Decidedly Dangerous December

This topic contains 341 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  Maui 2 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 347 total)

  • Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD500 153.0

    Right now, I have loads of motivation, and believe it will be sufficient motivation to do a regular FD. That’s rather weak on RESOLVE, isn’t it? So I will spend the next several hours cheering me on, and assuring me I can do it, Rah-rah-rah! 😂💪👍 The thing is, it’s my 64th birthday on Saturday, and I’m not going to be very happy if I start the day around 156 or worse, so while I know I can’t be 141 by Saturday, I can at least do a FD today, despite yesterday’s WF, right? And that will give me lots of halo-polishing to do, which will be a lovely birthday present to myself.

    I had some thoughts yesterday that bear exploring.

    I used to be thin. It wasn’t easy, but I had the discipline to eat reasonably, and was thin. MANY of us on this forum used to be thin, but now have struggled to regain the discipline necessary to be thin or at least thinner, right? And it struck me that I used to have young kids around me, and was very conscious of being an example to them of how to eat reasonably: “No, honey, you may not have a cookie, because we’re going to eat supper in fifteen minutes.” “No, honey, you may not have a third cookie; if you’re hungry, there are baby carrots in the fridge.” “No, honey, we’re not going to buy potato chips; they’re not very healthy for our bodies, so we’ll save them for some special occasion.” See? And DH and I couldn’t afford to approach wine/beer with abandon. And when the kids were teenagers, and we could better afford to approach wine/beer with abandon, we were setting the example to them of sobriety. Now? No young kids. Can afford to approach wine/beer with abandon. No teenagers to guide with exemplary behavior. So, not that we’re getting sloshed four nights a week, but we’re eating and drinking with a level of abandon that I would have found astonishing and shocking when my kids were younger.

    I’ve always behaved. I behaved when I was a teenager because it was the 70s and I wanted to be skinny (and was). I behaved in my 20s because it was still a habit. I behaved in my 30s because I had young kids, in my 40s because I had teenagers, in my 50s–wait. I had quit behaving by then. And I’m actually quite tired of behaving…in my deepest heart, I’m not interested in behaving. I want to eat/drink what I want to eat/drink when I want to eat/drink it, because I spent so many years denying myself.

    And that’s the challenge, isn’t it? So I need to find a way to no longer be tired of behaving, to once again find it natural and positive. And it will perhaps be helpful if I can again think in terms of being a good example to others, although who will be helped by me being a good example? That’s a little fuzzy.

    I’m never tired of behaving in the morning. Remember, I’m not hungry in the morning–food is an ugly thought at this moment as I type–so behaving in the morning is easy. It’s as the day progresses that it gets tough. Four o’clock? Good behavior is suddenly not in the least appealing. So, I need to be so busy in the afternoon until supper that good behavior isn’t optional; then perhaps the results on the scale will build my interest in good behavior.

    For being an example…I’ll have to think about that. That ship may have sailed.

    Back in the day, I lost five pounds in December every year. I wasn’t “dieting,” but I was so happy with the season, and so busy, that I simply didn’t eat and nibble as much (because of my good behavior), and those five pounds dropped off every year. I’d eat them back on eventually, but the beginning of the month was always fun.

    So my challenge today is not to restrain myself from eating; it’s to find the joy in the day that makes me uninterested in eating except as a necessary way to fuel my body to continue being busy and getting ready to celebrate the season.

    Those were my thoughts yesterday.

    Day 7 second post

    Lovely reading all your chatter.
    @gardenlily Of COURSE you get to crow!!!!! The less-than-stellar behavior of some of us doesn’t mean you feel guilty about the well-deserved results of your STELLAR behavior!
    @northgeorgia Ugh on your day. Deep breaths and smile!
    @at prayers for your DH
    @funshipfreddie bummer on the new Chromebook!
    @metatauta Oh, so sad about your flu! Hopefully you’re much better very fast.
    @matpi Glad you’re starting to feel more normal
    @penz Lovely big girl panties you’re sporting there!
    @songbirdme Gotta love those 1.5lb drops from FDs!
    @malee57 Well DONE! I think people “sabotage” us not because they’re rude, but because they are encouraging the behavior they think is going to be reasonable. In other words, is your sister at all overweight? I’ll bet she thinks having a little cake can go along with losing a little weight, so it didn’t seem unreasonable to her to urge you to keep it.
    @litprof Sounds like a lovely break you’re ready to enjoy!
    @maui Given the results you’re enjoying, I think you should praise yourself more and not be so fast to point out the shortcomings you think you see. If FD800s are giving you results (and they are, right?), then there’s no need for a “next level.” Right? Or are there details I don’t know?

    Pocket List – Day 7 ⭐️
    @litprof FD800
    @at FD800

    Okay: It’s going to be hard, but hard is not impossible.


    “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” ~ Jim Rohn

    Second post

    I might have to go again tomorrow for a better FD!. I always feel a bit wiped and super hungry after bloods…-should remember that… 🫤 will see how I go later ….

    @funshipfreddie I empathise with you on that one… oh just have one… shur why not??? It is the very same people who think I drink too much tea and feel free to comment on how could I possibly have more than 2 of a morning.. that have an issue when I don’t want to drink… or back in the days when I did and wanted to stop after one or two…
    I simply do not get it… 🙄

    @penz hold our hands… we can do this… no need to rush this… poca a poca.⭐️

    @at thinking of your DH and hoping for good news. 🙏

    @gardenlily well done you!!! You have every right to be proud of your efforts… that’s why we are all here to try make it work so when it does it’s great 😊 bravo!!! 🎉

    @northgeorgia I hope your day turned out better than you expected… I know all about high cortisol at the moment as my body seems to not be able to listen to my head (or maybe it’s the other way around) but hoping all went well for you… often these things are not so bad once you deal with them and it’s the dread more than anything that gets us. 🙏

    @stitchincarol I think it sounds like you have lots of resolve! You know what to do and no better woman to do it 👍👍👍👍

    Day 7 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Hey, it’s me, it’s been a couple of weeks, Covid and its recovery, so little by little getting back to normal. Back to work, feeling quite tired still, still some symptoms, but negative for Covid thank goodness, 14 days positive seemed forever.

    Sadly, I did not lose my appetite, and WFH during Covid and feeling sorry for myself meant choccies…..well I only put on another couple of pounds 😨

    I have caught up on November and December…..thank you all for keeping this normality going in what has been a turbulent time recently……and I note others feeling the same.

