Fat Busting Brits!!

This topic contains 36,300 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by  hemmy 14 hours, 49 minutes ago.

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  • Hi all

    Audrey..well done on your loss this week 🙂 You must be really happy with that after fish n chips etc!! The stew and dumplings sound fab.

    I made a lentil soup last week which was actually a vegan recipe online. I’m not vegan but the recipe was the most attractive..absolutely lovely flavours. I do find soup great for FDs.

    Hemmy..sounds like you’re going to see a good number at your official weigh in (Monday?) ?!!

    I am happy to report a 0.6 kg loss this week. It seems to be going in a nice regular pattern so I shall try to stay focused and hope it continues. I do agree with the comments about the body just wanting to settle at a weight for a while. We do expect it to go through rather a lot!

    Hope all is going well for all Brit friends X

    Have a great weekend all 🙂


    Hi Karen.x

    Wow eeee well done you. You are really going well with this way of life.

    My official weigh in is Tuesday I changed it last week so that I could fast Monday. Sunday is usually a roast day with Mum and Kristy plus wine.. pudding so it will give better scope for Tues Morn. Less worry. ( I do weigh at least a 100 times in the week though).Lol

    I have just eaten my lunch of bacon and egg + mushroom crusty roll. Slightly put of by having to wash Mr Pips after rolling in Badger or Fox poo. Yucky. Lol

    Audrey enjoy your day with your grandchildren … what a lovely nana you are. Homemade cottage pie …Yummy Yum plus playing. Bet they do love coming to your home.

    I was always terrified of my Gran. She had 10 children lived in a small farm cottage … a wonderful cook ..seamstress… nurse. She could bottle ..pickle .. cure. Very strict though I suppose she had to be in those days with no help on hand..

    Having a nice rest today … Kristy will be back after overnight stay and we will be fighting of temptation together this evening. lol

    Still, I figure nice and easy does it .. we didn’t arrive where we are now over night… so as Tesco says ” Every little helps”. Lol

    Have a lovely week-end my friends whatever you are doing. We are all in this together and we a strong. Xx

    Hi Hemmy!

    Oh dear, poor you re Mr Pips! I’m afraid I did have a chuckle when I read that! Thankfully none of those droppings here. When our dog Poppy was young I was always telling her that cat or dog poo was ‘dirty’ so she’s always been really clean!! But my friend’s Westie..that’s another story!!

    Have a lovely eve with your daughter x


    Just done a weigh in and un explicably have gone up by near 5 lb it must be water as although we fell of the FD wagon on Thursday it wasnt horrific. Stuart had three more episodes on Thursday although we are now utterly convinced the arent epilepsy but in fact mini strokes. Have managed to get the stroke team to bring appointment forward to next Wednesday. Not going to let the gain mess with my head. FD again on Monday and will weigh again next Friday or Saturday, by then my period will be over and im sure things will level out. Cant wait for menopause to get on and get thing over and done with. At 47 I had hoped it would all be done and dusted .

    Congratulations again on your loss this week.

    Hemmy I don’t see the girls very often so I spoil them rotten when I do! We too have a dog who loves to roll in you know what it’s dreadful! Poor you. Enjoy your time with your daughter.

    CelticCrow, hope you get him sorted soon, we are all here if you need us, you have better things to worry about at the min than your diet! Keep in touch be strong.

    Have a great weekend everyone, keep in touch


    Animology do a dog shampoo called Fox Poo for dogs who roll.

    Aww Celtic what a worry for you both. Hug hug. xxxx

    Yes, Don’t worry about the weight.. you can soon get that sorted later.
    Hope you can get some answers asp. You don’t need that worry.

    Like Audrey said.. We are all here for you if you need us… keep in touch. xxxx

    Thank you for the Fox Poo shampoo.. I have used it but to be honest it was very expensive if I remember right so now use vinegar with shampoo. Seems to help.

    Well anyway Celtic a bit of good old Fox poo never harmed anyone if that’s all I have to worry about I should be ashamed I guess.. Thinking of you both take care. xxxx

    Think last post is spam. Have reported it

    So sorry to hear about Stuart, Celtic, it must be rather scary – but you have done the right thing to push for that earlier appointment. Don’t worry about the 5 pounds, as you say, its probably water and one big wee will sort you out!

