Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Might try a FD tomorrow Minnols, definitely doing one Thursday.

    Thanks we need all the luck…

    Charlie only needs 3 lbs better than leaving him and needing more to loose..he will still have a few treats.

    I think the dog trainer is great…pick his better ideas…I will look at my list for you.

    Jean x

    I’m fasting tomorrow, I am doing 500 HH, FD not the problem, its NFD’s, I get to this time of night and my brain starts thinking of nibbles and occasionally vodka, my friend gave me a packet of cheddar and chilli oat bites, which we had at a gin tasting a while ago and I loved them, she was there again at the weekend and got me them, they are sitting on the table whispering my name!!!! This is when I am weak.
    Tammy x

    Updated list..
    Add on to your bits only if you want too…hope I haven’t missed anyone..

    Fat Busting Brits…16

    Symba7..(Jean and Steve)…lives near Selby, Yorkshire, retired, likes caravanning, 4 year old Charlie the Dalmatian, Jean in maintaining zone, Steve 9 lbs to loose….4 daughters, two each, 6 grandchildren and five grand dogs.

    Kay…partner Neil, lives in Cornwall

    Minols..in Scotland, hubby and son, one old dog

    Hedgehog…..lives Suffolk, veggie..hubby and 2 sons..Xena the golden Lab

    Brad27…(Dave)…with Denise his wife, lives Manchester area, son and daughter, Heidi German Shepherd

    Cakey Wakey…from Durham (near Newcastle), golden retriever, husband and 2 grown up girls…

    Melfish…(Mel) ..hubby Paul..Jodie the standard poodle dog..lives in Lincolnshire near Horncastle

    Nanafixit…((Nana) with Dave and grown up daughter. Lives 6 miles from Cambridge .. poppy grand dog

    Annabelle…lives South


    Typhoo…from Scotland

    Caspdexy……(Tammy)..married with a 15yr old daughter and Beanie the cat 7 months.

    DF..( Kay) Holidays in Camper van, partner Steve, Manchester area.

    Sarah57…(Sarah)…from Brighton on the South coast..8 year old finnish laphund called Gretel. Dora the shy black cat.

    Crispsandwich..(Cath) from Yorkshire

    I’m on for tomorrow too. All these dogs we have between us! Gretel is a good traveller. We’ve taken her to Scotland several times and she’s travelled through France with us too.

    Fingers crossed for all us fasters tomorrow and that everyone else is able to keep it as low as they need.

    Night night

    Jean. Miracle memory!!!


    I’ve been a vegetarian now for around 17 years and can honestly say I don’t miss the taste or a anything else about meat.

    I do make a very nice pasta dish with spinach sweet corn and chickpeas with a sauce i make with tinned tomatoes onion peppers and can’t forget plenty of garlic and mixed tube herbs.

    Hi, quick post!

    Busy day for me…houses at builders clean stage so pealing stickers off windows, wiping paintwork down, brushing out dust etc!
    Very different..lol

    Tomorrow Im up early as being picked up at 6 😱
    More of the same type of work but quite a drive away. We get paid from when we picked up though so will make it a decent days pay!

    I fasted until I got home at 4ish but I did have some ryvita thins and blue cheese…yum and we had fish pie for tea although I did have rather a large portion!

    Remember the collective pebbles in a jar is just a virtual one we do together.
    Good idea about the pound coins peeps!

    Well done fasters!

    Good luck tomorrow.

    Nana I will add your 2lbs from last week to the progress list.

    Dave, you’ve given too much away about Dracula!! 🤣
    Joking.. now I dont think Ill bother..lol



    Brilliant list Jean, thank you for sharing. Thought I’d better show my face and say hello, especially with such a growing group.

    I’m stuck at the same weight I’ve been for last 12m, beginning to think scales stuck as not even seeing daily fluctuations, on the other hand haven’t managed to fast recently so not surprising.

    Mother in law (90) very poorly and deteriorating quickly, trying to keep her at home but needing 24h care. I’m doing the nights and sister in law doing the days. Bit tricky as having to sleep on the floor and of course working full time. Carers and Marie Curie nurses on hand too. Just trying to keep her a comfortable as possible, bless her.

