You stay safe too Nana. I am sure your liver is fine. If mine is, and it was recently checked, yours must be!
No rain, hot as hell here.
This topic contains 36,353 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by Brads27 5 hours, 38 minutes ago.
Evening all!
Sounds like a good day by all the fasters! & too much work done by Jean & Steve again?! & Kay- hard work, glad you have one day off…
FD gone well & not too hungry 😁 pottered in the garden, a few small jobs so haven’t been too lazy!
Watching MM in a bit, I’ve done our Asda order so will plan meals & have an 800cal week next week. But also bought the ingredients to make some scones & will do a little cream tea for a couple of neighbours…& maybe us 😬
Evening All…
Jobs all finished, well the outside…start cleaning and removing bits tomorrow..Ready for Friday..
So hot here but no rain or thunder…22 degrees but Dave is hotter, going to a bad night for sleep fan already on upstairs..
Good luck on your tests tomorrow, I am sure you will be ok..lots of watering needed tonight…
I will take a photo of the harbour quite Bonny really…MM shortly…
I love scones, I cut the sugar will be watering too…I can’t believe how dark it is, creeping up now.
Hot for you tonight…
We will be fasting tomorrow…
Jean x
FD complete. Finished on 700 cals.
No work tomorrow but will need to get up earlyish to take Tara for a walk before it is meant to rain.
Need to do a bit of tidying up tomorrow too!
Hope everyone else did ok fasting today.
Not fasting tomorrow.
Next FD is due on Friday, will have to see if we are going up to the pub at the weekend, so if I need to rearrange days, I can plan for it.
Its dropped to 20 degrees outside, it did reach 30 this afternoon but the humidity has risen to 90%, I think rain on its way.
Its still 26 degrees inside, fan is full on still.
Hopefully will get some sleep as Im tired!
Catch you all tomorrow x
Morning All…
Miserable day here..needed a light fleece at the park…Steve gone off to dentist…
I shall tidy round, it’s all good, a lick and a promise, move any clutter if about, I don’t do clutter really. A few tee shirts to iron…hoping for a lazy day…
I think the weather is hitting your side first…I will like it cooler…Charlie is more livelier this morning I don’t think he likes the hot weather either….he is still off his food, hand feeding and pratting about with him and wasting a lot, I shall wait till he asks for it this morning, fast asleep now.
Enjoy your day off, take it steady…have some relaxing time….
You do stay up late 😂…what you do to get the first Good Morning in 😂
You were out early this morning, I was still lazy in bed when you came back….is there anyone else about in the forest at that time?
Daughters just rung to say she’s coming up about lunch time…must remember none for us 😬
Jean x
Morning- just!
Jean- hope you don’t keep finding bits to do, & can sit & enjoy daughter’s visit. Naughty Charlie & his food…hope your FD goes okay! Only saw one person this morning, a few cars in the car park though.
Dave- well done resisting beer! Any bowling today?
Nana- hope the blood tests come back okay…
Mel- hope your nonFD is good. How’s Jodie today, is it cooler for her?
Kay- hope you don’t get too much rain when you’re walking Tara. How far are your holiday plans getting?
DF- you’ve gone quiet, all okay?
Minols- hope you’re getting lots done with your free time?!
Cleaned both sets of french doors inside, hope the window cleaner will be back soon- he was taking a couple of weeks off as his wife was having a baby, thought he’d be back by now so will leave the outside, just did the frames…was so hot after that, still roasting here! Scones made- they have risen quite a bit, but spread too, not sure why?Mum’s coming round to have some later, will drop some off to neighbours too, waiting for asda delivery of clotted cream- so won’t be a low day for me!
Afternoon all. Lovely and cool here today so will take Jodie for a nice walk. She hasn’t been having much the last couple of days. Hairdresser this morning, the last of the dye from before lockdown gone. I am not so grey as I thought I was. Still undecided as to dying it again.
Was thinking this morning how bright eyed and bushy tailed I feel after a fast day. Haven’t eaten yet but going to have some avocado and goat cheese in a minute. One of HH’s scones would go down nicely after that! Curry and wine tonight.
