Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good morning FB Brits .. hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A lovely start to the day so hopefully it lasts .. temps look high in the next few days. It needs to dry up again after all yesterdays rain. we got soaked again.

    The garden is looking so pretty with all the blossom and the birds singing their little hearts out.. I love spring and getting back out in the garden.

    Yesterday I made chicken and veg in the Crock pot .. again I am not mad on it put in lots of spices etc but it definitely doesnt taste like when oven slow cooked . I am thinking of blending it into a soup.
    I think the answer for me is to batch cook fill my oven up to make it economical.

    I am 2 lbs up in weight .. I have been eating up bits and pieces back to just meals today.

    Enjoy your day everyone. The only limits in our life are those we impose on ourselves.” . Xxxx

    Good morning everyone it’s chucking it down and I’m bowling at 1:30. The met office days 95%chanch of rain then. Will put full waterproofs on today, hate bowling in the rain, bad enough just wearing a coat. Bowls are so slippy and the green is very heavy. Just took Chloe out so had to rub her down when we got home. She enjoyed that😁.

    Hi all!
    Dave- not nice wet bowling! Good job Chloe doesn’t mind being dried!
    Jean- not good if dog boarders don’t walk the dogs much although I guess they get the playing in the house…Marissa will hire a field near her when Xena goes so the dogs can run there, otherwise she takes dogs in the car to the forest, her garden is quite big too, Xena really likes her & her partner, but it is a worry wherever they go …
    Hemmy- I’m sure you’ll soon shift the 2lbs, you & Jean are so disciplined! Your garden sounds beautiful…
    Nana- hope your day has been good!
    We went out for breakfast yesterday, we drove down to look at the outside of some new apartments afterwards, I’m feeling empty nesty if eldest does move out, & wondering if we should downsize?! Not eaten too much today but have been hungry. FD tomorrow hopefully…

    Dave not been on?
    That’s a first, hope you’ve had a good day bowling Dave, & hope you had a nice trip out Jean!
    Got some cooking done first thing, made a rice dish to take over to youngest, he’s having the Gousto meals on offer, has been pretty adventurous & he likes cooking, but he can always fit in an extra dinner 😂 Went to see him & picked up lots of washing, did some gardening, spent ages doing my moderating…managed a liquid FD, it’s weird, I’ve been fine today but felt rough when I tried on Monday 🤔
    Have a good evening everyone!

    Morning All…
    A small walk today.. Charlie has pulled a muscle on his rib cage and he’s very sore. Having bed rest and a duvet day. I had to help him off our bed and he needed help to come down stairs. Tempted him to walk but he wasn’t keen to go.
    Snuggled now.

    I have managed to loose 1 lb, so pleased I wasn’t expecting it.

    Boiler service at 9 am do was up early and walked.

    The last two days have been lovely, lots of blackbirds about getting frisky, mud drying up. Cows are out so have to do different walks. They do spoil the summer.
    I like my batch cooking, my last batch of potato and leek soup was the best ever oooo I might have some for lunch…
    Your 2lbs will soon come off..

    It’s a worry where ever the dogs stay .. I saw Fay with all of her dogs yesterday first time in ages, about a 30 min walk with all her stopping and talking. Its pro and cons with all of it… I have paid my deposit so I will give it a go…but it’s a worry.

    Have a good Friday….

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone I was bowling yesterday then I had to go to the post office to return the old passports. On the way back I got a tyre pressure light on my dashboard so I checked the tyres when I got back and there is a big chunk coming out of one tyre and another is on the way out. So I was looking to buy new tyres online. I eventually found some Bridgestone tyres do ordered 4 new ones. They are coming to fit them tomorrow. Not cheap cost over £600. So can’t use the car until then. Lucky I sent the hash in the tyre, it could easily have gone on the motorway.

    Hi F B Brits hope all is good in your world. Xxx

    Its a lovely day 19 deg and sunshine.. such a welcome change after all the rain of late.

    Its beautiful over the fields with all the blossom on the trees. I took my camera and going to send the pics to my friend in the states.

    Just phoned my monthly gas and electricity figures through and it is half the amount I paid last month.. I wont have e smart meter or pay by DD as lots don’t work.

    I have lost 1 lb of the 2 I had put on.. so onwards and downward this week.

    Nana .. Hope you are having a good day.

    Dave.. What a nuisance about the tires.. Still at least now all will be ok for a while.