    Know what you mean about the menopause – I was lucky enough to go through it at 40. Did a few years on HRT but then got taken off that and have actually felt better since – more in balance. There are a few joys to getting older and that is one of them for me.

    hope you have a better week next week.

    Good morning friends. x

    Had a good day yesterday a couple of glasses of wine last night but for the first time ever it wasn’t accompanied by the munchies.
    Kristy opened a bag of crisps which I refused and had brought home a bag of very large chocolate buttons… I just had a few and that was it.
    At long last I think the body is getting the message.

    I think the best thing about 5 2 is telling yourself you can have things you fancy the next day. I am also doing this on non fast days now when I know I am full but before the new WOL would have packed things in even when full. Yay.

    Funny today … usually feel nervous on roast diner day with all that goes with it … but not today. Hope the penny has dropped at last. Lol

    Audrey enjoy the day with your Grandchildren. x

    Have a glorious day all you Brit lovelies … make the most of it before the winter months. We can do this together we are Brits we are strong. Xx

    Morning all,

    House cleaned, dogs walked, lunch ready to pop into oven sat waiting for children to descend.

    Hope you all have a great Sunday, I am fasting tomorrow good luck to those fasting today.

    Hemmy enjoy your lunch, milena are you ok? Celtic hope Stuart is doing ok. Priscilla I too am better since coming off hrt. Karen keep on losing you are doing so well. Ginette as ever you are my inspiration and my fast buddy friend I couldn’t do this without you!

    Hope I haven’t missed anyone, if so my apologies good luck for today.

    Keep in touch, because together we are stronger


    Evening everyone, Thought I would pop in and say hello. I have started my 5/2 plan today and I started off with a fast day. It actually went better than I predicted but got a really sore head and just starting to feel a bit dizzy. I probably ate to much had 40g oats with milk, a slice of melon with 30g of no fat fraige, for dinner 120 g tuna with a splash of lemon and four baby tomatoes. Feeling OK just tired. Does all that sound ok?


    Welcome to our little group,

    As long as you stick to 500 kcal or below you can eat whatever you like! We all find our different ways of doing 52. I find it easier to not eat till 7 ish in the evening or just stick to fluids. Others like to eat 2 or 3 small meals throughout the day. Whatever works for you!

    The headaches are a part if this wol, they do seem to ease off after a while, if I start with one now I usually have an oxo I think the salt helps!

    Hope this helps, shout out if you need us, we are a friendly bunch of brits. ..


    Hi Audrey,

    Thanks for your reply. I find eating a bit later in the evening helped today. I usually skip lunch as I have a toddler so don’t get “sit down lunches” anyway, but I always sit with toddler and have breakfast and dinner. I read about the salt helping headaches maybe I should try a salty drink. Drinking is my fall back. I am permanently dehydrated and don’t drink what I should buy I am trying to get better. Today I had four drinks of water and that is so not me I usually only have two lol.

    Hi Leeann,, welcome. I do hope you find this way of life suits you, it takes a but if bedding in, but it works and keeps on working.

    Hi Audrey, I’m getting there, it I’d course trying to run before I can walk, did an antiques fair this weekend, have to admit it was too much,but survived.

    My restart has,fine well, been strict, 2 fast days, 3 days fasts or semi fasts, 2 days normal but very careful, no weighing officially til Tuesday, 14 days done, but expecting 4,lbs or more. Just hope I can keep this up for another 14 or 15 weeks.

    Hope tomorrow goes well for everyone if fasting!!!


    Good to hear you are doing ok, was getting a wee bit worried when you were quiet! You really have hit it hard again let’s hope it shows up well on the scales let me know on Thursday how well you do.

    The granddaughters came yesterday, we had cottage pie for tea, well I say cottage pie but it was made with turkey mince… very healthy 350 kcal per portion so I managed a fast day, I needed to because I had hit the sweeties very hard the day before but still have had no chocolate this month. ..

    Ian back in work tonight so going to fast tomorrow in the hope of dropping some more weight.

    Keep in touch everyone


    Hi Good morning friends.x

    Hope you all had an enjoyable week-end.

    So pleased the wine demon wasn’t out to play this week-end. Lol Just a couple of glasses both days. That made it easy refusing to entertain the munchies.

    F D today for me and weigh in tomoz. Anyone else … Think Audrey is too.

