Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • My seeds have arrived..5 full packets for £6.20, very impressed…ironing to do the sort my seeds out.
    My last packet was so small for £3…

    Watching James Martin…😀

    Jean- good your seeds have come- I did order some from Premier Seeds, they’ve come quickly too, good value. Great you had a nice long walk with no beasts…how is Steve today? Your dinner sounds good, hope it turns out well!
    Dave- are you feeling okay today, how’s the throat?
    Nana- hope that your fish & chips were good…
    Kay- did you have a nice lazy afternoon?
    Endellion- how long are you off for or are you already back to work already?
    Page has turned…hope everyone else is okay?
    Funny morning- found out from a friend that Tesco had delivery slots, so managed to get one for a week’s time, & did my order- have to say their site’s alot easier to use than Asda’s, although only getting 80 items isn’t that much with hungry boys!! So Xena had a late walk, then cooked a brunch for son, & did some cleaning…& half the day is gone! Cloudy & not so warm here today, so don’t mind doing indoor jobs!

    Evening All…

    Very hot here I actually got outside and started a book, for a couple of hours …two lovely walks, a glass of G & T in the garden…lazy ! but nice…

    My pork dinner was very nice, unfortunately the butcher took the crackling off, my favourite bit, it was still lovely..
    I have three lots of seeds started, I will do the others tomorrow one needs peat and the other is sprouting ?? That’s new to me, just keep rinsing every 12 hours until a mat forms about 5 days.
    I could do with a Tesco slot, I don’t think they are starting anyone new…must look again.

    We are having a pizza delivery saves me cooking, once in a while I don’t mind…not quite fish and chips…must be 6 months since I had one.

    Have a good evening..

    Jean x

    Just thinking…it’s the very first time I have had a take away food delivery 😂…all exciting…isolation may change our lives 😂…x

    Wish it was fish and chips ☹️

    Jean- I know… the excitement this morning of getting a delivery slot! Takeaway pizza- yum! Our nearest pizza place has a food hygiene rating of 1, nephews have been ill twice after having it, we’ll give them a miss! I didn’t think we could have a tesco delivery as they’re not taking new customers, but as we have an account for clubcard points & vouchers it accepted that as being a returning customer!
    Just waiting for youngest to get hime to do dinner- he should’ve been home at 4pm…I don’t know why he doesn’t take a sleeping bag & live there!!

    Evening everyone it’s been a lovely afternoon here after a full and chilly start to the day. A BBQ this afternoon and I’ve enjoyed a glass or two of wine.
    Jean hope the pizza was good.
    Hedgehogs hope son wasn’t too long before he got home.
    Going to watch a few more episodes of The Crown series on Netflix this evening as husband is asleep in his chair after more than one glass of wine.
    Nana x

    Morning All…
    Dull here but brightening up…

    Steves having a drive to the park with me…if quiet he might have a walk..he needs to keep his muscle strength up….

    I have Tesco points so I should be able to get a delivery..always no slots now to 6th May…pizza was very nice I popped in the oven, we like things hot and to kill any bugs!…when do they release slots any idea?

    I had a drink outside it was so nice…I have one piece of flapjack to eat other than that it will be low food day…eaten far far too much…bbq sounded nice..

    Mario and Mano…bob off we do it our way and it works!!….go away!!

    Enjoy today weathers on the change…

    Jean x

    Lovely morning here, an early walk, good timing as when I got back to the car there were several people just arriving…Church service online in a minute. Roast for us not really the weather for it!
    Jean- Tesco put extra slots on at random times, I guess maybe if they get extra staff in? They’ve put some on early on a Saturday morning a couple if weeks running- my BIL has the app on his phone, he checks it regularly through the day!
    Nana- enjoy your garden & the last of the good weather!
    Dave- are Heidi’s legs okay again?
    Minols- will your sermon be done in the garden again?
    Hope everyone else is okay!

    Bedding on line and ironing done not a lot…flapjack now finished…

    Steve did one round of the park then I continued on to do another, a lovely morning…a bit cloudy now but warm…rain expected for a couple of hours at 4pm.

    Must keep looking at strange times then…it would be nice if you can add on until delivery…enjoy your meal, snack tonight keeping low…

    Jean x

    Evening everyone have made the most of todays weather as the forecast is showing rain coming in the next few days. A FD planned for tomorrow but not been to bad today all though I do have some wine to finish off later.
    Stay safe everyone.
    Nana x

    Happy Sunday everyone!

