December 2017 Challenge

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December 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 1,190 replies, has 97 voices, and was last updated by  Maayyaa 7 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 551 through 600 (of 1,192 total)

  • Day 11 – Perth Western Australia – FD (sort of)

    Probably going to go over the 500 calories due to forgotten social obligation but will stay close to 700. Not many healthy options on the menu and when you’re surrounded by Italian relatives, it’s just best to eat lots of “yummy veggies” and hope they don’t nag too much about “how skinny you are getting”. Odd how that never seems like a compliment from my relatives 😀

    **Pocket fasters of today – feel free to add your name if you are fasting today**

    @steve toon taxi driver

    Day 11….Florida…..FD

    Woke up to another cold cold day… every time the hear kicked on I end up coughing terrible….. So over this cold!

    Yesterday was a nice day, was able to at least get the Christmas tree up, our veg soup was fabulous. I’m taking leftovers for lunch today. Plus, later in the evening, I went to see Bad Moms Christmas with my YS and bestie….. Good but not as good as the first.

    Work again today….. kind of curious on how the new girl will feel starting the new week out. She said something on Friday about how busy it is and how she felt like she was pushed and rushed to learn all the stuff……
    I was a bit frighten. when I heard that, I mean I don’t know what to tell her. It is fast paced,yes there is a lot to learn and although it looks easy, sounds easy, it really isn’t when you first start out!
    Friday, I told her to take some time this weekend ad write down anything she want me to go over again, anything she needs clarification on or doesn’t understand and I will go over it again with her. I guess this is about all I can do at this point!

    @backtothefuture…….So, glad to see you again, my friend! So, glad your daughter is doing better! Remember both for you and your daughter… step at a time….. whether it’s a full, half or quarter of a step, it’s movement forward….. hat all that matters. I will continue my prayers for your family….

    @markie99…..I’m glad my journey is helping you….. It actually reminded me to go back and read my journey to show me how far I’ve come….Thank you!

    Okay well…it’s that time!

    Wanna know why Santa’s so jolly?
    He knows where all the bad girls live!

    Day 11 USA NFD
    Holiday party eating was on track yesterday, and didn’t eat snacks or chocolate either, so feel it was a good day. Logged my activity as planned. Scale didn’t move but I don’t expect it to move every day and at least it didn’t move up.

    Goals for my NFD today are to have just one meal since I’m meeting a friend for dinner tonight. I know the restaurant so have an idea of what to order. Activity goals are related to my work today. I’m teaching 3 senior classes (water aerobics and two senior yoga classes) as well as logging my 5 miles on the bike.

    I’m a Silver Sneakers certified instructor, which means I’ve been trained to teach fitness classes for seniors. I’m employed by the YMCA. I saw that someone asked about Silver Sneakers, so I will say it’s a benefit of some medicare supplement insurance plans that provides free membership to a variety of fitness clubs. The clubs then offer classes provided by trained SS instructors. Going forward, because of changes in the industry, you can expect to see names such as Optum Health and Silver and Fit, which will be essentially the same thing.

    @fatrabbit great post about compensating for going off the rails and thank you for reminding me that nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

    @timetochange, welcome back. I’m new here myself, but already finding out what a great and supportive place this is. Good luck in meeting your goals. Be sure to post every day.

    Good luck to everyone today. Take care, Markie.

    Day 11, Madrid (Spain), NFD

    It’s been difficult to keep up with posts, but I’ve read some and I find them inspiring. Even difficulties and “failed” FD are useful, as experiences to reflect about.

    It’s been “puente” (bridge) here in Spain: last Wednesday and Friday were holidays, so we took Thursday too and went on a trip with friends (the province of Guadalajara, in Spain, is beautiful!). Although I didn’t control calories and ate some delicious local food, on Sunday I managed to eat around 50% of my TDEE and, finally, the scale hasn’t taken notice.
    However, I’m looking forward to my FD tomorrow and Tuesday, just to have a couple of “normal” weeks before Christmas.

