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This topic contains 393 replies, has 35 voices, and was last updated by  FlourBaby 1 year, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 395 total)

  • Day 8 – USA/GA – NFD

    I still seem to be improving day by day; the congestion just doesn’t want to go away, although the Mucinex and Zinc supplements are greatly helping. Felt kind of bad last night, then realized I was thirsty (oops!); after a drink of water, was a lot better and could sleep. It’s trying hard to get into my chest, but thankfully not gaining much ground except knocking at the door. The Dept of Health wrote my work and said I could return to work tomorrow if I’m symptom free, but because of the lingering congestion, I plan to just keep working at home this week and put down Monday as a possible return date.

    The weigh-in this morning was rocking back and forth, but because of my overnight water drinking, I went for the lighter weight. Let’s say it’s a new low of 230 lbs, and even better, a waistline under 50 inches (49.75). One of my spreadsheet trackers has a trend calculator, and it still predicts 227 lbs by the end of the month. We shall see!

    @stitchincarol Yes, that’s right! On my birthday this year, I fasted (and got the flu shot)! People thought I was crazy, but the truth is, like your family, we had celebrated my birthday on a weekend, so the actual weekday wasn’t anything special. It worked out well!

    @Emma_Taylor Oh, I would love to go to the Canary Islands. Thanks for the type about Fuertaventura!


    As we drive down the winding road headed towards Triplicity, Lola looks on her phone to find a good Italian restaurant. “Well, they all seem to be mediocre,” she says, “but I’ll see if we can find a decent one.” “I’d settle for just a decent pizza place at this point,” Wesley comments from the backseat. I had imagined us spending a little longer at the park, but I am going with the flow. It is a beautiful day and although it’s a little annoying to travel back and forth, I’d rather keep everyone satisfied on this trip. The traffic is still not too bad, heading down the mountain, but is starting to pick up some. I figure everyone is going to have the idea to break for lunch, soon. “There’s a place called, Felix’s that seems to have the best brick-oven baked pizzas. And before you ask, no, it doesn’t seem to be a bad price at all. They even have lunch specials that include a side dish and beverage.” “I’m fine with that,” I say. “Let’s give it a try,” Wesley suggests. “OK, getting directions now.” Lola punches something into her phone. “Whoops, lost signal. Let’s wait until we’re on the other side of this clump of trees. Oh, here it is. Looks like it’s just a few blocks from the hotel we stayed in last night.” We continue driving in the line of cars headed down the hill towards Triplicity.


    Good luck to everyone on the pocket lists today!

    Day 8 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Good FD yesterday 🙂 I struck a bargain with my inner child……knuckle down and stop complaining and the reward will be a holiday from 5:2 over Christmas and New Year. Inner me responds better to carrots than sticks!

    @lilymartin I also wonder what happened to people who have stopped posting. Many helped me enormously when I began 5:2 so I hope they are well and managing to maintain. I need to continue to do Monday and Thursday FDs to maintain more or less at goal weight and keeping in touch with the forum helps to keep me on track.

    Really, really cold here this week, winter has definitely arrived……oh to be in the Canaries….. oh well I am enjoying the twinkling Christmas tree lights in the long evenings making the most of simple pleasures for now. Going to wrap up warm and get outside for a walk now. Have a good day everyone.

    Day 8 second post.
    Apologies @daffodil2010 I actually have read your posts here! I think there was a @daffodil123 or something similar ?
    I think Cinque; Neilithicman; Purple Veggie Eater and a few others are on the Southern Hemispherites site.
    Others that I can recall ( after re-reading old posts )
    okeydokey; orpheusx; onahealthyhigh;
    pamelav; pamie; pashaw; pissupoosa ( love that handle!) ; Pamela; prina39; paulmarsh; puzzlelover;
    quebecoise ; queenbee20280;
    Richard67; Reid; Rocy65; rainbowsmile; rainbowbrite30; rara0292; raderz; rafiki44; rabette; redrockgirl302;
    southcroydenkate; saffy420; Sanj; strawberriesandcream; stevetoontaxidriver; simcoeluv; snowflake56;
    shiny thing; symba 7; sirisan; sherbet; simmogirl; stardust dream; skinnyminny57; sparkly shoes; schatziii;
    therealwil78; treasure quilt; Trephena; taraga; tsubaki;
    Wendy3; Why; Well rounded; winsomewaif;
    Whew! That’s quite a round up and not everyone I have met on the journey but a good many of my fellow journeyers.
    Today’s CD may have morphed into a NFD under a glass of wine or two….🍷🍸
    Still, tomorrow is another day.😁

    Day 8 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD800

    Yesterday was an epic f——

    oops. Can’t call it that, huh? Okay, it was an epic change of plans, LOL! Thankfully, it was still not over TDEE and it may have been under 1000…but I don’t really know because when you’re determined to eat, counting calories is the last thing on your mind, right? 😜 Honestly, given how well behaved I’ve been M-Th for several weeks, it’s not shocking to me that I “lost the plot” (whose phrase is that? @daffodil2010?? someone else? Love it…) and today is another day. ’nuff said.

    Today is sunny with puffy clouds and is supposed to get to 60/15 which is beyond delightful for early December, so I’m finally going to get out and get the rest of the lights on the bushes outside. Then I have four batches of cookies to make for Christmas; three of them are scooped and formed into balls to bake, so I’ll get them that far and then stick the balls in the freezer; makes it fast and easy to bake the cookies rapidly at the very last moment—and not tempting until then, LOL. The other is a slice-and-bake cookie that also is frozen until I bake them. Of course, it will be a serious challenge to make that many cookies without nibbling on any dough. Wish me luck!

    @basyjames you’re doing so well with your amazing exercise program!

    @toady Don’t you love those little surprises of discovering you’re not actually hungry? Well done to listen to your body instead of eat out of habit! And, hey, I’ve found that when I don’t walk with Leslie in the morning (in other words, do exercise, but the Leslie Sansone walks on YouTube seem to be the most motivating for me), I struggle with behaving myself in my food choices; when I do walk with her, I make far better choices. So perhaps find a walk you like the looks of and do that first thing in the morning on your day off and see if that helps?

    @TassieDeviel Welcome! You’ve found a great group, full of helpful and encouraging people with lots of wisdom; stick with us and the 5:2 way of life, and you’ll soon hit that goal you have!

    @emma-taylor “This island is lovely, and has great beaches. Very friendly people who all say ‘welcome to paradise’. How lovely.” How lovely, indeed! Have a grand time! How long are you thinking you’ll be there before heading back to London?

