December 2017 Challenge

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December 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 1,190 replies, has 97 voices, and was last updated by  Maayyaa 7 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 42 posts - 1,151 through 1,192 (of 1,192 total)

  • Finally going home today after a 9 day family Christmas celebration. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself. I have tried to be sensible by missing meals, haven’t been able to weigh myself yet but my clothes still fit so that is a good thing 🤪. I am really looking forward to my first fast day tomorrow and getting back on track.
    Thank you @bert1802 for hosting this months challenge.
    I wish you all a very Happy New Year x

    Day 31, Gozo Malta, nfd

    I’m still sick 🤕 in bed. This morning when my husband was sleeping I went downstairs and switched on the dishwasher. Then I was going to make honey and lemon drink but felt my blood pressure going down and started to feel faint so I came upstairs and just made it to bed and after a while felt better.

    Then my husband brought me medicine and honey and lemon drink and as I asked for a small piece of Christmas cake he brought me a piece but it wasn’t little and I ate it all.

    For noon it’s takeaway food. I will get started on 5:2 on Tuesday. Meanwhile I’ll be mindful and not eat a lot of goodies that are in the house.

    Thanks again Bert1802 for hosting December challenge.

    Happy 😃 New Year everyone.

    Day 31 UK NFD

    I finished the month at 65 kg, 143lbs, which is ten stone three and a pound less than I was on Nov 30th. So I successfully maintained through Christmas and even lost a little. But I also decided that I am not finished. I now aim to get under ten stone and use it as my upper limit for maintaining so I have more to do come January.

    2017 has been a good year. It saw me regain my health both mental and physical after learning to fast. It has been my most valuable discovery ever, alongside realising that wheat is even worse than sugar and other grains are not much better. The new eating habits I have developed this year will hopefully make maintaining doable longterm.

    Thank you to everyone for contributing to this valuable supportive and safe space we have on this forum, and to Bert for hosting this month. ‘See’ you all next year.

    Wishing you all a Happy New Year


    Day 31 Belfast CD

    So the EFS has stopped and I’m 2lbs up. I’ll weigh in tomorrow and start afresh. We’re going to a friend’s house tonight for an hour or two with the pup which will be fun. Unfortunately, we got the sad news yesterday that my OH’s cousin died. A friend, fellow caravanner and a big gentle giant. He’ll be missed.
    @daffodil2010 thank you for that. I’m truly touched.
    @rainbowsmile – good to see you back. May 2018 be a better year for you.
    @bert1802 I second that! Great words
    @flourbaby and daffodil2010 – you’re making me hot under the collar! There’s window shopping and then there’s window shopping!
    @califdreamer – you summed up this WOL beautifully
    @pamie – don’t beat yourself up. A new year and new resolve is just around the corner. I’m holding your hand for a fresh start!
    @mjrbcd44 – thank you so much for that Facebook link. It brought a BIG lump to my throat because it’s just me.
    @bert1802 – I can feel your love in your post. Many congratulation for those 21 years. I hope you enjoy your celebrations.
    @at – your repertoire of inspirational quotes is amazing. Thank you. You’ve been the backbone of this forum.

    For all those feeling under the weather, get well soon. For the many who have lost over this festive period, I salute you. For those who didn’t, a new month and year is around the corner.

    It is of course a time to reflect. This year, I have lost 15lbs (A tortoise, me, and proud!) my body has changed shape and I am fitter and healthier than last year. Over the last two months, I’ve also taken steps to address my emotional well being. How good is that!
    This forum has been part of my life for a year now. I have found an amazing of kind, caring friends who are full of love and support. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve given. God bless you all.

    And of course, thank you @bert for your hosting and your many thoughtful and mindful posts.

    Happy New Year!

    The festive season’s behind us at last
    The Christmas indulgences consigned to the past.
    The reset button firmly to press
    The excess baggage to promptly redress.

    Dragons come in different guises
    Dormant dinosaurs in different sizes
    Awakened by sugar, cheese and wine
    So sharpen those swords and despatch down the line.

