Fat Busting Brits!!

This topic contains 36,327 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by  hedgehogs 10 hours, 38 minutes ago.

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  • Nana I give my cars names so why not a bike. Back from MoreLife and I lost 4lbs so a great result.I nearly managed a dry walk Hemmy just a few drops of rain. I’ll try again now but it’s gone very dark.

    Nana- a lovely name for your bike! Glad that auntie is improving…& your friend too!
    Dave- really well done losing 4lbs, do you think it’s the accountability which has helped, or have you picked up tips & help?
    Jean- you & Hemmy have been on a long time, I think 7 years for me? Nice you’re seeing a bit more of Jacqui, is Phil feeling any better?
    Hemmy- glad you had a nice time with Kristy! I agree with Jean, if you get the chance to go away then take it!
    Had a nice meal out last night & a catch up with my cousins, youngest son was really late off his day job, but didn’t get a call out thankfully! Packed the cars to the brim & helped son move today… feeling very emotional now but pleased for him, & it will be good for him to do everything for himself! But will have to go over soon as he forgot a couple of things šŸ˜‚Sent him off with lots of the goodies so hopefully there won’t be as much about to tempt me! Won’t have to do as much cooking either, we can have more salads!
    Early night for me tonight, I was awake at 4am!

    Good evening FB Brits hope all is well with you. xxxx

    A better day with sunshine and its been dry thank goodness.

    I had a lovely walk met up with Maryann ..after walking we both went an did a shop .. I got lots of stir fry and prawns as its my latest favourite meal. lolol until I get fed up with it lol

    Dave ,, ohh very well done on the 4lbs. thats a brilliant amount to lose. You must be so pleased.

    Nana.. Your friend is amazing bless her .. We often dont realize what some people have to cope with I really makes you think.

    H H …Its strange but TBH I really have no inkling to go away these days.. I love my garden and have good friends. I am happy just to do lunches or afternoon tea in nice places. I often think when my friends who have had children are wanting to be away all the time now. Maybe its because of not being involved with a child till I was 39 with Kristy Nigel my first hubby and I had lots of holidays abroad etc while friends were bringing up children…. You must be tired waking at 4am.. hopefully a better night tonight. Xx

    Sym .. How has your day been.

    Enjoy your evening everyone .Happiness Is Not About Getting All You Want, It Is About Enjoying All You Have. Xxxx

    Evening Allā€¦
    A lovely day with my daughter, she stayed longer than usualā€¦ she helped me sort my fall pipe out.. holding my steps she wanted to do it but in 3ā€ heels I didnā€™t want her climbing. I havenā€™t used any water in the bathroom so hopefully itā€™s ok tomorrow.. all seems well at the moment.

    You are always busy, glad auntie is holding her own she does really well.

    Well done on your weight loss you have done really well.. a stone is marvellous .. WhatsApp is good but donā€™t leave usā€¦

    Hope the move in goes well itā€™s very excitingā€¦you will miss him..
    James moves to a house share a week Fridayā€¦ he will have more company and also a friend is there too..

    I know what you mean on holidaysā€¦ I want to go away but know it wonā€™t be the same and happy to be on my own .. a catch 22ā€¦you see people having fun and we are not included with it.. still like you I have had such a lot of holidays, the thought is more exciting than actually going..a bit like Xmasā€¦sometimes it falls flat.

    Bed for me..night..

    Jean x

    Evening Allā€¦
    A lovely day with my daughter, she stayed longer than usualā€¦ she helped me sort my fall pipe out.. holding my steps she wanted to do it but in 3ā€ heels I didnā€™t want her climbing. I havenā€™t used any water in the bathroom so hopefully itā€™s ok tomorrow.. all seems well at the moment.

    You are always busy, glad auntie is holding her own she does really well.

    Well done on your weight loss you have done really well.. a stone is marvellous .. WhatsApp is good but donā€™t leave usā€¦

    Hope the move in goes well itā€™s very excitingā€¦you will miss him..
    James moves to a house share a week Fridayā€¦ he will have more company and also a friend is there too..

    I know what you mean on holidaysā€¦ I want to go away but know it wonā€™t be the same and happy to be on my own .. a catch 22ā€¦you see people having fun and we are not included with it.. still like you I have had such a lot of holidays, the thought is more exciting than actually going..a bit like Xmasā€¦sometimes it falls flat.

    Bed for me..night..

