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  • i have been diagnosed with type 2 already and am just about to be given metaformin – although i am very reluctant to start this.

    is it worth having a go at this way of eating first before giving in the medication?

    has anyone else done this?

    any advice welcome. thanks

    I think it would be good idea to try this diet before metformin – depending on how high your glucose levels are. Discuss it with your GP to make sure.
    Diet is a crucial part of your treatment whether you are on metformin or not.
    See what happens to you blood glucose on a fasting day. You will need a glucose meter and test strips which is another reason to talk to your GP. I think the 5:2 diet could be a great way to make the necessary changes.
    Good luck.

    Hi Mrs G, my partner was diagnosed with type 2 and he got scared and tried very hard to deal with it by changing his diet and losing a bit of weight. It is very hard to do this without support, and the important thing to remember is that if your glucose levels are raised all the time, damage is being done to your body. I am not diabetic and started the 5:2 because I eat horrendous amounts of sugar. I do really well on the two fast days, but I know on the other 5 days I am still very bad, and my sugar levels must go up and down alarmingly, which means my poor body is producing insulin constantly, and I did the diet to support my partner and his diabetes but also to give my body a rest two days a week. Metformin helps diabetics to lose weight, but it also helps to prevent the damage that diabetes does to your body, especially your nerve endings. DON’T take risks with your health. Take the metformin and do your best to change your diet and do the 5:2 and you may find over time you reduce your glucose levels. The metformin gave my partner an upset tummy for a short time, but then he settled into it. He does the 5:2 but because of the way we eat (I suspect) his levels have not reduced, but they have not become worse either. You need to help your body by taking the meds and the 5:2 may retrain your attitude to food which will help you in the long term. I have lost 20lbs in 5 months and am eating smaller portions on normal days as my stomach has shrunk a bit. Good luck with it all, but do take care of yourself. Diabetes is no joke.

    Hi Mrs. G: I started on this to get off Metformin so hearin’ ya! As a weight loss of sometimes even 10 lbs can really positively impact your sugars I would definitely advocate trying this for six weeks and then returning to your Dr. Having said that, if your sugars are really high right now maybe you should start the Metformin and then revisit after some weight loss. I’ve had to reduce my Metformin since starting in April and hope by this time next year to be off them completely, but even if that doesn’t work out, I know I’ll be a lot healthier and happier having removed the excess blubber 🙂 Talk to your Dr, but be aware that there is still some resistance to this out there, the knee jerk reaction of “Omigod, starvation diets are so unhealthy!!” gets very old, very fast and people just don’t want to change their way of thinking. This is a great first step you’re taking for yourself 🙂

    My approach to T2 Diabetes is, if I need to take medication I will but only after using diet and exercise to control it first. I want my body to do the job if it can because my body does a much better job than medication ever can. I will use meds, and be glad I have them, if I have to. But ONLY if I have to. I expect my doctors to support me in this approach.

    I was put on Metformin right after my T2 Diabetes diagnosis (8 years ago) and I went on to investigate other possibilities. I lost 60 lbs which helped a lot. I also got pretty at identifying low glucose foods and my glucose response to many foods. A year and a half after I started Metformin I decided to go on a low-fat vegan diet for 6 weeks (which also included 50 gms of dietary fiber). I was seeing an endocrinologist at the time who told me that there was no reason for me to be on Metformin any more.

    My condition had reversed (not all diabetics have such a good response to dietary intervention, and not all diabetics would try that diet). She said I would always be vulnerable to high blood sugars but for now I had it under control very well with diet and exercise.

    For me, a high dietary fiber intake, exercise and low glycemic index foods improve my A1c levels to normal range. Even when I went off the low-fat vegan diet and gained weight my A1c levels stayed low, I think, because I stuck with those three things (which are also encouraged in the 5-2 diet). Now I hope to lose that weight…again…on the 5.2 diet and keep my A1cs all the more solidly in the normal range.

    My apologies for going on a bit though I hope you find it useful.

