Diet WARNING…could loose best jeans!!!

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Diet WARNING…could loose best jeans!!!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  fastinginberlin 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • WARNING! Because of diet my favourite jeans (flattered the derriere yet comfortable) in a UK 16 are now so big and baggy I can get them on and off without undoing the button and zip! Me and hubby started this diet July 10th (approx. 25 fast days ago) and I have already replaced said jeans with a UK 14.

    I have lost weight from my upper arms, waist (not as much as expected though), hips, thighs and butt, usually weight comes from one area but on this diet it has come off all over which is great. Hubby has lost mostly from his waist which is where he needed to loose it from. I am so pleased that this diet works and is manageable, even though I do no exercise at all as a powered wheelchair user.

    Fast days can be hard so drink water, lots of water, make quorn your friend and you’ll manage. We fast twice a week for 24 hours, eat our calories, fast 12 more hours (so total of 36) then start a feed day and we have not really stuck to our TDEE on feed days, maybe this is the next part of the journey for us?

    All I know is that because of ill health & disability I was getting bigger and bigger but now I have control of my weight again and I am so thrilled. Me and hubby are very happy with this diet and would recommend it, highly recommend it!

    Can I join your Sisterhood of the Unravelling Pants? Do you know the book/movie? Four girls, all different shapes and sizes, share a pair of jeans that seem to fit each of them perfectly. It is a ‘rites of passage’ story and well worth the read/view.

    The metaphorical pants that we share is this forum I guess. It gives us support while we go on the good health and weight loss journey.

    This is one thread where ‘lose’ and ‘loose’ can reasonably be interchangeable. You are going to lose your loose jeans. Wish we could post pics.

    posting pics on this forum is a great idea maybe this couls be suggested to Michael????

    posting pics on this forum is a great idea maybe this could be suggested to Michael????

    Some people post the before and after pictures, but how … idea!

    The Official Fast Diet forums › Site stuff › Suggested improvements
    has info from Clare on how to post photos: “Send the before and after photos with a brief summary, to There may be a day or two delay before posting.”

    Looking forward to more inspiring pics!

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