Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • I am hungry too, & missing my peanut butter fix!
    MM on again tonight, we’ll see how much they lose…it’ll probably be loads, wheteas I’ll be lucky if I lose a pound this week ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ฃ

    Yes I noticed that pub. Won’t be drinking a lot but a few pints would be nice. There is a chippy close by so may try that in Monday, Haddock and chips hopefully.No fasting on holiday.Still got 4 nights in Yorkshire to look forward to.Very dull here but stopped raining.Salad for tea, and looking forward to it. Must buy some cress I like that. Very hard day today been hungry as HH will vouch for me ๐Ÿ˜.But only 60 calories up to now.

    You’ve done well Dave! It feels like it’s been a looong day for me! Salmon & veg out the garden for my dinner…

    Have you got a pool for the salmon ๐Ÿ˜.I will take Heidi out again then possibly have tea.She’s been asleep since her last walk. So will have to wake her up.

    What a miserable day again. Rubbish time to have time off at home! Not done anything today. Neil has finished making me a tiered planter out of wood…may have to buy some more plants for it ๐Ÿ˜

    We had a good walk yesterday, just over 7.5 miles, sadly a lot of it was in the pouring rain! Poor Tara wasnt impressed, she kept diving under bushes to seek shelter ๐Ÿ˜€

    I think we will watch some stuff we have recorded this evening and perhaps an early night so I can get up earlier tomorrow and do something with the day.

    Hope everyone is ok, the page has turned.

    Jean, you seem to be having a lovely time. I wish we had gone away now.
    Dave you are away next.
    Mel, how are you doing on the ADF, still at it? Im not fasting this week as Im on holiday, but really dont want to undo the good work I did last week.

    I really need a different weather app on my phone. I have the met office app and its very often wrong!!

    If anyone is fasting today, keep going and be strong!


    Evening everyone, been a miserable day weather wise here just as well we’ve been busy. Finalised my Tesco online shop ready for delivery tomorrow morning and then visiting daughter in the afternoon as we were unable to do so today as they had things too do today.
    Jean sounds like you’re visiting lots of places have to admit we only visited Skegness whilst staying there and that was to meet up with my Aunt and Uncle who were on holiday there and we treated them too lunch. Have you walked down into the village yet ?
    Hedgehogs and Dave well done today my turn tomorrow.
    Kay shame about the weather not being good for your staycation ๐Ÿคž it’s better tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening All..
    Heavy rain here got a bit wet on late walk but took a brolly, I donโ€™t usually, itโ€™s hard to get stuff dry..
    Two lovely sunny days weather wise left, Friday could be windy…beach day tomorrow possibly edge of Skegness then haddock and chips..
    I havenโ€™t cooked a meal yet ๐Ÿ˜‚, just scrambled eggs on toast for Charlie..

    Hedgehog and Dave..
    A long day for you both well done..

    Shame you didnโ€™t get away maybe next time..your planter sounds very nice.. more plants to buy.. poor Tara not liking the rain Charlie is ok once he gets going.. I forgot his rain coat…

    We havenโ€™t walked to the village.. Steve not too good today a bit breathless ..so I said we all are tired. Hoping a quiet day on the beach tomorrow. The weather has been bad here from about 3 pm still raining now ..

    Jean x

    Dave- wet enough here to keep salmon in the garden! Hope your salad was good & keep strong through the evening!
    Kay- such a shame for your week off ๐Ÿ˜ฃ I think you’re due a storm overnight? Maybe a trip to the garden centre soon for more plants. How are your tomatoes doing?
    Jean- shame about the weather for you too- what did you do before Charlie?! Can you remember life without beach & country walks! Hope Steve is okay…
    Nana- hope you get your shopping okay tomorrow too. Can’t get flour again here! Have a nice time with your daughter tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜
    Mel- hope your lunch was good, are you back to fasting tomorrow?
    Dinner not great- the variety of spinach I’m growing is quite tough & bitter, even the little leaves; would be okay with loads of butter!! Finished off with a bit of dark choc, 770cals, l9g carbs. Xena had a loopy spell earlier & a game, before her dinner, which is unusual! She’d had the extra walk too! Lots to do on the site I moderate at the moment too, we have new volunteers who are supposed to help, but they’ve had so many questions I’ve spent ages helping them out!