    I’m a duch woman (so excuse me if my English is nog correct), 45 and have Diabetes type 1.
    In 2 weeks I will start 5:2. I have already tried one day after reading about it and it went well. I have to adjust my basal insulin and ofcourse check my BS often that the day I fast. Beside the DB I am a very healthy person (exellent BP and cholesterol levels, HB1CA of 6,9)who like to run and go to the gym. I will not let the DB influence whatever I like to do, in healthy perspects. I do like to loose some kilograms I gained after 40 (I was alway’s slim), giving birth to a son and I think being in the menopause. I also eat more than a use to do, part. after cooking became a hobby.

    Are there more Diabetes type 1 persons who are doing 5:2 or planning to do so?

    To Dutch Estee, here’s one, also from the netherlands. I want to start with this, but want to talk tot my specialist first. I would like it if you want to keep me up to date on how you ate doing.
    Groetjes (greetings)

    I am 66 years old, and have had T2 Diabetes for around 16 years. I am overweight and over the years have tried countless diet regimes – all without long term success. My medication has been gradually increasing over the years to the extent that I am at the “maximum” level. My doctor tells me that if my HBA1C gets any higher, I will have to start insulin injections. I want to avoid insulin like the plague, but was at my wits end as to how to achieve a reduction in my blood sugar.
    After seeing Michael’s programme on TV, and purchasing the book, I have decided to try the 5:2 Diet (or eating plan as I like to think of it – as the word “diet” has bad connotations for me!!). I intend to monitor my blood sugar levels closely, particularly on fast days, but on other days also. I may post my results on this forum – possibly someone else would be interested in the figures I achieve?

    Susiemac and to all posters on this subject, sorry about your condition. I am “healthy” in that I do not have diabetes. Do the “fast” lifestyle. Remember it is not only about losing weight but more importantly is about inner health benefits it brings.
    Continue to research suitable foods that you all can include in your day to day diet that will help your condition. Remember though, always seek medical advice and please keep us updated on your progress.
    Susiemac, remember that you have the support of all posters on this site to help you even though most will not reply to you they will read your comments and silently wish you well.
    Good luck.

    Thank you Couscous – I appreciate your sentiments.

    I have diabetes type 2 for over ten years now. I am controlling it with metformin and victoza. I really want to lose enough weight so that I don’t have to take the medicine, particularly the victoza. Metformin has some health benefits to it. I have started the 5-2 diet and so far my glucose levels are lower than usual, in the 80s and 90s. I’m looking for a few support buddies to help along the way. Good luck to all.

    Hi There,

    I am a type 1 diabetic and I was wondering if this 5:2 diet worked for you?



    Please talk to your dr before starting

    I am a Type 2 Diabetic and have been fasting since August 2013. I also had a frequent urination problem and night sweats that was helped by fasting. I now fast Mon, Wed, and Fri and that has completely eliminated the frequent urination and night sweats. Consequently I only now take Metformin on Tue, Thur, Sat & Sun.

    I have type 2, for the last year , blood sugar levels were normal 6–8 eating normally , normally for me was bread , bread, bread, butter , kebabs etc, however since starting this , a quick blood test showed my blood sugars levels have risen ‘ on fasting days ,to 12—13 etc , perhaps because of fasting days , I have waited till dinner time 7 pm to have 600 calories . I am prepared to plod on tho lost 5ib first week even went out for a curry and nan bread popadums , 7 bootlegs foster gold etc

    Hi Ginner if you want to loose weight while controlling you bg level I can recommend LCHF. It works wonderfully if you avoid bread, rice, potatoes or pasta. And beer.

