glad you had a good holiday.. a lot of walking.

    I think me and you on the same page..getting glammed up.. I live in dog walking stuff 😂.. I always do my hair and makeup every day. So that bits tidy.
    Enjoy your Kirsty break…

    Well done on the bowling. I don’t like everyone watching..

    Hope the cars sorted. A lovely day at the coast I haven’t even thought about it this year.. cream scone sounds good.

    Get back on board and loose the 30 lbs.. you could get that off by Xmas…it’s going in the right direction.

    I am fasting today being busy has been good.

    Jean x

    Steve your lucky my metabolic age is 78😱 and I’m 70. Had to reset my scales they stopped logging the results on my phone, not tried them since. I’ll give them a go tomorrow. I’m waiting to get a smart ring but can’t decide which one to get, I’ll see what the Samsung ring looks like and if Oura bring out a new one.

    Evening everyone, it’s been a lovely sunny warm day here. We started off doing some much needed weeding in our garden and then sat in the garden and enjoyed a nice BBQ afterwards.
    Off to St Ives for our usual Wednesday lunch with friends but will be one down as they are having a hip replacement operation tomorrow. Looks promising weather-wise for tomorrow so Geraldine will be used. Typhoo Geraldine is the name I’ve given to my recently purchased tricycle to replace my bicycle as my balance is not as good as it was and I wanted to still be able to cycle up to the guided busway near here to catch the bus into St Ives.
    All ready for Katies visit Jean and well done with the boules.
    Enjoy the evening everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Well done Typhoo/ Steve on your 1st FD in a while!
    Nana- enjoy your lunch out tomorrow…
    And hope you’ve had a good lunch today Hemmy! And have a lovely few days with Kristy…
    Jean- well done with your boules match, & your FD!
    Dave- hope your weigh in tomorrow is good, are you going to weigh at home, did you say you’ve got to bowl & miss the class?
    Slider- did you do a FD yesterday?
    Have done a liquid FD again today, not felt very energetic though …gave Xena a long walk, did our shopping, a bit of ironing, watered the garden & that’s it!
    Couldn’t decide where we fancied going for afternoon tea, so we’re going to do our own, & sit in the garden with the nice china! Have got to do baking for the firemen tomorrow so will keep some for our tea, & have bought scones…
    Will hopefully keep the fast going until then!

    HH yes I miss it today. I’ve lost a pound so still going in the right direction. It’s a cup game today otherwise I wouldn’t be playing. In the league one player can play twice but not allowed in the cup and we already have to give them over 20 points start so if I didn’t play that world get over 40 points start. Were missing a few of our best players today so not looking good. I need to lose 4lbs then I’ll drop a weight from 19 to 18 stone.Not bad considering I was 24 stone 9lbs a few years ago.

    Good afternoon FB Brits. Xxxx

    Thanks Sym and HH but its next week Kristy comes xx.

    Ohh I am soo tired today.. Intended to do so much and haven’t as yet..

    A lovely day yesterday with lunch at the Garden Centre Tasty cheese and red pepper quiche.. chips and salad then a good look around..We were there 5hrs in all.

    Pip and I were out walking for an hour and a half .. then back and got ready and out .. never got back till 4pm then straight out in the garden to throw the ball for Pip…. then dinner ..

    So today its having a sit for a while then doing some jobs. Mum would have said ” you are not getting any younger Carol” lolol

    Lovely day… washing blowing in the sunshine..

    Dave .. well done on the the pound loss.. you will soon be in the next number down.

    Slider … how is it going this week.

    Typhoo…Well done on your Fast.. What are you planning today .

    Nana… Hope you had a good lunch..

    H H … I bet your tea in the garden will be better than any commercial one.. It reminds me I haven’t made Delia Smiths buttermilk scones for years must make some next week .. They are soo easy and delicious.. sometimes i made .. sultana or cherry or cheese.

    Sym…You are busy getting it all done before your daughter arrives.. are they staying with you all the trip or moving around.

    I have made some soup with chicken breast .. bacon and lots of veg..for this evening… and a banana for something sweet .

