Does anyone want a diet buddy

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Does anyone want a diet buddy

This topic contains 564 replies, has 85 voices, and was last updated by  Applecrisp 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi katser!! I’m glad you got there safe and sound. Enjoy the holidays and don’t worry too much about food and weight gain! Have you visited Carcassonne?? We’ve been now a few times and it’s every time amazing. Also the African Zoo in Sigean is excellent to visit! It’s a bit of a drive from your place but mayb you’ve got some time to see it. It always seems to be very hot down there, but also here in the West of France it’s roasting 39C hot…. It’s like living in an oven. My terrasse is in the full sun and the thermometer shows a staggering 63C!!! My washing should dry instantly 😉 . Hope all the synthetic sports fibre won’t melt… Talk to you soon! Happy holidays!

    Hello everyone, I’m new to this site too. I’ve read a few posts and it seems like you have all bonded very well and are very supportive of each other.

    I’m new to the site but not 5:2 fasting, which I did last year but fell off the wagon and wasn’t able to get back on until now. So I have started this week. Today (Tues) and Thursday are my fast days.

    Looking forward to being part of this group.

    Hi Golden Sun! Welcome! Yes, you’re right, it seems to be a really nice group here. I usually do fasting on Tuesday and Thursday. But over the summer holidays it’s a bit difficult with the kids being at home. So I try to be “just good”. Good luck tomorrow!

    Thank you busymummynell.

    I did it! My first fast day. Have to say it was particularly challenging in the evening as that is the time I eat the most. I drank water and herbal tea, which helped.

    Will eat healthily today and prepare for Thursday, my 2nd fast day.

    btw I live in the UK.

    Well done, Golden Sun!! Is it also so very hot in the UK as here in France? I don’t fast at the moment, well, that said, I don’t feel like eating anyway. It’s too hot! Good luck today then!! Talk later!

    Unfortunately, today has been raining and about 16degreesC. Sometimes, I put my heating on to get rid of the chill. 🙂

    Oh dear, Golden Sun! That sounds sad… It was so hot here again, I had to stay inside. Then came the rain. It started with a massive thunder storm at about 5 o’clock and it’s still raining. But we need it so desperately, all the lawns look burnt. Only thing green here are the weeds and my veg patch! Good luck with fasting tomorrow, keep posting!

    Hi busymummynell and welcome golden Sun. I can’t fast at present, on holidays and am eating far too many nice and naughty things(and drinking too much wine, being in France)!!! I will have to wait till I get back to England and start again Mon. It’s 36 degrees here, wall to wall sunshine. Unfortunately, haven’t been able to get to Carcassonne as it’s too far away. Today went to Nimes (so lovely) and yesterday swam in the river at herault. Tomorrow going kayaking. Speak soon. Good luck all of you.

    Hi everyone! Is anyone out there??? Where are you all?? Hope you are all well!

    take it you’re back home now then ?

    I’m home for 3 days, going back to the summer house tomorrow. During our previous 10 days there, we had 16 visitors in 8 days, 8 of them spent from 1-3 nights. Three days home has ment more visiting and catering every day too, and we’ll take a daughter and grandson with us tomorrow. Find I can’t even consider fasting, as that becomes to stressful. So likely I will have to put my FD on hold till after we’ve been to the states more or less all september. But I’ll have to look out and learn to say ‘unfortunately, this isn’t a good time’ at times too, as I get to nausiated with stress many days on a row, much so that I end up needing sugar to stop the sickness…Rather make sure i get some time for me for walking and enjoying nature instead of droppin half dead into bed. What do you think of that for grand planning / dreaming ?? Haha

