Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Afternoon All…
    A good walk very windy and dry.. a few showers off and on.
    A bit of a boring day not sure what to do.. a few jobs done.

    Sent away for a bag to go on the plane with, just a bit bigger than I have, making more room for book /glasses and snacks/sandwiches .. stop everything swashing together. Noticed some luggage labels for the cruise so sent for them too. A bit early I know.

    I was going to see my Chris but there’s a pride march through Hull so I thought I might get held up.. must go next week.

    The cannabis oil is in tablets..if my feet got bad I might consider them. This guys wife swears that they work.
    Looks like a bit of practice at different ways of throwing the bowls maybe the guy might show you.

    Jean x

    Just done a long post & lost it 🤬
    Dave- hope the knee support & new bowling technique can help you keep playing! Never tried cannabis oil, seem to be so many products but some people swear by it…try YouMove otherwise, it seems to work well for dogs!
    Jean- I’m sure your 3lbs doesn’t show at all! Hope you can find a good book or something for this afternoon…
    Hemmy- glad you had a nice time with Kristy, & the lunch out with your friend. I’m sure you’ll soon get that couple of pounds off…
    Bronwyn- feel free to have a moan about your sciatica, we can all sympathise 🤗 Well done keeping your weight steady …
    Mary- great loss for this month, you do so well with all your meals out & socialising! Mick will be like a new man now!
    My friend from Belfast has been over, they camped near us so have seen her & the family a couple of times, plus made a Peppa Pig birthday cake for her daughter, so that’s kept me busy! My friend who’s in between jobs has been free for dog walks now so we’ve been going out together sometimes. I have some online training to do, I need a day free so I can do it in one go, hopefully one day next week! It’s to help with my HomeStart work, but I paid for it myself- didn’t want to ask them to pay as then they’d give me even more difficult families to make it worthwhile, so I’ll keep quiet 😂
    I really need to get back on track…we have a bit of a difficult family situation which has been worrying me, hard to fast then, I am a terrible comfort eater!
    Have a good rest of the weekend!

    I know what you mean about comfort eating.Been doing that since my knees have got worst. Must get back to 5-2 this coming week. Going to try hard for all of August then get weighed on the 1st of September.

    Morning All..
    A very rainy night, walking out with Oreo and Natalie on the riverbank I think we will both want wellies on. The grass is getting long waiting for the grass cutters to come again, it will be a while yet.

    A very boring day yesterday I never really did much at all, it’s not me I usually get cracking… I managed a 550 calorie FD so that was good.

    I bought a new flight bag for when I travel, a bit bigger than my handbag it can get very tight. Holding my documents, book/glasses and my sandwiches and treats… luggage labels for the cruise ( special ones to planes).. a bit early but organised.

    Your course is good if it helps you… lovely to catch up with your friend I hope the weather was a bit kind when she was camping… hope the family worried sort themselves out, I have some too, I might need a few unicorns on Wednesday hoping Steve is with me….

    Good luck for the month ahead hoping the scales will be good..

    I am not sure on fasting it will be today or tomorrow trying for three this week…

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone, Speedway against Sheffield called off tonight because of rain. Fasting today need to get back to it. Not bowling as not helped. Going you watch the bowling today it’s two teams who I play for on different days playing each other. Hope the rain stays away.

    Jean- sending you an early unicorn! 🦄 What’s happening on Wednesday, have I missed something? 🤗 Well done with your FD yesterday…
    Dave- that must’ve been awkward, teams you play for against each other! Who did you cheer on?! Hope you keep strong today…
    Nana, Hemmy- & Bronwyn, hope you’re all okay x
    FD went well today, 700 cals. Walked Xena in the wet, but dry after that to walk Enoch, & we got a big shrub cut down in the garden, it has spread too much, despite me pruning it each year! Took cake round to Mum’s & had a good catch up on the phone with my friend who’s moved to Cheltenham…Will do another FD tomorrow, hubby has mentioned going out for breakfast so hope I can put him off for another day!

