Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening All…
    Long walk and then hairdressers ..

    Same weight this week… still 2lbs to loose….

    Leak in my downstairs loo, water flowing outside slowly.. plumber coming at 10 tomorrow.. I couldn’t turn my stop tap off, my neighbour came over but it’s stuck solid… he managed to stop my loo water with a coat hanger.. He is good to me.

    Soon be off the 2lb but hard after the liquid fasts.
    I thought you might have had a bread maker …

    Batch cooked some mince today, 6 portions.. one eaten with a jacket very tasty…. Not normally a mince girl! I don’t always fancy meat these days but it was just enough.
    Loving these across the fields walking in the cold, it makes you feel good.

    Jean x

    Good afternoon,I was up at 4am cleaning up after Chloe🥱. Will have to starve her today, maybe just a little kibble with salmon oil on it. I hate this cold weather plays havoc with my joints. The joys of getting old. I may try a different approach this week and follow what it says on the NHS app.

    Good afternoon F busting friends hope you are having a good Saturday.Xxxx

    No frost this morning .. and a lovely walk.. very dark and stormy high wind for this evening forecast

    Just sent for a hand liquidizer it will be here tomorrow… my old one has had its day. I hadn’t used it for years

    I am interested in making lots of homemade soups. .. I am quite shocked at all the things listed i don’t recognise on Pkts and tins.

    Dave.. Hoping Chloe is feeling better .. I always give Pip a little chicken and rice when he is off colour in tiny amounts gradually replace with his normal food.

    Sym …hope you got your leak fixed ok .. lots here seem to have to have the same problem asking for plumbers on Face Book. . I like mince.. Do you like Cottage pie and lasagne .

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone, “It’s all about reading labels and being aware and conscious of what goes in.” Xxxx

    Evening All..
    A lovely morning walk but a definite change now, very dark a touch of rain and blowy but milder….
    I didn’t sleep well so had a snooze pm hope I can’t get off tonight.

    The plumber came so all sorted the 2 leaks sorted and the seat also made tight again £100 but no choice if had to be done.

    Had a picky meal grapes, cheese cashews and almonds just didn’t know what I fancied, thought of you Hemmy..quite nice really.

    Hoping Chloe has settled down and she’s better…hoping your new way of eating helps…

    I don’t usually eat mince but it was tasty, I can put it in a pie or Shepard’s pie or plain… I don’t eat pasta not keen.
    I like my hand blender good for soups.. I have a few left in the freezer so cheap to make.. I need to batch cook some beef shin, again handy to have in.
    The cost of everything is stupid, smaller packets and higher prices, it’s hunting the bargains out and freezing them..

    Have a good evening…
    Jean x

    Hemmy I usually give Chloe chicken and rice when she’s off but not for any chicken at the moment so gave her kibble with salmon oil. She’s still off so won’t give her anything other than kibble. She’s next to me on the sofa at the moment. She follows me around she came up and jumped on the bed and rested her head on legs.

    Evening All..
    The storm is just starting up here, a damp walk with the wind getting stronger..glad we are in now I can hear it outside.

    Popped for lunch with Jacqui, lots of holiday talk, sorting what she’s taking. Philip sorted my ship boarding card out I just couldn’t do it…. But they had all jumped into a file I never use, all 22 of them. !!!
    Looking at cases too, a bit of a rethink as we have to take a carry on with clothes for the first day, looks like I might take a smaller one for the hold…
    Very different packing from a normal holiday..

    I am fasting tomorrow

    Have a good evening
    Jean x

    Good evening F B Brit friends. xxxx

    Not a pleasant wark today.. back to soo muddy ,, the muckiest Pips been for a while.

    Although an higher temp in double figures it feels really chilly with the high winds and rain. Always worry about my front dry stone wall..Two thirds have been redone just a small section of the old stuff left so fingers crossed.

    My blender has arrived.. so lots of soup here we come lol

    A bit naughty today after my preaching about naughty food lol I bought a box of sell off two fresh cream Choc eclairs one lunch time and one this evening. Start again tomoz. Just having a large low cal tonic water with a bit of gin.. Enjoyable hardly any cals.

    Dave.. If Chloe still not good try just rice.. Its gentle on the stomach. Make it about 4 tiny meals for 24 hours.