    House also gone on the market so hoping H keeping it clean and tidy in case of any viewings.

    I’m in for virtual pebbles and £1 coins per pound, although with my success rate of late it’s not going to be much of a treat! Kay put me down as 0 for the year so far and I’ll aim for 2 lb per month.

    Caffè Nero started to do a vegan raspberry croissant – can highly recommend (for a weekend treat). This could be my downfall.

    Loving the chat and vibrancy of the group, we all have our ups and downs – Dave do you think we should set up our own Facebook group so we can share things easier. Although let’s be honest it will probably be full of woof pics.

    Off to Edinburgh in early train today then taking over from SiL at 8:30 tonight. Could be a long day.


    Cakey- such a shame about MIL, very hard for you with working full time, & sleeping on the floor with your dodgy hip too…thinking of you & sending you a big hug x
    Kay- hope the cleaning goes okay, a long day for you…
    Tammy- nonFDs are a struggle for me too, eating too much!
    Typhoo- have been veggie for 33 years! Didn’t like meat that much anyway so I don’t miss it! I do eat fish occasionally though to actually eat the same as the rest of the family!
    Sarah- hope that you stay strong, & your FD goes well!
    Jean- thanks for the list! Good memory…
    Dave- are you bowling today? Hope it goes well if you do? Good luck if it’s a FD! Has your son got to see the therapist again this week?
    DF- when’s your next FD? Are you okay on nonFDs, are you pretty controlled then?
    Annabelle- how was your day yesterday, you went quiet on us?
    Minols- how was yesterday for you aswell?
    Mel, Nana, Cath- hope you all have a good day!
    Hopefully seeing my HomeStart family later. Stomach is rumbling now 😬 keep trying to not eat until later!

    Morning all,

    I see a few fasting today so hope you have a successful day!

    It a controlled day for me, fasting tomorrow. I’ve done my morning exercise which always feels good. I skipped it yesterday and felt a tad guilty.

    Jean, thanks for posting the list of our group members! Its hard to keep track of everyone, as I know there are new people since I was here last. Nice that the group is growing again.

    Catch up later xx

    Uh oh. Feeling a bit hungry already today. Fasting. Def fasting. Yes. I would do Thurs ordinarily but have our granddaughter and somehow I think it wouldn’t work.

    Well done on your 2lb loss Nana. Missed that but it’s a v nice amount. Sometimes I think having a granddog is better than having your own. Ditto grandchildren.

    Cakey, so sorry re MIL and what a lot you’re going through at the moment. It must be very tough.

    Kay, DF and anyone else working, have a good day and be kind to yourself. My very first line manager once said to me ‘don’t overwork, shirk’ which has amused me ever since.

    Typhoo your dish sounds nice. Chickpeas a favourite of mine. So is French onion soup Tammy but I prefer the melted cheese version. Obvs.

    Dave, is it outdoor bowling, do you have an artificial green?. OH plays but he’s indoor at the mo til. He’s pretty good. I do a bit too, summer only but am rubbish. Still I like people and the fish and chips suppers.

    At last the high winds down and only raining lightly now.

    Stay strong fasters. Stay safe all x

    Morning all. A very wet one, has been raining here in the South continuously since yesterday morning but we are promised a brighter afternoon. Here’s hoping.

    HH thanks for the nudge, I need to be kept up to the mark. Yesterday was quite good. Not as much as I would have liked but came in under 1000 which as not too bad. Tried for 800 but rain prevented me from walking to the paper shop so not as much exercise as planned. No dog to make me go out.

    Have lost 1lb since Sunday so please put me down for that and will try to squeeze a bit more by the weekend. Think it is Kay keeping record.

    Symba7. My South is 10 miles north of Brighton.

    Log in query. (Probably Brad’s area of expertise). I used to go to 5:2 site, saved to favourites which came up with ‘use email logo’ and when I did it automatically added password and I was in. Now for some reason it comes up blank and I have to type in all the details. Any idea why the change and can I get it back to as it was. Lazy me!

    Keep strong everyone.

