Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good evening, Jean hope your having a great time. Feeling cooler here now, better lend me one of you hot water bottles HH. Not put the heating on yet but will get the blanket ready.

    Good afternoon another sunny day here.12°C so not too bad. I’m eating too much on non fast days. Need to come up with a plan.How is everybody doing?

    Morning All.. could be your afternoon..

    Having a good time in Texas, a lovely car ride around a Lake Conroe yesterday a bit of a look around. A couple of cafe stops..
    Today going to a Swimming Pool resort a girls day, the older boys doing their own thing.
    A trip to the coast Sunday to Galveston, a couple of hours drive.. every time I say it .. I think of the song..😂

    Weather beautiful here sat outside drinking till midnight last night..
    We have a couple of days next week when it drops from 90 degrees to 70 degrees in the day, a big drop..I think it will still be lovely…

    Jean x

    Galveston oh Galveston 😂 you will feel the cold when you get back. Got to be careful when holding any kind of food, Chloe is so tall she’ll have it out of your hand in no time.

    Nice and sunny here again, rain forecast for tomorrow.Bowling tomorrow only practice, on a different green.All being well we will be moving to this club for league games next year.

    Evening All…
    Galveston Oh Galveston …, an island off the main land by a large bridge… a bit tatty then moved along the coast and it was really lovely, great beach took the car on it so no carrying of stuff. Very hot but a lovely breeze saved the day, only down thing didn’t take my cozzie!!!!

    Lazy day tomorrow, we think, see how we go..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone, been bowling today lovely weather for it, only practice. Going to try a change of tactic to lose weight. Will get weighed in a month.

    Good evening not much happening today on here. Hope everyone is doing ok.

    Evening All…
    A lazy shopping sort of day, heavy rain started at 4 am continued to this morning, still in the 70s…
    No fasting for me while on holiday…
    Where is everyone…???

    Fell down a step today, hurt and grazed both knees hurt my wrists, I did the same the other day but SIL caught me.. the step in the garage you just don’t see it as it’s dark… I am ok but sore.

    Homecoming this week it will get busy with things happening at school.. hoping to get tickets for the American school football, if we are lucky, very hard to get ..parades, then a meal out for the 3 grades at the High school it’s like a prom but more relaxed, picking up and dropping off taxi service for the mums.

    Enjoying my holiday….missing Charlie, he has been a week at the dog sitter now, hoping he’s fine.

    Jean x

    I hope you’re ok Jean, take more water with it 😂. Another nice day here but rain is forecast for the next few days. I kept below my target yesterday Tuesday’s are hard for some reason I always easy too much. Will have to keep a check on it, dosent help with being up early.

    Morning everyone, a lovely time away with our friends with good food and far too much wine which resulted in the scales the day after returning home showing that I’d regained the two pound lost after our holiday last month. Back on 5:2 yesterday and came in at 750 calories so a good start. Next fd will be Thursday.
    Dave well done for yesterday hope the new tactic works and the scales show a loss at the end of the month. There’s no way I would be able to leave it for a month before weighing myself.
    Jean sounds like you’re having a lovely time away apart from your fall. Can’t believe a week has gone since Charlie went to his holiday home.
    Enjoy your day everyone and hope it’s as lovely and sunny as it is here.
    Nana xxx

    Good afternoon, Chloe’s causing ruptions, knocked a drink out of my sings hand and it went all over the router and sound system.I’m just hoping they stop work.i think the rain we arrive tomorrow so can’t complain had dinner nice weather lately.

    Afternoon All…
    Took Maxi out this morning, he was laid outside my bedroom door waiting…
    Took 3 takeaways in to school for a treat for Charlotte, nice to have lunch with her.
    American football for Zack tonight last game going at 4.30..

    Hope your router is ok… more stars out last night.

    Hope your 2 lbs soon comes off… hoping I don’t put too much on….Charlie’s been away 8 days now, I am missing him..

    Jean x

    Jean- sounds like a lovely holiday! Do the children break up for a holiday soon? Hope you don’t have any more falls xx
    Dave- oh dear, Chloe’s clumsy! Hope you get all the tech stuff sorted out okay…worth trying something different to lose weight, have been wondering about what to do myself…
    Nana- sounds like a good break for you too! I’m sure you’ll soon get the extra off, well done with your FD 😁
    Not fasted over the weekend or the start of this week…hubby’s birthday was Friday, made neice’s cake on Saturday, then had her birthday do on Sunday, which was lovely. Have a new HomeStart family & rang them yesterday, youngest came for lunch & a haircut, then saw Mum. Today we had to go into town, got some bits for son’s gf’s birthday. He had a first assessment for the fire service & passed. Eaten rather alot today, I might try a FD tomorrow!

