Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning All..
    Must be out by 8 am the sun and heat is chasing us..

    A lazy day in the heat.. no thoughts yet. Natalie is away on holiday so no play dates this week…

    I had a good FD yesterday about 700 cals so ok with that as you know I struggle I do enjoy a wine or a G & T when hot. The next one Thursday…

    Yes it seems to be quiet everyone busy doing nothing 😂🤣

    Have a good day..,

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone, beautiful day today. Will take Chloe out and try and keep in the shade, the floor is not very hot, just about warm so should be ok for our walk. Fast day tomorrow but will keep it very low today as well. Bowling the next 3 days.

    Good morning up early, it’s a fast day but difficult when up so early. Going to be hot again today, will take the dog out now.

    Morning All..
    Early walk with Charlie but lots of stopping to talk!

    Nothing much happening today, too hot to be bothered. Fast day too, I do fine it hard when it’s hot and feels like holiday weather, bottle of rose wine in the fridge 😬… I might bin it out this week…

    Bought a dress from Morrisons, one of my boules lady has bought one, cotton strappy sun dress fully lined half price £13.. good for the next 10 years 😂.. see me out!
    Just a little alteration as she did too…

    Sat having a cuppa…. Some sausage rolls being delivered by Fay.. in the next hour….could be tempting…

    Jean x

    Hi all!
    Managed a couple of FDs, have lost 0.8lb last week…seem to have been busy, youngest hair cut on Tuesday as usual, quite a bit done in the garden, had the court case done today that I was a witness for, very glad it’s all over & a good result. Did comfort eat a bit today though! Tomorrow we’re taking Xena to doggy daycare, & going out to the coast, will be very hot so ice cream will be needed, maybe a FD on Saturday.

    Morning All ..
    So hot already, early walk with the boy.. Natalie away on holiday this week..

    Going out to meet Jacqui at a garden centre, to have coffee and cake…a look around first before it gets too hot.. it’s half way between us then we can get settled back at home.

    Enjoy time on your own at the seaside and the ice cream too.. no fish and chips?
    Well done on loosing it all adds up…. More than me at the moment.
    Are you not up early this morning? 😂

    Have a good day all..

    Jean x

    Not as early as yesterday, been up a while. Had the fan on all night. Must have been hot, Denise slept on top of the bed with the fan on. Chloe was asleep on her cool mat. Trying a fast day today, find it difficult when it’s hot.

    Evening All..,
    What hot weather I don’t like it at all.
    Walking Charlie this morning he got stung I think, on his pads, we had to abandon the walk and come and bathe his foot and I gave him a Piriton tablet.
    He was unsettled for three hours, then went to sleep and he seems to be ok now .. maybe he’s forgotten about it…
    Walking at about 7.30 tonight as it gets cooler.

    A bit fed up and bored the last couple of days looking forward to the cooler rainy weather coming…not like me really.

    I will be fasting tomorrow I need to get back in the swing, holidays in 8 weeks…

    Jean x

    Good evening, spent a few hours at A&E this afternoon,Chloe got off her lead and ran into the road, I was desperately trying to catch her and fell into the road. Chloe left me and went home. I’ve fractured my elbow so such in a sling for a while.

    Afternoon everyone, it’s still very warm here with no sign of any rain at the moment.
    A very busy end to last week with a wedding on Thursday and lunch with an old friend at our local pub on Friday. Usual Friday night visit with our friends and my turn to have a drink.
    Was careful to stick to my tdee Saturday and Sunday and am having a fd today and my next one Thursday.
    Dave ouch glad Chloe found her way home though.
    Jean poor Charlie hopefully he’s recovered from the sting now.
    Hope everyone is keeping well.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    Fast day going ok, I went to watch the bowling, can’t play again this season.

    Dave- poor you, good Chloe was safe in the end…sounds like maybe the same fracture as son had in his elbow when he came off his bike- he was naughty & didn’t use his sling for too long, he did do the exercises they gave him though & he has full mobility of it now. Such a shame you’ll miss the rest of the bowling season 😢
    Jean- it’s hard to get motivated to do much when it’s so hot…good Charlie was okay with his paw in the end!
    Nana- lovely to have a wedding to go to, so hot for it though!
    Had a busy Saturday & a lazier Sunday…so hot, baking even walking Xena early in the morning! Did a FD on Saturday & have done an 800cal one today. Walked Enoch today, had only got to walk him one day last week so hope I can do more this week, not sure whether to talk to his owner or not, if I push too much I think she’d stop answering the phone at all, I guess one or 2 walks a week for him is better than none…rang my HS family today, a difficult call as after a court case last week as her ex has harassed her, legal things put in place for contact with their girl & he’s broken it already! Hard to be encouraging, hope just listening helps…youngest son is coming for breakfast & a haircut tomorrow, eldest is off & home too & needs a trim as well, that’s my morning sorted!