    I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes six years ago; was on Metformin for four years and then developed an intolerance to it; am now on Actos and A1C is in normal range. My weight crept back up and I went back to Nutrisystem which had worked well for me in the past. However, this time I wasn’t losing. Found the information about the 5 2 diet and am happily losing weight again. My daughter, who is a nurse, was concerned that my blood sugar would drop too low on fast days so I faithfully monitored it, ate 3 meals and stayed at 500 calories, being careful to include protein at each meal. Blood sugar readings were very good although a little low in late afternoon so moved lunch a little later. Typical day’s menu: Breakfast: 3/4 c. Kellog High Protein cereal with 1/2 c. skim milk; Lunch: 3 oz Albacore tuna in water with 2 c. tossed salad & low calorie salad dressing; Dinner: 3 oz chicken with 2 c. stir fry vegetables & 1/2 c. sugar free Jello. I just wish I’d known about this diet years ago–it’s easy to follow and I might have avoided my health problems (I’m 79 years old.) My husband is also following the diet (although he cheats a little!) and is also losing weight. I don’t expect we’ll get to our “ideal” weight but every little bit eases pressure on joints and helps improve our overall health.

    I would definitely try this diet before going on Metformin; my doctor had me try diet and exercise for three months before starting the medicine; I think if I’d followed the 5 2 diet I might never have had to take the medicine, or at least not for several years. The medicine does have side effects which can be troubling, although it is obviously effective. Diabetes doesn’t just strike one day, and although you can control it, you’ll always be a diabetic now. You and your doctor need to decide whether you can wait awhile and try diet & exercise first. Good luck!

    I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 11 years ago i think it was. Prior to that I had been attempting to figure out how to control my hypoglycaemia, which I now understand was insulin resistance.I ate a very “healthy” diet, lots of fruit and whole grains.

    I took Metformin for years, would recommend against eating carbs for type 2 diabetes, short form advice…lose the weight and ditch the diagnosis.

    I do not take any diabetes medications now and my blood sugars are consistently in the normal range, unless I eat bread or fruit, in which case they skyrocket instantly.

    My GP is a darling person who unfortunately doesn’t have the time I do to inform myself of recent research. As I now understand it, type 2 diabetes is a diagnsis based on blood sugar level. Most doctors DO NOT test insulin levels unless you request that…and prescribe based on blood sugar levels and focus attention on controlling blood sugar. Unfortunately, that doesn’t treat the underlying insulin resistance, the source of the problem.

    Check out Jason Fungs blogs and lectures online. In the early stages it is totally reversible, I have proven that to my own satisfaction and my own doctors amazement and like somone else above, an endocrinologist told me I had no need to be on Metformin any longer since my tests are now in the normal range.

    I still have too much insulin, the only thing that controls that is a low carb diet and fasting.

    Good luck…and read as much as you can!
    I found that Diabetes Australia seriously misinformed me and was basing their advice on information that is half a century out of date and designed to support agriculture and grain producers. Many many people are eating a diet that has way more carbs than their body can handle, hence they become overweight (insulin = fat storage from carbs) and then diabetic eventually after years of insulin resistance slowly building up the fat.Bacon and eggs is a far hathier breakfast for a type 2 diabetic than cereal of ANY kind, cereal digests to blood sugar and then is stored as fat.Protein, not too much of it, is used to repair and build cells…cereal probvides energy and we have too much and it is stored…thats how we become overweight…

    My own non-medical opinion now is that those prone to insulin resistance should mostly take very little fruit, avoid refined foods like the plague and eat food that is as close to its natural state as possible…not in a can or a packet, eat a lot of bone based soups made from scratch and avoid wheat products and anything that is ground up.

    If you have teeth, you can chew food, you do not need it preprocessed or ground for you and avoiding processed food helps a lot. In addition, avoid artificial sweeteners, sweeteners of all kinds and contrary to what some dieticians and doctors tell you, stay away from sugar and honey…it is not okay and it does push you over the edge, even if it is “natural”.

    There is a massive gap between different versions of what is true in this area…most of what diabetics are told is not based on current research and you really do have to be your own advocate and be very careful where you take your advice.