    We will all prevail. No idea when I will fast again, but coming on here means I intend to soon xxxx

    Day 7 UK CD

    OMAD day today – so wiped out ive been in bed all day again, and back to bed by 8pm. No idea if it’s long covid fatigue after last week, flare of something autoimmune/neuro or something else. But I’ve learned I just have to go with it.

    Yesterday was a solid FD, today just baked beans & vegan sausages followed by dried apricots – prob the least veg i’ve had in aeons but no energy to cook. Drinking more than previously and hoping the zzzzz will reset my body as the pressure of project piles makes it hard to switch brain off.

    @metatauta hope you feel better v soon
    @at thinking of you & DH
    @stitchincarol thank you for sharing your musings, always interesting and often resonant
    @northgeorgia hope it went well today

    Day 8, NFD, Aus

    Yesterday’s revised plan to be a FD just didn’t.

    Big thank you however for your collective support and encouragement. I might channel @stichincarol’s reflection and use all of you as my mirror – I want to set a good example to you!

    Day7 USA/HI FD500
    This has accidentally turned into a very successful FD as it’s 2pm and I’ve only had coffee and water so far. I had tried to meet up with a friend for lunch but it didn’t work out. Just returned home from Costco run, followed by acupuncture treatment. I think I can easily hold out for an early dinner before 6pm. I’m feeling really good about this!
    @stitchincarol …. Really enjoyed your thin story. Being a parent I can relate to how we behaved knowing the little ones are all eyes and ears… never miss anything lol. I didn’t think of myself as thin back then but if I suddenly weighed 122 lbs right now (as in my 20’s ) I might feel absolutely light enough to fly. Seem to have hit a plateau at 169 but today’s FD just might let me get a peek at 168 tomorrow. 🤞it’s actually kinda fun to have these little goals to look forward to.
    All the best to everyone here!

    Day 8 Melbourne, Australia FD or CD

    This thread is so good as even when I don’t really feel like posting, it helps me retain some resolve when I do so.

    I have things to do today so not sure whether today’s FD will stick. I need it to as I have had 2 celebration days which meant lots of eating (though not as much as I would previously done). My preference will be for today to be a FD, but I’ll see what happens.

    Northgeorgia I hope yesterday went okay.

    Daffodil2020 and Michelinme I hope you both keep continuing to improve, even if slowly. Covid is still around and I still wear a mask on public transport. One good thing about being a nurse is that we wear N95s at work. So I actually feel safer in the hospital than out in public.

    Day 7 Ohio, US — NFD

    This has been a super busy day — mostly playing catch-up for the days I was down. There is a great deal that needs to be done in getting ready for year’s end! Today also marks the day that recovery is complete from Thanksgiving, two weeks ago! It amazes me how much that one holiday has impacted matters in the kitchen. I can see that the trick will be to prevent the same thing from happening at year’s end. (Ho, ho, ho!)

    @malee57 Right on about masking! I still wear my mask when I go into an uncontrolled environment, such as a grocery store. But I’m definitely in the minority.

    @maui You can fast on acupuncture days? I’ve tried doing that, but for me, it’s too much stress on the body. Usually it takes me at least 24 hours to recover from a treatment.

    @penz You yourself are a fabulous example! In the past you’ve helped me keep on going many times.

    @michelinme Hope you get back to feeling fabulous quickly! Sleep seems to be the thing that resets my immune system more effectively than anything else. So sleep well!

    @daffodil2010 Glad you are getting back to normal, step by step. Fasting does put a stress on the body (I think that Dr. Mosley mentions that in the Fast Diet book.), so it’s good to resolve as many other stressors on the body before getting back to regular fasting. We are all in this together!

    Day 8 – Ireland – CD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️ ✅

    Good morning! Having a CD today as meeting friends for lunch…yesterday was not a FD – coming in around 900 but I’ll be mindful today and hopefully that will do..

    Welcome back @daffodil2010 – glad to see you are negative now but mind yourself.

    @michelinme I’m sorry to see you’ve not been well either… Covid has really done a number on some of us but you seem to have been very badly affected… are you still taking the supplement etc?

    I’m generally far more fatigued than before… with headaches etc. It’s hard to know if it’s the aftermath of Covid, shingles, pandemic burn out or just life at this age being a WOCA… 🙄🙄all I know is that it’s tough at the mo! But what can we do other than all the right things… which in fairness we are all trying… hence why we are here…
    Keep strong everyone – we’ll get there 💪

    @malee57 I was in Spain last week and you still have to wear masks on public transport – loved that. You simply cannot get on if you don’t wear one. I religiously wear mine on public transport here.

    Well done @maui! Hope you see 168 today and if not, tomorrow. There may be a delay..,, 👏

    @matpi – well done on the recovery after thanksgiving! Hard to believe that was two weeks ago – and now just two weeks to Christmas- it’s tough for you all over there at this time of year – fasting wise 🫤.

    Have a great day everyone. Pulling those of you who are struggling through this day… let’s put a good one in before the weekend ⭐️⭐️

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 8 – UK Cam – FD800
    Yesterday’s brunch with DD went very well and I was soooo good – smashed avocado on sourdough with feta cheese and onion marmalade side – just heaven. DH managed a poached egg on toast and half a butcher’s sausage (shared with DD – who had the veggie option coz it had squeaky cheese in it!). And I tried a new tea – Christmas Pudding flavour – no milk, no sugar – just spicey and warming. don’t know whose make but worth looking out for! Relaxed a bit too much with snack supper of celery and cheese and glass of wine last night – but hey, it was freezing cold out with dog on late wee walk!

    Today I am trying for an 800 day – still trying to keep weight stable or lose a little but no great push for December – so have just had porridge with banana and blueberries (well, it is -2C outside and I am about to walk the dog) lunch will be veggie soup (left over casserole whizzed in pan) and supper will be baked salmon and creamed spinach (my usual FD go-to). Busy day with plumber coming to fix the kitchen taps (at last) Christmas parcels to take to post and rush sewing job for GD surprise gift – involves beading work which I am not very good at.

    @funshipfreddie – we often overlap with posts but I hope you were able to get your chromebook sorted – never mind about catnapping, just try having a 60lb dog jump up onto your keyboard – not a happy ending!

    @at and @stitchingcarol – I omitted to mention the special spices in the veggie bake. I use cumin (love the earthy tang) smoked paprika (ordinary paprike will do), loads of ground black pepper, and a really good slug of worcestershire sauce (soy will do it but is very salty). You can add your own choice but the veggies do need something to pick them up, otherwise it can be a bit bland. And don’t be shy about adding different veggies – sweetcorn is great but avoid any brassica family (cauliflower etc) as it doesn’t work well. Also, try cooking one day and eating the next – it matures better!