    Morning All…
    A touch of rain and thunder rumbling last night, more fresh today…
    We have a play date with Oreo at 9am, Natalie has been away a week so they will be lively this morning..

    Charlie’s paw is fine now, bathed with salt water, a scrub with a nail brush in case a sting was still there and a Piriton, very unsettled for three hours, he had a sleep he got up and all was fine.

    I had a very good fast day yesterday, 509 counted calories, I am going to count the next few weeks to make sure I am still up to date with my virtual counting….!

    Boules later pm, it should be fine rain wise but odd showers about.

    Hope you are managing with your arm and the pain is under control….. and Chloe is settling down she will be so anxious..shame on your bowling season…

    A busy week and a lovely wedding … good we can shuffle the FDS about…

    Lots of walking for you….hope Enoch gets some extra walks if she answers the phone …
    Upsetting on your HS family.. the courts don’t always do the best…

    Jean x

    Chloe jumped up on the bed and lay down next to me, next she heard something and kept off the bed and ran down the stairs after first using my bad elbow as a launch pad😥 of Did a good fast day yesterday and will try and do b2b later in the week. Dry here at the moment but a dark sky with the sun trying to break through.

    Good morning everyone, extremely quiet on here are you all busy? Do I need to take the register?bought an harness for Chloe to stop her escaping. Just a thought but any newbie would be asking why is he putting an harness on his wife😁. Chloe is a greyhound🤣. It’s a dull day here today, going to watch bowling seeing that I can’t play because of my broken arm.

    Afternoon All..
    A busy day for me… walked early then met my daughter.
    Difficult at the moment with people about to fast.. I have done two this week but will do another tomorrow..
    Bought a cardigan for the winter, just keep adding to my warm items getting ready when the cold hits 😂🤣

    Hoping the harness works. I don’t go out without Charlie on his.. he would have me over. Difficult for you as Heidi didn’t need one, Chloe is different….

    I think we go quiet people busy through the holidays doing catching ups….

    Jean x

    Yes lots going on for different people. Not sure what to do about holidays next year, will we have any money left after winter bills have been paid. Not going to be an easy year ahead

    Evening everyone, been a busy few days out to lunch on Tuesday with my sister and brother in law, usual Wednesday lunch meet up with friends and Ely today. I have had my second fast day for the week but I did struggle with all of the lovely smells coming from the various food stalls on the market. My Auntie continues to improve and walks around indoors without using any walking aids.
    We had very light rain for about three minutes on Tuesday evening but nothing else since and we’ve had temperatures between 24 and 26 degrees still.
    Keep well everyone and enjoy the rest of your day.
    Nana x

    Hi all!
    Dave- hope that Chloe gets used to her harness & settles down on walks, sad she’s so nervy…Enoch can be quite jumpy, I don’t know if it’s common with greyhounds?
    Jean- nice to see your daughter, she’ll be back at work soon…
    Nana- sounds like you’ve had a good sociable time! Glad your aunt is able to get about, maybe she could ring the dietitians to ask about her diet, can’t imagine it’s very healthy, or ask her GP, rather than have to wait so long for another visit?
    Have done another FD, 750cals, but feel like I’ve put on weight even with 4xFDs over the last week! Makes me pretty fed up with it all 😞
    Walked with my sis & her dog, then got to walk Enoch again, so he’s had 3 walks so far this week…

    Well done HH,I see quiet a lot of Greys seem to be highly strung. She’s vary warey on walks but was a tiny bit better on the walls we’ve just had.

