Fab Feb Fasting

This topic contains 425 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  timmothysmith01 2 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 437 total)

  • Day 3 – SW England – FD

    Thanks @babs_b ! Great advice, and it’s very encouraging to see that it’s worked for you so well. How late in the day do you have your first meal/snack? Im aiming for 2pm but we’ll see! Going for – no breakfast, 2 eggs for lunch with some veg of some kind then a soup/curry for evening meal. Pan fried pork sounds amazing though… especially right now!

    And @northgeorgia that’s amazing!

    Day 8 USA/DC FD(??)

    Good morning all, Wow – yesterday was quite the day. It was supposed to be a FD – well sort of, and then it all went to . . . . . You know the “diet” noom, that teaches you to focus on why you are eating (I am not on noom) let’s just say – I know why I eat when I go to town and just EAT but that has never stopped me. Yesterday was just a day from ….. and I decided, the heck with it, and ate. Honestly, I didn’t feel guilty while I was doing it and I still don’t. Sometimes you just gotta do what you do. :))))
    Soooooo – today I am back to business. Hoping for a FD. About to take a spin class and hopefully spin yesterday out of my system both calorically and emotionally.
    Happy Tuesday all. Thanks for listening.

    Day 8-FD-Northern VA USA
    Hey, @northgeorgia, congratulations! Your determination is inspiring to all!

    Day 8 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WF

    HOW IS IT THE 8th DAY OF FEBRUARY ALREADY????? Sorry to yell, but I’m just so flabbergasted!

    Yesterday’s FD was almost up to par; I was closer to 800 than 500–hopefully not over?!?!?–but I ate well and then chomped away on gum for two hours until the urge for sugar of some sort had passed. Today should be an easy WFD: I have to leave the house at 8am (fifteen minutes from now, instead of my usual 11am) and have a quilt guild meeting after lessons, so will be gone a full 13+ hours.

    @litprof Hang in there; that work you’re doing WILL show up on the scales; were you reading posts last fall when @basyjames lost something like six pounds in ten days? That was after not dropping any weight in three weeks. It will happen for you also!

    @penz I’m so very sad for you that you don’t enjoy your new job; stress is such a direct link to overeating, and gaining weight even when you DON’T overeat. 🤗

    oops and now i;m later

    Day 8 – USA (Illinois) NFD

    Did quite well yesterday with my OMAD even if totally it was about 900 calories. Trying to maintain is still work!

    @rootforyou – This is a great place to come to every day for support, ideas, and encouragement. Welcome.

    @northgeorgia – WOW!! Oh so happy for you making this major milestone! You are rocking this WOL.

    @funshipfreddie – just be glad you have expendable cash to lose at the casino, right?

    Onward and downward.

    USA. Day 8. FD

    Adding myself to the pocket list:

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍋

    Congratulations, NorthGeorgia!
    Welcome, RootForYou! I have been here for awhile, so I must have seen you at one point. Glad you returned. I just recently returned myself!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 8- 16:8 CD
    Yesterday report
    – [x] FD 500
    – [x] Cardio
    – [x] Weights – active rest day

    Now that my goal weight is in sight ( less than 10lb away) I have moved to weekly weigh-ins to keep closer tabs on what and how I’m doing. Today the scale had the darn hard time deciding if the weight would be 143.9 or 144.0. Just seeing the 143 in the weight window is exciting, tho! Naturally it chose 144, lol. I will be weighing in on Tuesdays as that is between my M&W fast days and that reassures me.

    As long as I approach my FD with a plan for what I will eat that day and my mantra firmly in place: ‘you can have “x” tomorrow’ (x being a food not on my plan) I’m managing well.

    @stitchincarol – you mentioned your waist measurement a while back, you had such a small waist! Even at my lowest weight (just after I had an awful stomach flu and ate nothing but occasional broths for a week to 10 days when I was 21 yo) my waist was 26 inches. And I thought I had troubles buying clothes that fit – did you make your own clothes? Blue Jeans have always been my nemesis – they just don’t make commercial jeans wide enough for my thighs/hips with waists that come close. It is somewhat better now that pants that look like denim but actually have stretch exist, but one day I’d love to splurge on some tailored pants and jeans.

    @i-hate-lettuce Your vacation sounded fabulous, and the photographer in me must ask if you got lots of photos? I have always yearned to go to Portugal, the colors they use on buildings are so spectacular in the photos I see.

    @lilymartin I wonder what the inappropriately dressed for work/occasion dreams mean. I have that one semi-often. It is always such a relief to awake from it and realize it didn’t actually happen. Like you and @stitchincarol I must be very careful with nuts. The kitchen scale is a must for almonds/sunflower seeds etc. – I measure a serving and put the rest away or I will not be able to stop nibbling on them.

    @betsylee I applaud your move every hour routine. When my niece passed along her old Apple Watch to me, I was shocked to see how little I stood or walked around without its reminders to do so. My watch really only asks me to stand, and I like the idea that yours really wants you to do some movement.

    @fastdietkeith I think you are doing grand! IIRC you did not have too much more to lose? Are you liking the HIT exercising? I have considered it, but haven’t tried it.

    @froby79 You are doing so well! You will rock that wedding dress, I’m sure!

    @funshipfreddie I really wasn’t watching my carbs (except by eating little to none of the highly processed kind) and how I feel when eating other foods until I joined this forum. That first month here carbs/sugar were a big topic and I started to pay attention. For satiety I have to avoid carb calories. And like you, I’m amazed at how full I can feel. I’m not ‘low carb’ but these days (with the exception of December holiday treats) my carb calories come from veg and an occasional serving of fruit. For pasta/rice dishes I just substitute some fresh or frozen veg and find I don’t miss the pasta or rice at all – and feel fuller longer.