    @stitchincarol – I loved reading your piece about setting an example – how true. As a mum and now a gran, we still feel the need not to ‘misbehave’ in front of the kids so perhaps using this forum as our ‘family’ will help some of us to set a good example!

    @daffodil2010 – welcome back. Take is easy, one step at a time. December is not a very good month for anyone watching their ‘diet’ so just concentrate on being sensible.

    @michelinme – oh dear, the after-effects of covid seem to linger on and on. i am sure my DH is suffering long-covid with all his aches, tiredness and repeated chest infections. I guess you just have to go with the flow each day and take little steps.

    Here’s wishing success to everyone on an FD today – join the pocket list:

    Day 8 pocket list
    @jaifam (CD)

    Day 8 – South Africa – NFD

    @daffodil2010 – great to hear from you, & to hear that you’re on the mend 🤗

    @jaifaim – too much tea?! 😂 That’s funny. And you being Irish too? It’s in your DNA!

    @maui – holding thumbs for your 168 – or lower! 🤞

    @stitchincarol – I’m just pondering your post – “…in my deepest heart, I’m not interested in behaving”.
    I think of my eating/drinking behaviour as healthy or unhealthy rather than good or bad. I think we can still enjoy food & eat healthily. I try to imagine if my 85 year old self would thank me for the choices I’m making today. I don’t want to reach old age if it means losing my independence or even having to be helped up out of a chair. There are no guarantees, but I aim to give it my best shot. So I guess it’s finding some middle ground. Just being in shape & having the energy level of someone years younger can be an example to everyone we interact with. I think staying motivated is something we can constantly work on; like being happy in a way. Some people are more naturally cheerful than others, but we’re all hardwired to worry & anticipate danger. But we can choose to be happier than we naturally are, e.g. by practicing gratitude, setting goals & doing things we enjoy in our spare time. And it’s the same with motivation; it may not happen spontaneously, but we can cultivate it. I’m waffling now, sorry, I wasn’t aiming to get on my soapbox 🙄

    @gardenlily – Boo Boo only weighs about 4 kgs too! I guess it could just be co-incidence that the laptop died right after she took a snooze on it. Anyway, I got lucky at the computer store. I omitted the cat info 😅 Just told them it worked fine for a week, but now it doesn’t turn on. A guy fiddled with it for 10 minutes, agreed that it was indeed kaput & they’ve ordered me a new one.👏 For some reason they don’t sell Chromebooks instore. But I prefer the simplicity of Chromebooks vs Windows.

    I’ll be doing a Friday FD – but sending RESOLVE & oodles of motivation to today’s fasters 🎯

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍒
    @malee57 FD/CD
    @jaifaim CD

    Day 8 – Interesting Christmas Fact – YULE LOG

    With the cold weather snap here in the UK, I thought we might look at the custom of the Yule Log:

    Mention Yule Log to most children today and they think of a swiss roll cake decorated with snowy icing and a sprig of holly, BUT

    Dating back to pre-history in the northern hemisphere, the custom of lighting fires around the winter solstice to encourage the sun back to life also provided light and warmth to early communities and an excuse to celebrate surviving the coldest and most dangerous part of the year.

    There are lots of different myths about how man managed to get fire (mostly from the Gods) and how it was important to give back something in return – making sacrifices and there is even a link, apparently with Adam and Eva and the Tree of Knowledge, whilst the concept of a perpetual flame is quite common.

    Nordic-German winter celebrations centred on appeasing the god Thor by the burning of a branch known as the Yule log, yule coming from juleiss, the Gothic name for December. The Old Norse work was jol, which is still found in Dutch as joel or jol (loud partying!) – so when you wish someone a ‘jolly Christmas’ you are fusing pagan and Christian customs!

    The tradition of the Yule log probably came to the UK from Scandinavia with the Vikings and from there travelled the world with emigrants. Certainly once here in the UK it combined with the Druid winter solstice celebrations. Early Christian Christmas celebrations mention that the Yule log would be lit on Christmas Eve and burned through the 12 nights of Christmas until Twelfth Night.

    So, there you have it – grab yourself a big oak log (slow burning wood) and make yourself a traditional Yule log fire in the middle of your living room – you might have to break a few fire regulations but you can always threaten Thor’s vengence!

    Day 8 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. Well, lots of other events today involving meals. I may try to not eat anything when I get home, but can’t promise haha

    And just to think, the day before Thanksgiving I weighed in at 210 lbs. Oh, for a day like that again soon 😉

    Day 8 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WF 153.4

    Yesterday was TOUGH. I kept remembering the “hard but not impossible” quote, and thinking about the pride I want to feel on Saturday rather than the indulgence I wanted to eat right at the moment, and managed to swerve many of the temptations…but not all. And then, very oddly, I got as cold in the evening as I do on a WF–except I had calories in me, so that made no sense. Only being up 0.4 lbs this morning over yesterday is a win, and today ought to take me down even further, a bit, so at least the scale will be as lovely as possible. Not actual loss I know, but scale numbers can be so encouraging–or discouraging!

    @daffodil2010 You poor thing. And not to lose your appetite, so that you don’t even have that as a silver lining? Beyond unfair, LOL! I’m also one who can eat just fine through a sickness, so I truly feel your frustration and irritation. You’ll be back on track soon, I’m sure, but I’m sure it’s hard to be patient and kind to yourself as you make the transition back to 5:2.

    @jaifaim A FD that wasn’t but still only came in at 900? That’s quite impressive, I think!

    @gardenlily While DH and I both love salmon, and have it frequently, I always avoid it on FDs because it’s so much higher in calories than other fish. So I’m very curious: how are you having breakfast AND lunch AND salmon & creamed spinach for supper and staying under 800?? The math of the calories doesn’t make sense to me… unless your salmon serving is something like 3 ounces. Have you put all this in MFP, and it really does add up to 800 or less? And thanks for the details on what seasonings you use!

