Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening!
    Dave- hope you’re enjoying the temperature here more than on holiday! I’d have loved it!
    Jean- nice that Charlie can have a good social life! What goodies did you buy for Christmas?
    Hemmy- It is a struggle fasting at times, I shall have to plan better & cook things for the others which don’t tempt me! Youngest has asked me to make tiffin & brownies for gf’s birthday on Monday… Hope your lasagne turns out well, I make a mean veggie one!
    Bronwyn – rotten the physio has upset your back…keep on with the aquafit if you can. No good fasting if you’re on painkillers 🤗
    Mary- hope you had a nice lunch out today…how many cals are you doing at the moment?
    The weather was nice again here, had a walk with my friend & her dog along the river- Xena was beside herself with excitement, she loves Claire’s treat bag 😂 Walked Enoch afterwards, then had to get my ears syringed…did treat myself to an almond croissant afterwards, but it was breakfast & dinner, a low cal dinner tonight too. Hopefully fasting tomorrow…

    Played bowls for almost 3 hours so I ache all over. It was a nice sunny day but at least it was cool. Not like in the canaries🥵.Storm Babet could be a bad one so let’s hope everyone is ok

    Good morning FB Brits.. hope all is well with you .

    Its colder this morning but funny as the temp is double compared to recent mornings.

    I am hoping the local temp forecast is correct and there is a dry spell at 11am.. when we can do our walk.

    My weight is staying stable .. but I can see it will be harder with the colder weather as feeling the need for more food.

    Dave.. I could do with some of that heat in the Canaries lol

    H H .. lovely to see you back.. Are you fasting today.

    Sym.. You are brave having chocolate available lolol

    Have good day all .. When times get tough the tough get going. Xxxx

    Yes very brave having Christmas chocolate in the house,I woul eat it all.I might not bother with alcohol or chocolate this year at Christmas. It’s cold here but no heating on as yet, Still trying to sort out the bank.I think it may now be Starting Bank that is the problem,I’ve tracked down 3 bills from Lloyds one is paid the correct amount and the other 2 are refund s.So I’ve got to try and track down a receipt from the starling bank.

    I think I have worked out out my banking problems.Its Starling bank that caused it in a way. I have physically downloaded three receipts from Samsung on my Lloyds credit card.Two are refunds and one is a payment.Starling took out the money and a month later refunded it. So should be ok now.

    Dave- good you’ve sorted the bank thing…I can’t imagine you without chocolate at Christmas! We have a tub of celebrations, & will get roses for hubby..
    Hemmy- did you stay dry on your walk?
    Hope everyone else is okay?
    Yes, I fasted today, just under 800cals though, I was hungry! Walked Xena & Enoch, a bit damp but it was quite mild…phone call to my HS family, some ‘paperwork’ to do online, will have another new family soon. Had a cooking afternoon – shepherd’s pies for hubby, chilli for son so nothing tempting! My dinner was disappointing – tried some black bean sauce from Tesco with a stir fry, not nice!

    I’ll have the pie or the chilli HH. Had some reason but not too bad.

    Good evening FB Bs Xxxx

    Dave.. Glad you got that money sorted .. a relief I am sure.

    Heating on here but very low.. dont want to start too early but mustn’t catch a chill.

    HH.. Dry walk thank goodness.. Well done with your fast today.. ohhh Chilli or pie for me too lol

    Lolol What are we like .. lol

    Sleep well everyone.. Choose people who choose you and treat you well.🤍 xxxx

    Good afternoon everyone. Got soaked twice already today and got to go shopping soon I put on just over a stone as usual so I start again so watch this space. Will have to stop having holidays🥴. Going to attempt a water fast on Monday🤞🤞🤞.

    Evening everyone, hope you’re all keeping safe with this excessive weather we’re having at the moment. A lovely lunch Wednesday the pub we visit has started two meals for £14 I had lasagne and chips and OH had Scampi and chips pretty small portions though.
    Had a busy day yesterday which ended up being another fd. Finally got to visit Auntie whose coming along nicely bless her.
    Had managed to lose one and a half pounds when I weighed myself this morning so pleased with that.
    A very nice Indian takeaway this evening.
    Enjoy your weekend everyone, we’ve got a 21st Birthday party to go to tomorrow evening.
    Nana x

    Good morning people.Dry at the moment, Think we all need webbed feet. It’s been a terrible couple of days for some people, in lucky in Manchester, the call it for rain but we never get extreme weather here, the odd flood which compared to Brechin is just a puddle.

