Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Get a bigger coat HH,I can’t bare anything tight. If I do lose a lot of weight I will have to buy all new clothes. And maybe they will fit okšŸ¤£. Will cost a fortune but would be worth it. Can have a rest from bowling until Monday now.

    Afternoon All..
    A walk on the riverbank towards the cows then turned around and a bit of a village walk to make the time up.

    Met up with a boules lady, we had a coffee then a wine some deep conversations but a changeā€¦everybody else was busyā€¦ too cold to play a bit of rain about.

    Snuggled with the boy.. these walks come around fastā€¦soon be going againā€¦.

    Glad you had a good time away.. page turned canā€™t remember what else sorry Nana..

    Keep going until you have to buy new clothesā€¦ some more to loose yetā€¦

    Jacquiā€™s away this weekend so a quiet time for me..

    Jean x

    Dave- big mistake buying bigger clothes, I’d never lose weight! Enjoy your rest from bowling.
    Jean- nice to meet up, coffee & wine?!
    Had a damp walk this morning, did a big pile of ironing, & went back to bed for a bit, I was so tired! Had a game this afternoon with mum. Managed a liquid FD, not bad for a Saturday!
    Baking tomorrow, youngest son has his 1st year assessment with the fire service so wanted to take goodies for bribery! Eldest son going to look at another house to rent with his gf, it looks promising…

    Good evening everyone, not been a bad day. I’ve put up 2 security lights one at the back and one at the front. They are solar powered so I’ll let them charge for a couple of days providing we get some sun. Going around 1700 calories this week but might slip in a FD before Wednesday.

    I said to Denise now that I’ve put the solar lights up the sun will disappear. Just had a beef butty for dinner and it’s roast chicken for tea so Chloe will start walking up and down when she smells it.I don’t think I’ll do Yorkshire puddings today, save on the calories. I’ve ordered the book we was told about at the session. It looks good so can’t wait to see it.

    Happy Sunday F B Brits .. hope you are having a good day. Xxxx

    Awful weather here .. looks set in with rain for the day and quite cold.

    I had a lovely few days with Kristy although she had to work 2 of them.. nice to chat..

    She had a cough and runny eyes and thought it was hay fever with all the blossom. Today I woke up with a croaky voice and runny nose .. voice ok now though but feel cold. Hopefully it isn’t a cold as i haven’t had one for years.

    Weight is good .. not eaten anything untoward this past week.. as Kristy still eating carefully..

    Just had 2 crumpets with cheese for lunch .. will just finish off bits and pieces this evening.

    Enjoy the rest of the day whatever you are doing ..ā€œWhat we think, we become.ā€ Xxxx

    Good evening everyone just took Chloe out and the heavens opened.Typical been dry all day. I’ve bought a couple of books for weight loss, one was what they suggested at the weight loss session.And another one that’s to do with the 5-2 diet. They are filled with photos of food in different amounts and give you details all about the food. So very handy when deciding what to have for your meals.

    Morning Allā€¦
    We have had a walk at the park this morning he does enjoy it.. lots of trees and smellsā€¦dry and sunny..

    I am fasting, must get back on boardā€¦ slipping a bit.

    Hope your cold doesnā€™t develop.. nice to have company.
    Look after yourself.

    Hope they are a good read always get you back on track with new recipes.

    I think itā€™s the weather making you tired.. I have had a few naps which I never do..good luck to assessment and search for a house for both sons.

    Seems chilly in the house.

    Jean x

    This video helped me lose weight :https://shrinkme.cc/pPDcYabn

    Hemmy- hope it doesn’t turn into a cold, you’ve done well to not have one for so long! Have to say I would only fancy crumpets with butter or honey, not anything savoury!
    Jean- you’re so disciplined, I’m sure you’ll be fine… it’s nice to have a few treats especially for your birthday šŸ¤—
    Dave- hope there’s some nice recipes in your books, it’s nice to have different things, I love trying new recipes…
    Nana- hope you’ve had a good FD?
    Had a liquid FD today, yesterday I was picking a bit while I did lots of cooking. Made tiffin again & some cookie dough & brownie things which are really nice- not sure how I’ve resisted eating any today! Been messed about with phone calls for my new HomeStart family today, been over to see youngest son & done some gardening . My bean plants are doing too well, but can’t plant them out yet as we’ve still had frosts overnight…eldest has seen a lovely cottage to rent (it’s so nice it’s made me envious šŸ˜‚), just waiting to see if the landlord is happy for them to rent, I will find it really hard when he goes, but he needs to start looking after himself!
    Taking Xena to the vets tomorrow for her teeth to be cleaned & an x-ray on her leg.