    @funshipfreddie Good thoughts on making choices that our 85yo selves will thank us for. My mom had real health issues that made her legs ache, sometimes severely, for the last twenty YEARS of her life, and she insisted there was nothing medically to be done about it. She was also far too sedentary for much of those twenty years, so that gives me lots of motivation to get up and MOVE. And, I apologize if my choice of “behave” rings false for you…but I have made so many unhealthy choices in food over the past 20 years (which is when my struggle began to control my weight and keep it at 132 lbs), that I can’t help but feel I’ve been misbehaving to have gotten here. For my mindset, calling it misbehaving helps guide me to making good and healthy choices. I am, after all, the woman who introduced DH to butternut and a host of other winter squashes, avocado, broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus, artichoke, and on and on and on, and the concept that you can actually have two veggies on your dinner plate and they can take up over half of the space, LOL! His poor midwestern eating habits took a hit when he married me! 😂🥰 And I’m glad for you that your new Chromebook is simply being replaced!

    @gardenlily Fascinating about the Yule log; thanks!

    I got so much done yesterday that I felt quite virtuous by the time I fell into bed. I had lit candles all over the house, and put on Christmas music, and just started tidying, and doing things I’d been putting off, and got two cookie recipes mixed and in the freezer ready to bake, and the brandied dried fruit I like to use in scones. My life does tend to revolve around food, doesn’t it? But for the first time in several weeks, the house is all tidy and I’m ready for my house cleaner to come this afternoon and do her magic.

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍒
    @malee57 FD/CD
    @jaifaim CD
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 8 – UK – TDEE

    Yesterday was definitely not a FD800/CD but today is a new one and aiming for some control before a FD tomorrow……

    OH had a full excision of the nasty mole and now we wait for results hoping all was removed 🤞

    Lovely sunny and frosty days here – 9am Aerobics Class, a lovely relaxing facial late morning and off to see a live telecast of The Nutcracker from the Royal Opera House with a group of friends – we are having a meal beforehand – looking forward to a lovely evening with other ballet 🩰 lovers

    Day8 USA/HI NFD
    Did not see that 168 this morning. I know it’s just hiding and will be showing up soon. Time to double down and stay on the course.
    Appreciate the encouragement. Off to get a smart TV for our bedroom so I can get DH in bed after dinner to watch our evening movie and he will fall asleep. It’s become quite the challenge for him to get up and walk from living room to bedroom later in the evening. Even with his walker he seems close to falling. Trying to create a safe and enjoyable environment in our home. Slowly learning to embrace this “aging in place” stage of our life’s journey. Grateful to have this opportunity.
    Wishing all a day of positive small joys amongst the challenges we all face.

    Day 9, NFD, Aus

    Checking in for accountability. Sorry all – I’m feeling very inwardly facing and selfish and haven’t been commenting on your posts. But I have been reading them all and thinking of you, sharing in your challenges and successes.

    Great soapbox post @funshipfreddie, lots of good food for thought there. This is my new mantra: “I try to imagine if my 85 year old self would thank me for the choices I’m making today.”

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Day 8 UK FD

    A good sleep last night and a bit more energy today after yesterday’s sleep day.

    Thank you for all your good wishes for health. It’s been a long haul already. I had covid in Feb 2020 and was left with a plethora of health issues – hypertension, fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, POTs, digestion issues & food intolerance, peripheral neuropathy… Other symptoms like breathlessness have got better over the last 2.5 years but these have stuck with me, on top of the autoimmune/ neuro stuff I’d gathered over the previous 20 years.

    @jaifaim thank you for the reminder – i ran out of some supplements a week or so ago and had forgotten to reorder. But I’m still taking the phyto v which had given me an energy boost back in July.

    Today I had some help with a car so focussed on errands – picked up guest mattress, plates & towels I’d bought online, rare in person grocery shopping inc some Christmas groceries, and a little light present shopping. I also picked up a new Christmas tree in a pot – my 5 year old one died after July’s heatwave. Also had help with laundry and tidying and putting my new too-big sofa on FB marketplace. Now need to add table an chairs and pray for speedy sales. Finished the day with a lovely catch up zoom tea with a friend then an zoom webinar.

    Yesterday was an easy CD because of sleeping, and today has been a straightforward FD – quorn fillets with a carrot and ginger soup as a sauce plus brussel sprouts, tomatoes and mushrooms, followed by apple compote with lashings of cinnamon.

    @daffodil2010 so glad you are feeling better. Do rest as much as you can: fasting will come when you have some energy

    Hoping for a good sleep again tonight and some gentle project work tomorrow. Small steps.

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍒
    @malee57 FD/CD
    @jaifaim CD
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 8 Ohio, US — FD800

    Just a regular FD — a lot of the usual chores: grocery shopping and laundry, as well as studying and reading. A fairly quiet day.

    @michelinme Some of the stores have, for the first time that I’ve seen, small Christmas trees, 2 feet tall, in pots and I am wondering about getting one. For the past 30+ years I’ve used a ceramic tree so that I wouldn’t have a reaction to the evergreen smell. How do you take care of your trees during the rest of the year?

    @maui Hope you had an enjoyable time TV shopping. It seems to me that “aging in place” isn’t really all that much different than the last few years “pandemic in place.” So the world got a chance to see what’s it like.

    @at Friends, a meal, and the Nutcracker —- December’s great joys!

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍒
    @malee57 FD/CD
    @jaifaim CD
    @stitchincarol WF
    @ matpi FD800

    Day 9 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    Yesterday’s FD was not even a CD. My bingeing brain lizard made a roaring entrance. And I had some brownies and slice in the freezer for it to binge on. Today they have gone in the compost bin. I have a friend over for dinner tonight so today is a controlled NFD.

    My father is 86 years old and his idea of going for a walk is a few times up and down his hallway. He is not too unhealthy, but his mobility is limited due to his size, and he spends a lot of his time in front of his computer. I am with funshipfreddie and want my 85-year-old self to be grateful to me now for making healthy choices. I want to still be able to swim and go for walks and live very happily independently.

    gardenlily really interesting information about the Yule log. Because I live in Australia it has never been a part of our traditions. And I’m not likely to be lighting one this year even though it is a cooler than usual summer.

    Day 9 – South Africa – FD – 🚫🍷 Day 70

    A Friday FD for me 😲 It’s going to be a scorcher here today too, 9:30 am and already 27 C. Hoping some clouds will appear to cool things down.

    Happy Fri-yay everyone🍹

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍌


    This is probably the weekend when most of uswill be decorating our homes for Christmas, if not already done! So, here is something about that perennial prickly favourite – Holly:

    The Druids believed that the sun never deserted the holly tree, even at the winter solstice. Celtic tribes decorated their dwellings with holly branches believing the woodland spirits would find indoor shelter in the greenery until the Earth Goddess returned to ‘spring’ anew in early February.