    Evening FBBs
    No rain today and some sunshine too after two days of deluge. A bunker on the golf course was full to the brim yesterday. A strange sight and the course is closed too as it is waterlogged in places. So sorry for people who have been affected by the storm.

    Weigh in yesterday and I had stuck. I do better when I miss breakfast. Will see what this week brings.

    A miserable day sportwise. Lost to S. Africa with both cricket and rugby so going to bed fed up. Sometimes wish I didn’t like sport ☹️.
    Regards Bronwyn

    I recorded the rugby and your the third one who as give away the score😁🤣or at least the result.I won’t watch it now. I did think we would get beat. As for the cricket I don’t like one day games unless I actually go to watch them. Next week will be hard on the 5-2 so I hope to get through it ok.

    Good morning FB Brits Xxxx

    So lovely to see blue sky and sunshine this morning. Hopefully dry things up a bit although everywhere sodden.

    Right .. Christmas well in sight now with numerous temptations .. anyone for having a good purge now from tomorrow and through November.. I want to lose a few lbs for leeway.. If not it will back to starting the new Year with extra pounds like last year.

    The last few days I have gone back to healthy eating.. No Choc sweets.. cakes bread ..savoury snacks. Just Cider no wine.
    Its hard at first but when I did it at the beginning of the year in the end I think I said .. I would walk past all the treats and they just looked false … thinking most are just filled with numbers of goodness knows what.

    I really have found though by just having that big cup of full milk coffee for breakfast.. a piece of fruit.. usually banana or satsuma and a handful of walnuts.. Is a filling breakfast .. When I have had toast etc am really hungry by lunch time..
    Anyone else fancy it.. X

    Bronwyn.. You have done well staying the same this week… we cant lose all the time and you haven’t been well. Xx

    Dave.. Do be careful with water fasting as the weather is turning very quickly now and we are naturally burning more energy ..

    Hope everyone else in our little corner is having a lovely weekend. Choose your hard. Losing weight is hard. Being overweight is hard Xxxx

    Oh Dave so sorry about mentioning the rugby result. I will know in future not to mention it. My husband records things to watch later so I should have known. Got a chance of third place later in the week.

    Happy Sunday everyone.

    Morning All..,
    So beautiful out, just walk and walk… river is running very fast and high, gone over a bit it usually takes a few days to reach us from the Pennines..

    A lot of food in and Tony’s cancelled, he did sound very ill even covid. I think he’s done it 4 times now so annoying even though he can’t help it…so starting to eat it….lots which I don’t really buy for me.

    I really would like 4 or even 5 lbs off before last weigh in of the year before Xmas… we must give it a go!!
    Lots of Xmas things about, I have bought some choc marzipan and apricot sweets, 2 packets choc covered almonds and chocolate peanut clusters all from Lidl … I like Aldi and Lidl just a bit different from the usual stuff.
    In the bedroom on a don’t touch shelf!!!!
    The coffee idea works I sometimes have one for lunch it does fill you…

    Bronwyn and Dave..
    The sport not going good for you both…

    Hope your birthday party went well dancing into the night..


    Dave & Bronwyn – shame about the sports! Rarely on at home, hubby shouts at the telly when he does watch anything so I’m glad he doesn’t watch much 😂
    Good luck with your fast tomorrow Dave, couldn’t do a water one, I need hot drinks!
    Jean- what a shame about Tony, hope you can eat the food up quickly or find someone to give it to!
    Nana- hope the party was good!
    Hemmy- I think my idea of a few walnuts for breakfast would be a bit bigger than yours! I agree that toast doesn’t fill you up for long though …
    Flooding was pretty bad in Suffolk, I know 3 people whose houses were affected. Chaos on the roads, luckily lots of tractors available to rescue people! Lots of mud & gubbins across the roads now where the water’s cleared…got thoroughly soaked walking Xena on Friday, then wet again walking Enoch yesterday, beautiful today though! Managed 2 FDs, & a day off today, have made brownies & Crunchie tiffin for son’s gf for her birthday, had to make sure they were okay 🫢 Back to fasting tomorrow…

    Denise shouts at the telly when sports are on😁 and it’s on a lot here in our house. It will be a real test tomorrow not having a cuppa,if I do it I may do a fast on Thursday and put teabags into the water, see how it goes. Think I’ll have to get up at 11am, going bowling in the afternoon and I’m driving so that will help. May go to bed early to if I start weakening.