    This forum’s a place where our souls we bare,
    A safe haven in which our grievances to air,
    Of fellowship, friendship, loving and fun
    There’s no shame, no failure just honest concern

    There’s this diet, that diet, diets galore
    But the Fast Diet is a way of life for sure
    Convinced now? Why not give it a hit?
    That will make you healthy, fabulous and fit

    So gird your loins, padlock that fridge,
    Cork that bottle and pull up that drawbridge.
    Ditch the Emmental, the Brie, the hors d’oeuvres,
    Get the brilliant body that you deserve.

    So…Mince pies and pudding consigned to the bin
    Those healthy options are heralded in,
    The Fitbit is charged, MFP is primed
    All ready to roll with those midnight chimes.

    Let’s raise a glass to the great and the good,
    To a wonderful community from around the world,
    My Fellow Fasters I love you all….

    And a Happy New Year to every single one of you. May 2018 bring you all you wish for.

    Day 31 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    Thank you @bert1802 for your wonderful hosting and funny, inspiring posts 💐. So glad to hear that you are nearing that number on the scales that means full maintenance mode 👏 😇 Looking forward to hearing more from you in January xx

    I had a fairly good FD yesterday coming in at just under 600cals and my end to the December Challenge sees me maintaining nicely below my target weight at:- 53.0kg/116.8lbs/8st5lbs and BMI: 20.0 💃

    So sad to hear that several of us are ending the year feeling under par, some nasty bugs going round! a bit of self love and nurturing is called for at this time of the year, especially as we are all so busy ensuing everyone else is happy and enjoying the festivities that we forget about our enjoyment and happiness ❤️ “Self love is the source of all our other loves” ❤️ Pierre Corneille

    @awilson – glad to hear that the floods stopped before it affected your home badly – totally understand that it knocked you sideways emotionally 🤗
    @califdreamer – Thank you 🤗 Glad I can help, I have also in turn been inspired and helped by many on these challenges since I joined in November 2016
    @bigviking – Very satisfying to end the year in the 70’s – great motivation for the new year x
    @fatrabbit – You have been an inspiration to many over 2017 – looking forward to hearing more of your adventures in 2018
    @debster251 – Thank you 🤗 you have been a wonderful contributor to the challenges, full of support and inspiration to others too. What a wonderful poem truly reflecting what the 5:2 WOL and these forums are all about ❤️

    I hope that we hear back from our previous members who have been absent for a while sometime in the New Year – if you are lurking in the background and reading the posts we are thinking of you all @coda @ciren2 @brightonbelle @lynzm @okeydokey @penz @liathanail @in-it-to-thin-it @pashaw @redrockgirl302 @snowflake56 @lilymartin @steffieagle @bellyblast @fuvvie and anyone else I have missed – Pop in to say hello and let us know how you are doing 🤗

    It’s so nice to see many reaching their goals, congratulations to all of you! The ones who didn’t this time, don’t despair. January is the first month in a brand new year and if I can do this, all of you can! When you fail, just start again next day, that’s the great thing of this WOL! See you in the January 2018 Monthly Challenge–Bring on the New Year!! with our new host @mjrbcd44
    TOGETHER WE ARE DEFINITELY STRONGER ❤️ “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”

    Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year – Whether you are at home with your loved ones, at a party or having an evening on your own enjoying the peace and quiet; enjoy your celebrations tonight seeing out the old year and ushering in the new one –
    “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts” Eleanor Roosevelt

    Day 31, Germany, NFD
    @debster 👏👏👏 very nice poem! Thank you!
    @annemarilyn thank you! I am still sick and hope to feel better by tonight…
    Also to all the others who feel sick : get well soon and hopefully start healthy in a new year!
    I have to say that I am really a bit disappointed right now. Was weighing in again this morning and despite skipping breakfast since more than a week now and really eating controlled my weight went up 2 kg from my great low on Dec 24th! 😥
    Up 1 kg from the beginning of December I think. That wouldn’t be so bad had I indulged on Christmas goodies, sugar and so on, but I really didn’t!!! This is really frustrating! Plus, tomorrow will hardly be better, I was hoping to have a little puffer to start out for tonight’s festivities…
    But well, so be it! Maybe a whoosh just around the corner in January! I won’t give up, I will eat controlled today and I will set my goals for January tomorrow!
    And one of my goals is to weigh in maximum once a week! 🙈
    Wish you all a wonderful, wonderful, good time tonight and a great start into an even greater new year!!! 🍀🍀🍀