    Good morning everyone just about. I went to bowling matches yesterday and e won both. I didn’t play in either. It was nice just to watch. Could have done with better weather though. Didn’t rain but was cold. On the telly it says it’s been the wettest 18 months in historyšŸ˜«.

    Good afternoon everyone it’s a nice sunny day here for a change. Not done a proper FD this week, trying out what they said at the weight loss place. I’ve been under their recommendations all week so hopefully I will have lost a pound or two.

    Hi F B Brits .. its a beautiful day… hope you have the sunshine too so very welcome after all the rain. Xxxx

    I seem to have a cold.. sneezing and coughing. Feeling ok in myself maybe a bit tired. Its Andrew 12 year of passing on..tomorrow.. I always go a bit low at this time however many years have gone by.

    Just had lunch and going out to plod through a ton bag of pebbles for the drive .. just doing a bit a day.. Might also mow today as I see its raining again the next few days. See how i feel dont want to tire myself.

    I am only taking .. fresh lemon.. honey .. and cinnoman …. in hot water.. and paracetamol.

    I am Not watching what I eat as I think you need to feed and cold and starve a fever.

    Dave.. Do you prefer this new way of eating.

    Nana .. hope all is well with you and yours.

    H H .. That’s funny you saying about sweet things on crumpets I have only ever had savoury. lol I have 2 left will try them in the morning with honey lol.
    You will be lost with no boys at home to spoil and bake for .

    Sym.. What are you doing today .. .. How is your son in law is he ok now.

    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone what ever you are doing.ā€œOnce you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, youā€™ll start having positive results.ā€ Xxxx

    Hemmy I get weighed tomorrow so will let you know my feelings on the new way especially if I lose a pound or maybe 2 pounds. Been a nice sunny day today on the telly they said it’s been the wettest 18 months ever.

    Good afternoon everyone, another sunny day. I lost 2lbs this week so going in the right direction. It’s very interesting each session more than just eat this and lose weight, they make you think about lots of different ways you can go about losing weight.

    Afternoon allā€¦
    A beautiful day walked out in tee shirt..the cows wasnā€™t about so risked the river bankā€¦
    Charlie off colour againā€¦ he wouldnā€™t get up, I was showered and makeup on and down stairs.. he went stiff (the cat used to do that) and wouldnā€™t move, I managed to get him off and make the bed. He didnā€™t eat his breakfast and no water all day. He did have bad diarrhoea when we got out.
    He has just eaten and I put lots of water to float it.

    We did manage the two walks.

    A lazy day we were going out to a cafe but stopped in, as heā€™s been a sleep all day.

    How can you make all those lovely things on a fast day.. you have done very well.
    Hope he gets the cottage it sounds lovely.

    Hope you are feeling better and itā€™s not turning into a proper cold.
    The dates come round but they donā€™t alter things, itā€™s hard to explain how you feel to people unless they have lost a partner/hubbyā€¦ so different to other people.
    I like melted cheese on crumpets and a bit of mango chutney.

    Well done on the 2lbs offā€¦ you are doing really well.

    Fast day tomorrow for meā€¦
    Jean x

    I’ve finished for the day and I’m still a few hundred below my allowance.I might still do one fast day too help lose. There are 7 of us and we all lost weight.

    Hi all!
    Hemmy- sending you hugs, a sad time & shame you’re feeling rough too šŸ¤—šŸ¤—
    Dave- well done losing 2lbs, it’s really good everyone lost, hope you can all keep it up šŸ‘
    Jean- poor Charlie, is he feeling better now? Hugs to you both too šŸ¤—
    Nana- hope you’re okay …
    Xena had her teeth cleaned yesterday, she was so stressed going in but very pleased to get home. Spoilt her with scrambled eggs, rice & chicken but she’s eating fine & thankfully not sick from the anaesthetic. Got some gardening done, yesterday, & more today, getting the veg beds ready for planting beans & courgettes, some more potatoes planted too. Shopping done today as well…I feel like I’m expanding daily at the moment, even with doing liquid FDs, I’m doing a bit less walking, but…šŸ˜• A few days again next week & then need to see what else I can try!
    Eldest son is meeting the landlord on Friday, the cottage advert has been taken down so should be all okay!