    Sym… How exciting getting ready for the cruise.. it will be lovely and relaxing ..

    Its always a job to know what to take.. we always take too much ..

    Hope H H and Nana are enjoying their away breaks xx

    Enjoy your evening… “Diet is an ongoing process of learning and discovering.”

    Good morning,Chloe still a bit loose but a better colour, she’s got to go to the vets this week for her injection and check-up. Will see how she is then. Going bowling soon, it’s still very windy so got my thermal vest on 😁. No fasting for me this week, I’m following the NHS plan this week. I have 1700 calories per day.So see how it goes

    Jean- is your cruise a very dressy one? They do sound nice but I would eat way too much! Hard to pack for it…
    Dave- I don’t reckon you’ll lose weight with that number of cals, not when your body is used to fasting…
    Hemmy- it made me laugh your hand liquidiser, don’t put your hand in will you?! I do love soup, spicy lentil & carrot is a favourite, roasted squash or cauliflower & beans ( nicer than it sounds!).
    We had a lovely weekend away, Xena was so excited, she did settle when we sat down, & good at night. Ate lots so back to fasting today…A strange day, was expecting to walk Enoch, take washing back to youngest & then see mum, but Enoch’s mum didn’t answer, son said he could wait for clean clothes & mum had things to do! I did pop round to my sister’s, her pup Paddy is getting big now, has the lovely listening head tilt down to a tee! Still jumpy but they’re working on it…
    Booked the pub for tomorrow night as we didn’t get in last week!

    HH if I was to believe some apps I would be able to have well over 2000 calories to lose weight, we all know that wouldn’t happen. I’ve finished about 300 short of my allocated calories. One thing about fasting it helps when you can have more, it’s easy to eat less once you’re used to fasting.

    Morning All..
    Very bitter wind on the river bank met up with Oreo..

    Two new tyres for the car at 11.15… £330 ouch…

    Are you testing some soup recipes out with your blended?

    I am getting sorted now a bit slow these days at remembering everything..

    Hope your new way of eating works seems quite high calories.to me…
    Keep your eye on your weight as you have done really well…

    We have two very dressy nights although they expect you to go in dressed smart casual the rest. No shorts, vest tops trainer’s although smart dark jeans are allowed.
    A lot of the new ships are more relaxed, ours is older and people expect it… a few moaners but they should have chosen one of the others.
    Looks like no one wants you today have a relaxing day…

    Jean x

    Morning everyone, had a lovely time away in Norwich and we were lucky with the weather lovely and sunny and didn’t feel very cold I suppose that’s because of being in the city and not in the middle of the fens at home.
    Weighed myself on Thursday morning before leaving and I’d stayed the same but have decided not to weigh myself until this Friday. Lots of walking about whilst away managed to clock up 14 miles for the three days away so pleased with that although my knees weren’t.
    Managed a fd yesterday as it was a busy day part of which involved my annual eye test in the morning and then giving our bungalow a well deserved clean.
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Nana x

    Nana I used to have an annual eye test but now Specsavers say every 2 years.It chucking it down here at the moment I will get soaked when I take Chloe out later to the park. She’s been a naughty girl, keeps pooing in the kitchen during the night. I’ll have to take her out after 10pm I think although I don’t like going out at that time, funny how you become more afraid as you get older.

    Hi FB Brits I hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Another wet mucky dog and walk this morning.. Rained from start to finish.

    Getting back and having to dry and clean us up then lunch .. I don’t feel like doing much else. lol Maybe just get my book out and call it a day.

    Charity shopping and lunch in Banbury tomorrow with Pam.. I have not seen her since before Xmas so a good catch as we wander around lol . So earlier walking..hoping for a dry one. lol

    H H… lol Yes i am loving this Hand “held” blender lolol tomorrow I want to get leeks for Leek and potato soup.

    Enjoy your meal at the pub this evening

    Sym… That cruise sounds lovely .. they say the food on the ships is really good… Lovely at this time of year especially..when everything is drab.

    Enjoy your day everyone.. “Don’t focus on how much you eat. Focus on what you eat.” Xxxx

    It’s not stopped raining all day🦆🦆🦆, Took Chloe to the park then went shopping, it’s so dark but not as cold. Going bowling again tomorrow if it’s not underwater. Going to have chilli and rice tonight.

