Does anyone here exercise?

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  • LOL….yeah, at least you will be doing something.

    It’s been just over a couple of weeks since I have done any exercise sessions, I really do need to get back to it. It’s tricky when the house is in such a mess. I find the upheaval both physically and mentally exhausting, I can’t wait until we’re straight.

    On top of everything else, we were planning on a new bathroom for the beginning of next year, but the loo is broken, so that needs to be done ASAP, more mess and upheaval…….urgh!!!

    Hi, yes I exercise regularly, i walk daily, I aim to do 10,000 steps per day, I have recently had surgery on my feet, with titanium plates in both feet so I am u able to bend my foot, making it difficult to do many other forms of exercise.

    I need to do some exercise but the roads are a bit dodgy round here. Most of all I need some form of exercise that will strengthen the core.
    Can anybody help please?

    Johnboy2. To strengthen the core I reckon Pilates is best. I have an old back injury – lumbar vertebrae damaged about 40 years ago – and I am also old. If I don’t keep moving I seize up. I go to a Pilates group once a week and include some Pilates in my gym sessions. Before I started Pilates I had real problems, now I can do pretty much what I want, including paddling a kayak which requires a bit of core strength. There are a lot of TV programmes about Pilates that suggest you need to buy equipment. Wrong. You need something between you and the floor and that is all. If there are no classes locally, look at Pilates exercises on the web, but start gently.

    Pilates sounds good, I have been thinking of looking for somewhere local that does classes. Think I will look into it.

    Penguin, I also have an old back injury but I know if I can loose weight by this diet and couple that wi h exercise I shall be happier,but, where we live it will be difficult and I don’t watch tv in the day ever and the time these Pilates classes start I do not want to drive on our roads unless it’s an emergency . To be truthful and unbelievably honest my pension does not cover extras like that so something simpler is needed. Thanks for your input folks it helps!

    Yes, I run three or four times a week. I run on fast days and again, the following morning, before breakfast. Fasting doesn’t seem to impact on my performance or energy levels.

    Johnboy2, You will lose weight on 5:2 and it will help your back. I’m down 45 pounds and that has made an enormous difference. Strengthening the core is the other part of the package. Before responding to your post I entered “Pilates exercises ” into my search engine and came up with the usual selection of ads but also some exercise charts and useful suggestions you could use. I would ignore the TV programmes about Pilates at anytime of day; they mostly feature impossibly fit young people trying to sell you something.

    I really really need to start exercising more.

    I used to walk 3-5 miles a day, but then I got a car and I got lazy.
    I also used to do yoga, but since I put on weight I don’t feel like I can do yoga.

    I can’t do much as I have fibromyalgia and anything I do on one day I will pay for for days afterwards.

    Maybe starting yoga again would be a good idea…

    Happy new year!
    Walking has been my main form of exercise – I’ve been fortunate during just about all my working life that I’ve done 45-60 minutes fast walking each day as part of my commute to work – however, before August 2015, for a a year after relocation to a new job, I was only 10 minutes walk from work – in that year I noticed how much the walking had helped me – back on track now, now that I’ve moved further away from work and am back to walking with my commute.
    A week before Xmas, joined a new cheap 24 hour, non-contract gym, 3 minutes from my place – I have habitually joined and left gyms and usually average making more monthly payments than gym visits.
    Perfect for me as I wake up really early – was even there at 5:45am on Xmas day and the fact that I don’t have to plan a visit, I can nip out at any time, for a short or longer session and can come and go in my gym kit (shower at home) means that I should commit better this time.
    Only looking to tone up, the impact from running messes up my back, so I just do the bike and rower for cardio.
    Nasty shock on the scales this morning.
    January is going to be:gym; 4:3 fasting; booze free; back to walking with the Ramblers – probably 🙂

    snedger, how awesome that you can walk to work getting some activity and being green too! However, unless you just crawled out of a hospital bed or are hiking up and down some steep hills walking isn’t much exercise. We all need to move much more than we do so any activity that gets us off our duffs is fantastic but it’s just not vigorous enough to retain or gain bone and muscle mass and maintain cardiovascular fitness. Since you are going to the gym any way, one good 15 min HIIT session on a bike and one 15 min slow movement weight session per week will make a huge difference in retaining bone and muscle and heart health. Forget about “toning” if you don’t challenge your muscles with heavy weights you won’t get stronger and retain and or grow a bit of muscle.