    Welcome Leeanna01 .. well done to you. Your first Fast day under your belt. Yes, best to find what suits you with those days. I also find Oxo a life saver. When I come in from my dog walk its the first thing I go for… if I am really hungry it gives breathing space to consider. Lol

    Let us all know how you are doing along our journey together. x

    Hi Ginette hope all is well with you. We all miss you x

    Wow Milena you have really got straight back into it. Brilliant, well done you. Very inspiring.x

    Have a good day Brit lovelies what ever you are doing. Don’t forget ” If you think you can … you are half way there. x

    FD for us today. Could have really done with a 4:3 this week but there too much going on, we have a funeral tomorrow ( a neighbour from our last place) and then Stuart has stroke consultant on Wednesday. Really hoping its going to be a day of tests and scans and hopefully talk of surgery. We have also got to knuckle down and do the Wills and Power of Attorney so they are out of the way. I had hoped once we moved that the feeling of needing to be in 12 places at once may have eased but it doesnt seem to have done.

    Leanne, I find tap water with a squeeze of lemon and or lime jujce really helpful to keep hunger pangs away. I find the more I drink the easier it is . Quorn bologenese from the freezer for us tonight.

    Good luck for this week celtic keep in touch, hope all is OK with Stuart.

    Hemmy, fast day tomorrow for me, liquid only …..

    Ginette, hope stepmum is ok, keep in touch you are missed…

    Good luck for today fast or feast


    Hi Celtic x

    Sorry to hear you have that stifled feeling. Its awful.. over whelming so much todo… so little time.

    Easier said than done I know but if you can put things in a draw in your mind then just open one.. that needs to be cleared on the day.

    Try to be easy with yourself re food but the fast will probably give you an in control feeling which will be good.

    Take care of you and your Stu. Keep in touch. xxxx

    Audrey OMG how will you do a complete liquid day. Have you done it before. ?

    How many Oxos. Lol Glad you are not fasting today as I would have to compare one of your gorgeous stews with my days offerings. Lolol. X


    I am one of those people who once I start eating find it almost impossible to stop! I find it easier sometimes to just drink. I have done about 4 liquid only days now and although it seems daunting at first it’s doable for me!

    Oxo cubes are a god send on these days! Also sugar free vimto!



    Vimto … forgotten about that. What a good idea.

    As a child it was a REAL treat to have a bag of crisps and Vimto in the local pub garden after a walk. Wonderful.

    Have a good day all… raining here so wet dog towels for me today. xxxx

    Hi All

    SM is getting better walking without a crutch and ankles getting better day by day, the bruise is now coming out so she seems to be on the mend. I am really not used to going out every day and have been going to bed early for me. This is only an hour or so before normal, I have avoided coming on the forum as time just runs away we me.


    You sound as if you had a bad week last week, poor Stu, I hope that the hospitals can shed some light on it and also give medication to help. Thinking of you both x

    Oh dear dogs rolling in things they shouldn’t not nice! I have had a problem with my cat, first being unwell, he is a lot better now but still not right and then deciding to wee outside the litter tray. I can do without that at the moment!! He is nearly two and was like this when I first got him, why he should start it again who knows? It’s very annoying and time consuming as well.

    Hi Leanna

    Welcome to the thread, everybody seems to be giving you good advice.

    Hi Hemmy

    Well done on not getting the munchies.

    Audrey, I hope you had a lovely time with your grandchildren, the stew sounded lovely.

    I have an early start today when I thought I was going to be in until mid afternoon. I have offered to take my son to the station as he is seeing a friend. He wants to be able to have a drink. He only has a couple but sensibly won’t drive, so I don’t mind.

    I am fasting today so I had better go and get it ready for later. I am also going to call in to Asda and get those nutritional yeast flakes, they mentioned these on Eat well for less and it showed them being used. Celtic have you heard of them?


    Hi all

    Wow! Lots of posts to catch up on!!

    Celtic..sorry to hear about Stu. Thinking of you both and hope the hospital appt is helpful on Wed. Take care x

    Milena..well done with your fasting. Amazing determination! Hope the scales are good to you x

    Ginette..glad to hear SM improving. Hope your FD going well.

    Hemmy..well done re wine consumption and resisting munchies!

    Audrey..hope you had a great w/e..food sounds fab! I love turkey mince..made a moussaka with it during the week. Very tasty!

    Should not be thinking of yummy food today as FD for me!!

    Leeanna..welcome to the forum. This is a great WOL so hope it works for you!