    Holly leaves have been considered as a possible source for the crown of thorns at the crucifixion and to have sprung from Christ’s footsteps and, along with mistletoe, to have provided the wood for making the cross.

    Day 9 – UK Cam – CD/NFD
    Yesterday’s 800FD went well (see below) and today I shall try very hard for a CD as I have dentist at midday and, like most of us, I don’t like to eat beforehand and I am meeting a friend for coffee afterwards and she is on a very strict, no-carb diet so no chance of cake 🙁

    @stitchincarol – eeeek, your message about my food intake on an 800FD had me rushing to the computer to find MFP (I don’t use it) and double-check my paper & pencil calculations. I have always checked with packet contents for calorie content and done the math by hand. Phew – clocked in at 765 cals. it took a while as I tend to make all my meals from scratch so I had to enter all the ingredients in the recipe section but I did double-check the salmon fillet size and, yes, it is a whopping 284 cal but the ‘creamed’ spinach was OK as it was made with zero yoghurt at 54 cal / 100g and I used nutmeg rather than parmesan on top.
    BUT it did make me stop and think about home-made v. packeted foods and portion size. I was fascinated at the different calorie content for some of the foods listed on MFP, especially the packet/ready made soups – when you look at the breakdown, they have so much sugar content! I know some of this comes naturally from foods but even so? So, even if I did under-estimate the soup portion size (I do have US cups for measuring), I think I managed OK, and I didn’t feel particularly hungry all day (apart from the 4.30 nibble danger period).

    @funshipfreddie – love the idea of 85 yr old thanking themselves for wise choices – and I’ll be there all to soon! Very good thought. Hope Boo Boo keeps away from the new computer – I guess it is the heat they go for, our cats used to love sunbathing on the living room windowsill, totally destroying any plants in their way. We have a dog now but I do miss the cats…

    @at – hope the results come through soon for your OH -it’s the waiting that is worse, fearing the worse. Fingers crossed it will all be OK or at least treatable. DH has got his next CT scan next week and hopefully they will get him some better meds to clear his chest. There is a pile of logs by the woodshed that need sawing up!

    @malee57 – I guess all of you ‘South of the Equator’ have different traditions around Christmas. I do find it hard to imagine Christmas at mid-summer – my DS and family live in NZ and they still have a Christmas tree but it does seem weird. And why on earth would you want to light a Yule Log when it’s in the upper 20s outside!! Maybe have an outdoor one and toast marshmallows? 🙂

    Friday Pocket List – hop on if you’re doing an FD today:


    Day 9- Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️ ✅

    159.8 lbs hurrah in the 150s 🎉

    Morning all! Hope you are all ok. It’s a good one here but I have to be up and out early…. Brrr 🥶

    Yes @funshipfreddie yep can you imagine! I had friends staying recently,and after breakfast, having had one cup of tea I decided to have another (1 is never enough in my view) and the comment was made – oh your having another cup? I never have more than..,

    Yet the same person could sit in a bar of an evening and drink pint after pint… and try pressure me into having a drink…I had to hold my tongue but won’t the next time..😂

    @penz – glad you’re here that the most important… I often can’t post in detail if I have lots going on elsewhere – it’s generally because my focus is shot .. but always enjoy reading tte posts 👍

    @matpi and @michelinme I react to pine also so have an artificial tree big I love and miss the Christmas tree smell in the house. A ceramic tree sounds really interesting and kooky. 🎄

    @michelinme I need to get into selling online… I hage a lots of sports equipment and clothes that I need to wither give away or sell but find it hard to get started on selling…. Well done to you! 2023 will be my declutter year. 💪

    @maui it’s there…. Just around the corner 🫣
    Good luck with project Smart TV – that’s a great plan.
    @gardenlily a wooden yule log seems a much better option this Christmas. We don’t tend to have one but many people in Ireland do.

    I love that your house has been tidied ready for the cleaner… it’s a great incentive to clear clutter isn’t it 😂🤣
    Hope tte scale is lovely today ⚖️.

    Ok better scoot…. Have a happy Friday everyone… just two weeks to Christmas weekend. That’s just 4 more FDs for many of us. 👍

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 9 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD (trying again) (haven’t weighed yet)

    It’s 4:50am as I type, and I’ve been awake since 3 and up since 3:30. I’ve finished decorating the smaller tree, and washed the dishes from last night’s supper, sent some planning texts to my kids, contacted a seller on Amazon about something they sent me in error, and now I’m writing you all. It’s been a busy morning! 😂

    Isn’t it odd how some nights we sleep perfectly well, and other nights, we wake up and BOING!, that’s it, we’re awake. Oh well, it feels good to have gotten a lot done, LOL.

    Yesterday’s WF wasn’t. We had lots and lots of ice, and DH frowned at the idea of me driving into Omaha for lessons, and I wasn’t feeling all that brave (foolhardy?) about it. So I’ve rescheduled the lessons for this afternoon, and switched the eating plan for tonight to last night. Follow all that??? ⁉️ I can’t say I’m enthusiastic about a WF on a Friday, but figure it should be no harder than a Thursday, other than the psychological part of “But it’s Fri-yay!!”

    @at When will you hear the results of the removed mole?

    @penz As long as we have you, we don’t need your personalized comments. I’m certain that sounds ridiculously cheesy, but I’m quite sincere.

    @funshipfreddie Look that: someone’s joining you on the pocket list!!

    @gardenlily Oops, sorry to have given you an EEK moment, LOL! I’m impressed that you’ve managed to create such a lovely day’s menu and still be within 800 calories; well done, you! And, yeah, added ingredients/sugar in pre-made food is what makes me cook from scratch nearly always…but it’s sure easier to count calories when using pre-made food!

    @matpi and @michelinme and @jaifaim I’m shaking my head in wonder. We’ve had an artificial tree for twenty years now, partly for the convenience, and also because even though the cost is really high at first, it’s so much cheaper over the years. And, big thing: I loved the idea of the smell, but never actually smelled it particularly. I clearly don’t have a sensitive nose, but isn’t it a shame that those of us who’d be fine smelling the tree can’t, and those who can, suffer from it? Well, not all, clearly, but you get my point. A shame!

    Well. Now what shall I do that’s silent so I don’t wake DH?? 😂🤪

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍌
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 9 – USA/GA – NFD

    Couldn’t find an OMAD day this week, which put my FDs unbalanced at the start of the week. Result is a weigh-in today of 219 lbs, third time this week… and two more NFDs to go… It is a decidedly dangerous December for sure!