    I put her harness on and she’s cleared off upstairs.Hiding they now so it’s a waiting game until she comes down. 😁😁

    Evening everyone was pleased to see a one and half pounds loss on the scales this morning but that is over two weeks. I’ve managed to lose twelve pounds so far this year.
    A very nice Chinese takeaway this evening and my turn to drive so no alcohol consumed but might indulge in a g&t a bit later on.
    Off on holiday Sunday for a week so won’t be posting on here until a week Monday.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana x

    Well done Nana. Have a great holiday and forget about fasting. I’ve got to try extremely hard now to lose a stone before January. If I manage it I will have kept my promise to Heidi so that will spur me on.

    Good afternoon everyone another sunny day.Not used to all this sun. Starting tomorrow a big push to lose a stone by January.

    Good evening, I’m keeping us going on here 😁.Chloe tab upstairs again when I put her harness on but she’s nosy so I pressed the doorbell and she came running down🤣.

    Morning All..
    Sunny days are back..
    I did a fast day yesterday but I miss judged my calories 800, I shall do Tuesday and Thursday this week.

    My daughter is coming through this morning going to a local Town for lunch and a walk around.

    Enjoy your break away this week.

    Hope Chloe is settling down and getting used to the harness. Good luck on the stone off for Xmas.

    Keeping busy with the dog walking and hair cutting 😂

    Jean x

    Jean she seems to be ok with the harness, but still not happy going outside especially at night, not to bad in the morning. The fasting starts in Ernest today, will do my upmost to lose the stone before January.

    Went to watch the bowling, pleased I didn’t play it was pouring down. Having a good fast day today only 48 calories so far. Start as I mean to go on.

    Dave- you can do it! Whst about giving up bread again, you lost alot with that? Hope Chloe settles & gets back to walking okay…
    Jean- enjoy your day with your daughter!
    Nana- have a lovely holiday, well done with your loss overall 👏
    Didn’t manage to fast today as neck was painful & had a bad headache, been on ibuprofen…Walked Xena & Enoch, not done much else. Youngest popped in to pick up some bits, had a long chat, eldest had a half day so he was home the same time. Hopefully will be better to do a FD tomorrow!

    I’m cutting down on bread, cutting out any biscuits and yoghurts.Determined to lose the Chloe got spooked again tonight by a cat day on a wall just above her head good job I had her on the harness.

    Good morning everyone,a dull day here but very muggy. Just took Chloe out for a walk. Fast day again today and hopefully tomorrow. Going to try and just have one meal per day Monday to Friday. Going to watch bowling today not the same as playing but still enjoying it. All the banter.

    Afternoon All..
    Still very warm here bits and bobs of rain but not much

    I have three days of not doing much I couldn’t get going today, a bit boring but my own fault… my ink had dried up on the printer but I followed some tips and I have it working again… I need my ESTA for the States so I can get it filled in now and printed off, nearly walk time so I will do it tomorrow.

    I must fast tomorrow it will be the only fast this week, a few low days but not good enough. Seeing people and going out a hard week.

    I seem to have to get on board again and put my mind to it…

    Hope you are feeling better and your headache gone.

    Hope your one meal a day works and you get a plan in place.

    Hope you are enjoying your holiday and the weathers keeping good.

    Jean x

    790 calories today. So a good fast day. Will try tomorrow for another. Friday will be a low day, Saturday I will have 2 meals👿👿👿.Sunday wait and see. Might look into food dehydration.

    Evening all!
    Not doing very well this week, no FD yesterday again, neck improving but still needed painkillers…today I made brownies so no FD again, & tomorrow a friend’s coming (hence the brownies!)…have been busy & cleaning lots, eldest giving me lots of washing as he’s off on holiday next week!
    Hopefully you’re all doing better than me 😂

    778 calories today, so yet another good fast day. Will have a low/ fast day tomorrow, all depends what I decide to have. Lovely day today just as well with the cricket being on here.

    Dave, you’ve done really well this week 👍
    Had a very nice time with my friend, after all this time of lovely weather today it was showery so couldn’t sit in the garden! Popped in to see mum later, have made a dinner for her tonight.
    No FD tomorrow either, don’t like fasting on a Friday!

    Good morning everyone another sunny day again.Chloe is still very nervous going out so just going for short walks. I’ve had a great week fasting this week. Monday 1194 calories, Tuesday 887, Wednesday 790, Thursday 826.Going to try for around half my TDEE today. Be good if I can repeat it next week.