    Jean x

    Jean I won’t be leaving. I’m in a few WhatsApp groups, all bowling ones. I did finally get a dry walk but rain is forecast for today but Friday looks better. They teach you different ways to lose weight and make you think about different methods. It’s working so far so I’ll stick with it

    Morning everyone, sadly Geraldine remained in the bike shed yesterday as the rain started just as we were getting ready to leave and also the wind got stronger so we drove to busway Park and Ride instead.We don’t mind getting wet cycling home but getting wet going is not nice when you have to sit in damp clothes.St Ives was very busy with it being half term plus you start to see more tourists who moor up at the small Quay. A nice lunch as usual and OH drove so
    enjoyed a couple of glasses of pinot grigo.
    Getting ready for our usual Ely trip shortly and I suspect Ely will be busier than usual also.
    Dave well done.
    Jean glad you had a nice time with your daughter. Sounds like James is settling down.
    Hedgehogs hugs to you and hope you’re not feeling to sad at your son not being at home anymore.
    Having a fd today.
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Good morning everyone,I managed a dry walk but I think the bowling this afternoon will be wet. It’s gone very dark now. I actually had breakfast today for the first time in years, will skip dinner and not sure what I’m having for tea yet.

    Was awake at 5am so not much better! We said last night that we won’t get disturbed by son up at 6am for work any more, had hoped to sleep later! FD today, have been busy doing cleaning, my house has been neglected recently. Did our food shop, it was much cheaper!
    Keep strong if anyone else is fasting!

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    A chilly sort of day a few showers about but we had dry walks.
    Bottomed my bedroom moving all the furniture, hoovered in my wardrobesā€¦cleaned upstairs windows.

    A good fast day finished about 600 not really hungry todayā€¦

    No fun getting wet nice to drive for a change.
    James seems a lot better it comes and goes, he got another job to work along side Hyatt hotel, hours have dropped as they are in winter and things slow down. Itā€™s at a silver service Italian restaurant.so šŸ¤žšŸ»

    I had an omelette and salad tonight for a change.

    I am walking up at 5am every morning I think itā€™s the lightā€¦ good some cheaper shopping bills. I donā€™t really spend a lot these days.

    What have you been up to, have you managed the garden.

    Jean x

    Hi F B Brits .. hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    It s a wet day here again although not forecast .. we did manage a dry walk .. although the fields were still wet .. I had wanted to mow today hopefully the next few days look ok so maybe tomorrow. So I cut back to massive tall shrubs. this afternoon..

    This evening I am having the rest of the prawns and stir fry .. going to throw in some cooked little potatoes. It will be quite garlicy as I love the stuff and it is soo good you.

    Nana .. Hopefully a dry day in Ely for you.

    Dave.. I Hope you managed todo your bowling and it wasn’t too wet. Did you decide what to have for your tea. Do you consult with Denise … At 9am in the mornings my Andrew used to say .. ” Carol what do you want for dinner. I used to reply ” I have only just had breakfast I cant think of dinner lolol Bless him he loved cooking after retiring. Made some funny concoctions at times.

    H H .. I think its the very light mornings at the moment that doesnt help .. everyone I know seems to be waking early or not sleeping well.

    Sym.. I so envey your deep cleaning.. I really TBH haven’t had a really good clean everywhere for a good while. .. I know it should be done and draws cupboards moving furniture .. I just dont seem to get round to it. Just surface clean… everything always very tidy that’s about it. Any tips to get me started again. How is your son in law now.

    Enjoy your evening everyone. ā€œIt is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.ā€ Xxxx

    Philip is feeling much better now thank you, he has realised how ill he has been.. he is still on tablets.

    I have Katie ( Texas daughter) coming on the 20th so thought I better go through a few things.. I seem to sit and not do anything.. get my bum moving..
    Grass needs cutting but too wet at the moment.
    Looks like my fall pipe is sorted..

    You do seem to do more cooking than me, sounds tasty..

    So chilly today I have my electric throw on.. nice and cosy.


    Hemmy I usually ask Denise what’s she’s having and she says the same as you, only just had breakfast šŸ˜„ HH I fancy an omelette and salad now you mentioned it. Not sure what omelette to have, maybe plain. Could have a stir fryšŸ¤” Will see what tickles my fancy in Sainsbury’s.

    Sym and Dave.