    Day 31, UK, NFD

    So the great December weigh-in this morning ahead of the mighty feast that we’re invited to tonight.
    Start 137.8lb
    End 138lb
    I’m going to call that a maintain and be thankful for it. Nowhere near my target of 133lbs – but maybe I was being far too ambitious for this time of year and the pressure backfired.

    @michelinme – I just reread your post from yesterday and part of it has particularly resonated with me today: “It’s so important to have self-care at the start and the heart of what we do, both the inside and outside.” A very powerful insight.

    For the first time in my life I have this month invested in some expensive lotions and potions and make-up and have been really taking care of my skin and experimenting with make-up tricks for disguising hooded eyes etc. This thought went through my mind several times: ‘what is the point of doing all of this on the outside if I am poisoning myself from the inside’. And that was before I read ‘Alcohol Explained’.

    @bert1802 – thank you so much for being a wonderful host this month – your wise words have been incredibly uplifting with your instruction at the beginning of the month responsible for my purchase of said potions, lotions and make-up. Many Congratulations on your 21st wedding anniversary – I hope you had a wonderful celebration last night.

    @leggit, @miraclelou & @anna6 – I do hope you are feeling improved today and can enjoy the new year celebrations.
    @awilson – having watched many scenes of devastation and misery caused by flooding on our TV screen, I’m not surprised you have been left shocked by your experience. Hugs to you xx
    @califdreamer – you too have been so inspiring – since the month you joined you have stuck to your guns and the results are there to prove it. Well done. To do this amidst the horror of watching what fire was doing to your state is very admirable.
    Thank you @metatauta, @AnneMarylyn & @at – the support from this forum is and will continue to be invaluable.
    @faStrabbit – congratulations on an amazing year!!!

    Well my dears, may I wish you all the happiest and healthiest of new years.

    I know Carrie Bradshaw is a fictional character but this quote seems particularly apt right now. “Maybe you have to let go of who you were in order to become who you will be.

    Excellent poem Debster made me smile and gives me courage to carry on with this WOL

    2nd post

    Brilliant poem @debster251 🙂 xx


    Well its the end of the month and have finished 300gm less than I started it so am pleased. Didnt make my target for the month but a Christmas celebrating with family you haven’t seen for months, I am just pleased to have ended lower than started. Its only one small period of the year and we now all have a chance to get over it!

    Day 31/ NYE, London, UK, NFD (CD),

    Aiming for some control today, I’m fighting off an eye infection so I’m currently bathing it in 10:1 apple cider vinegar solution, at least the redness has gone down – very attractive!!!

    @miraclelou, I saw your post and decided to stop faffing around and procrastinating and finding any & every excuse I could ……….. & promptly bought the book, planning to start Jan 2nd and already feeling less pressured!!! I hope you feel better soon!! Don’t be disappointed with a 1kg gain without indulging in the Xmas goodies, they’re really Xmas baddies and if you had indulged you might be looking at an additional 5kg!!!! Keep on keeping on and the rewards will surface eventually!!!

    @mjrbcd44, I’m sooo with you (thinner, richer, fitter BEFORE I get my happy(?)), but I’ll have to plan for next NYE, I like my home comforts but sometimes they form a barrier between me and LIFE!!! I hope you feel better and have a fab night out!!! Thanks for hosting Januarys challenge, you’ll be inundated with members if they’ve had an Xmas like I did!!!!

    Happy New Year everyone, as @bigviking said regarding that number on the scale, at least……….. “it’s a heck of a lot lower than where I was a year ago!”
    @bert1802, thanks for herding us cats this most challenging of months, I’ll post my final results tomorrow (if I can bear to!!!) I hope your anniversary celebration made another lasting memory!!