    Well whatever the weather next week you won’t find us on the beach.Fast day as been a struggle but did it although I am still very hungry.Try for a lowish day tomorrow, then holiday feeling will take over ๐Ÿ˜.Weather predicted to be poor for our holiday, that’s it when on holiday in England.

    Morning everyone, yes a fast day today HH. My meal out yesterday was lovely, felt very normal. My two friends (size 8) had a small salmon and prawn salad and I felt shamed into having the same. It did come with a slice of beautiful bread and butter though. I then found out that they had both had breakfast and a biscuit before and I had had nothing so I should have just stuffed myself! The waitress came and offered the cake menu ๐Ÿ˜€ but no ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ. No wonder they are size 8.

    Dave I am a bit concerned as to what you are going to do on your holiday if you arenโ€™t going on the beach!
    It is a bit the back of beyond, but it will be a change of scene, think you deserve a few beers.

    Jean the weather forecast is good, find a quiet spot (easy) and relax.

    Jason, have realised your post is now a page back and I canโ€™t go and see it or I will lose this post (be aware of this, itโ€™s really annoying). Thanks for info about yourself. Quick recap on me as I have told people before. I had an out of the blue cardiac arrest 21 years ago. Due to various lucky factors I became one of the 4 per cent survivors (out of hospital rate of survival in Lincolnshire at the time). I have an implantable defibrillator/pacemaker and various pills and am fit as a flea. I did have some mental health issues which have left me with anxiety sometimes but a small price to pay. I think you said you get anxious too so I understand. Stay with us mate. Donโ€™t feel pressured to post more than you want, just check in when you can. Let us know when you are having a fast day so we can send encouraging vibes to you!

    Kay, have a good day, hope the weather has improved and you can do something nice.
    Nana have a nice time too with your daughter and grand dog Poppy. I think that is right. She is your daughterโ€™s?

    Morning all!
    Mel- glad you had a good lunch out, very restrained! Like you say, avoiding dessert does help you stay a size 8 ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž!
    Dave- well done yesterday! Hope you can keep low again…hope there’s a good tv package where you’re staying if the forecast isn’t good!
    Jean- hope you have a good day out & the weather’s better!
    Nana- have a nice time at daughter’s…
    Kay- I hope the weather cheers up for you too!
    Minols- where are you?! Hope school is still going okay…
    DF- hugs to you, gone quiet again…
    Jason- when’s your next FD?
    Had a lovely quiet walk with Xena in the forest again- making the most of it because I think the dog illness starts in September. Did brave the scales this morning- 6lbs over where I was, but did think it would be worse, I think I’ve lost a bit already with the 800 days, feel better anyway. Not so hungry today, making a chickpea & spinach curry for tonight, will give most of it to eldest & just have a small bit. Asda order on it’s way, see what I’ve forgotten this time ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Hope I am not watching TV on holiday ๐Ÿคž.We don’t go on the beach even in Cyprus or Lanzarote.And never sit by the pool.I used to go on the beach when the kids were young but now I can’t think of anything more boreing,I am totally fed up after 5 minutes sitting on a beach.We like to walk around look at places, stop off for a cuppa or beer ๐Ÿ˜.One cup of tea today so looking for a low day. Going bowling at 2pm,on my own today my son’s shoulder is sore so he’s not playing today. It’s more difficult going to places in the UK I have to use the car so no beer๐Ÿ˜ฉ.

    Hi guys
    Mel โ€“ thanks for the info. So many people in similar situations โ€“ no surprise really. Again, thanks encouragement itโ€™s really nice to have such a friendly and supportive place to dip into.
    HH – Had an FD yesterday and taking my second one tomorrow because I canโ€™t on Sunday. Yesterday I managed to keep it down to about 600. They are going okay but one problem I have encountered is because I drink so much liquid Iโ€™m up all night going to the toilet!

    Yes that can be a problem with drinking so much, but if I get up a lot the day before I get weighed I usually lose weight ๐Ÿ˜.So not all bad. Not a fast day today but only had 20 calories so far. Going bowling now.