    Small victories though — No soft drinks consumed yesterday, and the past two days, I didn’t finish the breakfast put before me (saved it to supper time). Also refused the desserts except the nice work lunch yesterday and a couple of Christmas sweets last night. So, I haven’t totally lost my way. I’ll be sad if I hit the 220s this weekend, though. Doing ZBC today.

    Oh my… I was in a rush this morning as the weather is dreadful and I had to drive (no choice today ❄️🥶❄️) but I just noticed all my typos 🫤🙄😬

    second post

    @jaifaim LOLOLOLOL…yup, I noticed, translated them all, and figured you were really in a hurry. I say we all have chosen to be honored that you took the time to chatter so much even though you were in a clear and huge hurry! Have a great weekend. 🥰

    Day 9 USA/HI NFD
    NFD but also 16:8 LC

    Day 9 UK FD

    My FD fell at the final hurdle yesterday with late evening snacking on Christmas food! Cheesy crackers and chocolate biscuits were consumed with a resulting 3lb gain this morning – sometimes the pattern really is fast & linear! Hence today is a rare Friday FD and I’m going for the full fat FD (or WFD?) to rebalance my poor body

    Slept better but not long enough – I need to find a way of getting myself to bed at 8pm and asleep soon after. Once I’m in bed it’s easier to wind down but getting myself to bed feels a battle, unless I’m asleep all day. My brain seems to wake up later in the day atm so evening became productive and needed time which becomes an unhelpful cycle. Goodness I wish I had more energy.

    I’ve made a start on project things today by picking the easiest outstanding thing and working slowly on it, then the next, and so on in the hope this will make the way to the largest/most complex things clearer. I have about 100 hours of stuff to catch up on so no way will it be done before Christmas but I’m starting where I am, using what I have and doing what I can.

    Lovely friend came and did some gardening jobs this afternoon – taking out the last of the veg, setting aside soil to dig into beds in early spring, repotting the Christmas tree I bought yesterday with some fresh soil, cat-/squirrel-proofing pots and grow bags. He worked out how to mend the dining chair and will pick it up in the week, and checked my very heavy ebay curtains against the sitting room windows: a perfect fit! Now I *just* need to sort out pin hooks, a new track and someone to put it up. It’s always cheering to have a sense of progress, however small.

    @matpi my Christmas tree usually gets repotted up a size then lives in the back garden until next year. They’re usually good for 5 years or so before they get too big to be indoor trees then I put them on the front porch -sadly the last pair died as I was away during the July heatwave

    @jaifaim I’m also allergic to Norway spruce – asthma and blisters where it touches my skin – but fine with a Nordmann fir. Congrats on reaching the 150s!

    More company on today’s pocket list!
    Pocket List – Day 9 🍌
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 10 Melbourne, Australia emergency FD 9.30am

    Definitely weight is HOEO – hard off easy on, I don’t agree with EOEO. 10 days ago, I was at 75.1kg. Today I weighed in at 76.95kg. Hence why today is an emergency FD. I’m working tonight so helpfully that will help. I was just starting to fit into some of my old clothes again and don’t want that to change.

    I had an old schoolfriend round for dinner last night and we had a really enjoyable evening of talking.

    Morning of housework, then I get to go back to bed for the afternoon to try and get a couple of hours of sleep before work. I love my afternoon naps and the only time I do it is before work.

    Day 9 Ohio, US — NFD

    Today’s weigh-in had good news: 176.8 lb (80.2 kg). That’s my lowest weight since June of 2020. So I’ve made it below 177 lb, my goal for the month. Now to stabilize the weight below 177!

    Let me ask — As part of my project for the course I wrote up a scenario with a couple going shopping for papalines in Avignon. Those confections sound like they would be delightful. Has anyone on this forum ever had them?

    @northgeorgia Small victories do add up! A French general of World War I fame, Field Marshal Foch, used to say: “Battles are won with remainders.” Some people apply that to using little odds and ends of time, but I think it also applies to small victories.

    Hope everyone has enjoyable weekend adventures!

    Day 10 – UK Cam – NFD
    yesterday turned into an impromptu 800FD – had light breakfast thinking I’d grab a sandwich lunch whilst shopping (after dentist) but the queues in the shops were horrendeous – all I wanted was a take-out coffee and filled roll! As I didn’t feel particularly hungry I thought’at least my friend will find a biscuit in the house for me’ – no such luck! She’s a dear friend but quite fanatical about her no carb diet so I had a black coffee and tried to hide my rumbly tummy behind a cushion! By the time I got home at 4pm (nothing to eat since 8 am) I grabbed a bowl of yoghurt and fruit and that silenced the gurgles until a late supper of mushroom omlette & salad & glass of wine as we were chatting with family in NZ for over an hour 🙂 🙂 Moral of tale, don’t go shopping/out for the day without backup plan for lunch!

    Good news – I had checked out my winter wardrobe a few weeks back and found most of my tops were just too baggy now so ordered a bunch from my favourite shop online. They arrived whilst I was out yesterday and 2 fit perfectly (yay!) whilst 2 others were still too big so will try to reorder in yet a smaller size. The weight may not be falling off but obviously some of the fat is – or is moving around (that’s worriesome)!

    Today is a granny day – decorating Christmas wreaths, making cards and playing lego. I think we get tomake our own lunch so that will be a culinary adventure!

    @malee57 – Good luck with the emergency FD – You should be motivated to succeed today.
    @matpi – congratulations on reaching below your target! Sorry, not heard of papalines (checked google for them) but they look very wicked 😉
    @stitchincarol – don’t worry about the eeek moment – it did me a favour by making me use the MFP app. Love your comment about what can I do now that’s silent – I am much the same, wake at 4am ping! I tend to do the ironing with my headphones on and watch a movie or slip into the study and work on the computer (well i did when I was still teaching, doing class prep). It’s hopeless trying to force yourself back tosleep at that hour. However, like @malee57 I do like an early afternoon nap – just 10 mins will do the trick to revitalise me.

    @jaifaim – only 4 more FDs before Christmas – that’s a sobering thought! Amazing how it creeps up on you – you’re so busy with the preparations you forget how the time clicks by.

    So, on that thought – carpe diem everyone – seize the day and really think hard before you eat – do I REALLY want this?

    Day 10 Pocket List


    Really one for the boys today, I think:

    In many parts of Britain holly was part of winter fertility rituals – men who carried a holly leaf or berry believed that this made them irresistible to women.

