Decidedly Dangerous December

This topic contains 341 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  Maui 2 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 347 total)

  • Day 3 – UK – CD

    Busy day so late posting but as I promised myself to post daily for accountability here I am just happy to report that I managed to stay on track with a CD after an indulgent Day 2

    About to get myself sorted for bed and some much needed 😴

    Day 4 country west Australia 86.1 kgs 189.42 lbs!!!
    yesterday’s decidedly disastrous dodgy dopey decisions determining dietary downfall !!!!
    Party food – sausage rolls, little pies, red snags/savs/frankfurters whatever they are called; lunch on the road – hamburger and chips; dinner on the road – fried fish and chips followed by lemon cake layered with fresh cream . 🙄😲😱😱😱
    My arteries are about to collapse with so much saturated fat and carbs. Even I haven’t had such an awful day food-wise for a very LONNNGGGGGG time.
    Such is life when travelling between 2 properties with serious miles to travel and things to do.
    Attempting a FD today though church morning tea might test that resolve as we have seriously good cooks who do test one’s ‘will’ or ‘won’t ‘ power.🤔
    @malee57 I too am focussing on health benefits but weight loss now an imperative as difficult to move well. And for a health professional …….
    @Exxcelsior12309, good to have you back.
    @maui, I don’t add the extra calories of exercise to TDEE. It seems to lull some people into a false sense of thinking they can eat ‘ a bit more’ because of the calories burned – and therein lies the problem . 😲
    @michelinme, thinking you’ll get to 75kg with your good motivation. I hope you get over your tiredness soon.
    @funshipfreddie, Oh to have some ‘wriggle room’. Sadly I think I take up ALL the room atm !!!
    @gardenlily, yes those Advent calendars made of chocolate !!!! 😲😲 Definitely sticking with a paper one this year.
    @lind_b fingers crossed for a negative test for you today 🤞
    As someone already mentioned there are still some people from previous months who haven’t posted.
    When I started in November 2016 we had about 130 members. I am always intrigued to know where they are, what happened to them, are they still practising 5:2, their successes and not-such-successes!
    I am definitely NOT a poster child for 5:2 at present but it works amazingly well when we follow it as a WOL doesn’t it ! 🙄😊
    So to all those 5:2ers from previous months/ years – a big ‘ HELLO’ and do drop by to let us know how you are going. Would really love to know.
    Australia went down to Argentina 2/1. But well done to the ‘ Socceroos’.👏👏
    Not a soccer fan but hey, it IS the World Cup. And also the test match between Australia and the Windies poised for an interesting last day.
    Have a good day wherever you are in the world today.😃

    Day 4- UK Cam NFD
    Good morning everyone! Quick post this morning as I am on granny duty today. Glad to report the Christmas lights went up outside OK yesterday, and they looked lovely last night. It is always makes the ‘late night wee walk’ with the dog a delightful experience this time of year, admiring everyone’s lights although there are some flashing ones that would drive me nuts if I lived next door! Yesterday’s control day went well – only indulgence was one of the mini truffles from advent calendar and a glass of white wine with fish pie. Today I am full of resolve to resist DDs excellent cooking – I know she has made chocolate & chestnut cookies that melt in the mouth…. Will have open sandwich (1 slice rye bread with topping) for lunch and then our traditional winter vegetable bake – layers of veggies with tomato and stock sauce, lots of cumin, pepper and paprika and herbs – baked for about 6 hours whilst I am out and then topped with slow-roasted pork belly rashers. To keep the fat content low, I bake the rashers separately and put them on at the end but you can bake them on top for a really succulent dish. One bake makes about 4 meals and a delicious soup with any leftovers. The smell of the bake wafts thru’ the house and is nearly as good as Christmas cake!

    @lilymartin – forget about the disastrous dietary day and concentrate on your FD today – you can’t change the past but you can make the future better. One of my sidelines at college was nutrition and so, I too, know the facts about food, eating and diet but it doesn’t make a hoot of difference knowing, it’s the practise! Good luck with the FD today.

    Got to dash, Lego games with GD to attend to. Catch up tomorrow.

    Day 4 – Interesting Christmas Fact – Christmas Tree Lights

    Sticking with yesterday’s theme, more on Christmas trees:

    Fairy lights first appeared in America around the end of the 19th C – the earliest claim is in 1882 by an employee of the General Electric Company – Edward H. Johnson – an associate of Thomas Edison (who invented the electric light bulb in the US). However, other sources credit Ralph Morris in 1895. Electric fairy lights were slower to catch on in the UK, not regularly appearing until the 1920s.

