I started doing this about 8 months ago and am very happy with the results so far. I was really tired of all the diets out there where I have to give up things I like to eat. I would do it and lose weight and then after I achieved a weight loss I would think I am cured and start eating all those things I love to eat again. I would gain it all back and more than I was before. I was at a point where I just gave up. I started focusing on eating healthy and not worrying about weight loss. Sugar really makes you want to eat more and it is in food you don’t even know it is in. The food companies sneak it in our food because they know it makes you crave more and then they will make more money. It is sad but once you start figuring that out and stay away from sugar you feel so much better. I still have one or two small pieces of dark chocolate. I have found that dove dark chocolate squares are only 40 calories so I even have one sometimes on my fasting days. I make my own deserts and cut the sugar in half. there are so many healthy recipes out there. I eat a lot of vegetables on my fasting days. My family started eating salads with me for dinner on my fasting days. My husband saw my weight loss and started doing this new way of life too. I love it!
1:40 pm
7 Mar 17