Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • I lost 1lb, my knee as gone now, I am limping permanently I imagine it will be like this for a year or two until I can get a new knee. Can still get around but it hurts if I’m stationary to long, I wake up in pain every day nowšŸ˜«.Got an appointment Arthur the doctors on the 7th of August.

    Good afternoon, the sun is trying to come out but at least it’s dry. Cricket here on Wednesday and the weather’s not looking good. My son is going on Friday so hope it stays fine for him. Bowling four days this week, I get Thursday off as its a free day.

    I wanted to know how everyone deals with fasting days in colder weather, as weā€™re reaching the end of summer?
    Last week was cooler and I found fasting difficult. I didnā€™t fast last week, but I am going to start again tomorrow. I have only been doing this for about three weeks and I have lost four cms from my hips.

    Hello all šŸ™‚
    Welcome bayleaf! Whereabouts are you, I hope we’ve still got a couple of months more summer here…I do get really cold fasting, so have lots of hot drinks, try to do some exercise or vigorous housework, & have more soups on FDs. Well done losing 4cms!
    Dave- rotten for you with your knees, going to be a long wait for new ones…well done losing a pound šŸ‘ Did your son see any cricket or was it rained off? My sister was going to watch the racing at Newmarket but it was too wet …
    Jean- poor Tony, but a good jog it didn’t happen while he was with you, or driving! Hope he’s home soon. Lots of food for you to eat up then?! If you’ve got 3 other holidays booked maybe you won’t feel like going to Bridlington again?
    Hemmy- I use mayo, cream, onion & chives in my potato salad. Should have some potatoes ready in the garden soon…
    Had a nice meal on Friday with son & his gf, was a busy day, so had a lazier one yesterday after walking Xena & Enoch. Just did some research I’ve been putting off for ages for the site I moderate, pleased to get that done. Had leftovers to eat yesterday so it wasn’t a FD. Have just done some scent work with Xena outside, feel a bit bad as I keep forgetting & she loves it!
    Have a good rest of the weekend everyone šŸ™‚

    Welcome Bay leaf summer only just began, only had 6 weeks.no idea in centimetres it’s about 1.5 inches I think which is very good. I find it easier in the winter to fast. And I hate soup of any description. Do you have any pets? I have a greyhound who used to be a racer.Now she’s the laziest dog alive šŸ˜.

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    Windy and cold for this mornings walk.. then Charlieā€™s Fitbit wasnā€™t logging, had a faff poked the battery prongs up, reset my phone, changed the battery.. lost data but working now..

    I have cut my last large bush back a job well done, take to tip tomorrow.. naughty really as I had pulled my neck, arm and shoulder lifting dog food yesterday, it was so sore and painful, I even had double lots of tablets and you know I donā€™t do tablets!
    I got up this morning and it was normal I think I must have pulled something like a ligament and itā€™s pinged back in the nightā€¦??

    Sorted two lots of holiday insurance and paid for it, so job well done too.

    Sorry to hear your knee has totally gone hope the doctor can move you up the listā€¦ it will be hard going doing your bowls. Have you a knee support Steve used that while he waited to have his knees done.

    Welcome to our group, itā€™s easy once you get into it. I find winter easier, if I am sitting outside in summer I like a wine and magnum, so winter is easier.
    I shall be fasting tomorrow.

    Only two holidays booked September and February.. no Bridlington next year, watching money now!
    Looks like Tonyā€™s had a bleed in his brain, MRI tomorrow but thatā€™s what they are thinking. I put some meat in the freezer but the others fresh stuff, naughty cakes tooā€¦good the meal went well with gf and sonā€¦ is she nice?..

    Jean x

    Hi F B Brits hope all is well with you. xxxx

    Its been a disappointing weather weekend here .. strong winds and rain yesterday .. wind and iffy sunshine today.

    So annoyed as my hollyhocks had all blown over and had to cut them down.. They were beautiful tallest ever. Gardens looking windswept such a shame.

    Dave.. hopefully not a too long wait for you re your knee.