    @rootforyou – Hello and welcome! Your attitude is one I like and try to adopt, I’d like to look slimmer but my weight loss is more about being healthier. I do exercise regularly- but it was several yrs in the making to get me here because, like you, I just don’t enjoy it. Well, until I found my cardio groove with a hula hoop and 70’s disco/80’s dance music blaring in the background. I have just added strength training, I hate it, but like the feeling of getting stronger – and it is a struggle to keep it up. Accountability reporting here has been helpful.

    As for feeling overwhelmed or anxious about the task ahead, @rootforyou, I’d say your first move (posting here for advice and support) is a grand first step! What calms me is focusing on the smaller pieces, like this week, or this day. Especially on a fast day – I just keep telling myself ‘just stay on target TODAY, and remember you can eat that “x” thing tomorrow.

    It is such a good thing for me to see so many active participants here! Just reading the board with my morning coffee sets me up for a good day of resolve and focus. So, a big thank you, one and all. You are important to me and I appreciate your support!

    Strong thoughts being sent from me to today’s fasters!

    Day 8 USA/DC

    @songbird – maintenance is definitely hard. at least it is for me. that’s the reason after 2 years I am back trying to say goodbye to those lovely extra 3.
    Good work keeping at it. Speaking for myself – it is a lesson in determination or consistency or staying present – maybe all of the above. But do stick with it. And in the end, if you gain back a few – they should come off with a month of reengagement.

    Day 8 – UK – FD800

    Yesterday’s FD came in at just under 500 ✅ and had a great Dynamic Flow Yoga Class early evening which resulted in a good night’s sleep

    A brisk walk of just over 8km this morning – grey and mizzly day but not cold and a HIP (high impact pilates) class planned for late afternoon – food intake entered into MFP to keep me on track to come in just under 800 for the day

    @lilymartin – after a rather excessive first week of February I thought I needed to regain some control and press my RESET button before too much damage was done 😇 it may end up as only 4 B2B days??
    @babs_b – you and your DH are doing great – 5lbs and 11lbs loss!!! Great to know that I have your company and support this week
    @froby79 – wedding plans can be time consuming but also enjoyable planing for your special day x
    @michelinme – great to have you joining myself and @babs_b on our week of B2B FDs – I have a friend who gets veg boxes from a local company called Eva’s Organics and she is always pleased with her deliveries and it has helped her to discover new vegetables to try
    @ccco – my sympathies with the 🍷😈 – one of my downfalls – I’m trying to do 5:2 in reverse with drinking for the rest of this month after a bad start last week!!!
    @emma-taylor – stepping on the scales might also liberate you…….but follow your instincts on that one
    @litprof – I agree with others regarding how stress can affect our weight – have you tried doing a bit of relaxation meditation – sometimes only 10-15mins of that “me time” can make all the difference
    @penz – sorry to hear that you are not enjoying your new job – we spend a large percentage of our time at work……is it something within your control to do something about ?
    @daffodil2010 – my Irish friend down south may be watching the 🏉 behind a cushion….🤣 I’ll be supporting her with regular texts
    @rootforyou – welcome to the challenge – your name is not familiar but perhaps you were on a different forum and not these monthly challenges – we have a great supportive international group here – I would suggest to just start by doing the basic 5:2 – also work out your TDEE using the BMI calculator on the Resources button at the top of the page and try using something like the free MFP app to help you recognise if your idea of portion control and calorie count is within acceptable limits – most of us here had to learn that first big step….small steps
    @flourbaby – great to hear that your Covid symptoms were minor – hopefully same will apply to your Mum
    @northgeorgia – good things happen to those who persevere – congratulations hitting that big milestone
    @excelsior12309 – great to see you popping in – how are things with you
    @nellen – I totally echo your sentiments

    Adding myself to that pocket list for support – have also added anyone who have posted their intention for a FD as TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍋
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Right off to get organised for my HIP class, luckily it’s via Zoom so I don’t have to go out in the wet…

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 8 – 2nd post

    Woo Hoo @northgeorgia!!! Amazing results. Well done. Gosh, I can remember the long nights of Club 240……. You are so far from that now. Congratulations. You are a credit to the WOL

    Day 9, NFD, Aus

    Welcome @rootforyou – this is a very supportive global group. No need to feel ashamed or anxious with us! I too have a very supportive OH who loves me as I am. While this is far preferable to someone who might say ‘I’d like you more if you lost weight’, I want to lose weight for ME. A number of us have become Leslie fans – check out Leslie Sansone on YouTube – lots of very easy walking programs which you can do in front of the computer at home. She’s quite addictive (and it doesn’t feel like exercise). If you stick with your plan of 2 days a week of 500/600cal days, you WILL lose weight! Just keep an eye on the long term goal and be conscious it won’t happen over night.

    Thanks all for your support re my new job. I know it’s just the settling in period and people here are generally nice. But I’m feeling underutilised and marginalised in some portions of the organisation and I hate playing politics. I’ll stick with it for now tho.

    @flourbaby – I think the modern mantra is “stay positive but test negative”! Hope your mum continues to not suffer too badly.

    Wow, @northgeorgia. That is absobloodylutely fantastic!! Time to bring back Lola and co…

    Day 8 UK FD

    LONG day, quick check in. Yesterday’s FD800 morphed to CD at 1040 but included some carb so i’ve inflated again. Today has been OMAD supper at just under 700 calories – i’ll take that.

