Fat Busting Brits!!

This topic contains 35,190 replies, has 406 voices, and was last updated by  hedgehogs 12 hours, 32 minutes ago.

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  • Hi Kay and Sarah… I have sent you both a friends request on Facebook… hope that’s OK…

    Audrey x

    Evening everyone

    Sorry I’ve been MIA for a few days. Phil has been off colour for a few seeks and not eating or drinking properly. On Thursday our GP had a call from the lab processing Phil’s blood test from that morning, warning her that his potassium level was dangerously low.

    Thankfully he agreed to go into hospital and 4 litre IV later he’s feeling better and levels are almost back to normal. He’s come back home this afternoon and is eating and drinking a little better.

    It’s been hard deciding to fast when his average calorie consumption was only around 400 cals, but during May I’ve lost 4.3lb so really please with that. I think I did dip under 11 stone, but that was the night I stayed at the hospital with Phil and the next day the catering assistant was on a mission to make sure I ate – white bread sandwiches, brownies, cheese and potato pie. I usually wouldn’t have eaten any of them.

    So I’m back and determined to post daily. The next couple of months are going to be tough as Hannah goes travelling in a couple of weeks and isn’t back until the first week of August. Her plans included spending the last week in the Philippines, but there are continued reports of terrorism, and for me more frighteningly, kidnaping. Not sure if she will change her plans, but thankfully she’s a sensible girl and is keen to get my opinion. Hopefully everything will be settled and she can continue on her preferred route.

    I need to lose a stone to get to a healthy BMI (hate being short), and I’m going to try and use the time Hannah is away to really focus and get as close to it as I can.

    Sorry I’ve not replied individually, but I have read all posts. Thanks Mrs O and Aud for what to me are words of wisdom. I hope they’re heeded.

    Finally Ellie, I hope your holiday is everything you want it to be. You’ve worked so hard you deserve a relaxing break. Long distance relationships can be tough, spending the week together without external stresses will help you both decide where your futures lie.

    Another NFD again tomorrow, good luck to all fasters.

    Lynne x

    Hi all

    I am off to the Caravan first thing tomorrow then to my mum’s on Tuesday. Whilst I am away I won’t be posting as much but will be around…

    Will be back here again soon Off to bed now good luck everyone.

    Remember that together we are stronger

    Audrey x

    Morning All..
    A grey start to the day… moving on today about 10.30… the last 3 days and travelling home Tuesday..we have had a good holiday…pounds I am sure will be up.

    It takes years to put weight on.. 2 weeks may be up but its not permanent .. my thoughts ..lol

    Have a lovely time away before you go to Mums… hope everything is well there.

    You have been missed but again you have things going on..hoping Phil is on an even keel again.

    Very exciting time for Hannah.. she will have a lovely time… you will worry but she must keep in touch with you as I am sure she will…hope you cope with your stress levels..lol

    Have a good weekend all

    Jean x

    Good morning all,

    Well yesterday’s fast wasn’t quite so successful unfortunately. All was good up until 8pm when I left work and I didn’t have the energy or willpower to make a healthy choice for tea so McDs it was. Oooops. Still only 1000 caps yesterday but not what I hoped.

    Paul, sorry for sparking a debate on your weight. I don’t know you and shouldn’t have commented really. Just remember healthy is the new skinny.

    Hope everyone is having a good day. Birthday weekend for us so lots of calories will be consumed ๐Ÿ˜ xx

    A very bright and sunny start here. It’s OH 42nd birthday. The builders are meant to be coming but we’ve heard nothing from them regarding time. There is no security whatsoever for our house as back has no wall by kitchen so goodness knows what well do if they let us down.
    I’m going to finish off window painting in a bit while sun is out. Booked a meal for later for biryhday meal. TOTM so feeling massive headachey and very intolerant of everything! !!!!

    Hi folks

    Hope all is well with you all. Been a bit offline recently, so apols for not keeping in touch. I start my new job on Monday so been busy enjoying a week off!