    H H … Lol you better wait a while to see whether all is ok with your boys.. they might come back for mums cooking lolol

    Sym.. Well done on your pound loss Re charlie .. I think I wouldn’t worry to much about the length of walks out with these minders.. I expect their time is limited as to how long they can walk the dogs. I would be more concerned about the feeding .. and sleeping conditions .. overall surroundings.

    Enjoy the rest of this lovely day .. back off out to shift some more compost ..

    “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”Xxxx

    Back from bowling, can have a rest until Monday now. I will be playing Mon, Tue,wed, Thu and Friday next week 😲🤯🤪. It’s nice to bowl in the dry and it was warm enough to. Not been on the scales for over a week, it would drive half of you mad going that long🤣.

    Evening All..
    A lovely warm day..
    Hair cut and blow all tidy again…

    Charlie is still stiff getting up and down, walking a bit stiff too. He went back to bed all afternoon when I went to the hairdressers I went up and wrapped him up.. he was asleep for about 3 hours.

    Hemmy ..
    Good you have lost a pound.. I have 2lbs to loose to goal..
    I know the sitters won’t walk as we do, it’s the safety I am concerned about. He is booked overnight when I go to a wedding and two weeks when I go to Texas with them… you just have to do the best you can.

    A nuisance with your tyres it’s an expensive job. Well done on all the bowling.

    Have a good weekend..
    Jean x

    Good morning everyone waiting for the tyres to come. Then we can go shopping, you might know it’s raining. Hope it dosent put the fitter off from doing my tyres. I’ll stand over him with my fishing umbrella 🤣.

    Tyres fitted at 3pm. So thunderbird’s are go🤣. Keeping well away from the scales, I will get weighed on Wednesday morning before I start the weight loss program in the afternoon.

    Hi FB Brit friends on this beautiful Sunday afternoon. Xxxx

    Its been a lovely weekend here .. lots of warm sunshine. Mr Pips very naughty today rolled in fresh fox poo lolol .. little devil I did swear at him I can tell you lolol

    I am out to lunch tomoz and Tues so I had cleaned all through before walking .. thinking after a nice lunch and glass of wine .. I would get my outfits sorted.lol

    Well I had to come back .. filled watering cans with warm water Fox poo shampoo and vinegar to neutralise .. its quite a job lol .. Thank goodness a lovely day and was able outside.

    Dave.. Glad all sorted with your car .. always a hassle.. I don’t know how you can resist not weighing lolol I weigh every morning I like to keep track of my weight and nip it in the bud if I have gained .. I find then it goes quickly that way.

    Sym.. Yes safety is top priority for Charlie limited time walks wont hurt for a while . .. you give him lots of good runs everyday..

    What are you doing today.

    Hope everyone is having a good day “Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” –.Xxxx.

    Hello everyone, it’s certainly been a lovely day – we’ve had out first BBQ of the year and managed to eat it outside but have now come in as it’s getting a bit chilly.
    Managed to lose 4 ounces this week but to be fair I’ve not had a fd day but kept reasonably low calorie wise. The trouble is we’re off to Norfolk tomorrow until Friday and I’ve been getting in the holiday mode to early.
    Dave good the new tyres all sorted.
    Jean hope Charlie is a bit better bless him.
    Hemmy enjoy your two lunches out this week.
    Hedgehogs hope you’re feeling better now.
    It’s limited wi fi where we’ll be staying so will check in again on Saturday.
    Nana xxx

    Hi all!
    Have a lovely holiday Nana, hope the weather stays nice! Great to have had an early BBQ!
    Dave- you’ll be aching next week with all that bowling, hope it stays nice for you as well… expensive getting tyres done!
    Jean- poor Charlie, a worry when they hurt themselves!
    Hemmy- naughty Pip, they always seem to roll on the worst possible days as well! Hope your lunches out are good…
    Had a busy day cleaning out our utility cupboard on Friday (can’t remember when I last posted, page has turned so sorry if I’m repeating myself!), that was hard work! Yesterday walked early with my friend & her dog, then hubby & I went to the beach for the day, which was lovely…quiet day today, put my feet up a bit! Have a new second family to start tomorrow for HomeStart.
    Started veg seeds off a week ago, they’re all growing quickly, hopefully we’ll have lots of beans again. Not doing any tomatoes this year though unless I get given plants, not worth the work & watering!
    Have a good evening everyone 🥰

    Speedway called off already tomorrow, threat of rain🤬. So not looking good for bowling. We play a top team tomorrow so expect to get slaughtered. But you never know.