    Morning All…
    Very foggy and damp walk… we were on the riverbank with Oreo they found bones of a dead animal a deer possibly, they found it last week and went searching again today.. more bones found, they were naughty.. not listening … I had pick it up and throw in the river!!!

    I am fasting today.. cold chicken salad tonight’s meal.

    I am working through the food.. just annoying…Tony’s not good he is ringing the doctor today…
    Crunchie tiffin sounds good.. just crunchie instead of biscuits??

    Hound luck on the fasting… water only is a bit hard going….

    Jean x

    All ok so far, going bowling at 1pm so that will help. I’ll definitely miss cuppa, especially when it’s cold outside.Should have done this in the summer😁.My son’s off to Newcastle for a few days with his mate. Got to decide what I eat the rest of the week, got to keep it low.

    Evening everyone, hope you’re all save after storm Babette.
    The 21st party on Saturday evening was good fun and I got up and joined the youngsters on the dance floor and no I wasn’t drunk as I was driving.
    Have managed a fd today but as always on a fd I felt really cold.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    It’s going ok, felt hungry when I cooked Denise’s tea of sausage,egg bacon and tomatoes.Will keep drinking water, really miss my cuppa though. Think the next fast will be with tea instead of water.

    Hi FB Brits I hope you are all having a lovely day Xxxx

    No rain again but still very wet and muddy with the horses today.

    A good day with eating mindfully.. 8am.. Milky coffee.. Satsuma .. a few grapes.

    2pm..3 Ryvita ..small piece of cheese and a cup of soup sachet . A few walnuts.
    ( H H ) 6 lolol xx

    7pm.. 2 egg omelette ..with arasher of chopped bacon and few tomatoes . some plain Icecream.

    Not sure how many cals ..

    Its so lovely .. in the afternoons Pip and I go into the garden for an hour in winter unless its raining.
    Well.. we have this resident Robin it has no fear of Pip and the most amazing thing is Pip doesnt bother about it at all .. its like he either doesnt see it .. yet he is soo sharp about any movement .. being a springer spaniel and used in hunting Its like he accepts it should be there lolol . So very strange I know soon as we go out it is there. lolol I am taking Pics Xxxx

    Hope everyone is having a good day..

    When times get tough the tough get going xxxx

    Hemmy,Robins are my favourite birds,I always give them some maggots when I’m fishing. A good fast yesterday I did 30 hours without food and 27 hours without a hot drink. So I may try another on Thursday but this time I’ll have chips of tea instead of water. See how I feel on the day. It’s getting chilly here now, don’t let HH see this😀.

    Dave- well done with your fast, haha, you getting cold as well! Are you okay with your medicines & not eating?
    Jean- naughty dogs, finding bones, that is one thing Xena isn’t usually worried about…the Crunchie tiffin is a Jane’s Patisserie recipe, very rich, bits of biscuit & Crunchie pieces, stuck together with lots of chocolate, butter & golden syrup! Lovely though…Hope Tony gets better soon!
    Nana- the party sounded good! Well done driving….
    Hemmy- your day sounded pretty low! Well done .. we have a couple of robins in our garden too, I love seeing them, glad Mr Pips doesn’t chase yours!
    Had an 800cal FD yesterday, I think on track for another today, been hard as I was up at 4am! Had wet walks with Xena & Enoch, had a nap on the sofa & did some cleaning, not felt like doing as much as I wanted to though! Had a catch up with my HomeStart family who moved to Belfast as well. Tomorrow is a walk with my friend & her dog.
    Nobody else fasting then?

    Nope, had around 700 so far today. Will try a low day tomorrow then a fast day on Thursday. Don’t know about fasting and medicine, should be ok as I’ve done it for a while. Think I’m cold because it was 100°F every day on holiday.

    Evening All…
    I have had a naughty day just felt the need.. grandson kicking off again, daughters upset and really doesn’t know what do.
    There’s no help anywhere really.

    I am out lunching tomorrow with a friend I haven’t seen for a year or so, nice to have a good catch up.

    Heading off to bed shortly hoping tomorrow things calm down.

    Jean x

    A lovely sunny day here yet Alexa just gave a weather warning for fog😝. Going for a low day today and a fast day tomorrow. Going bowling at 12-30 only practice the season dosent start until April. I need the practice.

    Back from bowling, a beautiful day just like summer. Only had 2 cup’s of tea so will try for a fast day today. Won’t be a liquid one though, I think they are to difficult. Must have a good think what to have.