    Just giving you a quick update on the 16:8 trial I am doing this week as I know some of you are interested. I haven’t done a 500 cal fast this week as I am just getting into the 16:8 first, but hope to combine in a month. So over a week I have lost 2lbs doing 16:8. Very happy with that ๐Ÿ˜Š Overall just under 5lbs while trying to get into this new routine of IF. Thats in about a month of getting used of the diet so slipping a bit during that month.

    I have found the 16:8 routine a lot easier than the 5:2. My eating window is between 12pm-8pm and yesterday I didn’t realise I was hungry until 1pm. It is getting easier and I have found that I need a lot less fuel to keep me going in my feasting window. I get half way through the lunch I cook and find myself not being able to finish. I am easily sticking to 20% minus TDEE for my window which I am suprised at. But I guess as I am not having breakfast and only eating 2 meals it’s obvious lol. So I am carrying on with this new way of eating with hope I will combine 5:2 in the near future.

    Hope you all don’t mind me tagging along with your forum though, as I am not technically doing 5:2 at the moment. Will update on the 16:8 every week or so if people are interested.

    Hope you all have a lovely day xxx

    Jo – thanks for the update on 16:8…really interesting and great that it’s going so well considering everything in the past abut always having breakfast! It would be interesting to know if eating breakfast and lunch would work as well. Can you clarify for me what you’re trying to keep your cals to in your 8 hours – was it 80% of TDEE? I’m especially interested as I like the idea of sometimes mixing things up, and then there are the weeks when it’s just impossible to find good days for FDs but I still want to have some measure of control, and this might be one of my more possible alternatives!

    So thanks for being our experiment!

    Yeah I was thinking the same about breakfast and lunch with no dinner but I haven’t got that much stamina for that! I have read that some people start their window early and finish early. I guess 16:8 gives good flexibility when it comes to choosing your feasting window. Same as 5:2 choosing your fasting day.

    You are right with the cals : 80% of your TDEE. For me that’s around 1350 cals between 12pm and 8pm. You could break that up in any way – two meals with some snacks, or lots of little meals regularly.

    Some people fast for 16 hours for health benefits, rather than weight loss, so they would eat 100% of their TDEE in the 8 hours. When I include 5:2 I will only eat 500 cals in that 8 hour window.

    I will note though that drinking loads more water is part of my weight loss also. I have really uped it to what I should be drinking. I found a great water bottle in Tesco on sale which has a little compartment at the bottom with a sieve. The compartment screws off and I put lemon and mint leaves in there – yum. It’s got a straw built in also and I am drinking loads more because of that.

    I have two great apps to help also-one fasting one called zero which gives you a timer for your fast and alerts you when you have finished. And the livestrong my plate app for calorie counting. Both keep me accountable.

    Fingers crossed I continue! I am awful at caving when I see some results. Xxx

    Hi all,

    Just a quick post, as its been a busy week.

    Ellie didnt have the surgery in the end, the big lump had reduced considerably so it was decided to leave things be a little longer and then see how things are. The small lumps are tumours whilst the big one couldnt have been. The lump near her eye is the most concerning one, as it cant be operated on, so that may be the deciding factor in what we do or dont do.

    Ive not been too good on the diet front although I have been loosely doing 16:8, particularly when Im in work, not eating til 3 or 4 pm, so actually its more like 18:6! Just need to control what I eat and drink..lol

    Off out in a bit, when the rain stops, as we have organised a ‘geocaching’ meet in the village. I have made chocolate tiffin and choc dipped strawberries, but as yet have not tested them!

    Will have a proper read later over the posts and reply later when Im relaxing on the sofa after everything is over.


    Morning All..
    All settled in Cambridge, a lovely site but busy so not in the best spot a bit shady.

    Going visiting the city today.

    Thinking of Ellie, good she is still holding her own. Hope you get camping.

    Hope the builders arrive soon for you.. and you had good birthday celebrations.

    The 16.8 sounds interesting.. see how you go.. a different idea to shake things up..

    Enjoy your caravan ..we are on our last few days now.

    Hope alls going well and you have your weekend visitors ..

    Have a good weekend.