    Hope all’s ok – look forward to catching up with posts on Friday if not before – next two days are 9-7 plus commute…

    @at thank you for adding me to the Pocket List – stronger together xx

    USA. Day 8. FD

    Another day down! 855 calories consumed today and the kitchen is closed! Yeah!

    It was a busy day! Despite that, I even got all my exercise. It’s only been two weeks, since I started back up exercising again, and I already feel so good! Feeling good will be my motivation! Because I am doing it at home right now, I can do all my exercises intermittently throughout the day. I have gotten it so integrated into my daily activities, it’s great!

    I hope everyone has been having a wonderful day!

    Day 9 country west Australia NFD
    @betsylee, well done on the 700g loss.
    I thought I had been very controlled yesterday, confidently got on the scales this morning and Cruella had a great big smile as she read 1.8 kgs UP !!!!😳😲😳
    I did drink gallons of water yesterday but perhaps having authentic Sri Lankan prawn curry and rice for dinner last night was not my best decision!! No exercise yesterday and all day at the computer is also not so good.☹️
    I had a very bad night’s sleep and nothing short of a sack trolley is going to get rid of the bags under my eyes!!!!
    I will have to look surprised all day to keep my eyes open.😳
    @songbirdme, the Chilli Chicken is going to be tried very soon. Thank you!🙏
    @daffodil2010 your fishy dishes also sound delicious. Therein lies a big part of my problem – I LOVE to cook. I LOVE food and have yet to meet a calorie I didn’t like…..😍 Here’s hoping 165 emerges by Friday.
    @I-H-L, Are your supermarket shelves as depleted as ours sometimes are? We have big problems with our ‘supply’ chain as a lot of goods come from over east.
    With Covid affecting people and a disruption to the single railway line joining east and west Australia due to an enormous flood washing the line away, some things are not available.
    I am always amused that toilet paper is the first thing to disappear from the shelves ?????
    Petrol has just gone up to $2/ litre!!!! EEEKKKK.
    @funshipfreddie , well done on your successful FD 😇
    I think I will have to try the low carb route for a while. I adore carbs ( well I love all food TBH!!) but I suspect I will FINALLY have to bite the bullet and eat less carbs.😢
    I am eating smaller portions but the scale are swinging up and down fairly wildly at present. Fewer carbs might bring the number down and keep it down.🤞
    @rootforyou, Welcome back!!! You are certainly in the right place and many of us are here for thee support and accountability.
    My journey has been very similar to yours except in my case I managed to put ON 17 kgs !!!!!!!😳😲😲
    I am not happy about that but ” It is what it is” as they say.
    I have 17 kgs to lose and when I was on this forum and doing 5:2 as it is supposed to be done ie actually having a FD or 2 a week and UNDER the 500/800 calories AND keeping a very close eye on the NFDs and knowing my TDEE well, I did lose weight and was healthier.
    So we are pleased you are back and I am more than happy to hold your hand.🤝 We can all do this together.
    @flourbaby, very droll about staying positive!!! I Love it.! I hope your mother stays safe as she recovers from Covid.🙏 And gets well soon 🌷
    @babs_b, congratulations on the downward trend. I must dig out my 800 calorie cookbook. I love to look at my cookbooks – I have hundreds of cookbooks and magazines. Did I mention I LOVE food ……..?? 😁
    @northgeorgia – WOW !!!! WOW !!!!! WOW !!!!😇😇😇😇💐💐💐💐👏👏👏👏👏👏😇😇😇😇
    Nuff said !!
    Must away to work but here’s to a day of mindfulness with eating nd other activities. 🙂

    second post
    @nellen, Yep, some days you gotta do what you just gotta do!! Hope you enjoyed the food.
    And remember tomorrow ( or today ) is another day as Katie O’Hara said in Gone with the Wind . One of my favourite all time movies. I loved the story but the costumes and the scenery – WOW.😲
    @excelsior12309, welcome back. So good to see you here.🙂
    @stitchincarol well done on the CD and good luck with the WFD today.🤞 I am envious of your quilting. I have a wardrobe FULL of fabrics collected over 30 years. One day …….
    @mariaelena, How exciting that 143 is in sight!!! 😇👏Thank you for the very good advice for @rootforyou and all of us really.🙂 It really is 1 day at a time.
    @at, sounds like you have everything in place for a very good day.🙂 I think I need to be a bit more organised especially re exercise …. and I am the health professional who shows others how to exercise !!!! ????
    Have just packed my lunch – a SMALL piece of veggie frittata in a SMALL container.

    Day 9 AUS FD

    I am really having a hard time with the scales at the moment, which not only aren’t going down but are going up, so I have decided to do a FD500 (I usually do 800), and OMAD, and see if the lower calories and longer fast will get things moving again.

    Gah! Gaining motivation from you all!

    Day 9 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Yay…..I saw 165.2 this morning! So continuing on, hoping to see below that by Friday, but happy to see this week’s goal pop up in the scales 👍

    ZBC, another mackerel salad for lunch (half a tin per lunch 😆), roast chicken with veg for dinner.

    Already did our Leslie Sansone walk this morning….it’s great fun doing it with DH actually, at 6.15am we are dancing around the living room and having the craic while exercising and me laughing at DH’s “Dad Dancing”…. Highly recommend it @rootforyou. I enjoyed doing the walks by myself for the lockdown but enjoying it more with my partner ☺️

    @lilymartin, sorry to hear about supply issues down under. We haven’t really had any problems in that regard at all (except for toilet roll at the beginning of the pandemic 😆), but goodness, the cost of fuel is shooting up and filling the car costs considerably more than a couple of years ago!

    I am feeling good and healthy, slept last night for 8 hours straight, ready to crack the day. Have a good Wednesday 🐪

    Day 9, U.K.- FD

    Fast day for me today!