    CW – sorry, I missed your post the other day! Hope you’re well. The cancelling holidays thing is a pain and I hear every company is doing their best to encourage you to rebook rather than refund. Because that way they don’t lose money… but you’re still fully entitled to ask them to refund you regardless if that’s preferable. It’ll just be very slow…
    Doing my best to stay safe. Handcream is my absolute best friend. And we’re very lucky receiving lots of lovely healthy food donations for the staff too. Had a smokey lentil soup today from a local restaurant that they’d handed over.

    Jean – another 6 months still for hair?! Looks like I’ll be getting the clippers out on my brother shortly… Hope the pizza was good! Feels like this weird time is bringing a lot of firsts for all of us. Mainly in positive ways, I hope.

    Nana – ooh, fish and chips! Lovely. Hope it was delicious. And a bbq – you’re making me so jealous!

    HH – hooray for the seeds! And a beautiful day for a walk today. I think I actually caught the sun a little bit! I was back in today – I do 4 days on, 3 days off, at the moment. But Sundays are a ‘short’ day though, and I’m home not much after 3. So there was time to make caipirinhas and sit outside. Best thing I learnt from Brazil!

    Feeling positive this week. I’m such a sun baby! Hoping the upcoming bad weather doesn’t last too long… and I’ll be fasting tomorrow too x

    Had a bit of a sit in the sun, popped to Mum’s for a cuppa, her garden is very pretty & less overlooked than ours…she was a bit of a grumbly mood though!
    Roast chicken cooked, on time for a change 😂. Cheesecake should be eaten tonight, I’ll be fasting too tomorrow.

    Morning all!
    Is it a mass Monday fast today? Hope everyone stays strong!

    Morning everyone!

    HH – sounds like a lovely day yesterday. The sun was just amazing!

    Joining on the fasting today and sipping a black coffee on my first break. Maybe I’m imagining it but my trousers feel like they’re roomier than two weeks ago…

    Stay strong everyone and hope you have lovely days

    Morning All…
    Dull day, early walk with Oreo at the park.

    I am fasting today a dash to the park so no breakfast, that’s good.

    We have had to come to the hospital, Steve I think has foliculitus (can’t spell) extremely large bumps and itching, his hair has come out and we razored some off. There must be over 50, we have tried to calm it down it’s so hot too.. it’s a bit better but driving him crazy, the cancer nurse giving us a curtesy call this morning told him to come to the ward. He has nothing to fight any bugs with, may need antibiotics. Sat in the car waiting, book to read could be ages..

    Looking good on a bit of give in your trousers..have a good strong day…

    My seeds are starting to grow..cress soon starts.. my sprouting seeds seem strange, see how they go, rinse without disturbing them??? I rinsed and scattered them back.. might be a throw away job 😂
    Have a lovely walk.

    We have been spoilt change of weather.. not too bad today.

    Are you ok now.. chin up don’t let them upset you..all good intentions..

    Keep strong all the fasters..

    Jean x

    Jean- poor Steve, hope they can give him something, a worry. His nurse does seem to be really helpful though…
    Endellion- great that your trousers seem looser already!
    Will have to be a few 800cal FDs I think, looking in the fridge at what needs using up!

    Afternoon ..
    Home again…given antibiotics and a huge E45 cream dispenser, got my eye on that 😂…he got into trouble should of contacted them sooner..they are so busy you don’t want to bother them..

    Just having a cuppa a bit hungry but fine…Steve eating sandwich and chocolate biscuits.!!…chilli chicken tonight…

    The two nurses are great, we have even moved from their area now, they said they would help with anything if we need any help just ask….just a curtesy call this morning and she sorted and had a nurse waiting to be bleeped to meet him on the cancer ward.

    Keep strong everyone..

    Jean x

    Glad Steve’s back…& tucking in! Hard when you’re fasting though!
    Didn’t feel like tackling any big jobs today, so have just done a little in the garden, started some seeds off, & done the ironing. Chuffed that I found somewhere local to get more compost- have nearly got through the 3 sacks I bpught at the start of lockdown! Paid by card & they left it at the entrance for us!
    Fasting okay, a salad tonight.

    Tucking in ..is that the same word for stuffing his self ..😂..goodness he’s got a good appetite…

    Looks like you have been very busy with all this compost…makes my three trays and a pot looks very small lol…little steps and all that….is it for plants as well as salad stuff..

    Sat out a while it’s been really hot, a few clouds too making it more comfortable…

    Hungry now..chicken in oven…5.30 pm meal it’s on a timer..