    HI FB Brits.. how is your day going so far. Xxxx

    What a beautiful day.. felt like summer this afternoon.. .. A good morning walk .. then went to Buckingham to charity shop.

    I did find 2 lovely sweaters .. one a bright red with cashmere .. So my Christmas day jumper lol

    I left at 1pm.. and never got back till 3.30 pm traffic bad with road works they seem everywhere.. Banbury and Bicester the same. I hate driving these days. lol

    never missed my lunch at all till i got in.. Just had 2 pieces of toast .. 1 peanut butter and the other Marmite. A cup of soup. 1 satsuma

    So wont be wanting much later maybe a couple of boiled eggs. Maybe call it a fast day.

    Dave .. you are doing well but be careful now the weather is colder.

    H H …Are you doing another fast today.. How is your Mum hope she is well .

    Sym.. I would imagine its hard to concentrate at the moment on anything re your Grandson… A big worry for you all.

    Enjoy the day everyone.. “An open heart is an open mind.” Xxxx

    Jean- what a worry with your grandson, & your poor daughter must be feeling awful. Hope your lunch out was nice?
    Dave- good you had nice weather for your bowling practice, well done doing another FD!
    Hemmy- your jumpers sound a good find! Do you fancy the marmite peanut butter? I don’t think I’d like it! Mum seems to be doing quite well at the moment, thanks! She organised having 5 friends round for cake for one’s birthday, by herself…she didn’t have much milk for tea so I offered to get some for her, she replied no need, as they’d be having wine 😂
    Walked with my friend today, the weather was awful again & took ages to get there- same as you Hemmy-, roads closed with road works & floods…Xena barking all the way! We compare Mum notes, her mum has dementia but is alot worse than mine. Got some jobs done & managed a FD, 700cals. We’re out for lunch tomorrow so won’t be fasting!

    Fast day gone well, so that’s 2 done this week. I managed 19 hours without food then did a good FD 750 calories so far and that includes a cuppa after the football is over.

    Evening everyone
    Just catching up with your posts. I get inspiration from your meal ideas.

    Dave, you are brave doing a water only fast. Not sure I could manage that.

    This week I have managed three days of 18/6. It wasn’t planned as I was aiming for 16/8 but we have been busy and not eating until after 1pm and tea at 6’ish. I have lost 2lbs since I last weighed in. I seem to do better doing this than calorie counting. I don’t miss having breakfast nowadays but feel guilty not having breakfast with DH 🙂

    Only 7lbs to my next stone marker so hoping to be in the next stone group by next year. Fingers crossed.

    Jean, a worry for your sister with her son. I remember drama and upset with my sons and their girlfriends. A stressful time for them at that age. I hope things improve for him soon.

    Regards Bronwyn

    Morning All…
    Seems a mild day out got my cuppa and back in bed..
    Walking with Oreo this morning.
    I shall go and see my sister pm, it’s her birthday this weekend so taking presents and card… hoping she is up to seeing me as last time I was only there 25 mins as she was ‘too busy to sit and talk’ …it’s a three hour round trip!!

    Grandson has bought his work/holiday visa for Aussie yesterday… my daughter is distraught..he was a lot calmer. We are telling him to research and think through where he wants to go.. he is talking about just a holiday, then he decides he wants to work there.
    The planning is keeping him busy, we are telling him to go if he wants too but as more we say go, he hesitates .. so ???

    Two jumper find is good, we have lots of roadworks here, two lots to go through today…

    Lots of dementia about, nice you can catch up with your friend and chat about it. Such an awful disease. I am seeing more because if my age I think. Enjoy your lunch today.

    Hard doing a water fast.. I couldn’t do it. I think just doing the two a week works well slow and doable without much effort.

    Well done on your 2 lb loss and going for the next 7 lbs for end of year…I am chasing 4 lbs off by Xmas…

    I am fasting for me today…

    Jean x

    No fast today but hope to keep it low. I found a good app for intermittent fasting so I put it on my phone, it’s free but the paid version gives you more so I bought it for a year. It’s called Fasting Tracker.

    Chloe’s always on alert at the park, if she sees another dog she’s ready to come home, total opposite of Heidi she loved meeting all dogs. Denise as used the heated throw most nights, she went to the toilet and Chloe’s was up and lying on it😁. Greyhounds feel the cold, no meat on them.