    Day 4 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @songbirdme – great commercial! 😅

    @excelsior12309 – welcome back! And well done on the 5 lb⬇

    @maui – re MFP no. I just track the calories I’m actually consuming in the diary.

    lilymartin – 😱 Nooo?! 5:2 DOES work – if you do it 🤣. I know you’ve had great success with fasting in the past. What are you doing differently this time around? Your resolve/motivation isn’t as strong, for some reason? Have you got a diet/fasting buddy who you could team up with? Maybe you should just cut out the refined carbs completely for a few months. Try low carb/high fat I know it’s easier for men to lose weight, & I’m not really a foodie anyway. Maybe the brain triggers a bigger sense of reward/pleasure in some people when they eat? It must be the same with gambling; put me anywhere near a roulette wheel & I’m finished 🤦 Sending you RESOLVE for your FD! You too shall have wriggle room! ✨

    Pocket List – Day 4 🥕

    Day 4 UK NFD

    Hoping to balance out yesterday’s indulgences today and then get back on track tomorrow with a FD

    Day 4 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 219 lbs. Yeah, my body is stubbornly putting on weight after NFDs. It just hates me eating in the evenings. So if I have two huge “going out for suppers” in a row, the effect is bad.

    Anyway, today’s a WFD. The weight will drop. Eating a lot of carbs is like stacking a bunch of sponges waiting for water, and then acting all surprised when they’re heavy when soaking wet.

    Pocket List – Day 4 🥕

    Day 4 – UK – TDEE

    Quick check in for accountability – Another busy but controlled day food wise – so happy with that!

    Football afternoon/evening – great game by France who are looking very good – now watching England v Senegal – Very physical game out there… Senegal don’t take no prisoners……

    Will try to have a proper catch up tomorrow

    Day 5 Melbourne, Australia definitely NFD 7.30am

    Yesterday was up 34c so no exercise got done. My FD turned into a NFD after a friend came around for lunch. Though as I did not count calories it was possibly still under 800.

    Today I have a group of ladies coming round to my place for our Christmas lunch, so it is definitely not a FD. But it will be lots of talking and enjoyment and a glass or two of wine. I live by myself so have had to ask for people to bring some chairs and champagne glasses. I think I have enough crockery, though it’s very mix and not match. But that sort of stuff doesn’t matter to me. It’s the friendship that is important and we have been swimming together as a friendship group for about 25 years.

    gardenlily that winter vegie bake sounds delicious. You didn’t want to fly any leftovers to Melbourne, did you? I’m happy to take any temptation off your hands.

    Day 5, CD, Aus

    I had such a shocking night’s sleep I know that a FD will be beyond me.

    Good of you to remember my Friday night tradition, @stitchincarol. If I went out for pizza I probably would have a beer, but curled up at home, red wine seems like a better match.

    Day 5 country west Australia NFD 85.5 kg
    Wrote a post which has gone into cyber space so just checking in .
    @funshipfreddie thanks for the resolve. This time I am not really adhering to 5:2 principles consistently.
    Eating too much esp. carbs and not exercising. Nuff said.
    You can’t outrun a bad diet.
    Scales just showing the sad truth.
    Very cold here. No spring and no summer yet. Cold and hunched over the heater trying to get warm.
    Salads usually the ‘go to’ in spring /summer but it has been tooo cold this year.
    Why am I choosing to be fat ?? Laziness and slackness re food choices.
    Resolving to do better this week.

    Day4 USA/HI NFD
    Weigh-in 169l lb
    Signing in at end of a busy day. Morning was a bit hectic and I was running late for work. NFD went fairly well …. About 1200 calories.

    second post.
    @funshipfreddie, what am I doing differently…???
    Well this shows how out of whack I am .
    Thought I would do a FD yesterday. That didn’t happen but thought it might be CD.
    Plugged the figures in today and…. it came out at a whopping 2350 calories !!!!
    Almost 2 times my TDEE !!
    TDEE is 1200 calories. Trying for 500 calorie FDs as 800 encourages too much latitude for me.
    Wow!! I had NO idea I was SO far out of the ball park.
    There it is in a nutshell.

    Day 5 – UK Cam – FD
    Quick post as I am off to volunteer garden – need toleave by 7.15 am (in the dark 🙁

    @malee – I’ll swap our cold grey drizzle for your 34C – and throw in the veggie bake for good measure (it is JUST THE THING for a cold, miserable day)!!! Hope your Christmas luncheon with friends went well.
    @penz – hope your CD went well.

    Gotta dash, will catch up with everyone later. Interesting Fact today is a question!