    BTW I hate to exercise because if you really do it right it’s stinkin’ hard! LOL Fortunately the high intensity type is over quickly.

    snedger, Diverdog gives you sound advice, but don’t stop walking. My old Labrador died a couple of years ago. It was my habit to walk him three times a day and since I stopped I have lost a lot of muscle mass in my legs – even though I was, and still am, hitting the gym three times a week.

    Absolutely continue to walk! We need to move as much as possible every day. Many studies show that sitting more than three hours a day is a huge health risk. Any work or play movement is a huge positive. Try to make it fun. I walk, hike and dance as often as possible. Add a couple of short sessions of intense exercise each week and you will be golden.

    I do a lot of running and I follow a training guide. I completed The Perkins Great Eastern Run half marathon last year. I really recommend it-

    Here is an interesting thought – the National Health Service is recruiting volunteers for a trial to assess the theory that exercise reduces the risk of prostrate cancer.

    Anyone had experience of coming back to exercise after surgery? The medics say “take it easy, do what you can, build it up gradually and no heavy lifting for about two months”. I aim to pretty much follow that advice, but I could use the thoughts of anyone who has been this route.

    For the non Brits on this forum, in UK we have a National Health Service – medical cover payed for by taxes. They send the older population do-it-yourself colon cancer test kits. I did one early December, confirmed cancer 23 December, section of my interior removed January 25th. Very slick, very caring – I was impressed.

    When I left hospital (early because of my exercise habit!) my checking out package included advice on an active sex life, 25 needles to self inject on a daily basis and permission to play my guitar. At the age of 71 I finally made it to sex, drugs and rock & roll!

    The original poster on this thread was pointing out that exercise seems to create less discussion than dieting. Another poster pointed out, correctly in my opinion, that exercise is “oversold” as a means to lose weight. This morning, after I finished a two mile snowshoe hike I I came back intending to post on the 5:2 forum about exercise. I still might start a new thread. I’d call it “Exercise, exercise, exercise!”

    For me, the main reason I am doing 5:2 is to support my exercise. A little over 3 years ago I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes just before I underwent quadruple bypass surgery. After surgery I was put on metformin (glucophage) and began a moderately low-carb, whole food diet. I lost 50 lbs over the first year without any real effort. However, I discovered that Type 2 diabetes is caused primarily by insulin resistance, and exercise reduces insulin resistance – but only for 24-48 hours! In other words, all diabetics should exercise almost every day.

    Fortunately, I am a former endurance athlete (running, cycling, x-country ski racing) and had been a hiker and snowshoer for 20 years before my surgery. I knew how to get in shape and basically I enjoy endurance type exercise, particularly cycling. As a result, my diabetes is under excellent control and my weight loss meant I could tackle the hills on my bike. Last season, I rode 1,800 miles and participated in 2 gravel races: a 30 mile and 50 mile. By the way, I’m 67 years old and still working full time.

    Intermittent fasting has a very similar effect on the body as exercise: it provides a healthy stress to the metabolic system which triggers a bunch of positive responses from the body. However, without exercise you may end up skinny with no stamina, strength, balance, blood sugar control (if diabetic), mental sharpness, energy etc. Exercise helps every major system in the body: muscular, circulatory, respiratory, neurological, immune system etc.

    Cyclists are obsessed with weight. On the flat, weight has little impact on cycling – it’s mainly cardiovascular endurance and oxygen uptake potential. Weight really slows you down on hills. I ride a “gravel” bike: a steel frame Raleigh with wider than normal tires. It’s also rather heavy. Many cyclist will spends thousands of dollars to get a bike that is 6 pounds lighter than my Raleigh. Alternately, you can lose 6 pounds of fat and accomplish the same thing.