    Have fun!

    Cooking the curry early, so it should be really tasty! Not as many cals as I thought so I can have a bigger helping yippee!
    Had a huge asda order, sis wanted a big pack of loo rolls, mum ordered lots too even though she only had a delivery a couple of days ago! Spoke to my HS family- 2 of the boys have finally been allocated a social worker, mum’s been trying for years, but it means they can get more help to take them out sometimes to give mum a break, finally a bit of good news for her!
    Are Mel & I the only ones fasting today?

    Afternoon everyone, just back from daughters and yes Mel she has granddog poppy. Poppy was at the vets this morning for her booster vaccination and they weighed he and said that she needs to lose weight and has to go back in four weeks time to be weighed again. Daughter blames son in law for letting her have a bit of his evening meal every day.
    Hedgehogs shopping delivery arrived fine even got my flour order. Am also fasting today only had my first cup of tea and a cup of coffee at the daughters.
    Beautiful day here so going to sit outside with my book shortly.
    Nana x

    It’s so hot here, roasting while playing bowls so only did just over an hour. Bought a cake on the way home so that’s all I have had to eat all day.

    Waiting for son to get home to eat, hungry now but have been busier today so it’s been easier.

    Evening everyone, held out until 6pm for my meal and really enjoyed it as I was so hungry came in at 650 calories. Weigh in tomorrow morning.
    Hedgehogs good news regarding your homestart family.
    Mel loved your description of your lunch out โ˜บ.
    Hello everyone else and hope you’re keeping okay. Enjoy the rest of the evening and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening All..
    We have had a lovely beach day, reading, walking and people watching.. weather absolutely wonderful a good temperature with a slight breeze..
    Fish and chips in Skegness was a disaster 2/10 for effort ..

    Good news for the help to your HS family..
    Before Charlie, caravanning, cafes and pub lunches or abroad holidays doing lots of sight seeing, snorkelling quite active.. things change..
    I feel Charlie is like a child I love to see him happy and getting excited, crying because he sees forests or smelling the sea. Trouble is not every day is a Charlie day, we have to do boring shopping days ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Steve struggles with walking..lungs fine sometimes breathless..
    Hope your curry was tasty..

    If you like shopping loads of shopping in Skegness, cafes and eating places ..very busy..

    Long time since I was a size 8.. too thin for me..unless your friends were petite…I never say no to a pudding if thereโ€™s room !!.. itโ€™s got to be worth the calories..

    Glad everything is going well..I find going to the loo in the night means you are loosing weight!!

    Poor Poppy having to loose some weight, is it too many training treats ?

    Keep strong everyone…last day of holiday for us tomorrow ..

    Jean x

    Hello everyone! Just started fasting the other day and stumbled across your brilliant forum just now and thought I’d say hello!

    Looking to loose a stone and a half and just reset myself tbh. Too much emotional eating and drinking over the past few years (esp this year ๐Ÿ˜‚) and missing feeling like me if that makes sense!

    Anyway lovely to read what your all up to feels so wonderful and supportive!!

    Morning All..
    A bright windy day here.. last day of holidays..no idea what is planned today. steve looking on line to see if anything grabs us..loads of things here but not very dog friendly โ˜น๏ธ

    Looking forward to fasting on Monday and lots of jobs ahead for us to do, sorting and tidying the house out and throwing away things we donโ€™t want.

    Sorry to hear on your MIL hope she improves enough to leave hospital..

    Welcome.. your name is easy to remember as I have a Kates (Katie) our nickname for her.. fasting is a good way of life, easy to do after a few weeks. Lots of support with our group if you need it, we natter about all sorts of things.. lots of dog people on here..

    Have a good day everyone…

    Jean x

    Hi Kates and welcome. Good to have you on board. Let us know a little bit about you and anything you want to know about us just ask. I lost two stone last year and have kept it off. Have been trying to lose the last five or so pounds since November, how hard can it be ๐Ÿ˜‚. Let us know when you are having a fast day and we will send support. Do you have a plan? We all have tweaked things to suit us. HH doing a week of 800, me doing ADF (alternate days). Jean (Symba) sticks to the old 5:2 on 500 cals and has done brilliantly. Keep in touch.