    TTFN. Annabelle

    Morning all
    It’s a bit blowy here today.
    FD today, hopefully it will go ok, up early for the vet and have to drop the hubby at the docs. Might go and see my mum, before work at 2, only problem if I go see her, she usually wants take out for a cuppy and cake, I will just have to be strong.
    I would happy join a FB page, but not if it’s going to have a negative effect on the group here, I know some of the people aren’t into FB, and I wouldn’t want the group missing out through it.
    Oh no my stomach just rumbled, best get the kettle on.
    Cakey, sad news about your MIL, but it is so hard on the family also, after working with the elderly for 30yrs, I seen it so many times, people forget that it’s a huge strain on family members as well as the individual, my thoughts are with you.
    DF you sound as though you’ve got this , keep it up.
    HH and sarah, have a good day, catch the rest of you later, but as often as not, when I post there ends up being 5 other posts I haven’t seen lol.
    Tammy x

    😬😬😬 Nearly blew it, sounds stupid to be stressed over something so small, but my laundry gel ball thing has disappeared, have searched all over for it, where on earth could it be? Things like this happen & I get scared, because it’s what mum spends most of the day doing, & nan before her…being VERY HANGRY doesn’t help too! 1st thought was that I need foid but have resisted so far 😟😟

    Morning All…
    A park walk while Steve goes for a usual blood test for his 3 month hospital appointment next week.

    I think we have been eating too much on our NFD I need to pull back and re think after the weekend…not totally focused….

    The list has been running 4 years, people get deleted and added to try and keep up to date…when there’s 16 it helps a lot…weathers good here today wind gone…

    Along time veggie, I just like meat a lot not so keen on veggies…I am much better than I used to be, I do eat more.

    Have a good day, very different to what you usually do…hope you are wrapped up…no heating?

    What a tiring and upsetting time…MILis a good age but much a worry…take care of yourself, sleeping on the floor isn’t good.. Have a good day in Edinburgh….we were stable at the same weight for a year it did start to move again..keep strong and fasting.

    Have a good HS day …my NFDs are not too good, dinner meals instead of smaller 😬 must try harder.
    You made me laugh, it’s only a ball, deep breathe and enjoy your day 😀

    Have a good day we will be fasting tomorrow..good to see the exercise is happening…

    Well done on your pound off…hope Dave can help you on your log in..

    Enjoy your visit to your mums, hope she doesn’t push you out for cake…my down fall 😂

    Have a good day everyone…especially the fasters stay strong…

    Jean x

    Cakey a Facebook group would be good, we have all kept in touch for ten years on the quitters reunion Facebook group.It would be full of dog pictures, I don’t know how to set it up though.The bowling is crown green bowling,outside.So it will be a bit nippy.Its only practice though, the season starts in April. I only started playing towards the end of last season so a novice at it.Going to try and do a fast day today and tomorrow.

    Morning all

    It’s chilly and windy but dry so far here but would never bet on it staying that way.


    My laundry gel thing disappeared and couldn’t find it but turned up in one of my tshirts as I was putting them away after drying.

    Good luck to all those on your FD today and stay strong

    I’ve just completed my 3rd fast day. Unfortunately I weighed myself at the start of my first fast and then a week later. I seem to have put on 4lbs.
    Weighing myself again after my 3rd fast day I’ve lost those 4lbs and am back to my starting weight again so I seem to have lost nothing!
    Has this happened to anyone else?

    Hi all
    PerkP – frustrating, isn’t it! But kepp with it and your body will settle into things over the next week or so.

    Talking of frustrating – HH… Regularly lose or just can see things but definitely prone to ‘losing it’ on a Fd and love yout’hangry’word. I keep spares of so many things because I replace a thing and then it turns up,

    Made it to midday by sitting out of reach of the chocolate biscuits at my meeting this morning. Ivve just had a main meal of pea/spinach soup (actually yum!) oatcakes and very thin slices of cheese and a wee bun. No idea of the Count but I’m satisfied, and think it might be under 400.hopefully that’s me done until my wee portion of leftovers pie tonight.

    Wind is freezing today and I’m really hoping it’s not as cold where you’re cleaning, Kay.