    Jean x

    Morning all

    Just had a lovely walk along the beach and sand dunes over 5,000 steps. A bit breezy but very sunny..

    Has drinks with my friend last night very boozy but good fun..

    Will post again soon.
    Hope everyone is ok It’s very quiet on here… have a lovely Sunday

    Audrey x

    Morning ladies.
    Thanks Jean. The builders turned up at about 930. They worked like dogs all day (OH too) and we basically had to throw them out at 715!!! And that’s only because we were going out. I had to call and change the table time at the place I’d booked! They’re back today. We’re off out for lunch to celebrate my dad’s birthday too today. Will have to leave them here for a few hours. The actual building work, window and repositioning of door all done. Now they’re going to deal with the very old uneven walls then plaster. Concrete the floor and possibly other stuff I have forgotten. We will have to delay the fitting of the lino and store the kitchen when it comes in the garage as we are behind schedule but still were happy with what has been done.
    I need to go shopping for microwavable meals in a bit!!

    Audrey enjoy the walk. I love walking on a beach. Calms me!


    Glad your builders arrived. Hope the work is finished soon. It will be worth it honesty once it’s ended..

    Have you looked into getting a steamer?

    Have a great time out

    Aud x

    Pleased the builders have turned up and things seem to be moving quick … enjoy your Dads birthday..

    A good beach walk… getting your steps in…throw all your thoughts away .. so relaxing..

    We are in busy Cambridge .. lovely.. but I like my empty places… a field….unsociable lol.. not keen on cities.

    Stopped for coffee and cake, then a bit more walking

    Jean x

    [post removed]

    Everybody is very quiet …you must all be having fun..
    TV is terrible I am bored…lol

    Fasting for us Tuesday and Thursday this week really must pull back… I have left the scales in the car… god knows the weight will be up big time ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

    We have had a good holiday so worth it ๐Ÿ˜€

    Jean x

    Hi all. A by late with the weigh-in – this week I pretty much held steady/gained a fraction so a bit frustrating but not letting it get to me. Onwards and upwards as I start a new week!

    Quick qu: do any of you use a Fitbit? If so, do you have any idea how accurate the calories burned calculator is? I have a Fitbit charge HR, and it shows calories burned as a fair bit higher than TDEE calculators. Now for TDEE I do put in sedentary etc, whereas for my Fitbit I put in my yoga classes and of course it tracks my steps (usually 15k) so perhaps that’s it. Either way, I try to stay well below what the Fitbit is telling me as I’m finding it so hard to shift these last 10lbs, but I’m curious all the same!

    Kay – thinking lots of Ellie,my heart is with you guys. So glad she didn’t have to have an operation, and I’m sure she’s basking in all your love right now. Also choc dipped strawberries are my fave!

    Kay and Jo – I’ve been experimenting with 16:8 as well on NFDs. I tend to have a late breakfast/early lunch around midday, then a small snack, and skip dinner. Seems to sometimes shake out closer to 21:3 during the week, but definitely 16:8 (to the second!) at weekends. That schedule seems to be easier for my as OH works till after midnight most evenings, so I would only be eating on my own anyway. But I’m only a week in so who knows! Seems to combine easily with 5:2 though – had two NFDs last week with no problem.

    Jean – sounds like your holiday has been amazing, definitely good to set the scales aside for a bit, you know you’ll get back into your normal routine in no time.

    I have a fit bit but can’t help you on what you are asking.. I don’t do the excerise you do..

    I weighed my first week with a pound gain I have given up this second week .. back on track next week.

    Jean x

    Well my alarm is set for 7.30 in the morning as Im working tomorrow, and a full day too, the same on Tuesday! Will be a shock to the system as Im cramming my 20 hours into 2.5 days so we can get away as early as possible on Wed afternoon, for our first camping trip of the year.
    In readiness Im going to have 2 low days which will be day fasts too as Im aiming to not eat whilst at work, just drinks. Ive definitely been eating too much this last week or so and my weight is up at least 5lbs…..Im amazed at how quickly it shoots up but hopefully its temporary and will drop a bit.
    I just dont seem to have the oomph and commitment to getting back on it.

