Eating nothing but drinking for two days only okay?

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Eating nothing but drinking for two days only okay?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sant0s 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hello fasters 🙂

    last week I started my absolutly first fasting experience.
    One day I though is good for the beginning.
    It was fantastic. Had a very good day and the next moring I thought, why not going on.

    So to not get overact, I made the second day but ate a bit for dinner.
    The days since the fasting I still feel very good – there are some tiny but obviously benefits. Only by that one first fasting experience.
    I read, that its okay to eat for example 600 calories – but is it okay, to not eat anything the two days? Or like I did it the last time – only eating dinner at the second day?

    Funny is, that I am realy pleased and could not wait to fast again 😉
    Tomorow is my first fasting days and I celebrated it with a very good fish meal at a restaurant next to me.
    All the last days I ate good fish/meat and vegetables, tried to get full of nutrients with fresh food.

    What do you think?

    Thx a lot!

    Hi Sant0s,

    I fast Mondays where I have a small 400 cal meal, and I also fast Thursdays where I don’t eat anything following the ‘it is easier not to eat’ idea. I do not think there is any harm not eating on your fast days, but it does make it so that it becomes more important that what you eat on your non-fast days is reasonably healthy because each meal you have represents a larger portion of your weekly caloric intake as compared to eating every day like most people.

    For example, I can eat really well for four days and eat a lot of junk food on three days. In a week, that’s 57% good food, 43% junk food. Now if I start 5:2 and cut out two good eating days I now have 2 days good food and 3 days junk food, or 40% good food and 60% junk food. We don’t want to be giving our body bad food on the fewer days we are eating.

    Hey Phil,
    thx for your answer!

    Actually, I try to eat always good food, heheh 😉
    Since I already realised, that for example my itching on scalp is completely gone when I stop eating grains and sugar, I thought about going more into ketosis with good fats. Also different other benefits I have when avoiding to much carbs for some days.
    Like I wrote, I moved to the ocean side and have try to eat good fish, fresh vegetables and other good food. Maybe I can built in a day, where I eat some sort a junk food – or lets say, where I eat a good cake and frensh fries to my steak, that would be nice!

    But seems like I am doing it somehow okay. Lets go on with that.
    Thx again for answering! 🙂

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