    Priscilla..hope all is going well for you x

    Sorry if I have missed any one out x

    Really blustery here today. Coats for dogs and waterproofs for humans. Building up our pine cone store for when we fire up the woodburner.

    With all those thoughts of food I’m going to treat myself to a mug of Bovril 🙂 Lentil soup tonight.

    Hope today going well for all fasters xx If you’re feasting..enjoy!!


    Good evening friends hope all is well with you and yours. x

    Ginette lovely to see you. Glad SM is doing well hopefully on the mend.

    You sound very busy at the moment. Isn’t it always the way with our pets they just seem to know when we least need to clean up after them. Bless them. Lol

    I know what you mean about time slipping away on here. Trying to limit time now as things need to be done before the winter sets in. Hope everything continues to improve and things get back to normal for you soon.x

    Hi Karen Yes chilly today you will soon need those cones for the burner. x

    Hope everyone is having a good Fast or happy Feasting day. x

    Weigh in day tomorrow.

    We can all do this altogether… slowly … pound at a time and every little ounce counts. x

    Good morning friends hope all is well with you. x

    Sooo excited just had my weigh in and another I pound loss. 10lbs now in 7 weeks. Yay.
    Would be lovely to do a stone in 10. Very happy with 5 bags of sugar though … wherever did it all sit on my body. Lol

    Funny how this WOL changes you. To celebrate tonight with Fish and chips makes me feel quite sick. lol I will I am sure.. still manage some wine.

    A grey day here. Will need to keep on the move I reckon.

    Have a good day lovelies.. whatever you are doing.

    We can do this .. we strong.. we are Brits. Xx


    Congratulations on your 1 lb loss it is building up nicely now isn’t it 10 lb wow….

    Ginette come back soon we miss you!

    Karen I lit my fire yesterday was soooo cold!

    Celtic hope Stuart is ok keep us posted

    Fast day today for me, doing liquid only…..



    Hope you have a good day on the liquids. Do you think there is a bigger loss on those days. How many calories is it.. still 500.

    Is it easier than doing a back to back . Sorry about all the questions but its interesting. Lol Xx


    I just drink lots of water on liquid only days, no soup perhaps an oxo at lunch and a sugar free vimto, I also like a hot chocolate drink before I go bed. Less than 100 kcals all day. i do this because it’s easier for me to not eat at all. Others will have more experience than me on this I have only done a few of them, found it hard at first but got used to them now!


    Morning all

    Happy to report that the scales are finally moving again, and thankfully in the right direction! Another pound down. A good FD yesterday. We had “what veg is in my veg drawer?” stew for our main meal (which turned out to be sweet potato, leek, carrot and courgette)

    Do any of you fast when you are away on holiday? I’m away next week for 6 days (husband is at a conference- I’m going along for the ride). I don’t think I’d manage a fast day but if any of you do – do you have any tips or strategies?

    Thank you Audrey x

    At the moment all going well but I can see by the forum that weight will stick after a while of good loss. Will have a go though… maybe next week after an away day overnight stay in Brighton with a deal on Groupon. lol With a very slim neighbour. Lol

    Must get motivated find it hard on dull damp days.

    Have a good day with your liquids today Xx

    Well done priscilla on your weight loss.

    I go to my caravan for my holidays so although I fast there (not always successfully ) it is easier than a hotel!

    All I can say is be aware of what you are eating and drinking, just try not to put any on, but if you do you will soon lose it again, don’t worry we will all be here when you come back to support you.

    I love your soup idea, sounds like mine, I do however always keep a mix of frozen caserole veg in freezer these are brilliant for a low cal soup!


    Hello all
    I did register here some time ago but never really got started! Stupid me I am now even fatter!!
    Today is my first fast day and I have just made the most horrible vegetable smoothie which I shall turn into soup and try again. I have hard boiled 2 eggs which is good. I am going to look back at how you are all doing. I have had a brief look but need real inspiration!
    Tuesday and Thursday are my chosen days but I know I will have to be careful on days off.
    Well here goes, 3 stone to get off! At least I don’t feel alone.

    Hi all

    Big well done to Hemmy and Priscilla for your losses this week !!
    All that Brit grit has paid off 🙂

    Hemmy..you are going so well..you must be delighted!