    H H …. your potatoe salad sound yummy.. I will try that. My friend put a boiled egg chopped in hers.

    Sym… I am just like you.. determined to have a go at mending or sorting something out lol

    Bay leaf .. Welcome to our little corner of the 5-2 world. lots of tips and ideas and encouragement here. Xx

    Well once again Sunday finds me a bit down… Sunday routine soo included Mum still miss her .. She was such a character for her 96 yrs .. bright like a button till the end.

    Wherever you go whatever the weather bring your own sunshine. Enjoy your evening everyone. Xxxx

    The sun is still out, hope it remains for the rest of the week My son’s gone to para ice hockey tonight, he films it for them and edits it. I’m not on a list for my knees yet I see my GP in August to try and get on it.

    Hemmy- sending you a hug šŸ¤— so hard on Sundays without your mum…shame about your garden, my tomato plants look a bit battered, have tied them up better now.
    Jean- good your arm & shoulder are better, yes, you should have left it a few more days before doing the garden!
    Dave- a long wait just to see your GP, do they ever do phone appts? If you’ve seen a consultant already about your knees & know you need new ones it seems daft to have to see a GP & wait for that…
    Nana- was Poppy good all weekend?
    FD here, no answer from Enoch’s mum, did a bit of gardening, then saw youngest, took tiffin I’d made for the fire station, we had a good catch up with him. Have had to go shopping & now going to take mum out to get some bits. Quorn & veg for dinner tonight (pies for the others!), veg from the garden, the beans have gone mad!

    Afternoon All..
    A very mixed day weather wise .. we managed a play date with Oreo, played well heā€™s shattered.

    Fast day going well going having a coffee.

    Popped out for birthday cards and a bit of shopping, being lazy today now.

    What a shame your flowers have gone over so disappointing.
    Talking of making do and mend.. sat and sewed 4 animal toys of Charlieā€™s he sat and watched me.. so funny.. they live in a cupboard because he rips them up.. a few now with no noses and ears!!.. one got thrown.
    You do miss them, I had a weep driving to shops today, it just hits you, a song on the radio.

    Canā€™t you bring your GPs appointment forward it seems a long waitā€¦

    I was naughty on the steps cutting the bush, 6ā€™ pair and on the top step šŸ˜¬.. all done nowā€¦ taken to tip just 4 cars including meā€¦
    I might try the tiffin recipe but do rocky road instead.. I find Rocky road hard on the teeth, I might like it softer..

    Ham salad tonight with a few jersey potatoes.. thereā€™s a fair few to eat.!!

    Jean x

    Can’t change the GP appointment that was the earliest they could do. No sure how many doctors we have these days. I’m seeing one I’ve never heard of.My knee is to bad now so told them I can’t play bowls for the test of the season unless they are desperate. Only had 3 cups of tea so far today.

    Evening everyone.
    Hope you’ve had a good weekend. My friday weigh in showed that I’d lost my three pound holiday gain. Have been out in the garden today why is it weeds grow so fast.
    A lovely time with Poppy hedgehogs she was so good and well behaved when we took her for a walk. Daughter and son in law really enjoyed the concert but got soaked walking back to their car afterwards.
    Hemmy such a shame about your hollyhocks I’ve noticed the same thing has happened to a few peoples gardens around our village.
    Dave a shame about your knee – our friend is in agony with his hip so has decided to go privately for a replacement but he’s looking at paying eighteen thousand pounds which will use up virtually all of his savings. Shame to have to give up your bowls.
    Hope everyone else is keeping well.
    Nana x

    It’s ridiculous the price of surgery.No way I could afford it. Will have to suffer in silence until I get it done.It was hard yesterday I went to watch the team bowling and it rained all day, the only good thing was that I stayed dry under my brolly šŸ˜. Going again today to watch themšŸ„ŗ today.Chloe was moaning so I got up came downstairs and what does she do, as soon as I got down she went back up and probably got on the bed.

    Morning All..
    Drizzle on this mornings walk, so humid.. drying up now..

    Pedicure this afternoon change of nail polish..