    @kazoo I started OMAD in late July with high hopes. The book called Fast5 (which is basically the same thing) promised steady and reliable results. I have not experienced that. Not at all. I follow the guidelines in that book on six days a week, making an exception on Sundays in order to continue with our family tradition of brunch after church (I haven’t eaten breakfast for forty years) and supper that evening. Now I’m terrified to go back to eating lunch for fear the additional eating will pack on the pounds. I will say that my FD500 is always OMAD (a 500 calorie supper is an amazing amount of food if you choose carefully!), so I would try saying I was doing OMAD on extra days, but it never worked for me because in my mind it meant exactly that: one MEAL a day. Reading Fast5 and changing my language made a huge difference: calling it that allows me to eat within a five hour window, not simply one meal, and I can control that decently. But I’ve found I need to continue doing two FD500 days not to gain, and need to add in two FD800 in order to slowly lose. I’ll be curious to read the details others share about OMAD.

    @northgeorgia After yesterday’s deviation from the planned FD, I have even more reason that I SHOULD do a FD on Thursday, but I’m thinking part of my eating yesterday was defiance at the idea of fasting on my birthday, LOL. I’m kind of a kid that way. @missybear I’m going to try your bargaining approach and see if I can find a solution that calms down my inner child!

    Okay, time to put action to my words and go walk with Leslie. I’ll get out the butter first, however, so it has time to get to room temperature. Lots to do and I’d so rather just sit on the sofa and knit on DGD’s “jumper” I’m making, LOL! That attitude tells me I need to focus again on an approach that worked well for a couple of weeks, and my goal for today is to be:

    “Too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.” – William Boyland Jr.

    Good luck, everyone, with achieving today whatever defines success for you!

    Day 8 Canada FD

    @songbirdme I am so glad to hear from @coda and have been wondering if her path through family law courts has gone. It is always such a long and heartbreaking process.

    My Christmas tree is up and it is huge, I don’t know why we went for such a large one. A sign of the times I guess. We had our public health orders updated yesterday and they have been extended so that there can be celebrations or gatherings outside of your household until well into the new year. Going to spend today letting that reality settle in and accept it.

    Day 8-Canada-NFD
    Just a quick check in.
    Yesterday’s FD went well. I stayed under 500 cal and super happy about that. Today a bit light headed but nothing a healthy breakfast can’t fix.
    Stay strong all!

    Day 8 UK NFD

    Ah great to see all those names from challenges past, quite impressed how many of us are still around (lurking or not ) not really got my mojo together , not doing terribly but not great either Just plodding , it’s times like this I’m tempted to have a break but I know that could be disastrous so I’ll hang on in and hopefully that elusive mojo will find its way back

    Day 8 – UK – FD800

    Yesterday’s planned FD did not happen but today is another day and new motivation so looks like it will happen – total calories so far is around 700 – planning on a cup of tea then that kitchen door will be firmly closed 😇

    @missybear – Great that you won yesterday but unfortunately my inner child won yesterday but not today!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
    @kazoo – great to read your positive posts once more 🤗
    @northgeorgia – very wise to keep isolated whilst you have symptoms…..stay safe
    @lilymartin – it would be lovely to hear from some of our past members – some were with us for a long time…..I think some were members of other forums and I see some familiar names there but many have just stopped I think
    @ccco – lovely that you get to spend time with your grandson 🤗
    @maya1980 – I used to love Mondays – getting to press my RESET button after an often indulgent weekend but sometimes lately I have struggled like yesterday ☹️
    @plantparent – good to hear that your Covid+ family are all mildly affected 🤞for a safe recovery to them
    @stitchincarol – sounds like a very productive weekend in the kitchen 😋 and hopefully we will both be able to stick to our FD800 today 🤞
    @northerndawn – what a fab weekend birthday celebrations for you and DH
    @toady – you are doing so well – slow and steady does it
    @tassiedeveil – welcome on board – great to have an Aussie on board
    @songbirdme – thank you for the update from @coda – good to hear her news – let her know that she is often in our thoughts and we wish her all the best, especially with the custody issues 🤗
    @betsylee – good to see you joining us and pressing those brakes
    @emma-taylor – enjoy your break in Fuertaventura – it all sounds ideal!

    Right I’m off to watch “Great British Menu” with my last cup of tea for the day …….

    Must remember that “Success Is The Sum Of Small Efforts, Repeated Day In And Day Out”

    Day 9 country west Australia FD
    It is so good to be back in the groove.
    Results are VERY slow and steady but daily posting and reading others’ posts does help to keep me so much more mindful. It does make me think before stuffing my face with food.
    I seem to have a voice on each shoulder. The naughty voice , who I have listened to far too often, assures me that an extra bite, another sandwich/donut/sweet etc won’t hurt and won’t do too much damage. ☹️
    Then the good voice tries desperately to tell me to think about my food choices. Do I really need it?🤔 Will I regret making this choice? 😥Will I really do the 200 mile walk necessary to cancel out the 2000 calorie snack I have just eaten ????😳😳😲
    On this forum, the pocket lists do help me to think about what I am doing.
    Knowing others are also fasting is a help and can get me over the line on difficult days.
    I also need to get my ” won’t power” back into gear. As in ‘ I WON’T eat that today!!’
    @northgeorgia, hope you continue to improve and can get back to work next Monday. This virus does seem to take it’s toll on the body.
    @at, I always like your positive sayings to keep us motivated
    @brightonbelle , hope your mojo is soon found! I lost mine a few years ago with disastrous results which I am currently still trying to rectify!!
    @missybear, maybe I need to start bargaining with my inner child as well as fighting those voices I hear!

    Day 8 – USA – NFD

    Hi all!

    First off, thank you all for your best wishes for my family — it gives me strength!

    My FD yesterday went well — I got lightheaded by dinner time but I was saving up all day for a 250cal dinner so it fixed it. Today I had a NFD with three meals for the first time since July!!

    @lilymartin sorry my Day 8 posts often come after your Day 9 begins 😉 I am posting EOD today hence the difference

    @northgeorgia hope you keep recovering — good to hear your updates!

    @bellyblast I would love to see your tree! Is there a way to link images in this forum? We considered getting one this year but have finally decided not to as this is a busy work month

    Day 9, NFD, Aus

    My FD yesterday was also an F Day and the ‘F’ did not stand for fast!

    Oh well.

    I’m also curious re the OMAD approach some of you are following. @EmmaTaylor – was it you who mentioned you eat in a 5 hour window? Does that mean you only eat once during the same 5 hour window each day, or that you eat as much as you want whenever you want for the full 5 hour period?