    When I discovered my insulin resistance and hypoglycaemia I saw supposedly the best doctor in Australia in the field and he advised me to eat a low glycaemic index diet. I did, and became diabetic BECAUSE it was mostly whole grain carbohydrate I was directed to. No one mentioned protein. Unfortunately, that was due to their ignorance (sorry, it’s true) and the advice was WRONG. If you build your diet around healthy protein, not too much of it, and coloured vegetables (not potatoes and grains) then you can reverse your diagnosis. If I see a different doctor and do not tell them i was ever diabetic type 2, they now, from my bood tests, cannot tell that was ever the case.

    Watch your back, because there are a lot of people , well intentioned, working in the diabetes industry, misleading people down a nasty pharmaceutical company research inspired path to riches for them and poor health for you. You can entirely reverse this condition and that is information the pharmaceuticcal companies are investing a fortune suppressing, because type 2 diabetics for years have been big money for pharma and doctors have been merrily colluding, basing advice on skewed research given them by pharmaceutical companies.

    Many many type 2 diabetics are taking insulin never ever having had a test for their own insulin levels…it is killing them slowly, destroying their kidneys and piling on excess weight…insulin is a fat storage hormone. Anyne in the early stages of type 2 diabetes has too much of it and reversing that is dietary, there is NO medication to lower insulin and reverse insulin resistance…the only way to do it is diet and weight loss.

    Metformin is fine to take temporarily til you get a handle on how to change your diet…it is not a drug I recommend taking long term. My GP is now doing a course in how to help people reverse their medications…she doesn’t have time to inform herself of how to reverse my diabetes, that was up to me and I take total responsibility for my blood sugar levels, raised every morning when I wake, coming down and I do not eat until they are down. I discovered I do best not eating til afternoon, lightly. I have enough body fat to get me through about a year this way and then I will revisit when I lose too much weight. That is not imminent, that is hard work but I will get there and so can anyone who is able to walk and inform themself and be responsible for their owon eating. many people are unwilling to take on board their own hand and choices in this…those people do really need to take medication and follow their doctors advice, if they are unable to stop eating bread potatoes and piles of fruit and sweet things, processed carbs, biscuits, cakes, soft drink etc.

    Rant over and apologies in advance to anyone who may be offended.

    And stay away from alcohol, it too is just blood sugar in a processed form.

    Hi Matrika, I am sorry about your Diabetes but your positive approach is simply amazing. I do not suffer from it myself but have come close due to my weight. If you have not yet done so check out Medical Conditions in the Forum link at the top of the page. You will find you are not alone, in fact many previous, and present posters have similar issues as you do. If you have not yet done so can I recommend you check out DIABETESUK and also The “NEWCASTLE DIET”. The latter diet, aimed at reversing type 2 was devised at Newcastle University just up the road from me. I only give this info as a suggestion to aid your research and increase your knowledge. Diabetesuk actually has the info and advice for the Newcastle diet on its website which is basically a daily continuous fast over a number of weeks. Best wishes for your dedication and improved health and I wish you every success for your future.
    Good luck.

    Thank you Couscous, will check out the sites you mention and thanks for the good wishes.

    I’m in the medical conditions section of the forum…that is the section I gravitated to as my medical conditions are what I am initially trying to wrestle into balance now with fasting. 🙂

    Some of my questions have been answered in the revised edition of the book just out, which is terrific and I recommend it.

    I just looked at diabetes uk and saw they claim diabetes type 2 develops when you can’t produce enough insulin which is the misinformation mostly relied on by docotrs and diabetics…it develops in fact when you have insulin resistance, producing too much insulin.

    It’s a minefield of misinformation out there for type 2 diabetics.

    Checked out the Newcastle diet…they used Optifast, which I recommend diabetic type 2 people avoid. I lost 20 kilos on Optifast. Problem is…it contains sugar and whey protein, both of which trigger insulin, so you lose weight, your blood sugars look good, the doctor is happy and your insulin is on overtime in the background, untested and unseen…as soon as you eat anytihng approacvhing a normal meal, you stack on the weight because your insulin resistance is worse than before…speaking from my own experience not a medical background.

    Optifast Chicken soup has SUGAR in it, would you believe?