    Jean x

    Kitchen closed…all very nice…. good job I had my glasses on, everything looked larger 😂


    Glad you got a big load of cream, Jean…sounds si painful and annoying for Steve.

    Everyone seems to have been enjoying the weather and being busy at the weekend.

    Mine was a manic load of nerves from a work point of view and sadness at home…my mother in law died in the early hours of Saturday. It’s a weird enough experience anyway but in these circumstances especially so.

    Kept things light today…but have a secret stash of nuts I should maybe go public with.


    Minols- so sorry to hear about mother-in-law, awful timing at the moment. Sorry for your hubby too…look after yourself, hugs to you.
    Jean- good idea, glasses on! The compost is all outside stuff- 7 big tubs of potatoes & one tub of lettuce so far, have beans to plant & will do more tubs of lettuce in stages, courgettes to plant out soon too. The shoots will all be grown on germination papers in trays indoors, so don’t need compost for that. I’ve started some cosmos seeds off too- Mum was really disappointed that she couldn’t get any this year.
    Dinner eaten now, & a few strawberries for pud, my kitchen is actually closed too!

    So sorry to hear on Mother in law, not good at anytime but especially now…you deserve some nuts, a small handful…

    Must look at germination papers not heard of those…you have lots going on outside..I haven’t much of an idea how to do things, daughter said pea shoots are nice…it’s growing enough but not too much..I couldn’t get micro lettuce seeds…potatoes sounds good, with all of us not going away we can look after them all…

    Jean x

    Evening everyone, sorry to hear about your mother in law Minols condolences to all of you.
    Jean a worry with Steve but it’s good to hear he’s eating well. Weather much cooler and less sunny here today so no sitting outside today. Went for our walk at seven this morning as husband was convinced it was going to rain- not good for me getting up so early especially on a FD.
    Hedgehogs you’ve been busy with your gardening I tried growing courgettes last year as I was given a spiraliser together with a packet of courgette seeds as a birthday present but only managed to grow two.
    Dave how are you feeling today better I hope.
    Well done to those of you who fasted today.
    Take care everyone and be safe.
    Nana x

    Done a fast day ok.Feeling better today. Been busy on the tech stuff all day. I have been watching Star Trek Voyager on season 2 at the end of it almost just a few episodes to go. Been going to bed between 1.30 and 2am.

    Evening everyone!

    Jean – sorry to hear about Steve… sounds very painful. But glad you have what sounds like a solution.
    HH – sounds like a good fast day for you. And relatively productive too.
    Minols – such sad news for you. So sorry to hear it. Sending best wishes to you and your family.
    Nana – it’s a shame the sun seems to have gone in for a while! I was enjoying it! Rain from here on…
    Dave – good work on the fast and keeping busy. Best way to go.

    Have done today’s 12 hours at work. 12 on 12 off for the next few days, phew! And I’m beyond grateful for the food donations we’re receiving! Today brought me a delicious and huge portion of vegan sausage, onion gravy and mash, surprisingly for only 350 calories. It’s heaven being able to bring something wholesome home, and just bung it in the oven while I shower. FD completed with some broccoli and a little bit of leftover soup.

    Looking forward to a proper latte tomorrow and a bagel!


    So sorry to hear about your Mother in law Minols, thibking if you all.

    Loving hearing about all your green fingers, I’ve ordered some bedding plants, compost and hanging basket to be delivered. H tends to do the growing, I much prefer weeding to planting. Think he’s got a few flowers but also rhubarb, asparagus, potatoes and onions – I think.

    Hope Steve ok, Jean. So discomforting on top of everything else. Feel for him.

    Ventured out to Sainsbury’s, no queues so all ok. Scuttled safely back inside for another week.

    I’m in no hurry to end lockdown until it’s safe. My girls are ok but missing them so much. Wish I could visit mum and dad though, one half of me thinks that if I pop up, sit in the garden and don’t eat or drink anything then the risk is minimal. The other part of me know they are ok, they have each other and we should manage with FaceTime just for a little while longer. I’m sure they will start allowing cautious family visits soon.

    Woof seems a bit unwell. Hard to say what it is as he’s eating ok, he just seems a bit down and less energetic than usual. Since lockdown he’s started getting up in the middle of the night to go outside. It started every other night and now it’s every night between 1 & 5 am. He does always need to ‘go’ if you know what I mean. He’s well walked during the day and we’ve been taking him out for a last turn just before bed but it’s as if his clock has broken. They are so sensitive, am sure he knows the world isn’t right.

