Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Had a great day today..

    16 floors climbed 13,000 steps done, 5 miles walked 2,000 kcal burned. 600 kcal consumed and one grandson played with…. happy days..

    Have a good weekend everybody

    Aud x

    How busy you have been…what a lot of everything…lol…will be good on the scales at weigh in…πŸ˜€

    Have a lovely shopping day tomorrow with Mum…more gardening things..🌻🌸🌷🌺🌾..have a good search…

    I am not feeling too bad…a bit tired due to election…early night I think. We have done our 8 hour window today …10 mins over I will get better..πŸ˜‚..we did have one Rioja with dinner.

    Have a nice weekend..
    Jean x


    Weight was up I think after the weekend at the van so hoping to reduce it before I got the scales when I get home…fingers crossed

    Hope Steve is feeling better too x

    Audrey x

    He’s stilling coughing good…


    Morning all

    I had a good day yesterday. Doing 16.8 again today I am thinking it may stop me snacking as much at night will wait and see. Hemmy let us know how you and Kristy are doing weight wise…jean hope you are both recovering

    Off Now back later have a good day everyone

    Audrey x

    Good morning F B Brits hope all is well with you and yours. Xx

    A sunny start hopefully will last through the day.

    Sym .. hope this morning brings you and Steve feeling better. Have you tried Vick on the bottom of the feet for the coughing. Xx

    Shera… hope the tooth pain has stopped for you. Really gets you down. Xx

    Well girls .. pleased to say I have lost the 2lbs I put on last week. I must say doing the 8 hour window has made it a lot easier.
    Enjoyed my food more and took notice of what type of meal my body wanted/ needed. Also found I didn’t crave the carbs at all. Ate a lot less of them than usual. So I thumbs up I reckon.

    Kristy weighing this morning… will let you know… she is off to a big week-end party in Brighton so will be hard I guess.

    Think I will just do this without a fast unless I need too… hoping just to maintain now.

    Hope everyone enjoys a lovely week-end. Picking Mum up then Garden Centre for lunch. Please don’t let me buy more plants. Lolol.

    Take care all. Xx

    Brit lovelies…Don’t forget The problem is we tend to forget….. that most of the time it’s the small things that count.Xx

    Aud … its the snacking I have noticed most… doesn’t seem a need for it with that window.

    Finding two proper meals work for me .. but haven’t needed much carbs. Have a good week-end. Xx

    Hi Hemmy

    At mum’s I can’t avoid carbs potatoes with everything here lol. But I have cut down on amounts.

    Sunday lunch tomorrow then off home..

    Have a great weekend has Kristy lost weight also?

    Aud x

    Hi Aud

    Still having potatoes etc but not so much. Kristy not clocked in with her result yet. Lol…

    Have a lovely week-end with your Mum and have a glass of port for me. ( within the window).lol. Xx

    Woke up at 2 and 4am in pain. Had Painkillers and put ice on jaw. Really getting me down now.
    Not goung to weight watchers. OH gone out to some car event so it’s just me and the dog. Will have a shower and try to feel human. Got some school work to do and need to pop to shop next door to stock up on Painkillers.
    Can see me going back to dentist as can’t see these antibiotics working.


    Call the dentist I am sure it should be improving by now… hugs your way…

    Audrey x

    Morning Girls…
    Raining and dull here..all coughing good…Steve still really bad but it’s normal for him..☹️

    Steve lost his window already…mine ready and waiting to be eaten. He said his head isn’t in it at the moment….our body will be fighting our bugs and not our food at the moment so not expecting much change Friday.

    Well done on your 2 lbs off….like you I am in my maintaining window ..just…..it will be good to see if you can maintain in the window only. Enjoy your lunch at the garden centre…watch your spending…lol

    Good luck to Kirsty.

    Thanks for the reminder of Vick we have spoken about that in the past…I shall give it a try..

    It will be hard at Mums to do the window, carbs etc…I will find it hard with Steve. Much better if on your own when Ian is on his shifts…have a good day today and safe journey home tomorrow…

    Caravan is a nightmare for scales going up..lol

    So sorry the pain isn’t any better..is there an emergency number to call? Take it steady and rest up.

