Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • I have just been out and not as nice as I first thought it’s saying that it’s -1 and feels like it too. Very frosty in places so had to go very carefully down the steps to Tesco’s.

    Managed to negotiate past the cadbury creme eggs and hot cross buns without buying either. I know it’s alright to eat them both in moderation but not sure my self control is strong enough for that just yet.

    Jean and Nana

    One positive you can both take from the week is the fact you haven’t gained any weight. It’s probably some strange anomaly and next week you’ll both be back on track.

    Well I’ve lost 4lbs this week so going very well at the moment. Wait and see what this week brings. It does give you confidence when you keep losing.No gains on here so a good week.


    Well done on your 4lbs this week you must have been working hard so those extra calories you had yesterday didn’t matter.

    Time for another cup of coffee i think as it’s still chilly here and need to keep warm

    Afternoon all

    Dave, you doing so well!

    I’m at 4lbs off for the month so far, another week to go!

    It’s been quite sunny here today and about 7° so quite pleasant.

    Tara seems much better so I took her for a walk earlier and cooked her an egg. So far so good 🤞

    Hi everyone. Xxxx

    Its a lovely day here with lots of sunshine. I was amazed this morning although a cold night there was no frosty car.

    Well done Dave and Steve for your brilliant 4lb losses …

    Sym / Nana I join you with no loss this week. .

    I know with me its my wine.. I am so annoyed I restarted it at Christmas after many months of abstaining completely.

    I have to say though I do feel so much more relaxed when I have a glass at 6pm when making Pips dinner . I don’t eat a lot of sweet stuff or savoury snacks though .. and life does have to have some treats.

    This next week I am going to cut out bread completely again.. it was an added bonus last time just dark Ryvita.

    Onwards and downwards … Xxxx

    Kay Xx

    Just seen your mail . Well done on your loss so far this month .. a brilliant start for the year .

    So pleased Tara is feeling better .. a big relief for you. Xx

    I will try and keep doing what I’ve been doing. I know eventually it will slow down, but make hay while the sun shines.Hemmy I’ve ordered the vinegar gummies should arrive today.

    Dave. Well done.. hopefully it will help you with the arthritis.

    The problem is this year we have had so much rain.. damp doesnt help our bones.

    Just taken 2 gummies so will see how they go. Think I get 30 days worth.

    Evening All..

    I think sometimes it’s nice to stay the same your body balancing out.. it’s three weeks for me now.
    Very good on missing the chocolate out. Well done on your loss.. brilliant.

    Well done on your lost it’s very good. It will take a while for the gummies to work I suppose.

    The same like me… I must be tighter this week.. you have to live too.. enjoy your take away and wine.

    Hoping Tara picks up soon..

    Hemmy …
    A few of us the same… I could tighten up a bit.. odd biscuits and wine for me..
    Try no bread again it worked last time…

    Night from us
    Jean x

    Finished the day on 1378 so not too bad. Steak and chips for tea tonight, not sure about dinner. It’s only a thin cut steak. And I have 150 grams of chips.A bit of salad with it.I will take the gummies until they have all gone then see what I think.

    Everyone must be busy today. It’s so quiet on here. Hope you’re not all filling your faces🤣😁.Hemmy I hope pip is ok most of the dogs on here are having a problem one way or the other. There was snow this morning but cleared up now and it’s a nice sunny day.

    Hi Everyone.Xxxx

    It was a foggy start but has been beautiful over the fields.. We met up with my favourite walking friend Mary-Ann and little Wesley .. King Charles.

    I am being naughty for lunch today and haven’t enjoyed it either lolol Mum would have said ..” Serves you right ” lolol

    From the local shop I bought some egg and Bacon sandwiches £3 soggy bread .. they were awful no taste what so ever .. serves me right for being lazy plus I have supposed to have given up bread lolol

    So this evening I will have to pull my socks up and eat something very low cal and sensible . lol Onwards and downwards.

    What is everyone else up to today?

    Dave.. Yes Pip seems ok at the moment thank you. Trouble is like we all well know things can change very quickly with them.