Kay you definitely seem to be back in the zone again 🥰
Hi everyone
I’ve just signed up and I’m new to the 5:2 diet.
For the last year I’ve been on zero carb / very low calorie diet (Exante) and I’ve managed to lose three stone.
I’ve decided I need to find something that sustainable and the 5:2 diet seemed to be the best way forward.
I’m approaching the end of my first week and I seem to have put on weight rather than lost anything. I wasn’t expecting to start losing huge amounts of weight but I certainly wasn’t expecting to put weight on. If anything I’ve still been very cautious with what I’ve eaten and I’ve stayed away from anything that would be normally considered fattening.
I know that it’s not a quick fix but having been losing weight steadily for the last year to suddenly see weight going on is horrifying. Has anybody been in a similar situation or can anybody help because I’m in a slight panic? Thanks
Hi Jason! If you’ve started eating some carbs again, that will put weight on- carbs when converted & stored take more water, so that could explain it? I’ve done keto for 2 years now, although with lapses & I find quite a few pounds can go on quickly then. If it’s not carbs, then it could be that because you’ve been on a low cal diet a while, your body’s metabolism has slowed & adjusted to that, so now you’re eating more normally it’s more than you’re used to & being stored. Unfortunately if that’s the case I think you’ll have to stick with low carb, & accept a little gain. If you want tonstick to keto WOE, then check out the 2ketodudes forum; there’s lots of good research & info there about sorting your metabolism out. Good luck!
Thanks guys
I was afraid of that – although I did read that switching back to limited carbs shouldn’t be a big problem. I want to go back to carbs Because I think it’s unrealistic not to. I love nice bread and pasta for one thing! I am almost at my wits end at the prospect of putting a load of that weight back on during the transition to 5:2 and then being almost back at square 1. I’ll dive into the forum you recommend and see if I can find anything helpful.
Hi Jason and welcome. Re carbs, I think we all vary. I personally don’t know my TDEE and am just careful on non fast days. Also I think I lose weight while still eating carbs. I recognise that I lose weight quite easily compared to some people. We are all different but what I will say is you will get lots of support and make some good virtual friends on this site, if you stick with us.
Evening everyone a much better day today with the weather cooled down nicely here after a heavy downpour and thunderstorm that lasted over 2 hrs this morning and caused a lot of localised flooding around ours and the neighbouring villages.Sun came out for a while afterwards and then started to rain again with lots of heavy thunder.
Not been a bad day food wise but not a FD as I struggle to do them btb.
Hedgehogs went on patient online this afternoon to check test results but nothing shown as yet so will try again tomorrow.
Jean hope you had a good time with your daughter.
Welcome Jason hope you are able to find out what works best for you.
Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
Nana x
Evening all!
Poor Mum overdid it a bit in the heat I think & got too hot to come over. Neighbours liked the scones- didn’t realise but it was Margaret’s birthday today so that worked out well! Can finally get flour here so don’t mind baking for others! Still really hot here, & no rain, but has been flooding in west Suffolk. Lovely stir fry for dinner!
Hi everyone,
I’m still here, but unfortunately FD’s just haven’t happened for me this week, I’ve felt really emotional and had a bit of a meltdown yesterday. Feeling better today, but I’m writing this week off with regards to FD’s. I’ll be back into it Monday!!
It’s been a long week with one thing and another. Everything’s okay, it’s just me being exhausted I think.
Have a good weekend everyone, and I’ll be back on the fast train Monday!
DF- hugs to you, hard time for you at the moment, not surprising that FDs aren’t happening!
Jean- are the photos of your house being done today? Hope that goes well…hope you can have an easy day too, you seem to be working really hard. Hope it was nice to catch up with daughter too, & that she didn’t give you a hard time!
Dave- how did yesterday go? Have a good trip to MILs if you go…
Minols- you’ve been quiet again, very busy as usual I guess!
Kay- how’s fasting going with you? Can’t remember if today was a day off or work, hope it’s not too bad if you are working, changeover & cleaning day for cottages?