    @debster251, ANOTHER fabulous summary in verse, I love, love, love it………….. however the “Ditch the Emmental, the Brie, the hors d’oeuvres” line seems a little drastic, let’s not lose our minds here, seriously, I ask you, what’s life without Brie????????

    Looking forward to tonight’s Prosecco & nibbles, enjoy your night everyone…………….. any idea which one of us will be 1st and last to usher in the New Year?

    Happy New Year everyone!!!!!!!!!

    Day 31, Cornwall UK, NFD

    A big thank you to @bert1802 for hosting this month. And to all you lovely people for your postings – I read them all and have found this forum very helpful. On 1st Jan 2017 I stepped on the scales and saw 106kg – a shock but perhaps not a surprise. I would not have believed I am on this forum a year later at 89kg, 17kg lighter. I had no plan to resolve my problem but hit upon 5:2 in July and lost most of the weight in the last 6 months. Another 24kgs to go – I am confident now it is possible and hope to be writing on this forum in year’s time having done it. @faStrabbit (and many others)- I know it is possible!

    @strawberriesandcream – your honesty about alcohol is brave. Best wishes for achieving your changes in 2018.

    Love all the poetry, quotes and mess-ups! Happy 2018.

    Day 31, South Wales, NFD

    Just popping on to wish everyone a very happy New Year celebration tonight – and a great 2018! Sorry for not having posted for a while – my phone is playing up and I couldn’t bear to log on to my computer during the hols.

    I’m ending Dec2017 1lb down on my start weight and I’m totally happy with that! It’s actually been nice not to overeat massively over Christmas and pace myself a bit, whilst enjoying a few treats too!

    Looking forward to us all hitting our goal weights in 2018!!!

    Happy New year

    May next year see you fit and healthy

    See you on the other side


    Day 31…..Florida……CD

    Wow…..not only is it the last day of the year but also my last post as the your host.

    It’s been a hell of a ride, we all had a chance to slip out of the wagon and show what we are made of when we used all of strength to climb back on. We showed not only ourselves but those around us what we are made up of as we closed up holes in our wagon, fixed the plumbing on our leaky pipes and fended off dragon with our rusty swords.
    Then, we honed our skills as therapists, as scientists, even as intellectuals….. all the while being students in our new WOL.

    As we venture into a new month, in a new year, please remember and take heart in knowing that each and everyone of you have the strength, the knowledge and the ability to do anything you set your mind to do!

    And finally, my last piece of advice for this month and for 2017…….

    When you love yourself first…….it makes everything around you easier to love, and easier to do………

    Thank you for all the kind words on our anniversary. We had a good time just being together, the OH came home early for work and helped me finish the master bedroom. He and the OS put all the furniture back in the room, made the bed and helped clean up the mess I made. It was so nice to sleep in my own bed last night. Then we got ready and went out, the OH and I are normally in bed but instead we ventured out. First to the shoppes, he put a pair of kicks on hold for me, but wanted me to try them on before he bought them. They are tangerine in color! Yes, bright orange! Then off to the Walmart, to get tonight dinner and a few last minute things to finish the bedroom and then dinner! I over ate but…… it is what it is!
    Made it home around 11 to a very quite house, kids in bed, dishes done and living room picked up. Gosh, I love those kids……
    I know we really did not do anything to exciting but just being together is all we need.

    Today, I will hang curtains, finish putting pictures and decorations in our completed room. We decided not to do blinds but privacy clings on the windows, so I’m going to try and tackle this new endeavor….. If it looks bad…..I’ll just go and buy blinds after all…

    So, another busy day but relaxing as I’ll finally be able to clean as I go!

    I want to wish everyone a happy and wonderful new year! Please be safe in your activities tonight! I hope to see you all in January…….

    If you only walk around the ball pit analysising it, you’ll never know how much fun you’ll have by just jumping in……….

    Day 31 – Massachusetts – CD

    Happy New Years Eve all! I have only been on this site for 2 months, but I can already tell meeting you has been a big life-changer for me. I want you all to know I am grateful for you and I can you are all lovely individuals!