    Priscilla..so glad the scales are moving again for you 🙂

    Audrey..good luck with your liquid day today. That sounds tough to me but great if it works for you x Know what you mean about it turning colder but as we’re a bit further south here we’ve not resorted to any form of heating yet. I do love the autumn transition though..brisk walks and comfort food!

    Beverley..welcome! Good idea to read back through and also some of the other forums have good info and advice. We have some very wise heads on this forum (Ginette and Audrey are so knowledgeable) so just ask if you have any questions 🙂

    Hi to everyone else I haven’t mentioned and hope you all have a great day!

    No work for me on Tuesdays so out for a spot of lunch today with husband and elder daughter 🙂


    Hi friends. x

    What a lovely change in the weather after a gloomy start.

    Well done Priscilla on another pound down. You must be a happy bunny today. x

    Karen …thank you. Yes really excited now ..things really going well at the moment. Long may it last.Lol x

    Beverley Welcome to our group. Lots of lovely people here you will gets lots of help and support from them. x

    Leeanna How are things going with you. x

    Hi Ginette hope you are not getting too tired. Its a strain having someone depending on you daily. Take care we miss you. x

    Have a lovely day True Grit Brit Lovelies. Xx

    Welcome Beverley! Don’t forget to measure yourself as well as weigh yourself. I found at the start I hardly seemed to lose any weight but I was definitely losing inches. This gave me the boost I needed to carry on. I’ve found this is a way of eating that gets easier as you go on – my thinking about food is different now.

    However – don’t do what we did yesterday and watch episodes of “Great British Menu” whilst on a Fast Day – that was just a touch too painful…!

    Thank you Karen, Hemmy and Priscilla for the kind welcome. It has not been too hard but I feel very tired and achy! I could just fall into bed but had better wait until later. I shall most definitely miss cooking programs on fast days!
    One thing is I feel relieved and in control at last. I think it is going to be so good and am determined to get there. It’s been good to read through and I now have really tired eyes but well worth it.
    I have measured my waist and it is much bigger than my bottom was until I went off the rails! Never mind I will find it again.
    Thanks to all.

    Hi all welcome back Beverly

    I have got through my liquid only day by keeping very busy.

    I have walked the dogs, steam cleaned the kitchen and downstairs bathroom, polished the leather suite, dusted and have just cleaned the lounge carpet to say I am very sore now is an understatement but I haven’t eaten a thing!

    I am going to enjoy my hot chocolate soon and go upstairs for a long bath followed by bed!

    Hope you are all doing ok.


    Beverley – no need to miss cooking on fast days. I find that looking for interesting things to cook adds interest to my fast days. I stick to about 250 calories for my main meal and I’ve been amazed at how many yummy days I’ve had. Cauliflower, mushrooms and spinach are my new best friends – they feature on most fast days….oh and courgette “spaghetti” is a good base too.

    This website might give some inspiration (in her 5:2 section) http://www.lavenderandlovage.com/category/posts/general/5-2-diet

    Thats determination, Audrey, are you for hire?

    I’m still trying to sort out my spring cleaning – and now I’m into my busiest time of the year, not much time off between now and February. Hubby is brilliant at the washing and tidying up, but he has never used the steam cleaner – and son, who cleans the carpets and the bathroom, such a pet eh? can’t do anything at the moment – I’m on top of the bathroom, usually cleaning the bath as I have my shower! But the rest – the dust mites ain’t mites anymore, they’ve finished school and getting ready for uni. At least I’ll have clever dust!!

    Hi Beverley, welcome – 3 stone eh – enough to keep you hanging around for a while with the rest of us, and an achievable target! You’re not alone, but in good company. Good advice from Priscilla – I didn’t measure at first and regret it – put it on your tracker, it will keep you going. Well done with the loss Priscilla, and Karen too. Glad you had the good weather Hemmy, I did too, what a lovely day – we went to Perth to sort the cabinets in the antique centre, coronation chicken sarnies, with crisps and salad, chips, and then lemon drissle cake – one portion of sarnies and chips, and OH had most of it,(all the crisps and almost all of the chips too) I had two bits of my cake and I passed the rest to him too, even though he had almond cake as well. It gets easier to just have a taste and pass it on. And better than missing out on a treat.

    Hope Stuart is ok Celtic, you are in my prayers.

    I’m watching Great British Menu too – wasn’t Michael amazing – and of course Saturday kitchen – James Martin is a god – and loads of other cookery programmes, finding bake off a bit of a let down.

