Both hubby and I started the 5:2 this past Sunday. Both in mid-60s, both active, healthy, but obese according to BMI measures. I have been following a non 5:2 restricted calorie diet for the past 18 months. I lost 30 pounds in the first 9, and have been plateau’ed/maintaining for the most recent 9, bobbing up and down across a 5 pound range. That’s why I decided to try 5:2: to sort of kick-start a new round of weight loss and get out of the obese range. Well, this morning was my first weigh-in on 5:2 and I was gobsmacked to see I had lost 9 pounds! Even more amazing (yet most definitely annoying) was the fact that hubby had lost 13! I know about water weight, weight of undigested food, etc, but this amount of weight loss seems pretty stunning. I warned my hubby that next week we will probably see a weight gain, and shouldn’t expect this type of loss again. But just wondering if anyone else has had this type of extreme weight loss in the first week, and what happened in the following weeks. Thanks for any shedding of light!
5:45 am
9 Jan 16