    Day 9 – NSW, AU – MFD

    Had planned for another 23.5 hour fast and OMAD at lunch, but woke up with a hum-dinger of a headache and ended up having some Belvitas when I got to work (45 minutes early) along with some ibuprofen, so just sat in the break room eating Belvita and had a cup of black tea. Still 18 hours fast is better than nothing at all!! Thankfully the headache went away and I made it til 1pm before eating again (5 hours), the rest of the Bombay Potatoes between 2 slices of wholemeal bread. It’s now almost 6pm and yep, not hungry at all.

    @stitchincarol – That is it in a nutshell!! I’m now wondering if I was eating dinner when I got home from work out of habit and thinking “I need more than just these 400 odd calories today” instead out of actual hunger. I’m thinking I might go to the gym in the morning, or at least before I break my fast, but that’ll depend on how I sleep tonight as the idiot housemate has spent the past few nights with music or TV going all hours, and there’s only so long one can wear earplugs til they hurt too much… but only a few weeks now til he’ll be gone and counting down the days!!!

    Day 9 Melb Aust NFD

    Just posting for accountability. A break up for the year (and first in-person meeting for the year) for our prayer group, plus one member’s 40th birthday, tonight, so no way am I fasting today. However, it will be a NFD, not an EFS over-indulgence (I hope)!

    There are all too many celebrations at this time of the year, so control is needed.

    Stay safe, stay well and eat sensibly, everyone.

    Day 9 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Looking less bloated and feeling well. I switched my bathroom scales to kilos for the craic (irish word for fun 😄)and although it’s not as simple for me as pounds and stones I can see a decrease so maybe that will keep me going.

    I am drinking a daily home made juice of Apple, celery, spinach, kale, carrots and beetroot…and although it looks yurgh it tastes quite nice and it’s supposed to help with cleansing my poor old liver. I have to say it might be working, as I feel good and the eyes are brighter.

    That liver of mine has had to put up with a lot!!

    It’s a vegan falafel salad bowl delivered for lunch today, then tonight DH is cooking mackerel and green veg. Yum!

    Hope you are ok @i-hate-lettuce, thinking of you. Also you @northgeorgia, willing you on to get better.

    And isn’t it SUPER news that the first ever Covid vaccinations took place yesterday in the UK? I can feel the world turning in every way, coming near to solstice and great hope on the horizon for a better 2021.

    Happy hump day 🐫

    D9 CD UK Lake District

    Good fast day yesterday and managed 12460 steps.

    Looking forward to CD today.Meals already planned.


    @kazoo 30 mins spin

    Day 9 OMAD Fuertaventura

    Hi. In reply to questions about OMAD, I read the FastFive book by Bert Herring, and Delay ,Don’t Deny by Gin Stephens ( hope I’ve got those right). And the idea is that you eat what you want in that five hour window, but with common sense! That is, maybe a snack to break your fast, then a meal at some point. If you cram as much food as you can into five hours, it will be a VERY slow weight loss. I do it every day because I like the fact that it’s easy, and when you don’t eat you don’t get hungry. Both books are worth reading, but Gin Stephens recommends Bert Herring’s book, and it’s a very short book with no padding.
    My five hour window tends to be from 5 pm, but often I’m not hungry then so I wait until I am. It’s easier during lockdown because all those days out with friends are curtailed. If I do have lunch with someone, I treat it as a planned non fasting day and get back to it the next day. Stops me feeling guilty.

    Day 9 – USA/GA – FD

    I hate it when your body decides to put on 3 lbs in one day, but that was the result of a single NFD yesterday. Oh well, looking forward to today’s FD. Warm low calorie soups on the menu again. Congestion still with me, but seems to be worse in the mornings. Yesterday afternoon, I felt pretty clear and fine over all.


    When we discover Felix’s we found it to be a charming old Victorian home that overlooks a river, surely fed by the same creeks that tumbled and churned its way out of the park. The parking lot was already half-full, no doubt full of lunch-crowd diners. I park the car into a vacant space and we head inside the restaurant.

    We are greeted by a cheery hostess who asks, “How many, three?” We nod as she gathers up some menus and looks around. “Would you prefer inside or out on the deck?” “The deck, if there is any space out there,” Wesley says. The hostess nods and says, “wait here for a moment and I’ll look. I know it’s getting full out there.” I look down at my shoes. Wow, they are really dusty. I should have at least wiped them off a bit before… “Follow me,” the hostess says. As we walk through the corridor, we pass the carry-out counter and catch the smell of Parmesan, garlic, and tomatoes. We reach a door and the sound of rustling leaves and flowing water mingles with the clinking of cutlery on plates and various conversations. “How’s this?” the hostess says, seating us at a small table with a great view of the river. “Perfect!” Lola responds as we take our seats. “Here are the menus, and Jack will be over soon to take your order.”

    “Oh, let’s do get an appetizer! Cheese sticks? Cup of soup? Calamari?” Lola asks. “I am NOT eating squid,” Wesley responds. I look puzzled, “Why not?” “Just the thought of those tentacles all sliced up and having to chew, chew, chew on those things makes me feel ill.” A diner at the next table suddenly looks disgusted, puts down her fork and walks inside, presumably to the restroom, but not before giving Wesley a hard glare. “Guess she was having the calamari,” Lola says. “The river is obviously not loud enough to drown out conversations,” I say, laughing.

    Jack quickly appears to take our drink orders and we are actually given a free appetizer of garlic bread sticks and homemade marinara sauce. Thankfully, the calamari crisis was over.


    I’m joining the pocket list today!

    Pocket list – Day 9


    @kazoo 30 mins spin

    Day 9 USA (Illinois) CD

    All is well. Off to exercise. Hope to read posts and reply later on –

    Onward and downward.

    Day 9 MN, USA MFD (800)
    Day 8 CD

    Quick check in. Struggling a bit these days, but just hanging in there with trying to stay under BMR for sure, and hopefully under 1000 every day this week. Today 800, and tomorrow a proper FD of 500. After two to three weeks of eating too much due to Thanksgiving, Birthdays, etc, and the increased carb cravings that come after such events, I am up 3 1/2 lbs from beginning of November. I need to take myself in hand until Christmas and New Years Eve, before I gain more and “Lose the Plot” entirely this month.

    @northgeorgia I’m glad you are sensible and realize you shouldn’t go back to work until next week. Some employers here are pressuring their Covid positive employees to return early to help with inventory (in a major grocery store). I hope you can continue to improve without any setbacks.

    @stitchincarol Happy Birthday tomorrow! I hope to be back on to tell you again, but just in case not……I didn’t want to miss sending you warm wishes.