    Soup tomorrow, stock done – I think I mentioned the split pea soup the other week, stock was beautiful – until I washed my hands in the sink but forgetting to take the stock out of the sink first! Had to do it with veg stock, very disappointing, but made chicken and veg last week, lovely. Rerun tomorrow – now we have no Willow there is tons of chicken to go into soup, and its quite low calorie, so fast day tomorrow and fast day Thursday. Might join you in a liquid fast next week Audrey, let me know if you are doing one!

    Hope all is well with you Ginette, and hi to anyone I haven’t mentioned – travel hopefully everyone!

    Hi Milena

    I am sat up in bed trying to unwind after the days activity. I will be doing another next week I find it easier not to eat than to eat little but be warned the cleaning bug may be contagious haha.

    As I am sat here I am trying to decide if I could do a fast day again tomorrow…. perhaps I could I don’t feel too hungry at the moment but I haven’t got anything left to clean. I suppose I could strip the wallpaper in the spare room!
    I think I will see how I feel tomorrow.
    Hope this makes sense as I am using my phone and it’s on predictive txt!

    Anyhow I am off to sleep now after my busy day.
    Night night everybody


    Hi friends hope all is well with you. xxxx

    Blimey Audrey I feel exhausted at the thought of you doing all that cleaning today.

    Can I please be next in line to Milena for your services please. lol

    Thinking about a liquid fast which we all seem interested in .. maybe it would be good if some of us could join you and Milena and see how we all get on…that would be a great help I reckon.x

    Talking about cleaning I don’t know why but I really cant seem to get my act together with it. Its not that I dislike it but seem to get so easily distracted these days. Trouble is I let things go after my loss and just don’t seem to have got my act together again since.

    Milena I just absolutely love your posts. You paint such a wonderful picture of events … the soup thing just made me laugh and laugh. You are better than a tonic. Needed that today.. Andrews Birthday looming and always a melancholy time. x

    Ginette hope all is going well with SM and you are soon back with us again… we miss you. Xx

    Good night Brit lovelies.. sleep tight and don’t let the fat bugs bite only the fast ones. Lol Xx

    Audrey, hemmy beat me to it! I was going to say if you want some thing to keep you busy on FD we need help to find our livingroom ….it currently looks like a warehose thats been burgled. Went to see friends this afternoon and they noticed we have both lost weiht. YAY This is the first time anyone has said anything.
    The friends we were visiting are super vegans ..Marcin lost about 4.5 half stone. The use Nutri bullet a lot and I was wondering if anyone has any experience of Nutri bullet and Nutri Ninja ? Arenthey all they are cracked up to be and does anyone have and views as to which is best ? Stu will hate the idea of me aquiring more kitchen gadge? Fingers crossed for our hospital visit tomorrow. Will try and check in tomorrow evening.

    Bloody hell Celtic, I think the burglars were here too – and there was me thinking I’m just a lazy cow!!!

    Seriously, there are boxes everywhere, we seem to pull stuff from every crevice in the house before a show, after it OH just empties the car (a grand espace) into the living room. Reminds me a bit of those shows where the hoarders have been keeping stuff for years. Then we will have about a month during which we see more and more bits of the floor, three days tidy, and we do it all over again! And OH is trying to decided whether we should stick with jewellery and silver or go into lighting and furniture – or even car parts -oh my god!!!!

    Bear in mind hubby has two cars on the road, plus an mg midget project and a racing car – and he has bought son a classic mini and an alfa -for the engine apparently – still trying to work out why he bought a whole car! Oh, and the engine is for son’s THIRD car, a hill climb car he was given by a friends of ours – I think that is what the engine is for. I think – cos I know we had at least three other engines in the garden shed!

    I don’t have a car at the moment – though OH keeps asking me what I want, so something could turn up at any minute.

    We have a four car drive, but with a trailer,its not enough, so there is a car under the bedroom window in the garden, and another under the office window in the front garden.

    Hemmy, happy to prattle if it helps, but y’all just tell me when to shut up!