    Enjoy your day everyone whatever you are doing Xxxx

    Just took my gummies again, they taste ok. Zero degrees here so I may put my gloves on when I take Chloe out around 10pm. Just hope she only as a wee or I’ll have to take me gloves off😁. Had my tea so no more food tonight. Can’t decide where to go for a meal on my birthday.Still looking.

    All quiet on here today!

    Tara has still got the suits, poor thing. And she doesn’t understand why she’s not having much food. Day 2 of doggy immodium, so hoping to see an improvement soon!

    I was going to fast today but I had too much wine last night and need the carbs today….lol

    That means I will have to do b2b Monday and Tuesday plus Thursday this week to get the 3 days in.

    The cold weather is lingering but at least its dry!

    Hope everyone has had a nice weekend.

    Afternoon All…
    What another cold day, just another tomorrow then it’s getting better.
    Still lovely walking when the grounds hard no muddy feet to go back home with.

    A lovely lamb joint for tonight and some red wine is already open…

    Fast day Monday…

    Charlie’s birthday today 7 years old, I have had him 4 of those years… how time flies…

    Shame about your food… I must cut back on naughties too.
    I have been sat reading not doing a lot really.. just our walking.

    Sorry Tara is no better hope the meds help her.

    What a late walk at 10 at night we are tucked up in bed then!!

    Jean x


    Hi Everyone Xxxx

    It feels an extremely cold day today a s hardly any sunshine.. the frost hasn’t cleared at all.

    I am just gearing up for going out for afternoon throwing in the garden. lol

    Then I need to glam up a bit as going to Leamington Spa tomorrow shopping with Pam. It will be early morning walking first for me though lol

    What is everyone eating today.. I have some beef casserole out of the freezer I made a few weeks ago. in the Croc Pot . so i know it will be tasty.

    Kay .. hopefully Tara picks up soon.. If Pips business not right I mix a bit of mashed potato with his food a village lady told me that trick years ago ..it really seems to settle things .

    Dave.. Have you found anywhere for your Birthday meal yet .

    Sym… You are so good cooking yourself a roast … for some reason I cant seem to cook one just for me.

    I seem to have a mental block about it on my own… I expect its because Mum and I had such a routine. going on a Sunday and it was always her favourite lamb chop roast , lol

    When Kristy is here its always Chicken as she doesnt eat red meat.

    Hope everyone is having a lovely day Xxxx

    Jean we are having lamb too. Not as cold today 3°C. Not decided where to go for a meal yet. I’m not keen on non alcoholic beer, so if I go on the bus I can have a drink and get a taxi home. Denise is paying this time so I will pay for the taxis.Fast day tomorrow.

    Hi all!
    Sorry to be awol, have been away for a few days & busy since we’ve been back, not been very good food-wise, getting back on track tomorrow (hopefully!)
    Sounds like everyone’s been doing better than me!

    The lamb was beautiful, Chloe enjoyed it too. She as Sunday dinner every week now including Yorkshire pudding 😁.Took her 4 minutes to eat it 😈.Fast day tomorrow.

    Morning everyone.
    Hope you’ve all had a nice weekend. Mine was good starting with my Thai takeaway Friday evening and then lunch out with my old workmates on Saturday one of whom will be 90 this year – he’s amazing sadly his wife died last year but he still looks after himself and cooks his own meals and does his own washing etc.
    Glad you had a good time away Hedgehogs.
    Kay hope Taras better now.
    Jean belated happy birthday to Charlie.
    Having a much needed fast day today.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Nana x

    Morning all

    It’s a dry day here but probably won’t last into the afternoon as it’s still quite overcast.


    Your neighbour is doing well to still be so independent at his age I think we all would love to be the same at his advanced years.

    Another Monday and the first FD of the week but I feel I’ll look forward to them more in a few months when hopefully it won’t be as cold.

    Morning All…
    A lovely walk much brighter and a bit muddy too..

    I am fasting today.

    Enjoy your shopping day with Pam. Beef casserole sounded lovely. My leg of lamb was lovely, I shall have the rest tomorrow with some chips ..