    Errands and chores call out to me, but hoping for some time to comment on posts later today.

    Be strong, be determined, do your best for today and the success will follow.

    Day 9 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD800 or even 500?

    Yesterday was another…@Penz, how did you put it? Ahhh, an F day and the F does not stand for “fast.” 😂 I’ve decided that rather than failing at 5:2, I’m living life and that’s the point of 5:2, is to be a way of LIFE and as such, my only goal is not to go above 150 during December. If I actually lose weight, so much the better, but I’m officially removing that goal as of today. The stress of the last week has been monumental and I want this Advent time of preparation to be joyful! And, I’m also giving myself a birthday present of getting to wear that lovely red cashmere turtleneck already even though I’m not yet 144. Some goals are meant to be carrots; some goals are meant to be early rewards to motivate behavior to follow. 😇

    @maya1980 & @plantparent I’m concerned that you both mentioned being light-headed after a FD. That’s not normal for me, and I’ve not heard anyone else mention it. My first thought is to wonder if you need to drink far more water on a FD?

    @lilymartin I have those very same voices sitting on my shoulders, LOL!

    @daffodil2010 So glad you’re feeling so great! Yes, it’s been on the news everywhere here in the States that you started giving vaccinations; the 90yo woman who was the first and the old(er?) man who was second were both on the news here yesterday!

    And, @i-hate-lettuce, I too have been thinking of you and worrying just a smidge that you’ve not been posting. Hope all is well.

    @northgeorgia Such lovely news that you’re feeling a bit better each day; small victories are always worth celebrating! And, that extra 3 pounds is just food waiting to be digested; you know that! 👍 BTW, one of my favorite parts of the story is that there’s no social distancing required and restaurants are still open! I’ve become so accustomed to this social distancing thing that when I’m watching old movies, I’m momentarily shocked at how close people stand together without masks!! 😂🤣😂

    Okay, I’m off for another crazy busy day (piano lesson in Omaha, errands while there, cleaning lady coming, two piano lessons this afternoon here at home, church tonight–WHEW!) but everything is coming together well, so it’s all good!

    Have a grand day, full of will-power, determination and joy! Hugs, my friends.

    Day 9- CAN-NFD
    Hello there,
    Just a quick check in again. I can fresh snow outside my bedroom window and my kid is super excited to play outside. Guess we will be doing just that, but first yummy breakfast and cup of coffee.
    Feeling much better today and yes, @stitchincarol is probably right, I need to drink more water for sure.
    In our city restrictions continue and they imposed ever tougher ones yesterday. No more gatherings of any kind, indoor or outdoor. Which also means, Xmas should be celebrated only with your household members. Makes it tough for a single mom and one kid. I am very saddened by that. On the other hand, vaccinations are happening in U.K.
    Best of luck and have a wonderful day!

    USA. Day 9. OMAD. FD

    I do OMAD because I find eating one meal in the middle of the day makes it easier for me to fast! That meal is measured, so it falls within my FD requirements but can be adjusted for a NFD. I don’t like to eat at night because that is when I am the weakest and most likely to go off the rails. I don’t have a window like 5 hours. I just eat the meal until I am finished and then that’s it! I haven’t read any books on OMAD but have read online articles. I hope that is a help for anyone who is looking into OMAD.

    Adding myself to the pocket list for accountability

    Pocket list – Day 9


    @kazoo 30 mins spin

    My heart goes out to everyone who may be struggling with health issues, including Covid. Yes, it is wonderful that England has begun the vaccinations. I now know to many people who have gotten it and two who have died and I am soooo looking forward to the world returning to normal!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 9 North Canton OH WFD

    I am posting for accountability today. I went for a run this morning and it just wiped me out.

    @stitchincarol I also cringe when I watch old movies and see a packed crowd. I wonder if that will change as things normalize or if we will forever stay mindful of keeping our distance (and germs)from others

    Absolutely, please drown your fasts and hunger dragons with water

    I have been weighing in daily just to stay on top of my trends, and while I have lost inches, the scale is pretty stable. I know enough by now to celebrate my inches lost and I am 😁 so far December is being good to me: one day at a time

    Have a great day everyone

    Day 9 Canada NFD

    A good FD yesterday and I am feeling like I am getting back on the wagon, the forum wins again!I am also a big cookbook collector and have well over 300. I tried to keep the shelves I have as my limit, but have let them creep out to counters and tables. Next addition will be Ottolenghi’s Flavour and the books I am currently loving are Diana Henrys’s Bird in the Hand and Neil Perry’s The Food I Love. No skiing for the last couple of days as it has been rainy but its gorgeous out there today and I am off for a ski soon.

    @basyjames it is watching people pile into an elevator in movies that makes my hair stand up
    @ccco I am so sorry you have lost friends to the virus
    @maya1980 I have the same restrictions and am also having a Christmas for two, it is hard to comprehend and tough. Sorry for you are in the same boat but agreed the vaccine is a beacon of hope
    @stitchincarol I hope your stress levels come down, enjoy your early birthday gift….sound lovely
    @northerndawn hang in there this is a tricky month
    @emmataylor your getaways sounds perfect
    @i-hate-lettuce I hope you are doing well and lightly bimbling around, brewing and being spoilt by mrs IHL
    @flourbaby and @snowflake56 hope all is well with you both

    Watching “Great British Baking Show” with the “Derry Girls.” They are delightful amateur bakers – bet their sitcom is very funny. Any of you UK or Irish know that show?

    Day 10, NFD, Aus

    Office Christmas party tonight; definitely not a day for my normal Thurs FD! And I’m wearing another old new dress (you know – old in that I’ve had it for years but new in that it fits again!)

    I’ve had the same momentary shock, @stitchincarol, watching a movie where strangers greeted each other with bear hugs and double hand clasps. My inner voice was screaming “get away from each other!!”