    CW – take care of yourself m’dear, through everything you’re responsible for.


    Much better day for walking, cold but dry and sunny! I had to force myself though, I just felt tired for some reason. Did it, and am glad I did now.

    I’d be up for a FB group too, no idea how to set one up either! I’m friends with Jean on FB already 🙂

    Stay strong this afternoon fasters, you’ve got this!


    Afternoon All..
    A lovely walk this morning with a small 7 month greyhound he’s really lovely, Charlie tried it on a couple of times but I managed to stop him, the lady is understanding…I seemed to have won a bit…

    A busy clean, both doing it together, upstairs done down to front door….continue tomorrow while fasting..

    Do you know how to do a closed FB group..I think that would be better..really cold today first day with my new Nepal hat ( cover ears)….glad no one knows me 😂

    Was you born in Scotland, so beautiful but cold..

    I have seen it happen to others, just stay with it …..it should soon settle and you should start loosing…if not you could see how you are doing the 5.2….do you have the book it’s very helpful at the beginning…join us it helps pop on every day…

    I think as long as you know you are loosing things it’s ok, I go in wrong drawers for things but I know…I think it’s when you don’t realise then it’s a problem 😬….Steve and I are quite similar at the moment.

    Well done on the chocolate biscuits, I like them being out of reach…well thought through 😀

    Well done on the walking if well wrapped up I quite like it…

    I have decided we haven’t had a thoughtful week, fasting is ok, a few more dinners than I would like, my fault. Must try harder next week on NFDs !

    Jean x

    Back from bowling colder today but enjoyable.I won two and lost one so not bad.A man from another club played today he was very good.after the round robin we played we had a game of doubles,the new man played with one of our team and I played with one of our best players.We got beat 21-14 but I think it’s better to play the best players of I wasn’t to learn. He couldn’t believe I only started playing last year so I must be doing ok. My son is going to see the therapist again on Friday she said it was good he was very open with her. I will pay for his session. I will look into how to do a closed Facebook group and report back.Going for a fast day, not had anything to eat.

    PerkP as others have said, lots of weird and not so wonderful things happen on the scales. It could have been many things. I do know this though, if you stick with it, it will work.

    A hard day. Not made easier by having to do a food shop. Frustrating because I bought a mini unearthed Spanish omelette for tonight, quite a chunky, filling little baby I thought, but on proper calculations it comes in at 440 and I’ve already had 82 cal yoghurt plus a bit of milk. I did debate going over a bit but don’t feel confident enough just yet….So it’s back to soup and dry ryvita. And it’s ONLY a day.

    Good luck fasters and anyone wanting to keep it low today.

    HH I’m always losing those annoying little balls. I blame Gordon (the husband).

    Annabelle, can you ✅ the little box marked ‘keep me logged in’ then you won’t have to log in all the time?

    Ps I noticed on one of the other threads they post links to pics on this site. I’m afraid I don’t really understand the whole links thing but wonder if that would work. I was on FB briefly but not now. Am on instagram though as bluespacelover x

    I’m going now….

    Just been having some guitar practice for the first time this year i keep meaning to pick it up and play but am determined this will be the year I finally learn how to play.


    I wasn’t born in Scotland but have lived here now for fifteen years but have always loved good Scottish shortbread. I’m originally from the West country of England.

    Hi all!
    Glad I’m not the only one losing things…I get worried because of the family history of dementia 😬
    Had a really good visit with my family, made some cloud playdoh although the little autistic boy was occupied so he didn’t play, the baby liked the little tools & the mum & I played with the dough! And busy enough to take my mind off food!

    Still food free at the moment,my stomach is rumbling though. Cruise booked in June.Got to sort out holiday and car insurance now. It helps to keep busy on a fast day.