    Day 10 – South Africa – NFD

    Saturday morning PFDS! @stitchincarol & @michelinme – thanks for joining me for a Friday FD 😀

    @matpi – great job on the new 2 & a half year low! 🎯

    @jaifaim – you reached the 150’s!! 🎖️I can’t imagine what your friends would make of my 3 morning coffees?! And that’s before I start on the tea in the afternoon 😲

    @gardenlily – I found Christmas in the southern hemisphere very strange at first. Until I retired, I always worked over Christmas anyway, so my ‘Christmas spirit’ was usually in short supply 😅. There are still the trees. lights & decorations, & Christmas is often depicted in cards etc. with traditional snowy scenes & log fires. But for many South Africans, I think Christmas lunch is most likely to be spent at a beach, or having a braai (barbecue) by the pool. Maybe a more traditional meal in the evening.

    @malee57 – sending you RESOLVE for your Saturday FD. I envy you being able to nap in the afternoons; something I was never able to do when I was working shifts. I sometimes was able to nod off for half an hour on a seaday afternoon between a split shift, but it was rare, never planned, & probably something to do with the motion of the ocean 😅

    From the UK Mail – a Michael Mosley article re postbiotics:-

    Have a good weekend everyone! 🌤️ 🌈

    Day 10 – Ireland – CD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️

    Very tricky driving conditions here yesterday… had to pull in a few times with freezing fog making things tough… I had to travel or otherwise I would have stayed put. I did overdose on all the wrong foods though… but one day shouldn’t affect me too badly as long as it is just one day. Or maybe @malee57 it will be EOHO as you say… the trick will be to recalibrate now (very technical 😂). Aiming for a CD – it might not be.. but the plan is there.

    @gardenlily – that’s a fun fact! Never heard that before.. weird that something so prickly would be attractive to women but will ponder on 😂😂

    @funshipfreddie I know! I have a mug of something on the go most mornings – different strokes…

    @matpi I spent some time in Avignon when I was young and loved it. You have brought back fun memories for me but I also remember tasting papalines while I was there and not enjoying them at all. I am not a fan of boozy sweets/ chocolate but maybe now I’d appreciate them more. Ventoux: beautiful part of France and a cycling Mecca.

    Well done @matpi and others who are dropping or maintaining – I’m definitely back up but only temporarily 👍 must have faith in the process for a good 2022 weigh in 💪🎉🎄

    Be careful out there everyone ❄️ and stay away from those bearing holly 😂😂.

    Ps always apologies for my typos… Particularly yesterday.. I post on my phone and autocorrect is set up for two languages so god knows what will come out here when I’m rushing… @stitchincarol it proves actually that when we read we actually don’t read EACH letter.. our brains are so wonderful you all can read what i post even if it Is gobbledegook 😂

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 10 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD 151.6

    Yesterday was not easy, but I left the house around one o’clock and kept busy with piano lessons and errands and didn’t get home until 8pm, so I was safe from most temptation, and I’m sure enjoying my halo-polishing this morning for having pulled off a WF on a FRIDAY!

    Today, DH is taking me to the Durham Museum in Omaha whose Christmas tree is legendary and where there’s a “Dressing Downton Abbey” exhibit. We may go out for oysters ahead of time, and then he’s taking me to The Drover, a steakhouse famous for their whiskey marinade…it’s drool-worthy, and very memorable. Tomorrow the boys will be here and we have a lovely dinner planned with blackberry pie rather than cake–a choice I’ve been making on my birthday for years, as cakes are simply not all that appealing to me. It will be two fun and wonderful days, but I’ll definitely need my fasts next week, LOL!

    Lovely reading about the ebay curtains for the sitting room, being in the 150s, being below 177, surviving the freezing fog…love all the chatter. I have a busy morning before we head out, so had best get to it. The final tree is almost completely decorated, just another couple dozen angels to put on and then all those boxes can be put away. I love, love, love this time of year. 🥰

    @malee57 Enjoy your FD and the delight that comes the next day!

    Day 10 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 221 lbs. Yep, I am now the heaviest I have weighed in all year, with the heaviest week all year. Last time I weighed this much was November 1 of 2021. To say I am disheartened is an understatement.

    Anyway, tomorrow is a FD.

    Day10 USA/HI FD800
    Weigh-in today still at 169lbs
    I know results aren’t always immediate but this is making me a bit crazy. It will most likely take FD500’s to get the weight dropping again, but I’m just not quite there yet, so will add more afD899’s for now. I’m trying to be patient and stay on track with keeping calories 1000 to 1200 on NFD’s. Adding exercise on the recumbent stationary bike with a workout that shows I am burning 200 or more calories. At age 76 I’m realizing there is truth to what I’ve read about it being a challenge to lose weight as we get older.
    @northgeorgia I share your feelings of discouragement, but I know we are in the right place to accomplish the weight loss we seek. The group here is so supportive and just knowing others are sharing this journey really helps. I’ve been having fun playing with one of those online calculators showing how long it would take to lose weight based on your age/height/current weight and activity level. I’m focusing on a 40 lb loss over the next 12 months. I look at how quickly this year has flown by so a one year plan doesn’t seem like a long time at all. The FD’s should help cover for the days going a little off track. I love the mantra here of “onward and downward” !

    Day 10 UK CD

    Quick post for accountability. Feeling very puffy but back on track and hoping a more sensible eating few days will see off this week’s gain.

    Good day of rest & pottering here: I’ve rested, read the paper, tidied out three kitchen cupboards, put together a box for the local foodbank and planned my project work for the next week or so. OMAD supper was mainly leftover veg plus eggs and vegan cheese – I suspect I may be around FD800 territory if I add it up.

    Off to put laundry away, shower/hairwash and bed. Setting myself up for whole day at church tomorrow – morning service + coffee, lunchtime meeting and early Nine Lessons & Carols. I’m taking in my laptop because there’s often a useful hour or two in between where I could get my editing done and off the list for next week. Cold snap continues with a high of 1C that feels like 0C so it’ll be two pairs of gloves/socks weather. I feel the cold so much more since long covid brought peripheral neuropathy, plus bodywide arthritis – but that’s not a reason to keep the bodyfat 😀

    Day 11 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    I’m basking in some PFDS today. I’m still trying to not eat over night to keep my circadian rhythm on track. It’s not that easy because I don’t want to eat for a few hours after I get up. And then it is nighttime and I’m trying to not eat. It doesn’t make any difference to how I feel, but it helps my fasting mojo.

    I’ll have to beware of any men carrying holly around. I haven’t seen any so far.