    I reckon stir fries are brilliant.. My Kristy loves them does loads with different things. I got the pack of veg only about a Ā£1 f0r two meals .added some bits I had
    I think now I will venture to chicken breast chopped next …. you have all the goodness without much effort.

    Dave.. lolol I love that Denise is like me and cant decide in the morning for later lolol.

    Sym.. So glad your Sil is feeling better alwaya a worry when not right. Lovely to have your daughter come from America..are they all coming. Yes best to get a room done at a time. I must start that maybe the hall to start lolol. xx

    Sleep well everyone. Xxxx

    Morning everyone, despite having two reasonable under 800 calorie fds this week I’ve stayed the name making my total loss for the month one and a half pounds.
    Another miserable day here weather-wise and it’s cold outside so the idea of doing a bit of gardening is not happening.

    As I thought Ely was very busy yesterday even with the weather not being good.
    Auntie keeping well bless her – she always has the kettle and mugs ready for us to make our tea and coffee and stands at her window to wave us goodbye until we’re almost out of sight.

    Hemmy stir fries are also a favourite of ours. OH took over the cooking once he retired and is a good cook, I was happy for him to take over but the only thing I find is he forgets to make a note on our kitchen memo board when he runs out of things.

    Chinese takeaway for this evening and OH’s turn to drive so will enjoy a couple of glasses of wine.

    Nothing planned for this weekend, hope everyone enjoys theirs. Be back on Monday.

    Nana xxx

    Nana- enjoy your takeaway tonight, well done with your loss… can’t see hubby taking over the cooking, hope he doesn’t, he’s not very good at it! Glad your auntie is doing okay…
    Jean- that’ll be lovely to have Katie coming over. Glad that SIL is getting better, hope James’ extra hours work out. My NZ cousin’s son’s have travelled to Australia for a bit of an adventure too …
    Dave- hope the omelette was good…
    Lost half a pound this week too, only did one FD so that’s fine. I plan our meals a week at a time & do the shopping for that, although hubby often decides he’d prefer something else! We had a new recipe tonight, a filo crinkle pie with bacon, it was nice. A very wet walk, then dropped a few bits of son had forgotten. Didn’t go in as he has a lurgy & gf revising for her finals. Stopped at a very trendy looking cafe for a lovely hot chocolate on the way home- no cake- but it was quite a wait & only lukewarm! Got some more cleaning done this afternoon, my hair appointment was cancelled…
    Hope everyone has a good weekend šŸ„°

    Good afternoon everyone. The pie looked lovely HH. The omelette was good, I just had it on its own, I used 3 eggs and put tomatoes, spring onions and beef slices in it. I had a go at covering up the scratches on my car, not perfect but better than payingĀ£1000+ and it will stop it rusting.I won’t be changing it so it dosent matter so much.

    Good morning it’s a lovely day here. Kay good look with the bowling today. Roast beef for dinner I must mix the batter for the Yorkshire’s normally do it the day before.Have a good day everyone.

    Hi all!
    Hope your roast is good Dave…
    Had a good 500cal FD yesterday, was busy as well finishing spring cleaning the bathroom. I used ‘Pink Stuff’ son’s gf recommended, it got the grout really clean, I’d tried all sorts before which hadn’t worked! Very pleased with all my effort…saw mum as well, she’s still holding her own when we play Rummikub, it must help with the dementia. Will be weird having a Sunday without eldest, he was always back home in the evening for dinner šŸ˜¢ Going to have a Chinese style pineapple chicken/ tofu tonight that we both like!
    Have a good day everyone šŸ„°

    I have 2 tubs of Pink Stuff. Not sure about it, not tried it on grouting, warm outside but a cool wind.I got it to clean my oven the pink stuff.

    Hi F B Brits what a beautiful Sunday. Xxxx

    Lovely long walk over the fields.. it feels like summer at last.

    H H and Dave.. I use the Pink stuff I get it from the Pound shop.. dont think it s a pound now but a good price for a brilliant cleaner. It seems to get things clean when other cleaners fail.

    Not sure what to eat for dinner ..

    Leamington Spa tomorrow with Chris for shop and lunch.

    Hope everyone is having a lovely day..and enjoying this beautiful weather .

    ā€œA Sunday well spent brings a week of content.ā€ Xxxx

    Evening Allā€¦
    A lovely day sat outside with Charlie..
    Washed and ironed 18 large scarves ready for the winterā€¦2 lines full.