    At this point (after a month on 5:2) I am about 4 pounds over the cycling weight I carried 45 years ago. Of course, as an older person my percentage of body fat is higher since I has lost muscle mass. Still, my “goal” weight for the start of the season (April) is 165 pounds, my old racing weight.

    Finally, there is another benefit to fasting which is “training” you body to burn fat more efficiently. This is very important for long distance endurance. So even during cycling season, I plan to do 6:1 and also do some training in a fasted state.

    I realize that not everyone finds exercise enjoyable. I think the problem is that it takes quite a commitment over a long enough period to get to the point where it becomes truly enjoyable. Most folks never stay with it long enough or practice it mindfully enough to get to that state. The key to all fitness training is: exercise consistently, exercise moderately, and rest frequently. That means a rest day or two every week. A perfect day to fast, perhaps?

    Good luck and good health to all!
    Duluth, MN USA

    Penguin, cancer screening is something everyone should do. It’s great that you caught yours early. In the US my yearly physical tests for blood in the stool and I get a colonoscopy every 10 years.

    As for how to recover my last surgery was an appendectomy 43 years ago and I don’t remember much other than they wanted me up and moving the next day! I think starting easy with walking and listening to your body is the way to go!

    Feel better and let us know how you are doing.

    Viking, thanks for your inspiring story and sage advice. I agree that exercise is more about keeping your body functional on a cellular and macro level than loosing weight, but it can have a significant impact on weight control long term by preserving or even growing muscle mass over time.

    Not only diabetics need to be active every day. We are all made to move not sit. My “exercise” philosophy is very different from yours. I do zero classic “cardio” or endurance type work. Exercise needs to stress the body enough to cause adaptation. So by definition it is unpleasant. And the major adaptations I want are to cause a bit of muscle and bone growth, increase glucose sensitivity and oxygen uptake. The most efficient way to do it is with short intense heavy resistance (weights) and HIIT style workouts of 20 minutes or so twice a week. Over and done with as quickly as possible!

    The second part of my “exercise” plan is simply anything that moves your body. Weather it’s daily chores, work or play activities. My play activities are walking, hiking and especially ballroom and Latin dancing. I get my 10-15,000 steps a day doing things that are easy and fun for me.

    The last key “exercise” piece is simply to minimize sitting. Lot’s of studies show that sitting more than three hours a day is very detrimental to your health even if you exercise. A stand up desk is greatly reducing my couch potato time!

    The results? At 65 I’m on zero meds. Bone and muscle mass tested by DEXA scan is that of a healthy 30 YO, BP typically runs 116/68, resting pulse 59, total cholesterol 152, HDL 70 with low triglycerides.

    Diet really helps with great blood chem’s as well. I eat a high fat, organic, primal style diet that incorporates fasting.

    Enjoy your cycling! I’ve thinking about getting a bike as I enjoy riding but my area is so hilly both on and off road that it seems like it will be too much work! LOL

    Hi Viking:

    You might check out the thread on controlling type 2 with fasting. Many have totally reversed their type 2, going from long term insulin use to no meds at all:

    And, many are unable to exercise, but fasting works just fine if they can’t.

    Good Luck!

    viking/diverdog, Thanks for your responses. Until December I was hitting the gym three times a week and paddling a Canadian canoe and a Fusion kayak when the water levels permit. My gym work was rowing machine followed by weights, then core. When I worked I ran 6 miles a day with a long run at the weekend. It kept me fit, but didn’t keep the weight off, until I started 5:2 I was about 50 lbs over. That basic fitness got me through surgery and out of hospital in record speed. Last night I went on-line and ordered a book on high intensity training (been listening to you Dog) and then thought, perhaps not this week, which is why I sought the experience of others.

    simcoeluv. Just saw your post. When they were checked in December all of my blood readings were fine, a lot better than they used to be before I started 5:2. Even so, when ordering the HIT book I also went for “The 8 week blood sugar diet” – my Grandfather was diabetic in his old age and I have realised that what I remember as an old man was actually younger than I am!

    Hello gents how are you doing? I’ve been pretty good with exercise and the diet has been coming around too. I’m down to 175 lb from 183. I need to lose another 10LB and I plan on doing it over the next six weeks on a 4:3 fasting schedule

    Diver dog it’s good to hear from you, it has been quiet lately.