    Kates- hi & welcome! It really helps to be on here for FDs, a distraction if you’re hungry! Hope it goes well for you- I lost 2 stone, but found I needed to do ADF to really lose, finding maintaining hard though ๐Ÿ˜‚ We are a friendly bunch, very dog minded though!
    Jean- enjoy your last day, looks like you’ve had a good time! Shame on the fish & chips.
    Nana- hope the weigh-in is good! Well done for your FD yesterday ๐Ÿ˜ Poor Poppy, labs do like their food- Poppy looks more like the typical show-type stocky lab, Xena is the gun dog type, naturally slimmer…if I were a lab I’d definitely be the stocky type ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Mel- fasting today? Keep strong…you’re doing so well!
    Dave- are you seeing MIL today? Hope you can keep restrained with eating, nearly your holiday!
    Kay- hope your MIL gets better soon.
    Minols- have a good day off today!
    Jason- have a good day…
    Walked Xena at the heath rather than the forest as it’s so windy here, got sand blasted instead! Poor Xena was having a lovely game with a boisterous boy lab & he bundled her into a fence- she was okay but made a lot of fuss about it! Hungry right from the start today! But only 2 more days to go after today, will see what I do next week.

    Welcome Kates, make sure you keep coming on here, and the weight will disappear.I have lost 1lb this time but fear the worst next week on holiday. Definitely no fasting on holiday. We then are home for 4 weeks then off gallivanting again this time in Yorkshire. Then the big push to try and lose a stone before Christmas.

    Dave- do not mention Christmas!!
    I am hungry…๐Ÿ˜ฌ

    Afternoon everyone, a very blowy day here but it’s supposed to be easing down in a couple of hours. Was rewarded with 1 pound loss this morning. Meeting up with our friends as usual this evening my turn to share a bottle of ๐Ÿพ it’ll be my first drink since Saturday and planning on a Chinese takeaway.
    Welcome Kates a friendly bunch on here and although I don’t own a dog I have a black Labrador granddog called Poppy. I’ve lost 2 & 1/2 stones since i started doing 5:2 a few years ago and would like to lose a further 2 stone.
    Dave well done on your loss also especially as you’re getting close to your holiday. Hope Denises mum’s visit went okay.
    Jean hope you’ve enjoyed the last day of your holiday it seems to have gone really quickly.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Good visit to Denise’s mums.Holiday feeling taken over now.So the pounds will pile on ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ˜ฒ.

    Nana- well done! I was going to ask you how much you’ve lost altogether, you’ve been so steady & consistent ๐Ÿ˜ Enjoy your Chinese tonight!
    Mel- how have you done today, all quiet?
    Jean- a good last day? Hope the house viewing went well, have you heard anything?
    Dave- ๐Ÿช๐Ÿช๐Ÿช๐Ÿช๐Ÿ˜‚
    Kates- what days will you be fasting?
    Been quite hungry today, but have filled up on the low carb/ low cal bare naked noodles! Only enough cals & carbs left for a coffee later. 2 more days…
    Have a good evening everyone!

    Mornign everyone…yes, I know it’s as much the middle of the night as morning!
    I’m having trouble getting into a new pattern now the boy is back at school and the OH back at work. But that really must change if I’m going to hit the target of 4lbs this month…9 days to go! Cauli mash has probably saved me this week.

    I’m going to try and decorate the entrance and the downstairs loo today – tiny spaces, so you’d think easy to do, but I have a feeling that the proportion of fiddley bits to rollering walls will drive me nuts! ANd of course I have to find things to keep the boys busy!

    Just uploading Sunday’s video to youtube and FB…it was a frustrating edit on Friday…9hours of managing a rubbishy system. Really hoping to be able to hand this over to someone else to do soon – have a willing volunteer, but I’ll need to wait until he gets back from his holidays.

    Breakfast roll s out this morning, and stirfry from the butcher tonight – yum.

    Nice to hear some new stories, and always good to pick with the oldies!!!