Mel- are you carrying on with ADF? Keep strong if you are…
Nana- hopefully no more flooding near you? & maybe get your tests results back today…takeaway tonight?
Not much sleep as we had several storms, still humid outside though. A few jobs to do & seeing mum today as I didn’t yesterday. Hoping for a FD, but not feeling very committed!
Morning All..
A dull warm day but more comfortable ..a village walk this morning and the boys eaten his dinner. Hooray!
The estate agent ladies are coming pm to take photos, chat and get it up for sale while away…so soon be checking around the house and moving Charlie’s bed and his toys….so 🤞will the panic then set in 😂
I have lost just over 1 lb this week, Steve put 1lb on missing his FD yesterday joining daughter in a sandwich and biscuits?? Why!
Welcome, I can’t help you with what you have been doing but a well done to the weight lost…I know this way of life works maybe you will be a bit unbalanced before it settles into a new pattern. We like to eat everything in moderation, smaller portions on smaller dinner plates, fasting twice a week with no carbs…it works for us.
Lots of rain for you, none here as yet…hoping your results come through soon…daughter is still waiting for hers from when she was in hospital, I think it’s about 5 weeks now not quick at all.
Enjoy your walk today..
Hope your Mum feels better today..glad the scones worked in well for the birthday.
It’s fine it happens..lots going on for you…we are away tomorrow I don’t know if I am fasting on Monday or not, possibly miss the holiday week out?? …Steve won’t fast on holiday!
Have a good day everyone..
Jean x
Morning all, yes HH I am sticking to ADF so another 800 day today, although must admit I am not feeling over enthusiastic. Feel well though, and realised I will have had three vegetarian days on the trot. Not planned but probably good for me, although I wouldn’t say we eat a lot of meat at all.
DF go easy on yourself. Definitely no fast days!
Jean, five weeks and no results. That is bad surely even in these days. Has she chased? I wouldn’t dream of fasting on holiday I am afraid, particularly when you haven’t been away for a while. But you are a better woman than me 😂.
Nana, yes B2Bs are hard although I managed a few last year. Not attempting at the moment.
I am hungry……
Jean- well done on the pound off! I definitely wouldn’t fast on holiday either, not like you’ve had many breaks this year! Hope Charlie doesn’t get upset at things being moved…
Dave- well done with 2lbs off! 👍 Have a good day, hope MILs well…
Mel- keep strong fasting buddy! & enjoy the veggieness!
Jason- nice to have new ‘faces’! Whereabouts are you?
Doing okay so far, jobs done, spent a while training & playing with Xena in the garden, she’s been a bit subdued, probably just the heat…
Hi All,
Well I used to do this 2 years ago but have truly fell off the wagon working at home during COV19. Started this again this week along with some exercise and already on day 3 feeling better. How is everyone dealing with this being stuck at home?
Ali (I live in London which has been unbearably hot!)
Afternoon All…
So hot now..
Well……. we have signed up and up for sale..sign going up Wednesday….😬 we will either go or stop??
Getting the things together for tomorrow’s travels, got to get my head around it all..
Well done on your 2 lbs off..good to get moving potatoes, home cooked ham and salad for tonight…we will be eating out next week if we can or do you book no idea….
Good idea to weigh after your second fast day, the next morning….I find you are at your lightest 😂..hope it works out for you..
Just packed Steves beer and two bottles of wines..looks like no fasting 😂…Louise is just waiting, she has chased it but could be up to two months?? Why!
Charlie ate his dinner this morning, hope it continues…he was a good boy while the girls were here…he seems ok at the moment…
You are always so busy yourself…
Good to gave you back on board come and join our group…it’s been a long 6 months and it’s not getting much easier….
Have a good weekend everyone…
Jean x
Hi all!
Welcome to you Ali! I’m in Suffolk, ridiculously hot here too, even after storms last night! I’ve lost & put back on the same 6lbs twice I think in lockdown 😂. I lost 2 stone in a few months doing ADF, but haven’t found maintaining easy!!
Jaon-the-not-newbie- nice part of the world, but I would miss the sea!