    Good morning everyone, it’s going ok at weight loss sessions. I’ve lost 8lb in 2 weeks. It’s nice and sunny today but a cool breeze. Bowling soon and tomorrow bowling followed by swimming with my daughter.

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    Bright dayā€¦ we were dodging the cows back tracking a bit but we got our walk in the end.

    I am fasting .. anyone else ?

    Covid jab on Tuesday, appointment had just come through.

    Charlie is still not too good, no breakfast again, I am making him have water which he doesnā€™t generally drink any way. Tummy still upset I have chicken piece defrosting and I will do some rice tooā€¦

    Lots of vegetable planting you have done, weather still up and down. Glad Xena was fine after the trip to the vets.

    Enjoy your bowlsā€¦

    Jean x

    Jean- poor Charlie, has he eaten something grotty? Hope he picks up soon šŸ˜¢
    Dave- you’ve done really well the last 2 weeks! Hope your knees are okay with all the bowling…
    Hemmy- hope you’re not feeling too rough, & don’t overdo things with the gravel …
    Nana- will you be seeing friends for a takeaway tomorrow?
    Had a busy day- made a rice dish for mum & both boys, extra for youngest to take to work as well, & for me tomorrow – liquid FD again today. Dropped son’s off, then went to a garden centre for compost, spent the afternoon in the garden digging that in & planted all the veg out. The made a Chinese lemon chicken for hubby. Eldest son has heard today he’s been offered a new job, had enough of the police, will be nearer where he’s moving to with his gf, they meet the landlord tomorrow evening. So big changes for him! ( & us!)

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well in your world. Xxxx

    Ohh what a day here today.. we got absolutely soaked .. just what I needed lolol

    Its such a shame as the garden was looking lovely with all the blossom. ..
    This morning the roads are all starting to flood again such a shame.

    Feeling ok it s a strange one because Kristy had the same.. its about 2 really bad coughing then sneezing bouts s day. The sneezing is like when you are allergic to something… Mum would have said ..” Carol you are strange anyway ” lolol.

    Not too bad with May 1 but always glad to see it done and dusted.

    Back to my lowest weight ..Not felt hungry at all.

    Dave.. well done on the 8lbs loss that’s brilliant .. lovely to swim with your daughter.

    Nana .. are you out and about today. Hopefully good weather for you.

    H H .. Sounds like lots of new beginnings at yours.. You will have some lovely fresh veg to look forward too

    Sym.. How is Charlie .. did he eat something untoward while walking .. I have always given Pip 4 tiny meals of boiled chicken and rice ..for a few days then gradually bit by bit including his normal dry mix..

    Enjoy the afternoon everyone.. . One small positive thought in the morning can change the entire outcome of your day! Xxxx

    Hugs to you Hemmy, hope you’re on the mend šŸ¤—
    Woke at 4am & couldn’t get back to sleep, so a long day, been very hungry too…Out early with Xena but we didn’t manage to dodge the rain & got soaked…caught up with some inside jobs today. Trying not to eat too much & spoil yesterday’s hard work!
    Hope everyone has a good weekend!

    Got beat at bowls again but every player on our team lost. We played a team that will probably win the league. It’s players from a few different teams all joined up to play, we call it a cocked up team, they are all superstars. Got away with the rain bit Chloe’s just climbed on the sofa with me, she wants to go out and it’s just started raining.