    Good morning FBB s hope all is well with you Xxxx

    It looks a drier day today and sunshine. .. I dont mind some rain though as my friend in the states has had high 30s temps for months and that would be too much for me.

    Doing well with diet.. just meals and no in between .. I think I have said before I love the icecream and micro fruit after my dinner just hits and satisfies that need for sweet.

    Busy getting things done as Kristy here again Thurs -Sun she has an event in Oxford Fri- Sat so I wont see much of her .. nice to have her around though.

    Brads … Glucosamine: is one of the best supplements for knee joints. One of my knees is not wonderful seems worse in damp weather or when its about to change .

    H H .. Well done with your fasting day yesterday not easy when a lot going on around you. Hopefully your worry will soon be resolved. xx

    Nana… hope all is well with you and yours.

    Sym… You are so organised .. I used to be but seem to have lost the motivation Must get back into it being prepared early it really is much better.

    They say give a job to a busy person and they will get it done. lol
    You sound like my friend Pam she is 75 and never stops. Xxxx

    Edging lawns ..and kitchen sort out for me today.. must start throwing things away lol Today its Pips toy basket bet I just do one thing although he doesnt bother with them now too old. Just wants grass throwing. lolol

    Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” xxxx

    Good morning everyone got the roofer repairing the leaky roof, not cheap but Denise is paying and won’t tell me how much it’s going to cost. HH I was supporting both teams. One of the players Rose needed a cloth to dry her bowls because it was absolutely pouring down. So I gave her one of mine, it soon became soaking so I gave her another.She won so was very happy. I’m going to watch bowling tomorrow and play on Thursday. Her said to me to just play Thursday because they are one short and it doesn’t matter how many points I get.

    Morning All..
    Walked the riverbank with Natalie’s mum and Oreo. Nat is flying…found a big pig roaming, Charlie went balmy, he had got out someone had called the police as he could have got onto the road.
    Playing boules at 1.30 weather depending ..

    Fast day for me…second this week.

    Tony is finding out today when his biopsy is taking place 🤞🏻

    A busy garden day for you it’s always nice and tidy when it’s finished. How is your mum doing?
    Last three days for Jacqui she’s home Saturday.
    I have a solicitors appointment .. I don’t like going..things to be sorted out..

    Funny knee for me this morning kept giving way.

    I am not anywhere as busy as I was but I do like to be organised.
    Lovely to have Kirsty about nice bit of company.

    Jean x

    A nice sunny day here today. Done the shopping, cooking chicken breasts for Chloe, lucky girl. It’s a big game tomorrow at bowls,we are top of the league and the team were play are third. They have won all their home games so will be very difficult to beat them.

    Evening everyone, I’m just plodding along nicely with my 1300 calories a day although Saturdays calorie count was certainly higher.
    Our usual Wednesday lunch tomorrow but going to visit daughter and son in law firstly and hopefully our three little great grandsons will turn up before we leave to go for our lunch. Weather forecast for tomorrow is strong winds with heavy rain plus the chance of a thunderstorm so will be using our car and not cycling. We’re still negotiating with each other about who’s going to be driving home though.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    Hi all 🙂
    Dave- it’s good you can still be involved with the bowls, hope you can play okay on Thursday…not good about your roof, hope the fix holds & you can put off having a new one for a while 🤞
    Jean- not nice for you having to do the solicitors stuff, hope the appt goes okay. Poor Tony, it’s really being dragged out…hope the pig got sorted!
    Nana- you’re doing very well with your counting calories! Will be lovely to see the great grandsons tomorrow, have a nice lunch out 🤗
    Hemmy- the fruit & ice cream sound good…I don’t mind a bit of rain, but I think we’ve had more than enough now 😂
    Managed a highish FD, it was hard! Had a lovely walk with Xena, somewhere new, she was very excited! Walked Enoch as well, then got my online training done, 3 hours, but interesting…Maybe going out for breakfast tomorrow…

    HH do 800 on fast days 600 is almost impossible.I would be starving on 600. Going to be a wet bowling session so pleased I’m not playing, I have to drive today and it’s a good distance away and difficult to park. Just took Chloe out in the rain, she dosent mind the rain, some greyhounds do.

