Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good evening,I had a good time bowling, played very well today. It was cold but the rain started away for most of the time. Just ordered my season tickets online so hope it goes through successfully. Not done it before. Fast day tomorrow.I like the pebbles Kay.

    I had a total loss of 8lbs last month so not really expecting a similar amount for February but four or five pounds would be a respectable result.

    Good morning
    After a good FD on Monday 650 cals, Tuesday and Wednesday have been hectic. I like to count calories on non fast days but have been too busy. We looked after a poorly grandson on Tuesday, off school with a sickness bug. I had arranged to meet my friend at the cathedral to listen to the lunchtime concert. Still went but had to leave DH as head nurse. M&S toastie and coffee for lunch and cricket club pie and pea supper in the evening. Crumble to finish 😕. Wednesday started well with my aqua class. Quick lunch before collecting granddaughter from school in the afternoon. Evening supermarket shop then quick pasta for supper. Phew!

    I did so well with fasting in lockdown because life was calm. The next few days should be quiet. Today is FD. I don’t get hungry until I eat so will keep busy until later in the day. I have a ready meal in the freezer. Will post later with calorie count. Got a few jobs to keep me busy today with lazy reading later.

    Yes Kay count me in for February weigh in. I shall try to help with the pebble beach.
    Happy Thursday everyone

    Morning everyone remembered to weigh myself this morning and despite a very enjoyable lunch yesterday I have lost half a pound.
    Kay yes please count me in for the pebble beach.
    Jean my glasses are navy blue sides with gold rims my last pair were burgundy/maroon.
    A busy day Bronwyn our daughter has been married twice so from her first marriage we have two grown up grandsons the oldest one works in an opticians and the younger one is in the Royal Engineers , through her second marriage we’ve inherited two grandaughters and another grandson all adult and also three adorable great grandsons aged 8,6 and 18 months that we get to see quite often.
    Well done to all the losers on here meant in the nicest possible way.
    Off out for lunch again today shortly.
    Have a good day everyone whether fasting or not.
    Nana x

    Bronwyn I’m ok until I eat. It’s a fast day for me today so just had a cuppa so far. Chicken breast and baked potato for my one meal today. Nana you do so well 1/2lb every week almost, lose slow and keep it off. Kay the pebbles are a good idea.Good to have them back. Jean any boules today. HH hope your feeling better now. Steve a great loss for January and like you say half that loss for February would be great. I know I won’t lose as much this month.

    Afternoon All…
    I have got a few office jobs done this morning.. Charlie’s health insurance changed, car service and MOT booked in for next month.
    A bit of ironing done.

    Fast day for me, porridge this morning still feeling full… a couple of cuppas had.

    Glad your sandwich was nice, I remember your last one wasn’t so good…. I am trying to have a different foods, Ryvita and water biscuits bought, satsumas too.

    Season ticket time again…enjoy your jacket and chicken tonight.

    A good loss you are doing things right and sticking to a plan.

    You have been very busy.. hope the sickness bug has passed and not to anyone else. Some nice food about too very enjoyable. All going well here too I might read too…

    Glasses sound nice I really need to change my colour… enjoy your lunch out.. I was going to garden centre for plants will leave till tomorrow then I might have cake and coffee..

    Jean x

    So January totals:

    DAVE 17lbs
    STEVE 8lbs
    KAY 5lbs
    NANA 3lbs
    HEMMY 2lbs
    JEAN 0lbs

    That’s 35lbs between us!

    Well done Nana on your 1/2 pound, that’s what I’m hoping for this week!

    And our first pebble for the beach ⛱️

    I’m fasting today along with Jean and Dave, anyone else?

    Afternoon all

    I’m fasting today but fortunately not a liquid one so probably going to be a very nice plate of spaghetti bolognese for my one meal.

    Had three cups of coffee today as I usually feel the cold more on my FD even more on these chilly winter days but spring is just around the corner now.

    Stay strong all those fasting today and look forward to eating normally tomorrow.