    Jean- hope you got to stay longer with your sister, such a cruel disease…
    Dave- you’ve done so well this week! A shame you can’t meet other dogs with Chloe, not very sociable walking her 😞
    Hemmy- hope you’re okay today…
    Bronwyn – well done with your loss! I never seemed to lose when I did one meal a day, good that 2 is suiting you.
    Nana- hope your weigh in is good this week.
    I’ve lost one pound this week. Had a dry walk with Xena, but got soaked walking Enoch. There’s a community cafe at our park & it was open extra early so I had a coffee while I was throwing the ball for Xena! Resisted the extremely lovely looking cakes though…lunch out was very nice, then had a lazy afternoon except for a HomeStart family call & doing a bit of online Christmas shopping. Hopefully another FD tomorrow…

    Good morning FB Brits hope you are well. Xxxx

    A chilly damp misty morning here .. hopefully dry for our walk.

    H H .. well done on your pound loss.. Xx Its a good feeling.

    I have lost a pound too.. my lowest weight .. but Kristy is coming next week so will need to be careful. It should be ok though as she has lost lots of weight .. on a really strict diet .. She is coming Thursday – Sunday so will wait to shop till she arrives.

    Anyone weighed in this morning Xx

    Have a good day everyone.. A moment on the lips …. a lifetime on the hips. Xxxx

    I’ve lost over 10lbs, the water fast must have been a big help plus going for a long time between eating also helps, it’s 15.25 hours since I last had any food. Going shopping now. Very happy with the loss.

    Dave .. Wow wow … That’s absolutely brilliant well done you. .

    How do you feel in yourself other than lighter of course lol. Will you continue what are your eating plans for the weekend.

    Another thought is .. does the weight go back on quickly when you eat again.

    I will try and do another water fast on Monday bought some tea that only as 1 calorie.I have lost a lot before after an holiday but never lost that much in one go. I’ll keep going like I did last week but it is very difficult doing the water fast but no pain no gain.

    Dave- very well done! Worth doing a water fast if you lose that!
    Hemmy- well done to you as well! If Kristy is watching her weight too I’m sure it’ll be fine next weekend!
    I know when I’ve eaten very low cal to lose weight it does go back on quickly…have been very hungry today, but stuck to the fast, 750cals. Walked Xena & Enoch, then it rained after so at least I didn’t get wet! Had my hair done, very pleased with it today, & then saw mum this afternoon, she was pretty cheerful so we had a laugh.
    Eldest is away this weekend but mustn’t get into holiday mode, I want to do another FD tomorrow!

    Evening everyone,
    I hope the people who have been fasting have had a good day.

    Dave, 10lbs congratulations! Has your stone marker gone down? it’s always nice to have a lower number to encourage you on.

    Half term around here next week. Visits from grandchildren which can be a little stressful so I am determined to stick to my 16/8 whatever the situation. Perhaps have a bottle of wine in the fridge just in case – better than a chocolate binge.

    The fireworks have already started around here and one of my dogs is already stressed which stresses me in turn. She seems to have got worse with age. I am considering getting a Happy Hoodie for her. I think I may make one from one of my husband’s socks. Like a small headband. Has anyone tried one?

    Jean, I am listening to Dr Jason Fung’s podcasts from the beginning. There are so many so should keep me busy for a while. He is so encouraging when I feel a bit weak 😂

    Sat under my heated throw – it will be kept busy until Spring.

    Good wishes for the weekend, Bronwyn

    Bronwyn yes I’ve dropped into a new stone marker, was 21 more 20, I’m hoping to get to 17 stone then I would be very happy. 17 stone is a good weight for me, I have lost 2 inches in height but I’m still 6 feet tall.I may try a longer fast from Sunday evening until Tuesday morning/afternoon. Then do another ordinary fast day.I have bought some tea bags that are only 1 calorie so can have them while fasting, just hope I like them, only got 20 tea bags.

    Bronwyn- it’s so hard when dogs are scared, our last lab was terrified. There’s relaxing music for dogs you can play on YouTube which helped her a bit to start with. Not seen HappyHoodies! Hope you enjoy half term, it was this week here.
    Dave- nice to go down to the next stone! I did 72 HR fasts when I was on keto, but did have tea & coffee. Have you checked if you’re okay fasting on the medication you’re on?
    Had a busy day- walked Enoch after Xena- he’s had 5 walks this week, first time in 18months that his owner has answered the phone every time I ring! Washed & re-waxed my walking boots, the soles are getting quite worn now, might have to get new ones soon…did lots of cleaning too, & hubby’s bought a pump & hose in case the drive floods badly again, we tried it out & it took ages to get all the water out & roll up the hose, could’ve done with fireman son 😂
    FD going okay, on track for about 600cals.