    Having to eat all what I got in for Tony about eaten now.. cakes were involved šŸ˜¬ā€¦ only 7 or 8 weeks before I go to Texas so need to get my holiday weight off.
    I shall fast Thursday ..

    Hoping you donā€™t pick up the covid, hope Paul and Karen arenā€™t too bad. Lovely to look after Poppy.

    The price of surgery is just too high, hope they can get you moved up the listā€¦

    Jean x

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Strange weather here the last week .. hopefully mow this afternoon should be dry enough.

    A lovely day yesterday .. met up with my friend I hadn’t seen for many years until 5 months ago .. now we meet every month for lunch at the Garden Centre .. Buckingham.

    Neighbour away on a fishing competition Tomorrow and Friday so water duty in the green houses plus Cat. lol.

    Dave.. thats an awful amount of money to go private. Hopefully you can get a cancellation or earlier treatment .

    Nana.. Well done on losing your holiday weight.. you have done so well.

    H H.. Busy as usual..bet the Fire station love you lol

    Sym… Hopefully Tony is ok.. Lots of food you had to eat up.

    Kristy coming ..Fri -Sun so need to do a shop tomorrow. ..

    Enjoy your day everyone.. We donā€™t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.ā€ Xxxxx

    Hi all!
    Dave- so tough about your knee, good you can still get to watch though & be part of it…a lady we know took a loan out to pay for having her hip done, she’s moved to a smaller house & has a lodger, crazy what people are having to do!
    Jean- nice Charlie gets to play with Oreo still. Hope your fast goes okay tomorrow!
    Nana- fingers crossed you don’t get COVID from your daughter & hope she’s better soon…
    Hemmy- lovely you see your friend regularly now! Have a great weekend with Kristy!
    We went to another antiques centre & farm shop yesterday, bought a hedgehog door stop šŸ˜„ Then went to the beach & we had fish & chips there so not a FD. Have walked Xena & Enoch today, made a quiche for hubby & we went to see Roger (old neighbour) at the care home, he seemed happy. Struggled with fasting today, finished on 850cals so not too bad. Have lots of phone calls for HomeStart tomorrow, my 2 families & talking to a student midwife on placement. Will keep me busy!

    Awesome to hear about your nice and sunny morning! Your lunch with toastie bread and cheese from Tesco’s sounds delish!

    Go England! Hope they crush it in their game against Ukraine this afternoon. Let’s get that positive result and celebrate together!


    Morning everyone a quick check in. Weighed myself this morning instead of tomorrow morning as OH and I are going out for a meal this evening with my old workmates and I’ve lost a pound.
    No visit to Ely today as OH has a hearing aid check appointment in St Ives and then we’re going off to do an Aldi shop for us and also for our daughter and son in law who both have covid after the concert they went to on Friday evening.
    Be back tomorrow.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon one and all. Another sunny day here as you can see if your watching the Ashes. I’m not on any list to have my knees done that’s what I’m going to do next month when I see the doctor.Our bowling team moved to the top of the league yesterday, so I do feel very down about not being able to play and it could be years before I get my knees done.

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    A meet up with Oreo this morning , I cut the grass and cleaned downstairs and moppedā€¦.
    Meeting up with a friend later for cuppa, Charlie is coming so we will walk from her house, she may come too with Fudge.

    Hemmy ..
    Itā€™s lovely you at still doing your once a month catch up, it makes a change and gets you out.
    Tony is doing ok his brain tests are good, still high BP and heart they are concerned about, still more tests.
    FD going ok but not really feeling like doing one, debating to cook some biscuits to take to my friends..

    It sounded like a lovely day out yesterday make the most while the weather is kind. Hope your HS phone calls go ok today.

    Well done on the pound off.. hope your daughter and SIL soon feel betterā€¦

    Such a shame about your knees you were just getting so busy with bowling.

    Natalie is struggling with Oreo tomorrow heā€™s going to her Grandmas and Grandads , they canā€™t walk him so I will collect him and give him a walk.. it will be after Charlie I canā€™t do them together..

    Jean x

    Enjoying the cricket, busy up here in the north west Cricket,golf,darts. And the weather’s fine today.