    I forgot to say…. Porridge and golden syrup…. Just like flapjack!!!… tasty…😋

    I will try and not let the side down 😬


    Good evening enjoyed my tea. Denise is doing a Sheppard’s pie tomorrow so will be more calorific.Not checked my email yet to see if my season tickets payment went through ok.My son is off to Holland on Friday with the Para hockey team. He’s going to film it for them. He’s getting into filming, he’s just bought a green screen and lighting .

    Morning All…
    Very windy and mild here.. still snuggled in bed with a cuppa.

    Garden centre for Steves plants hoping there’s some winter pansies not sure if anything else is growing yet.
    Hairdressers later pm…

    1 lb off this morning 2 pebbles for the beach. Vey surprised at that 😁

    I really must watch what I am eating on NFD’s…I think that is my problem..

    Hope your season tickets arrive.. safe journey for your son.

    Have a good day
    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well in your world this morning. Xxxx

    A stressful day yesterday as outside drain blocked really badly.. I wasn’t sure what todo as didn’t know whether any one else shared it. So got a company out to jet it.. it turned out it is a shared one with a big lodge house behind me.. Any way all cleared now at my expense but now I realise if it happens again I can call the water company and get it done free as its shared. Feeling happy this morning as nice now understanding it all after watching and chatting with the lovely guy.

    Anyway … well Done Sym for you 1 lb loss Xx

    A 1 lb loss for me too so 2 lbs left to lose from Xmas gain. Then to go lower see what happens…

    Hopefully a less stressful day today lolol..

    Enjoy your day everyone what ever you are doing Xxxx

    Good morning all

    Not a bad morning so far I had to go out a little earlier and it’s a dry start let’s hope it lasts.

    As soon as I got home I remembered to weigh myself and I have managed a 2lb loss it’s about what I expected and the perfect start to get February going.

    Good luck to all those weighing in today let’s see if we can empty the beach of pebbles people.

    Congratulations Hemmy and Jean on your very respectable 1lb loss as they always say slow and steady wins the race and you are a step closer to your goal.

    It’s the start of the six nations rugby on Saturday so a good sporting weekend ahead especially if England can get a win against Scotland though with all the withdrawals through injury I’m not too confident.

    It’s annoying when you are on your own with problems but we get there in the end… I love watching workman I think I am the worse nightmare asking questions… then you can sometimes do it yourself!
    Well done on your pound off.. I also have 2 lbs to loose ..,

    Well done on 2 lbs off a good start for the beach.
    Enjoy your rugby this weekend.

    Very windy outside a longer walk this morning with Oreo and Natalie, she’s back off holiday and she’s had a great time.. she would love to do it again next year.

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone a late check-in today. Just got back from collecting OH new hearing aids.
    A nice lot of pebbles reported on here today – well done everyone.
    Glad to be home and not having to go anywhere for the next few days apart from the usual Friday night takeaway which will be a chicken shish kebab.
    Have a good weekend everyone and I’ll be back Monday.
    Nana x

    Good Afternoon everyone
    FD yesterday, final calorie count 588. Everything I ate was already calculated. One thing I can’t do is cook from scratch on a FD. I wouldn’t be able to do it otherwise. DH has pizza and salad on one of my FDs and an M&S ready meal with me on the other FD. Two successful days this week.

    Having a large family is a mixed blessing. Ours keep us busy. Our three DSs and DILs live within half an hour of us. We have 5 grandchildren under 7. Four of them are at school but we get them on ‘poorly’ days. In the family we are known as the 4th emergency service. I keep in mind something Alan Tichmarsh once said – that he would rather wear out than rust 😊 Went to aqua class this morning but a free afternoon now.

    Jean, I love reading too. My main relaxation. Although I have recently discovered audio books on YouTube. I am going through Agatha Christie books at the moment.

    Typh00, we love sport in our house. We have enjoyed the cricket from SA this week and looking forward to the Six Nations this weekend.

    Trying to watch what I eat on non FDs. A cup-a-soup and sandwich for lunch, cheese/ham omelette and salad for tea with a small box of micro chips. Easy peeler to follow.

    Bronwyn do you read paperback or E books? Done the shopping and I dropped my son off in Altrincham he’s getting a lift to Hull then he sails tonight to Holland. He’s back on Tuesday. Not counting calories today having a day off line Jean does. Well done all the fasters I’m getting weighed next Friday.

