Eating late in order to sleep well

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Eating late in order to sleep well

This topic contains 0 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  daisybouquet 5 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Just to share my observations. I am finding I have to eat my kcal before bed or I spend the whole night tossing and turning with hunger.

    I’ve also noticed even if I were to eat all 2000 kcal (my tree) earlier in the day I still can’t sleep at night. I have to have something (not too much) to avoid feeling hungry at night time in order to get a good nights sleep.

    Yesterday evening I had a semi fast (if anyone has read my posts, I’ve fallen of the wagon recently so breaking myself back in gently). I had salmon and salad with a tiny bit of olive oil. I woke up really hungry several times in the night. I have also realised this has been part of the reason (not the days but not helped) that I have fallen off the wagon, of I got o bed hungry I don’t sleep and wake up ravenous.

    I thought I’d share, I appreciate it’s different strokes for different folks. I know some have said they have slept like a bay when fasting… not me!


    You could try eating a couple of Nairn’s oatcakes, which are wholegrain and so might help assuage that hunger pang before you go to sleep. They are only small so shouldn’t have much of an impact on your diet. Alternatively, a food/nutrition author once said that a little bit of protein combined with a bite of fruit (cottage cheese and quarter of an apple for example) could help. A teeny pinch of salt dissolved on your tongue can also help you wind down to sleep. But hunger is different – you might even need to re-incorporate some healthy carbs into your evening meal (whole rice, brown, wholegrain, red, black, quinoa, lentils, beans etc) as long as the portions are modest.

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