    No school work!…I have one like you…

    I need a new bulb for my oven so that’s the job of the day..I only replaced it last year so gone again quickly.

    Jean x

    shera, I was also thinking you should try the emergency number – there should be one on your dentist answerphone message, or on nhs website
    perhaps they could provide you with some stronger painkillers at least

    really hope it improves very soon

    Morning everyone

    Sorry, MIA again.

    Jean & Steve, hope you’ll both be back to full health soon. With Steve’s x-ray no new is good news. I had pneumonia in my early 20s and the GP was telephoned the results through. The only change to my treatment was different antibiotics, though I’d had 3 different lots by that time already. I don’t get ill very often, but a cold will often go to my chest and end up with antibiotics and a precautionary x-ray. Rebecca also suffers and at the first sign of a sniffle the Vicks is out.

    Rowena, hope you turn the corner soon with the pain. I had an abscess once caused by having a brace as a child and too far too many neurofen as nothing seemed to ease the pain. The antibiotics should be kicking in soon and I’m sure you’ll begin to feel better once you can get some sleep.

    Although I’ve not been around I have been reading all your posts. Great to see the 16:8 is popular, I’ve been eating this way for months. Still generally breaking my fast with porridge soaked overnight in the fridge and topped with a little cream, but not having it until around 11.30 and eating again then at around 6.30.

    My FD are going alright, but yesterday I did sabotage it with a bag of chips. Totally unintentional – they were for Phil but he only ate a few. He’s still off his food, so anything goes at the moment and the fridge has no real food, but plenty of ‘treats’, custard slices, egg custard tarts, pork pies. We have to work on the little and often approach. He’s a big man, and whilst he won’t waste away, when he doesn’t eat he also doesn’t drink well, and needs regular meals to try and keep the bowel from twisting again.

    So I’m still under 11 stone, but that will change over the next week. We’re having a take away today as Hannah is home, then me and the girls are having a meal out on Thursday as I’ve managed to swop Phil’s carers. There’s also an emergency tub of Ben & Jerry’s for Friday when Hannah goes away. This time next week will be the end of any self indulgence and nose back to the grindstone. I’m also planning 3 FD next week to try and minimise the damage.

    This will only be a little blip and totally planned. Since December 2015 when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism I’ve lost a total of 52lb, 26 of those since joining this forum in mid Jan. I really appreciate all the help and support you’ve all given me.

    Sorry for the mammoth post – determined to post every day now, but will keep it a bit briefer.

    Lynne x

    Lovely to have you back…we have missed you.

    It’s an amazing weight loss 52 lbs a really great achievement…I think if you put your mind to it anything is possible…people give up too soon without giving it a try.

    Under 11 stone you must look great.

    You have a lot on your plate with Phils illness and you always sound in good place it can’t be easy…I know we all would do it when you love someone…but nobody knows what carers do behind the scenes.

    Did you ever get the extension up and running and a bathroom for your daughter…or is it a slow process.

    I am trying the 16.8 with the 5.2 fasting…this morning Steve was in a flap because I didn’t eat till 11 am…I think when we feel better we will give it a good go hoping he joins me as it’s awkward doing different meal times.

    Have a lovely week with Hannah before her trip, meal out and ice cream..lol…then back to the grind stone.

    I have my daughter coming over from Louisiana about the 25 th of this month with three grandchildren staying for 5 weeks….she has rented a holiday house for 4 weeks…so looking forward to it….staying with us at the beginning and with her Dad….so I will have to control my eating or more the wine!! She will be out and about visiting her uni friends who are scattered about…so I will pick the right days for visiting….last year I told her to have her dad on Mondays and Thursdays so it didn’t work out too bad for us. Hoping the weather keeps nice for her and we can hit the beach…

    Take care and enjoy Hannah before she heads off…

    Jean x

    Morning all

    Going back home later today. It’s been a very challenging visit this time with mum and I feel exhausted..

    Will post again tomorrow morning, have a nice Sunday everyone.

    Audrey x

    Morning All…

    Looks like it maybe a good day later. Sun is starting to shine.