    They got it right it’s absolutely pouring down. Got wet bowling but had 2 dry walks with Chloe. Two days until I go the the weight loss program.

    A funny day today, my new HomeStart family didn’t answer their call, she forgot with the kids going back to school, my other family didn’t answer until late as well! Then we were getting ready to take son’s washing over & he got a shout, then a second one on their way back to station! So waiting around for everyone… Got a few bits done, managed a liquid FD.
    Going out with sis tomorrow.

    Good afternoon one and all. The sun is out now but had rain before, a good thunderstorm last night, very loud thunder. I’m playing bowls tonight and it will be freezing where I play. Denise as got a new phone took her 69 years to get her first one. I will have to set it up for her later.

    Good afternoon FB Brit friends. .. Hope you are having a good day. Xxxx

    Two early walking busy days .. out to lunch .. unusual for me as I usually like a
    free day in-between lol.

    Anyway both enjoyable.. yesterday .. Aylesbury shopping and lunch .. today my monthly meet up at the Garden Centre Buckingham with my oldest friend.
    So not eating much after a good lunch. ..

    Both days very enjoyable.. I was also invited to go to Blenheim Palace on Saturday as they have an exhibition of clothes .. I think through the ages.. and also do afternoon tea. .. I declined this time and we will go another week ..its on for a while.

    Funny as I feel tired today lol as my friend would say ” I cant be doing with all this coming coming and going lolol

    Dave.. Denise sounds old school like me we dont like change.. happy with the old tried and tested lolol Good job we are all different makes it more interesting. Have you started your new diet plan..

    Nana .. Well done on last weeks loss .. Enjoy your away days.

    H H .. Enjoy your time out with your sister … well done on yesterdays Liquid day.

    Sym… How are things with you today.. what have you and Charlie been doing.

    Enjoy the afternoon everyone.. Smile and be happy Xxxx

    Evening All…
    A busy week and a week off on fasting.. 3 meals out this week.. a lovely meal out with friends last night and really was stuffed. Hard driving home on small country lanes with no lights.. I do struggle.

    Eyes checked today he was pleased, cataract is developing more in my right eye, a couple of years before surgery. My eyes generally very good for my age.

    We have walked the riverbank the last three mornings as the cows are at the other end, we will get one to wander and they all follow.

    I am still looking at kennels, my local one was fine but closed in February… looking at another on Thursday, it has to be right, there is another one too if I want to look. If I don’t find the right one I will cancel the holiday.

    Charlie is all fit again, a few days a bit off. Lovely to get to the beach we will as the weather improves.

    Enjoy your break away…

    Lovely a new phone for Denise I hope she can work it. You will be busy setting it up..

    Blenheim Palace is lovely, good to save for another day.. I seem to be busy this week I like to spread it when possible.
    Selling Steves motorcycle panniers looks like someone is interested coming in the next few days. Put it in the holiday kitty.

    Lunch out with my friend tomorrow, I have known her 50 years …when we both had our second child, they were born the same day.

    Jean x

    Evening All…
    A busy week and a week off on fasting.. 3 meals out this week.. a lovely meal out with friends last night and really was stuffed. Hard driving home on small country lanes with no lights.. I do struggle.

    Eyes checked today he was pleased, cataract is developing more in my right eye, a couple of years before surgery. My eyes generally very good for my age.

    We have walked the riverbank the last three mornings as the cows are at the other end, we will get one to wander and they all follow.

    I am still looking at kennels, my local one was fine but closed in February… looking at another on Thursday, it has to be right, there is another one too if I want to look. If I don’t find the right one I will cancel the holiday.

    Charlie is all fit again, a few days a bit off. Lovely to get to the beach we will as the weather improves.

    Enjoy your break away…

    Lovely a new phone for Denise I hope she can work it. You will be busy setting it up..

    Blenheim Palace is lovely, good to save for another day.. I seem to be busy this week I like to spread it when possible.
    Selling Steves motorcycle panniers looks like someone is interested coming in the next few days. Put it in the holiday kitty.

    Lunch out with my friend tomorrow, I have known her 50 years …when we both had our second child, they were born the same day.