    I have read all your posts but too many to indivudually comment on but thinking about you all.
    Catch you tomorrow evening when I WILL be able to tell you that I did my daytime fast and had a low cal dinner too.

    Hope you all have a good Monday, whatever you are up to.

    Kay x

    Back from holiday! I’ll be reading all your news/updates during the course of the day, apologies but it will be impossible for me to reply individually after 2 weeks .. such a busy thread lol ๐Ÿ™‚

    My holiday was wonderful in every way, and was exactly what I needed to relax and recharge. The resort was quiet, perfect! We relaxed, walked, bathed in the sun, swam, talked and basically chilled out 100%! The second week of my holiday was spent at home (I’d personally have preferred to stay in Greece lol) and again was a nice relaxing week.

    I’ve gained 4lb ๐Ÿ™ I did have alcohol every night, and the food in Greece was out of this world. I guess it could have been worse, but I need to get the 4lb off soon as my work trousers feel a lot more snug than they did before my holiday!

    Relieved to be fasting today, and off the alcohol in the week now. Managed Zumba this morning, almost put my lights out, but feel better for that!

    Glad to be back with you guys, hope everyone’s doing ok.

    Good luck with the day, fasting or otherwise.

    Stay strong xx

    Can I just say also, that I am so glad people have brought up how they feel in regards to Paul. I’ve wanted to say something, but haven’t as yet, but alarm bells were certainly ringing. Something I haven’t mentioned on this thread about myself, is that I have suffered with an eating disorder in the past, quite severely. I’m ok now, but his posts were certainly concerning to me (and quite triggering in a lot of respects)

    Paul, its up to you at the end of the day, but please be safe xx

    Morning all

    What glorious weekend we had here! Dug the bbq out on Saturday and had some lovely food although too much bread and very high cal sausages. Yesterday I pretty much spent the day by myself, my son went out to the park over the road at 10.30 and I had to drag him back at 6! On my own in the house is bad news though as I picked at all the bad food! I’m my own worst enemy at times.

    Not sure if I’m fasting today which feels really odd as I always do on a Monday, boyfriend might be coming for tea but won’t know until later so I’m fasting for now and we’ll see what happens.

    Can’t remember who asked about the fitbit – I have the charge HR and I think they are going to be slightly more accurate that just working out your tdee as it know exactly how active you are and takes your heart rate into consideration. I don’t track any exercise on my account though I just let it work out from my heart rate.

    Have a great day all, Clare x

    Thanks Claire, it was me asking about the Fitbit. I let it track my exercise other than yoga, because I do hit yoga and figured the Fitbit might not appreciate the heat and rivers of sweat!

    Good luck to everyone fasting today – I’m doing 16:8 today as I have a friend coming for dinner, then tomorrow will be a FD for me. Got a holiday in 10 days so doing what I can to look and feel my best (and create some room for those delicious Portuguese pastries!)

    Hi all

    I am still here fasting tomorrow on way to mum’s.. off for a burger for lunch today… naughty but nice eating it watching the sea… lovely

    Back soon have a good week everyone

    Aud x


    Just a reminder that if anyone has concerns about posts on here, you can either use the “report this post” link that is on each post in the upper right hand corner or, if it’s easier and you get the email subscriptions, you can just reply to that with a note and it’ll come to us and we’ll look into it.

    Thank you!

    Well what a weekend the garden party/wedding celebration was fabulous SO MUCH FOOD, Endiess and I mean endless afternoon tea then more food, cakes pink champagne, gin it was fab. We stayed in a beautiful hotel in wood hall spa hung out with friends we haven’t seen for ages. Only downside was I did feel ill after all the sugar and carbs which my body is just not used to which I suppose is a good thing. Easing myself back to my “normal” eating today then FD tomo. Am being really lazy was going to do a workout as did not train over the weekend but am quite tired so am listening to my body and taking a rest,, have work to do in the allotment.