    Good evening everyone how you all doing? Had around1200 calories today so doing ok.

    Evening All..
    Two very wet walks two completely different walking gear on!!!

    I have been to sort my Will out at the solicitor today, I have had trouble from one of Steve’s daughters… all sorted now she did me a favour as it hasn’t changed for about 11 years and very out of date… shot herself in the foot in the process!

    As a stressful day.. I have had a FD about 650 calories.

    Glad you managed the bowling.. it’s practice doing it different.

    Jean x

    Jean- not nice having to change wills, & expensive! Was last time we had to anyway, when we gave up on brother-in-law & didn’t want him as executor! A hug for you, & you did well fasting today 🤗
    Dave- hope you got parked okay at the bowling…I just see how hungry I am on FDs, Tuesday was 800cals…
    Hemmy- have a nice weekend with Kristy, even if you don’t see much of her…
    Nana- how was your lunch out today?
    Bronwyn – come back, even if it’s just for some sympathy! 🤗
    Had a very wet walk too with Xena, & then we had a really nice breakfast out, it kept us going til this evening! Did a mountain of ironing & cleaned some windows, plus found a nice cabin by a lake not far away on Airbnb- struggling to find a dog sitter so going somewhere we can take Xena. Just 2 nights, in 3 weeks time… hopefully a FD tomorrow!

    Yes Bronwyn please come back, Had a couple of wet walks myself today. The last one was dry though.Had 1200 calories today so not too bad for a non fast day. I will have an options hot chocolate before I go to bed only 40 calories.

    The sun is out and I’m going to try Bowling again. Got slammed yesterday 21-6,I played a good player but only 6 points😫 got to get used to the new way of playing hopefully it will improve with practice.

    Evening All..
    Play date with Oreo and tomorrow booked too. A beautiful hot dry day, shopping, car cleaned too ( my little man) and grass cut. Sat in the garden for a bit.

    Good fast day 500 calories then I had a free bun from Lidl 😬.. 4 fasts this week.

    Sent for a dressy long maxi dress for my cruise half price coming tomorrow… could be too long ??

    The will cost £430 a full new will, I then amended it this morning. Thinking what he discussed and what Steve said in the past. Very hard when two families, I wrote it out very faffy then he did it so different and quick. I have my girls as executors, I have very different views on Steves daughters now.

    Well done, brilliant that you won the match.

    Jean x

    Good to win at bowls but need lots of practice to bowl the new way. Playing again tomorrow because they are short. Playing a top team away tomorrow so will see what happens.

    Jean- it is hard with a step- family to consider too…hope your walk with Oreo was good. You’re lucky with the weather, we had even more rain!
    Dave- brilliant that you won your match with the new bowling technique! So pleased that you can still bowl even with your painful knees!
    Did an 800cal FD today. Walked Xena in very heavy rain, it stopped after though so I could walk Enoch as well. We did shopping, son is bringing his gf for lunch on Saturday, will invite mum as well so she can meet gf. Made the raspberry ripple ice cream ready, & did hair cuts. Lots of cleaning to do tomorrow…

    Afternoon everyone, a horrible day outside with heavy rain showers off and on its more like April than August.
    Have had a good week foodwise and managed to lose the one pound gain from last week plus another half pound so August is off to a good start just hope it stays for the whole month 🤞
    Hedgehogs nice for your mum to be able to meet your sons gf. We’re yet to meet either of our grandsons gfs.
    Dave glad you’re back to playing bowls even if you’re having to learn a new way of bowling.
    Hemmy hope you have a lovely time with Kristy.
    Jean sorry to hear of problems with Steves daughters but at least you’ve managed to have a new will in place.
    Bronwyn please check in with us.
    We’re having a kebab takeaway this evening and I will be having a chicken shish kebab. OH’s turn to drive so a couple of glasses wine for me.
    Have a good weekend everyone and I’ll be back next week.
    Nana x

