Hi there
I am so confused as to whether to do the 5:2 diet or not. When i was younger i tried all the diets under the sun and many years now I have not dieted. i have eaten healthily, kept within my 1500 kcals a day ( if gone over it was during marathon training and that was because I had run a very long way) but all in all have maintained a good weight. However pre Christmas I was ( i thought a happy weight to which I could reduce say a few pounds and feel really really great, but there was no pressure). Post Christmas I have gained and I am not exercising regularly at the mo due to a back injury. i know that its about 80:20 – Diet:exercise, so this is why I am considering doing this. I did try one day last week and found only eating the 500kclas ok and if got hungry drank a herbal tea, but it was the headache and then the awful sleep that night that put me off. I teach a HIT class on a Monday nigth so dont think i can fast that day then pilates on a tuesday – where i usually get really light headed in that class anyway and then want to start Yoga with a friend on a Thursday and wish to run another day. As you can see i’m confused about what day to fast ( when to squeeze it in as I got such horrible headachs) and further more so so so worried about ruining my metabolism.
Years of it being so low and to now having got it up ( i think through muscle and eating right ) I’m scared to jepodise it, stop the 5:2 diet and then put it all back on
Any comments and thoughts and experiences are so welcomed here as I’m rather confused
Sarah x
3:06 pm
12 Jan 16