    MJ I have a Fitbit charge HR they are a good guide if anything they under track cals so would take it as a base.
    Shera we will be getting work done soon hopefully I want it done but am also dreading it.
    Jean we drove past Cambridge yesterday
    Welcome back dragon fly glad you enjoyed your hols.
    MJ we have just come back from Portugal where are you off to?
    Sorry I can’t get back to everyone but good luck to fasters I will be joining you tomorrow
    Watched the one love Manchester last night cried sang and danced through the whole thing. I worked by London Bridge on and off over years it. I use to socialise there a lot (IPC magazines are based there) when I could be dragged away from soho. Excuse this but the bloody terrorists can just F*CK OFF. they didn’t stop us after 7/7 they are not stopping kids going to concerts. Am so proud of they way us Brits react with defiance and solidarity x

    Hi Mrs O, your weekend sounded really good ๐Ÿ™‚ You are doing right listening to your body today ๐Ÿ™‚

    The recent attacks leave me without words. In regards to the Manchester one, I walked past the Arena for years when I worked in Manchester and I even went to concerts there myself. So close to home, like you with London. Its so scary. I too love the way us Brits come together when things like this happen, not letting anything beat us.

    Big hugs to everyone, stay safe wherever you are!

    Half way through first FD in two weeks, struggling a bit with headache. I will keep going though, I keep thinking of the 4lb I need to kick the backside of!

    Have a lovely afternoon, despite the rain xx

    Hi everyone!

    I’ve not been very active on here recently, which always goes hand in hand with being very busy with a lot of things, all a far cry from anything fasting, balanced or healthy. I’m feeling a little worse for wear after lots of greasy food and alcohol BUT I’ve had an incredible time. A few days ago was a huge garden party out in the countryside, and yesterday a music festival, dancing for hours and hours right to the end of the night. Amazing memories that will last far longer than the extra pound or two. I’m now heading home on the train before coming back for my graduation in about six weeks’ time. Fasting today and Wednesday and clawing back that balance.

    I’ve missed a lot of posts but I’ve read them all.

    Lynne – I’m glad Phil is back from hospital and well done on the loss with all of that going on. How exciting for Hannah! It must feel so real now it’s just round the corner. It sounds like she’s got everything sorted and well researched, and I’m sure she’ll find a sensible way that lets her see everything she wants. The gov.uk website has some really good travel sections for every country with all the up-to-date safety advice and precautions so maybe have a look.

    Mrs O – I thought the concert was absolutely fabulous too. It was the best message to send out to the world, that our response to hate is music, togetherness, love and respect for all of us.


    Also as I ama scouser Manchester also close to home but really anywhere they strike is as we all band together.
    Ellie you are so right to take time out and celebrate healthy eating and exercise is for life so you can enjoy yourself and get back to it you are only young once xx

    Hi all.
    What a shock at 6.10am when the alarm went off! !
    Had positive day so far. I’m also trying 16.8 this week on nfd s. Ate my lunch at 12pm today as I have an earlier lunch on a Monday. Just a plain salad that I bought as just nowhere at home I can cook or make food properly. Got a ready meal later with a salad too.
    Fasting tomorrow and Thurs this week.

    Hi All – opened up the website this morning…only now getting round to reading/typing. That’s just the way the day goes sometimes, with people popping their heads round the door and then bringing their whole selves into the room!

    Well – you all called it. My massive weight gain was fortunately temporary, and 3 out of the 7lbs have faded away – yippee! So motivated for today’s FD, on the basis that once I get to election night, and then away on my girls’ weekend, all food rules are there to be broken. I’ll fast today and Wednesday this week, and be the picture of restraint…!

    BTW – Audrey…I consider it an act of pure wickedness to declare you’re having a burger for lunch on a Monday, the traditional mass fast day (can you hear the jealousy dripping like drool down my chin!)


    Sorry minols

    Would tell you it was horrible but would be telling lies it was VERY nice…now I have avoid having one every time we come here ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”… not going to be easy..