    Nana- Really well done with your loss, you’re so steady & consistent! Same weather here- some torrential downpours & a couple of storms…enjoy your takeaway & wine!
    I lost a pound too this week.
    Had a lovely walk with my friend & her dog again, although Xena is a pest & keeps wanting treats from Claire! She has nicer ones than me 😂 Claire doesn’t seem to mind though & says her dog is much more chilled & confident when he’s with Xena! Have done lots of cleaning as son’s gf & her family are very tidy 😯 Made vegan ‘meat’ & it’s in a schwarma marinade for tomorrow. Just cooking a risotto for us tonight …

    Good evening everyone,I won at bowling again.Still a long way to go with the new technique but it could be very good if I can get used to it, I’ve noticed quite a few do it the same way especially the older ones😱🫨. Having a weekend off then beck to 5-2, doctors on Monday.

    Having problems with WhatsApp at the moment.New phone.

    Morning All..
    Just been out in the garden and drizzle is just arriving. A bad day for us all and windy.. get the garden pots safe!!

    I think breakfast/lunching with the boules girls three of us up to now.. not sure what we are doing as yet…

    Definitely it will be a wet walks!!

    Lost 1 lb this week after 4 fasts!!

    Hope all your cleaning has gone well.. nice to have gf coming over and meeting mum. Well done on your 1lb off.

    Well done on loosing the holiday weight and a bit more..hope your meal out was enjoyable.

    Well done on your bowls win.. looks like new way of playing is working well. Lots of fun sorting new phones out hope the WhatsApp gets sorted.

    Jean x

    A quick hello while the flat bread dough rises, that’s an oxymoron 😂 Yucky rain again, luckily didn’t get too wet walking Xena & then Enoch…
    Jean- alot of work for 1lb off! Have a nice lunch out…
    Dave- hope you get the new phone(s!) sorted! Well done with the bowling…
    Hemmy- hope this rotten weather doesn’t affect what Kristy is doing!
    Have a good weekend xx

    Think I’ve sorted my new phone out, I bought a usb stick on prime day so I’m backing up everything off my old phone onto it, if it works never done it before. I like messing around with phones setting how they work. Lots to learn in new phone. Bowling send to be going on but every now and then it goes horribly wrong 😁.

    Good afternoon FB friends,
    Thank you for reminding me to check in and post. I feel more like my old self again. Still got mild sciatica but nothing like it has been. More under control and I am looking forward to starting physio later this month so I can ward off another flare up. Starting watching my food again tomorrow and thinking about aquafit again.

    I had been worried about not being able to go to London for the day last Friday. Booked my train ticket 12 weeks ago. It was to take my grandson to the newly opened Nat Portrait Gallery to look at the kings and queens. He was desperate for me to go. I dosed myself up with co-codamol and went. It was a long day and I walked miles around London but I was fine. I realise I am better when I walk more. Too much sitting. Such a relief to get it over with. My grandson loved the day.

    Not sure whether to do 800 tomorrow or try the 1200 every day. Will mull it over and decide before bedtime. Only put on 3lbs whilst not fasting so not too bad.

    Dave, how are your knees? Hope they have improved some like my back. Will post again soon.
    Best regards

    Knees feel better since I bought two supports for them.I go to the doctor’s tomorrow to try and get on the waiting list for knee replacements. Glad your back Bronwyn.Weather not very summer like at the moment. I’ve had a weekend off made a 🐷 of myself so back to 5-2 for the rest of the month.

    Bronwyn, glad you’re back & the sciatica is improving…3lbs not bad at all 🤗
    Dave- good you’re getting the hang of the new phone, I get too scared to fiddle about with things on mine 😂
    Actually had a dry walk with Xena! The coats are still drying after the downpours yesterday & bailing out our flooded drive! Wellies still soaked inside too …had some leftovers from yesterday’s lunch to eat up, it went very well! Mum ate & enjoyed the vegan ‘meat’schwarma I’d made, but said she doesn’t like trying my vegan food 😂
    A lazier day today, tomorrow we take Mum to meet up with my aunt & uncle, she’s staying with them for a week. She won’t let me help with her packing though, hope she manages!