    Evening All…
    A very wet day managed just about two dry walks…

    I collected a tray of eggs, mixed sizes from a friend .. really good buy £2.50 x 30.. medium, large and ex large… local farm.

    I had a mixed meal tonight ‘a Hemmy meal’ crackers, boiled eggs, cheese, beetroot, cashew and almonds. It was tasty…
    MM on the tv yesterday saying how good beetroot is for you, blood and gut..I love beetroot…

    Hope yoh find some bargains tomorrow enjoy your catch-up…

    I go once a year now for my eyes due to cataracts..
    Naughty Chloe I wonder what’s set that up!!

    Lovely to get those mikes in well done… lovely to get away..

    Jean x

    Dave- not good poor Chloe, & you clearing it up…lots of rain here again too, although it was dry first thing for my walk.
    Jean- an interesting meal! I like beetroot roasted, can’t stand it any other way, reminds me of school dinners!
    Hemmy- have a nice day out & lunch tomorrow, hope your soup is good….
    Nana- glad you had a nice time away, I’m sure with all that walking you won’t have put much weight on!
    Had another day like yesterday – both HomeStart families had got appointments so just quick calls, & Linda didn’t answer again, poor Enoch…we did shopping then I fell asleep after lunch, I’d woken up at 4am! Had a very nice meal out tonight, a veggie tikka masala & then a rocky road waffle for pud 😋
    Poor sis has finally seen the physio, she thinks it’s damaged cartilage so no walking Paddy & she has to use a walking stick 😞

    Had a good bowling session 2.5 hours.I watched the MM show I have only just started having beetroot, don’t have it much, Denise loves it. Couldn’t drink the juice though. I have never had school dinners I always came home when at primary and junior school then went to my grandma’s in secondary school. Chloe is still a little loose but getting better. I’ve started with cataracts a while ago but don’t need doing yet. My mates wife had hers done but one of them developed bubbles in her eys so she had Lazer treatment and is fine now. My new airfrier arrived but not used it yet, it looks like a microwave but it’s an oven, toaster and airfrier all in one.

    Dave, have fun with your new oven!
    Had a nice walk with my friend and her dog, out for a couple of hours, then walked Enoch- Linda quite worse for wear but at least she did answer! Spent the afternoon cooking – shepherd’s pies for hubby & a rice dish for both the boys, Mum & a rice-less one for me. Have done a FD today, just over 600 cals.

    Evening All…
    A very windy stormy night, I cancelled the play date too dangerous to go on the riverbank..seeing her tomorrow…

    We both had a pm snooze. I altered some shorts for holidays making them tighter on the waist…
    Haddock and chips from our favourite chippy.. delicious

    Getting a bit in a holiday mode..

    I could eat a full jar of beetroot, I have to limit myself.. your weather is better than ours you got out with your friend walking.

    I hated school dinners I think that’s why I am a fussy eater… I have never had beetroot juice…good luck with your new oven .

    Jean x

    Good morning people, the sun is out don’t know for how long. I used the new oven last night just to do some bacon, it cooked it well, it’s a learning curve using it. Don’t think I’ll use it for toast, I’ve watched some YouTube videos on cooking in it and they looked good. Think I’ll do toad in the hole, and fish and chips. Need to buy the food to cook first. I might do the chicken tonight on the rotisserie. I’ll probably go out a little longer. They give you a recipe book and it’s got loads of thing in it.

    Good afternoon F B Brit friends. Hope you are having a good day.

    Its a dull day but at 13deg very mild for Jan.. plus lovely there is no rain as yet lol. Still a muddy walk.

    No luck at all yesterday with the charity shops. .. sometimes it goes like that. We did have a nice tasty lunch at the pub though.

    I notice I eat much more when with someone else for company than on my own .. probably why keeping my weight down.

    Lolol I had a laugh to myself thinking better not get a toy boy then else the pounds would go on. lolol

    Its an old favourite this evening .. eggs homemade chips and baked beans. Tasty and easy.

    Dave.. enjoy your new oven.. trial and error .

    H H .. Busy with your cooking for your boys. How is your Mum.

    Sym…Hopefully it was better for the playdate today.. Lovely having to take your shorts in.