    Jacqui has invited me on their cruise but struggling to get Charlie sorted out.. itā€™s school holidays so everyone busy.. one more to ring tomorrow then I will give up. Still it is expensive..

    Just Katie and two grandchildren.. one is going to Japan and Johnny is going home so heā€™s with him.. they are having a holiday in Tenerife with her dad for two weeks before coming here.

    Good auntie is managing nice you can pop and see her.

    Hope your son and gf are feeling better and you both havenā€™t caught it. Good mum is holding her own, such worry.

    I have got a good range of pink stuff.. I think itā€™s really good.. changing all my stuff over as I use it upā€¦.

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone, have had a busy morning which is just as well because I’m having a fd.
    Chinese takeaway was very nice Friday evening and I did enjoy my wine. It was so cold in the evening when we got back home that we put our heating on for an hour.
    Saturday wasn’t much better temperature wise either. A nice surprise visit from our daughter, son in law and Grandog Poppy though. Yesterday was so much warmer and we sat out in our garden enjoying the sunshine and had a nice BBQ.
    Hope everyone else had a nice weekend.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Had a nice afternoon watching the bowling. It’s gone cold again here. Not had the heating on but felt like putting it on, goes really nippy around 9pm. It’s been a struggle this week foodwise.

    Keep strong Dave, you did so well last week! šŸ’Ŗ
    Nana- glad you had a nice weekend, no BBQs here yet…
    Hemmy- enjoy your day out today šŸ˜„
    Jean- hope you find somewhere for Charlie, when would the cruise be?
    Managing a liquid FD today, although am cooking hubby one of my favourite comfort food recipes, didn’t plan that very well! We’ve been busy, took son’s washing over, got some bits in town, then took mum to the Church yard this afternoon as it would’ve been Dad’s birthday, I thought she’d forgotten but she hadn’t…
    Keep strong everyone fasting!

    Morning everyone, a quick check in as my sister and brother in law are coming over for a coffee this morning so going to be making some biscuits to have with it and also tidy up the bungalow a bit.
    Yesterdays fd went well it came in at 700 calories and for once I didn’t get the mid afternoon hunger pangs. I did allow myself to have two poached eggs for breakfast which maybe helped. Will do the same again on Thursday and see what happens when I weigh myself Friday.
    Dave you’ve done really well so far stay strong.
    Hedgehogs you’re always so busy.
    Jean hope you find someone to look after Charlie for you so that you can go on the cruise.
    Hemmy enjoy your day today, weather here is nice at the moment hope it’s the same in Leamington Spa.
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Good morning everyone took Chloe to the park dropped Denise off for Spanish lessons, I’ll pick her up at 12 then go shopping at Sainsbury’s. Just having a cuppa, not had any food yet or even a snack. Think we’re having stuffed peppers tonight so I’ll hang on until then hopefully. I’ve been under my allowance this week just about but for some reason I’m not convinced I’ve lost anything. Will find out tomorrow.

    Good afternoon F B Brits hope you are having a good day. Xxxx

    It was a lovely day yesterday in Leamington.. we had a good lunch .. sat outside a pub.. .. weather was warm and dry.. ideal for shopping .

    Found some royal blue cotton trousers Dart mart a good make so just bought the size 12 without trying on and they fitted brilliantly.

    I was so chuffed. ..Also after getting back a lady in the village that was chatting said .. oh you have lost weight.. lol I said its the 5 2 method.

    Today a different day .. Bicester for a dental check up early walk then had to leave earlier as the traffic holdups around the town with work being done are horrendous and due to continue for the rest of the year.
    Anyway all good at dentist..

    Nana.. I reckon over the years eggs have been my go to for fasting day. For years I always had Fried egg sandwiches and a satsuma on FD day lol It worked though as it filled me up.
    Hope your friends visit went well.

    Dave… keep going now not long till your weigh in and you are doing brilliantly.

    H H .. Oh bless your Mum for remembering your Dads Bday…. Well done on your fast while cooking hubbies favourite dish.

    Sym .. Any luck with that boy Charlies. accommodation. It would be a shame not to go with your family.

    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone .. ā€œDieting is the only game where you win when you lose!ā€ Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    A bit chilly and raining here
    Boules cancelled for me, I think some men played in the rain!

    I canā€™t get Charlie looked after so the cruise is off..
    I donā€™t really mind as I have some house things to do, two windows which are blown and painting outside.
    You only have so much money, a big chunk to pay out.