    Morning All..
    A very beautiful warm walk nice for a change.
    Fasting today..

    Lovely to have you back. Just take it steady maybe the walking helps if you can, I couldn’t walk when I had mine.
    :lbs on isn’t too bad hope you have decided which way you are going 800 or 1200.. good luck.

    Good luck at the doctors and you can get on a knee list… hope you are enjoying your new phone.

    Hard to get the coats to dry.. maybe get them out on the line today???.. I laughed at your mum eating veggie when she won’t eat it 😂 .. a bit like me..

    Jean x

    HH it’s simple to reset your phone if you make a pigs ear of it. Not getting on the list to have my knees done. She said if I can walk a mile I will not get on any list. I’m not sure if it’s a NHS thing I am being referred to for weight loss. Or when it will happen.

    Evening everyone.
    What a dreadful Saturday weather-wise such a shame for our next door neighbours who got married. We spoke to them today and she said her wedding dress got quite muddy. They very kindly gave us a bottle of wine leftover from the reception and a piece each of the wedding cake which was a lovely coffee flavoured Sponge filled and covered with a caramel buttercream- my calorie allowance has gone over today 🤗
    Dave can’t believe the outcome of your visit with the Dr regarding your knees that’s just not on.
    Bronwyn good that you’re sciatica is under control.
    Hedgehogs not good with the flooded drive hope everything is all dried now.
    Hemmy how was Kristy’s visit hope you had a lovely time together.
    Hope everyone else is keeping okay.
    Nana x

    Morning/ afternoon!
    Dave- so frustrating for you at the GPs- she must know how long the wait is, if your knees are no worse in a year or two when you get up to the top they could turn you down then, if they get any worse in the meantime at least you’d be on it! My aunt had both hers done & she’s morbidly obese, she didn’t have to lose weight first!
    Nana- the wedding cake sounded lovely, such a shame about the weather…
    Jean- was your FD okay yesterday?
    Hemmy- hopefully nothing gained after having Kristy to stay?
    Bronwyn – have you been able to get back to fasting?
    We had a nightmare journey yesterday taking mum to meet my aunt- what should have been a 2hr journey took 5 hrs! All a bit tense, & we couldn’t stop for food at the café with them as we knew it was going to be bad going home as well…still, at least we didn’t eat lunch!
    Today more relaxed, walked Xena & Enoch, have rung my HomeStart family, & it’s dry- yay! Just aiming for one meal today to try & get back into losing weight!

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its rained most of the morning here .. we got soaked.

    A lovely few days with Kristy …although she was at events Fri- Sun .. yesterday before she went home we went for a meal . it was very disappointing once again.. It had been a brilliant place but very mediocre food and expensive.

    Kristy said our local prices were on par with London. You don’t mind if its good . very disappointing..

    I have put on 2lbs.. lolol .. hopefully it will go soon.

    I have just made up the croc pot with chicken and veg.. so all healthy and hopefully tasty .

    Hope everyone in our little corner are having a good day.

    You don’t have to be like someone else to feel your best.
    You are your best self when you are your real self. Xxxx

    Good evening everyone.Yes my knees will have to wait. Half of me is pleased I’m not having the operation the other half😫😫😫. I’ll wait and see what they come up with for me to weight, I have to go somewhere to do it, all she said was that is somewhere in Manchester🫨. I’ll see what that say and go from there. I am feeling down though, just neither one thing or the other.