    Day 10 FD country west Australia
    Well yesterday’s FD wasn’t….. Seriously not helped by friends dropping by with Chilli and salt dark chocolate and other ‘ little’ Christmas treats.Nor by having to shop on an empty stomach ( at that stage!) and succumbing to a packet of Vegemite flavoured peanuts.
    Yes they really are a thing!!! 🤔And yes the entire 65gm pack ( 2.5 serves!!!!😲) was delicious.
    Will stick to the usual Thursday FD. I have a busy day Thursdays and work 9-6pm without stopping which I find easier for fasting as no time to think about food.
    BUT I do need to drink a lot on FDs especially.
    @i-hate-lettuce, along with others hope you are going OK?
    @penz, congratulations on the old-is-new-again dress. What a good feeling.😇
    @bellyblast I have one of Ottolenghi’s books ( yellow cover) and the food is fab.👌
    @basyjames, so true – one day at a time. My scales are superglued stuck at a very high number but I am posting and I am eating less and I am being much more mindful with all you in mind so winning all around.
    @maya1980, I feel for you and others having to curtail your Christmas celebrations. For me ( one of 6 children), Christmas has always been about lots of people and children and noise. Like so many other things in this crazy year I guess we will all have a different new ‘ normal’ this year.
    We will only be 7 this year. Usually we have a bigger group but we are all just staying with our own immediate families this year.
    Plus my 90+ yo FiL is in Aged Care and due to restrictions there is no family Christmas lunch as usual for the residents in the home so they too will have a very quiet day.
    2020 has been an auspicious year, just not in the way most of us thought.
    Have a good day all. Off to water the garden before the 32C heat.
    My DH was up early this morning to go and help fight a crop fire on a neighbour’s property. He was there all yesterday afternoon and back again today to ‘ mop up’.

    Day 10 – NSW, AU – OMAD

    I can’t believe that I did it!!

    Seeing as inserting pictures don’t work. I did a 25 hour fast from 1:30pm yesterday to 2:34pm today.

    As the day wore on I just didn’t feel hungry, mind you it’s my day off and usually the day that I will epic face stuff, but not today. I enjoyed some pizza after my first 24+ hour fast and may even shout myself some of the chocolate sitting in the fridge at work tomorrow. Now to tell myself not to go eating any more of the left over pizzas!!

    FD today and its been tough ! No finished yet . Cooked a lasagna for my family but it smells so good i will need to distract myself tonight.
    I hope i have enough willpower to make it through the day.
    Ive lost 1.8 kg so far . Looking forward to a NFD tomorrow

    Day 10 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Posting early as plan to start work early today as its sooooo busy and I am off tomorrow for my Girls Weekend away in a lighthouse!!! So no fasting for me!

    Hope everyone us doing fine. @songbirdme, I am afraid I never watched “Derry Girls” but I know it was insanely popular and people loved the comedy. Try and find it if you can. I wonder if the accents would throw you 😀

    Happy birthday @stitchincarol

    Talk to you all next week 💃

    D10 FD800 UK Lake District

    Well I have just sat and read all the posts typed up my post in a word document, copied and pasted and lost the lot.

    Have run out of time now as I have an exercise class so will just join the pocket lists and sort it all out later

    @stitchincarol Happy Birthday

    D10 pocket list



    Have a good day everyone

    Day 10 – Lake District UK

    Good morning everyone

    Last posted on day 3 where did that go!

    Unfortunately the first week post treatment was grim to say the least. It’s taken me a week to improve and get back on my feet and even then it’s slow going. However, to misuse a frequently used saying on here … “when I think how I feel now compared with where I started”
    At least I feel as though I’m heading in the right direction again, I could never claim to be ‘normal’ 🙂 Just had half an hour ‘bimbling’ in the garden yesterday afternoon, secateurs in hand and another Acer tree neatly pruned, felt good.

    This is going to be slower than we wanted, still on ‘liquid feed’ so glad we’re not getting visitors at Christmas, can make up for that later.

    Take care all

    Day 10 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    @stitchincarol. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🥳💐

    @i-hate-lettuce good to hear from you 🤗

    Motivation for my December FDs is the saving of calories for festive treats…….hoping that will help me not to have gained too many pounds by January 🤞

    D10 pocket list



    Keep on keeping on everyone 🙂

    Day 10 Melb Aust NFD

    Just ambling along here, not putting pressure on myself, but also trying to keep from excesses. Successfully gave away some chocolate at the break-up party yesterday evening – better their hips than mine, I say! 🙂

    @i hate lettuce, glad you’ve survived the worst this treatment time, and are now improving again. I was also in the garden yesterday – have this tiny patch of lawn, but still, the edges need trimming and the lawn has to be mown, and those were both done. Looks good again – till next time.

    @northgeorgia, hope you continue to recover from the virus, and keep it off your chest.

    I was hearing on the news that one of the groups intended to be among the first to receive the vaccine are the morbidly obese, as they’re so much more highly “at risk” than others if they get the virus. Glad not to be in that category (and further from it than I used to be).

    @ccco, I couldn’t manage to have OMAD in the middle of the day – once I start eating, I tend to want to keep going, so I’m better off eating as late as possible, like @EmmaTaylor.

    @stitchincarol, yep, let’s try to maintain for this month, and off it comes in January.

    Stay safe and well, everyone.

    Day 10 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD

    I pulled off an almost-true FD yesterday, my first this week! It wasn’t quite true, because I had one piece of Hershey’s chocolate left over from Halloween and I had a couple spoons of Brandied Dried Fruit (have I mentioned how amazingly yummy that stuff is???), but my guess is that I was still around 700 for the day. Today, I’ve decided on scallops for dinner with a packaged salad, which should be around 400, and this morning, DH and I are driving to town to get a latte for each of us. That’s clearly not in the 5-hour window I usually stick to, but <<insert shoulder shrug here>>, oh well. 😜

    And, with a clean house, including two rooms in the basement (two still to go) and yesterday’s monumental to-do list accomplished, that stress I mentioned yesterday is nearly gone. I still have lots to do, but it’s not feeling so overwhelming, and I’ll be far more diligent about keeping the house tidy since that has such an influence on keeping me calm and cheerful. Ironic, isn’t it, that I’m so bad at keeping things put away and tidy, but I care so much that it BE tidy?? 😂

    @tassiedeveil I know that you’re already far past the time of trying to find will-power in the face of your family’s lasagna, but a phrase that’s helped me many times is the title of a book: “Delay, Don’t Deny.” Hope your will-power was stronger than your longings!

    @i-hate-lettuce I was afraid your extended silence indicated a rough week. I pray the improvement is steady and observable and you can move from liquids to solids soon–and certainly soon enough to enjoy that Tropical Christmas Cake, your Christmas Pudding (did you actually make one?), and your Christmas Brew! Nice job on finding some bimbling time yesterday; I’ll bet you felt lovely after that time outside in your garden doing “normal” stuff–even though you yourself are not “normal.” 🤣😜😂😁 Hugs to you and Mrs IHL as you continue to travel this post-treatment road!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone. 😍 I’m off to walk with Leslie and then it’s off to get my latte…yummmmmm! Have a grand day being stronger than your temptations!