    Jean x

    Hemmy- & Jean- nice that you are both having a sociable time & having meals out, enjoy!
    Dave- hope you didn’t get too cold & Denise can get used to her phone!
    Nana- have a lovely holiday…
    No breakfast today, went shopping this morning then lunch out with my sister, cooking this afternoon, made chocolate mousses as youngest is coming for dinner tomorrow, have put a pork joint in the slow cooker for pulled pork, not made that for ages. Will do some baking for him tomorrow as well, he’s going to Ipswich fire station out training with the full timers, wanted to take some treats for them 😃

    Good afternoon everyone it was interesting the weight loss session. There are 4 ladies and one other man. We were talking about different ways to lose weight and different methods of losing it. Heavy rain just started so I’ll take Chloe out later. Is not very warm. Denise kept mythering about keeping her old phone number but she never registered with Vodafone so had to do a lot of messing about but managed to do it. She will get her old number back tomorrow. Doing a fast day today only had 2 cups of tea so far.

    Good morning everyone, it’s very nippy here today, got my thermal vest on🥶 bowling later. Did a fast(ISH) day yesterday about 900 calories. Going to try and do a low day today. See how I go.

    Had a great game of bowls got beat 21:18 but the last time I played the same player I lost 21:4. So a big improvement. Having a low day today maybe even another fast day.

    Dave- great you can see an improvement in your bowling, are you still doing the ‘new’ way easier on your knees?
    Hope everyone else is okay?
    Had a busy day yesterday cooking, youngest came for dinner, lovely to see him again! We took Xena out to the beach, have a new dog guard so she can’t get her head underneath it, still barks obvs but less spitting 😂 Resisted anything at the café so pleased I’ve managed another liquid FD… don’t think I’ve lost this week, I feel like I’m expanding! Finally got my kitchen floor mopped today- it takes so long to dry there’s always someone waiting to get in there! Youngest son had another Gousto delivery, he has it come here as he’s not at home, so dropped that off tonight, he’s had a good day out with the full time crew. He has his first year assessment in another week, it’s gone so quickly!

    He’s doing well HH, yes still use the new method can’t go back to the proper way of bowling unless I get 2 new knees. The bloke I was playing asked if I played better now or the old way, he said I was playing very well. He always finishes in the top 5 players in the league averages each year. I’m not having much luck with the draw 3 of the last 4 games I’ve played have been against their best player.I won one and lost two. Definitely not a fast day today, I’ve done almost 2 back to back already. Up early so had tea and toast. When we was at the meeting on Wednesday we all had to do a challenge so I said I won’t eat after 10pm.

    Morning All..
    Up early sold my pair of panniers he was here at 7.30.
    Waiting to join Penny at 8.30 on the river bank depending on the cows.

    I have found a lovely kennels for Charlie.. I know it’s kennels but it only has 6… a lovely lady she has them out about 5 times a day in her fields and paddock.. totally enclosed so no leads unless the dog needs them. CH and well insulated quite large to some of the others I have seen. So hope he’s ok. A tester later in the year. I looked at 4 travelling over a hour away.. this one’s 30 mins on the motorway so not too bad.

    Afternoon tea with Jacqui and Philip.. more like 12.30 suits us better.. that’s tomorrow…

    I was looking at chocolate moose, was you talking about it before.. sounds nice..can’t believe your son has been doing it a year, so that’s both of them they both started about the same time..

    Hope you have sorted Denise’s phone out.. and she can use it… good luck with the bowling.. I can’t seem to want to go again..too much time off over the winter.

    Hope the break away is going well…

    What are you up too?.., getting in the garden….my grass seed I have put down on the patches is coming up good.

    Walk time I am getting the look.. they are so bossy!

    Jean x

    Jean don’t give the boules up you enjoy it when you get there and it will be nice in the sunshine. I played a man who is 86 years old today, he’s had a new hip at Christmas and said it’s the best thing ever can’t feel any pain now. His knees are dodgy like mine. His physio said whatever you do don’t stop bowling it’s very good for you.

    Good evening FB Brits hope you are having a good day. Xxxx

    A dry day here with some sunshine a bit chilly at times though.

    Yesterday we had lost the lead over the fields chatty to MaryAnn .. lol.. Anyway I was sooo pleased that this morning it had been put on the gate entrance to the fields some lovely villager had found it . We have another new one we got last time we lost it .. 3 times now.. so we better be careful now lolo.