    Enjoy the afternoon everyone… “Every time we eat or drink, we are either feeding disease or fighting it.” -Xxxx

    Hemmy- shame about the charity shops, but at least a nice lunch. I guess not nice eating on your own, I think I would snack more if I was on my own though…Mum is doing okay thanks, my sister is doing her cleaning now she’s finished working, Mum’s paying her so they’re both happy! I think it’ll be good as sis can keep an eye on things, especially if mum gets worse, I worry mum doesn’t look at the dates on food & could get sick…
    Dave- have fun with your new oven, I wonder how long a chicken will take?
    Jean- yes, very nice to have to take the waist in for your shorts!
    Nana- hope you’re doing okay?
    No Enoch today again 😡 Took son’s laundry back to him & took my hoover over as he’s not got one yet…nice to be seeing more of it, every cloud as they say! FD here, going okay so far… Can’t get motivated to do much, I have a good book!

    Hello everyone, a nice visit to Ely today although it was drizzly rain when we left.
    Auntie is staying pretty much the same – she’ll be 91 years old in May.
    We weren’t able to have our usual Wednesday meet up for lunch yesterday so have manged to save a few calories there and am having a FD today so 🤞 for tomorrow mornings weigh in.
    Off to Aldi tomorrow to do a much needed food shop and then dropping in on our daughter and son in law afterwards plus we’ll get to see youngest great grandson as well.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana x

    Well the NHS plan worked well this week, I’ve lost 6lbs and 2″ off my waist. I’m 70 years old tomorrow 😱.30 years to go to get a letter from the king. My oven works well. So far I’ve done bacon,a beef toastie,chips and a full chicken. The chicken took 40 minutes but I have it smooth 15 to be safe. I did a check of the internal temperature and it was well over the minimum temperature.I was watching the backstreet chef on YouTube. He as the same oven and he made a corned beef and onion pie it looked lovely so I think I’ll try and make it. He was trying Yorkshire puddings seeing he is from Yorkshire. He made about 6 until he was happy. They looked great so I’ll definitely be doing them.Toad in the hole as well so I’ll buy some sausage when we go to Sainsbury’s in a minute.

    Hi F B Brits how is your Friday going. Xxxx

    What a beautiful day.. blue sky and full sunshine from about 8am.

    A lovely walk then came back and got a line full of washing out. Hope it lasts for the weekend.

    I am back to pre Xmas weight now so I am happy with that..

    Nana hope the scales are kind today..

    Dave,, Ohh very well done losing the 6lbs.. maybe a good idea to stick with that plan I love toad in the hole.. I put onions mushrooms and sliced tomatoes in mine.

    H H Oh that’s brilliant your sister is looking out for your Mum It is. helping both of them with that arrangement and puts your mind at ease a bit.

    Sym.. What are you up to today.

    Enjoy this lovely weather . for some reason i keep thinking its Saturday lol

    “Healthy cooking is the best preventive medicine.” Xxxx

    Afternoon All…
    Blue skies here but very cold.. play date with Oreo this morning lovely catching up with them..

    I went to a spiritual medium last year and I went again to see her today .. she is exceptional…I know they are not everyone’s cup of tea but I find it comforting….

    I have lost a pound so another one to loose to get back to goal.

    Two weeks today is holiday, I am looking forward to it…

    Well done on your weight loss sometimes it’s nice for a change… lots of things to try in the new air fryer oven.
    Enjoy your birthday tomorrow you are nearly catching me up!

    My shorts two pairs fit, two pairs needed adjustment. .. bought from a charity shop, like new good buys…Already for the summer now.
    I agree you always eat more when you are with people better on your own but nice for the company.

    Its nice sis can help out a bit with mum it must help a lot.

    Just had a ride to my Aldi it’s now a gym!! We have one just being built near my local shops so that will be nice when open.
    Glad auntie is holding her own she does well.

    The weekend is soon here again.. have a good one.

    Jean x

    Dave- that’s a great loss, hope it continues, I’m surprised as it seemed high cals compared to what you eat on FDs … Enjoy trying recipes in your oven!
    Hemmy- well done getting back to December weight! Glad the weather is good for you…
    Jean- well done losing another pound, hopefully the other one will come off before your holiday! Will be hard not to put some on then!
    Nana- sounds like a good fasting week for you, glad auntie is okay & lovely to see your great grandson 🥰
    I’ve lost 2 lbs this week, but it’s just the ones which went on last weekend! Still 2lbs over pre-Christmas weight, won’t lose them next week as it’s my birthday on Wednesday…plus a stressful few days as eldest son is going to climb Scafell Pike & Ben Nevis- in Feb, he’s an idiot 😡
    Walked Xena a bit longer, expected Linda to not answer the phone after the last couple of days but she did, so Enoch had a walk…hair cut & got some jobs done this afternoon. Definitely not a FD today, hopefully one tomorrow!