    Morning everyone and its a lovely warm sunny one here in the fens.
    A slight change to my usual Wednesday as its my son in laws Birthday today and OH and I said that we’d treat him for a meal of his choice and he’s opted for a takeaway from his favourite Indian at home with the family which means I’ll get to see my army grandson whose on leave and my other grandson whose not working late as he usually does on a Wednesday and might get to meet his girlfriend at last.
    Think I’ll opt for a chicken tikka to try and keep the calories down and I’ve also volunteered to drive 😇
    Hemmy such a shame about the meal so annoying.
    Dave hope this morning finds you not so down.
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Nana x

    Bowling today,it’s a cup match, hopefully I will not be playing, need more practice and every point counts, it’s a small and very fast green I’ve been told do my nightmare kind of green. The sun is out it’s 17°C at the moment so better get the sun cream on.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A much better day..waiting for the lawns to dry off to mow.. maybe tomorrow.

    Not sure if its just me but I thought this morning that the blackberries were very forward this year.

    Well made the chicken veg stew .soup yesterday but again I thought everything seems to taste the same in the croc pot.. I think I prefer the old oven way lolol

    Anyway I had lost a pound this morning .so all good.

    Nana Have an enjoyable time with your family .. I reckon take away is the best way to go. . I would have the Chicken Tikka … Enjoy

    Brads … Just a thought re your knees..
    .. My friend I walk with works at the Drs Surgery … she always says Unfortunately for everyone else ” Those that shout loudest get treated first.” Maybe time for you to really lay it on thick how you are in great pain.

    Hope everyone is having a lovely Wednesday .. take care “Trust the next chapter because you are the author.” .Xxxx

    I’ll try and lose weight and see how it goes. I’m not in too much pain when I’m on the move. Don’t know what will happen with the weight loss program, I’ve been referred so I have to go and attend, it’s not an online thing.

    Good afternoon what a lovely day is been, hot and sunny. Bowling called off today we could only get 6 players so had to cancel it. Two are not fit to bowl and one on holiday. Can’t believe Chloe went over 20 hours without going for a wee. Wish I could do that🤣. Playing tomorrow, getting used to the new style of bowling now I can’t bend down because of my knees.Egg and bacon for tea, I like that most enjoyable. Not been fishing for a while, it’s making time to go. And I thought when I retired I’ve have plenty of time on my hands.

    Afternoon All…
    I seem to have missed a few days ??

    Weathers good today but very humid not really nice.
    I have had lunch with my daughter had a good few hours with her..

    Finished fasting at under 700 cals. I miss counted and added a bit more food on 🤦‍♀️

    Lots of blackberries here the dogs pick and eat them only the black ones… Charlie doesn’t!!
    Started here about three weeks ago but lots now..

    I agree how did we find time to work!!.. we all are so busy. Chloe going 20 hours that’s a long time to wait.

    Hope everyone is well too many days to go back on.

    Jean x

    Hemmy- shame about your meal, well done getting one pound off already! I think the blackberries seem early too!
    Dave- I agree with Hemmy- that you do have to lay it on to get any treatment now! Shame about the bowling, hope you find time to go fishing!
    Jean- nice to see your daughter, I guess she’ll be getting back to work for the new term…Xena loves blackberries but likes me to pick them 😀
    Nana- lovely to see your grandson! You are good volunteering to drive! How is your Auntie getting on now?
    Yesterday was busy- a walk with my friend & her dog, a coffee morning for HomeStart, went to B&Q for some screen to repair our trellis, & food shopping, then out for dinner at a pub by the river…today after walking Xena & Enoch we spent a few hours in the full sun doing the trellis- can’t win at the moment, pouring for days & now baking hot! Not been very good with food, had a few treats although have cut out breakfast.
    Going out for the day tomorrow, to the coast somewhere 🏖️

    You are so lucky being able to get to a river. I think there are a couple in Manchester but not accessible to me. I used to work right next to one when I first started work. The river Irwell.

    Morning All..
    A lovely day again.. play date on the riverbank…

    Grandson from Aussie has arrived and trying to catch the 7.27 am train to Hull.. he’s on the tube now… I will be seeing him on Sunday, we are having lunch at daughters for a catch up. Jacqui will have some of just them time today.