    Day 5 – Interesting Christmas Fact – THE NATIVITY

    OK, guess my long spiels about traditions have been a little bit boring (sorry!) but as I am in a hurry today, here is a quick question. Please post your answers and we can all see what we think – should be interesting. I’ll post my thoughts either late Monday or early Tuesday:


    Day 5 – Ireland – FD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️ ✅

    Hi everyone! I have had a busy weekend with friends and am now back into the zone. Weigh in this morning slightly up but two good FDs hopefully will help. @lilymartin I also often wonder about all those past posters and what they are doing now… many names have stuck with me from those days … hope they are all well 🙏
    I am doing ok with 5:2 at the moment but it’s not working quite as well as it did before… but… i am a little older and my body has changed a little too… i am
    I’m in a bit of a glum mood at moment which I’m trying to shift but it’s not always easy and there are many pressures on our time/thoughts and life generally. Body is aching which I’m trying to sort with physio and accupuncture but need to apply myself to my exercises more… 👍

    We can do this ⭐️ Poca a poca …

    Oh a friend who never comments on my weight/shape this weekend did say I looked really slim so that was lovely to hear! It’s the small things sometimes ⭐️

    Wishing you all a happy week.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 5 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @lilymartin – 🤦‍♂️ I think that’s where the planning bit is essential. Plug the figures in BEFORE the FD/CD, not after. And as I’ve learned from @stitchincarol – there’s no ‘try’ in RESOLVE. No ‘hoping’ for a FD. No luck necessary. I really don’t want to do a FD today, or any day; but I’ve already resolved to do it. I know exactly what I’m going to eat in about 8 hours. There’s no decision to make. It’s as good as in the bag. And I will wake up tomorrow with PFDS. If anyone tries to tempt me with a cream cake, cookie or ice cream they will regret it, & maybe even wear it 😅 The choice is mine 💪 You just need to get your mojo back – and you will! 🤗

    The weather’s a bit grim here this morning, cool & raining. Very welcome rain though, because we really need to end this drought.

    Have a decidedly delightful week everyone.

    Pocket List – Day 5 🍏
    @penz CD

    third post!
    @Funhipfreddie, yes I agree about the resolve. 😅
    Today was not a FD due to lunch engagement BUT I did choose the salad and not all the other delicious dishes available – and no dessert.
    The hunger dragons are well and truly on the prowl and keeping them under control is…. challenging.🥵
    @gardenlily I was loving your Christmas traditions. I learned a lot already.
    Animals present : sheep, oxen.
    It doesn’t mention Mary rode to Bethlehem on a donkey so guessing probably no donkeys; the wise men didn’t appear until Jesus was about 2 so not sure about camels either. Can’t wait to hear.😊

    Day 5 UK FD

    Need to get a few good days in as have family visits at the end of the week

    Pocket List – Day 5 🍏
    @penz CD

    Day 5 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 215 lbs. Hmm, better weigh-in than last week. Nice! Now to be sensible as I break the fast AND during meal times today…

    Day 5 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD 156.2

    First off, a report on Day 2: I got all the way to noon with nary a nibble of all that cookie dough and was much pleased with myself. Did not succeed as completely in the afternoon, but wasn’t out of control, so opted for grace instead of mental scolding. Saturday’s sale was possibly the best in ten years or more, so we were all pleased. Went to a Christmas concert at my alma mater–an hour away–that evening and was moved to tears by the whole thing. WONDERFUL. Sunday was very busy with normal church stuff, plus some new organ arrangements that required extra focus from me, and choir sang, and then practice with the kids for their service on the 18th…by the time I got home just before noon I was wiped out. I’m sure it was simply a cumulative thing, but my solution was a bit of EFS and sitting on the sofa all day…hence the ugly weigh-in this morning. I’m not proud of yesterday’s choices, but I truly felt awful so I’m again choosing grace rather than mental castigation, and celebrating that today’s a new day with new choices.

    @gardenlily I chuckled at your “swearing at sewing” words, and thought “GardenLily was FROGGING!” I’m sure you know, but for the rest of the forum: FROGGING is when a sewer has to rip-it, rip-it, rip-it… And do tell more about your “traditional winter vegetable bake” as it sounds glorious! Do you have a link for a recipe?

    Oh, @songbirdme, that commercial was delightful!!! I alternated between grinning and laughing out loud; thanks for sharing!

    @malee57 Two months ago I would have asked “Slices of WHAT in your freezer?” but I then came across a recipe for “Slice” and now I know what you’re talking about. Makes me smile.

    @funshipfreddie What a great observation; I’ll bet you’re spot on: “Maybe the brain triggers a bigger sense of reward/pleasure in some people when they eat? It must be the same with gambling; put me anywhere near a roulette wheel & I’m finished 🤦” Because food? Yes. Gambling? Eh, it’s kinda fun, but I only know that because I do it every ten years or so. 😂

    @lilymartin Great words: You can’t outrun a bad diet.