    Salad for tea tonight. Was supposed to be fasting but I knew as soon as I got up, it just wasn’t going to happen. Project butterfly seems to have stalled. Still half a stone down so hope I can shift a few more.

    Take care all


    Morning all…a yucky time to be up!
    Minols- I’m sure you’ll have lots to do right now, so a few extras might be needed…
    Endellion- 12hr shifts are hard work! Enjoy your nonFD today, glad you’re being looked after for food at work!
    Jean- hope things improve for Steve…
    Dave- well done on the FD yesterday, you were quiet!
    Nana- will definitely be raining today, so probably not out as early as yesterday! You did well fasting too!
    Cakey- hope Woof settles, Xena is just enjoying having the boys about, but she has occasional nights where she needs to go out in the early hours. Shame project butterfly has stalled- hope you can get back into fasting soon. I agree about not lifting lockdown too soon- but definitely noticing more people about here, a few neighbours have had family round in the garden, naughty youngest son keeps going out for a drive as he’s bored, I would imagine that alot of younger people have been getting together.
    Woke up early & hungry, it looked bright so thought I’d get up & try to beat the rain but it was already wet. Was going to do another 800 day (although yesterday ended up at 600) but that’s not going to happen now!
    Have as good a day as you can all…

    Morning All..
    Back from our walk…on my own this morning..fleece and jacket on…

    Kitchen morning, just made my dip for lunch, 2 fruit cakes to make for Steve shortly…nothing much else to do just prepare dinner Chicken chasseur tonight.

    Turned quite chilly here and dull…rain I think tomorrow…have you been out for your morning walk..

    Glad you are feeling better today…

    You do long shifts 12 hours are long…are you a nurse?..if so I didn’t realise….lovely people are sending you food in, it must be…missing nice not to cook…missing my lattes and cafes..keep safe..

    Your growing of plants sound good too…is mum and dad close to you?…my daughter sat in the garden for half a hour when she dropped some food off, a good ten feet apart, a quick cuppa then she went.
    Steves still itching a lot but the bumps look a lot better, not really calming down much.
    Woof sounds sensitive to what’s going on, it must seem a bit upside down to them, you being home more. Charlie gets upset on the hospital visits, very sensitive..is it the smell we bring home, his last mum who died may of had these smells.
    Hope you can get back into your fasting, it’s difficult times..

    Lots of more people out and about around us, 4 walkers where in the park keeping fit, were on top of each other, foreign, I told them to separate which they did..I told them the police were about ..I noticed today they were still separate….it’s people like them what closes the parks…roads seem busier too.
    You were up early, I was awake having a cuppa at 6 it seems to be my wake up time…my grandsons are both bored, keep jumping to do the shopping 😂 makes a change…

    We were talking about lots of people starting and disappearing off the blog, you wonder if they continue to fast or just stop as they can’t continue with it…you get friendly then they are gone again…I do think about a lot of them, wondering how they all are and doing…..

    Must get this cake on…keep the boy happy…

    Have a good day….

    Jean x

    Good morning, talking about missing people, Steve where are you??Need more men on here. Shopping soon at Sainsbury’s.There are definitely more people and cars out and about and younger ones too close to each other.What we need is 8 weeks of rain to keep them indoors. HH I will have to make more noise today 😁maybe post a video😜😬🤯😈👿🤬😡.

    A wet walk with Xena, then cleaned out my utility room, got rid of some stuff, still looks a bit cluttered but better than it was, & cleaner! Just had some lunch & will wash the kitchen floor in a minute. Found some bird food, a fat block, not sure if it’d be okay, quite old now?!

    Have the fat block on toast 😄

    Spit spotting of rain but got back before it starts..quite chilly fleece and coat on….

    Lazy day really, reading a bit…feels strange I never seem to have time…Charlie on a high today wanting to play all day, no Oreo this morning it really shows…

    Chicken chasseur ready so eating shortly…two fruit cakes made maturing with their whiskey for the week.

    Steve seems to have disappeared hope he’s ok..it’s a worry..

    I would put the bird block out they won’t eat it if it’s not right….looks like a busy day for you…

    Jean x

    I am here Jean,third post on here today. The wall socket is very dodgy so just ordered a new one.it’s a double socket with 2 usb connections on it also. Hope I can fit it otherwise will have to get a spark in.