    @bert – thank you for being a welcoming hostess. I loved your posts, you made me laugh many times.
    @debster – loved the poem! It is beautiful.
    @at, @faStrabbit ;), @Strawberriesandcream, @flourbaby, @miraclelou, @michelinme and many others – thank you for your posts, your stories and your inspiration!
    @mjrbcd – fellow newbie, congrats on a great beginning and stepping up to host next month! Looking forward to continuing this journey with all of you.

    Many of us are struggling with more than one dragon, and you should all feel good about what you have accomplished even if the scales don’t show it.

    After a B2B fast, my weight is down to what it was pre-Christmas and about 2 pounds lower than what it was at the start of December, which is a good place to be for January! I didn’t make my goal, but it was ambitious for the month anyways and I’ll take this as a win, I am still working towards my goal and taking steps (no matter how small!). I’m still sick, which is a bummer but will make an easy excuse to pass on the alcohol tonight (besides the champagne, must have champagne!). I’ll try to control myself on the cheese but no promises. 😉

    I hope you all have a lovely evening and see you all in the New Year!

    Day 31 USA (Utah visiting) NFD

    What a FABULOUS group this is! Love, love, love all the year end posts, even the abject disappointment in some of your tones. I’m with you on some of the days I knew I was eating way under TDEE for days but didn’t lose a thing. I’m just happy with maintenance for OVER A YEAR now!

    @debster251 – your poetic skills are ever so delightful!

    @bert1802 – you’ve been such a marvelous host. You never cease to delight us with your wit and wisdom.

    Happy New Year to all! See you on the January board —

    Onward and downward!

    Day 31 Wales NFD

    Hi everyone, just wanted to wish you all a happy New Year’s eve and thank you all for being here to keep me company on my 5:2 journey these past 6 months. Bert thanks for hosting this month, I didn’t post much this month owing to overseas holiday and being ill, but I did read posts from time to time to check how you were all doing. Still recovering from the evil monster cold virus, 2 weeks on and I still have a lingering chesty cough but I did manage a FD yesterday. Weight this morning is 137 pounds, so down one pound on 30 November weight. When I began 5:2 6 months ago (at 159 pounds) I set myself the target weight of 140 pounds but now I’m undecided whether to stick and go into maintenance or to set a new target of a few pounds less…….I’m happy with my shape above waist but below waist (bum and thighs) is still a bit flabby.

    Have a lovely evening however you choose to see in the New Year. OH and I will be enjoying a quiet night in with the cats, a glass or two of wine and a couple of the remaining Christmas chocolates. See you all in January xxx

    Day 30 Sarasota, Florida CD
    Day 31 Sarasota, Florida CD I’m hoping we’ll have a Spreadsheet again for January. That’s what helped me get off a plateau and meet my goal by December. Happy New Year to all! Not eating much as I’m still sick with Bronchitis and had to decline a party invitation.

    Day 31 – Colorado- NFD

    Wow! Some of you have been BUSY! Decluttering ala FLY Lady, KonMarring ala Marie Kondo, painting, organizing, decorating… your homes will welcome in the New Year with a beautiful new look. Lovely!

    @bert1802 – wonderful job hosting! Your stories are always so heartfelt & inspiring. Thank you for leading us thru the holiday season.

    @debster251 – loved the poem! Perfect year-end wrap-up and New Year kick off!

    For me, this December was my busiest, most action-packed, festive month EVER. Although I tend toward the homebody side, I shoved myself outside the comfort zone & said “Yes!” to every single invitation received. My Captain Awkward only appeared several brief moments, the rest of the time was truly enjoyable!

    FD were difficult to squeeze in, so I juggled 16:8 with OMAD (one meal a day) and came out of December maintaining my weight…Thrilled! It’s not a gain (& I did indulge) so I’ll take it as a win.

    My Biigest WIN for the month? Getting medical clearance to return to exercise!!!! So happy with that. Began jogging again (Endorphins!) lifting (manageable) weights, rowing, cycling, hiking.
    ….. My favorite workout? Treadmill hiking at incline while catching up on this forum. Completed 45 minutes this morning after strength training. So thank you all for keeping me entertained while I sweat!!