    @gardenlily NO!! No, no, no! Your Christmas posts are WONDERFUL, and I’m very much enjoying them.
    Okay, what animals were there? LOL, no actual idea. My nativity set has cows and sheep…and I’m rather certain sheep could have been there. Cows? Doesn’t actually seem likely. Perhaps chickens (after all, a cock crowed when Peter denied Jesus, and that’s a chicken). Perhaps a donkey. Anything else? GREAT question!

    Okay, I was about half done with this post when I got a text from my dentist’s office that I could switch out Thursday’s 7:30am appointment for 10 this morning, 30 minutes from then. So I leapt up, got dressed and raced out the door and am only now back. Turns out the pain I’ve had was caused by a slightly too low corner of my crown (the new one I got in October, which is when the pain started) and the offending part of the crown has been ground down, and I should be good to go now. Amazing what can cause such pain and how easily it can be resolved! No numbing even required.

    We have a funeral to go to, of a pastor friend who fought off cancer for more than five years, but finally lost the battle when it moved to his lungs. Great man. I’ll miss him, but saw him seldom, so it’s not a huge hole in my life, but I hurt for his wife, who’s about the same age as I am. With great love comes great loss, right?

    Have a grand one, everyone.

    Day 5 USA/HI NFD
    Holding at 169 lb and hoping I never see 170 or higher on weigh in again! lol. But if it happens I know what to do.

    I need to start having some FD500 days. It doesn’t have to be too difficult with some planning. I did 5:2 years ago with FD500’s so I know I can do it again. But I will go for it on a day I’m at home, not running around with errands or at workplace.
    Ok, off to pick up art and get to the framer and then to work at the gallery this afternoon. Thankfully DS is here all week and home with his dad. We have a wonderful Adult Day Care and I can take him to as needed ….but rather limit it with covid and flu going around now.

    Day 6 Melbourne, Australia FD 7.40am

    I had a fantastic lunch with friends yesterday and worked hard to resist the bingeing brain lizard which wanted me to just keep eating. I did have to go to bed at 8pm to keep out of temptations way.

    I think there were sheep (with the shepherds who watched their flock by night) and cow (Jesus was born in a manger).

    Today will be a FD as I could not do one yesterday.

    Day 5 – UK – FD500

    Another busy day and managed to complete a FD500 ✅ Overseas Christmas cards posted ✅ Coffee with friends and no cake/biscuits ✅ Evening Yoga class ✅

    Early bed tonight as was up way too early this morning for some reason but tagging myself on today’s pocket list to make sure that I don’t have a late snack 🤣

    Pocket List – Day 5 🍏
    @penz CD

    Day 6, NFD, Aus

    Not boring at all @gardenlily! I’m enjoying your Christmas facts very much and find myself thinking ‘huh, I didn’t know that!’ Please keep them up.

    Re your Christmas question, I’m reminded of that scene from the movie Love Actually, when Emma Thompson’s character’s daughter tells her she’s going to be in the school nativity play, and has the role of the first lobster. There was a lobster at the nativity?? Emma asks incredulously. Well duh, replies her daughter. Classic.

    Hey @lilymartin. Despite clutching your hand across the Nullarbor, I fear I’m pulling you in the wrong direction. My planned CD yesterday didn’t and I dread to think how many calories I imbibed. I think I’m giving myself permission to blow off the rest of the year, but come January I choose not to be fat any longer! Are you in?

    Second post…
    @gardenlily I’m loving the Christmas facts – I’ve been lazy with my posting though….There was a donkey surely? Isn’t that how they got there? 🐴

    Night all! Horrible wet night here….

    Day 5 Ohio, US — FD800
    Days 3 and 4 — NFD

    Saturday a stomach bug hit me and I have been down since. Fasting today has kept on task but I definitely am wiped out. So again the promise — longer post to come.

    Day 6 country west Australia NFD 85.1 kg
    Baby steps… making better choices and trying to drown the hunger dragon with water.
    I slosh when I walk now. Just need to add a bit of exercise…
    @matpi , sorry to hear about the stomach bug. Hope you recover soon.
    @penz, I think we might be a ‘ mutual admiration society ‘ as I too am not exactly heading in the right direction in a hurry.
    Correction- I wasn’t!
    I do hope you continue to hold my hand as having a partner is a plus. 💐
    But I am RESOLVED to lose some weight before the end of the year.
    I just saw some photos of me earlier in the year and last year and I am FAT!!!
    NO sugar coating it ( why do so many sayings have food associations??)
    I am a FAT lady – the one everyone waits for to sing???
    Anyway, RESOLVING to be less by Christmas!!
    @at you sound very organised for Christmas . I am not in the least yet and it is less than 3 weeks away so better get my skates on..