    Been a little tricky this year. I had surgery for colon cancer in January after which I could only eat what I would normally consider the wrong food and I wasn’t allowed to exercise. I weigh pretty much the same but there is more fat and less muscle. Two and a half months in and I am walking 6 miles a day and have just started to hit the gym for the upper body, but core exercise is restricted and high intensity is taboo. Diet is getting back to normal, but my new interior doesn’t like beer. Fortunately it is happy with whisky.

    I am currently on holiday but on my return I intend to combine a serious 5:2 with that new 8 week blood sugar diet – not that I am pre-diabetic but it looks like a good weight loss regime until I can get back to proper exercise.

    It will be couple of months before I am fully functioning member of this forum but it is good to be back.

    When I get up early in the morning, going for walk for 30 minutes. I feel so fresh as a whole day after doing this exercise. This exercise will help me to prevent my weight loss and burn more calories.
    In my evening time, I regularly do pushups. This will make my bones strong
    Back and Biceps that will help me to make my body muscles, but I have done this exercise 3 times in a week.
    I have done all this workout at my home.

    lewisbritish, I walk several miles every day as part of my commute to work. I also work out at a local gym twice a week. Unfortunately, recent studies have ‘disconnected’ the link between bone density and exercise for adult. That being said, muscle strength and balance are helpful in reducing fractures.

    K-Lo, I read those links, but I now treat all studies with a degree of cynicism. I have had 70 plus years of being told that post war rationing was good for me, that fat was bad for me, now good for me again, that sugary food was OK, now taboo, that exercise was bad for me (seriously, there was a study which argued that Italians who didn’t get school games/PT had less arthritis and joint damage in later years), that bed rest on hard boards was the best cure for a bad back, that I should lose my excess weight slowly, that I should lose it quickly by eating nothing but cabbages, that BMI is the Holy Grail, that BMI is nothing more than a guide. I could list more, and much of it in well argued scientific papers, but you get the point. The real answer is what works for you – find it and stick with it. For me it is 5:2 with aspects of the 8 Week Low Sugar influence thrown in to keep my TDEE well within limits and as much walking, kayaking and gym as I can squeeze into life. According to my iPhone I have just pushed my non-powered lawn mower for 2 miles. (I don’t normally take my phone into the garden, honest, I was just curious)

    penguin, we don’t disagree on anything.

    K-lo as usual the devil is in the details. What exercises did the participants do? Did they have proper nutrition IE enough calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D & K? I can only speak for my own results but I lift weights hard and heavy and have good nutrition. My bone mass at 65 is the same as a healthy 30 YO

    PS the fact that the author sites running marathons as his “expertise” on exercise is funny! Long distance running is one of the most damaging types of exercise you can do to your body!

    diverdog, the article states that the data already out there do not support the “common knowledge.” These were not new studies.

    I don’t know what 65 means but glad you have great bones.

    diverdog, she did not say running made her an expert. She said that she is a runner and therefore would never recommend that people not exercise. She also said that her focus was weight bearing exercise.

    Hey guys im new to fasting but iv’e watched a few videos on methods of fasting and i usually stop eating around 10pm and skip breakfast the next day then i usually work out after about 8hrs of being up i usually do a light workout iv’e using workouts from these guy ->, nothing too intense by not eating then working out i burn fat instead of glycogen and its been working out for me lost 4 pounds in about 3 days!!!

    Like the pics on the website. Not sure you can get those sorts of abs jumping rope though?

    I’m running and go to the gym 3 times per week. I even downloaded Garmin Connect app that helps me realize my potential in fitness and track my workout results. I found it at for free. Very convenient.

    I usually walk early every morning before work; about 3.5 miles, and then go to the gym about 3 times a week after work because I have a desk job and DONT MOVE! At the gym I’ll do about 30 minutes of cardio and then hit the weight machines for 3 sets of 15 alternating legs and arms. I do get a 30 minutes lunchtime where I’ll walk around the building a few times.