    Evening All…
    Fun night at the American Football, grandson made three good tackles.. they won..
    We have another game Thursday for my elder grandson.

    Goodness I fell again I don’t know what’s happening to me, I fell over a drain cover which was higher up from the grass.. a twisted foot but seems to be ok, Katie and another lady helped me up !!

    Well done on your son getting through the fire service test, brilliant.

    Jean x

    Jean- think you need to take more water with it! Hope you’re okay & this is the last fall! Sounds like you’ve been really busy!
    Dave- have you stuck to lower cals today?
    Nana- hope you’ve had a good day…
    Have done a FD today, 700cals. Wasn’t too bad as have been busy with walking Xena & then Enoch, spent a couple of hours in the garden, & did some cleaning…made some cookies for eldest but didn’t have any 😇

    I have stuck to the lower calories all week😇.Jean you need stabilizers😁.Didn’t go to the bowling club today it was heavy rain. I’ve been looking at routers to replace the one that was broke.Found a good one but it’s expensive.Not much of my smart home is working at the moment. I’ll wait until black Friday and see what I can get.

    Morning All..
    All well here nothing planned as yet for today…at 70 today going back to 30 ish tomorrow..

    Walked Maxi this morning just finishing my breakfast.. missing Charlie now.. home a week today.. back to awful weather it seems and another new Prime Minister.. what a mess at the top at the moment..

    Brought a few things hoping I am not over weight coming home or I will need a carry on bag which I don’t like to do..

    Katie is doing her American citizenship the test is like our driving test on line, questions keep changing… I did it and got 90%..😁.. I think you need 6O%

    Katie pointed out I have fallen three times so that should be it.. I fell onto Johnny when I first arrived I grabbed him and he caught me!.. the other two onto the floor…

    Weather seems awful for you all. Hope you sort yourself gadgets out…

    Last football game for Cole tonight.. then big game tomorrow.

    Jean x

    City have a very good youngster called Cole.I think he will play for England one day. Stopped raining now so a dry last walk for Chloe. Under target again so done it all week up to now.

    Good morning the sun is back, pity it wasn’t here yesterday.Dieting going well, don’t know if I’ve lost any weight not getting weighed for a month. Jean hope the football goes well tonight. I’ll watch it if I’m awake at 1am.

    Morning All..
    Lovely day here walked Maxi this morning… I only do one walk or he will expect it when I have gone.. they have a really big garden and he’s on squirrel duty all day it keeps him busy…

    Friday is no homework day for everyone, Katie has gone back to bed for a hour, getting up at 5 every day must shatter you..

    Big football match tonight, I have a tee shirt to wear with the school name on…we are expected to win… the last match for the 15 years olds have won every match this season. All very well set up at the school.

    I have not over eaten here but drunk quite a bit of wine more than I do at home…. I do like one when it’s hot… hope the weights not too up… it will be weigh in Friday and see what damage is done…

    Jean x

    You will be ok Jean, it will soon move of you have gained. Hope the team wins tonight. What number is your grandson?

    Good afternoon everyone.Weather dosent know what to do today. Jean it was too easy yesterday the football. I better sort my tablets out for the next 2 weeks. Waiting for black Friday to order a new router.

    Morning All…
    Definitely a sleepy Jean the home coming Queen this morning!!

    I didn’t go to bed till 2am sat chatting in the garden reminiscing about the past with my daughter…a bit tipsy but nice.

    I enjoyed the football, although we slaughtered them sad for the other side, the seniors were playing, I think Cole could play in 2 years ( he is not the best player so maybe not) my other grandson Zack maybe could…
    The Home Come King and Queen were crowned, lovely to watch..
    An large Army plane flew over the sports ground, a 17 year old army cadet leaving school next year was flying it, so many are chosen, like 10 out of 200,000.. he gets all his college fees paid for, then goes in the army.. the school was so proud of him gave a standing ovation while he flew by.

    A lazy weekend around the pool, everywhere gets busy… we have not stopped so looking forward to it… a book read??
    Home Coming continues with Cole, at 4pm photo shoots, restaurants and parties… busy every where….

    Jean x

    It’s good your having a great time Jean. Charlie will be so pleased to see you when you come home.The weather is still warm for the time of year.