    I’m also a great lover of reading something we were encouraged to do as kids and used to love our family visit to the local library.

    I do find myself buying more ebooks as they don’t take up any room but still enjoy the feel of a real book in my hands. In many ways I prefer reading to watching tv or movies as you have to use your imagination more when reading.

    What kind of books do you like Steve? There is a website where there are thousands of free ebooks.All legal to get, They are quiet old books,all the classic books are there. Would take you a lifetime to read them all. My wife as a kobo and a kindle. I used to read a lot at work in my dinner break but not at all anymore. If your interested I’ll find a link for the website.Steak for tea tonight so definitely not a FD.Roast chicken Sunday so may be a FD then and definitely a FD on Monday.

    Well done fasters, if I’ve got this right, so far we have 9 pebbles for the beach and this is week 1


    Jean, Hemmy, Steve and me (yayy) 1lb off and Nana 1/2 pound off

    Let’s keep it going! Already a beach for a little walk 😃

    Busy weekend for me, but also a few drinks too!

    Need to check the church flowers as I’m on the rota for keeping them nice for the next 2 weeks.

    Rugby 6 nations, so I’ll be watching those 2 games.

    Out tonight for pub landlords birthday party….fancy dress: movie villians and I have a lot of prep to do including lots of face painting 😆😆
    I’m going as Scar (lion king) and Neil as Voldemort!!

    Tomorrow we are ringing the church bells at 9.30 (that’s bad timing after being out the night before), Tara out for her weekly mad hour in the secure field and the other rugby game. PLUS…the final episode of Happy Valley!!!

    Well let’s get the weekend going….Tara walkies time. Have a great weekend everyone!

    Afternoon All…
    A good walk with Penny and Fudge this morning across the fields, lots of new smells not as muddy as the other day.

    No boules but out to lunch with the ladies.. a good chatty time, good food different location.

    Hope you had a good Friday evening and the hearing aids are working…

    I have never done audio books.. my 16 year old grandson is working through life of Winston Churchill on audio, he loves history, he has read life of Mussolini too..😩

    I use kindle for holidays.. I like the feel of a book in my hand.

    I often turn the tv off and read at night… tv can be quite boring at times…

    The beach is growing.. well done to everyone.
    Enjoy your dress up tonight I hope it all works well.

    Walk time soon… they keep you on your toes!!!!

    Jean x

    Just took Chloe out where Heidi used to go but she refused to go the exact route.Uts 9°C here but feels warm. Could have got away without a coat I reckon. Got an email from belle Vue Speedway saying they have received my payment.And Green flag have renewed my subscription for the year. Didn’t know about this but was going to renew so not a problem. Been looking how to cook my sirloin steak in my ninja but a waste of time. They all Cook them rare which I can’t stand, savvy blood and it goes back.


    I find if you turn the tv off and read for an hour or so before bed it helps me sleep.


    I usually read thrillers but have been through phases where I read horror and westerns which is probably my dads influence. Other than that I have read alot of biographies from musicians and film stars.
    I would be very interested in that link if you could find it i use bookbub to find some cheaper options for buying books.

    https://www.gutenberg.org/try this Steve 60000 to choose from.

    All free as well. Cooking my steak now, trying to cook it slower on less heat see how it goes. Will let out test for 10 minutes. Have you heard of Calibre Steve it’s on windows a brilliant app which is also free. You can download the books then plug your ebook reader into your pc and transfer them via calibre. You can even read them on your pc if you wanted to.

    Evening everyone
    I have had a good day foodwise, I think. Not easy counting calories when you cook from scratch. Sandwich and cup-a-soup for lunch with a few grapes. Home made Thai red chicken curry and rice for tea. I added lots of veg but made it a litte too hot 😳. Fruit to follow. Fingers crossed for weigh-in Monday morning.

    We watched the rugby on delay this afternoon. Unfortunately, I knew the England score before the end of the game from looking at something on my IPad. Had to sit with excited DH while feeling disappointed for him. Oh dear.