    I have lost the pound this week so back to my normal weight. will probably put more on next week when Kristy comes..

    Just had my old favourite eggs homemade chips and beans. always tasty.

    Sym… I can understand how you feel re bowling at the moment.. like you my enthusiasm wains for things at times.. how is your son-in -law now.

    Enjoy your evening everyone.. “The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay down.” Xxxx

    Dave- sounds like you’ve got the hang of the new bowling method, just unlucky with who you have to play!
    Hemmy- nice that Kristy is coming again…and that you found your lead! We lost a really nice one, I dropped it on a walk & went back for it, someone had already taken it!
    Jean- the kennels sound great, nice they have lots of space & get the dogs out alot! Are they open in Feb when you go away?
    Nana- hope your holiday was good 😃
    Woke at 4am, keep getting cramp, have been eating well & taking supplements too so not sure why! So Xena & I were out at 6am! Should’ve met my friend this afternoon but she’s changed it to tomorrow morning. Had a haircut, no get up & go today so haven’t done much else…

    HH, yesterday I played a man who is 86 years old, He doesn’t play all the time but they were short yesterday so he played, we spent ages talking, the other teammates said are you ever going to finish the game🤣😃.I said we have all day until it goes dark😁. He’s got 2 bag knees like me and as just had a new hip fitted at Christmas. He said he as no pain at all from the hip replacement. Think my right hip is on the way out, it hurts to put my socks on. The joys of getting old😲.I brushed Chloe yesterday and she seems to like it, thinks it’s a spa day.

    Good morning everyone how are you all doing today? It’s bright outside but not that warm. Chloe is curled up so she must be cold. Her ears are nice and warm so that’s good. Roast beef and Yorkshire puddings tonight, I made the batter yesterday and put it in the fridge so it should be good. Will do roast potatoes again they are lovely done in the air fryer. Might have a toastie now also done in the airfrier.So definitely not a fast day but will do one tomorrow.

    Happy Sunday F B Brit friends Xxxx

    Its a very windy chilly day here .. a cold blustery walk over the fields but the silver lining is washing drying beautifully on the line. lol

    A naughty eating day today of my favourite crusty french bread and cold roast beef and a big Belgium iced bun. I am easy pleased lolol.

    H H . Hope the cramp sorts it self out that’s annoying when it messes with your sleep.

    Dave.. Ohh your dinner sounds divine.. 2 Yorkshires please lol

    Hope everyone is have a lovely day. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Xxxx

    Evening All…
    A lazy day for me as it’s my birthday..

    A walk on the riverbank but only half way the cows are making the way around.

    A lovely afternoon tea yesterday with my daughter and SiL part of my birthday treat.

    Cut my grass as the rain is on the way back.. only job of the day.

    Hemmy ..
    Nothing like crusty bread .. why not… a few pounds will have gone on for me this week as no fasting and three meals out.
    Nice to have a week off sometimes….bitter here..

    Roast beef and yorkshires… you will have us all queuing up 😁

    Jean x

    Happy birthday Sym . enjoy the rest of your special day Xxxx♥️♥️♥️

    PS… My Capricorn and your Taurus are very compatible signs.

    Thank you… sat reading….x

    Good afternoon got murdered at bowls me and the team. And it rained while I was playing just for a change. Off to speedway tonight weather permitting. We play hh’s team Ipswich witches. The FA cup is against United again so I’ll be a nervous wreck.Denise says it’s only a game 😁.Fast day today and tomorrow.

    Evening everyone, a lovely time away last week with lots of walking involved but also eating and drinking. Weighed myself Saturday morning and had gained 2lbs. We both forgot that we’d been invited to a neighbours BBQ Saturday afternoon until another neighbour mentioned it and they reminded us we were looking after their dog that evening.
    Yesterday we met up for lunch with friends who moved up to North Yorkshire around 10 years ago as they’d come down to visit old haunts – our Newmarket friends also came so a busy weekend of eating and drinking.
    Have managed to only have 750 calories today but its been really hard.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana x

    Good morning everyone it’s still feeling more like winter than summer. Playing bowls tonight so it will be quiet nippy at 6-30pm. Dropping Denise off at the park so I take Chloe round it while I’m there, avoiding other dogs sometimes hiding from them. Not sure if we’re going on holiday this year waiting to see if Denise can get her knee done.