    Hope you enjoyed your trip out last night and had a pint or two…

    Hope you had a nice time away..

    A nice busy few days.. your friend does well at 90 to be independent.. good for him.

    A few of us fasting today… let’s keep strong…


    Jean it’s Friday when we go for a meal although I might change it to Sunday. Just been out with Chloe nice and sunny here, going bowling at 12-30.Fasting today so the bowling helps take my mind off food.

    Afternoon all.

    Joining the mass Monday fast. A bit too much over the last 3 days.

    Tara is much better. Not been since yesterday lunch time. I’ve given her a half dose of tablets today with a semi-ordinary meal so will see how she goes.

    Off to walk Bella the choc lab in a bit. She has become really excitable when I arrive now, hard to stop her jumping up! But then she is fine when we walk.

    I will take Tara out a bit later and I should really spend a bit of time in the garden tidying up the dead stuff but the sun has gone in so we will have to see!

    Are any of in the scheme to be paid for using less energy from 5pm to 6pm this evening? We don’t have a smart meter so not eligible.

    Neil is beavering away in the garage! My wooden planters have gone on hold as our neighbour has asked him to make a box step to help his wife get in and out of the car easier!

    Keep strong all.

    Had 3 hours bowling so feel tired now. Only had 2 cups of tea so far so doing well. Bacon egg and tomatoes for tea so will be under 800 calories.

    Hi Everyone. Xxxx

    What a freezing cold day again.. It hasn’t really warmed up at all here. Hopefully a change from tomorrow.

    Sym and Dave.. that lamb sounded wonderful .. I think its about the tastiest meat for a roast.

    HH.. its a bad time of year for keeping on track and being mindful.. January after all the indulgence of Christmas is a hard one.

    I started well but finding it hard to get motivated.

    Nana .. I think sometimes these 90 yr olds can put us to shame .. I think you do so well as you socialise a lot and it isn’t easy staying on track.

    Steve.. It so very hard being careful with food when it so cold.

    Sym… That lamb sounded wonderful I can just smell it lol .. This week I am going to try to get a small chicken from the freezer and make a sml roast to last two days and some for Pip .. I am missing a roast potato lol

    My neighbour who is a very good cook Cooks up the carcass and makes wonderful gravies to freeze Always makes previously and freezes before an occasion. I make mine on the day and hope for the best lolol.

    Dave .. well done so far with the fasting .. you are having a brilliant start to this new year.

    Kay .. so glad Tara is getting better its such a relief I am sure. Trouble is when they are on the walk we dont know what they pick up and eat lol. They are so very quick lolol

    I have had a bacon roll and Latte for lunch while shopping. .. and I think it will be sort of a naughty dinner .. not sure what but with the weather I think its going to be comfort food lol.

    Enjoy your evening everyone. Xxxx

    Hi all!
    Sounds like lots of good fadting done today! Gone back to the diet I did before Christmas, so had small plate of scrambled eggs & mushrooms for lunch, then soup tonight- a new recipe which was lovely…Not been too hungry as have been catching up with jobs, but Enoch’s owner wasn’t answering her phone again so he didn’t get a walk 😢

    Feeling hungry now but won’t crack. Always hungry at this time. I fancy scampi for tea tomorrow and a beef toastie for lunch, that shouldn’t be too many calories.I must learn how to make gravy, proper gravy without any cooked meat.

    Morning everyone another cold frosty morning but lovely sunshine also.
    Hope everyone’s fast day went well yesterday I must admit I struggle with them when it’s cold as I always feel cold on fast days even if it’s a hot summers day.
    Auntie still in hospital bless her but she messages me every mothers after Drs rounds to let me know what was said but I don’t think she’s coming home for a bit. Would love to visit her but OH has a cold at the moment and don’t want to pass any germs to her.
    I fancy having toad in the hole for our evening meal with some mash.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Nana x

    A good fast yesterday at approx 700 cals. Same again today so will have to keep busy this afternoon.