    My rule now is, if it won’t degrade in three days from purchase, I don’t eat it.
    My broth is absolutely brilliantly satisfying, made from chicken carcasses necks and feet boiled for 15 hours with veggies and containing absolutely no sugar. Why would you put sugar in chicken soup designed for weight loss?
    Only if you are a multinational corporation providing medically recommended products for diabestes and weight loss would you get away with it.

    Big money buys big recommendations and Nestle, makers of Optifast have some of the best spin merchants on the planet. They make the chocolate that gets you fat and then sell you the chocolate flavoured drink or sweet chicken soup to “help” you lose weight…handed out by diabetes units in hospitals all over the world. I was put on it in a diabetes unit in Sydney…when I was still following the advice of speicalist diabetes doctors, whom I now avoid religiously, cause I have discovered to my own very high cost, those people can seriously harm you and they are NOT current with their research reading.

    Medical schools are seriously misleading the doctors they are training and at some stage they really do need to be held account for all the amputated feet and failed kidneys they are causing.

    I have a neighbour who developed ulcers on her ankles a few months ago. She has type 2 diabetes and was using insulin and metformin and a slew of other medications. In a casual conversation with her, I discovered that she had not felt hungry for years, which raised alarm bells for me. She had been told she needed to eat some carbs every few hours. She was using way too much insulin totally unaware it is a fat storage hormone she was shooting into herself. I got her to a researcher who tested her and she was still naturally producing insulin in addition to the high doses she was taking.

    She like many many others had been put on insulin because of her high blood sugars…with never any attmpt to evaluate her own insulin production. What she needed was dietary advice to get off the grain carbs she was force feeding herself like all diabetics do who follow their Diabetes Australaia (and everywhere) advice.

    My GP (who has become accustomed to me now) helped her get totally off insulin in about 6 weeks.In ten weeks whe was also off her bloodpressure emdicatin and pretty soon she will be off her cholestrol medication. She now eats no grains and she has lost 14 kilos in 4 or so months. She has about 30 more kilos to lose.

    Had it not been for a casual neighbourly conversation with me, and y ooverstepping the bounds that are normally in place in my neighbourly relationships that woman would very probably have had to have both feet amputated in about a year, because she had ulcers forming at both her ankles.They are now nearly healed. Amputation is a not uncommon occurence for elder insuin using diabetes type 2 patients who follow their doctors advice but neglect to explore and inform themselves about FOOD!

    This upsets me, because the very experts we are referred to are really ignorant and in the thrall of multinational corporations who are spending millions convincing people they need breakfast cereal with a tick they bought saying it is low glycaemioc index, when that is the absolutely last thing they need…that is what is causing them to be diabetic in the first place!!!

    If they are unfortunate enough to believe what they are told about avoiding fats and lowering their cholesterol,they are in even further trouble…but I will stay away from that topic or you will think I am completely nuts.

    I am now very annoyed with all this misinformation…it is actually killing us insulin resistant/type 2 diabetic people if we follow it.

    The Beatles had it right when they sang “you know that what you eat you are..and what is sweet now turns so sour”.

    Off my sssssaopbox and again…apologies in advance to anyone i may offend.
    My intentions are good and I am actually now way better informed in this area than many of my local doctors are, I am very very sad to say.