    Afternoon everyone, a miserable day here with the rain. Yesterday was so lovely and warm and Ely was really busy around the market. Auntie not very good with her breathing again and had a visit from paramedics on Wednesday regarding her breathing problems.
    Managed to lose a half pound this week which isn’t that bad considering a lunch out last Saturday in addition to our usual meals out.
    We’re having the decking replaced in our garden and the new decking was delivered yesterday. OH has injured his back moving it so we’re not going to be having our usual Friday night visit, however, we’ve got some containers of various leftover curries out of the freezer to have this evening.
    Will be looking after our Grandog Poppy this weekend so it’s going to be me that walks her unless OH’s back dramatically improves.
    Dave you’re doing really well with the weight loss.
    Hedgehogs changing times ahead for you.
    Hemmy hope you start to improve soon.
    Jean hope Charlie picks up also.
    Enjoy the long weekend ahead everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Good afternoon everyone a miserable day weather wise.I will rest my aching limbs over the weekend. Bowling Monday and Tuesday night next week Monday in pairs, I’ve never done that before. Speedway Monday afternoon so will go there rather than bowl in the afternoon. I’ve got Chloe will trained,I walk in the road until she’s had a poo then her back in the pavement.Today she did her usual so I picked it up and put it in a bin but coming home she decided she had to go again so she jumped off the pavement into the street and then back on the pavement when she’s beenšŸ˜. I’ll have a toastie for my dinner then a beef stew tonight.

    All quiet today

    Still quietšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    All quiet at this end sitting in the garden but not very warm and itā€™s cloudy.
    Some washing done and now dry.
    Walked the riverbank, cows was at my end so walked 1/4 mile across the fields to the next gate and then did a long walk. Cows seem to all keep together.
    Charlie seems much better now being naughty and not listening so back to normal..

    Jean x

    Nana- hope hubby’s back is getting better, & that Poppy has been well behaved…you must miss having a dog so nice to look after her šŸ„°
    Hemmy- hope you’re on the mend šŸ¤—
    Jean- glad that Charlie is better! How was your afternoon tea yesterday?
    Dave- shame about the bowling, a bit demoralising when you lose badly! Are you having a roast tonight?
    Did a FD yesterday, just over 800cals, not bad considering how hungry I was! Had lovely weather, have done a bit more in the garden, some indoor jobs, saw Mum yesterday… getting some bits together for eldest son, same as I did youngest- cleaning stuff, pantry things, surprising how much it all adds up, I made up 3 jars of spice/ seasoning mixes that I use for cooking for him too. They met the landlord, all seems good & very relaxed, said they can come in any time even before the contracts are signed! They need to clean & get furniture sorted so will probably move bits & bobs in over the next few weeks & move in permanently end May, so I have him here for a little longer šŸ™‚ We’re away tomorrow for 4 nights, going to Brightlingsea again, the lovely house by the beach we went to in October, taking Xena though so hope she’s good!
    Then will need to knuckle down & make more effort with losing weight…

    I think we will be having the odd weekend away but not at the seaside. Birmingham might be one place Denise wants to go around the bull ring, her mum was from Birmingham. And we’re looking at going to a place cliff to the canal and river in Hinckley.I will miss going away properly. Been every year since we got married when I was young I think we only went away twice or three timesšŸ˜”. And we didn’t have a car.

    Hi F B Brits hope all is well with you and yours. Xxxx

    After 2 lovely days today a lovely morning then this afternoon drizzle at times an dark. Such a shame for peeps that have worked all week and enjoying this bank holiday break.

    Just having a quiet weekend.. today having my favourite french bread and roast beef. no cooking day. Oh and a fresh cream choc eclair .. lol

    Brads .. I think I might have said before .. years ago my dad was very pleased as he had visited The Bull ring..Birmingham and bought a nice pair of expensive shoes for a good price, lol Got home and he had been given 2 left shoes lolol Of course lots of remarks for ages at his local pub lolol

    Nana.. hope hubbies back is on the mend and you are having a lovely weekend. .

    HH.. Enjoy your time away.. lovely that Xena is going too. Just enjoy dont worry about dieting .. start again when you come back.

    Sym.. So glad Charlie is feeling better and his old self. .. They have minds of their own.. today Pip kept running off to far ahead of me than i like. Naughty children comes to mind. lol

    Not sure if its hayfever I have.. Feeling ok in myself .. but running nose and husky voice.. .. I walked with MaryAnn today but kept my distance. .
    Enjoy your evening everyone.. ā€œTry to be a rainbow in someoneā€™s cloud.ā€ Xxxx

    Good evening everyone, had a good day at speedway we won easily. Next week should be good we ride against Oxford. Going bowling tonight, playing in a pairs competition never done this before. Bob who I will be playing with informed me he will be standing on the opposite side of the road from where he lives. I said to him he won’t make much money there but the penny didn’t drop. šŸ˜. He plays in a pairs league so he can explain to me what I need to do.