    I have been on the scales monitoring my weight with the 16.8 the last two days…I should be up by 2 lbs on a weekend but I am still maintaining Fridays weigh in. So I am very pleased…with me feeling so crappy my body will be fighting bugs instead of weight so it looks promising…I will reserve my judgement…..I will give it a few weeks and see how it goes…maybe a good idea just for maintaining?

    Could really do with some basic short sleeve tee shirts, so off to Debenhams later…to see me through the winter..in a couple of months there will be none to buy! Just out for a couple of hours to break the day both of us still can’t be bothered and not good.

    Sorry it’s been a bit stretching with Mum…..get settled back home today..safe journey back.

    Jean x

    Good morning FB Brits hope all is well with you and yours. Xx

    Dry sunny but still windy here…. Knocking my roses around a bit. Still its all smelling so lovely with the honeysuckle and orange blossom. Lavender nearly out. Love it. Lol

    Shera.. hope you are not in pain still today. Xx

    DF how is the world looking for you this morning. Hugs. Xx

    KT… how you doing.. All continuing to go well for you.Xx

    Lynne .. lovely to see you back. That is a fantastic weight loss for you. Be soo very proud. Xx

    Sarah… Kay…Ende… Carol.. Minois and any one else I have missed from our Brit corner … hope things are going well for you.

    Aud.. sorry things were tiring /challenging at Mums… Have a nice rest when you get home and safe journey. Xx

    Sym…Hope you find some nice stuff today for summerwear. Glad your happy with the way the scales looked today. Nearly had a breakfast with Mum this morning but had lost another 6oz from yesterday after eating aldi choc in my window yesterday. So decided just the giant water milk coffee.
    Have a good day…xx

    Aud and Sym… Kristy clocked in last night with a 2 1/2 pound loss from Monday … she was so pleased … Will keep check and pass on. A weekend partying in Brighton so could be a hard one.

    I am really giving this a damn good go … it seems to work well… not so much stress more even numbers daily on the scales. Not so up then down. Lol.

    Brit lovelies. β€œWe must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference, and that a small group of determined people can change the course of history.”

    Thats all us lot. lol. XXXXXX

    thanks for asking, hemmy

    I am on day 6 of fasting – although I feel a fraud calling it that when I still eat lunch and dinner within a 6 hour window

    just tucking into a tuna salad, but would quite happily down 4 doughnuts which I prefer the taste of!!

    I have been reading a lot about levels of carbs because I don’t have the whizzy energy others seem to get in ketosis so I think I need a bit more carb – am trying to convince myself that does not mean biscuits πŸ™‚

    Hello. Well…. propped myself up with loads of pillows as advised, took some very strong Painkillers and crossed everything when I went to bed. Unfortunately it didn’t work! Hardly slept and at 4am had bad pain again. So at 9am on opening I called the emergency number that my dentist advised. OH was at hospital having mri scan so I went alone. Probably shouldn’t have driven as my head is all over the place as so tired and drugged but nk traffic and I was ultra careful. There was only one man in front of me so didn’t have to wait long. The dentist gave me a thorough checking over and said exactly the same as my dentist. It’s pericoronitis. As current antibiotics not working I’ve been given amoxicillin to take as well as. So I’m here on sofa rattling with drugs I’ve taken along with codeine for the pain! Really pray it gets better as I’m so so tired and even talking is an effort.
    On a positive note I just booked a little holiday for your last week in august for us and dog to a lovely place we’ve been before near Tavistock. It’s in the middle of nowhere and all you can head is sheep!! Just what I need. Later today we are painting kitchen walls. Normally I quite like that sort of thing but today just want to lie on sofa. But as the kitchen arrived this week and is in boxes in the garage we need to get a shift on!!!

    Can’t seem to see my post from earlier…. rubbish signal here so probably didn’t send.
    Can i join in too please? I’m new to this but not new to diets.xx

    Hi Guys…
    We are back from shopping I found 4 tee shirts and a pair of short shorts..πŸ˜‚…Only the shorts to wear in the garden maybe around the caravan but sun sitting…feeling I am a bit old really..may go back yet…if I go out and about I like my knee length shorts..