    Day 11country west Australia FD!!!!!
    finally a successful FD under 500 calories with just a little vegetables, a few cups of tea with a splash of milk and only 1 coffee!! SO happy to finally be back on track – for today at least.
    Will try for another FD tomorrow as DH working away.
    However having a wind up dinner for our group so …. not too sure if a healthy choice is available for dinner. They don’t normally have salads but main courses come with LOTS of chips.
    @flourbaby, like you I ADORE carbs which is part of my problem. Having said that, I have eaten far less carbs in the past 12 months.
    Hardly any rice, flour, pasta but I do still have bread quite a lot.
    To all those in the cold and rain, I wouldn’t mind a short swap.
    It was 39 here yesterday and today has been similar with high humidity.
    Think I might have sweated off a kg or 2 ( dreams are free!)
    If 5:2 doesn’t work, the weather just might.

    Day 11 – Massachusetts – NFD

    Yesterday’s fast was easier than I expected. Went to a movie with some friends, but didn’t get any snacks and declined to go out to dinner after, so avoided that bombshell. Today I am not that hungry, may turn into a CD or even another fast day I will see what the body wants. Checked the scales, and no movement since I checked last week.

    We got around 6 inches of snow here, just enough to cover and stick but not enough to impede traffic (at least not in the Northeast). I have cousins and friends in the South that tell me things close when there is even one inch of snow, and the chains come out around the tires. 😂

    Thanks for the info about Silver Sneakers all – I will have to keep these classes in mind for the future. Good luck today everyone!

    Just keep swimming, just keep slimming!

    Day 11, Ger., FD/ LFD?
    Hey everybody! My LFD is going well so far. Like you @timetochange I help myself with a little milk in my tea or hot water to not feel hungry. On a LFD I can use some calories on milk 😉
    So foodwise I’m doing fine, yet somehow for a couple of weeks I really feel depressed oftentimes. Don’t know what it is. Probably problems with my kids and also OH are leading to my depression. Seems kind of unmanagable to get out of these feelings right now. Sorry for my self pity!
    @daffodil2010 your girls spa weekend sounds very good!!! Hope you enjoyed it a lot!
    @maayyaa Congratulations on your new low!!! Seems you’re really successful in your fasting!

    Here’s my pocket list for today, feel free to copy and add your name to it:

    @steve toon taxi driver

    Day 11 – USA – NFD

    Spent most of yesterday driving 2 hrs. up and back from the airport and 2 extra hrs. waiting for my visiting BFF’s flight to land/baggage claim, etc. We only got to spend about another hour at home getting acclimated, eating a late dinner and then bedtime! Today she was up before me, all dressed for a morning walk! She’s so childlike and precious; I’m so grateful for her visit. Today we decorate the Christmas tree.

    Day 11 – Cumbria UK – FD (much needed!!)
    Day 8 – 10 – NFD

    Been busy since returning home – lots of social outings including celebrating DD birthday – lots of cocktails, lovely dinners and plenty of 🥂🍷 – total over indulgence 😈 – I think yesterday was one of @lilymartin ‘s WTHWYT day!!! however the scales are still below but nudging towards my target weight this morning and I need some wriggle room built in for the party season ahead so really need this FD today even if it is the coldest day ever……….

    It has been near to or below freezing for the past 4 days but at least we did not get the snow that has brought other areas of the UK to a standstill!!!!!!!! Today is gorgeous, blue skies and sunshine but has been below freezing all morning.