    Well not a good week 2 lbs up, I am not sure why… my body seems to be settling back at this weight after my holidays.

    Jacqui does go into school but the last week is when all the teachers get their class to ready. She likes them to have some holiday time.
    It’s hard in the garden hot then wet, today seems to be good before the mixed weather returns. Good to get the trellis up for plants or veggies?

    I like water the sea and rivers even canals, so lovely to walk by them.

    Jean x

    Good morning FB Brits .. another beautiful day. Xxxx

    Hopefully lawns will be dry enough to mow today. everywhere looking oh so very green for this time of year .. Sooo glad we never had the high temps of last year though it was too much.

    Just weighed ( As I do every morning ) lolol and I have lost 1 pound of the 2 gained last week ..

    Funny as I did notice this week I was more tired . I ate more sugar last weekend I think its empty calories just tires you.

    Yesterday stocked up with lots of fruit ..

    H H ,, I think cutting out breakfast is a good key point. As you know I havnt had breakfast for years just a big milky coffee .. funny a s I am never really hungry till about 1 – 2pm… Yet when I had for years 2 slices of toast and fruit I was ready for lunch at noon.

    Brads .. Good luck with your game today.. You will soon get used to the new style of bowling.

    Nana .. What are you doing today.. Always busy and really enjoying life with your family.

    Sym.. Lovely to see your grandson and catch up. Plenty of time to lose any pounds when all the social occasions go quiet in winter.

    Have a good Friday everyone whatever you are doing..“Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. Xxxx

    Morning everyone,
    Hemmy well done on losing a pound it was the same for me. It’s dawned on me it’s cutting down on the amount of alcohol that I’ve been drinking that’s helping so I’ve decided to only drink when out with friends and if we have friends visit us at home. Wednesday was good and oldest grandsons girlfriend was lovely so 🤞they stay together. Tonight is going to be a Chinese and my turn to drive.
    Jean you’ll soon lose those two pounds bet you can’t wait to see your grandson.
    Have a good weekend everyone and I’ll be back Monday.
    Nana x
    Hedgehogs Auntie wasn’t quite herself yesterday as she’d been unwell over the weekend having a raised temperature and feeling dizzy a nurse came out Monday and tested her for covid which was negative and also took some blood tests so awaiting the results. Hadn’t said anything about it to us as she didn’t want to worry us bless her but said she’s feeling much better.

    Lovely walk a lovely wind blowing in the sun much better than yesterday …

    Well done on moving the pound, it’s an idea to miss breakfast it might give me a kick.. I think I have had too many low days it doesn’t work for me..
    Looking forward to seeing grandson he’s home safe now, he is desperately wanting a shower and possibly sleep too…he will be running on adrenaline at the moment.

    Well done on your pound off too. You are always very busy with friends and family it’s hard to keep on track.. you do very well. Hope auntie picks up she’s naughty not telling you!

    Popping into town looking at a ball of cotton /type wool to make a small over shoulder bag for my phone to carry on holiday… see what’s about..

    Jean x

    Hemmy- well done the pound off! I used to skip breakfast alot when I did very low carb, now I really crave it, & probably have too much sugary stuff…I agree the sugar doesn’t do you any good!
    Nana- not bad staying the same if you’ve had a few social things on. Hope it’s nothing serious with your Auntie…enjoy tonight!
    Jean- how exciting having grandson back for a visit! I bet he is tired, such a long flight…hope you get what you need to make a bag…
    Dave- we’re about 5 miles from the river, although our favourite pub is a bit further, 11 miles from the sea. With the forest on our doorstep it is a lovely area!
    It rained this morning so we didn’t go out, walked loads as I’d given Xena an extra long walk & then walked Enoch. We did go to a garden centre & got an evergreen honeysuckle for the trellis, some roots to dig up before I plant it though. Have done a huge pile of ironing, & now I’m joining the Ching knees club, that’s one part of me that doesn’t usually ache!
    Have a good weekend everyone!

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