Dave- not surprised MIL gets fed up…what fish are you having? Very good not having chips with it!
Jean- big decision! How does Covid affect viewing, can you be there? Wiping down after people have been- Steve still needs to be careful!
Mel- how’s your FD?
Our excitement for the day was a baby pigeon coming into the kitchen! There was lots of flapping going on, Xena was very excited but luckily didn’t try to get it! Caught it in & towel & popped it in the veg patch where it would be safe! Games done with Mum, some interesting words again! Fasting going okay, surprisingly 😁
Mask on when viewing, supposed to be down to 10 mins to view but we shall ignore that, we were here a hour when we bought this house…I shall wipe down touch surfaces …
Test the water see how we go…
Lovely to save the pigeon something we would do….we got a ladder out last year our good neighbour helped to put a House Martin back which has fallen out of its nest…
Hope the haddock when down well…a bit of chocolate later for us….started the bar last Friday so being good 😇
Jean x
Hi All, sounds like you are all doing really well! I fasted yesterday which was ok but my family always want a meal in the evening. It was easy when it was only my husband and I but his teenage son moved in last summer and eats 4 x what a normal human eats ( and is so slim – so unfair!) I used to just adapt things but it’s difficult watching someone eat 12 tacos in front of you! Any tips? I see people are doing ADF – does that eirk quicker than 5:2? Happy Saturday everyone!
Morning all!
Kim- hi & welcome to our group! I love Cornwall, I guess you are fed up with us tourists now, no social distancing when we went to St Ives the 1st week after lockdown, it was mayhem!
Ali- I think my metabolism is messed up, I can’t lose with 5:2, so I do ADF, it does come off quicker. Mine comes back on quick too though, so maybe slow & steady is better?! I have a 19yr old & 21 yr old, both can eat huge amounts, so I know how hard it is fasting & cooking for others! (Tbf my two do often go without eating at work if they’re busy though!)
Jason- good luck with your FD today, I think you said you were fasting today?
Jean- hope your packing & journey go well, & that the caravan’s good! 😇 making a bar of chocolate last all week!
Dave- any bowling today, or are you watching sport? Think the weather’s supposed to be nice for you today?
Mel- enjoy your food today! Cooler now for Jodie!
Kay- hope you get through work quickly & were you trying out the pub tonight?
DF- hope you have a good weekend…
Minols- very quiet, hope you haven’t gone AWOL?!
Nana- hope you had a good evening if you saw your friends, think you’re getting lots of rain today?
Got wet taking Xena out, was out at 6.30, walking for 90mins, home & tried off, hubby was still fast asleep! Definitely not a FD, nor a low day, eldest has asked for another cheesecake!
Have a good weekend!
Good morning, HH yes yet another sunny day here. Watching cricket all day then football tonight,so that’s Saturday taken care of.Take Heidi out in between.Its a bit cooler than of late but still not. Jean hope you have a lovely holiday.Only 10 days until mine.I hope all you newbies like this way of life and lose whatever you want to lose.
Hi all, lots of new names!
Ali welcome ! I was down London way last week and it certainly was hot, back in cooler Lincolnshire now. I am doing ADF (on 800 cals) and lost two stone last year which I have kept off, but struggling with last half a stone.
Jason how was yesterday? Did you stick to lower carbs? Cheers for a good fast day today.
And Kim, I am an old SW hand too but much prefer this. And no money. With classes and magazines over the years I would hate to know how much money I have put in their coffers.
Just for info – 63 married to Paul, mum to Jodie the standard poodle. Happily retired.
Yes Minols very quiet, and Endellion. Are you ok Endellion? I know you were feeling a bit low.
Managed yesterday’s FD800 but struggled a bit in the afternoon. Going to enjoy my food today with some wine tonight and then another FD Sunday. Wasn’t going to weigh myself yet but my friend that I mentioned earlier is doing ADF with me and wants a weigh in on Monday. She is doing ok on fast days but I know she has chocolate and Magnums in the fridge, lives alone, and has zero willpower.
Cheers to the rest of you and will catch up later.
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7:00 pm
12 Aug 20