    Went for my yearly blood tests today – will be interesting to see what my cholesterol levels are doing -there was a big improvement after one year on 5:2 – I’m now towards the end of my 2nd year following this WOL

    Looking forward to my yoga class this evening – been missing them over the past week but managed a good hike last Friday

    @daffodil2010 – your spa trip with girlfriends sounded bliss….and a new low on your 5:2 journey 👍
    @annemarilyn @onahealthyhigh @aljomisaza @lilymartin and all the Aussies – so envious of your warm weather but I’ll be flying to Melbourne on the 14th January for 3 weeks for my niece’s wedding so will get to enjoy some of the lovely weather hopefully….
    @rainbowsmile – glad to see your post, you are in our thoughts – just pop in to say hello if you need us 🤗 The only cure for grief is to grieve – “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard” Winnie the Pooh
    @flourbaby – I agree with your words of wisdom – let us be kind to ourselves in this festive month – “stick to basic 5:2, leave the B2B2Bs and LFDs for another day!!!! Let’s have a controlled run up to the temptation of Xmas!!!”
    @happymargo – You can offload anything here – no judgement remember – go for moderation in all things – don’t make too many things out of bounds
    @miraclelou – well done on doing your FD on Day 8 despite your lack of sleep
    @quebecoise – hope you are starting to feel better – sounds like you got hit hard by that bug! Interesting link by the way
    @toddybear – fantastic weight loss and enjoy Prague with no guilt!
    @michelinme – great job 3lb in the first 8 days – as you that is a great motivator!
    @awilson – have a fab time in San Francisco for your nieces wedding – my first niece is getting married in January in Melbourne and I’m flying over for it and cannot wait either….
    @timetochange – WELCOME onboard – this is an amazing international group who provide words of wisdom and experience and the infectious enthusiasm of newbies and those who are dispatching the weight and moving ever closer to their goal and some of us are in happy maintenance – there is great support here and no judgement
    @snowflake56 – good to hear from you and that you are still in happy maintenance too and working your way to that retirement in March next year – stay strong and positive my cyber friend
    @maayyaa – lowest in YEARS on Saturday morning so happy for you 💃
    @back2thefuture – good to hear that your daughter’s recovery is going well – my DD had her 29th birthday this weekend – we had cocktails and a lovely meal as a family – thank you for asking about my friend she is doing OK and staying strong

    I’m so impressed by @emma-taylor – that’s amazing that you’re staying dry for December and @happymargo and the others for sticking with the Dry Winos “Dry till Fri” mantra – I’m ashamed to say that I have well and truly slid out of that…….Must do better 😉

    I have also added some to the list started by @maayyaa – that includes you @bert1802 and @lilymartin for encouragement and support – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!

    **Pocket fasters of today – feel free to add your name if you are fasting today**

    Reading and catching up with the posts and writing my own has got me over that lunchtime danger zone, now going out to meet some friends for a cup of coffee and our regular weekly catchup!

    “A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking…….because her trust is not in the branch but in her own wings……BELIEVE IN YOURSELF

    Day 11 USA (Illinois) – FD

    This week is going to be full, so my plan is to do a FD today. Has anyone here made Spanakopita? I just heard about the recipe, and in reading up about it, I’ve decided to make the small triangle version of it for an appetizer at a Christmas party for tomorrow night. But the recipe has me stressed, so much so that I had a nightmare about making it last night! For this party we bring “heavy appetizers” which will double as supper with wine and desserts. Any advice on working with phyllo dough would be most appreciated!

    @back2thefuture – good to see you back here! Hugs and prayers to you as you support your daughter with her post-op. It does seem that maintenance is as tough as losing was. I’ve been on this regimen for a year now. Thanks for the props.

    @lilymartin – your heat does sound incredibly oppressive! Keep up your fluid intake! It’s interesting to read about people’s snow around the world while we in Illinois have had only about 1/2″ so far – they’ve had much more than that in the far southern US states! Strange.

    I think a lot of us have had to learn just what our carb intake has done to our weight. I will indulge a little with bread or potatoes, hardly ever rice or pasta.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 11- Colorado USA – FD

    Have 3 holiday parties, plus a Girls Christmas Cookie Baking Day ahead for this week. Oh my!