    Nana- well done with your pound off šŸ‘ Hope daughter & SIL get better soon, & have a great meal out tonight!
    Dave- hugs to you, do you do the lottery? Might be your only hope of getting your knees done šŸ˜¢ Enjoy the cricket…
    Jean- well done sticking to your FD today, have a good walk with Oreo tomorrow…
    Phone calls were all good today, veggies are doing really well so picked lots, froze beans & have courgettes ready to give away. Walked Enoch, poor love always gets so hot! Busy day tomorrow – walking with a friend & her dog, then dropping off a present for another friend’s birthday, will see Mum & then am having my hair cut! Eldest son will be away for the weekend so we’ll have a takeaway tomorrow night…

    Very wet here, will be lucky to get any cricket today and tomorrow looks just as bad. Watching women’s world cup. Hope the lionesses can win it. I think not bowling will have an adverse effect on my weight, no good just sitting about.

    Wet here now, was okay walking Xena & Enoch this morning, & while I was digging up potatoes…lazier today than yesterday! Not managed a FD though…
    Hope everyone is okay, all quiet!

    Evening All.,
    A lazy day seems to have a lot of them I was so busy when Steve was here I donā€™t know what I didā€¦.
    Baked some Aztact biscuits a bit like flap Jack but with coconut and flour added.. not sureā€¦
    Chicken and chips tonight and a bottle of wine cracked!ā€¦ I really must get back to serious fasting ā€¦ Definitely Monday, 6 weeks to holiday and a fat mid drift to looseā€¦.

    A bit bored of late .. meeting Jacqui and Phil for lunch at a shopping outlet tomorrow and walk round.

    A very wet walk this morning but a dry one just now.

    A lot of sport this weekend hope the weather holds outā€¦

    Lots of gardening done and a full freezer.. well done..

    Jean x

    Good morning FBBs,
    Please excuse my absense in posting but didn’t want to post my sciatica troubles on the forum too much.
    I rang the doctors last Monday for an appointment and it is for next Thursday! It’s a phone consultation first before they see me in person. The pharmacist was helpful and she gave me dispersible co-codamol and it has made the pain more bearable. Roll on Thursday šŸ™‚

    Dave, I can sympathise with you regarding your knee trouble. The discomfort can wear you down.

    I am missing my aqua fitness and my crafting groups. Surprisingly I have not put on any weight despite not fasting. I want to get back to it soon as losing more weight my help my overall health. I am glad we have no holidays booked as I would not want to be away feeling unfit.

    Raining here in W Yorks. The garden is looking lush and fresh after the earlier drought. The hydrangeas are looking good, they are old fashioned and dependable shrubs.

    A few days booked for GC now it is the school hols. It will keep us occupied šŸ™‚
    Regards Bronwyn

    Bronwyn I’m on co-codamol 30/500. They ease it a bit but not that much. I may look at getting a knee support, not sure how effective they are. It’s raining here so not good cricket weather. My son enjoyed it on Friday at Old Trafford. Is so expensive though cost him Ā£100 for the day.Ā£8 for a burger so not a cheap day. Will take Chloe out in the rain now.

    Evening All..
    Very in need of a FD tomorrow I really need to buckle down..6 weeks to holidayā€¦ish.

    Hoping you soon feel better sciatica is awful.. fasting can waitā€¦very wet here too but managed a few dry walks..

    Going to these games are very expensive hoping he enjoyed it..co-codamol Steve lived on them but they are addictive, I was for a while, took me about 3 months to get off them, Steve was coming off them slowlyā€¦

    Any one fasting with me tomorrow?

    Jean x

    Still raining now, never stopped all day. Having the car serviced tomorrow so up early for that. Then blood tests on Wednesday so not going to bowling until Thursday.Shame about the Ashes.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you. xxxx

    Its been a beautiful day here after yesterdays ” Wash out” .. At least I never had to walk .. Kristy does it while she is here . Gives me a break.

    A lovely visit with Kristy lots to catch up on as it was a long time this time. Back in a few weeks so that will be nice.