    The socket is just the usual three wires, the usb are live all the time…we have a double with usb in our utility, and my side in the bedroom…really good.

    All quiet on here…

    Quite a large meal, a light day tomorrow…

    Jean x

    Yes just hope it fits. The wires are very short. I did some research and this one fitted the best. It’s for the kettle and coffee machine, was looking for one Alexa enabled but think they were all to big to fit. I have smart plugs anyway so I can use that if I want. Chicken and green beans plus a baked spud on the table now. 🤤

    Dave- enjoy your dinner! Hope you get the plug/ socket fitted, & no shocks! My mum got a big shock once from the cooker, threw her on the floor, but she was okay, somehow! Don’t quite fancy the fat block myself…
    Jean- enjoy the chicken! Sounds like you’ve been fairly busy too…Xena is very plsyful at the moment, keeps shoving toys at me, especially if I’m in the garden. Son is playing with her every day too.
    Had a veggie carbonara for dinner, with Naked noodles instead of pasta, yum! Eaten too much again today, back to fasting tomorrow.

    Morning all!
    Hope everyone’s okay today, & anyone fasting with me?

    Morning All…
    A dreary day…a bit of drizzle but can’t complain…out of seven days raining for six from today….☹️

    Hoping for a low day fasting tomorrow…see how I go….nothing planned as yet…..three lots of seeds sprouting 😀

    Going for our walk speak later…

    Jean x

    Morning all – been up hours but managed to put off porridge until now!

    The boy is now my trainer, and tody’s run jumped suddenly up to 20 mins from 2x8mins! He was brilliant! Kept me going throughout, had me goin gfaster at the end to beat someone else – she’s nowhere as good as you, mum! Can’t quite believe I did it, but it’s answered any worries I have that he might be about to turn into a couch potato! So proud of him!

    Now I need to do him the same favour and get his backside into my study to do a few hours of school work!

    And probably I should do some work too!


    CW – you’re right, I think it won’t be too long til they start letting us do small family visits and even close friends as long as numbers are limited. My friend lives in Austria where they went into a strict lockdown and a few weeks before us too. From last Friday they were allowed to visit close family. So there’s hope!

    Jean – I recently started as a ward host as they needed more staff during all this. Normally I do hostessing at parties and events but as you can imagine there’s none of that going on right now!

    Hahaha Dave – the thought of a birds fat block on toast made me laugh a lot. Coming from someone who loves really buttery toast over here it sounds quite nice you know… I think fasting is getting to me…

    HH – wow, always keeping so busy! That carbonara sounds glorious as well.
    I’m fasting with you today. Feeling hungry but hoping for some kind scales tomorrow…

    Minols – wow, your boy sounds a star! People pay a lot of money for PTs and sounds like he really drew the best out of you. Great to hear!

    Last shift of the week! “Weekend” starts tomorrow!
    Hope everyone has a lovely day x

    I think you should have got the trainer out sooner, if he is cracking the whip…hope he keeps pushing you on…well done….school work now ..

    What is a Ward Host?…not heard of that…I thought you were more into events…a wine or two needed for your weekend off….you deserve it

    Miserable here very dull….it looks like a lazy day 😀

    Jean x

    Good afternoon, it’s cold today, had my big cost on and a woolly hat.Raining now so good timing taking Heidi out.Weighin tomorrow,I am positive I have put on weight so need a new plan. Denise is watching a film so I have got my laptop out.

    Minols- sounds like your trainer did a good job with the running! Hope he appreciates your help with the school work!
    Endellion- hope your FD & last shift go well…good for you working so hard. Are you living with your parents right now, or have you not been able see them?
    Jean- hope Charlie doesn’t get bored & pester you too much this afternoon. Great that the seeds are sprouting already, I have some tiny sprouts appearing on my cress seeds already too.
    Dave- how’s Denise & SIL?
    Had an extra long walk with Xena in the drizzle, then tackled cleaning all the dining room chairs, the cushions are looking a bit worse for wear, would like to get them recovered. Was going to see Mum but she’s keeping herself busy painting the study! Ordered some meat from a local butchers- they’re really expensive so don’t use them too often, but hoped it would be quieter, hubby said that there were a few in the shop when he picked it up. They have my favourite cheese too!
    Fasting going okay so far…
    Hope everyone else is okay!

    This afternoon has been hard! Very hungry & was a bit stressed trying to update our Tesco order; got locked out at one point! Managed it in the end, plus have a slot for next week too. Nearly blew the FD but should be an 800 one.
    Hope everyone else is okay?!