    I love the morning walks because there is no food at all in my stomach and I usually wait until later in the day to eat. It just feels good doing it on an empty stomach.

    I hit the gym yesterday for the first time in 6 weeks. I got out of the habit after my surgery but now have no excuse. I have been weighing myself regularly and haven’t put weight on, but I now realise that I have lost muscle mass and a significant amount of strength. I guess the muscle must have been replaced by fat, although my waist size is unchanged. I’m feeling a little muscle fatigue today. After that reality check I have to start working on my fitness levels.

    Yes of course,

    Im sadly 24stone. So cant do to much. But have been waking up one hour earlier every morning. To climb my stairs. Over and over before i start each day. Its the little things that count.

    Im sure il throw in some, hiit training on indoor bike. And gently walks to the park. But im happy with taking it slow, stair climbs and healthy eating. Im in no rush.

    There is no rush. This isn’t a diet fad; it is the way we have chosen to live. I have been taking it steadily since 5:2 started. I still have some way to go, but I am over 3 stones lighter and parts of my body that used to hurt don’t anymore.

    If you are spending an hour a day climbing stairs you will be building muscle which will show as weight – so don’t let the scales discourage you.

    Traveling quite a bit and not on line much. I’m sad to say I haven’t been doing much exercise. Time to get back to it. I started yesterday at my hotel gym with some HIIT on a bike.

    First week of 4:3 with an 8 hour compressed eating schedule in the books. Results: – 6 lbs, – 1.6% BF and -3/4″ off waist. Exercise was: 2 HIIT spins, 2 whole body weight workouts averaged 14K steps a day. Results are: – 6 lbs, – 1.6% BF and -3/4″ off waist. Week two will be more challenging as I will be traveling again.

    Hi all you 5:2 exercisers! 52 and only really got into exercise about 2 years ago. Now I love it. Got to the point just before school broke for my kids where I didnt have to worry about scales, diet, exercise. Just kept doing my thing, eating, working out and relaxing when I wanted. Six weeks on keeping my teenagers company with their eating habits (my goodness!) and i’m about half a stone heavier than in June. Last glass of wine right now as I speak and back on the scales before my shower in the morning. I aim to lose the gained weight and drop another half stone. Won’t take long on the 5:2 with my gym and spinning. By the way, still feel 32, working backwards to 22:-) Good luck to everyone this week xx

    Diverdog. Well done, keep going.

    Sarah Louise. I like your attitude towards age. My passport says I am 72 but for some years I have been working on the assumption that I am 45. Unfortunately my body isn’t as easily convinced as it was so I may have to settle for 52.

    Diverdog. How do you measure BF? All I have been measuring is the weight.

    I’m really focused on BF% as I want to maintain and perhaps even increase muscle a bit. I really don’t care how much I weigh.
    I took a baseline with a dexa scan to get a really accurate idea of BF level and distribution on my body. To track trends I have a scale that measures BF%, it is not accurate but it does show the trends. I measure at the same time of the day as hydration will effect the reading quite a bit.

    I’ve also used BF% calipers and they are a very cheap solution as well and more accurate than the scale.

    Thanks for that. The nearest place to me for a dexa scan is three hours away and it costs about twice as much in this country, so perhaps not this week. However, all of the web comment agrees that it is the most reliable measure.

    [post removed]

    Relative newbie here, working on gradual incremental changes in my lifestyle around eating and exercise.Currently I walk as much as I can plus do light upper body resistance training 3 days a week at home with 10lb weights.

    PaulMarsh. Hello Paul, and welcome. As a serious runner you might want to have a look at “5:2 with running”
    August2024 – we meet again….

    penquin: Because I took your earlier thread advice.

    Exercise increase in October,so far, has been non-gym non-deliberate but more experiential as I helped a friend with a major urban backyard renovation project(involving concrete breakup, dirt/fill removal and disposal) over the weekend and last night. The reward, so far, was the lowest body fat % reading in 6 weeks with weight consistent to after last FD and a high calorie Sunday. Weight loss is great, and I have weight goals (short and long term) but I know getting my body fat % down will garner greater and longer term health benefits.

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