I haven’t lost any weight in the last 3 months (lost 60 lbs overall) and I know it’s because I’m eating too much on feast days. I’m not too worried because I’m thinking it would be good to stabilize for awhile and I started running and instituted a strength exercise program also about 3 months ago, which means some reduction at least, in fat. And it’s winter, a tough time for me because I spend a lot of time at home. Still, I’m thinking of things I can do about those feast days (which I take too literally). My wife now stops eating at 8pm, which would help me too, or otherwise compress eating time on non-fast days. I could eat more low-cal veggies, like broccoli, etc and high fiber items (I tend towards calorie dense items). Or I could just do more fast days, maybe 3-5 in a row every couple of months or 3 a week. I’m sure any of these things would cause me to lose more weight. It’s just which is the healthiest, and easiest to do over the long run.
6:45 pm
27 Jan 14