    I must remember to drink loads of water before lunchtime! Otherwise I’ll get too hungry.

    Also a miso soup around lunchtime to keep me on straight & narrow…..

    Weird how skipping breakfast is now “just what I do” but now skipping lunch has become really hard!!! 😀

    @maria elena
    Thanks so much for your explanations on the Sous vide !
    Sounds like fun! 🙂

    Good luck everybody that is fasting today!

    Day 9 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Very mild day off out for a walk (fishing) round one of the trout lakes, see if I can tempt an early fish!

    @funshipfreddie – NED certainly was a typo! Can manage FD but a NED …. Nooooo

    @northgeorgia – Great result and a good incentive to say not going to go above there again!

    @mariaelena – Yes, loads of ‘photos, Portugal is indeed a fabulous country. Back again end of October, all being well!

    @lilymartin – Supermarkets pretty well stocked here, very few empty shelves that we could see. All the basics are there. Often think the biggest problem is Newspapers coming up with rumour and speculation, which causes problems.
    Mind you, I’ve never bought a newspaper for years (long story)

    Take care all

    Day 9 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @rootforyou – Welcome (back)!

    @northgeorgia – 209?!! 💪 I just knew you were going to ace this month! 🥇

    @songbirdme – not much expendable income! In fact, I’ve told Boo Boo to get a job, & she may need to squeeze in a couple of FDs this week 😅

    @mariaelena & @lilymartin – I’m really not missing the carbs at all! Although it is only week two. But eventually I will have the occasional slice of bread/toast or piece of fruit if I really want it, instead of following my usual ‘all or nothing’ approach & throwing in the towel if I get discouraged.

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 9 🥑

    Day 9 UK NFD

    Aargh now we’ve finished decorating the bedroom , it just shows up how tatty the hallway is looking so we’re tackling that this week 🪜

    I agree @daffodil2010 having a partner to skip along with Leslie can be entertaining but really @rootforyou they are a great way to sneak in some exercise

    Happy 🐫 day all x

    Day 4 – UK NFD/FD?

    @funshipfreddie @brightonbelle @daffodil2010 @lilymartin @penz @mariaelena @songbirdme @ccco thank you for your lovely warm welcomes and advice! I really appreciate it. Inspire me to carry on.

    FD yesterday went great, and I’m considering doing an 800 day today as I feel in the swing of things, but we’ll see. Currently reading the Fast 800 book and I’m thinking a short period of keeping cals low every day could be a good start.

    @penz and @daffodil2010 I’ll have to look up Leslie Sansone, I’m very intrigued! I used to like Zumba so I might try that again too. Although I know that just a 30min walk a day would probably do it. Why is that so hard?

    @lilymartin Great to hear that you’ve returned to fasting with such success! It was odd to see my previous weights listed in my progress from 6 years ago! I think part of the reason I gave up was because I was working in an office at the time so was terrified of having a rumbling stomach! Now I work from home so there’s no one else to bother! Hopefully I’ll stick to it and save some money on food too.

    @mariaelena @penz and all – I’m feeling a lot more positive and less anxious about it all today. I know it’ll work and it’s clearly doable. Looking forward to feeling healthier and more energetic! Maybe exercise will follow…!

    Day 9 – USA/GA – ZBC, FD(?)

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs. I overindulged slightly yesterday, but my body exaggerates. However, I have discovered something after a couple of weeks of B2B WFDs: after that first post-NFD, I feel a LOT less hungry on the 2nd potential NFD and find it easy to convert it into another FD (such as today).

    I won’t put myself on the pocket list today, but unless some big invitation happens at lunchtime, it will be a FD.

    third post
    @litprof, I think it must be something to do with gravity and being down under that is the reason our scales are going up.
    Whew! I just knew there was a reasonable explanation !!!😅
    I too am going to revert to 500 cal FDs which is what worked well for me back in 2016/7.
    @daffodil2010, I am looking forward to a good sleep tonight as last night was lousy – waking several times and trouble dropping off.
    A much smaller dinner with lots of veggies ( no spud) and small bowl of fruit salad. We’ll see…
    @high5, I must remember miso soup. I used that quite a bit also back in the day.
    I remember quite involved discussions about kefir and kombucha and many other different and interesting issues re food and dieting.
    I would love some of the group from 2016/17 to drop back in and just say ‘hi’. I often wonder what happened to people such as @fatrabbit; @dykask;.🤔
    @i hate lettuce, you have to tell us the story of newspaper-not-buying now. I am SO intrigued!!
    @brightonbelle, isn’t that always the way! Once you start doing up one room you almost have to do the others.
    @funshipfreddie, looking forward to the day I don’t miss carbs.😔
    @rootforyou, well once I lose the 17kgs 🤬THEN I have to lose the kilos to get within a healthy BMI !!!! But day at a time and VERY motivated at present and with all the help on this site I know I will get there.
    Hoping for a good and sustainable result by Christmas. Taking the slow and long term view.😬
    @NorthGerogia, the very good thing is that you now KNOW you can reach under 210. 🙂 So I’m confident you’ll see that again soon.
    😡😡The ‘S’ key on my computer doesn’t work anymore unless I really press down very hard on it.
    So I apologise if there are occasional typos.
    I do try to proof read my posts but if you read something a bit bizarre it is because the ‘s’ doesn’t work and then predictive text takes over and truly some of the things that I’ve inadvertently written…. anyway just a warning in advance.🤪