    Minols- poor you, what a time to be up…although I guess if you’ve alot to do getting up that early will give you a headstart! Now he’s back to school I’m sure a bit of extra fortnite won’t hurt for your son while you get on!
    Jean- have a safe journey home, & hope the viewing goes well this afternoon!
    Hope everyone else is okay…
    Think today’s going to be hard- woke hungry already, & feel quite drained, usual walk with Xena was a bit of an effort, ugh…

    Forgot to ask- Dave, is it today you’re away or Monday? I know you said, but I’ve forgotten!

    It’s Monday when we go away HH.Been chucking it down here ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ the sun is trying to break though. Rain stop play at the cricket so I will go for lunch. No fasting for over a week now.

    Evening everyone, just finished my evening meal which was a chickpea and mushroom curry cooked by the husband.
    Hedgehogs the Chinese takeaway last night was very good maybe it was because we last had a Chinese way back in March.
    Jean glad you got home safely and hope that the viewing went well.
    Dave not long now to your holiday ours is 5 weeks today.
    Not many posting today guess everyones busy.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    We go away on Monday then again on the 28 of September for 4 nights.

    Nana- glad the takeaway was good, & the curry! Made a chickpea & spinach curry this week, I do like that.
    Jean- how’s today gone?
    Dave- have you been holiday eating today?!
    Survived today! Saw Mum this afternoon, played 2 games of Upword, she was much better. Tried the fast800 recipe for Portobello mushroom pizza- that was scrummy! Feel better now!

    Not gone mad food wise but got chocolate ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

    Evening All…
    Back home unpacked and some washing done..weather awful and raining..

    The viewing I think went quite well, suppose to keep it to 10 mins absolutely stupid how can you consider anything in that time. They travelled from Basildon for three hours to view. They stayed 1 1/2 hours and had a cuppa asked a lot of questions, shops, doctors, hospitals, household bills, walks, fingers crossed for Monday see what the feed back is off both…asked for our phone number we already had theirs, they may visit next weekend to their sons..all estate agents are closed at a weekend…they might come again??

    Well done on your pound off…your curry sounded nice, hubby cooks nice things…Your weight loss is brilliant, looking at your photos I donโ€™t think you need another couple of stones off.

    Holiday nearly here, hope the weather bucks up for you…we found lots to do in the vicinity..

    Hate it when you canโ€™t sleep, hope you are not too tired today…it would be nice to pass your IT stuff over to someone else who enjoys it more…

    I saw the pizza mushrooms on TV I thought they looked nice, a bit different…good the games went well with mum…

    Itโ€™s so dark here since 7pm tonight weathers not good, looking forward to our bed tonight, felt a bit squashed this week not keen on small beds …not good for three!

    Jean x

    Morning all, thought I would get on before Minols๐Ÿ˜. Last day at home for Week.

    Well done, Dave – decided to have a lie in this mornign and got up at 5…so you deserve the crown of first on! Although knowing you, it’s probably more ‘last off’?!

    Got the front lobby painted yesterday…I was right, the edging took ages! Hoping to do the downstairs bathroom this afternoon…again,k lots of footery wee bits, with just one long wall of interrupted rollering. But I’m loving the colour…pale bluey-green.

    Just waiting for the Sunday School kids to ‘arrive’ in the zoom room…hoping not to weaken as when I ferretted out a packet of biscuits the other day they were soft. Going to try not to eat till I get home at lunchtime.


    Good morning guys
    It’s been too long, the whole of lock down, but that’s me finished with nightshift, it truly kicked my butt, haven’t had to work so hard or move so much in many years, it also made me realise that I’m not as young as I think I am, but on the up side, i actually remembered to weigh myself this morning, and am i the only one that lost weight during lockdown, 4.8lbs to be precise, I’m calling it 5lbs, so as some of you know (facebook, whatsapp), I’m attempting walking, i really do hate it !!!!!, it’s such a thought, it involves having to actually move my lazy butt, and while most of you will walk rings round me just taking your dogs out, I’ve not walk further than my car door in about 25yrs, today I’m going for my first major long walk, the reason, I’m in training to do a local (ish) walk called Jock’s road, its 14 miles from Glen Doll up over the hills to Braemar, the miles dont worry me but the ‘up’ does, not doing it alone, I have a very fit pal coming with me, any how better get my walking shoes on, and suntan lotion.
    Great to be back, see a few new names, far too much to read back on, so hopefully pick it up as I go, that’s a laugh, I’ll still be figuring out names in 6 months to come.
    Hope your all good
    Catch you later x

    That sounds brilliant, Tammy. It’s a long time since I walked that kind of distance, and like you, I hate hills the go upwards (and nowadays, my knees aren’t so keen on the ones that go downwards, either!) but I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun – in the preparation and the doing of it, too.