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone.. Happiness is in the small things Xxxx

    Afternoon all

    Not a great day here weather wise it’s been quite overcast but as yet no rain but wouldn’t be surprised if it does maybe overnight.


    The excitement of my day was doing a little shop this morning to get a few essentials but also got some bread, quorn ham and beetroot for some very tasty sandwiches earlier.

    I’m not expecting my numbers to move this week although I have done a little more walking today so if I lose one pound I’d be quite happy with that.

    Good luck to anyone fasting today and remember tomorrow you can eat normally.

    Been bowling,8 got slaughtered 21-8 but we won the game just about.I think I’ll give up bowling on Wednesday’s just stick to Monday Thursday and Friday. Then if Denise reacts to go out somewhere we can go on Wednesday or I can go fishing. I fancy a picnic but Denise struggling to walk so can’t go far.

    Evening everyone, another nice day here. Sadly Geraldine was not used today as the other couple that we have lunch with were unable to make it so we stayed at home and made it a fd as we’re out tomorrow evening for a meal with my old workmates.
    Dave well done on losing another pound.
    Hemmy your lunch sounds nice.
    Ely tomorrow and visit Auntie.
    Have a good evening everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Evening All…
    A busy day finishing off shopping and cleaning. Although I need to go and get crusty loaf tomorrow..
    Making a large quiche in the morning Katie enjoys mine…

    Shame on your lunch and today..enjoy your meal with your workmates..

    Lovely afternoon tea nice and relaxing..the firemen must love your baking….

    Dave ..
    Well done on the pound off all going down… lovely to have another goal marker on the horizon ..a big well done. Hope you get on your picnic.

    A very busy day for you..yes I think you forget how old you are..I have said a few times he’s 73 or she’s 76 they getting a bit old.. then my daughter reminds me of my age.. I feel about 60, they look a lot older than me… I think 😂🤣
    Katie starts with me for a couple of days then to her sister for the weekend then back to me then ?? Who knows..

    Steve ..
    Well done hope some weigh moves.. I am off plan till the end of the month.

    Early shower and hair wash.. save time in the morning ..up early walking..shopping , quiche to cook and pick up.. getting excited ..

    Jean x

    Good evening FBBs Its been a beautiful day…Xxxx

    Still so very warm this evening .. I haven’t done much today as still really tired I did manage to do some bits in the garden though . lolol

    Perhaps its time to go back to healthy eating .. lots of meals lately have just been a sandwich.

    The stew /soup was tasty and healthy..

    Typhoo … Are you veggie I cant remember. .. I have been thinking lately I may try it.. I dont eat much meat I never have.. I love eggs.

    Brads.. It would be lovely if Denise could manage to go for a picnic.. I bet she so misses tbe Line dancing. My friend Pam loves it

    Nana … Hope you find your Auntie well and in good spirits tomorrow Xx

    Hope everyone is having a good day.. Don’t look for happiness, create it. Xxxx

    Ps… Sym just seen your post.. The younger ones are so unpredictable.. but keep us on our toes. lolol xx

    H H .. How is your day going. Xxxx


    Jean- hope Katie arrives safely tomorrow, & you have a lovely catch up 🥰
    Dave- well done with your pound off, you’re doing so well! I hope that Denise is up to a picnic, might take her mind off the pain to get out of she can, so hard for her 🤗
    Nana- shame about your lunch today, good to get in another FD, hope that your Auntie is okay tomorrow…
    Hemmy- that was a long day out for you! I think sandwiches are fine as long as you have plenty of fruit & veg or salad in the day too …
    Typhoo- Quorn ham sandwich sounds nice but you can keep the beetroot 🤢 Hope you’ve lost something this week…
    Made son a dinner for tonight & extra for his lunch tomorrow – he’s bought himself a small cool box to take his lunch to work in, he has so much food 😂 Made Malteser tiffin & blondies for him to take in, we had our afternoon tea inside as it was a bit chilly in the wind, very lovely but couldn’t eat it all- didn’t need a goodie bag though 😂 The blondies were really rich … Took everything over to son’s & then did the watering, feeling quite weary now …

    Morning All..
    Nothing like an excited mummy…whatever their age…flight on time they arrive Manchester at 10.15..