    Glad the weather is still not bad keeps the bills at bay… looking at my gas and electric base line is £1.33 a day .. just fridge freezers running….while away…

    All quiet here sat reading… Katie is at the photo shoot and then taking them to the restaurant …

    Jean x

    Jean- sounds like you have had a lovely time- is it the end of the school year for them, not at the start of the summer holidays like us? All sounds very expensive, prom is bad enough! Hopefully no more falls for you, enjoy a lazy weekend!
    Dave- hope you can find a good deal for black Friday! Still mild here too, no heating yet!
    Did a FD yesterday, still debating trying something else soon, it’s our wedding anniversary coming up, hubby has vouchers for a meal out, & Mum’s birthday soon, plus Mum wants to go to visit my brother…A lazy day today, just us two, eldest is away. Hubby having steak tonight, I’ve got a vegan one, not sure if I fancy it now!
    Have a good day all ☺

    Yes very expensive they have proms at school over here now. I wouldn’t have gone to one. Better things to do. What will you try then HH?

    Afternoon All…
    Lovely today had a long walk with Maxi while everyone was sleeping … been swimming in the pool did a quite a few lengths, it’s not that big, tempting Maxi in but he wasn’t having it.. he does in the summer. Leaves are falling and we have to keep taking them off..

    I leave Wednesday evening so a few more days. I have enjoyed being here and the company it will be strange back to myself and Charlie… I am missing him but he looks ok and settled.

    The children started school in the middle of August, they have had their half term… it’s nice to have Katie to myself… it can get quite noisy at times.
    Lots of birthday and anniversaries coming up for you. Visiting your brother could be interesting…. Ummm…

    Hope you get a deal on Black Friday…

    Jean x

    It will be good to have you back Jean, Charlie agrees with me🤣. Going bowling soon only practice.Hope the rain stays away. Feeling hungry but not had anything. Will have egg and bacon for my tea later.

    Afternoon everyone, a busy day in the garden on Saturday as it was such a beautiful sunny day but yesterday we had heavy rain and thunder in the evening so stayed indoors just being lazy.
    A nice day today so had our daily constitutional walk early as my sister was coming to visit at lunchtime and when she arrived she bought with her a yummy cake which I couldn’t resist having a slice of fo my fast day calories today will be nearer to a thousand today 😉
    Jean your holiday is going by very quickly.
    Nana x

    Good morning all, We could do with a few new faces on here so if you’re reading this come on and join us.

    Morning All…
    A big storm overnight thunder and lightening, twigs and leaves all over… we both slept through it.
    Quite chilly today but getting to 24 degrees.. long trousers and fleece for our morning walk… me and my mate Maxi.

    Last day and I will be home looking forward to seeing Charlie and I will be back on here… with weight to loose.. but it has been worth it.

    We were going to the golf club for lunch but Zackie is off school with his fractured shoulder in a lot pain last night he’s sleeping now…so wait and see…

    Yummy cakes are all very lovely hope you had a nice day with your sister..

    You are very right we seem to have lots of people.. definitely need new faces…Come and join us and get into the little black dress for Xmas… not you of course Dave 🤣

    Jean x

    No, mine is red🤣. The weather dosent know what to do today. We went bowling and it poured down then the sun came out then rain again. We managed an hour so was ok. Not had any food today so feeling very hungry.Having crispy chicken and fried rice😋 looking forward to it.

    Jean- safe journey home, hope you settle back home okay, will be lovely to see Charlie! I’m sure you’ve not put on much, you’ll soon shift it! Not much chance of me getting back in my little black dress!
    Dave- you’re doing well, the dinner sounded good ☺ Does Denise like your little red dress?!
    Nana- we had the storm too…nice to enjoy a family birthday & cake! Hope your FD goes well today…
    Have had 2 days of soup, not been as hungry as I thought, & made brownies for son today too! Had an extra walk with Xena today, it’s been really warm so we went in the woods, walked Enoch as well so have had 3 walks ☺

    Afternoon All..
    Holiday over I have really enjoyed it… Maxi was sulking when I left he watched me pack my case…. Panicking as bought a few things but 19 kg so well under… chocolate and books off loaded on inward flight!!

    So a few days until Monday fasting then begins.. I am sure there’s a few pounds to loose I need to eat healthy away from sugary snacks!!!… get back on board.

    It will be strange back on my own get hope I settle in to it again… a busy household in Texas.
    How can you resist brownies… you do well..

    Shame on the bowls hope you managed the match…

    Jean x

    Just booked a holiday in Lanzarote for next year 😀😃😄😁.No fasting there.Denise prefers me in a purple dress, it’s her favourite colour 🤣. It’s the shoes that are difficult size 13😱.

