Exercise, fasting and being vegetarian

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Exercise, fasting and being vegetarian

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Stef. 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I am a 64 year old female, have arthritis in hips, knees and back but enjoy the gym and walking when I can. I have been doing 5:2 for 12 months on and off and have lost 10 kilos. Now I want to get fitter,stronger, embarking on training for long distance walking but not sure the best way to do this now, especially being vegetarian. I still need to lose 5 kilos more. I am reducing my portion sizes, doing strengthening exercises provided by my physio. I am looking at a 12 month fitness regime so I can walk 20 miles a day for a week or two – OK maybe I am a little crazy! Can someone please recommend anything that can help.
    How much protein should I be eating per week? How many carbohydrates can I eat per week and can you give me any other advice. (I try to eat 1 piece of fish per week, even though I don’t like it) Thanks

    Hi Colemore, I can’t offer much help I’m afraid but just to applaud your goals Not at all mad. I’m veggie also and try occasionally to eat some fish but I can only manage a square inch of fishfinger.

    I remember Stephen Fry talking about his weightloss and he did it by low carb and walking, He walked everywhere. Maybe just start waliking and build it up gradually. It’s a strength exercise after all. Have you seen this thread? 🙂 http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/walking-every-day-helps/

    Best wishes,

    colemore, 5:2 is not prescriptive about how much protein and carbohydrate should be eaten, but, as a long-term mostly vegetarian, I also pay attention to getting enough protein, and, on fasting days, find it easiest to do with fish, eggs, or tofu, none of which particularly appeals to me more than once or twice a week. To increase my protein intake, I have been increasing my consumption of Greek yogurt (good protein portion there), cheese, and nuts because I’m working on my fitness, and trying to reduce the overall amount of carbohydrate in my diet along with cutting back on sugar and refined carbs. I’m not a fan of tempeh, seitan, fake meat products, protein powders, etc. but they are good protein sources if you like them. I haven’t tried quorn, a lot of people seem to like it. Tempeh and seitan are traditional foods, the other stuff is a bit new-fangled. Anyway they are all options to be considered if you think increasing your protein intake would benefit your health and fitness.

    The Institute of Medicine (US) says a person should get between 10 and 35% of their daily calories from protein, and that women (not pregnant or nursing) should get 46 grams per day:

    How much carbohydrate you can tolerate depends on how much insulin resistance you have. If you are hungry all the time and crave sweets, that could be a sign of insulin resistance and you might find that those symptoms go away if you go on a carbohydrate-restricted regimen like New Atkins. If you want to learn more about this, I recommend reading ‘The Art and Science of Low-Carbohydrate Living’ by Jeff Volek and Stephen Phinney, but warning: it’s a bit technical in places. These authors recommend more protein than the IOM does, but still not over 35% of calories.

    There is lot’s of protein in Greek yoghurt, spinach and in worst case you can get plant based protein powder.

    While still in a calorie deficit you can NOT build muscle but you can retain muscle which is absolutely vital for your metabolism. Muscle burns more calories than fat, even if not working out.

    With arthritis: if can do walking, great. Otherwise, swimming, biking (zu door/ outdoor) and do try weight training! You can use your own body weight for that. Just google it, there are tons of exercises on the internet.
    Best of luck

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