    Went shopping today – quite bananas – and found that I’ve dropped from size 46-50, to between 40-44, so I’ve decided not to be stressed out by this hospitality business. Rather try to enjoy spending time with friends and family, being sensible, but not overly careful. Realizing it’s taken me a god few years to get to the size I was/ is , and giving my body time to accept that it’s safe to get rid of some flab :

    will try to watch out for you using my tablet the next week and a half…

    Trust you are well too 🙂

    Hi JohnAnne! So good to hear from you. Well, you sound very busy! Just make sure you don’t take too much on board. To have visitors is very demanding. I never had so many in such a short time as you just had, very couragous! And lucky to have so many people wanting to see you!!
    We went to Tignes here in France. It’s a beautiful place. The kids went on a summer ski camp with two little friends. It sounds mad to ski in the hottest month of the year but they went up to 3500m on the glacier. I didn’t. Summer is summer and not made to go skiing. 😉 . But it’s so nice to walk around the lake and climb up the slopes around the hotel.
    Well, well, JohnAnne! What an absolutely fabulous result!! Congratulations on your new body!! That’s absolutely brilliant! You must be very happy about that now!

    You know, I think of you a lot and hope you’re doing well. Never mind a few sweet cravings if it makes you feel better. You’ve still got the result of your hard work!Just enjoy the time with friends and family and focus on getting better again! It’s very good of you to think like that, but hey, we know you’re busy and during the holidays it’s always more difficult to get the time and check this site! Same for me. I didn’t look at it very often. However, I was surprised that everyone else was in the same situation as I am (silly hey? Of course they are!)…
    So, take good care of yourself, don’t get too stressed about more visitors and I hope you’ll be able to enjoy your summer with your daughter and grandchild!! Talk to you soon!!

    Hi JohnAnne and Bussymummynell, Nice to see you’re here again. Well done JohnAnne for your weight loss. It sounds like you’ve been incredibly busy. Try not to beat yourself up about not being able to fast, it’s not worth the stress. I find, if I get stressed, I end up eating more then get more stressed and it’s a vicious cycle. I have just returned from France and had a wonderful time, pretty active and despite enjoying lots of red wine and lovely croissants etc., only gained 2 lbs so was well pleased with that. I am fasting today, first one since returned from holiday, and finding it really hard but will try my best. Bussymummynell, hope you’re keeping well and trying to enjoy the rest of your summer holidays. Have you anymore holidays away this summer? I’m off to Denmark at the end of next week to visit my husband’s family so desperately want to shed a couple of pounds before I go. My sister-in-law is very sporty, very slim/toned and looks amazing in absolutely anything and I always feel like the ‘frumpy/dumpy’ relation next to her!!!! Anyway, best be off and get on with some work, good luck to you all.

    Katser, nobody is frumpy/dumpy looking!! Not you after all the hard work you put into fasting etc! We are going to the UK next week for about 10 days. Every night in a different bed, it’s going to be exhausting… late nights and grumpy kids at the end of it. I’m sure I can’t wait for school to start again (I’m such a mean mummy!) But it brings back the structure necessary for a peaceful life. Til then there’s lots to do! Good luck with your fast day!!!!!

    Hey ladies, the support for one another means the world. I am 56 yrs old with Multiple Sclerosis. I am looking forward to supporting as well as receive support from the group. Thanks for asking this is the…lololol

    Hi nanaangie! Welcome! Sorry for the late reply, I’m currently not at home and have no regular access to the internet… Tell us how you get on with fasting, when are your fast days and how long have you been fasting now? Talk to you at a later moment. Good luck!


    Do you all mind if I join in? Could do with a diet buddy myself – started yesterday. Just a question are you supposed to count calories on non-fasting days? Surely I can’t eat what I want?

    Hi Poppet-Pandy, good to have you here. Yes, you need to keep your calorie intake under control, otherwise you won’t lose any weight. The idea is that you save calories on fast days and have the correct amount of calories on other days. So you can eat what you want but don’t go over the for you calculated maximum of calories a day. It takes some time to get used to it. Well, then again, that was the case with me, you might get it right instantly, good luck!

    I would love a diet buddy

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