    New oven works well for pizza,7 minutes and done. Not mine but my son’s.

    Morning All ..
    Nothing planned today so see how we go…. Walk from the village today. Charlie treats wanted so may take him to the pet store only 5 mins drive away…

    I have an ulcer on my lip it’s so sore and swollen .. I think I might have burnt it on hot tea ??

    Well done on the 2lb off, we have to have our breaks it’s soon sorted when back…
    Quite a walk and climb for your son, well done to him..

    Have a good day…
    Jean x

    Oven sounds good…

    Happy Saturday everyone. Xxxx

    A chilly but thankfully a dry day so walk was not too muddy .

    I am having a day of trying to do lots of of little jobs I keep intending todo but never get around too. lol Sorting some paperwork out and shredding.. etc

    Its going to be an easy weekend… tomorrow I am going to make a roast out of the two hunters chickens I have .. roast potatoes Yorkshires .. one for tomoz the other warmed up for Monday .. I feel I need a roast dinner even if a mini one .. Hopefully it will work out ok as i don’t really want to do a whole joint or chicken.

    H H oh very well done on your 2lbs loss.. that’s brilliant. Your son will be fine and will be soo very proud of himself for the achievement. Worrying I know for the Mum. Xx

    Dave.. ohh the ovens sounds good.. I could just eat a pizza lol.

    Sym… Well done on your pound loss. Not long till the holiday now.. you must be getting excited.. Winter holidays to warmer climes are the best.

    Kristy has provisionally booked the cottage we had in Beer last Sept for March but I am going to cancel as I just don’t fancy being away with Pip while weather could still be very bad. Go later in the year.

    I have never been to a medium but I do very much believe in them. I went to a famous clairvoyant some years ago and was amazed what she told me.

    Enjoy your day everyone.. Real food doesn’t have ingredients. Real food is the ingredients.” – Jamie Oliver Xxxx

    Dave- happy birthday to you 🥳🎂 Have a good rest of the day…
    Jean- hope you found enough to do today, weekends must be harder 🤗
    Hemmy- shame about the cottage, a spring break would be lovely though & the weather could be nice…
    Walked Xena & then Enoch, my feet were feeling it today… son’s washing done, ironed the dry stuff, a bit more to do tomorrow, he’s coming for dinner so will do a roast, & then sticky toffee pudding 😋 If I have time tomorrow I’ll make some shortbread for him & the firemen. Am doing a FD today, should be about 600cals…

    Evening All…
    Walked on our own this morning.. some Charlie blankets washed, more to do… pan of his veg cooked.
    Cooked a dozen scone type cakes, frozen a few. Just trying to be busy.
    I don’t really see anyone at the weekends.

    Shame on cancelling the cottage maybe better later in the year. Hope your chicken turned out well.. just sandwiches for me my mouth is very sore, I feel out of sorts with it.
    I did a few mediums when younger then I never bothered.
    I felt the need after Steve passed and I am glad I did. She is exceptional, although there was a lot of confusion of my family across the world, with lots going on at the moment but she got there.

    All your lovely baking you do especially your shortbread. Enjoy your roast and son tomorrow.

    Happy Birthday enjoy your day and meal out.

    Jean x

    Happy Birthday Dave.. have a good one.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. Not done much, going out tomorrow for a meal the three of us. Hopefully in a taxi so I can have a couple of pints. Still feels nippy outside, had 2 walks with Chloe one more to come later.

    Good afternoon everyone.Denises knee is very bad so don’t know if we’ll be going out tonight. Not bought anything for Sunday roast so will see what happens. I’ve been watching the Backyard chef on YouTube, he does some lovely food and desserts, going to have a go at some of them, he as the same oven that I have just bought. Well worth a look. My son’s soon got used to using it for his pizza, takes about 7 minutes to do. Just been out with Chloe it’s cool but a bit warmer than of late.