    Afternoon All….
    A village walk it says 13 degrees so I put trousers on it was so hot …

    I am up 1 lb this week, that’s 3lbs up from goal .. lots happening, made flap Jack..it doesn’t help… I have next week to get through then back on track…Jacqui will be back at school hoping to see her once more.. hopefully will try from this week.

    I was bowling but it was an uneven number so I backed out as I don’t normally play on a Friday. I let the usual ones have their game.

    I have all my back windows cleaned in and out, up and down , stopped for lunch and the sun to move. May do the front over the weekend it’s getting hot now.

    I have got my ESTA ( visa) done for my holiday it’s being processed over 72 hours..🤞🏻It’s all ok.

    Well done on all the fasts this week hoping some weight moves.

    Good catch up with your friend, brownies are always lovely hope she ate a few 😂
    Where is your son going on his hols?

    Cheese on toast eaten.. cuppa time..
    Lovely sat in the shade in the garden, sun is getting low now, winters coming…

    Jean x

    Sat watching the cricket, going to watch the bowling tonight. Feeling very hungry now, haddock and chips tonight homemade.

    Quiet on here again😲 where are you all?

    Dave- you’ve done brilliantly well this week!
    Jean- enjoy the next week, you’ll still have a month to lose a bit before you go away won’t you? Son is going with gf interailing round Europe for 10 days, I know they’re starting in Paris & finishing in Vienna, can’t remember everywhere else! We might have some meals & days out while he’s away, so won’t get much fasting in…walked Enoch today, 2 cats hissing & spitting at him, luckily kept hold of him! I do worry about him, his owner had had a bad night so was zonked today, I thought he has the run of the house & is with her but today he was shut away with the back door open, so all by himself 😢
    Saw mum this afternoon, took her some brownies but she had mini battenberg cakes which are one of my favourites so came home with those! Not doing very well right now 😂

    Morning All…
    Having a lie in but must move…
    Shower and take Charlie out…. Boules later and a cafe stop, I tend just to have coffee and cake.. nothing very exciting then it depends on the cakes they can look as they have gone over!

    Trying to work out on my fasts for the week.. I have had bread for the last couple of days I seem bloated, I don’t eat much bread of late so noticed it more.

    You sons trip sounds exciting.. Katie would have liked to do that with the children, she was looking into it but then hubby was joining her and it’s not his thing… nice quiet time to yourselves .. 😀

    You are very good remembering to come on here … I do try.. lots of people get busy through summer…

    Hoping holiday is good and lots of walking in..

    Jean x

    Jean we’ll keep it going😁 definitely not a fast day today. Had around 1800 calories after I’ve had my tea. So still under my TDEE. But the ice cream is lurking in the freezer👿

    Not a FD here either, went to the beach so had to have an icecream! It was lunch though… Pizza tonight but the one I have is low cal, so that’s not too bad. Thought I’d see Mum today as sis has had a week’s “holiday” with BIL off, but mum’s off to see a friend this afternoon to help her out- funny she can cope with friend’s problems & not her own!
    Have a nice evening everyone 😀

    Good evening another lovely day nice and sunny. My arm is slowly getting better. Might get a have of bowls before the end of the season.

    Morning All…
    A very misty/foggy start.. a beautiful sunny blue sky day now.

    I am trying for a fast day, a Sunday see how I go..

    Batch cooking for Charlie not much left in the freezer for him

    Grandson now got his Aussie Visa, Jacqui thinks October but I think he will go much sooner. They did say he would go for a week or two to sort bank and accommodation out. Come back and then go for his year. I am thinking he will just go and stay. They won’t pay for a years visa and faff about it’s costing them money.

    Keep forgetting about your arm, it’s good it’s getting better..

    It’s strange mum can sort other peoples problems out and not her own.

    Jean x

    Lovely walk this morning, caught up with one dog walker then coming back another joined us a really nice chatty walk with the dogs all playing.

    Nice cuppa and a late brunch…. Which will help the fast day.


    Took Chloe out twice, the second time I put her harness on and she hid upstairs. Then when I eventually got her out she stopped for a poo right in the middle of a busy road. She pooed on the white line, good job it was Sunday. Will try to do a few fasts next week

    Good afternoon been to the speedway earlier. Was going to watch the space launch but it’s been put back to Friday now. Was going to be a FD but not feeling well so cancelled it.

    Watching the speedway on the telly now, our rider just crashed and is going into the ambulance, hope he’s not hurt to bad. No fast day today.

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