    The bonus is I have found some wonderful kennels for next year, I feel very comfortable with them the owners are lovely.. I have found the small one for February, they both are very similar but the small one gets full quick. So a choiceā€¦

    Katie and family are on their way to Tenerife in a hour to meet her father, his turn this year.. she comes to me about the 20th.. I will miss her chatting..

    Hope you feel better today food wise.. itā€™s on our minds all the time.. stuffed peppers šŸ¤¢

    Hope mum is ok.. strange what they remember.

    I always think eggs are good for filling you up.. keep the hunger pangs at bay. I have a good oaty biscuit recipeā€¦too nice..

    Hope you are having a good dayā€¦

    Jean x

    Afternoon All..
    A bit chilly and raining here
    Boules cancelled for me, I think some men played in the rain!

    I canā€™t get Charlie looked after so the cruise is off..
    I donā€™t really mind as I have some house things to do, two windows which have blown and painting outside.
    You only have so much money, a big chunk to pay out.

    The bonus is I have found some wonderful kennels for next year, I feel very comfortable with them the owners are lovely.. I have found the small one for February, they both are very similar but the small one gets full quick. So a choiceā€¦

    Katie and family are on their way to Tenerife in a hour to meet her father, his turn this year.. she comes to me about the 20th.. I will miss her chatting..

    Hope you feel better today food wise.. itā€™s on our minds all the time.. stuffed peppers šŸ¤¢

    Hope mum is ok.. strange what they remember.

    I always think eggs are good for filling you up.. keep the hunger pangs at bay. I have a good oaty biscuit recipeā€¦too nice..

    Hope you are having a good dayā€¦

    Jean x

    Sym.. I had just posted minutes before you. xx Such a shame you couldnt get Charlie booked in.. I do know what you mean about you cant do everything though.. I do notice its harder alone.. plus any work is an horrendous price. I have a few blown windows too but they have been like it for a good while and can stay lolol. Xxxx

    Jean- shame about the cruise, but better for your waistline! Good you’ve found another kennels…
    Dave- what have you stuffed your peppers with? Hope today’s been easier for you & not so hungry?
    Nana- hope your biscuits were good & you had a nice day with family?
    Hemmy- glad you had a good day yesterday & hope your check up was okay?
    Kept the fast going til lunchtime, kept well under my TDEE today. Made quiche for hubby & a vegan one for me. Rang my HS family- she forgot again, was supposed to be the last chance but we agreed one more chance! Got some cleaning done, trying to do all the corners & jobs etc I don’t usually get to do! Plus going round cleaning up after hubby, his DIY jobs today were messy!

    HH I had mince and onion in the peppers. The sun is out now but it was pouring down earlier. It always rains when we go to Sainsbury’s.Chloes on the sofa with me, she spends hours next to me on the sofa which I love. Sometimes I’m stroking her for hours.

    Morning everyone, a lovely time with my sister and brother in law yesterday and pleased to say they enjoyed the biscuits.
    Received a message from my cousin to say that Auntie had beeb admitted to Addenbrookes hospital again with breathing problems so it’s unlikely that we’ll be going to Ely tomorrow.
    Dave your stuffed peppers sounded nice, we used to have those also did beefsteak tomatoes in the same way. Hope today’s weigh in goes well.
    Jean glad you’ve found somewhere for Charlie that you’re happy with.
    Hemmy a size 12 – I remember being that size many years ago sadly. Would be nice to get down to a 16.
    Hedgehogs hope the homestart remembers.
    Geraldine is sitting outside waiting for me to take her up to the guided busway later on.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Morning Allā€¦
    A lovely walk a bit of a bite in the wind, dodged the cowsā€¦

    Going out with my friend Barbara for lunch trying to get together once a month. She lives 30 miles away..

    Itā€™s a worry getting workmen I wonder if they hack the price up for us singles..
    I am not too upset about the holiday a lot of money when I would normally put it away over time. It would have been Ā£3500 itā€™s a lot for two weeks. Especially with the jobs to do ā€¦
    A good buy on the trousers and a good size šŸ˜Š

    Dave ..
    They do like a snuggle Charlie does.

    Sorry on auntie again she seemed to be doing very well. Any biscuits left ?