    Day 6 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    PFDS! Awarding myself 1st place🥇

    @matpi – Feel better soon! 🤗

    @penz – “I think I’m giving myself permission to blow off the rest of the year..” Nooo?! 😱 It’s only day 6!! 😅 C’mon now; at least go for 6:1 if you can? I really think fasting & exercise are similar, in that the more you do it, the easier it gets. I’m sure you’ll be glad you carried on once Jan 1st rolls around. Maybe read/watch something about the benefits of fasting to motivate yourself?

    @lilymartin – Loving your RESOLVE! 🎯

    @linda.b – you need to share some of your fasting mojo with the rest of Australia!

    How inspirational is this?! 94 & still doing a couple of 2 hour workouts per week!

    Today I’m reminding myself:-

    “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” ~ Jim Rohn

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍋

    Day 6 – Interesting Christmas Fact – NATIVITY

    OK – @lilymartin gets the prize for yesterday’s question. I had never really thought about it and assumed, like most people, that there would be cattle, oxen, a donkey (Mary’s transport) and possible some sheep, or at least a lamb from the shepherds. After all, the carol ‘Away in a Manger’ gives us a list and we are all familiar with the classical images of the nativity with various animals appearing and Mary riding towards Bethlehem on a donkey …

    In the King James version of the bible (my own preferred) the only gospel to mention the nativity is St. Luke (ch.2) – it is very brief and makes absolutely no mention of any animals at all. Forgive me if I quote:

    ‘St Luke ch2 v6 &v7 – And so it was that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
    And she brought forth her first born son and wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them at the inn’

    It then goes on to talk about the shepherds and angels. Sorry to disillusion you about your nativity play – but, like Shakespeare, a good story is one that can be updated to current times and customs, so please keep the donkey, the oxen and the lamb 🙂

    DAY 6 FACT

    So – keeping with the nativity scene – We all know that the baby was placed in a manger because there was no room at the Inn. Hmmm, we can assume that the manger was in a stable – yes? Wrong apparently! In the Middle East it was common for the animals such as oxen and cows to be brought indoors for the night and they would have the ground floor whilst the family slept on a mezzanine balcony around the side. The animals would have hay or similar foodstuff in a box on the floor – a manger (from the French to eat). If Joseph was returning to Bethlehem, his ancestral home, for the census how much more likely for him and his expectant bride to lodge with relatives than try to find room in the very crowded town? There probably wouldn’t be much room on the balcony in a family home for visitors, they would have to lie with the cattle and what better place to put a newborn child than the manger away from the hooves etc Interestingly, the early Greek work ‘kataluma’ used by Luke can also be translated into family home or guest room. Which is more likely?

    Day 6 – UK Cam – NFD
    Yesterday’s FD went well – busy busy day in the gardens,not too cold although my cheeks were very red when I got home – 6.5 hrs in 5-8C temperatures can do that! Really enjoyed the left-over quorn chilli with cauli rice and greens for supper and fell into bed really early – to dream of canna lilies (we spent half the day repotting them in situ). Today is a NFD – determined not to undo the good work yesterday so we will have eggs on toast for lunch and some of the veggie bake I made at the weekend for supper. Just need to keep away from the cake/biscuit tins at coffee/tea times, the danger zone.

    @lilymartin – atta girl! Get that mojo back and face the food facts head on. FDs aren’t so bad if you are organised it’s the NFDs that are our downfall – relaxing after the marathon of a day on 500/800 calories. I love the idea of you sloshing about full of liquid – don’t stray to far from a ‘convenience’!

    @penz – love the idea of a lobster at the nativity, and why not – they are all God’s creatures, along with spiders and other creepy crawlies (which were most certainly present in a stable/animal house).

    @matpi – hope you are soon feeling better. Stomach bugs are a real pain.

    @stitchincarol – not heard of Frogging! Love it. GD was nibbling a raw cookie dough at the weekend – the left over chestnut and chocolate cookies. Not to my taste but I LOVE savoury nuts and seeds. I do a tray of sunflower and pumpkin seeds mixed with almonds and cashews in the oven with soy sauce, marmite (don’t laugh) and half teaspoon of honey all mixed up. You can add some peanut butter too if you like. it comes out as a slightly stick nut mix (think honey coated nuts) and stores in a large jar. As for the veggie bake recipe – it’s a family hand-me-down – very simple. Grab all the veggies you can find : potato (sliced), carrots, parsnips, celery, sweet potato or squash, leeks, onions, green beans, peas, tinned stuffs like haricot beans, lentils and chopped tomatoes. layer the chopped veggies in a large oven proof casserole adding herbs and spices as you go, pour over veggie stock mixed with tomatoes and finish off with layer of potato. Bake for at least 6 hours on low, remove lid and add bacon rashers, belly rashers or just crisp up the top layer and serve. Left overs are fantastic reheated and any remains can be whizzed in the pan to make a warming soup. There is no set recipe, just what you have in the cupboard/fridge/freezer!