    Tara has been OK since yesterday afternoon although I’ve not given her much food. Got some other stuff coming today for her, so will give her a dose of that later and some more poached fish!! Poor thing is hungry!!

    Lovely sunny day after a heavy frost last night.

    Nana, it’s been a while for your auntie. At least they are making sure she is better.

    Poor Enoch didn’t get his walk bless him.

    I’m off to walk Bella now.

    Good afternoon everyone.I fancied making toad in the hole, never done it before but decided to have scampi. I will buy it when I go to Sainsbury’s shortly.Chloe as had her walk round the park, she likes it I think but it’s on alert all the time looking for dogs or people. She’s good in the car she as her other bed in the boot and looks through the window for a while then gets down on her bed.

    Hi Everyone Xxxx

    A lovely sunny day but chilly ..needs to warm up a bit now. I think from tomorrow.

    Fasting today.. so far I have had 350 cals ,, so not too bad . 450 left for later.

    Nana .. hopefully Auntie will soon be on the mend.

    HH you did so well on that pre Xmas Diet .. is hard while so cold though.

    Kay.. glad Tara is getting better are relief for you.

    Dave .. Toad in the hole is so easy to make .. I put sausages onions tomatoes mushrooms .. lightly precooked into a tin then the batter on top its lovely sticky and tasty. lol

    Hope everyone else is having a good day .. Together we can do this Xxxx

    Afternoon all!
    Hemmy- keep.strong with your FD, what’s on the menu for tonight?
    Kay- hope you keep strong too, hard B2B…poor Tara, she must be on the mend if she’s hungry? Hope the new stuff works- funny what helps one doesn’t help another…
    Dave- enjoy your scampi! Such a shame Chloe is scared of dogs, makes you wonder what she went through 😢 Toad in the hole is one of my favourites although I’m not very good at it, the batter never cooks much in.the middle although have to admit I do like it like that!
    Jean- are you playing any boules right now or is it too cold?
    Typhoo- hope it’s not too cold for you in Scotland! How’s your daughter?
    Mary- I get really cold on FDs too, even colder than normal!
    Sticking to low carb again, got a headache from less sugar, but it’ll soon go! Enoch had his walk today 😀 His recall is ‘when he’s ready’, he had a good run at the park as there was nobody about. Caught up with some cleaning although it never lasts long at all!
    Have a good day & keep strong!

    Hemmy I Will give it a go, will leave the mushroom out though. Don’t know when I’ll do it.A very good fast day yesterday. It’s 6°today so feels a little warmer.462 calories up to now today so not gone mad.

    Evening All…

    Just lost a long post 😩

    We joined Oreo this morning on the next village river bank with Andrea, Natalie’s back next week.. the month has passed so quickly.. I have missed her…

    Boules today, we lost the two guys I played with were bombing and missing most!!!

    My lamb was lovely. I always save what’s left of my gravy and freeze it I then can add it to any other gravy I make..
    A lovely chicken dinner for you.

    Good idea to go back to pre Xmas plan.. hope you get back into it…

    Poor Aunty she’s been in hospital a while.

    Dave …
    Freeze your gravy from your joints make a bit more then you can add when not much goodness about..

    Jean x

    Just a thought on Gravy . I will share with you lolol

    I really do think it makes the roast .. I make my gravy on the day .. but like you Sym I often add some to it that I have frozen left over. It just gives it that hump so does a bit of port or sherry simmered down ..

    At Christmas I had help in the kitchen I never made the gravy .. left it to a younger enthusiastic cook who wanted to do it themselves lol .. I obviously made the right noises but to me being an old fashioned cook gravy really makes that roast meal and needs that intensity not wishy washy.. lol Xxxx

    This evening I am finishing my fast day with a dry fried egg and tomatoes on toast and an apple .. so should be ok..

    Enjoy your evening everyone what ever you are doing Xxxx

    Good evening all

    It’s been another rainy day here but at least it’s too warm for any frost or snow.

    Another successful fast yesterday and now looking forward to Thursday’s where i will at least have one meal.