    Churchill and Mussolini! That’s a history buff for you. I have a son who read History at uni and he loves modern history so I fully get your grandson.

    I read Kindle or books but too much screen time gives me sore eyes that’s why I listen to audiobooks sometimes. Our local library is very good and I like to support it as so many have closed. I borrow gardening and cookery books from there. It’s also a designated ‘warm space’. It has a couple of sofas and a coffee machine and is very welcoming. I like thrillers, detection and espionage but anything that’s a good read. Also a good biography. I was bought the third book in the Thursday Murder Club series by Richard Ozman and have nearly finished it, very funny.

    Wishing you all a nice Sunday and hope it isn’t a FD for anyone.

    My wife as read all those Bronwyn.She used to say her eyes hurt with the Kindle so I bought her a Kobo.60,000 books to read all free so give it a go.I like police books preferably British ones. But not read for a few years now.

    I might try a FD today will see how I feel when I get up later. Definitely do one on Monday. Watching an old sci-fi movie from the 50s😆.

    Morning all

    Yesterday was not a good day sports wise as every team i support lost but that’s part of our love for sport. France against Italy in the six nations today and realistically you can only see one team winning.


    Thanks for the link I’ll have a good look sometime today I’m always looking for some new authors to read.

    It’s a normal eating day for me and my kitchen will be opening in 15 minutes which is great as I’m feeling very hungry this morning.

    I read a book about a lycanthrope who could change into a werewolf whenever he wanted for a good reason, he wasn’t a baddy. That book was over 100 years old😁. It’s broke down into categories from what I remember to make it easier to find a book you may like. If you use a windows computer then definitely put Calibre on it, it’s very safe and perfect for putting books onto an e-reader.It will also convert books to whatever format you may need.

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely mild day, a good walk this morning then some outside jobs done..
    Grass cut, car washed, garage swept out, drive and foot path brushed. Down stairs cleaned a floor washed. Trough planted up for cemetery..

    Just sat reading now before next walk.

    Fasting Monday ..

    Good all in hand for your speedway pass… a full year to have Chloe it’s passed very quick.

    Grandson has a bit of autism so it’s difficult for him to sit and read but he seems much better now and more under control he’s holding his own. These audio books he finds fascinating but so deep in history. He has listened to China and dynasties.

    Good luck to your weigh in tomorrow..

    Hope all the sport is doing well..

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs Xxxx

    What a wonderful day for early Feb.. quite warm walking over the fields this morning.

    Lots of young deer about they are sooo pretty.

    Croc pot smelling lovely with small piece of beef and lots of veg and herbs . oh and a bit of wine lolol

    So thrilled as I am meeting a friend for lunch on Wed I haven’t seen for nearly 3 years so it will b e a good catch up.. Not the same mailing

    I read a lot .. at the moment reading Bomb Girls by Daisy Styles. I never realised those poor woman turned yellow in the factory’s making bombs . What a brave generation they were and jolly with it too.

    Enjoy today everyone.. back to it tomoz lolol

    Together we can do this. Xxxx

    Hemmy …
    Sounds lovely your beef with bits and pieces in..enjoy.
    Gammon, egg and chips here…

    Yes it must have been awful going yellow… it’s been in some books I have read…


    Sym …

    Oh I love Gammon egg and chips too so very tasty .. You will enjoy them.

    I needed to get this beef out the freezer.. as you know I hadn’t been inclined lol

    It smells lovely .. used up all my bits and bobs . Cleaned the fridge too. lol Just been playing in the Garden with Pip now its a glass of wine lolol Xxxx

    Chicken for tea and Chloe’s in the kitchen eying it up. She as the same as us exactly.Bomb girls might have a look for that Denise may like it.

    Dave… Oh I bet Chloe loved her Sunday roast lol I treat Pip the same. lol

    This Bomb Girls book is good Denise might like it too.

    Evening everyone
    Reflecting on a nice relaxing weekend here after the hectic week. I have not calorie counted since FD on Thursday but have watched portion sizes and tried to be sensible. Weigh-in tomorrow morning. I want some pebbles 🙂

    Thank you for the reading advice Dave. I am going to research Gutenberg. I had not heard about Kobos either. Researched the word lycanthrope – I found it interesting. It’s good to learn something new every day.