    Your garden just sounds so lovely and I can smell the description..🌸🌷🌺..Kirsty has done really well may just give her the boost she needs….

    I feel like you ..give this window ..a good go, I still do three meals but in a 6 or 7 hour window, lunch is very light snack.

    You are doing very good hope the scales produce something good…you are ahead of me on this plan…I am back reading Jason Fung again re going over my book…still thinking of buying the other book will let you know if I do.

    Hoping the new antibiotics work..you sound in a bad way and no way well enough to paint!

    You should be resting up…I was like it when I had a molar removed for three weeks with an infection..I know how you are feeling..I was taking 20 tablets per 24 hours the pain was unbelievable.

    Welcome to our thread and you are more than welcome to join us…a lot of weight has gone missing from us ..it’s a good way of life with a bit of effort..keep popping by and get to know us..shout if you need any help someone is always about..a bit quieter at the weekends.

    Hope you are feeling brighter now you are home…we always think the young ones give us grief but not always…lol

    Jean x

    Sheera- so sorry, your toothe troubles sound like such a nightmare. I have a history of abscesses behind one of my teeth and the pain is just indescribable? Amoxicillin is The Boss though – I really hope you start to see an improvement, and get some rest! And booking a holiday with your dog just sounds like a perfect pick-me-up….

    Jean – so sorry you and Steve are unwell, that’s really tough. I find using Olverum oil in my bath really helps with feeling chesty, and weirdly Jakemans honey and menthol sweets for when I get throats infections that turn into coughs… Oh and giving up dairy, but that might be a step too far! Great news also on the weigh-in: I am keeping an eye on everyone else doing 16:8 with interest.

    Hemmy- congrats on your 2lbs off! And your garden sounds just divine! Mine is looking rather dishevelled at the moment…

    Meant to post my weigh-in yesterday, but it was a bit of a context-dependant fluke. I dropped 2.5lbs this week to arrive at 126.5lbs. So close to 9stone, which is 1/2 a stone from my goal weight. So 9st is a big milestone for me! But before anyone congratulates me too much, I should say that I ended up doing back to back FDs on Thurs and Friday last week (just because of how my schedule ended up) plus I tried liquid fasting (just vegetable/fruit juices) for the first time. So it’s likely primarily a product of that – I’ll be happy if I can hold steady at 128 over the next week. I know others here do liquid fasts, but I was amazed at how much easier I found it than FDs when I’m eating my calories. Definitely feel like it’s an option I might use again going forward.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the last of their weekends – I’m dreading being back I work tomorrow but it’s only two days, then I head to Lisbon, so I’ll cope!

    Congrats on your 2 1/2 pounds off..which ever way you do it..it’s a good result..not far from goal πŸ˜€

    Lovely holiday to Lisbon…long long time since I was there a lovely city….have a lovely time and some definite sun 😎….. some BBQ sardines on the waters edge, not for me but my daughter loved them so big.

    We are much better through the day but the coughing starts about 5 pm…Steve antibiotics are kicking in for his chest but we are both coughing good…no bath only a showers so no soaking for us ☹️..I am having honey, any thoat lozenges I can find at the bottom of the first aid and any buttery sweets I can find…what a way to spring clean the first aid box..lol….not very good with the fasting…..feeling much better in ourselves..

    Have a lovely lovely holiday..

    Jean x

    Evening everyone

    Welcome Choco, a lovely group here with lots of experience.

    Had a lovely takeaway and a naughty ice cream last night. Weight up but not sure how much.

    We’ve had a change of plan and instead of going out for food with the girls on Thursday, we’re going tonight as Phil is in hospital again. I usually stay the night with him, but have decided to go home and take the girls out. If he’s kept in our plans for Thursday may be changed.

    Had to call the ambulance this morning and Phil was admitted with suspected sepsis but after fluids and 3 different antibiotics is looking and feeling much better. I’ve had a strict word with him about needing to be well before Hannah goes away and to stay well until she’s back in August.

    Planning a FD tomorrow, anyone joining me?

    Lynne x


    How awful for Phil and panicky, sepsis is such a worry. Pleased the tablets are kicking in for him.