    I think my weight will be ok as not really eaten any rubbish she is on a health kick diet lolol for 5 mins I expect but has lost a stone.

    We had few more wines I expect though lol

    Hope everyone is having a lovely evening … In the end, itā€™s not the years in your life that count. Itā€™s the life in your years. Xxxx

    It’s poured down all day, got drenched each time I took Chloe out, she’s soaked now just got back in from out last walk, she shook herself all over Denise šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.

    Morning All..
    Very wet over night but rain stopped as now. Just looking at weather a bit of rain then a dry dayā€¦
    Get my bed changed before it starts again tomorrowā€¦

    Fasting I really must get in the mind set!!! Especially NFDā€™s.

    A lovely catch up with Kirsty she has done well loosing a stone, well done to herā€¦ not long before she visits again.

    Hope all goes well with the car service today.

    Jean x

    Good morning,I took Chloe with me when I took the car in, he got a shock when I opened the bootšŸ¤£ and Chloe jumped out. Thought I’d kill 2 birds with one stone, service and dog walk. Typically there is no rain now the cricket is overšŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬.

    Evening everyone, have had a busy few days mainly due to husband having a hearing aid revue on Thursday and collecting his new glasses on Friday, and then a surprise BBQ for our neighbours birthday yesterday.
    I managed to lose a pound when I weighed myself last Thursday.
    Hemmy glad you had a nice time with Kristy she’s done well to lose a stone.
    Bronwyn so sorry to hear about your sciatica and hope the Co codamol is making the pain more bearable until you speak to your Dr.
    A change of our lunchtime meet up with friends this week to tomorrow instead.
    Hope everyone one else is keeping okay.
    Nana x

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A pleasant day for walking .. hopefully no rain now for a while.

    I have put on 2lbs after the weekend..not too bad though it has been worse after a Kristy visit lol.

    Just going to make up a Croc Pot soup of all the bits of veg I have plus bacon and left over chicken and bones. Should be tasty.

    I hope everyone is having a good day ā€œDieting is the only game where you win when you lose!ā€ Xxxx

    Good afternoon everyone, I’ve just ordered a knee support on Amazon, it’s coming tomorrow, if it’s any good I’ll get another one for my other knee. Going back to the 5-2 diet next week, so will see how it goes. Had more rain here, got a leak in the roofšŸ˜±. Finding the right roofer can be tricky.

    Evening Allā€¦
    A rumbling sky here and some very heavy showers although managed a dry walk we went a bit earlyā€¦

    Haddock goujons and chips in the air fryer delicious, all in 18 mins plus two glasses of red wine.. I felt the need.

    No excuses now.. hubby can hear and see you !!!šŸ˜‚
    Hope the lunch went well..

    Hope the hot pot was tasty and turned out well.. soon loose the pounds no worriesā€¦

    Hope the support works you are going to need some help.

    Jean x

    Knee support due to be delivered before 3pm according to Amazon. I’ll go and watch the bowling later watching city play in Japan at the moment. Were too of the league but it’s very close. Only about 4 or 5 games left to play in that league.

    Afternoon All..
    Very sunny warm day although a few fluffy clouds about now. Definitely been a Charlie washing blanket day, 6 done and 2 more to do maybe tomorrow.
    A good clean up, thought I better get moving todayā€¦ my ants are back due to the hot weather, in my hallway and around doorstepā€¦flying ants.. big and horrible.. sprayed yet again and outside I think I keep trapping them and only out is inside!!!! A good spray inside now and keeping Charlie away !

    Dave ..
    I hope the knee support helps.

    All quiet on hereā€¦.everyone busy..

    Jean x

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A much better day today after yesterdays rain all day.

    Nana .. now your hubby is all sorted with glasses and hearing you will have to be careful what you say and do lolol Xx

    Brads .. hope your knee support is helpful.

    Sym…Ants are a nuisance .. my gran used to pour hot water on them.