    I eat easy too ..too many sandwiches and jacket potatoes although not too good at the moment..too many biscuits!! Must stop think again in July..

    It was beautiful here yesterday but when it clouded over quite chilly… I am sure you enjoyed the afternoon tea even inside.
    All lovely things for the fireman to eat..

    Have a good day everyone..

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone no bowling match today do going for some practice,after yesterday’s game I definitely need it. Just having a cuppa then I’ll take Chloe out. She’s getting more grey by the minute. The back of her ears are going grey and the front of her legs as well.

    Afternoon all

    It’s coffee made and football is on busy day with the England game and then Italy vs Spain which should be a good game.


    Yes I’m vegetarian I wasn’t before I met my ex but since we separated ironically she has gone to eating meat while I have remained veggie.


    I had to make sure my cupboard was free from biscuits,crisps and anything sweet before the I got back to fasting in the knowledge I would be very tempted otherwise.

    Slider where are you? It’s been a lovely day here apart from the football, that was rubbish.Hope Spanish game is better, can’t be any worst.

    Liquid FD here…kept busy with some HomeStart stuff to do (I’m starting with another new family next week to replace the one who kept not answering!), we cleared out some stuff from younger son’s wardrobe, did lots of pruning in the garden, washed my kitchen floor & then spilt half a tub of protein powder over it 🤦
    The firemen enjoyed the cakes apparently, a quiet day for son, they did go to rescue a cat stuck on a roof & it got down as soon as they arrived!

    Good morning FB Brits and what a glorious one too. Xxxx

    A busy day as out walking earlier then back and glam up.. ( Second time in a week ) lolol out to lunch and then charity shopping in Banbury.

    I am trying to up my water .. I really struggle with it.. How much does everyone else drink?

    H H you are good with the liquid fasts .. hopefully a good week for you. It must be disappointing when families dont respond to the help and time you offer.

    Sym… Was the flight on time .. it looks to be good weather for you and your family visit .

    Dave… A shame the footie was disappointing .. hopefully more enjoyable games to come.

    Nana .. Have a good Fri lunch .

    Slider . Kay .. Have a good weekend..

    Typhoo .. Just a thought .. I wander if you would feel more satisfied if you tried a little meat again.. When Kristy cooks something veggie for me.. Yes its tasty but I seem to soon be looking for something else after.

    I better get over the fields lol

    Enjoy your day everyone.. Be happy and a reason will come along Xxxx


    Good morning everyone a lovely day here today, will put my new shorts on for bowling. I’d better slap on the sun cream, I’ll put it on now, I use Ultrasun cream I am very sure that there is not a better cream on earth. It’s absolutely brilliant but expensive.I wait until it’s on special offer then buy it. You only put it on once 15 minutes before you go out then that is it for the day, you can even go swimming.

    I use Nivea sun, I get prickly heat rash & that seems to be the best to prevent it … Hope your bowling was good Dave!
    Nice to have another lunch out! I drink lots of water, I get a very dry mouth so always have a glass or bottle on the go!
    Have a lovely time with Katie Jean!
    Did a big clean while hubby was out the way this morning, then saw mum this afternoon…it was such a lovely day, thought it would be nice to go out, but she just wanted to stay in & play a game! I wouldn’t mind but she was saying how it’ll be nice if her friend can take her out somewhere next week! Oh well, it saved my petrol…
    Will see what the weather’s like tomorrow, we might go to a car boot…

    I played a bloke with the same surname as mine, on Monday my mate played another man with my surname. I’m playing rhubarb at the moment Won 5 in a row now lost the last 3🤪. I’m under my allowance by a few 100 today. Bit the weight is not moving very fast

    Good morning everyone not a bad day but cooler than yesterday. It’s getting difficult to move the weight at the moment,I may need to adjust the calories I’m allowed.I will check on Wednesday. How are you all doing?