    Enjoy your evening out with the girls….no tears when she goes off on her adventures…my Katie went off at 22 years to Dubai to work ..I was brave when she went and then I cried all weekend and lost 7 lbs, thought I wouldn’t ever see her again but I did…best thing she ever did. She stayed in Dubai for 20 years… I would recommend to any young person. Totally spoilt for life unfortunately…she had at 22 years what most people work for at 50 years…

    Hope he soon feels better..enjoy your family time..

    Jean x

    Morning everyone πŸ™‚ Hope your weekends were good πŸ™‚

    Shera, I hope you soon start to feel some relief, it sounds horrible. Take care of yourself and feel better xx

    I’m fasting today, feels good πŸ™‚ I had pizza last night after a day out at the seaside! The day was wonderful, really windy but sunny at times. Certainly blew a few cobwebs away! Despite the pizza, weight seems to be staying the same at the moment.

    Back at work now, so better get to it …

    Have a great day xxx

    Morning All..

    A dull day here at the moment…

    We are fasting today…anyone joining us…possibly Audrey and Kay after her weekend away…Hemmy rolling on 16.8 this week…

    Grandson who’s 16.. he has always been chubby / weighty..decided to join a gym as they have moved into a new area and needs to find new friends…although daughter was going to pay Β£23 a month for him to go, he got it free for 4 months and he has to see a lifestyle coach once a week…if he continues for the 4 months, 3 times a week.. he then gets the year free..he has also now started a part time job at a new pub doing clearing tables etc…he has lost 8 lbs in weight in a week!….I am so pleased for him, he loves all his food too much but now has no time to eat as too busy..πŸ˜‚..he is now trying to eat healthy too…..he possibly has 3 stone to loose..😬…fingers crossed for him…

    Sounds a lovely day at the seaside…just pizza you did very well….I always like an ice cream and a bag of chips…lol

    A windy day for us yesterday my herbs fell over three times, I moved them lower and to near the house.

    Hope you are finding the pain easier and feeling a bit better this morning….no school for you today?…was you good and didn’t do the painting I hope so…take care…

    Hoping that Phils much better and more settled…it’s such a worry for you…a good girlie night out too.

    Nothing for us today planned as yet…Steve maybe working on his motorbike in the garage ??

    Omelette for dinner tonight with salad…easy…

    Have a good day

    Jean x

    Hi all
    I don’t want to speak too soon but when I woke up in night I wasn’t in horrific pain. I have stayed home today but IF the second lot of antibiotics are working I am optimistic for tomorrow.
    I have everything crossed. Really want to get back to normal.
    Got no appetite which is a side effect of the meds but I have to eat with the tabs. I’ll start 5.2 again next week once off all meds and do 16.8 on the NFD S.
    Great that your grandson is doing so well Jean. It’s so hard to change habits we really do need to do everything we can for people to not fall into bad habits in the first place.

    Oh and exciting news, although the painting isn’t finished the lino has just arrived! ! We’ll have to put sheets down to protect.

    Fingers crossed you have got over the pain barrier…hope it improves…

    You will be seeing changes now…you must be getting excited..

    Jean x

    Morning all

    Fast day today for me… also doing 16.8… my weight back down to pre holiday weight so quite happy about that..

    Sorry got lots to do back soon

    Audrey x

    Morning Hemmy, I’ve just seen your post from yesterday! I had a day at the seaside yesterday, it was wonderful and just what I needed to clear my head a bit. Back at work today, and concentrating on keeping my mind calm and slow. The blog you let me have the link for is really good, and makes so much sense. I’ll be reading more later! Thanks so much for your support, hope your doing okay πŸ™‚ Hugs back xx

    Jean, I was tempted with ice cream yesterday, but managed somehow to resist lol xx

    Well done at pre holiday weight…that’s good…we are joining you today fasting..

    I have had two cups of tea and a coffee which I am just having now but no breakfast as yet…not bad going for me, I seem to be falling into the window quite easily……Fedup at Steve asking me if I have eaten yet…I snapped at him and said NO not yet…leave me, I will eat when I am hungry…lol…

    I think he is expecting me to drop….