    Planning today & Thursday as my FDs. So I’m reading your posts for reinforcement & chanting to myself “Back to Basics of 5:2” and “Be strong today. You can have that tomorrow.” Also, reminding myself that in the past I’ve successfully done 6-day Fasts…one day at a time should be a breeze!

    My biggest challenge today will be baking & icing sugar cookies to share at an upcoming party. Drinking loads of warm peppermint tea will be my armour against the sugar-dragon!

    @at – I simply love your post ending: “A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking…….because her trust is not in the branch but in her own wings……BELIEVE IN YOURSELF”
    It fits well with exactly what I need today! Thank you.

    Anybody looking for an insight into Geordies and the cold weather this link should give you a laugh.

    Day 11 Akron OH FD
    Huge reset needed. We took an impromptu trip to New York and I allowed that to mess up my schedule. I need this FD like you all would not believe. Actually I really need to get my mindset back on track.

    I know am up to the challenge, no more excuses.

    make today awesome y’all.

    Day 11 UK FD

    Quiet rest & catchup day after full-on yesterday. Slept really well for the first time in weeks, woke feeling more motivated and less down – even tho the skies is a complete blanket of white and it’s been cold/windy/rain/sleet/snow gloomy gloomy day.

    Weight this morning still 79.5kg so not put any on with yesterday’s beer and the weekend’s mincemeat tastings. Have also lost 0.5 in from my bust and my hips. That’s all good motivation to keep me on track today. The food I’ll be eating is on a separate shelf in the fridge, so hopefully easier to resist temptation.

    @miraclelou – sorry you are feeling down, and hope you can find a little time for yourself each day in the middle of all the supporting others and busyness of December.

    The things that have helped me in the last couple of weeks are being open to how I’m feeling and talking about it a little, and then trying to practice self-care – aiming to get better sleep, nutritious food & plenty of water, removing the stress that I can remove, making space for myself to stop & breathe & stretch, even when I don’t have time to meditate or exercise.

    I was wondering whether it might be exacerbated by a new consciousness of our feelings bc we’re choosing not to eat or drink to “feel better”. So we have these feelings without our previous way of dealing with them. It’s beginning to remind me of the tsunami of feelings exposed when I stopped smoking 5 years ago. Lots of noticing, questioning, rediscovering and some building confidence in what I can do.

    **Pocket fasters of today – feel free to add your name if you are fasting today**

    Day 11 Welcome FD Oregon USA

    @AT-fantastic quote–you are always such an inspiration.

    @MiracleLou–you have my empathy on the depressed feelings. Feeling that way during the holiday season is doubly hard, I know.

    @AnneMarilyn–grotto was really wonderful, I had never been.

    @Flourbaby–your posts always put a smile on my face. Probably because I am with you too on the refined carbs (mine enjoy being washed down with beer which doesn’t help).

    @fatrabbit–you have a book inside you waiting to come out! Some sort of cross between Watership Down and Simple Abundance. (Being totally serious, your writing style even in posts seems like an author)😊

    @Maayyaa–congrats on the new low! Outstanding in December.

    @timetochange–agree with your sentiments about this brilliant forum, the global stories are awesome.

    **Pocket fasters of today – feel free to add your name if you are fasting today**

    🎄May your holidays be blessed and your pounds be less. ⛄️

    AT – thanks for your words of encouragement. But I probably used up my lifetime supply of alcohol about twenty years ago!!! I just forgot to stop. So being dry is long overdue.
    Eurostar is delayed, by snow I think, so hanging around at the terminal in Paris. We are about 50% short of seats so everybody is lolling about on the floor. Looking forward to getting home and fitting in some FD.

    Day 11, South Wales, NFD

    I’m catching up with posts after a couple of days offline.