    I was idly looking through my older posts and came across this one from December 2020 when I obviously didn’t have much to do!!!
    “I think Cinque; Neilithicman; Purple Veggie Eater and a few others are on the Southern Hemispherites site.
    Others that I can recall ( after re-reading old posts )
    amandah; anzac65; anna6; arelkade; annnursekirk; allsmiles; and…exhale; Amazon; anna; annypanny;
    belfastsink; betsylee; babs_b; brightonbelle; beththenew; bert1802; Blueinjamum; bigviking; bigbooty; B2tf; bellyblast; believeit; big_bill; biddiev;
    cateaus; ccco; Ciren2; Coda; cboz; cleo120; cinque; Cheshire;
    daffodil2010; ding ping; diver dog; ducks_d; Debster251; Debbie; Diggly; dwellers; diana123;
    Eternally Grateful;
    Fuvvie; fastveg; flour baby; fat rabbit; fatveganchickslims; fat fingers; funshipfreddie; fasting_me;
    granny2ten; gretta;
    Hannahwatto; Happy Now;
    Johnnyr; jojo58; jarbia; just Julie; jai faim; jess your size;
    krisnia; keelseel; kay wester man; kt caroline; krishna;
    lola 907; lynned; lorky 35; louis 05; lindasue; Lael; Laddie; la grande bouffe; lew; lany 36; leggit; Lynz M; Loubelles; luimat; lynzm; Lard; Larry NYC; lizzy Agatha;
    mjrbcd44; miraclelon; msraven; mari 84; miss j 2002; mimigogirl; mama cat; mama tales; molij; metatauta; minke; melanta; Merry Me; Mia 139; m flood; michelinme; merry apple; missy bear; mamajama; matpi; moukinator;
    North rancher; Northern Dawn ; Now Voyager
    okeydokey; orpheusx; onahealthyhigh;
    pamelav; pamie; pashaw; pissupoosa ( love that handle!) ; Pamela; prina39; paulmarsh; puzzlelover;
    quebecoise ; queenbee20280;
    Richard67; Reid; Rocy65; rainbowsmile; rainbowbrite30; rara0292; raderz; rafiki44; rabette; redrockgirl302;
    southcroydenkate; saffy420; Sanj; strawberriesandcream; stevetoontaxidriver; simcoeluv; snowflake56;
    shiny thing; symba 7; sirisan; sherbet; simmogirl; stardust dream; skinnyminny57; sparkly shoes; schatziii;
    therealwil78; treasure quilt; Trephena; taraga; tsubaki;
    Wendy3; Why; Well rounded; winsomewaif;
    yoyofletch. “”
    o if any of you lovely people are out there lurking or reading we would love to hear from you and hear how you are going.
    Please feel free to just drop in and say’ hi’. 🙏

    Day 9 – FD 500
    Yesterday report
    – [x] CD 16:8
    – [x] Cardio

    A funny: I was talking to an old friend, who reminded me where we acquired the ZBC habit. We both attended a high school that had just gone coed (from male only) the year we started. 600 girls shared the total of 4 restroom stalls for women, two in the second floor rest room , two in the fourth floor restroom. It was a virtual impossibility to use the facilities between 8 am and lunch. We became ZBC’ers out of necessity- lol.

    I had a late lunch due to scheduling confusions here and sat down to roasted chicken and felt like I could not be more ravenous. I will attribute it to the starting weight training, I think my body was saying “MORE Protein!” I stopped eating the chicken before I wanted to but satisfied the ravenous feeling by ending the meal with a baked potato with a reasonable amount of butter. Was proud of myself, controlling what I wanted to eat by eating what I should eat.

    @nellen and @at I have to say, I’m anxious about maintenance. First I have to figure out where maintenance should be! And Second, maintenance is where I tend to lose the thread. I’m determined not to do another yo-yo weight thing, but I understand how to approach weight loss, yet feel a bit lost with maintenance coming.

    @ccco – Yep ‘the kitchen is closed’ thinking is a must for me at the end of the day. For health and weight I must have a firm no food past 8pm rule on the everyday evenings at home. It helps me a whole lot.

    @lilymartin I hope you can get what you need at the grocer. Where I am there are lots of ‘out of stock’ on specific items or brands, but always other options available- no empty shelf syndrome. Actually, last week I had to get substitute brands for a couple of my DH’s staple foods and it turned out he preferred the substitutes so it was a win/win here. (And it’s been years since I watched Gone with the wind – I need to put that on. I tend to the BBC (Colin Firth) Pride and Prejudice when I’m in the mood for period costume and scenery).

    @funshipfreddie – that is exactly it! Have the piece of toast/ fruit occasionally. Putting it on a NO list is the easiest road to failure for me. I save that NO list for the things I don’t enjoy, anyway. Like rice – Meh – so I put it in a NO list and have riced veggies in the freezer for typical rice dishes.

    @brightonbelle – I send you empathy and mirth. It is quite a slippery slope that updating decor thing. 😀

    I send good thoughts to all! Today is my scheduled 2nd fast day.

    Pocket List – Day 9 🥑

    Day 9 – Rural Nebraska, USA – not sure yet

    The scale was a lovely 140.8 this morning, giving me additional motivation, except I know that when I push too hard, I tend to explode out of the restrictions and eat horribly, so I’m still thinking through all my options for today.

    And with that, I must go. It’s another very busy day, and while I’d much rather read all the comments and respond to each of you, this is the kind of situation where I do what I need to do, what I’ve committed to doing, what other people are counting on me doing. Where I show RESOLVE and behave responsibly. You know. The way I’d LIKE to be good at where food is concerned! 😂😂😂

    Who knows if I’ll have time to sit down and read later, but I’m thinking of you all!!