    I’m new to the forum and the 5:2 diet, have just had my first Fast Day yesterday. My mother and her family are all diabetic and I’ve been diagnosed as pre-diabetic. Before “officially” embarking on the 5:2 diet, I did skip lunch last Friday and Saturday to have a taste of fasting, or hunger and to see how well I could cope with it. My blood glucose of those 2 days ended up to be impressively good, which I thought I have the “mini fast” to thank for. It also encouraged me to give the 5:2 diet a go. However, my blood glucose test results on the first Fast Day and the following day were significantly higher than last Friday and Saturday (where I skipped lunch and had a fasting window for 10+ hours).
    Does anyone have any idea if it is kind of “ketosis”? Should I go on with the 5:2 fasting for another week or two in order to see if the glucose level stablise and/or drop? Or is the raised glucose level a sign that fasting is doing harm to me?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Matrika I have been heartened to read your posts because I have become a follower of Jason fung’s led there by the LCHF on diet doctor and thus on to the fast diet. It’s a winding path but I am totally with you! I think fasting must be much harder if you are still eating grain carbs on eating days – withdrawal every time! When I read JF’s website I couldn’t imagine alternate day fasting but having eased in via 5:2 I now do it easily (I’ve still got 25kgs to lose) and had a very high blood sugar reading which finally scared me into this action. I think Michaels book is fabulous and was so encouraging but serious diabetes needed some serious understanding which has come from the hours of reading on Jason’s website intensive dietary management. The critical understanding was the insulin management to cure insulin resistance via fasting. Talk about the right knowledge sets you free. Another two months then more blood tests. That will be D Day!! My first post after enjoying hours of reading other people’s!

    My husband has type 2 diabetes.
    He is fortunate in that our GP Practice has an excellent Practice Nurse who specialises in Diabetes treatment.
    Personally I cannot agree that coming off any prescribed medicine would be a good move. I believe those specially trained in this field know what they are talking about.

    Hi I am a type 1 diabetic and have just started the fast diet you can check out what’s going on with me here https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/type-1-diabetic-starting-the-fast-diet/

    Hi I am new. My question is… If I get my a1c level to a good range and go off fasting will the food I eat raise my blood sugar again? In other words can you really cure Diabetes

    I have stopped taking my night time levemir and am only taking glipizide and metformin while I do this. On fast days I don’t take glipizide because bs get way to low. I wish your hub and success. I have sooo many question though

    Hi I have seen Jason Fungs talk on insulin toxicity and resistance and it inspired me . Can you actually ask him questions on his website?


    Type 1 diabetes has no cure. T2D is largely a diet related problem. Eat the correct foods and it can be reversed/stoped. Start eating crap again and the problem will manifest itself again. Keep eating crap and your pancreas will eventually stop working and it will no longer have the ability to produce insulin. Once that happens there is no coming back.

    Thanks for your reply… Yes that is what I thought so basically it is not “curable” only manageable.

    Correct, that is my understanding of T2D.

    hello everyone

    i am not diabetic or hypoglycemic or hypothyroid or anything, and the urine strips i need for my grandmother show my glucose is at the perfect level, and… I LOVE THIS FASTING malarky. i just love it so much.i did not know i would actively enjoy it!

    minor problem. the day after a fast, about a couple hours after i eat say a milky coffee and chocolate croissant, or plain biscuits and milky hot chocolate, i feel faint, thirsty, exhausted, ill, tearful and weak. i dont know what to eat the morning after, i generally fall asleep and gather myself together in a couple of hours so i can work. for the rest of the day i am fine. i thouhght it was a coincidence but its 3 or 4 times out of 7 now.

    i am on a lot of meds for migraines, but its not them. i have had it before after a long period of not eating with pineapple juice. i cant do a LC diet because it is contraindicated on one of my 3 migraine meds. i was in agony for 22 out of 30 days unable to move away fro my bathroom wher i would be throwing up for 18 years, so you see why i need my meds.

    if i am not fasting i am fine. i get none of it. but i am not stopping. i just need to find the right foods. and not stress. i am trying to come out of a crisis.a serious one.

    love to all, thank you for allowing me to post here! 🙂 sorry to bother you

    Hi Why, i am no nutrition expert and you may get responses from some people who are more knowlegeable..

    It might be difficult to go all out with perfect foods the day after. But maybe you could try a bit less actual sugar in the form of chocolate. I would say the milky coffee is ok. I guess full fat unsweetened natural thick yogurt would be good if you like it.

    I am reducing carbs but I tend to have a slice of wholewheat toast with peanut butter to break a fast (i do liquid only FDs now) and feel good on that. I guess it isn’t perfect but life isn’t and I can’t see me eating a pile of veggies first thing.