    Good morning,well I lost 21-8 at bowls on Monday and won 21-8 last night, so that evens it out. See how I do Thursday and Friday. Part 2 of the weight loss meetings today, see if I can get there without getting lost again😲🤣. I’m hoping I’ve lost some weight this week, I’ve been pretty good and had no food after 10pm.

    Good afternoon I have been to the MoreLife meeting and have lost 6lbs, so a good week last week. The sun as come out so all is well with the world.

    Where are you all? A really cold day here. Not looking forward to bowling it’s just to cold. Been out with Chloe and can barely feel my hand so cold. I’ll be back as Arnie says.

    Evening All…
    Blue skies tonight about time…

    I have had a good fast day.. weight is high after my birthday week of eating.

    Charlie has had a seizure he is going to the vet’s tomorrow to be checked out and maybe blood tests.. he has had three in 18 months. He is fine at the moment. It’s a worry.

    The weight goes on as soon as you’re off the button… I will definitely be high tomorrow… its nice for you to get away, I was wondering if I could… maybe wait for better weather…

    To loose 6 lbs you really move it when you put your mind to it.. you will be upsetting everyone in your group. 😂
    So fed up of this cold weather..

    Hope you have enjoyed your trip away.

    What are you up too?

    Haddock and chips tomorrow .. maybe..

    Jean x

    Evening All…
    Blue skies tonight about time…

    I have had a good fast day.. weight is high after my birthday week of eating.

    Charlie has had a seizure he is going to the vet’s tomorrow to be checked out and maybe blood tests.. he has had three in 18 months. He is fine at the moment. It’s a worry.

    The weight goes on as soon as you off the button… I will definitely be high tomorrow… its nice for you to get away, I was wondering if I could… maybe wait for better weather…

    To loose 6 lbs you really move it when you put your mind to it.. you will be upsetting everyone in your group. 😂
    So fed up of this cold weather..

    Hope you have enjoyed your trip away.

    What are you up too?

    Haddock and chips tomorrow .. maybe..

    Jean x

    Good evening another cold day, when I was bowling it was sunny, windy, raining, hailstone then when my game finished the sun came out. Hopefully it will be dry and warmer tomorrow. Jean hope all goes well at the vets.

    Good morning everyone still cold here but the sun is trying to come out.I was given a number of calories allowed each day it’s called the EER I suppose it’s like our TDEE.My figure is 2965 so she said to lose one pound a week I would have to go 600 calories under that and 1200 if I want to lose two pounds. Do I will give it a go plus I’ll try and slip in a fast day as well. Maybe only one FD as they don’t like you going under 1200 calories in a day.

    Afternoon everyone,it’s a lovely day today a tad chilly first thing but nice and sunny.
    Was a pound up this morning on the scales but hopefully I’ll lose it next week despite going out for lunch with my old workmates tomorrow.
    A busy week this week, had fun yesterday afternoon when we got back from our usual Thursday trip to Ely and seeing Auntie. We looked after our next door neighbours 4 and 1/2 year old little boy who’s full of energy but I did get him to sit with me and watch The Jungle Book which was a nice thing to do.
    Indian takeaway this evening and it’s my turn to drive.
    My eating has been reasonably good this week with two days under 800 calories so hopefully I can manage to do so again next week.
    Dave you’re doing really well, interesting about how many calories you need to reduce under tdee to lose weight.
    Jean hope Charlies vet visit went well.
    Have a good weekend everyone.
    Nana xxx

    We lost at bowls but it was expected. They are a very good team. I won my game so happy with that. The sun finally came out while I was bowling.Just having a cuppa then take Chloe out. Having a stew for tea only had a biscuit so far today.

    Dave- well done on your 6lbs off!
    Jean- hope Charlie is okay, what a worry 🤗
    Nana- lovely to look after the little boy, all good fun, I’d enjoy that- occasionally!
    Hemmy- not sure if it’s this weekend or last one when Kristy is/ was coming, have a good time!
    We had a lovely few days away, the place we stayed in had amazing sea views, which was handy as it was windy, freezing & we had quite a few showers! So a bit of walking done but mainly reading & watching the sea! I felt like we didn’t eat as much as sometimes but my coat is definitely feeling tight! So have done a FD today, will be about 800cals, & hopefully another tomorrow. Have done lots of cleaning today- windows, blinds, kitchen floor, hoovering & cut the grass. Still plenty to do though 😕
    Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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