    I was up half a pound today but I had a good Sunday dinner yesterday normally could be 2 lbs or even 3 lbs up over a weekends eating, before a Mondays fast so much better..

    Have a relaxing day hope you feel better to be home..

    Jean x

    Afternoon all

    Fasting today, like Jean I’m usually a good 3lb up after the weekend but today only the 1 thankfully – and that’s after the biggest 99 ice cream you have ever seen, the ice cream only just stayed on the cone lol!

    Busy at work so catch up later.

    Have a good day all, Clare x

    Todays Fasting Gang..

    How’s everyone doing?…so very quiet on here…

    I ate lunch at 1 pm…so I have gone 20 hours between eating a long time for me…fancy breaking the fast with tuna…lol I thought a bit of protein would be good..

    Strange not hungry at all…3 hours to dinner…..protein again omelette and salad…

    How can you talk about the largest ice cream ever….I could eat one any time….hope your fasting day is going well..

    Are you doing OK…Busy now you are back home…

    What you up to…gardening?

    How’s the Birthday Girl…hope you are having a lovely day…

    Have you enjoyed your camping…are you fasting today..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon FB Brits .. hope all is well with you and yours. Xx

    A dull ole day but at least dry again… and wind has dropped.

    Welcome Choco..hope you can get a signal today. Do you have a goal to work too. we are all at different stages but all working together to the same end. Good luck with your journey. Xx

    MJ .. well-done on your 2.5lbs… yippee way to go. Keep it up Xx

    Shera .. hope that pain has gone for good. xx

    KT… well done girl… you are really onto it now I reckon. Xx

    Lynne… hope things have settled down a bit for you today. Lots going on for you at the moment. Xx

    DF.. glad you like the blog… I found the guy very down to earth and made so much sense.

    Yesterday by the sea was a good idea for you Xx… Re… work just remember at the end of the day everyone there is all just earning a crust no better no worse than each other.. Be kind to yourself. Xx

    Aud… well done on getting back to pre holiday weight. Good achievement. xx

    Clare … have a good day. Xx

    Sym… Like you I have come out of the week-end at a much better weight than normal. Also noticing goods in transit sooo much better. lolol.

    Will just do the 16 8 … well trying 16 1/2 7 1/2 this week… You know me have to change it a bit … see how I go without a fast…Give me some guidelines.

    So pleased for your Grandson .. usually once motivated to the gym they don’t look back and really enjoy it.

    Yes… gardens looking and smelling lovely now spending most of my day out there.

    Its an old style very long cottage garden … it was a Coachman’s cottage .. over 200years old .. so try to aim for all the old fashioned tall flowers all falling over each other. Lol.
    Hope Steve’s cough is better today.

    Enjoy your day. Xx

    Take care all back laters keep going fasters Xx

    Brit lovelies… Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.xx

    Hi again πŸ™‚

    Jean, my FD going well so far. Like you, I’m not feeling at all hungry as yet .. just been drinking plenty of water πŸ™‚

    Hemmy, your garden sounds wonderful!


    fasting here too, although I still feel a fraud calling it fasting compared to my last years fd’s of thin soup and carrot sticks!!

    day 7 of 18:6 (I know my numbers are different)
    not been that hard, except last night – had real trouble eating all my dinner, had pain in stomach and it took ages to go, so eating slow and steady this afternoon

    tuna too, symba, on my coconut flatbreads, but couldn’t stomach salad again
    I don’t really like gnawing away at raw veg

    sausages and veg later and tomorrow…….I am going to have breakfast πŸ™‚ yay
    then we shall see what happens next

    well done on all your fd’s, losses, however small – every little counts!!

    Just popping in yo say hello. Been a bit pushed time wise FD tomo buy do I need it big 50th oarty on sat resulted in feeling rather delicate yesterday which I ate my way out of was very naughty!
    Hope all is ok xx


    Go on gal I am watching you closely…could we do this on maintaining…I am getting into a late breakfast window upsetting Steve as I go…lol ..he can’t get his head around you don’t have to eat breakfast….I leave the table sets so he knows I will have some..