    USA. Day 9. FD

    Wow! The days are going quickly! I have overcome my new found bad habit of eating my grandson’s snacks simply by not buying them! LOL. Now he only gets Nabisco Teddy Grahams! He likes them and they don’t intrigue me. He calls them grandma’s cookies! LOL. With that gone, I am back in business, trying to keep every day around 800 calories per day (easy to do without grandson’s snacks) and getting back to my exercising of weight training and rowing on my rowing machine. It’s been two weeks and I feel so much better due to my effort. I did eat a little more in the evening last night because I felt a little too hungry but tonight I will avoid that! I am feeling up about this!

    Adding myself to today’s pocket list:

    Pocket List – Day 9 🥑

    Congratulations on everyone’s achievements so far this month. I feel that I do better as long as I can keep my mindset. That’s that difficult part. It seems excising along with this WOL helps me to do that. I really don’t know why.

    Have a great day, everyone! 🙂

    Day 9. USA/DC. FD
    How is it possible we are so far into February. Whoa. I am bound and determined to make this one a real FD. Fingers crossed. Think I need to get out of the house – that would help. Good luck to all. Still applauding @northgeorgia. You are an inspiration.

    Day 9 -uk – NFD
    Good day everyone

    Good progress on the scale (-0.5kg this week) but I’m finding very hard finding the time to go to the gym. I’m really overworking. I am a prof at uni and some weeks are just mad.
    I’m glad my usual sweet binge eating is not happening. The fasting regime is really helping I think, I’m less hungry.. maybe my body is learning that I don’t need the food I used to eat .

    I never found it easy being on a diet, I like eating!!!. I always had a certain resistance in conforming with the classical beauty standard. This group is great in keeping the motivation up. I’ve also found that the key of my consistency is buying expensive organic vegetables. I don’t want to waste them and I force myself to cook them rather than eating already prepared food. Having a clear food plan is really helping me.

    Sorry for the super Long post!!

    Kiss kiss and see you tomorrow for another FD!

    Day 10, NFD, Aus

    I know, @lilymartin! I filled the car up this morning (which I’ve not done for a while as with lockdowns etc I’ve not been driving as much). The station is one of those where you have to pre-select the dollar amount and swipe your credit card before pumping. I selected $80 and that was not enough to fill the tank! I had to select another amount and swipe my card again. Ouch.

    And wow for your other post re former posters. Some familiar names there for me too. Would be good to see them back.

    I usually do FDs on Thursdays but I’m hosting a cooking demo tonight for the Thermomix. There’s no point in even pretending to have a FD. OH had packed me some leftover casserole for lunch. I looked at it and took half of it out. Portion control! (Halo polishing time.)

    Glad to read your post @rootforyou. You sound in control, motivated and positive. That’s all it takes!

    Bwah ha ha, @mariaelena! Love your story about how you became a ZBC member.

    Day 10 ( Noooooo!!!) FD country west Australia
    My scale are bouncing all over the place! Up 1.8 kgs yesterday; down 1.2 kgs today !!??
    I only record Saturday morning’s weight so will be interesting to see what that actually is.
    Thank goodness for the tracker which shows progress – up and down. Looking more like the Himalayas than the Swiss Alps at present.🏔
    @mariaelena I too am amused/ somewhat horrified at how you became ZBC member.
    @penz, yes every effort towards better health is a step in the right direction and portion control 😇is key in many instances .😇
    @froby79, I like 5:2 because it is a WOL rather than a diet. With 5:2 people are often after better health along with wanting to Lose weight so winning all round.
    Good to hear the hunger dragon is being leashed. Like you, I like eating!
    Can I ask, What are you a professor of ? ( not English , I hope, after that last sentence!) 🤔
    @nellen , good luck with the FD. We can DO this together and I am sure there will be a Thursday pocket list.
    @ccco, yes snacks can be a real trap. I haven’t got to the grandchildren’s snack stage yet but it is coming….
    Well done on the exercising and restraint . 800 calories on days I feel hungry sometimes seems more doable .
    @stitchincarol may your resolve overflow from your work to your table, and fridge and pantry…🙂
    Off to show others the exercises I should be doing…
    Onwards and downwards

    Day 10 FD UK

    @lilymartin I am far from being an English prof!! I’m actually just been promoted as prof in work psychology in a business school here in the UK. I’ve read there are several academics in this group..

    Pocket list

    Day 10 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Weigh-In: 164.8lbs
    Going well this week. Is it the motivation now of following @northgeorgia‘s lead and posting the daily weigh in for accountability (instead of burying head in sand)?
    Whatever, this week so far has actually shifted the weight loss, slowly, that is true….but I feel that motivation to grind on.

    Today’s FD comprises again of my homemade oat bran bread ham and mustard sandwhich, then konjac rice and a small chickpeas with tomato and pepper curry..teeny portion, but that should do me.

    I had a tough day in work and so wanted to go to the shop on the way home and pick up a bottle of wine (no wine in house is my other DTF tactic), but I didn’t! I was hungry after my roast chicken dinner, small portion, wanted some chocolate, but I had mint tea instead.

    Woke up this morning not hungry!

    Best of luck to all the fasters today. Pocket List Day 10

    Day 10 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Sending RESOLVE to today’s fasters. 💪

    Together we are Stronger 🤝

    Pocket List – Day 10 🍏

    Day 10 – Lake district UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Typical, excellent mild day yesterday, real ‘bitey’ wind today, glad I went fishing yesterday, even managed to bring a couple of nice trout home! Was really nice wandering round the lake yesterday, met up with a few like minded guys keen to get out.
    Today’s a planned walking day, but might be a short wander, it’s the sort of wind that gets into the bones this morning, it doesn’t go round you, it goes through! Wait an hour or two and regroup, mind you it is mid February so can’t really expect much else really.