    Happy Sunday F B Brit friends. xxxx

    What a lovely day we need more like this lol. Managed to do some tiding up in the garden

    Just waiting my mini roast .. No gravy needed as the hunters chicken comes with a sauce.. lovely to have roasties and Yorkshire’s

    Dave ..hope you managed to go for the meal and Denise is feeling better with her knee.

    H H .. Oh sticky toffee pudding wonderful .. you spoil your men lol

    Sym .. Hope you are having a good day.. Sunday is s difficult one as a family day in the past .

    Enjoy your evening everyone.. “A healthy outside starts from the inside”. Xxxx

    Didn’t make it out, Denise not too good. Can’t be helped so there is always another day.

    Good morning everyone a rainy day today, bowling not looking good. Denise is a little better but still in a lot of pain with her knee.I might try for a fast day today too make up for all I had at the weekend.Bought a big Cadbury chocolate cake for my birthday, only got that because Denise dosent like Madeira cake. I’m not a fan of chocolate cake so I only had one piece, but did manage to have a large dairy milk chocolate bar and other naughty things.

    Afternoon All…
    It’s another very wet soaking walk.. most things dry but still wet for going out again ..
    I am not feeling too good, my shoulder is hurting a lot it comes and goes and my mouth is still very sore. I feel under the weather which isn’t me.
    I am fasting..

    Hope you had a good birthday shame Denise isn’t too good, you can have a meal out later.
    Chocolate sounded good …

    I don’t seem to be doing much at the moment just bits and pieces for holiday. A few things in the case.
    Your small joint sounded nice, my mouths too sore to eat at the moment.

    Raining all day another wet walk…

    Jean x

    I managed to bowl for a couple of hours, we played in the rain until it got to heavy then had a tea l rest between showers. Took Chloe out in the rain. Don’t know what to have for tea might be haddock, got some in a Mediterranean sauce. So if the sauce is not nice Chloe will be eating it.

    Hi FB Brits how is everyone in our little corner today. xxxx

    Its been a dry day the daffodils in the garden wont be long before flowering.

    I am having a good cleaning session this week as Kristy coming Thursday till Sunday . It will be lovely to have some chatting and company. Shopping and go for lunch.

    Came out of the weekend at my lowest weight.. so I am pleased about that. I have nothing in at all to tempt me at the moment.. Probably a good thing. Trying to shop more in bulk only once or twice a week.

    Dave.. I hope Denise feels better soon. I am not a lover of Chocolate cake either yet love chocolate I never think it belongs in cakes other than topping eclairs. Nothing like a good old fashioned full of fruit cake. lol. Hope the haddock is tasty.

    Sym… You do sound a poor thing.. be careful you dont want to be ill before your Hols.. Rest is always best.. read feet up in between walking. Not sure about fasting.. maybe some nourishing food .. I know it sounds painful but I swear by a salt water gargle for any thing sore in the mouth. It s a good healer. My gran used salt water or vinegar for most sores and cuts she said they were the most natural healers. Xx

    H H and Nana how is your day going.

    Enjoy your evening everyone.. It’s all about nutrition. You can train, train, train all you want, but you can’t out-train a bad diet.” Xxxx

    Jean- sorry you’re not feeling great, hope your shoulder improves (too much cleaning, have a break?!) & your mouth too…sounds like you need that holiday, hope SIL gets better soon as well! 🤗
    Dave- a shame about Denise’s knee, awful it’s so bad she can’t go out 😞 well done with your FD today …
    Hemmy- do you make the hunters chicken yourself? That’s one of youngest son’s favourites, so if he comes regularly for dinner I’ll be doing that!
    Nana- hope you had a good weekend?
    It was lovely to have youngest son round last night, & he appreciated having dinner cooked for him, he was a bit gutted as the crew had a call while he was here, it’d been really quiet for a few weeks, but they had another one overnight, luckily neither were anything serious though.
    Had a coffee with friends today, & then did the shopping. Resisted cake there & will resist the pudding leftovers too! Have had a protein shake tonight, think if I’m going to do liquid fast this often I need the protein …
    Have a good evening everyone 🥰

    Haddock and chips all the way…!!!
    You did well to get a couple of hours bowling in.. very wet here.

