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This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  jillianmacgregor 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi All

    I am planning on starting doing 5:2 this week just after Xmas.
    I have been on Setraline meds for the past 2.5 years since I had my second child and have put on nearly 3 stone in that time. Nothing I have been able to do diet wise has helped lose the weight so a month agon I made the decision to come off the meds to see if I can lose the weight.

    Has anyone had experience of losing weight whilst on Setraline or just after coming off it? My doc said that my metabolism might not go back to normal for another 6 months : ( and this is the only diet she reccomends!

    Any advice or tips would be great : )


    Hi Jillian, I can’t help as far as the Sertraline goes but I can say that this way of eating works in several ways. If done correctly you’ll lose weight. It might be slow but it works. It helps eliminate sugar cravings, and it has numerous health benefits. I would say give it a go, but before you start, weigh and measure yourself, calculate your TDEE and ensure you don’t exceed it on non fast days. Give it a month, and don’t keep jumping on the scales as your weight can vary a lot from day to day. I suggest once a week on the morning after a fast day. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

    Thank you : )

    I will do that. Im going to download the book to my kindle todayand read up so that I am ready to go!

    I will weight myself before starting and then once a wee from there! Thanks fpr encouragement Im looking forward to getting started!

    Sorry if this sounds odd, but I found Sertraline gave me better control of my abdominal muscles, and helped enormously in my fairly intense exercise program (primarily to help with depression).

    Been on many meds myself. Comparisons with other people rarely give a good indication, but for what it’s worth – Did a full circle on that antidepressant. (actually none of them worked long term and all presented a number of side effects) Started off OK after the initial 6 week period. 12 months later after upping the dose, I was no longer body aware … I was pretty much devoid of any emotion and very VERY much over weight. That drug also triggered tinnitus for me. I went through some issues coming off it, but just like the recent quick fix I have now come off … I am all the better for it. My passion came back and I was able to exercise again, where as before I cared less for anything. Unfortunately for me – It was sold off by my doctor as some kind of wonder drug that the masses where using as the safest alternative (side effects wise and all that.) Reality for me … it was the first of many mood/brain altering drugs that followed in its wake. I suffered many side effects that I was NOT warned about – Again … was sold to me as safe. Just because it works for someone else does not mean it will work for another. In my case – all the quick fixes are any good for is for major episodes … Long Term, they have made me worse and coming of is such a battle.

    I’m not sorry to speak out about the damage it’s done to me. I am part of another forum where many mentally unstable people battle to come off such meds that have destroyed their lives.

    You will always get those that claim it does wonders for them. If its working for them … then that’s great.

    Now you have my experience with Setraline:

    The only positive I can give you … that for me it took about 2 months before my body/brain/system stabilized and then yes – My passion came back as too, my metabolism. I started lose weight slowly … but the reliance on such aids, led my into a slippery slope that led into heavier mood stabilizers for a number of years.

    I’ll only go back to such meds in a crisis situation – I’ll never rely on them long term again. “For Me”” they do more damage long term than its worth being on them.

    Currently I have been told to give myself about a year for my body to reset itself – re – coming of Seroquel/Quiatapine. Metabolic syndrome is quite an issue with that drug. Defiantly something you don’t want when your over the hill already. Not worth the obesity issues that follow.

    Mind you though — I am off to a great start with eating healthy – I started exercising withing a month after coming off and this time I am feeling good about my decision to quit all the meds and working on other healthier coping techniques. Exercise and healthy eating will quicken that expected time to reset yourself. it also helps to alleviate the side-effects if coming off … if you can do all this on the drug … then mores the power to you. Sounds counter intuitive to me though as exercise and eating healthy will do so much more than those supposed happy pills. Good luck with whatever works for you. Just my view as asked for. 😉

    Thanks guys for the info its great to have people to ask questions to etc. Im trying to get rid of all the unhealthy food in the house before starting (which is hard with so much kids chocolate etc lying around after xmas).

    Im so hungry at the moment without fasting that Im dreading actually starting to fast! Im sure its just the over indulgence from xmas but the thought is making me dread the fast!!


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