    Part of our problem is having moved from to two two bed bugalows to a two bed new build house . We used to have huge gardens Stu had 20ft garage that he built and 8 x 16 ft workshop. We have got a tiny garden and tiny tiny shed. I think the garedn is 10th of the size of the old place if not more.Wehavent managed to get shelves or anything up yet..Stus just not been well enough. I think the lack of livingroom may be one of the reasons dogs having been bickering.. no where to sit. Funnily we arent missing the tv yet. Spend most of the time sat on the bed reading or playing backgammon or chess on the tablets. Sold one of the motorbikes yesterday so that frees up garden space. ( Ended up giving the virago away to friends son , just to get it out of the way). Got to get the big Honda Pan European 1300 serviced and MOTd at the dealership. Problem is Stu isnt currently allowed to drive, think we will have to put an SOS out and see if there is anyone who can transport it to to the dealership for us . Yesterdays fast went well. One thing I’ve noticed is the earlier I eat breakfast the more im likely to eat during the day … we Stu made breakfast at about 08:30 this morning andI ended up eating before we went to see friends this afternoon. I seem to do better if i leave breakfast as late as possible. Often on a FD I wont have breakfast at all.

    meant to say Celtic

    try feliway plug ins, bach flowere remedies, I suggest beech for intolerance and vine for dominance.

    Keep a bottle of water with a little vinegar in it too in a squirty bottle – squirt rather than get involved,vinegar in the eye is nippy but won’t do much harm, and remember you are top dog, yell at them, not frantic telling them to stop, but forceful, they are subordinates and need to be told sometimes. If they get an eyefull of vinegar, or even in the mouth, when you pick up the bottle next time, they will be mindful. And when its all over, ignore them, don’t talk to either of them. But if they are being nice to each other, tell them you are pleased and give them a treat.

    Works with german shepherds, except that they are prone to hiding the bottle!

    And could you get them a beanbag or bed each, so that they have a bit of their own space?.

    You seem to be another that awakes the feeding dragon with breakfast, I avoid breakfast like the plague, otherwise its very tricky, even if I’m up all night. Hope you two turn a corner soon, wish we were near, we could help with transport, where are you anyway?

    Hello all, my you have been a busy lot!!

    Well I have a day at home tomorrow as Pam is walking around without crutches. I am starting to ease back now and hopefully catch up on things at home, tomorrow I think I shall just have a nice rest.

    I am still doing 4:3 but non fast days not being at home and having to eat thith Pam has been difficult, not as good as I am usually. Well next week I hope to be back to normal eating routine.

    I have cauliflower cous cous coming with a shopping delivery tomorrow. Has anybody tried it?

    Priscilla, well done on losing a pound, I hope that will be joined bu another few in the weeks to come.

    Beverley, welcome to the thread. Weight watchers tomato soup is a really nice low calorie lunch, I often have fruit and youghurt as well, as the weather gets colder I shall start making big pots of soup. I shall post some recipe links for you tomorrow. I have lost over three stone since January on 5:2 so if I can do it anybody can, in my case it took me two or three weeks to realise that it was going to work, now I feel so lucky that I continued it. Apart from the weight loss there are all of the other unseen benefits. As you say you are in good company and when the outside world don’t understand we have one another. It is like being part of a family after a while. We like to share recipes, links and we get inspiration and help from each other.

    Hemmy well done on your loss, have people started noticing? No I am not overdoing things as I when there I only sit and watch TV, play cards and make dinner, it was just that these things were difficult with using crutches. She is really walking well though, her foot does still ache a bit when she has done too much but she is a very able person and will be pleased to be independent again. We get on really well and I have had Sunday dinner there for years. I wouldn’t have chosen anybody better for my Dad.

    Hi Audrey

    Well done on all that cleaning, you must be tired now. It sounds as if you had a successful day which went quickly. Turkey mince is not one that I ever fancied, I might give it a go, how do you cook it, like beef mince?

    I have got two packets of heck sausages arriving so I am going to look for some recipes to try them in.

    Hi Karen

    I don’t think it will be long before you need that wood burner. They have forcast a long hard winter, worse than six years ago, which is when we had all that snow. It is the same weather front so make sure you get lots of supplies in anybody that gets cut off through snow.

    Hi Milena

    You sound busy, hope the fasting is starting to go well again.

    Hi Celtic

    It is so nice to have people notice you have lost weight, it took ages for anyone to notice that I had. I was very overweight and I think it is difficult to see a loss then. I just need to get the non fast days sorted out and hopefully weight loss will start again. I have lost 2lbs this month so far, so I can’t really complain.

    It was nice to be missed……. See you all tomorrow


    Here is a quick recipe link, I have posted it months ago but there are a lot of new peopke on here now.

    I hope it helps.


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