    Just come back from a naughty lunch after walking. .. MaryAnn and i went to alocal farm teashop and had a big bacon.. sausage .. egg and mushroom bap..and came home with a big slice of lemon drizzle cake for tea. lol

    All very naughty but lovely now and again. .. I dont think I will lose the 2 lbs this week I gained last week . lol

    Enjoy your day everyone. Tomorrow is another day Xxxx

    Good evening everyone the knee supports are helping so that’s a plus. Went out for a nice meal last night so keeping well away from the scales. I had a quick bowl today trying out a new method that my mate who’s had a hip transplant does. It worked ok but will take a lot of practice to perfect it.

    Good morning everyone, it’s dry here at the momentšŸ¤ž Going back to 5-2 next week, will get weighed on the 1st of September.

    Evening everyone I keep forgetting to post.
    Managed to gain a pound this week but have lost three and a half pounds this month.
    Just got back from our usual Friday night meet up with our friends and have got a nice tasty chicken tikka bhuna to eat.
    Have a lovely weekend everyone, we’re going to a 70th Birthday party tomorrow and OH has volunteered to drive so a few glasses of pinot grigo for me.
    Nana x

    Evening Allā€¦
    A lazy sort of day.. just a bit of shopping.. cooked a full dinner which was very nice it is a while since I have.

    Grandson in Texas has passed his driving test, 17 years old.. the worry begins!

    I have been pouring boiling water and a heavy dose of washing up liquid squirted inā€¦ they have been out again today.!!
    Sounded a lovely walk and sandwich.

    Hope your anniversary meal went well last night.

    Well done on loosing 3 1/2 pounds over this month.

    Boules tomorrow first in about 6 weeks.. a good weather day.

    Jean x

    The knee support’s are good, I’m not limping anymore. Had a ten minute bowl and felt ok. I didn’t bend down to bowl just threw them from my hip.

    Afternoon All..
    Game of boules, close game but we took the match. Coffee at cafe nothing to eatā€¦
    A quick rain shower before we started, bright and blowy now, a line of washing outā€¦

    I must really get back on track, I have 3 lbs to loose and itā€™s all on my midriff and it showsā€¦.

    Dave ..
    Glad the support is helping and you can manage bowls.

    All quiet on here..

    Jean x

    Just reading, in the paper it says Brits on all inclusive holiday for a week have 50 thousand calories in the week. No wonder I gain a stone. Watching the cricket.

    Hi F B Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its a strange weather day here more like April ….showers then sun.

    I lost a pound of the two I had put on.. so hopefully back to normal again now. Its so much easier when its just me to cater for. Harder for peeps with families

    This evening will just have a bacon lettuce and tomatoe sandwich with icecream and a nectarine. A couple of glasses of cider which I am enjoying at the moment. .. I love the Lidl’s one its only 4% Alco. and not bad on cals.

    Brads… Glad the knee support is doing its job. Do you take Vitamin D… very good for bones.

    Sym… You will soon lose the 3lbs .. I think at times its just good to relax a bit and not worry about it. Mind you after all these years s on here we must be programmed to just think Weight loss this week. lolol

    Take care all …. lots missing … Kay… Lynne .. Steve .. Mel Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.ā€ Xxxx

    Evening All..,
    Itā€™s been a very warm humid day.. we had a shower this morningā€¦

    I think I might go for a FD tomorrow there is very much a needā€¦
    A couple of glasses of wine to finish then itā€™s out the way..

    A call from my daughter she has just joined a cruise from Venice, there are 6 of them I hope it works as the others have never been on a cruise before.

    There are a few people missing they come and go.. I hope everyone is fine.
    I am going to make a big effort, I feel porky and matronly.
    Well done on the pound off..

    Have you tried CB oil tablets someone was saying how good they were for joints. My toes were playing up at the time too much walking at Bridlington they are a lot better now.

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone, not sure about the cannabis oil, if I’m out I might pop into Holland and Barrett and have a look. A dull day here, no bowling match tomorrow,I will go and watch them on Wednesday and have a quick practice bowling the new way which is just throwing them from the hip without bending my knees. My mate does it this way since he had a new hip fitted. And he is very good at it. I’m playing on Thursday because they are short so will see how I go.

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