    Day 11 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️

    @northgeorgia don’t be too hard in yourself. You can do this… just give yourself time to reset and go again… and @maui too – you are here : that is key. Two good weeks ahead of Christmas will make a good dent in any excesses over the few days of Christmas 👍 and then a new year will help us all reset.

    @michelinme I Hope you have a great day – sounds busy! Bravo @matpi 🎉 and @malee57 🎉
    @funshipfreddie I’m also not a napper – but if I do I wake up in very groggy form… so it’s not worth it… I used to always fall asleep in cars on long journeys but that’s not the same now either. I do come from
    a family of champion nappers though 😂 my dad was a pro ♥️

    Off soon to meet a friend for early breakfast in the village. Will walk although icy here…❄️

    I’ve realised my exercise has gone a little out the window recently. Time to rectify that this week. I am always quite active as I cycle or walk to/from most places locally but my daily hour walk or longer cycle has dropped off because of work and other pressures.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 11 – South Africa – NFD

    @gardenlily – ‘How to pull at the Christmas Party’. Hmm 🤔 I think I’d settle for pulling a cracker. Probably more fun, & definitely less hassle 🤣

    @northgeorgia – you’re sounding a bit despondent; I feel for you. But you’ve come so far already. It’s just a glitch & you know what you need to do. Just keep going… 💪

    “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.” ~ Mary Anne Radmacher

    See you on the list tomorrow 🎯

    Happy S🌞nday y’all.

    Pocket List – Day 11 🥕

    I don’t know about the rest of you but I am always a little ambivalent about Christmas Cards, love getting them, hate writing them and often wonder why on earth do I give them to my neighbours etc when I see them just about every day! Anyway, here is a bit about their origins:

    Sir Henry Cole, a friend of Prince Albert and first director of the Victoria & Albert Museum, is credited with inventing the commercial Christmas Card in 1843. Artist John Calcott Horsley designed the card and it was printed lithographically in black & white before being hand-coloured. The central portion showed a family enjoying food & drink (even the children!) and the side panels depicted charitable scenes – giving food & clothing. There was no mention of the nativity. The greeting inside was ‘A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!’ thus serving as both a Christmas and New Year card. The card cost 1 shilling, about what a labourer could earn in a day and 12x the cost of a stamp! Hardly surprising, they were not a commercial success.

    The first breakthrough came with the invention of the envelope-making machine, and then colour printing and, in 1870, the introduction of a special halfpenny postage rate for cards in unsealed envelopes and, in 1877, a letter to The Times newspaper complained of the delay in correspondence caused by cartloads of Christmas cards!

    In America, Louis Prang, a Bavarian lithographer who had emigrated to Boston, led the way with his new printing technique and by the 1880s he was producing over 5M cards a year, with prices ranging from 1c to $1.

    In 1883 the Illustrated London News published its first Christmas Card survey which showed that out of 27 categories of design, only two were religious in nature.

    Day 11 – UK Cam – NFD
    Another freezing cold day outside, today with added fog so won’t be driving anywhere far, nor letting the dog off the lead… Too many deer and pheasants about for her to chase off after. Today we fetch in our Christmas Tree – it’s a large artificial one I found put out for the rubbish collection a few years ago – the daughter of the old lady who died there had put it out, in it’s storage bag, and said I could have it. It was brand-new, still had the shop tag on it and came with storage bag too! We used to have either a real one (loads of needles – wot fun) or a ‘twig’ that I chose from the woodland and decorated, sounds weird but looked good. Now we have this big green tree and GD will be coming over later in the week to decorate it.

    Foodwise I started out OK yesterday but went downhill after lunch with left-over anniversary cake (couldn’t throw it away, despite being a bit dry – so poured some rum over the top and added a dollop of creme fraiche …) then there were the Tunnocks Chocolate Caramel Wafers – anyone else remember them? The gold and red wrapping hasn’t changed in 60 years! A friend dropped round and we managed to get through several over cups of tea and chat. Ho hum, FD tomorrow and I shall try to restrain myself more today. I blame the cold 🙁

    @northgeorgia and @maui – don’t be despondent, and don’t look back! Concentrate on the future and start to plan, right now, how you will cope with each NFD. The FDs seem to look after themselves (can’t eat, won’t eat – right?) but we all seem to struggle a little with restraint on the NFDs – just look at me!

    @funshipfreddie – crackers, now that’s a good topic for one of my posts – watch out!

    @jaifaim – exercise this time of year in northern hemisphere is always a bit problematical if you don’t have access to a gym – I rely on dog walking (briskly) or working the allotment – neither of which is much fun when it’s in minus figures outside. DS in NZ and his family go for early morning swims in the bay – silver sand, blue sea and 22C average – bliss… And he can bike to work most days – they have proper bike lanes.

    Time to get up and put on the coffee – Sunday papers to peruse and a dog to walk. Being retired is no doddle, you know, always something to do 🙂

    No one posting for a FD today but do jump on if you choose to do one.

    Day 11 USA/HI NFD
    Weigh-in 168 lbs this morning! Happy dance time.
    I’m looking forward to 167, which will mark a 10 lb loss since returning to this amazing group of weight warriors on October 1 this year. Thanks to all for being here!

    Day 11 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 218 lbs. Thanks for the encouragement… I think I figured out the weight gain, sort of… I woke up with a runny nose, cough, and stuffy head. Gaining 11 lbs in 17 days just seemed very odd, even for a holiday period, so I’m thinking my body was mostly holding on to fluids to fight off some virus (hopefully just a cold) — that plus the anticipatory stress of last week’s meeting in Atlanta.

    It is the holiday season, so it’s hard to avoid sweets, nibbles, and so-forth, but I can control myself and not go crazy. Yesterday I made sausage balls (and had a few), and still lost weight. So yeah, I just need to be careful of choices, quantities, and frequencies on NFDs probably. Still, to have a flat year and going into 2023 where I was at the end of 2021 is discouraging. Better than a 20 lb overall gain, though.

    Going to fluid up and look for one of those home COVID test kits I ordered. Hopefully, still in date 🙂

    Pocket list – day 11

    Day 11 – USA/GA – 2nd post

    Yep, I have COVID. Wow, what a month. LOL

    Day 12, Aus

    I know I know, I’ve not conformed to the post title writing style. It’s Monday so it should be a FD. I’ve not brought lunch into work. But I still have no resolve despite a minor panic over the weekend that my milestone birthday is now 5 months away and I’ve not lost a gram. I’ve put on kilos. EOHO indeed!

    Feeling for you @northgeorgia – if it’s any consolation, January must be better, right?

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 347 total)

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