    Evening everyone, been a very cold day here but at least it’s stopped raining now.
    Hedgehogs been having problems with getting a slot for an Iceland delivery slot but managed to get one for tomorrow eventually and then our internet started acting up whilst I was doing the shop but luckily got there in the end.
    Jean are the antibiotics and cream helping Steve now.
    Well done to those of you who completed a FD today. I’m hoping to be successful with a FD tomorrow. Just had an update on my cousin and she’s still testing for Coronavirus so the hospital is making her stay in hospital for another two weeks.
    Have a good evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Morning all!
    Nana- your poor cousin, hope she can get home soon…I’m glad I’m not the only one who has trouble with the online shopping! Have you still been going out for walks with the rsin? At least it’s kept it quieter! Hope your fast goes well today!
    Jean- how’s Steve, is he improving at all? I guess you’re fasting today, hope Steve’s fruit cake doesn’t tempt you.
    Not fasting today, want to try my cheese! Not feeling very strong this week, I daren’t get on the scales!
    Will walk Xena in a minute while it’s sunny, seeing mum this afternoon & getting a fruit & veg delivery.

    Morning all – another interrupted night…feeling the lack of sleep. I thought I’d got back into a better pattern. Oh well, worked so hard at tech yesterday that I can take it a little easier today and do ‘softer’ people type jobs, hopefully.

    HH – love our butcher. He is certainly more expensive than Tesco, but the quality is streets ahead, and since all this started, they’ve put in a really good delivery system and order ahead system, too.. And they only allow 4 in the shop at once and have worked out an ‘aisle’ system. THey’re doing everything possible to minimise risk and their haggis truffles are worth it, anyway!

    So here’s my confession – not really goin gnear the scales, not really fasting, just trying to get lots of exercise and not eat madly…in fairness, I should probably be kicked off the site – but I’ve known you all so long, I don’t think youd’s do that too me (winning smile, batting my eye lashes)…and anyway, I probably know where all the bodies are buried!


    Morning All…
    A very bright but cool day…

    I am fasting…hope there’s a few more with ne….

    Steve is joining me at the park possibly to do a half an hour one round, hoping not too many people about.

    Good luck on your weigh in…hat and coat for me yesterday but I walked between showers ..how is Denise and SIL..

    Good you got another Iceland slot….I am debating whether to risk a Aldi shop at the right time…I need a look about for food…in another week or so..
    Steves head is still has bumps and itching, I think it looks better but he says not..only low dose antibiotics.

    I didn’t pick up your cousin in hospital, I thought she was at home, hope she soon becomes clear it’s a worry.

    Steves generally quite well just maybe 4 days absolutely shattered, pretty good better than I thought..we are at his third cycle of chemo next week, it soon has come around again. I can keep off the cake just a odd piece, still unopened as yet…hope the scales are kind to you..

    We don’t mind you staying with us..do you want a kick up the bum??..still eating healthy and exercise I think counts…shall we call it loose maintaining 😂…give you a few weeks off then we will moan you back!!..I always think you struggle when the boy is off school..no excuse when he’s back…that’s an order!!

    I love good butchers but the cost makes me do Tesco/Aldi..shame really you can tell the difference..

    Well walk time…good luck to any fasters with me…

    Jean x

    Morning everybody! Bit of expected sun coming out this morning – very pleased about that!

    Jean – ward host is the person who’s in charge of all the food. So taking round breakfast, teas, taking orders and preparing lunch and dinners, etc… And generally having a bit of a chat with the patients. At least, that’s how it works at the hospital I’m in.
    Good luck with the fast, and enjoy the walk.

    HH – I’m back with my parents at the moment! I was living with my ex before I went to South America. And since I don’t know how long all this is going to last, I figured saving up a bit of money for now before I figure out next moves is probably sensible.
    Think my FD yesterday ended up around 700-800 as well. But I always find on Wednesday I’m a lot more depleted, after fasting just two days before. Sometimes I think that extra something, like a bowl of soup, helps me sleep better that second FD. It’s still a big deficit, so be proud!
    Stay positive, and enjoy that delicious cheese. It’ll taste even better after that FD yesterday.

    Nana – fingers crossed for your cousin.

    Minols – Won’t report you, promise! Haha! Sounds like you’re doing everything right, to be honest!

    Feeling very tired today… Body playing catch-up, I think. Planning on just resting, watching Netflix, maybe walking to the shop for filo pastry if I find the energy… I want to make baklava!


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