    I am moving tomorrow’s FD to Tuesday. The weather forecast is dry and sunny tomorrow. Going to catch the train to Ilkley and have a river walk and pub lunch. I have already looked at the menu to see if there is something sensible for me to choose. Love a train journey, pooches too.
    Happy Monday

    I meant to mention that it’s good to to hear your grandson likes audio books. Much more sensible than gaming like a lot of teenagers 🙂

    Morning everyone it’s a very foggy one here.
    A lovely meal at our local pub Saturday evening followed by a lazy day yesterday.I was planning on doing some pruning in the garden but still not feeling quite right as the nasty colds we’ve had are taking a long time to clear entirely.
    Fasting today though as it’s much needed will anyone else be joining me ? Need to get a bit of weight loss pebbles behind me as we’re going away to the coast for a couple of days on Thursday to celebrate OH’s 75th Birthday.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Nana x

    Have a great break Nana. I’m fasting today, will try 3 this week. I’m going to rejoin the fishing club tomorrow so last year I had quite a few pints so definitely not a FD tomorrow hence the need to try and do 3 this week before I get weighed on Friday.I hope you found some books to read. I got the bomb girls for Denise too see if she likes them.

    Hi everyone Xxxx

    Its a beautiful day here ..just come in from cleaning my car. lol

    Fasting for me tomorrow .. out to meet my friend for Lunch in Aylesbury on Wed which I suppose will include some noughties lol.

    Have a lovely Birthday break with hubby Nana .. Xx

    Have a good day all. Xxxx

    I’ll be enjoying a few pints tomorrow night at the fishing club. Been playing bowls so knees are knocking now🥴. Have you found any books Steve?Fast day going well today. I will try and do Wednesday and Thursday as well.

    Afternoon All…
    Feeling cold today, thick frost overnight..
    FD has gone well kitchen is closing shortly…

    Hope you have had a good day out and a good walk.. and the pooches were good.. nice lunch too…

    Enjoy your break get well wrapped up.. I like being away when it’s quiet.

    All your clubs starting again.. we have our AGM tomorrow evening… good luck on three fasts.

    Lunch out today. Hope it was enjoyable, anything picked up in any charity shops or have you been good!

    Jean x

    Feeling hungry now but it’s tea time so can have my food. Knees really aching so will take 2 painkillers. The joys of getting old😫.

    Evening all

    It’s been a liquid fast day for me as usual so the kitchen has only been open for coffee and water so looking forward to my first mouthful of porridge tomorrow.


    Not found anything as yet but I’m sure I will even though I have plenty of books to read on my kindle can you really have too many.

    It seems everytime I put the tv on there’s always an advert for either over 50s insurance or funeral cover are they trying to tell me something?

    Good luck all those fasting today and stay strong

    Yes that’s afternoon TV for you, a bit later it will be holidays. It’s been snowing in Lanzarote, hope it’s stopped when we go. Should be warmer.

    Sorry I’ve not been on, sounds like you’ve all done really well with fasting & losing weight, plenty of pebbles!
    Was going to get back to fasting this week but hubby & I have relapsed & not feeling so good today, can’t manage fasting as well! Felt better at the end of last week so saw mum, hope that she doesn’t catch this!
    Keep strong everyone 👍

    HH Xxxx

    Don’t worry about Fasting at the moment .. just concentrate on getting yourself well

    Look after yourself like you do others . Take care….. I am sending vibes out to the universe wishing you well again. xxxx


    Just a quick post….Good FD today, another planned tomorrow too.

    Bronwen, did you weigh in? And a nice day today?

    HH hope you both feel better soon. It did the same to me, I thought I was better, than wham!

    Dave, enjoy the fishing club 😄

    Steve, well done with your liquid fast. Enjoy your porridge!

    Jean, it’s going to be another cold dog walk tomorrow. At least its lovely and sunny.

    Hemmy, I should really clean my car too…lol

    Well done fasters and good luck to those taking it on tomorrow!

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