    Good morning, up early today. It makes it very difficult not to eat too much getting up this early.But I shall try. I take Denise to the park for Spanish lessons later and take Chloe round the park while I’m there. Then pick Denise up and go shopping at Thinking of having a salad for tea tonight so maybe I’ll have breakfast or lunch. If I’m really good I won’t have either. Bowling at 7pm again tonight it was nice playing at night last night especially bowling in the evening sun.

    I caved in and had a toastie at 1pm.Salad for tea so not too bad. A lot day.Weigh-in tomorrow so fingers crossed I lose again for the third week in a row.

    I lost another pound when I got weighed at the weigh loss place. So since January 1st I’ve lost almost 2 stone. Very happy with that but still a long way to go.

    Evening All..
    A beautiful day here, shorts on tomorrow hopefully.
    I have been out to buy some black sandals to walk Charlie .. the other year I ended up with white feet with wearing trainers.
    Covid jab yesterday a bit headache today feeling off.

    Walked with Andrea ( grandma) with Oreo this morning a different river bank.

    Would be nice to go away for a couple of days.. I donā€™t know whether we will..

    Charlie seems very lively these last few days.. no idea why.
    Hope you are feeling better, hay fever is high at the moment.

    I will be fasting Thursdayā€¦

    Jean x

    Good morning F B Brits.. and what a beautiful one too. Xxxx

    I love these sunny mornings it is oh so very uplifting ..

    It s a big shop today… I have been using up bits from the freezer. ..weight good at goal as I am just having my meals when hungry and working hard in the garden.

    Dave .. well done on your loss .. you have done so very well.

    Sym…Lovely to get your shorts on… I haven’t worn any for years I dont think I have any now.

    Hope you are feeling better today after your jab… Whatever I had seems to have gone quickly maybe hay fever lots of Rape fields around here.

    It takes five minutes to consume 500 calories. It takes two hours to burn them off.Xxxx
    Enjoy your day everyone.

    Morning Allā€¦
    A beautiful walk this morning it makes such a difference..

    Trying to fast I am finding it hard on my non fast daysā€¦

    A bit of shopping bits here and there.. going to find a new shop for some bunny ears for Charlieā€¦

    Hemmy ..
    Arm aching but much better, not dizzy today..glad you are feeling better.
    Going to get changed to go out.. shorts or dress itā€™s very warmā€¦ Charlie wants to sit out but he will have to wait..

    Jean x

    Sat in the sun for a few hours watching bowling, so nice when the sun shines. A lovely day here for a change. Just having a cuppa then I’ll take Chloe out.

    Good morning everyone another nice day. Jeremy Hemmy I bet your in the garden with Mr Pips, wish I had a garden. I’ll take Chloe out before it gets to hot, she is in danger of getting sunburn or so I have read. I bought her a sun hatšŸ˜ she’s not had it on yet but wears a woolly hat on the winter and dosent seem to mind it.

    Good afternoon F B Brits hope you are having a good day. Xxxx

    A lovely walk across the fields.. birds singing.. the last of the cowslips …
    buttercups. wild Queen Anne’s lace wonderful.

    Its Friday so this evening its fish n chips. .. Youngs frozen fillet and homemade chips. peas.
    Weight good staying basically the same for a long time now.. .. it is so much easier on your own with no temptations from others.

    Its the garden centre lunch meet up on Tuesday with Chris I notice I do eat more. Just alone I am not bothered unless really hungry..I dont have set times. .. Just had lunch at 3pm so I wont want a big portion this evening now.

    Dave… it is lovely having a good size plot but with age its a lot of work now.
    This year I haven’t bothered with any veg at all even tomatoes. it too tying ..My neighbours have a massive plot with green houses.. which I will need to water in a few weeks when they go fishing to the Isle of Mull husband and wife absolutely love fishing. Hope Chloe’s got her hat on bless her.