    Evening everyone,
    Have had the usual Wednesday lunch with friends two glasses of wine and a smoked salmon and cream cheese baquette. No breakfast and nothing to eat this evening as I’m not feeling hungry have also cycled six miles and walked just over four miles so hopefully that will help with some weight loss.
    Jean thanks for the list except husbands name is Mick 😏 Glad you had a good walk with Charlie.
    Dave a bit of motivation for you now that you have your cruise booked. Our first holiday is 5th May and were off to st Austel for a week – would like to have lost a stone by then.
    Keep strong 💪everyone we’ve got this.
    Nana x

    Dave- lovely to have a cruise to look forward to! I would end up the size of an elephant if I went on a cruise with all the lovely food- I’m sure it’ll be better than your last holiday 😂
    Nana- I love Cornwall! That’ll be nice to look forward to!
    Jean- I was thinking about Steve & was going to ask when he had to go for his tests. Hope the result is better…
    Typhoo- good to have a challenge, hope you enjoy playing!
    Sarah- hope things have been better & you’ve sorted food!
    PerkP- my weight is quite up & down too! I’m sure once you get into the swing it’ll be steadier, although we all have static spells & then weeks of losing more, no rhyme or reaon sometimes!
    Xena has just had a lovely dinner & brought it all up! She grabbed something hot I dropped on the floor before I could stop her, think it was that. & we’re trying to feed her up!

    Enjoy your ryvita, don’t worry too much with a little bit over it doesn’t matter…

    See what you can do with FB..to complicated for me…where are you going on your cruise, which ship will you be on..all very exciting..

    Guitar practice that’s different..hope it goes well…

    Sorry about Nick 😂were did I get that from…a good meal out with wine…St Austell sounds lovely, We never really get to Cornwall, just a bit far for us. Good luck with the stone off, it’s doable..

    Thanks, hoping his bloods are better than last time on Wed ..a letter today for his lung surgeon checkup too in Feb.

    Doesn’t Xena eat like a Lab, they seem to eat everything, I usually have a queue for treats at the park 😂..is she still a fussy eater. Hope she is ok later…..Charlie eating well again, but his diet has started!

    Hope you made some nice things at HS 😂

    We are fasting now…

    Jean x

    I got my laptop out to have a look at doing Facebook but because I haven’t used it for ages all the windows 10 updates are going on, it’s took almost an hour to get a third of them on.A successful fast day, I will try and do another tomorrow. Updates on 40% at the moment. United on telly in 20 minutes.I have told Denise next time I have cottage pie to cut the size of by half and give me more veggies.

    You’ll all be relieved to know that I’ve found my laundry ball- it was wedged right into the cuff on a shirt, which is why it hadn’t fallen out when I shook everything…so I don’t have dementia just yet!
    Jean- Xena goes off her food occasionally, back to okay at the moment. She does seem to be getting a bit skinny; think she’s burning it all off as she runs about so much, so we’ve been increasing her food. Oh, to have that problem 😂😂
    Dave- well done on the FD, good idea to cut portions.

    Jean we are going on the Mediterranean medley,the ship is called Marcella Dream.We have been on the ship before,our first cruise.It goes to Palma,livorno Italy,Savona Italy, Monaco, Toulon, Barcelona.Then a week’s stay in Palma Nova.PC still updating 💤💤💤.

    HI all
    Reasonably successful FD I think – maybe a little over because I’m not a stickler for counting everything at the moment. Right now, having homemade food is more important.

    I’m going to try and keep tomorrow very controlled – maybe under 1000 – as well. I’ve got a load of curry sauce I made earlier, adn I’m going to do a veg curry – the boys are horrified! But they love the sauce, so I can’t see it matters much if the lumps in it are chicken or butternut squash/kumara/anything else I can find…it’ll all just taste of the sauce!


    Right, I have created a group on Facebook.Its called Fat busting Brits it has a picture of a cartoon dog.Jean as joined so that’s two of us😁.

    It’s an open group but if and when we are all members, those who want to join I will change it to a private group.

    That’s work done for another day, I have been frozen all day, it’s still blowing here and cold.
    Vet checkup went well, felt sorry for my kitty with the micro-chip, vet seemed to struggle getting it through her skin, must of hurt, and no shes not pregnant (yet).
    FD went well, I only had some of mum’s mushroom soup, although I think there was a bit more cream in it than she let on, my stomach wasnt too happy about it an hr or so down the line.
    Was considering doing another fast tomorrow, but not sure, I might just give myself 2 normal days and fast again Saturday, see how hungry I am when I get up.
    Just going say hi to all, everyone seems to of had a good day.
    Welcome perk, sometimes I think we can weigh to often and get caught up with the natural fluctuation of our body weight.