    I was devastated to step on the scales this morning and see a 3lb increase from last week, totally wiping out November’s progress entirely…how can this be??? Despite diligent fast days??? Needless to say I am quite despondent as I was hoping to head into a ‘safe zone’ in preparation for the Christmas excesses…maybe I’ll blame it on the snow!

    Second post. @lynned that sucks!! Could your NFD have something to do with it? by that I mean are you tracking your calories on NFD as well or just guesstimating. Also take a look at your water intake and the time of the month; stuff might just be moving around or transitioning as they say.

    Day 11 – UK FD

    Delighted to have lost 0.5 in off my bust and hips in my first 11 days of this WOL. It seems impossibly fast to have made such a difference! My goal is to lose another 6 inches, and review. I called myself Michelin me like the tyres, and seems I really am wearing a fat suit! Makes me wonder how I got here without particularly noticing on the way -so much of life is lived unconsciously.

    I wrote a long post to someone who is down at the moment and now can’t find the OP but posting anyway because I was hugely glad of encouragement when feeling down, Taking time for yourself each day makes a real difference, like putting your own oxygen mask on first on a plane. Whether it’s stopping to breathe and centre yourself or finding an hour to exercise, meditate, have a long bath or read a book.

    I’m wondering whether all this mindful eating is breaking the habits of covering up feelings with food. The feelings are more exposed and we don’t have the usual coping techniques. It reminds me of the tsunami of feelings that came when I stopped smoking 5 years ago; listening to my own responses and needs has been an incredibly helpful journey. I suspect this one will be too.

    **Pocket fasters of today – feel free to add your name if you are fasting today**

    Day 11 North Wales FD

    Spent the day travelling to see the Grandchildren. I am going to spend just over a week with them. Good fast day despite the stress of delayed trains due to the snow. Adding myself to the pocket list of fasters.

    **Pocket fasters of today – feel free to add your name if you are fasting today**

    Remember we are stronger together 💪💪💪

    Day 11 Sarasota, Florida FD I’ve ended up with an unintended FD because I’m having GI distress the last 3 weeks. At the doctor today my weight was 117 pounds, one pound below my goal. I started in February at 132 pounds. So I guess I’m on maintenance now. Not bad to be on the low end going into the holidays. I have to have all kinds of tests to get at the cause of the GI distress. I don’t think the 5/2 has anything to do with it.

    Day 11 – SW WA USA – FD

    Enjoying Candy Cane Green tea from Trader Joe’s this FD.

    @irishtrier – yes, I agree, 1 day at a time is a great plan!

    @fatrabbit – your roasted veggies the other day sounded so yummy. Thanks for sharing.

    @BacktotheFuture – so glad your daughter and family are doing better!

    **Pocket fasters of today – feel free to add your name if you are fasting today**

    Yes, together we are stronger!

    Day 11 Sunny, beautiful Mexico.
    Getting through the day, so far I’ve had cukes, chicken bouillon and a few olives. I always seem to need a lot of salt on FD? Tonight we are going out for a shrimp dinner. I’m getting hungrier as I write this 😉
    Have a great week everyone!

    Day 12 – Japan – NFD 80.9kg

    FD was easy. Work is confusing right now. I tend to learn by doing so this is a normal state for me when starting something different.

    Good luck to all the day 11 pocket fasters! (I’m glad I’m moving on to day 12 though!)

    Day 12 NZ FD So far so good. Just tea and coffee. I am better if I don’t eat at all until evening. Another very hot day here.

    Day 11 California FD

    I’m really late in posting today. Work was busy and stressful, but my FD was fine. I was right at 60 kg this morning. Hopefully this FD will get me squarely I. The 59’s tomorrow. Hope every had a good Monday.

    **Pocket fasters of today – feel free to add your name if you are fasting today**

    Day 11 FD 2nd post

    6 pm and have had 400 calories.

    I ate @5pm but really wasn’t hungry and NOW…. I want to eat eat eat. 😈

    Reading posts to help make it through…

    @annemarilyn that candy cans green tea sounds fantastic!!