    Sym.. What are you doing today.. did you get your shorts on.

    HH and Nana hope you are enjoying this lovely weather

    The sun has got its hat on today .. time to come out to play Xxxx

    Evening All..
    A beautiful day.. cows laid down near our gate so walked to the next one and had a good walk. Alarm going off at one of the river authorities little houses so I reported it, they were sending someone to have a lookā€¦ good deed for the day.
    So relaxing in this sunny weather two more days before the rain comes again.

    Haddock and chips for me and a touch for Charlie.. very delicious.

    Played boules we played two different games .. each playing three people at singles a long drawn out match only managed one gameā€¦ I played well and won but very close..the two men were much better than me one winning the knockout tournament last year.

    Yes shorts on two days now.. it feels niceā€¦
    The gardens lot of work, my daughter has planted herbs and different veggiesā€¦ mine is very small, itā€™s enough me I am no gardener.
    You do very well when itā€™s a big plot.

    I am always careful of the sun with Charlieā€¦he gets sprayed with bug stuff now before we go out as he has no flea tablets now. He has been good as he doesnā€™t like water.

    A lazy weekend for meā€¦have a good oneā€¦

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone a beautiful day here.Chloe as not stopped panting since we got back. Forgot to put her hat on, she gets lots of smiles in the winter with her bobble hat.I was going to try and remove the scratches from my car but it says don’t do it in the sun shine so I’ll leave it for a dry dull day. The bowling is great in the sun we play for about 3/4 to an hour then the next 4 play and we sit and watch in the sunny fresh air

    Evening Allā€¦.
    A beautiful river bank walk this morning dodged the cows.. so niceā€¦ strappy top and shortsā€¦
    Reading under the brolly especially brought out for the boy he tootles off on the grass!!
    A couple of G & Ts, a nice Indian starter with popadoms for this evening, snacky but very tasty.

    Hope everybody is enjoying the weatherā€¦good one tomorrow then itā€™s on the change againā€¦

    Jean x

    Evening everyone,been a busy week for OH and I. My weight was the same this week so no loss but no gain either. Was booked to go blood doning on Wednesday which would’ve been my 85th pint only for them to cancel my appointment an hour before hand. This is the second time in a row that they’ve done this to me so have decided to no longer go blood doning, I wouldn’t mind but they bombard me with emails and texts saying make sure you keep your appointment for two weeks before the appointment day.
    A good visit with Auntie Thursday, pleased to see her looking so much better than of late. It was her 91st birthday yesterday bless her.
    We’re going on holiday to the Norfolk coast Monday to Friday with our daughter, son in law and Grandog Poppy so hoping that this lovely weather we’re having at the moment will hang around for a bit longer.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone and I’ll be back on the 20th.
    Nana xxx

    Good afternoon, weather still warm but thunderstorms predicted in an hour. Just took Chloe out just in case. Roast lamb for tea not sure if I’ll do Yorkshire puddings I know Jean would. Watching the football Norwich v Leeds then United v Arsenal. Not very often I shout for United but will do today.

    Another nice day sunny at the moment, rain forecast tonight so will mess the speedway up, think we ride against Oxford tonight. I’m doing a fast day today not confident of losing weight this week so got to try extra hard today and tomorrow.

    Good morning everyone I have got the electric smart meter working ok now but not the gas. Got to wait for an engineer to come out and have a look. They said it will be over 5 weeks waitšŸ¤Ŗ. Meanwhile I’m stuck on the most expensive tarrif. Had a good fast day yesterday and will try for another one today. I get weighed tomorrow at MoreLife and don’t feel confident this time after losing 6lbs then 2lbs and one pound last week. Denise is not well, she was tossing and turning all last night so as gone back to bed, missed her Spanish lessons.

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    A good fast day yesterday, these days come around quick.
    Lovely three days now the rain is back we got drenched this morning back to winter clothes again.
    No boules.

    Lamb sounded good yorkshires definitely for me you know me well.. chicken for tonight was thinking of salad but really may do a dinner. I have not had one for a while.
    Hoping Denise soon feels better. I am having a snuggle awake at 5.30 I feel tired.

    Have a good trip away with your family.

    Jean x

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