    Day 10 UK FD

    Happy Birthday @stitchincarol 🎉🎉

    Glad to hear from you @i-hate-lettuce , sounds like you’ve turned a corner 👍

    @flourbaby & @snowflake56 Hope you’re ok

    Have a great weekend @daffodil2010 Sounds great


    Day 10 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in 231 lbs. Yeah, as I figured, sort of a plateau week. Hopefully, some more movement downward next week. I am continuing to feel better. Other than the migrating congestion, I think I am symptom free.

    @stitchincarol Hope you have a fantastic birthday!


    As we sip our beverages on the terrace, Lola speaks up. “I have to tell you about this nightmare I had last night.” “Oh,” Wesley says. “What happened?” Lola continues, “There was this deadly virus that was unleashed upon the planet. You could get it just through breathing the air where someone else had coughed or sneezed, sort of like the cold or flu.” “Lola, that’s horrible,” I said. “You said deadly. Did people die from it?” “Oh yes, but the bad thing is that you wouldn’t ever know how the virus would affect you until you contracted it. Some people died, some people recovered but had lifelong medical issues from it, others it affected lightly, and still others had no symptoms and would have no idea at all if they had the virus.” “Can you imagine,” asked Wesley. “So the entire planet went on lock-down. Theaters, restaurants, schools, businesses — all shuttered,” Lola said. “So, was it like an apocalyptic ending?” Wesley asked. “No, not at all,” said Lola. “From time to time, the world would reopen carefully. People had to stay about a person’s length apart from each other, wear masks on their faces and constantly wash or disinfect their hands.” “Was there a food and medicine shortage,” I asked. “Not really. But they did run out of toilet paper.” Wesley and I laughed. “Can you imagine? A toilet paper shortage is the worst daily setback of the apocalypse?” Lola smiled, “good thing it was just a dream.” “But what happened in the end?” Wesley asked. Lola shrugs, “I don’t know. The alarm clock went off and I woke up. It’s weird what we dream sometimes, huh? It seemed so real…” I interrupt, “You know, sometimes it’s like there’s an alternative universe or reality out there. I wonder if we are the imaginary world and some other universe is the real one.” “Here’s to hoping that we’re in the real world,” Wesley says. “A toast, to friends and good times!” “Cheers,” Lola and I say. We clink our glasses together and listen to the water rushing over rocks in the river below.


    Good luck to our pocketlisters today!

    Day 10 Canada NFD

    Off for a haircut today, looking forward to the pick me up. Sourdough is in the oven so it will be good to avoid the temptation 😇

    @toady the headaches are sometimes a sign of dehydration. Are you drinking enough water?
    @betsylee enjoy your celebrations 🎉
    @kazoo good for you getting all those steps in on a FD 🚶‍♀️
    @songbirdme I love GBBS. How do they stay calm when things are going badly ?
    @lilymartin I love vegemite the peanuts sound interesting
    @i-hate-lettuce great to see you back here, take it easy
    @stitchincarol wishing you a very happy birthday 🥳 🎂

    Day 10- Canada-NFD
    Here we go again! Day 10 and I guess things are going well.
    Although, I can’t stop making cookies and shoving them onto other people to eat. They are not complaining, lol. Let THEM eat cookies, I say!
    Today is my routine blood donation day. Great place to be, very humbling experience for sure.
    Enjoy your day everyone!

    Day 10 USA (Illinois) FD

    Going to get a proper FD today. Yesterday’s CD was fair, but at about 1000 calories, not my best. Thursdays are laundry day, and probably the last day this ‘winter’ that I will get sheets (bedding) onto the clothesline. It’s a beautiful 52′ F. (11 C.) and sunny. Not much wind. DH and I plan to put out the last of our outdoor Christmas decs this afternoon.

    @stitchincarol – Happy Birthday, dear Carol 🎵🎶 happy birthday to YOU! May it be a blessed day! Enjoy your latte and all! 🎁💐🥂

    @maya1980 – at least 3 of us are regular blood donors ( @stitchincarol also organizes the drives) I’m working on my 13th gallon with my current blood bank. Oh, and yeah for you giving away the cookies you certainly must enjoy baking this season!

    @i-hate-lettuce – prayers for your continued progress.

    @northgeorgia – may your symptoms and conditions be very manageable.

    @bellyblast – I know! That GBBS is such a hoot! I’ve seen all the regular seasons and am now on to the Holiday Editions. Ours come to us via Netflix.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 11, NFD, Aus

    Vegemite flavoured peanuts?? I have to get me some, @lilymartin, they sound delish!

    My weight is not shifting but my body shape is. The ‘jodphur’ look of my upper thighs is slimming which I’m very pleased about.

    I head off on Christmas leave this afternoon and will be officially suspending 5:2 until the new year. If I do manage to sneak in any FDs, it will be a bonus, but I am not going to plan for it. I feel that giving myself “permission” to do this will take some of the pressure off, and I will be ready to join in the next challenge in mid-January with gusto.

    Ah @songbirdme – sleeping on freshly laundered sun-dried sheets always gives me the best sleep!

    If I don’t get back on line soon – wishing everyone a very festive, restful, safe and healthy Christmas time (or how/whatever you celebrate) and I look forward to seeing you in 2021.

    Day 11 Country west Australia third-time-lucky FD
    Well again yesterday’s FD wasn’t….☹️
    Went to work at the Aged Care facility I work in and they had their Christmas lunch and invited me as a guest. How could I refuse??
    It was a lovely occasion but a bit sad . The dining room is normally chockers with family and friends. Lots of decorations, turkey, ham and all the trimmings for lunch.
    Yesterday was quite a subdued affair with just residents and staff. The chicken and salad was beautifully cooked and presented. Ditto the meringues with berry coulis but somehow without all the usual noise and the usual food and people etc it felt just a bit less ‘ Christmassy’.
    Made worse by the death 2 days ago of a favourite resident who was 98 and had been there for 7 years .
    I LOVE Christmas 🙂👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🎄 but this year because it has been so awful for many , a lot of people I talk with just want the year over. 😢
    @toady congratulations on the 25 hour fast. Well done.
    @tassiedevil,hope your ‘ won’t power’ stayed strong. Why do we cook such delicious meals on FDs ?? I lurve to cook and experiment with dishes which doesn’t always auger well for a good FD.
    @kazoo, I have a love/hate relationship with technology. A wonderful thing when all is going well but drives to me want to thrash my computer when things are not going well as Basil thrashed his mini in a memorable episode of Fawlty Towers. I particularly loathe predictive text !!!!
    @i-hate-lettuce. So good to hear from you. Sorry to hear about the slow progress but glad you can ‘bimble’ in the garden . ( What a fab word is ‘ bimble’. I hadn’t heard it before coming on this forum. And re predictive text. It keeps correcting ‘ bimble’ to ‘bible’!!))
    @daffodil2010 I hope you have a great Girls’ Weekend. They can be such fun.
    @betsylee, glad you too are ambling along. I feel that is how I am going ATM – but any forward movement is a plus.
    @bellyblast and @penz, those Vegemite peanuts are just too delicious!!!🥜🥜 You actually have to lick your fingers when you finish them. And I have NEVER been able to leave any in the packet even though there is enough for 2 and a half serves. Hence the tractor tyre around the waist…….
    @stitchincarol, belated Happy Birthday. I hope you enjoyed your day.🎂
    Off to do some gardening but will have to be very careful. I have not seen any snakes in the garden for about 20 years but have seen 2 in the past week. Both dugites – poisonous brown Australian snakes. EEEEKKKKKK!!!😲 will really have to keep my mind on the job and my eyes peeled.😳😳