    Fast day tomorrow for me you can get your own back on me then

    Much love

    Aud x

    It’s been a when but I thought I check in and see how everyone’s doing. Lots of new people.
    I’ve been off the FD for a few weeks now, just can’t get my head back in order. Gained some weight and feeling it and I’m really not happy about it.
    Took my granddaughter on our planned cruise to spend some time together. It was a total disaster, never again. I had no idea how inconsiderate and thoughtless she could be. Yes she’s a 14 yr old teenager but that doesn’t excuse her behaviour. I feel our relationship has changed and that’s sad.

    Well I’m attempting a FD today, wish me luck.

    Afternoon All…

    Our last day and weather permitting off home tomorrow, it’s gale force wind but Steve thinks we will be fine… if it’s too bad we will pop onto a site en route until it calms down.

    We have enjoyed the holiday and feel we have been away a while.

    Just cleaned the inside the caravan always like to leave it clean and we will be off early in the morning.

    Fast day for us tomorrow must get back in the swing again.

    A few of us off plan so you are not alone.. we will get it off again.

    Lovely to have you back.. after a lovely holiday and another week relaxing..a few of us to get some weight off..

    Sorry your holiday was a disaster.. it’s a funny age 14… come back and join us, a few back of holiday so we are in the same boat..

    Fasting tomorrow tomorrow together.. it will be hard for us after all the feasting..lol

    We had a lovely cheese beef burger out yesterday not my thing but it was really lovely..

    Enjoy your camping, it will do you good..

    Hope you fit your fd in or a surprise dinner with boyfriend?

    You sound as if you are having a whale of a time.. enjoy while you are all together..

    It’s hard doing food without a kitchen..looks as if you can manage..

    A good weight loss 3 lbs.. a good chunk down ..

    Mrs O..
    Sounds lovely your weekend.. we have done 40’s do’s at Woodall.. two beautiful hotels there.. the weather was great to be outside.

    Hoping your new plan goes well..

    Busy with your visitors hope all is OK..

    Hope all the planning for Hannah is going well and Phil is well too..

    Jean x

    All Paul’s posts have been removed?
    Must of admit it was a bit of a worry ..

    Someone must have reported them… he was other parts as well I know the June challenge people were worried about him also..

    Let’s hope he gets some help….and support

    Aud x

    ….I have to say I didnt want to make any comments or get drawn into it….I wasnt sure if it was a wind up or someone who has a genuine problem…..

    Evening everyone

    FD today and not too bad, but did nick a few of Phil’s chips which he couldn’t finish this evening, but should be under 500 cals.

    On Saturday morning the scales briefly showed the 10’s, and hoping they make a more regular appearance over the next couple of weeks.

    The weather today has been miserable, especially for June.

    Jean, keep safe on your journey home tomorrow, I’ve loved hearing where you’ve been and what you’ve been up to.

    DF, glad to see you back.

    Now Phil’s appetite is improving I need to get back into doing a ‘proper shop’. My cupboards currently resemble those of Old Mother Hubbard, though with one exception. There’s plenty of cat and dog food, just not much for the humans.

    Weather looks set to be wet for a couple of days, I’m always surprised how much of an affect it seems to have on my mood.

    Looking forward to my porridge at around 11.30. I’ve been eating 16:8 for a while but can’t always relinquish the porridge.


    Good evening FB Brits hope all is well with you and yours. Xx

    Just checking back in after a week of free eating… lol was pleasantly surprised to just see a 2lb increase on the scales this morning.

    Back to Wed.. Fri fasts this week. Also interested in this 16.8 may give that a go.

    Kristy really annoyed that she has put on a stone in around 8 weeks. Lots of events last 2 months and after celebrating with her team. So going to do a soup diet … with chicken and loads of veg. Think my own weight loss inspired her as she kept mentioning it.

    Catch up with all the news here now. Xx

    Brit lovelies…Mix things up. A rut will kill motivation. So mix things up. Xx

    Hi all – nearly finished, and going to get through the last wee bit by treating myself to some…ironing! Oh joy.

    Carol – welcome back. Sorry about the trip. Teenagers can be …blah! Their brains are totally differently wired.


    I managed to not eat until about 5pm, so its definitely worked out to be a 20:4 day!! And even I cant eat too many cals in that small window!