    Have a good day..
    Jean x

    The sun is out but rain predicted for later on, glad I’m not bowling today. It was a cold wind last night when I took Chloe out. Just kicked her off the sofa so I could get on but as soon as I sat down she was back upā¤ļøšŸ˜„.

    I’ve stayed the same weight this week but definitely lost around my waist,I got in new shorts which are 2 sizes smaller and there is still room in them. So not all bad.

    Well done Dave, shrinking your waist!
    Jean- handy if you can get workmen recommended by others, must be hard otherwise…
    Nana- hope you had a good bike ride & hope Auntie gets better soon šŸ¤—
    Hemmy- hope you’ve had a good day…
    Had another day under my TDEE, had my hair done, Xena was very keen to say hello- quite a few times so had to shut her away in the end šŸ˜‚ Did our shopping today & got lots of washing dry outside, a dry day at last! FD tomorrow…

    Hi all.
    Everyone on here seems to know what theyā€™re doing. Iā€™m looking to try 5:2. What should I expect please?
    Any tips?
    Thanks in advance.

    Morning All..
    Early wake up again, itā€™s 5 ish with the light mornings.

    I had a lovely meal and catchup with my friend.. we are both looking old these days. It makes you think of the past.

    I am fasting today..

    You are doing really well, staying the same is fine. We always say itā€™s not just the weight your shape changes too. Smaller shorts is amazingā€¦šŸ˜Š

    Looking for recommendations for jobs is the way to go, must have been cold last night as one of my blown windows was very steamed up. Must sort it out.
    I am going away overnight to a wedding Wednesday, so I will start ringing after that.

    Welcome come and join us. I have been doing this way of life for 9 years. Put your mind to it and it works. I have lost 2 1/2 stone and around maintenance a lot of years now, still I have been on a cruise so fighting with 4 lb to loose at the moment.
    Buy the 5.2 book it helps and tells you why you need to loose weight.
    Choose two different days and tell yourself non negotiable fasting days, thatā€™s what I do. Still others swap about, I donā€™t like swapping!
    Come on here every day !

    Have a good fast day.. anyone else today?

    Jean x

    Thanks Jean. Thatā€™s helpful. Just starting the book so with get that read over the next day or two and keep an eye on this thread.

    Congrats on the huge 2.5 stone! Amazing.

    Good morning everyone .. lovely start to the day with lots of sunshine. Xxxx

    Busy from today for 8 days .. neighbours away and I am on watering and greenhouse duty. So hoping it wont be too hot. lol

    I think I have had enough prawn stir-fry’s now too many lol. I always do that . lol

    Weight good.. I dont seem to be wanting heavy food at the moment which helps.

    Dave.. Yay .. Well done with the smaller shorts.

    Nana .. I Hope your Aunt is soon back in the comfort of her home again.

    H H Yes its lovely getting washing dry.. nothing like the smell of air dried clothes.

    Sym Yes its amazing how when we meet old friends how we the relive the past times.Plus we relize how time has flown..lol

    Slider.. Welcome.. this is a lovely thread peeps been here a long time. Lots of tips and ideas shared.. Good luck .. it s a good idea checking in each day.Xx

    Have good day everyone .. Always look for the best in everything and everyone. xxxx

    Morning everyone, another fd for me and have just had my two scrambled eggs for breakfast as they seemed to help the mid afternoon hunger that I usually get on Mondays fd.
    It was a real pleasure to ride Geraldine yesterday but I felt it in my legs during the evening as it’d been three weeks since I last went out on her. A lovely lunch with our friends as usual,one of whom will have had a hip replacement next time we see them.
    No visit to Ely today as Auntie is still in Addenbrookes but she messaged me yesterday to say that she was feeling much better and the drs have reduced some of her medication dosage as they think that’s the cause of her problem, she’s amazing for ninety one years old.
    Jean no biscuits left luckily – I gave the rest of them to my brother in law to take home , I calculated the calories of them and it was 103 per biscuit. Glad you enjoyed the meet up with your friend. Annoying to wake up early though and not be able to drop off again.
    Dave you are doing really well and two sizes smaller shorts also.
    Slider welcome to our group we’re a friendly group. I have at least three stones to lose – its slow going but coming off gradually.
    I have Monday and Thursday as my fds but will move them around if necessary.
    Will make a start on packing for our holiday to Sheringham tomorrow for the week.
    Have a good day everyone, will try to post tomorrow morning.
    Nana xxx

    Evening All..
    I have had a good day finished at 550 cals, kept busy a bit of bra shopping and a cardigan to go with my midi dresses..