    The other thing I clean my bed time teeth at about 8 pm…that’s it no more eating…lol

    Grandson only just started the gym about three weeks now…it’s all this walking doing the clearing of tables, at the new pub..took Β£78.000 in the first week!..he has a 9 hour and 2 x 6 hour shifts this week…his feet in threads, blisters and red raw..looking for new softer shoes..bless him loving it to bits…he was being bullied big time at school, weight etc…some boys got him on the floor and all peed on him!! Terrible school just not bothered….he is a happy boy now, and he won’t be returning to this school only for exams…his mum has put him on home study leave!!

    You have reminded me ..water and more water…lol…not drinking enough..

    You are doing well too…I know what you mean I am not a great lover of salads!!….But I have picked some ripe peaches up today…have you tried them cut up in thin segments, a small shake of white pepper on each piece ( like an orange) put on top of your mixed salad all pretty, a sprinkle of salad cream…OMG it’s so lovely….

    Keep going all…another coffee for us…

    Jean x

    Hi Mrs O..
    A birthday bash feeling delicate lol…why not enjoy yourself..have a good FD tomorrow


    Jean. Oh my god. That is so unbelievably nasty. I could cry just imagining the poor boy going through that. I despise bullying. Why are some people so mean?!

    What do you do my daughter went through it with both boys..went to school loads of times…and she is a teacher…sat waiting from 7 am waiting for the head and staff to arrive before heading off to teach her self. Many many times.

    They did loads of things eating his packed lunch loads of times, taking his tie off him and he had to buy another or he was on detention…breaking his pencils in half, hiding bags, legging him up, .it goes on a prank is a prank but it went beyond that. Last month we went down he was covered in bruises, I have never seen anything like it, I would of taken him to the police station to prosecute if he had been mine….. if we had done it we would be locked up…but they get away with it…I told his mum to photograph it which she did and she told the school he would only come in for exams and he would be home on study leave…they said he can’t do that…she said he is take me to court…so he has a S mark for study leave.

    William the elder child had his name mixed up with another boy with the same name, same year….all the time at the secondary school..got put in for the wrong gcse level exam, when he told the teacher he was told to get to where he was told to go. He was bullied too…Steve told him only one way to stop bullies find the ring leader and hit him once and make sure it counts…he picked the time when they started on him in the class, he is older and stronger then nearly put the boy through the window …the other boy was moved to another school nothing was said to William only asked what happened..both boys are never in trouble with 100% attendance.
    It was like Chinese whispers it went through the school no one ever touched him again.

    I think you as a teacher have so much to take, you can’t be around all the time…

    Very sad…but he is a happy chappie at this new job and his anger at home has stopped..

    Jean x

    Sorry I went off at one…

    Hope you are feeling better…will you get to school tomorrow, are you up to it?

    We have now finished eating and roll on tomorrow’s food..


    Hi all

    Have had a good fast day…. still getting over visit to mums..

    Had upset tummy today, think it’s nerves…

    Back tomorrow

    Audrey x

    Don’t apologise Jean. It sounds like living hell. I don’t know what the answer is. She did all she could taking him out. Glad he’s happy now.
    I have stopped taking the first antibiotic now. Just on amoxicillin and Painkillers now. Still very spaced out.


    I would have a few more days off…you are not well yet..

    Hope you soon improve do you have to go back to the dentist?

    Jean x


    Hope ur better soon

    I think I have got poisoning been very ill.. still may help with weight loss lol 😁…

    Back tomorrow in bed now with hot water bottle!!

    Audrey x

    Sorry to hear you have food poisoning take care and look after yourself…hope you soon feel better.

    We are an ill lot at the moment…

    Jean x

    well good morning all
    lovely and sunny here in sussex
    just enjoyed my naughty carby oatibix breakfast
    weight is down 4lb so that is good, lets hope it stays down now I am eating 3 meals again

    downside – yet again my ‘guts’ have rebelled to fasting, not so much throat this time as tummy pain/bloated

    honestly even when the head is willing the body always objects

    hoping you are all ok, and that shera – you are beginning to feel a bit better

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