    @lilymartin – I’m another that weighs once a week, got fed up with scales that seem to act as though we’re in an earthquake zone 😉

    Take care all

    Pocket List – Day 10 🍏

    Day 10, London, UK, FD

    Thanks for all the crossed fingers for my mum, I’m glad to report that her symptoms were even less severe than mine🥳🥳 I’m going for a 3rd FD this week, it’ll be a FD800 but mainly veg & protein, so I should be full, satisfied and confident that the cheese (which STILL hasn’t made it to the freezer) is safe!!🙏🏼🙏🏼

    House hunting is heating up🥵🥵, it might have something to do with the HUGE increase in energy bills we’re expecting, I figure I’ll chop down some trees or burn some furniture if I get my dream home, but can’t afford to heat it!!!🤣🤣

    Apologies if there’s something juicy to comment on, as I still haven’t caught up with a couple of pages so I’ll have to skip the catching up & commenting!!!

    I’ll need that RESOLVE today @funshipfreddie!!!

    Pocket List – Day 10 🍏

    Although I’m aiming for perfection, I have to remember ………………………..

    “Success is the sum of small efforts — repeated day in and day out.”
    —Robert Collier

    Day 10 UK FD

    Usual Thursday <500 cals day , amazing how those scales can fluctuate isn’t it ?

    Channelling the positive vibes 💪

    Pocket List – Day 10 🍏

    Although I’m aiming for perfection, I have to remember ………………………..

    “Success is the sum of small efforts — repeated day in and day out.”
    —Robert Collier

    Day 10 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 210 lbs. I was happy to drop a few ounces to get to 209 this week, but other than that, each day is matching the weight from the current week. I guess my body is resting and re-learning a lower threshold towards the lower 210s. The 10-day trend certainly backs that up as it continues to creep downwards. Today’s 10-day average is 212. That means within 10 lbs of saying “goodbye” to clinical obesity! So far, February continues January’s success.

    Good luck to the pocket-listers today!

    Day 10 Melb Aust CD

    Yesterday was more a FD800, with a CD on day 8, so progressing okay, so far so good. I’m being stricter than usual as I HAVE to get past the sticking point I have been stuck on for ages (most of 2021!), going up (but not down) a couple of kilos then back to it. This time I will get past it! According to scales today, I am 1.7 kg down from the start of February, which is despite my “donut blip” in the first week.

    @mariaelena, I can understand your concern about what happens when you reach your maintenance weight. One of the long-timers on the Southern Hemispherites has been in maintenance for over 5 years, and what she has done is to continue with a 6:1 lifestyle, which allows her a little flexibility for occasional indulgences on other days. She also has an “acceptable weight range” and if she gets too close to the top of that range, she immediately goes back to 5:2 for a few weeks.
    It seems to be an effective way to do things. I plan to try to do the same, assuming I reach my goal weight sometime 🙂

    @northgeorgia, great to see that 209 on the scales. I’m sure below 210 will become more common, and then always, and it will become 199 that is the next goal.

    @penz, sounds like the job may be one you have to allow yourself time to settle into. If you find yourself saying on the way to work “I don’t want to be there”, and it goes on for a while, maybe start looking around for something else.

    So many posts! Great to see all the progress people are making. @flourbaby, hope your mother recovers quickly from Covid (and apologies if I’ve got the wrong person).

    Re my fitbit watch – it vibrates on my arm at 10 minutes to the hour if I haven’t done 250 steps in that hour. That’s handy. 250 steps isn’t much, but 10 times a day makes it 2500 extra steps, as well as walking and other activities.

    Onward and downwards everyone!

    Day 10 – UK – FD800

    Hi all,

    I was AWOL yesterday in a big meeting. As a result, my FD800 went slightly out the window as it was well catered (with some beautiful food & a small glass of wine, I might add). The food wasn’t big or heavy but I have no idea how many calories would’ve been in it. We were late home and also had a bad night’s sleep so all in all, not the best of scenarios but hey, we’ll push on.

    Today is yet another FD800 and the routine of soup for lunch and a F800 recipe for dinner is holding strong. Mr @babs_b has now lost 15lb and is about to go into the next stone bracket. Yesterday has added 1lb back onto my weight but I’m confident that’ll come back off in the next couple of days.

    I SO want to get under the next stone bracket. I was 1lb away (now 2lb)!

    Sadly I have to dash but hopefully will be back on later to properly catch up. Have a great day all 🙂

    Pocket List – Day 10 🍏

    Day 10 – UK – FD800
    Day 9 – UK – FD800

    Today will be Day 4 of B2B FDs 🤞This week I needed to press my RESET button after an out of control start to this challenge – going well so far and also managed to fit in some exercise each day
    Mon – 90mins Dynamic Yoga
    Tues – Brisk 8.5km walk + 50mins High Impact Pilates
    Wed – 90mins morning General Yoga and 90mins evening Dynamic Yoga
    Thurs – 60mins Aerobics and 60mins evening strength Pilates class planned

    @lilymartin – you are not alone here in your love for cooking and food “I LOVE to cook. I LOVE food and have yet to meet a calorie I didn’t like” 🤣 for me the trick is learning portion control……..if only!!! I’m one who weighs once a week but only record at the end/beginning of each month – No problems with supplies in supermarkets here but the cost of petrol has definitely gone up!!!
    @mariaelena – Having been in maintenance for a few years now – I find that I have to remain vigilant otherwise the weight will surely creep back on…..MFP remains my friend and if I have an indulgent weekend/week 😈 I press my RESET button fairly quickly before too much damage is done 😇
    @i-hate-lettuce – bet your freshly caught trout went down a treat – how did you or Mrs IHL cook it? we had the same weather as you….
    @flourbaby – good to hear that your mum is doing well and good luck with the house hunting 🤞
    @betsylee – I agree with the approach of the long-timer on the Southern Hemispherites about maintenance – in having an “acceptable weight range” and if I get too close to the top of that range I do something about it

    Joining the pocket list for motivation and support as TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!