    I’m not going back to the Christmas plan as I’m sure I put more weight on then with the mince pies, Christmas cake and tubs of celebrations. 😃

    Morning everyone, a short post today as my wonderful OH came down with a nasty cough and cold on Monday and decided to share it with me. Sadly this means no Wednesday lunch for us today but in all honesty I have no appetite at the moment. Will be back on here tomorrow.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Nana x

    Not all bad then Nana,no appetite. I’ve decided to do a fast day today instead of tomorrow.Going to make toad in the hole tomorrow but it will have to be just sausage inside . My son dosent line tomatoes and I don’t want mushrooms, they are not keen on onions. Nice blue sky here now, we went bowling but had to keep stopping for rain showers.

    Hi Everyone Xxxx

    Started with a black Ice day here .. on our local chat site two people in the village had fallen over. So never left till 11am and it was ok then.

    Scampi homemade chips and peas for me this evening .. I never got the chicken out to roast. lol

    Started spring cleaning my upstairs .. I have thrown loads of things away now.. I am following the Japanese girl Marie’s cleaning out method .. so all cupboards and draws done ..stage one lol. I will need to go charity shopping to replenish lolol

    Nana …I hope you both are well soon and back out and about with your friends. Xx

    Dave.. What else will you have with sausages and yorkshire it sound s a bit dry . Onion gravy would be good.

    Steve … Sym…HH Kay .. what are you up to today.

    Take care all .. together we can do this. XXxxx

    Evening All..,
    Quite a bright day here two good walks..a bit of ironing and repairing some trousers, a lazy day really.

    Going to a parish council meeting tonight about the pétanque pitch we are having a lot of damage and rubbish thrown about, we complained on the village Facebook page and they have invited us to go and discuss things.. doubt anything will be done.

    I am fasting tomorrow.

    I always make and want a good tasty gravy.. last of the lamb tonight small bit for Charlie tomorrow…
    I like a good sort out and being organised.. well done.

    Well done on your fast…

    Hope you soon feel better..

    Enjoy your toad in the hole.. I would only do it with sausage with onion gravy..

    Jean x

    If my son is not having any I’ll try and do onion gravy, not done it before. Denise likes it might have some green beans and maybe carrots and potatoes. Done my fast day today so I can go a bit mad tomorrow.

    Fast day went well yesterday and have enjoyed today’s NFD 😆

    Tara is much better it seems. Just hopes it stays that way now I’m slowly introducing her normal food.

    Bell ringing practice this evening and pub as usual but will only have a couple of drinks.

    It’s been yuk here today, misty and mizzly, not sure what the forecast is tomorrow.

    Not sure when I will do my end of the month weigh in yet, maybe Friday or do I wait until 1st Feb 🤔

    Hemmy, my tea tonight was similar fish, chips and peas!

    Dave, you have to have decent gravy with toad in the hole surely. But there again I’ve never had it! I would have to use veggie sausages which would make it quite dry I think.

    Jean, hope they listen at tonight’s meeting.

    Steve, you are doing well with your fasting. I’m with you tomorrow, and Jean.

    Right best go and get ready!

    Sausage as to be pork. When I’ve had aunt Bessie’s toad in the hole I don’t have gravy at all. I don’t even have it with roast chicken.Only beef or lamb.I love onions but not in gravy,plain gravy so long as it’s tasty.

    Evening All…
    Very interesting the parish council meeting, nice to know what’s going on.
    They want us to report everything to the police so we get a job number to put a case together, apply for a grant although that’s October and they are looking into getting a camera set up and thinking if anything else can be done.

    You must have gravy with a toast in the hole….must admit I have never had one I have made it for Steve…

    Hope the bell ringing goes well tonight, a drink to finish ??

    Jean x

    I will do but it will probably be just gravy granules. Might have a bit of mash with it and veg.

    Morning everyone, but only just. This horrible cold is making me feel very tired but also not very hungry so had a nice low day yesterday and also today. Will see what the scales say tomorrow and will make it my final weigh in for January.
    Jean sounds like the meeting was useful.
    Dave how was the toad in the hole we always have mash and vegetables with ours.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone whether fasting or not.
    Nana x

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