    Enough talking of food! I need to walk the dog and start on wrapping presents for posting, not forgetting to find the cards to write and enclose. Such a lovely time of year 🙂

    Have a good one, everyone. More Christmas facts tomorrow!

    Day 6 – Ireland – FD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️ ✅

    Up and out early today…
    Yesterday was a busy day with working from home and getting stuff done around the house…

    Have a good day all.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Joining in for another day although had some toast already so not the best start…

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍋

    Day 6 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 219 lbs. And yes, I saw the scale jump to 220 a few times. So discouraging. I can’t seem to recover after a major feast day this year. I have watched videos saying not to jump off the deep end and do something desperate like excessive fast days, super caloric restriction, or going totally no carb. But after a year of plateaus, I need to find the magic push downwards. Until Thanksgiving hit, I had begun a new trend downwards, then it vanished. Well, got to run.

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍋

    Day 6 UK NFD

    Just arranged to go up to London tomorrow to see youngest son and then we are off to Yorkshire to see rest our parents/siblings Thurs – Sat so don’t think I’ll be able to get another FD in this week will aim to be sensible

    Day 6 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Didn’t weigh this morning–a very rare thing–because I was certain I didn’t want to know. Tomorrow’s weight will be better. 🤪

    I’ve been Christmas shopping online and am about a third done; not bad for an hour from the sofa. I’ll pick them up rather than having them delivered, and then have some things to wrap!

    @gardenlily Thanks for describing the dish; I’ve got it on my list to make soon!

    @brightonbelle Have a good time visiting family!

    I have very little chatter in me this morning…my mind is racing with all the things I have yet to accomplish in 18 days and I’m a bit overwhelmed. So perhaps I should set aside my laptop and get at it, right?

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍋
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 6 UK FD

    Coming in after two NFDs which included chocolate and seedy crackers, weight back up to 171lb. Completely wiped out and in a lot of pain so the last couple of days have been rest. No brain capacity to think or plod on with project work and lots of barriers making things difficult. Some days you just have to go with what is.

    On the bright side my old sofa was collected, I’ve made a grain-free Christmas cake and found a plumber to fix my mother’s sink next week. We also did some online Christmas grocery shopping at our weekly tea visit this afternoon and she’s very happy with all that!

    I’m about to have a OMAD heap of steamed cauliflower, mushrooms, spinach and quorn chicken followed by apple and pear compote. Hoping this plus more water/ginger tea and more sleep will help a reset all round – I need to be back at my desk tomorrow before the backlog gets any bigger!

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍋
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day6 USA/HI. NFD
    Nothing interesting to report . Today will try to keep calories 1000 and it might even turn into a FD800. Need to double down and get some serious FD500’s or WFD’s going. Seem to have a mental road block with taking this to the next level.
    Encouraging reading everyone’s posts. Thanks to all for sharing this journey.

    Day 7 AUS FD800/OMAD

    I have FINALLY finished my last round of major professional responsibilities for the year! (A bunch of talks/conference presentations, so plenty of travel, meals out and catered boozy events.) Woo hoo.

    The scales are . . . not good, but we have a reasonably quiet and relaxing festive season coming up, and both OH and I want to get a bit healthier and lose our heavier-then-usual tums so turning things around weight-wise is my top priority.

    My December goal is to get back on track with fasting and exercise, so as to feel a lot better by Xmas, as the best gift I can give myself, and then to get back to goal weight by end of January.

    Summer holidays here are so close I can smell them! (And they have no calories, ha ha!)

    Day 7 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    Yesterday’s FD was okay, though the scales don’t agree with that. Today I am going out for lunch with some retired work colleagues. There will be lots of talking and some sensible eating. I feel like the idea of sensible eating sounds a bit wowserish. But that is generally my preferred way of eating at the moment.

    I have a brag moment from a week ago. My sister came back to my place with some leftover chocolate ripple cake. I told her I did not want it, but she insisted I keep it and that I could put it in the freezer for another day. I replied that if she left it at my place it would go in the compost bin. It did not stay at my place. She knows I am trying to lose weight and reduce the amount of sugar I am eating so I was rather annoyed when she was trying to get me to eat this very sweet dessert.

    Day 6 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Did a good FD yesterday and the scale was 1.5 pounds less today. That’s how I roll in maintenance. Eating quite “normally” today mostly cuz I didn’t sleep very well (typical after a FD) and so had a fairly substantial breakfast. Chicken, roasted potatoes for supper.