    Speak tomorrow
    Tammy x

    That’s it for today in at a bit under the 500. The baton has been a struggle today but I think I’ve had a good first week.Tomorrow is my weigh day so hoping to see some difference.

    Jean hoping bloods and forthcoming appointment are very good for Steve.

    Nana your day sounds lovely and the lunch and still sounds a lowish day.

    I won’t fast again til Monday but I must keep it controlled for most of the time to allow for Friday night and Saturday.

    Good luck to tomorrow’s fasters. I’ll be pretty tied up with the two year old.

    For the veggies here, she’s absolutely certain the third little piggy had roasted peas. Cracked me up last week!

    Got a great deal on my holiday insurance.£78 for the year including cruise.Thats also taken into account my heart condition and arthritis.So very happy.Will do another fast day tomorrow.Feeling positive at the moment.Car insurance next, will look tomorrow.

    3lbs down for week 1. Happy with that obvs would rather it was more…ever the optimist.

    Now is it too early for tea and toast…

    Morning all!
    Jean- hope your FD goes okay!
    Dave- the cruise sounds lovely! Insurance sounds very reasonable! Well done with the bowling yesterday! Not on FB unfortunately, so can’t join the group…
    Minols- sounds like you’ve got things under control & are doing well! Poor menfolk having to eat veggies only 😂
    Sarah- well done you- 3lbs is great! It’s generally a slow & steady way of losing weight, so that’s a great amount! Have a great day looking after the little one, roasted peas 😂. Enjoy your day…
    Tammy- what are Mum’s like, trying to feed us up! (I’m as bad with my boys, but they are skinny 😂). See which days are best with work etc to fast- when I did ADF it’s the weekends which are hardest!
    Nana- that was a nice lunch! You’re so good just eating the one meal, I always get hungrier after having a lunch out, weirdly!
    Kay- how did the cleaning go?
    Cakey- thinking of you- hope the trip to Edinburgh went okay?
    Typhoo- love chick peas, I make a good spinach & chick pea curry.
    Mel- how are you doing? Has Jodie had a bath yet?!
    DF- is it another FD for you? What exercise do you do? I’m so lazy, can’t seem to get back into it, I was doing well with HIIT workouts before Xena!
    Annabelle- how are you, feel for you with having to take steroids, it does make it harder?
    Hope everyone has a good day, & keep strong fasters! I’m doing another 800cals day, not too hungry so far…might see Mum later & am out for a meeting tonight, otherwise just jobs at home, so keeping away from food will be hard!

    Tammy have you asked to join fat busting Brits on Facebook?Up early today, couldn’t sleep so will watch the cricket. Makes it tricky doing a fast day being up so early.

    Morning all,

    Dave – thanks for setting up the FB Group, I’ve just requested to join! I’m Kay on FB 🙂

    FD for me today, I’m feeling lighter, this will be my 4th FD of the New Year, and with exercise it feels to be working. Not sure about the number on the scale, but I think I’ll measure as well and go with inches too! Work will be quieter today so I won’t be as busy, hope I can get through it.

    HH – I only do exercise at home, I’m not brave enough to go to the gym. I love Davina McCall so have a few of her workouts, her newer ones are really good. I like to do them in a morning before work. I got really lazy at the end of last year, but now I’ve started the workouts again, they really help with my mind too.

    Okay, time for some tea, catch up later .. think I’ll need to keep checking in here today.

    Good luck everyone else fasting with me x

    DF your in providing there are no other Kay’s.I inadvertently opened it up to the world, but fortunately I can control who is allowed in, I have the power😱.So far three who I don’t know have asked to join but not said yes or no to them

    Morning Dave I’ve asked to join my name is Mary photo of me holding a glass of wine. Thanks for setting this up. Will be nice to put a face to the name.

    Thanks Dave, for confirmation its the right Kay, I’m wearing a pink sweatshirt and wearing glasses 🙂 At least you have control over who joins 🙂

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