    My weight remained the same for December but I no longer require a rubber band at the waistband of my jeans to make them fit. The consistent exercise is working! I’m the same weight, but now able to zip & button my pants closed. No safety pins or rubberbands over the button needed. Ha!
    So progress! …. Onward to bigger & better results!

    🎉 May your New Year be healthy & your extra pounds melty! 💦

    Day 31 NFD Oregon USA

    Oh my goodness this was a wonderful read this morning.

    @debster251 I am so glad you liked that link. If you have never read anything by Anne Lamott I highly recommend. And my highest kudos for the brilliant poem. Honestly just ❤️.
    @faStrabbit–I love that subtle change to your handle. It is a shame you can’t change it for good in the forum rules because it IS you now!
    @cornish_jane Absolutely inspiring.
    @strawberriesandcream-you are my inspiration for 2018.I hope I can find the strength to join you alcohol free–at the very least I want to dramatically reduce my alcohol intake. (I am a daily couple of beers gal and more on the weekend).
    @leggit-yes fellow newbie and hear we go into 2018.0
    @at your wisdom and peaceful attitude always shines through and is so appreciated.
    @bert1802 thank you for your thoughts on finding happiness and loving yourself first. I know I still have work to do there.
    @flourbaby–I am with you. Don’t take the Brie!! But if someone wants to round up all the “chips” AKA French fries and put them in a land fill I think it would help me. 😊

    I am forgetting people and I hate that but also need to prepare breakfast for my tribe. Only two more days before my second OS heads back to NYC and I will need your support so I don’t fill that hole with food!
    It hurts my heart every time but the last ten days have been wonderful. 🎄❤️

    Finally the scale. I ended up this morning at 177. Started December at 177.5. So….not the 174.5 I was hoping for but I am taking it.

    Looking for a good drop in January as we get away from all the feasting and get back to fasting.

    For today…
    ❄️May your New Year be blessed and your pounds be less”.

    @at: Thanks. Happy New Year to you and all of you. xx

    Day 31 UK NFD

    Back down to 79kg this morning after yesterday’s CD. That was my original goal so I’ll gladly take that as a win – definitely better than putting weight on over December, my very first month of 5:2

    Yesterday’s oat, seed & yogurt bread turned out the best yet – clearly using a loaf tin works well! Much easier to slice and keep track of how much I’m eating. I was toying with the idea that today would also be a CD but the lure of Christmas cake was just too strong. Delighted to realise I’d wrongly calculated the calories in the cake, forgetting I’d used half the quantities! I did wonder how my no-sugar cake had ended up more calorific than the shop bought ones.

    My NYE treat has now morphed into cake with cheese and clementines plus a small beer. Boy do i know how to party! I’ve got an article to send off tomorrow morning, and I haven’t started writing! Going to sit down and write until it’s done tonight, then sleep on it.

    Thank you to all who have generously shared stories, ideas and experience of this WOL. I wonder if you know how much you inspire those of us who come afterwards. Hugely grateful for everyone who has come and shared and stayed and encouraged. I feel motivated in my procrastination and energised in my sloth. But I also feel nurtured in my falling down and celebrated in my rising, which is more than enough to keep me trying and trying again.

    Here’s to a happier, healthier 2018.

    Day 31 McMinnville Oregon USA – NFD
    Happy New Years My Friends 🎉 🎉 🎶🎵

    @debster251 – What a fabulous poem, thank you so much!!
    @annemarilyn @mjrbcd44 – Glad you guys are dry!!
    @at & @Strawberriesandcream – Thank you for understanding!!
    @bert1802 – Thank you for hosting December!!

    Day 31 California NFD

    58.3 today. I’m within 300 grams or 1/2 pound of my final goal of 58 or 128 pounds. Actually, my final goal was 129 or 130 pounds and 58 was for my “wiggle room”. So I’m going to count this as a year end win anyway. We’re having a big NY meal tonight, so I’m going to use this as my year end weight, rather than tomorrow’s weigh-in like I would normally do.