    Hope you’re all doing well — hope to read up posts tomorrow.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 7 country west Australia NFD 85.8 kg
    Interesting to see some of us struggling with our mojo /plateaus /FDs. Join the club !! 😅
    @northgeorgia, I hear you!! Can only advise you to keep on keeping on. We WILL get there eventually.🤝
    @malee57, well done you on your resolve!!💐Why do some of our nearest and dearest try to derail us – even with the ‘ best’ of intention?? 🤔
    @funshipfreddie, going for the ounce of discipline – it just feesl like a TONNE of discipline atm….😔

    Day 7, NFD, Aus

    Thank you for the metaphorical kick up the rear, @funshipfreddie. And you’re right, @lilymartin, it IS possible to lose some weight by the end of the year. To paraphrase @flourbaby, time to put on my Big Girl pants and tough it out!


    Day 7, FD, Aus

    Day 6 Ohio, US — NFD

    Things are getting back to normal, but I still get tired quite easily.

    A little bit about me: I’m a retired teacher who used the 5:2 diet to get my weight down to 172 lb (78 kg). I was a regular participant on this site, but in 2020 with the pandemic I dropped away for a while. This last May I returned and my weight at that time was 183 lb (83 kg). Right now it is at 178 lb (80.7 kg) and my goal for December is to get the weight down to something stable below 177 lb (80.3 kg). In the last 6 months I’ve lost 5 lbs, so about .8 lb per month. Of course there were lots of ups and downs and plateaus in between. I’m hopeful that I’ve found a NFD strategy that is sustainable for me at my target weight.

    @penz My goal is also to lose weight by year’s end: just 1 lb. But that will be better than gaining 5!

    @songbirdme Today’s Washington Post had an article about weighted blankets increasing a person’s melatonin and helping them to sleep better.

    @malee57 Congrats on your fortitude! You are a star!

    @litprof Warmer weather and summer, in particular, seems to decrease my appetite. Do you find the same?

    @michelinme I can empathise with your slow days! Hope that everything returns to full energy quickly!

    @stitchincarol You are wise to pick up the items. Today it rained all day and a package got delivered to my front sidewalk, not the porch. The delivery service didn’t notify me when the package was dropped off, so by the time I discovered it, the outside had turned to papier maché. Fortunately the item itself came through unscathed. Fortunately there wasn’t a deep snow drift in front — I might not have discovered it until spring!

    Day 6 – USA – FD

    Barely starting to come up for air… a super bad case of the flu over the past 4 days, in addition to moving, starting a new job, whew. I did some research on the rapid flu test, which is a swab similar to the Covid test, and they really need to shout it from the mountaintops: in a high flu season, the false negative results are high! Mine was just that, even though the dr. said I have all the hallmarks of the flu. This was worse that the Covid that I had twice! A little more self-care and rest, and I should be back in the saddle. One benefit is that I haven’t eaten much and think my weight came down, but I forgot to pack my scale…it’s still at the old house, lol!

    Day 7 – Ireland – FD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️ ✅

    Hi all, yesterday was not a FD! 😂 but I go again today…
    Well done @malee57!!! Sounds to me like someone was trying to sabotage you 😂
    No I know that scenario all too well. People don’t understand that we simply can’t have that cake and not eat it…
    Bravo to you! 👏👏

    Blood tests this morning so up and out…

    Have a great day everyone.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 7 ⭐️

    Day 7 – UK Cam – NFD
    I know I shouldn’t crow, especially with so many of us struggling with our food intake but this morning my scales showed 1lb drop – obviously a day in the cold gardens did the trick on Monday. I have moved my weighing day to Wednesday – it seems to be the best day, mid-week, for results! Hurrah – as @jaifaim says – onward and downward.

    DH still poorly, really bad chest – we are supposed to be meeting DD for a brunch at nearby cafe hub – it’s a fab place, all nooks and crannies, filled with house plants, cats, a log fire, rugs and sofas with low tables and a few ‘kitchen tables’ for folk to work at – DD goes there to work on her reports as it’s nicer than home! AND the food is divine. Just hope DH is feeling up to it – it’s so hard to do anything when you can’t breathe properly or eat when you are coughing. I shall detour via the art gallery to pick up some cards – they do amazing hand-made cards, just the thing for a special occasion – and browse their selection of artwork.

    @malee57 – well done! I love the comment about the compost bin – I must try that one! Seriously, there are times when I have found the remains of something in the cupboard/fridge and just been about to pop it in my mouth when I have thought ‘do I REALLY want this?’ and then opened the kitchen compost bin and thrown it in – such a feeling of power!

    @northgeorgia – hope your FD went well. It’s surprising how good achieving a good FD can make you feel, really reboots your mojo.

    @litprof – love the idea of smelling summer – all that BBQ cooking, cut grass, – and the sounds too – very evocative. Funny, winter doesn’t really smell much apart fromChristmas which is spicy and woodsmoke.