    A few clumps of snowdrops out and a few daffs flowering a bit early for them. Lovely to have Kirsty coming for a long weekend a break from walking. You are very good with your weight I still struggle with biscuits!
    I think my mouth is getting a bit better, the ulcer is getting a bit smaller…so painful.

    No cleaning here! I have just been doing some stretching I think my shoulder has popped back in.. I think a ligament keeps popping out I have to work it back in..
    Just feel a bit off, but I am ok..
    Shame your son missed a shout it’s typical to be not there.
    Well done on missing the cake…

    Night from us
    Jean x

    Good morning everyone there is a strange bright yellow thing in the sky, hope it stays there it’s nice and warm. Winter is two thirds over, soon be spring. Going to the park soon, Got to take Chloe to the vets tonight at 5:15.Not looking forward to that. It’s just a check-up and her booster but she is so afraid of other people and animals.Dosent seem to mind the vet.I suppose she’s used to that when she was running. Can’t imagine her running in lucky if she breaks into a slow trot.But the evidence is there on YouTube.It shows one of her races and she won by a mile. She’s from good stock, her Grandad won the greyhound Derby 2 years running. So she could move when she wanted to .Hemmy my grandad used to use a salt water gargle and he used to drink caster oil 🤢 he also drank boiling water every day. I’m with you about chocolate cake but I don’t like fruit cake,I prefer coconut or Madeira cake, Lemon drizzle is very good too.

    Afternoon All…
    Going out walking this morning my tyre pressure warning light came on… so fingers crossed we walked then went on to the tyre shop were my new tyres were fitted last week… I had three tyres low pressure they said maybe it was due to cold weather.. they were supposed to be checked last week.. all good so far.

    Still feeling under the weather a bit…

    Walking shortly.. the hours do pass by…

    I have just made some MM breakfast biscuits not sure if I will like them… oats, banana and plain chocolate 109 each biscuit… I don’t like banana bread.

    Hope Chloe is ok at the vets it’s a shame she is so nervous.

    Jean x

    Jean- hope you’re back to feeling better soon…bonjela works well on the ulcers. Hope the MM biscuits are nice!
    Dave- hope it’s quiet at the vets later, & Chloe is good … Chocolate cake is one of my favourites, carrot cake & red velvet cake as well! Was going to make a red velvet one for mine & sister’s birthday tomorrow but she’s not much of a cake eater & we’ve still got sticky toffee pudding left, so I think I won’t!
    Hemmy- nice Kristy is coming for the weekend, good reason for a clean!
    Kept my fast going until lunchtime today, & then sis & I went out for a toastie…got her birthday presents ready, we’ll pop in to Mum’s & hand them over then, she’s a bit put out because we’re going out for the day & sis & BIL are going out for lunch too, so not going to see mum in the morning when it suited her, you’d think it was her birthday!
    No fasting for a few days, son is off on his ‘mountaineering’ adventure, will be worried about him & can’t fast then!

    Evening everyone,
    Jean I hope you start to feel better soon.
    Managed to lose a pound last week meaning I managed to lose two pounds for January.
    Saturday evening a free meal plus all of the wine you can drink was put on in our village hall for all over sixty year old residents followed by a Pantomime with village residents performing it was a lovely evening.
    Dave hope Chloes vet visit goes alright.
    Hemmy nice to have your daughter come to visit.
    Hedgehogs have a lovely birthday tomorrow.
    Off for our usual Wednesday lunch tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana x

    Chloe was really good at the vets, I was that anxious to get her out I forgot to pay😁. They teach me up and I paid over the phone. Her heart rate was 140 instead of 60 but she was just nervous about being at the vets. She’s fine and got a clean bill of health. She checked her teeth and was fairly happy with them. Greyhounds have dodgy teeth apparently. Told me to try and brush the gum line with and old toothbrush,I did but hey a toothbrush and paste so will have to dig it out.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Its a grey ole day here but at least everywhere is drying up. .. we did a longer walk today So Pips tired out lol. .. so am I.

    Weight good this morning ….trying not to eat any rubbish.Its sweet things that tempt me.. not savoury. I do think it helps not having any temptations in the house.
    Better get on.. brass cleaning is calling lol my least favourite job .. mum loved doing it.

    Hope everyone is having a good day
    Most people don’t have a problem going on a diet. The problem is being consistent on their diet.” Xxxx

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