    Yesterday I fasted until evening when we had pizza, but I limited myself to 3 slices. Had an apple for dessert and I think that was all for the day. I’ll make up for it tonight and tomorrow. But fasting so far during the day today. We’re having a quiet NY Eve tonight. Filet mignon, baked potatoes, veg and starting off with a Caesar salad. And cake for dessert.

    We’ve had a lot of sick 5:2ers here! It must have something to do with the cold weather, at least in the northern hemisphere. Hope everyone gets to feeling better.

    Happy New Year to everyone, and thank you for being here! Echoing the words of AnneMarilyn, I’m glad we’re together!

    Hello all
    Just popping in to wish you all a very healthy and happy 2018. I think of you all daily.
    Love Liz x

    @coda, if you don’t have another bright idea in your life, the monthly challenges will still be enough. And then some!! Happy New Year!

    Day 31 – SW WA USA – NFD

    My weight of 201.4 this morning, is up some from 196.6 on Dec.1st. I looked back at a year ago and I saw that I was well over 200 lbs all of December 2016. This December at least 1/2 of the days were below 200. Another 8 lbs have been dispatched in 2017; so I’m trending downwards. I began the 5:2 journey in fall of 2016 and lost fairly quickly at first with a total of about 44 lbs so far.

    All the sharing of your journeys continue to encourage. I plan to continue the downward trend with all of you in 2018.

    @debster251 – thank you for your humorous summary of our 2017 journey on this forum
    @Strawberriesandcream, @at, and others – great maintaining! You are an inspiration.
    @cornish-jane – congrats on disposing of 17 kg. Pretty amazing! I’ll have to see about catching up to you in 2018.
    @missybear – may you get completely healthy. Congratulations on reaching your 5:2 goal
    @Moganan – yes there’s a January spreadsheet. May you recover quickly and well from your bronchitis!
    @happymargo – good for you for maintaining in December; a challenging month. And I’m glad you embraced more social events. Would have loved to join you!
    @mjrbcd44 – good for you on going down even 1/2 a lb in December.
    @coda & @ciren2 – great to have you pop in to the forum! Hope we’ll hear more of you in 2018.
    @michelinme – meeting your December goal is no small thing
    @califdreamer – great year end win!

    Enjoy this New Year’s Eve friends around the world!

    Day 31 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Wow! I just one of those long posts that poofed as I tried to edit it.
    Don’t think I will try to reconstruct it.

    Suffice it to say that December trended upward instead of downward but overall, I’m down about 8 lbs for the year. That brings my total loss since fall of 2016 to 44 lbs ending this year at 201.4 lbs. I’ll work to catch up with @cornish-jane in 2018.

    Congratulations to those who made their December goals and to those of us who didn’t, at least we’re still here.

    Great to have @ciren2 and @coda pop in!

    Thanks @bert for hosting.

    Enjoy this last day of 2017! See you in 2018!

    Las Vegas NV USA
    Day 30 NFD
    Day 31 NFD

    Well it’s still only 6:20 PM here and I doubt we will be ringing in the new year as I’m recovering from a wicked cold. I’m sure I will be sleeping. I’m rarely sick and I don’t like it at all! At least the body aches, headaches, and chills are gone. I still feel malise and my nose is running like a faucet!

    December was very kind to me as I lost more than 5lbs to my all time low of 161.4 lbs @ 5′ 10″. The last two days have been NFD’s but if I ate 800 cals it was a lot. I don’t have any appetite and actually forced myself to eat a bit.

    Thank you for sharing your wins and challenges honestly. We all have good and bad days the important thing is to pick yourself up, learn from your errors and move on.

    After all it took a long time for us to accumulate all the excess baggage, it takes a while to get rid of it too.

    Hello everyone

    These are for @bert1802 for hosting and looking after everyone.

    Thank you to @mjrbcd44 for taking over the reins in January – very much appreciated. I am so delighted that even in my absence the challenges go on and that something started by an idea (thanks @bigviking) has inspired so many to achieve their dream of a healthy, slimmer you or for some to realise this dream can be a reality.