    Day 10 (8:30 pm) Minnesota, US MDF

    Sorry for the late evening check in but that is what works best for me this month. I wasn’t able to achieve a 500 FD but I believe I stayed around 800. That’s good enough, is my attitude this month. Like others, I feel that just not gaining any more than I have, and maintaining until I can get through to January will be an achievement.

    @stitchincarol I hope you’ve had a lovely Birthday.
    @i-hate-lettuce It is really good to hear from you…..very sorry to hear about the rough week, and I hope somehow it helped to know that all of us, your forum friends, have been thinking about you and sending you warm wishes and virtual hugs.
    @northgeorgia I hope you can finally get rid of all the congestion by the end of this week.
    @bellyblast and @maya1980 I didn’t realize you had such restrictions up North of me…….I always though Canada was doing so much better than the US with Covid cases. It will just be my DH and I this Christmas as well. I’m sure the weather will be too cold for patio time with DD and family outside, but maybe with all the fires going and snowsuits on, a few hours and gift exchanges would be possible. I’m crossing my fingers.
    @ccco I’m lucky not to have had anyone close to me get the virus, or to succumb to it. We do have friends and their family members in other states who have gotten very ill. Surprisingy, it is often the wife, not the husband, who becomes most ill. I count my blessings to have avoided it so far. I’m sorry you’ve had family that have been ill, and sorry for anyone else who has gone through that. Such worry and stress!
    @toady I always take some salt when I get a headache during or after a fast, and it always seems to help.
    @daffodil2010 A weekend with friends at a Lighthouse sounds absolutely wonderful! Enjoy!
    @penz Enjoy your 5:2 vacation….try to be mindful and still enjoy yourself!
    @lilymartin In some care homes here they are putting on an “Adopt a Resident” with pictures of each and a little info of each, on social media……they hold up white boards of the little things they need or want, like cards or chocolate chip cookies, or Christmas decorations for their rooms, or even some clothing…..I think its a lovely idea, because they have been so isolated, and some have no family in the area. I plan to take several items for a few individuals as well as some things they can share.

    Big question: What do you think the January 2021 Challenge should be named> I’ve been thinking of “Rejuvenating January” or something along the lines of a renewal, a rebirth for us all. And a firm wave goodbye and good riddance to the dismal year of 2020.
    I’m not tied to that title….so I would love anyone with creative juices flowing to come up with something inspiring! Thanks!

    Day 11 – NSW, AU – NFD

    Only managed a 16 hour fast today. Some pizza and some chocolates put me above MFD or CFD limits, oops. But after my 25 hour fast (and a belly ache in the wee hours this morning) I weighed 91.3kg on the scales… only 1lb left to go and I’ll be in the “Under 200’s” club.

    Thanks for everyone about the concern for my headache on Wednesday, I think it was more due to interrupted sleep and wearing earplugs all night (thanks to moronic housemate watching TV from 8pm til 6am) rather than too little water or any dietary thing.

    Hoping by this time next week I’ll be well on the road towards my mother’s which is an 8.5-9 hour drive with breaks depending on traffic. Have told said mother that just cause it’s Christmas and I’m home doesn’t mean that I will be ruining my WOE, she just knows that I’ll join her for a morning cuppa but won’t sit and eat breakfast with her. Probably won’t get many 800 days though, but we’ll see. A much needed break.

    Day 11, London, UK, FD

    Wow, I had to pause before typing FD!!!! I haven’t set that in stone for such a long time!!!!

    Well, consider me back on the wagon!! I haven’t been ‘properly’ fasting for a long, long time, but I’m finally settled into the new place, I finally have internet access and I’ve finally moved the last of my possessions from my flat and handed the keys over to the builders, the roof is fixed, now for complete redecoration!!

    Multi-tasking is soooo not my thing, so now it’s time to focus on ME ……………………. & that starts with ditching the vino & fasting, fasting, fasting. I’m looking forward to getting through 3L of ‘Dragon drowning’ water & ending the day with a tuna salad …………………………… then locking & bolting the kitchen door!!!!

    I’ve managed to skim through this months’ posts and although not commenting individually, I saw shout outs from @at, @bellyblast, @brightonbelle & my fellow peanut butter nutter @penz thanks guys💕, I’m glad to be back & determined to be present & correct daily!! Thank you @at for hosting this, the most difficult of months, I’m planning to be mindful and not throw caution to the wind over Xmas, like I usually do. January will NOT be a reset month, just a halo polishing😇 continuation of Decembers’ success💪, there, I said it!!!

    Keep the faith people!!!!

    “It’s going to be hard, but hard is not impossible.” Chuck Palahniuk

    Day 11 – USA/GA – NFD

    Back up to 232 lbs. Definitely a plateau week, but my body’s been through the COVID the past two weeks, so I’m not upset. I’m continuing to improve, but my dad’s cousin, who was the contractor/builder of my house five years ago, isn’t doing well. He was a cancer survivor, caught COVID, and is now on both a ventilator and dialysis in the ICU. This pandemic is so horrible.

    @flourbaby so happy to hear you’re settled again! @northerndawn “Rejuvenating January” has a nice ring to it!