    Dave Is the best out of the bunch, he has done amazing.. I will let him tell youā€¦

    Greenhouse duty again it will keep you out of mischief šŸ˜‚
    I must admit feeling my age and the time passingā€¦not feeling it as a person just the numberā€¦
    You do well keeping the weight stable..

    Enjoy your trip away..do you keep the case in the bedroom?? Thereā€™s no time putting it awayā€¦šŸ˜‚ before your next tripā€¦
    Glad you are getting used to Geraldine best to be safe and comfortable.

    Jean x

    Hi Slider & welcome! I do Mondays & Thursdays FDs usually too, I am struggling to lose so do liquid FDs at the moment, will you do 500 or 800cal FDs? Best to do simple meals, we’re all different, I found just having one or 2 meals easier rather than 3…keep on here, the support is helpful!
    Jean- good you had a nice catch up! Is the wedding next week? Where will Charlie go?
    Nana- have a lovely holiday, hope the weather is good! The Copper Whelk tea room is good although I know you like the pubs in Sheringham…
    Hemmy- hope you’re not going to be too busy with your neighbours watering …what will be your new favourite meal be I wonder?!
    Dave- not like you to be not on here! Busy day bowling?
    Had to ring my HS families again today, had to pop into town again but ignored the bakeries šŸ˜‡ Fell asleep this afternoon, have been really tired! Managed another liquid FD today, hope the scales are good tomorrow šŸ¤ž

    Hello everyone, yes I was bowling.Welcome Slider I was 24 stone a few years ago down to 19 and a half so a good loss. The key to losing weight on the 5-2 is to not go mad on non fast days. Work out your TDEE and always make sure your well under it, depending on how heavy you are. I try to stay 1000 below it but that would be a lot different is your a lot lighter than me.Try and come on here each day if you can it does help and gives you encouragement.

    Wow. Just checking in and really didnā€™t expect so many responses. This is great.
    Thank you for all the advice.
    I finished the book today so now looking to decide a start date.
    I think Iā€™ll do Monday and Thursday FDS with 600 kcals as Iā€™ve no reason to do anything other than the book says.
    Iā€™ll weigh in on the day I start and take the dreaded measurements.
    How frequently do you recommend I weigh in. I was thinking after each FD.
    Looking forward to it dropping off.
    Fingers crossed for Dr Moseleys safe rescue.

    Wedding is on Wednesday stay over and back Thursday, itā€™s in York at a hotel. Charlie is going to Elaine, the lady who let me down. Fay is coming to the wedding.
    No fast day for next Thursday.

    Well done on today eatingā€¦

    We usually weigh in after your second fast.. first thing Friday morning if you doing what we all do.. write it down and keep a record.

    Bed for us

    Night Jean x

    Good morning F B Brits .. what a beautiful morning, Xxxx

    I have been over to neighbours .. opening the green houses and checking the plants for water in my dressing gown lolol A very sorry sight for anyone around lolol. As my Kristy would say ” Who cares.” lol

    Hopefully a quiet easy weekend in the garden.. ..

    Dave well done on your massive weight loss you have done brilliantly.

    Nana .. enjoy your time away.. hopefully the weather will be kind.

    H H Well done with those liquid fasts hopefully a good result for you today.

    Sym… What are you wearing to the wedding..

    Slider.. Lol I weigh everyday lol I know others dont but it suits me as I am a curious person not good at waiting and its served me well keeping daily tabs on my weight. I feel it nips any weight gain in the bud straight away and I can act on it. I was size 16 now 12 .. Good luck this coming week. xx

    Have a fabulous Friday everyone Xxxx

    Slider I weigh once a week but have don’t it once a month in the past, once a month weigh in you lose much more šŸ˜„.The new figure for weight loss is 800 calories but if you can do 600 all the better but if you go over 800 is perfectly acceptable.I live in Manchester and have a greyhound called Chloe, she’s the laziest dog I’ve ever had. Most of us have dogs or are in contact with dogs. Do you have any pets? I’m bowling again today so hope the rain stay away, it was lovely weather yesterday.Hemmy the women around here do shopping at the corner shop in their PJ’s.Nothing new seeing them walk past in dressing coats and PJ’s. They even do the school run in them.I used to feel strange if I went outside in slippers.How times change.

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