    Hi FB Brits .. hope you are having a good Xxxx

    Its been a good morning for walking but rain has stopped our afternoon play in the garden ..we did manage half an hour .. Such a shame as our resident robin had just arrived lol

    Being a gun dog Pip isn’t too bothered about the fireworks.. but being a village of old families and horses.. we usually get off quite lightly . any constant bangs and someone soon comes on our local chat and voices their opinion lolol

    HH … I have a job finding walking boots that last I think i had said before that Kristy bought me some last year Mountain something .. never lasted long.. At the moment I am wearing Muckers they use for mucking out horses .. so far so good
    being waterproof but a bit heavy going Got them from Amazon..

    This evening its my favourite Eggs baked beans and chips. Plus stewed some apples I had found on my walk .. with a bit of ice-cream.

    Have a lovely evening every one Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves how lucky we are Xxxx

    Mountain warehouse hemmy, it’s ok.Chloe is not scared of fireworks about the only thing she’s not afraid of.When I was in hospital with my heart attack they said intermittent fasting was good for the blood sugar. I’ll risk it with the meds.

    Evening everyone, have had a busy week so am looking forward to a three day break to Lowestoft tomorrow which we’ve done the same time every year since OH retired October 31st 2008 to celebrate his this. Will be doing lots of walking and the weather forecast looks like it won’t be too bad.
    Dave well done on losing ten pounds – I stayed the same this week but at least it wasn’t a gain.
    OH had to undergo an endoscopy Thursday and as he was sedated I needed to be with him to drive him home afterwards so decided not to eat all day until meeting up with my old workmates that evening.
    A nice lunch with friends on Wednesday, a meal out with old workmates Thursday evening and a pizza takeaway yesterday evening.
    No fireworks going off around here at the moment but as you mentioned Hemmy the same would happen in our village if noisy fireworks were to be set off before the 5th November.
    Enjoy your weekend everyone and I’ll check in again on Wednesday.
    Nana x

    Morning All..
    Raining through the night, dry at the moment.
    I seem to have missed a few days posting..

    Charlie had his teeth scaled and polished, he wriggled a bit this time but he was a good boy, I do it about every 9 months…£30.

    I stayed the same this week it’s 4 weeks on the trot..

    Enjoy your time away in Lowestoft, hope it’s dry and you can get your walking in.

    I shall try hard this week you have done really well…

    We are a village but we had a lot of fireworks go off last night.. Charlie isn’t bothered but I put the tv up louder.

    We must walk similar..I have a problem with my wellies and walking boots, in this rain they seem to be leaking.. boots are getting very worn now.. it’s taken over a week for the wellies to dry they have a fleece lining.
    We always seem to be looking at the same time.
    Hope the pump works for the garden and path area.

    Glad you are enjoying the dr Fung videos.. I find them very interesting, I think I missed a few not about fasting.
    Busy week with the grandchildren it will keep you on your toes.

    Nothing really planned today, some reading.. it’s about a lifeboat and people surviving not good when I am going on a cruise 😂.. oh yes Charlie’s pan of veggies as well…

    Have a good day..

    Jean x

    Hi FB Brits I hope you are having a good day. Xxxx

    A disappointing day here after a beautiful start.. Blue sky an sunshine suddenly disappeared while we were walking.. and light rain.

    Croc pot on at 7.3o am this morning as I had forgotten the time change lolol Noticed it first on the computer thought it had gone faulty lol .. then remembered.
    Any way chicken breasts .. and all bits of veg gone in the pot smelt lovely when I got back from my walk.

    Anyone else notice that their taste has changed with age or being on here lol .. I really didn’t enjoy my eggs beans mushrooms and chips last night .. I wont be dong that for a long while .

    Brads.. Yes they do say the fasting is good for the heart .. I expect it gives all organ s a rest . Glad Chloe is ok with the fireworks ..Some dogs are really terrified.. Yes Mountain Warehouse re the boots…leaked quite quickly.

    Nana .. enjoy your break .. have e nice glass of wine for me lol

    Sym.. When is your cruise and where too…how lovely.. Are you doing it alone or with company. Xx

    “A Sunday well-spent brings a week of content.” Happy Sunday everyone Xxxx

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