    I will see you in the January challenge as I am still clinging on and even if not actually posting know that you are all in my thoughts.

    Final post

    Ok, I blew it in December. Finished the month on 81.6 kg, which is 6.8 kg up from the 74.8 kg I had on Dec 1st. Oh well, over to the January thread to get back on the horse.

    @bert1802 thanks for hosting!

    Lovely to see your posts Ciren and Coda. Happy New Year to you.

    Final thank you to @bert1802 for hosting the last challenge for 2017 🤗💐

    So nice to see your posts @ciren2 and @coda and the reassurance that you are both lurking in the background – wishing you both a very healthy and happy new year 🤗

    Huge congratulations to those who lost weight small or large; achieved their goals for the month or have successfully maintained 👏

    To those who seem stuck on a plateau, just think of it this way -“When you get to a plateau, think of it as a landing on the stairway to your goal. And maintenance is a lifelong plateau, so a bit of “rehearsal” for maintenance isn’t the worst thing in the world” 😇

    To those who have struggled or even put some weight back on – Tomorrow is the start of a new challenge – Let us all move forward together so just press your RESET button in January when you join the January 2018 Monthly Challenge–Bring on the New Year!! with @mjrbcd44

    Final Post
    Finished December up 1 lb. I’m not going to give up.

    Last Post December Challenge

    Well, not too much damage done: 1.2 lbs. up from the beginning of December. The last 2 FDs really whittled down most of the gain. That’s one of the bonuses of 5:2; two steps backward, but you can quickly recoup. Thanks @bert1802 for hosting and also for the great canolli recipe!

    Last post, Germany
    I say it straight forward because honesty is very important for me… I messed up completely with my food last night! Total chocolate binge!
    Am feeling like a stuffed goose today and didn’t have any problems to start the new year with a LFD! Didn’t weigh in though… My January weight will be taken tomorrow and I am still a bit scared…
    @flourbaby thank you for your encouraging words! Of course you are right! And I won’t give up! January will be free of alcohol for me that should make things a lot easier! Maybe this is the good thing that last night’s chocolate binge brought about. I am determined to do the dry January challenge! And I am glad that I could encourage you with the book. I am nearly through all my clothes and it feels like such a relief!!!
    Looking forward for a better January with all of you!!! (December wasn’t all bad of course but 3 big binge days is definitely not a very good resumee for me…)

    Last post for December – California NFD

    58.7 this morning, up from 58.3 yesterday. But last night was a big meal (with cake and chocolates) so the gain was expected. I’m down 400 grams from Dec 1st, so I’ll consider that a win.

    @bert1802, thank you for hosting December and for all of your encouraging words. And thank you to @mjrbcd44 for taking the reins for January.

    Last post

    Thank you for your kind words about the poem. I forgot to post my progress this morning. Just under 2lbs up, so reset and onwards. I’m starting January with the usual new year resolve. My current BMI is 24.1 but I’d like to see 22.5. Thank you again @bert1802 for your inspiration. Happy New Year to all.

    Day 31, Mountaintop PA, NFD

    Thank you @at for the reminder to sign in as we end the month and 2017. I have been participating in the monthly challenge forums for all of this year. I usually read the posts every day and find them motivating and often entertaining. I have been maintaining between 140 and 142 for several months and did not have any fast days in December 2017. January 1 is another new beginning and I will sign on in the new forum.

    The Intermittent Fasting 5:2 protocol has become so routine for me. I am down three US sizes over the past 4 years walking everyday with my Fitbit and for the last year with fasting. Total lost 50 lbs with 18 more from November 2016 to November 2017. It is only about 1.5 lbs per month and it adds up.

    Thank you to all forum members for your positive input. Happy New Year!

    Holidays and overeating-times are over, finally. Hopefully i havent overeaten too much. I’ve been away from the computer for the Christmas time, and havent read up on the posts yet. I will update my spreadsheat and see all of you guys in the January Challenge.

    Happy New Year, aldreay second day.

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