Fasting For Longevity

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  golfar1 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I’m doing two fasts per week. One is approximately 22 hours and the other about 16-18 hours. During my fasts I have either black coffee or unsweetened tea which cause a slight, although temporary, rise in my blood sugar. I don’t need to lose any weight. At first I lost about 5 pounds, but I have been eating a lot this time of year and have gained the weight back. I’m wondering if what I’m doing is sufficient to gain any longevity benefits from this style of fasting? My personal thinking is that the standard 5:2 may be good for long term weight loss, but not significantly increased longevity. Would avoiding coffee and tea and just drinking water on my fastdays be more beneficial? Any thoughts on the best schedule of fasting for longevity?

    Thank you.

    I doubt if I’m qualified to offer an opinion, but nobody else seems to have done so. I’d guess that your regime should be helpful in terms of longevity. The science section of the Fast Diet book makes interesting comments about the body going into repair mode at cellular level when fasts last into the teens of hours, with the possibility of reducing cancer risk amongst other potential benefits.

    Small amounts of coffee may be beneficial to health, according to comments in Michael’s book Fast Exercise. Tea may also be beneficial. In terms of fasting, unsweetened black coffee or unsweetened tea drunk black seem unlikely to disturb your fast significantly. As it happens, I drink water when fasting, and mostly water even when not fasting.

    I bought Krista Varady’s book on alternate day fasting last week. She was one of the authorities quoted by Michael on TV and in the Fast Diet book. I’m afraid I’ve not yet had the time to see what nuggets her book has to offer, on longevity or other topics. Will read it soon. Good luck, R

    Can anyone share their thoughts about whether the 5:2 method is better or worse for longevity than outright fasting? Does the 5:2 work better for long term weight loss? Are day long fasts better for longevity?

    Hi maurice48. Like Tomorrow I am not qualified to give a medical opinion in answer to your question. Bear in mind that Michael developed the 5:2 in such a way that it could be used for modern life styles. In his book he mentions internal benefits. Longevity, is I am afraid a matter of good genes, good diet and good luck. Remember that old age brings with it many age related medical problems that science still does not have an answer for. If longevity and fasting is an issue for you then simply use Google and Google Scholar to widen your understanding of the subject.
    Good luck.

    Just an addition to my last post for the benefit of maurice48 and other interested posters. I researched Google Scholar, inserted diet and longevity. Among the many hits that came up was the following from The research concerned the link between the Mediterranean Diet and Longevity. Part of the research was also carried out in Australia on people over 70 yrs of age. Positive results were obtained in increased longevity among this age group when given a diet that was similar to the Med Diet. Of course there is much research out there concerning the subject so go to it if interested.
    Good luck.

    “a matter of good genes, good diet and good luck. ”

    Add to that: good attitude.

    There is a level of common sense to be applied towards longevity.

    I do think that any fasting will prolong longevity.

    Is anyone qualified to answer such a question?

    IMO there is no guarantee of longevity whatever you do. Did your parents/grandparents/great-grandparents live to a good age? Then your chances of doing so are increased. Is there a history of heart problems/cancer or some other serious illness? This has a bearing.

    I don’t know if fasting in particular will contribute to longevity, all you can do is make sure your health and lifestyle are as good as you can make them. You can hope that you will live longer but you have to enjoy whatever time you have with the people who mean the most to you.


    Hi Maurice,
    Also not qualified, just thoughts to offer.
    Personally I don’t think your fasts are quite long enough. I try to do 36 hours on just water.
    Longevity, well I can’t image there is any good data around about this or any other diet. Diet is always self reported so open to error.
    But taking Dr. Fungs reserach into account, if you can keep insulin low to minimise its fat making properties, then you should be promoting your best cardiovascular etc. health.
    Nothing much to be done about genes and walking under buses though!

    Personally, for longevity, I’d also take up meditation or an instrument and try to stop worrying. Most of the very old people I have heard interviewed all seem quite kind and chilled.
    Good luck!

    Mosley was supposed to give the latest info on this site but, if he did, I don’t know where it is. I am doing the 6:1 in hopes that it will help me live a longer healthy life. I am already thin and don’t want to lose weight. Please let me know if anyone finds Mosley’s latest info.



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