    Good afternoon F B Brits in our little corner of the Forum. Xxxx

    Its a lovely day again although a nice breeze.. so much more comfortable for our pets.

    A lovely long walk today .. a bit naughty and picked a big bunch of moon daisy’s and wheat.. They look gorgeous in my Mums old flowered china jug.

    Yesterday while out shopping I bought 3 Marks and Spencer Italian meals. £9 for 3 . This evening i will have the spaghetti Bol…add some broad beans. . So an easy peasy food evening .

    H H Did you go to the car boot.. I had forgotten about them this year .. we have a regular Saturday one on Finmere Acrodrome.

    Dave… I think you are doing well just losing a small bit at a time weekly your body can then adjust to it..

    I have noticed over the years losing a little and often seems to keep the weight more stable.

    I think after my first week of losing which a lot of it is water initially I only lost about 1-2 a week at anytime.

    I do notice now over this past year my weight seems to stay within 1-2 lbs of goal.

    I hope everyone is having a relaxing Saturday.. Be kind to yourself .. you are important too. Xxxx

    Evening All..
    Busy here with Katie and Charlotte, a lovely couple of days. I have dropped her off at her sisters and she is coming back to me Monday.
    Strawberry picking yesterday with lovely cream tea in the marquee.
    Lunch with cousins and get together at Jacqui’s.. all quiet at home now.

    Sorry too many posts to pick up on but read them all..
    Have a lovely weekend
    Jean x

    Hi all!
    Dave- stick with it, hopefully a blip & then you’ll lose again… although obvs I’m a master of finding it hard to lose! You lost alot when you stopped eating bread, are you having much bread at the moment?
    Jean- lovely to see your girls, good they’re getting on okay… strawberry picking sounds lovely, I’ve not been for ages!
    Hemmy- mum likes the M&S meals too, they’re good value.
    We did go to the car boot, bought some sundae dishes & some strawberries so will make Eton mess another day…bought a hosta for the shade in the garden, but rained on & off this afternoon so can’t plant it out yet.
    Have managed a FD, 640cals.

    Good afternoon everyone,a cloudy day here, the sun is trying to come out but struggling.At least it’s warm not like last week. Roast lamb for tea, looking forward to it,my favourite 🤤🤤😋😋😋.I might try time restricted eating. I’ll see what I weigh on Wednesday.

    Good evening my,my it’s quiet on here area you all busy?

    Afternoon all,

    It’s Monday so it’s a water fast day again but on the positive side I don’t have to think about what I’m having to eat.

    Will weigh myself tomorrow morning and see if anything has changed I’m hoping for at least a pound loss as I have been walking a little more but as long as its not a gain I’ll be happy.

    Scotland were knocked out by a team who were fasting last night at least that’s what I thought as the commentary team kept mentioning Hungary lol.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and remember it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Good afternoon F B Brits.. Xxxx

    It s a beautiful day .. very warm.. so it was an early walk ..

    I am just taking a break from giving the car a good clean as its MOT tomorrow.

    This evening its going to be a mushroom omelette and salad.. fruit.

    Better get cleaning lol.. Good luck anyone fasting today ..

    Happiness starts from ourselves. Xxxx

    Liquid fast for me today, will see how I feel tomorrow if I manage to do it today. Might do a fast day tomorrow.Speedway tonight and the weather is still great, not sure if I should take a coat, can get nippy later on.

    Afternoon everyone, sorry I’ve been missing for a few days. I heard the bad news that my weds & fri night friend who was unwell last weds had a stroke. It’s early days to know the full extent but the Dr has confirmed some rehabilitation will be needed. I weighed myself fri morning and weighed the same as on the fri morning when we went on holiday.
    I’ve decided to do 18:6 and 1300 calories daily as I find that easier.
    It’s been very warm here the last few days so BBQ every evening with salad which will be the case tonight with homemade burgers.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Don’t talk about food, I’ve had non all day. Liquid fast😬😬. I’m at the speedway at the moment. Can smell food everywhere.

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