    Day 11, Québec, NFD

    Today was supposed to be a FD but I kept longing for starchy carbs. I know it is due to my sleepless night. When I am tired I feel like eating all the time.

    So I will fast tomorrow.

    Tonight the temperature should drop to -16 and tomorrow we shoud have a snow storm bringing up to 50 cm of snow and winds up to 90 km !

    Bye bye x

    Day 12, Norway, NFD

    Thank you @miraclelou and @at, yes I did have my lowest in years, but it did creep up a bit when I had a weigh-in on Monday morning, not much though…but after a successful FD yesterday I was hoping to be at least back to the lowest or lower, but no…  I didn’t even overeat or over-snack during the weekend, it contained mostly of work, work and work  Oh well, I try to look at «plateaus» as something good. I vary now 0,5-1,5 up/down…so my goal is to NOT creep up above that…and keep focusing on creeping down…my goal for December still stands.

    I started this morning with an oatmeal/chocolate cookie and a coffee…probably NOT the wisest thing to do, but with my Bluetooth speaker with all this Christmas music and someone at work had but out TONS of cookies, I’m happy I just took one!  I can “easily” not touch them, but if I first start…. No time to eat lunch at work today anyways, so a lean dinner will do the trick..hopefully.

    Have a great day everybody.

    Day 12, UK, NFD
    77.5kg this morning, so still 0.4kg up on Friday. We’re off out for an Indian banquet this evening, so will try to keep the fast going until then. And with a B2B planned for Wed/Thu, I’ll hopefully come in lower this Friday. If I could just learn to control my NFDs, maintenance would be easy!

    Day 12 Newcastle UK 🇬🇧 NFD.

    Day 12 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD
    1st of B2B2B

    I am a haven of calm and serenity this morning. My spa weekend with the girls was utterly fabulous. The spa is a 5 star “destination spa” ( whatever that means), but straight away we were cocooned into comfort, helpful staff, and soon we were shuffling around in our robes with all the others. My friend said she felt like we were on the set of a Sci-Fi movie…everyone off in their robes to various rooms for brainwashing etc 😆😆

    Thoroughly enjoyed it. Yeah, up two pounds, but now I face into 3 FD’s in a row so that should despatch it.

    Oh, oh, I wore my Ralph Lauren cocktail dress for dinner on Sunday, it fitted me perfectly and I felt amazing in it ☺️ It’s been a few years since I could wear sexy slinky dresses with confidence. Woo hoo. Pity DH was not there to see it, but I am sure I will use any excuse to wear that dress again 🤗

    Got my heated insoles too! They are charged and ready for use. It’s freezing today, very icy, so I am going to put them on low mode when I get to work….low mode is 50C and lasts 6-7 hours. Hope they work 😬

    Happy fasting today everyone on an FD, and good choices for those on NFD’s 👍

    Day 12, Sicily, nfd

    My last day in Sicily. This evening we head back to Malta. Tomorrow we eat out with my mother in law as it’s a public holiday in Malta. So I’ll have a fd on Thursday.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone. Onwards and downwards

    Day 12 UK NFD

    Whether yesterday really ought to count as a fast day is a bit dubious because I ate 5 pieces of fruit as well as a big bowl of bean stew which probably came to about 1000 calories in all. But I have reached a new low so it obviously didn’t matter (BMI now 21.5). I think what you eat is as important as the calorie count. I seem to get away with eating as much fruit as I want possibly because it fills me up and makes resisting seconds easier.

    It was a hard slog working outside in the snow and cold yesterday but I got everything done. I couldn’t have managed it last year. In fact worrying about what would happen given a hard winter was the spur that forced me to do something about my weight. I am so pleased with myself for seeing it through and getting where I need to be 🙂 Success also feels better than anything tastes! And everything tastes better these days too. Fasting has been a win win win win experience.