    Even toast and ordinary butter or cheese maybe would be better than chocolate. It might be that you are experiencing symptoms from a big chocolate sugar rush.

    Hope you are doing ok aside from that. Best of luck.

    If you do like yogurt, maybe with some berries and nuts. Nuts are great for you. Unfortunately they are a trigger food for me. I can’t just stop at a handful or two I want the lot! X

    oh @sarah57 i do so understand! lol re nuts

    thank you so much. yes, toast and peanut butter. yes. they sell that here in italy. yoghurt great. (its only a tiny bit of choc in the croissant. honest! an i have no sugar in my coffee. honest !)
    gosh- peanut butter can come back into my life woo hoo!

    thanks for your kindness x

    btw i do three fasts a week now. monday, wednesday and friday. i love it. it makes me feel… i dunno. but good (apart form this minor hurdle which i am sure e will have sorted in no time)
    when i am praying i thank God for this new (to me) regime, i really do.

    So pleased you are doing so well. 3 fasts a week is fab. I have never done more than 2. I have had a ridiculous week or so but back home now and doing today and tomorrow back to back to try to get back on track.

    Hang on in there. This obviously suits you xx

    Ps i get a peanut butter with no added sugar or salt and it tastes great. I think the less sugar and refined carbs we can manage the better it is.

    i agree. i just have to be careful i don’t do the atkins type low carb cos my meds wont work and i cant go back to being professionally ill again. it was like an ongoing nightmare. after losing 18 years i finally got the right med and the right meds combo.

    WHOLE EARTH peanut butter is superb. my big problem is i am a sugar and in particular cake and chocolate addict!

    are there any more suggestions for me? i would really like that. oats seem to be the thing, and i just cant be throwing up all morning every day! i wish i liked them. and i have never seen a sugar free slow release muesli in italy yet but i will keep trying. it carb central here, i tell you! x

    whyamisoshy, what about eggs in the morning? I alternate eggs with savory pancakes made with garbanzo bean flour and cottage or ricotta cheese.

    oh YES! brava ! THANK YOU! of course
    gawd, i am being dense arent i!

    brilliant idea! x do you get it too then? also granary toast with peanut butter is proving ok today on my 3rd fast this week….

    thanks @k-lo

    why…another thing I do when I want bread is to toast is and then slice VERY thin…almost like a cracker.

    More breakfast ideas:

    With the very thin bread: Toasted cheese. Ricotta cheese with a sprinkle of salt and olive oil.

    Veggie burger topped with a fried egg.

    Anything left over from dinner!

    thanks so much. sadly, i cant really eat cheese. x

    Please help Me.
    My A1C was very high and doctor suggested insulin which I do not want to do. Did low- carb diet and brought my fasting number to between 150 to 180. The number on day 0 was 290.

    Started 5:2. Had my first fast day for 24 hours. Ate nothing except TEA, Diet Ice Tea. Will do the second tomorrow, Friday. Question I have are

    1. Should this be 24 hours or 36 hours?

    2. I take Metformin and Janovia. I take slow release of both in the Mornning, one each of Metformin 1000MG and Janovia 100MG. Take 1 Matformin with evening meal. Should I take these medicine during my fast day?

    I am diabetic type 2, and I am following a LCHF WOE. One of my favourite foods is home made vegetarian bean stew with loads of veggies. I read somewhere on this forum that I should not be eating grains and pulses, does anyone know where I can read up on this because I will really miss these ingredients if I have to give them up. I have managed to keep my A1c at 6.3/6.4 since 2014 by diet and exercise but would like to reduce my fat stomach and possible fatty liver with enhanced fasting. I am reading Jason Fung amongst others and I am quite excited about this research and as I am new to this it will take me a while to find out how my body reacts to this WOL.

    Jim, have a look at Andreas Eenfeldt the diet doctor. Loads of LCHF recipes and advice.

    Thanks Iona, I’m heading over there now.

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