    @songbirdme – not sleeping after a FD seems to be a common problem. Anyone else find that – and how do you fix it? I usually try a cup of herb tea and read my book for a bit – trouble is, if the book is good …

    @penz – thinking of you in your Big Girl pants – be tough and face the facts – you WANT to do, you WILL do it! No such thing as impossible, just need a new tactic.

    @metatauta – poor you, it sounds like a really bad case of the flu. Take care of yourself and get well soon.

    It’s just getting light outside so I must ‘gird my loins’ and get that hound out for a walk. It’s down to -1C outside so I think a bowl of porridge with apple might hit the spot and keep me going til my brunch date (I hope).

    Look out for the next Christmas Fact, coming soon!

    Day 7 – Interesting Christmas Fact

    Christmas trees – real ones drop those pesky needles everywhere. Found this which might amuse you:

    A London firm of industrial cleaners had this parody printed on their dust bags for vacuum cleaners –


    You’ll find them in the budgie’s cage, and in the baby’s cot
    You can afford to leave no stone unturned, no tender foot unsocked

    It’s mid-July, you cry out ‘Waiter, what’s this in my soup?’
    He replies ‘Norwegian Tarragon, according to the cook’!

    Day 7 – South Africa – NFD

    @malee57 – oh good for you! Why do people try to sabotage our efforts? It’s the same with alcohol; ‘oh go on, just one drink won’t hurt’. It’s infuriating.

    @penz – you’re welcome. Anytime 😅

    @metatauta – wow? sounds like you’ve really been through the wringer? I got the flu jab before winter arrived here, but still came down with a bad cold the week I was moving. You can get the flu & covid shots here at the same time now – they just put one in each arm! I still think I’d rather space it out though.

    I bought a new Chromebook last week online. It was delivered exactly a week ago, & I think Boo Boo’s killed it already?! I left it open on the table yesterday, & she decided to take a snooze on the keyboard. Today I can’t even get it to switch on! I mean, she did that all the time with my old one, & it never seemed to cause any damage. So I’m taking the Chromebook back to the store today. Fingers crossed. I don’t think I’ll mention the cat though 😬

    @gardenlily – I hope you’re DH is a better soon. That cafe sounds wonderful. Re sleep – I found this on the forum, under ‘Benefits & Side-effects. There are other threads on sleep issues there too though, so it’s obviously a common problem.

    A 5 minute video clip from YouTube on how to stay motivated to lose weight:-

    “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.” ~ Zig Ziglar

    Pocket List – Day 7 ⭐️

    Day 7 – UK – ?FD800/CD
    Day 6 – NFD

    Good morning from a very cold and frosty Lake District 🥶

    Yesterday’s planned CD/TDEE did not go according to plan……due to unexpected visitors it became a very indulgent one but today is a new day so pressing the RESET button!

    @gardenlily – I too am loving the Christmas facts…..keep them coming please and love the sound of that veggie bake recipe – will try that soon!
    @matpi – sorry to hear about the stomach bug – quick recovery!
    @penz – please don’t give up with the idea of restarting next year, hold on to @lilymartin ‘s hand and be like her ” RESOLVED to lose some weight before the end of the year.” Also some great advice from @funshipfreddie – I’m sure you’ll be glad you carried on once Jan 1st rolls around!!
    @northgeorgia – the only advice I can think of is to tell you not to go mad and perhaps do a review of how much you are actually consuming??? Also perhaps RESET your TDEE for a goal weight below that elusive 200 e.g. try 190
    @brightonbelle – safe travels across the UK and hopefully the cold weather does not impact too much
    @michelinme – I can sympathise with you – yesterday’s indulgence included a lot of yummy food, wine, port and cheese and even chocolates – not surprisingly I am still feeling very full this morning and am certainly not braving the scales today……….
    @litprof – nice to see your post – sounds like you have been busy……loving your positive December goal!
    @metatauta – nasty bugs going round so take care and hoping that you feel better soon

    My OH has a hospital appointment this afternoon to have a surgical excision of a suspicious mole on his back – we are a bit worried as the changes are indicative of something serious but we are hoping that it has been caught early, however we will have to wait for the lab findings to confirm 🤞 I think I am worrying about it more than he is……trying to stay positive and calm about it all.

    I’m adding myself to today’s pocket list hoping to be motivated to stick to a FD800 and not fall into my usual trap of overeating when I’m worried about something

    Pocket List – Day 7 ⭐️

    Day 7 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. I think weight loss this past week or so might have been a bit out of my control. You see, today is a very stressful day that I’ve been dreading for nearly two months. I have to drive in the fog through rush hour traffic this morning to Atlanta for a meeting where I expect to get a lot of criticism and difficult tasks, then drive back in rush hour traffic in the rain. Tomorrow morning, I have very early morning meetings back to back. I bet my cortisol is through the roof. So I need to be a little forgiving of my body doing what it’s doing. I’ll take a sensible approach today though.

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