    Same goes tomorrow.

    Safe journey back Jean, it looks like you have had a fab time.

    Lynne, in spite of everything, you are doing great ๐Ÿ™‚

    Carol, Im so sorry the holiday with your grand-daughter was a disaster, I know how much you were looking forward to it, and in particular to have a break from home.

    Ellie, it sounds like you have been having a fab time and too right, enjoy it whilst you can!

    Minols, well done with the drop…on with the next one or two..

    Aud, are you back home or due back home tomorrow?

    Lets all be strong tomorrow my FBB friends!

    Quick post before bed.
    So I’m sat here literally in the dark! The builders turned up at 730 (they’re doing this extra to their day job of building). I was really miffed when I settled down to watch doctor in the house (which I really enjoy!) As an election prog was on. Anyway, started getting into that and then the electricity had to be turned off. So can’t even go to bed to read! It’s nearly ten o clock so will have to go to bed as alarm goes off at 6am. FD tomorrow.

    I’m off to attempt to feel my way upstairs! !!

    Tipping it down here still.
    FD for me. The 16.8 was fine yesterday. Ended up on about 1400 cals.
    Long day for me. Just off to work. Got 3 hour meeting after work. Yawn. Then popping to my dad’s as it’s his birthday. Feeling pretty tired. Kept waking up in the night.
    Better dash. Have a good day x

    Morning all

    On way to mum’s today ….

    Hope everybody is ok raining hard here high winds don’t fancy the journey.. .

    Back later

    Aud x

    Hi guys, another rainy day here! Hope your all well.

    I noticed Paul’s posts have gone, I was quite worried about him, I hope he’s ok …

    Thanks for the warm welcome back from holiday ๐Ÿ™‚ It was good to fast yesterday, and apart from a headache mid-afternoon, I managed it ok. Next one will be Thursday ๐Ÿ™‚ Weigh in will be Friday ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hemmy, great quote yesterday .. and so true! xx

    tipping down here, too
    a grey day

    but weight down almost another 2 lb so that is good

    I am also looking at the 16:8 pattern which is not so hard when you live alone
    but I am not counting calories
    when I do I become completely obsessed by numbers and insanely weighing and checking everything which is not good for me
    so its low carb, higher fat and longer without food – which is way easier when you have had some satiating ffat yog, or the like

    Morning everyone!

    Wondering whether to try out 16:8 from time to time. Will have a think. Sounds like a few of you are getting on really well with it! Well done KT on your loss.

    Minols – great that you’ve lost those few pounds!

    Carol – I’m sorry about the cruise.. I think things change a lot around that age. Hopefully she will grow out of it.

    Hemmy – it’s always so nice to know you can have a bit of a free-for-all and come out of it alright!

    It’s a horrible rainy day here. My first full day officially back home, after a twelve hour catch up sleep haha. I’m using it to get my life together a bit. I’ve been on a bit of a rampage recently clearing things out, so I’m heading up in the loft to recycle or charity shop the majority of the things I find. Funny how much calmer and stress free it makes me feel. Gonna work on my linked in profile as well.

    I decided to weigh myself this morning for the first time after all the exam celebration excesses (and believe me, they were very excessive both food and drink wise) and was fully expecting an increase of 4 or 5 lbs. Somehow I’m the same I was all of May?! Either way, I am understandably delighted and looking forward to my fast tomorrow already.

    Well done Ellie I hate doing sirt outs!

    FD for me today weather is filthy luckily had rearranged clients because I knew how bad it would be. Have lots if planning and admin to do and need to write some nutrition plans. Don’t want to think about food on a FD but hey ho!


    HI all – wet here, too. In fact, so wet that I’ve brought the car out! Going to dash round a couple of places, and then start thinking ahead to make sure everything is ready for the boy going on cub camp while I’m away this weekend…sorry, have I mentioned yet that I’ve got a girls weekend away, yet? Yes, I’m actually having a Sunday off…ridiculously excited! I know I should be sensible and get lots of work done this week for when I get back…but I keep thinking of other things to do instead!

    Hope you all have good days.


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