    Pocket List – Day 10 🍏

    Remember that “Slow progress is better than no progress”

    Day 10 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    I’m very bummed not to have time to read posts and respond, but it’s a third crazy-busy day in a row; tomorrow will be better.

    I ate acceptably yesterday, although not anywhere near as little as I would want if I actually knew how many calories I consumed, LOL!!!

    Today is piano lesson day again with a WF to go with it, so it should be easy enough.

    Perhaps I’ll have time to check in later…or perhaps tomorrow morning. 😜🤷‍♀️

    Day 10 – 16:8 CD
    Yesterday report
    – [x] FD 500
    – [x] Cardio

    Yesterday I dropped off clothes and other flotsam at goodwill. I was surprised to see an empty parking lot, so I popped in (not something I have done since pandemic). I found a vest/waistcoat (think what men wear under tuxedo style) that looks very attractive on me. I have always wanted one and I’m excited at the new addition to the wardrobe! I have purchased some necessary new shoes since the pandemic, but no clothing iirc – so it is kind of my valentines gift to myself.

    Today I have a stop to make at the seamstress (my dyspraxia makes even simple sewing impossible) because a number of my DH work shirts have buttons missing/ sagging. A pair of slacks I’ve had in my closet since about 2010 will finally get hemmed up as well. I’m happy to report they FIT (except in length)!

    Thank you @at and @ Betseylee for the words of wisdom on maintaining. It is so reassuring to hear about what is working for folks. I must figure out how to modify that voice in my head that says “Maria Elena you have to lose weight” so that she says, “Maria Elena, let’s keep that weight in check. I think the weekly weigh-ins is a good start.

    @babs_b you and Mr. Babs_b give me great cheer! He is doing so well, as are you and you are doing so together. How wonderful!

    @at: the adjectives in your exercise descriptions are so invigorating and a tad intimidating: Dynamic, High Impact, Brisk …. Good for you fitting that in to your days!

    @brightonbelle The capricious scale fluctuations are my enemy. I admire the fortitude of those that deal better with those than I do.

    @flourbaby Such good news that your mom had relatively light symptoms. Glad to hear you are on the mend and good luck with the house hunting!

    @i-hate-lettuce LOL ‘scales that seem to act as if we are in an earthquake zone’. My mind anthropomorphizes the scale, and he is a mercurial bugger for sure!

    @daffodil2010 I applaud your resolve yesterday in the face of a tough day! And how nice for your body to reward you with a hunger free awakening 😀

    @lilymartin I’m with you. 5:2 works much better for my mindset than “diet” and constant calorie restriction.

    @ccco Like you, I have found it so helpful to simply not buy certain foods that are sirens calls to me. In my case it is potato chips, lol. So I keep my DH stocked with tortilla chips which don’t tempt me.

    @stitchincarol – Lovely weigh in! Looks like your resolve is back in place!

    Wow, l just noticed the time! Must run!

    Day 10 second post,

    Oh my gosh! Walked past the scale, decided to weigh in again this week (an instinct I usually ignore). The scale said (decidedly, not in a wishy-washy can’t decide way) 142.5. That is (just) under BMI 25 so for the first time in what seems like forever I have a BMI of healthy, not overweight! I’m smiling like crazy!

    So big thank you’s to all here, I believe your presence on the board and support made a wonderful difference.

    USA. Day 10 FD

    Pocket List – Day 10 🍏

    Congratulations, MariaElena! Way to go!
    NorthGeorgia, I seem to be in the same boat this week. I have remained at the same weight despite my. best efforts this week.
    Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 10- Ireland – FD

    Hi all, back from Scotland after a really lovely time and having a much needed FD 👍. Adding lystt et of to a long list 💪

    Catch you all tomorrow.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 10 🍏

    Day 10 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Yesterday was DH’s 75th birthday, so I did have to indulge him (and me) with some chocolate cake. Wonderful to have the kiddos check in on him as well. But including a nice dinner, that put me 1.4 pounds up on the scale this morning. Will get that off shortly.

    @betsylee – my Fitbit also does the buzz at 10 til the hour, and it has encouraged me to not sit any longer than necessary. Also, I agree with your Southern Hemisphere-ite who is on long term maintenance. I am right with that at a generally 6:1 with an “acceptable range” as well.

    @mariaelena – I would not worry about what maintenance will look like until you experience how it works for you. My biggest advice is to keep at our WOL in some capacity. (See my note to @betsylee above, and her previous post.) Most importantly, don’t think you can never get back on a scale.

    @lilymartin – $2/liter gasoline?! OMGoodness…. Illinois is worse than many states (our taxes are high) but nowhere close to that.

    @penz – I can see why you won’t want to drive much with gas that expensive. Ugh.

    @ccco – I agree with you about Teddy Grahams. Most graham things I can skip. Good plan for your grandson!

    @flourbaby – prayers for your mum.

    Onward and downward.

    2nd post
    Well done @mariaelena….delighted for you, super news ☺️

    Day 11, NFD, TGIF, Aus

    I can feel the warmth of your beaming smile from across the world, @mariaelena! Well done you – you should feel justifiably proud of yourself.

    And on that happy note, I’m signing out for the week. Have a great weekend everyone and ‘see’ you on Monday.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 437 total)

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