    Jean- glad you’re home safely, sending you a hug back to just you & Charlie xx
    Nana- did yiu see your Auntie today?
    Dave- yes, I’m sure size 13 high heels are quite hard to find 😂 Lovely to have a holiday booked!
    We’re keeping an eye out for a cancellation at the barns we’ve been to before to get it cheaper- there was one last weekend but couldn’t go, we were too slow to catch one this weekend 😬
    Cut youngest’s hair today, he’s enjoying his new job & doing okay 3 days in. Then had shopping to do, dropped some off to mum, & rang my HomeStart family. Sticking to the diet still, back on solid food now! 3 meals, 120g protein & 120g veg each, no oil etc, so all steamed etc. Being quite focused, don’t feel too hungry but not sleeping well like on FDs…

    Morning All…
    Back off holiday a 11 hour sleep should be on UK time now. Charlie out of our routine he’s still sleeping, he has been out for toilet.. suits me this morning..

    My new neighbours have moved in but not seen them.

    A lazy day today, a bit of washing a book to finish and cuddle time with my boy.

    Fasting starts Monday, weight off by Xmas.

    I didn’t realise your son was starting his job so quickly, glad all is going well.. it will be his training …hope you can something booked at the barn.

    See you in high heels….size 13.. wow… a holiday booked for May nice to look forward too..

    Jean x

    Jean- enjoy a lazy day, hope Charlie’s okay eating now, he’ll soon get back into routine…I’m sure the weight will come off quickly, you don’t need to lose any anyway!
    Dave- Hope you enjoyed the speedway? Are yiu sticking to low cal every day, or having some days off? I hope it works for you…
    Nana- is it a takeaway tonight?
    Rough night as Xena had upset tummy so not much sleep. Delivered the village magazines, had a clear out (just one shelf 😂), & tried a new recipe for bean & cauliflower soup- very nice! Sticking to the diet except for a bit of almond milk in tea!

    Trying to stick to low days but get carried away then go mad the next day. Will work out a plan. I’ve been trying out meals I don’t normally have. So will see how I go

    Good evening everybody. Been to my daughter’s this afternoon so Chloe was left on her own. She was ok probably slept all the time😁.Not got a router so most of my smart home is now dumb at the moment. I’m waiting for Black Friday before I buy a new one.

    Good morning a cloudy day today, going out tonight to a show/concert. So looking forward to it. Just had porridge so that hit the spot. Waiting for black Friday so I can buy a new router.

    Just took Chloe out and its getting cold.Doggie coat will be on for her last walk tonight.HH she’s my hot water bottle and keeps me warm in the house lying on my legs.

    Afternoon everyone a quick check in. Managed to lose half a pound this week so am hoping to manage to lose a bit more before Christmas.
    Had my usual visit to see my Auntie this week and she continues to getting her strength back up.Going away for a couple of days tomorrow to celebrate fourteenth anniversary of OHs retirement.
    Hope everyone is keeping okay.
    Nana x

    Nana- well done losing another half pound! Have a lovely break away 😍
    Dave- enjoy your concert! Xena does keep me warm if she stretches out next to me, but she’s a bit grumpy in the evening’s so she gets off if you fidget! Hot water bottle tonight!
    Jean- hope you can catch up with your sleep, & that Charlie’s settled back okay…
    Stuck to the diet again, although today’s been hard! Did a roast & pudding for the others, not for me 😇 Youngest came for dinner too, his gf is away. Will weigh in on Tuesday…

    Evening All..
    A Late one for me…a walk across the fields this morning., trying to get in Charlie’s good books .. he seems to be settling back into our routine now a few biscuits always brings him around…
    Catching up on ironing, a lovely roast dinner and pud, Charlie’s batch cooking while the oven was on..

    Hope you enjoyed your music show tonight..

    A full house to cook for a full nest again..my hot water bottle had been out day if I am sitting and at night

    Well done loosing getting near your stone off for the year.
    Enjoy your few days away…

    Night from me
    Jean x

    Yes we’ll done Nana, I’m going the other way can’t seem to concentrate.I feel a little down but have no idea why. I think I need time off to think about it.Soon be Christmas.Hope everyone is doing ok.The concert was good last night.

    Good afternoon been playing bowls just 4 of us. Not as good as last time but we won 3 games to nil. Soon goes dark now, starting already. Weather is still mild though.

    Evening All..,
    I did our two walks and then have had a very lazy day, reading my book.

    I have been fasting finished at about 600 cals

    The weather may be getting you down dark nights and doggie walking isn’t nice…
    We are playing boules at 11am tomorrow for a change and meeting Oreo for our walk the boys will be so happy.. Charlie seems more his self today.

    Jean x

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