    The warm sun on our backs feels wonderful. We have ordered a mixture of salads, soups, pasta, and of course, a brick-oven baked pizza to share. “You should have seen the look on your face when we said we were thinking about taking the orange trail,” Lola laughs. Wesley puts on a fake grin and responds, “I was about to say — you two go ahead, and I’ll call the emergency services that evening if I don’t see you at the Overlook.” “Now, Wesley. You know it’s no man left behind,” I say. “Or woman,” Lola corrects me. “I know, but you’re Wonder Woman. You’d be leaving me behind if we had taken the orange trail,” I respond. “Better believe it,” Lola exclaims. We laugh as I take another slice of the baked margherita pizza goodness from the elevated aluminum tray. “Uh oh,” looks like we’re getting too loud again,” Wesley says, signaling at a table to my left. We glance over and see a smiling yet seemingly distraught young woman at a table with a few friends. “Oh, not at all,” she says. “It’s wonderful to see friends out enjoying themselves, and such interesting tee shirts.” The tee shirts! My gosh! We were still wearing those things. “Aren’t they a hoot,” Lola says. “My name is Rita. I am so sorry to interrupt your dinner.” “Don’t be silly,” Lola says. “Would you like to join us?” Rita flags down a server who nods, and the party of three lift the table so that there are six of us sitting together.


    Good luck to the Friday pocketlisters!

    Day 11 North Canton CD

    I met my goal for the week. 1 pound down, 11 to go. My non scale victories are even more satisfying- I have lost a lot of inches everywhere and I am very pleased. Steady does it!

    @flourbaby it’s good to see you back! And back on the wagon too. I bet you are glad to fast again and get back in control

    @toady embrace the much-needed break, and I hope you have a lot of fun with your mom. Like @northerndawn I also take salt on FD especially if I get lightheaded or a headache

    @northern dawn the thought of 2021 brings a smile to my face. I certainly hope that it is much improved from 2020. We will see, I just remember the sense of hope and optimism that we had going into 2020 and then it all seemed to fall apart. But I also like to reflect on the things we gained this year, we learned how to be together without being physically together, embraced working from home on a larger scale than ever before, learned to value what is really important, and scale back on what isn’t.

    @lilymartin please be careful with the gardening and watch out for those snakes! I hate snakes passionately and these are poisonous?!!! 😲😲

    Happy belated birthday @stitchincarol and thanks for the reminder of the Delay Don’t Deny mantra. That was very empowering for me when I first encountered this WOL. I can have a little bit of everything that I crave, if I am willing to wait for my feeding window

    So glad you are feeling better @northgeorgia

    and take it easy @i hate lettuce

    Be safe and well everyone, just a few more weeks until the end of the year

    USA. Day 11. FD

    I did not see a pocket list, so I will start one.

    Pocket List Day 11



    Hope everyone is having a great day! I am glad I got all my Christmas shopping done as USPS will shortly be shifting its trucks to deliver the vaccine and I would imagine there would be some impact on store deliveries and home deliveries. I saw on the news last night that a line has been drawn down the center of the U.S. with the east side of the line having the deliveries made my USPS and the west side by FedEx!

    My family is not having Christmas this year due to Covid but we are sharing gifts by having them delivered to each person’s home. It is a pity that my grandson won’t be able to celebrate Christmas in a meaningful traditional way this year, as he is old enough to enjoy this! However, he does have a Christmas tree he helped decorate.

    Stay safe, everyone!

    Day 11 — USA — NFD

    Hi all,

    So great to see everyones updates!

    @stitchincarol wish you a belated happy birthday — hope you had a great day!

    @northgeorgia I am glad you are through COVID at this time!

    @i-hate-lettuce and other gardeners do keep your eyes peeled!!

    My family is on the recovering end of COVID too, seems like it will be over by next week. Hush.

    My eating habits this week were too irratic. Like I have been mentioning, I re-started exercise this month and planned to continue my controlled diet with some fast days to try to get out of my weight plateau of 56 kgs and try to drop to 54 by end of month. Last week, I worked out 5 days with 30-45 mins of cardio that did my heart racing, brought my weight down to 55.7. Unfortunately, Tuesday and Thursday this week, I was EXTREMELY hungry all day — had my first 3 meal day in the past 6 months, and ate larger portions than ever. I put it down to the exercise needing more calories, but as you can imagine, I have put on weight — 56.8kg. This is saddening. It took me 6 months to learn to control my diet and eating habits. To see it go back to my regular habits in a day is heart breaking.

    While I understand the workout might be leading to me needing more calories, this current method seems counterproductive. Does anybody have any tips/comments/thoughts/experience with what I am going through? This is the first time I am trying fasting and continuous exercise so learning on the fly. I hope to correct any mistakes before it is too late and get back on the weight loss path.

    Hope you all are having a good Friday — wish you a good weekend!

    Day 11 – Rural Nebraska, USA – OMAD/Fast5

    Yesterday was lovely, but ended up not at all a FD. “A little birthday treat” here and “a little birthday treat” there and the calories piled on. But, oh, those smoked almonds, beer, and cocktail using our Brandied Dried Fruit were all glorious treats, the scallops and roasted brussels sprouts were a real treat (and actual-FD-worthy), and today I can control the calories to compensate. And, thanks again for all the birthday wishes!

    @lilymartin Ick, ick, ICK–poisonous snakes in your garden??? YUCK. The completely harmless garden snakes we have are sufficient to make me scream every time one moves and startles me, so I can’t even imagine knowing yours are deadly!

    @flourbaby so very glad your life is settled down from the roof leak to the hotel to unreliable internet! Welcome back, and great job on restarting the WOL!

    @northgeorgia so very sorry to hear the troubles your cousin is having!

    @plantparent We’ve actually talked a bit on this forum about exercise making you hungry or not. The bottom line is that, while for me it makes me hungry, it’s never a hunger that’s overwhelming as you’ve described, so I immediately want to look for other culprits for the extreme hunger. First, it could simply be a fluke…especially a fluke related to your monthly cycle, which can cause huge hunger out of the blue that then disappears; I well remember that roller-coaster of hunger from when I was younger. Second, I wonder if it’s related to too many carbs the day before? I’ve discovered that carbs on one day make me struggle hard to fast on the next day. Is it possible that’s part of the issue for you here? Third (and this one is crucial for you to embrace with determination): YOU HAVE NOT GONE BACK TO YOUR OLD HABITS. You had a couple bad days, but you can jump back on the wagon and continue on with your journey. Here’s an experiment for you: go weigh yourself. Don’t bother to shed any clothes or shoes, just see what you weigh at this moment of the day, whenever it is. Next, go drink a huge glass of water. Huge. Now, go weigh yourself again. You’ll weigh more, won’t you? But there are zero calories in water so you haven’t actually gained weight, it’s simply water. In the same way, the “weight you’ve gained” may be actual pounds (or ounces) but it’s probably just the food inside you still digesting. Deep breath. You’ve got this; you truly do. Just keep on keeping on, and you’ll be fine!!

    Okay, off to walk with Leslie and see what I can cross off that to-do list. Have a grand day, everyone. My goal for today is to be “Too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.” – William Boyland Jr.

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