    Good morning everyone.Another dull day here. Looking at the weather for where I am going next week I will need my raincoat ๐Ÿ˜ฉ.The rain will be bouncing on the caravan roof๐Ÿ˜ฒ.

    Evening All..
    A busy day washing and ironing and messing getting it dry….

    First cooked dinner by me this week, we enjoyed it….

    Getting in the painting mode, once started itโ€™s usually room to room….

    Well done on the 5 lbs off and glad you are back…Itโ€™s hard getting motivated to exercise when you donโ€™t usually do it…you have done really well with your friend helping you on….
    I am not keen on climbing routes I am more a flat walking girl..14 miles is a good distance..

    Feel positive about your holiday it wonโ€™t be as bad as you think…take the right clothes and it will be fine..safe journey across tomorrow and enjoy yourselves….then a month to the next one..๐Ÿ˜€

    We shall be fasting tomorrow… Anyone else..?

    Jean x

    It will be a break whatever the weather. Google maps is doing go through Leeds but I think I will go via Woodhead and Sheffield.

    Sorry I’ve not been on, the day has gone quickly!
    Tammy- nice to have you back! Hope you’ve survived the walk! Being in flat Suffolk, not used to hills either…& really well done with that 5lbs off! I did lose that in lockdown- & put it back on again ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Minols- well done with the decorating, hope Zoom Sunday school went well! And I hope the helpful IT person is back soon to take over!
    Dave- lovely to be cosy in a caravan in the rain- for a day, not a whole week ๐Ÿ˜ฑ It might not be as bad as they say, safe journey tomorrow! Is your stomach no better? Hope you get that ultrasound soon.
    Jean- hope that the viewings come to something & that they don’t get put off by the neighbour dispute…
    Nana- have you had a good day, seen family at all?
    Kay- was this the last day of your time off? How’s Neil’s mum?
    Mel- hope you’ve had a good day!
    Jason- you as well…
    Had a longer walk with Xena, Church & then saw mum this afternoon- normally sis does one day of the weekend, but she’s away. Fasting been okay today- the end is in sight! I think I’ll have a normal day tomorrow, then maybe see about doing a few days b2b 800 cals, or maybe go back to adf, will see. I know I’ve done 2 weeks of 800cal days before, but it’s felt really hard just doing one week this time!

    Yes it’s very hard two weeks. Still the same my stomach ๐Ÿ˜ฉ.Got used to the pain unfortunately.I will need another holiday after getting up early all next week. From what I can gather the phone signal is very poor where I am going tomorrow so will have to wait and see.

    Doing more mum calling with sis away ….nice walk, the forest bug will be here soon…Itโ€™s a worry…
    not really saying much on the neighbours, just they are new….as far as the solicitor is concerned itโ€™s over…he seems to get on with everyone else itโ€™s us he doesnโ€™t like..just one of those things.

    The signal is awful in the area, although WhatsApp seemed to be better..itโ€™s as you get to the sea, you might be lucky…I think itโ€™s how busy it was too, weekends worse.

    Jean x

    Evening everyone – not much to report today apart from the usual daily constitutional walk. Had some really heavy rain this afternoon but luckily got my washing dry before it started. Always change the bed on a Sunday think it’s because my mum always did. We’ve the friends who we go to Norwich with every July coming over tomorrow afternoon so will be cleaning and tidying up in the morning. Am aiming for a FD also tomorrow unless my friend and I decide to share a bottle of wine ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Tammy welcome back and well done on the 5 pounds off and the walking also.
    Dave have a good time away.
    Hedgehogs not seen any family today but have had my daily telephone chat with our daughter. Poppy not happy at being denied her titbits and grumbles at her and the son in law.
    Jean hope it’s good news tomorrow from the estate agent.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

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