    Day 12, Madrid (Spain), FD

    @daffodil2010 it’s wonderful to look good in a sexy, pretty dress. I’m sure it won’t take long until you wear it again.

    @fatrabbit maybe you didn’t vettothe 500/600 calories but you certainly restricted your intake and yourbodynotices. Congratulations for that new low!

    @anna6, meet you for a FD on Thursday 🙂

    This is my second FD since the December challenge begun. I’ll have lunch out with my husband but I’ll order a light salad with vinagrette on the side.

    Day 12, London, UK, FD (1st of B2B2B)

    Quick check-in.

    Feeling really good this morning because I have the control of a few FDs ahead of me whilst I’m at work. I have to get some NFD control back as I’ll be off work for 2 weeks over Xmas, surrounded by every temptation known to man!!!

    I’m off for a peppermint tea, dragon drowning has commenced!!!

    I hope everyone is staying warm………………. Or cool, depending on your hemisphere of choice!!!!!!!

    Day 12, Belfast, NFD

    Had a good FD yesterday, almost got tempted to abandon it at lunchtime, but I hung in there. I also had a great night’s sleep, which is unusual for me on a FD. Probably due to the nice restorative yoga poses we did at class yesterday evening.

    Good luck everyone today x

    Day 12 Belfast NFD
    I had a good controlled FD yesterday with my usual swimming class. I’m counting calories on MFP today to try and keep those NFD cals under control.
    Loved your post @fatrabbit. It conjured up a wonderful picture of Bunnies, dogs and birds all playing in the snow!
    @flourbaby I think you got @SteveToonTaxiDriver a gem. Well remembered!
    @happymargo – what a great social life you have!
    SteveToon – loved the video lol! Someone many months ago talked about reading the posts in the accent from where the poster comes. I read yours and strawberriesandcream in a Geordie accent in my head!
    Just press that reset button @basyjames. You can do it!
    @LynnD How annoying to put on weight when you’ve been good! Maybe it’s food in transit? Hopefully it’ll disappear in the next few days.
    @michelinme well done on your lost. Great progress! You’re so right about looking after yourself first. In our busy lives, working and looking after our families, how often do we forget about ourselves? I loved your oxygen mask analogy.
    @mogaman -I’m sorry to hear about your problems. Hope you get to the cause soon.
    @quebecoise – I have to laugh. We Brits moan about a bit of snow and the whole world grinds to a halt! Now -16 and 50 cm is REAL snow!
    @maayyaa, I got stuck on a plateau for a couple of months, and I looked at it as if my body was stabilising, ready to cope with the next onslaught! I did lose inches rather than pounds, (as did Bert)so keep measuring!
    @daffodil – if you stand in the same place for a while will you melt the ice? Lol! Your dress sounds fabulous.

    Remember: if your don’t change your mind, you won’t change your body.


    Day 12, Anglesey, FD

    Last night I meal prepped! I made a small batch of curried parsnip soup. In there are 2 small potatoes, 3 parsnips, mild curry powder and a vegetable stock pot. Not many calories but will keep me satisfied around lunchtime.

    Breakfast was porridge with low-fat yogurt stirred through once it was cooked. I put a teaspoon of honey in too for flavour.

    I’m planning on roasting some peppers and tomatoes tonight and cooking some bulgar wheat to have with them and stirring through some tuna.

    I’ve had a splitting headache since last night. I left work feeling so drained. The headache is still raging on. I’ve been keeping up with the liquids in case I was dehydrated but that surely can’t be the case now. Just need to wait it out and keep busy to try and not notice it.

    Day 12…..Florida….NFD

    Had a very successful FD yesterday…… I swear it was because @at put me on the FD list….Which I am thankful for! Heck, I’m thankful for anyone or anything that kicks my butt in gear…..

    It’s finally starting to warm up here but as I watch the weather, looks like some of you are getting hit pretty hard with the white stuff….. The news was even showing picture of the fluffy stuff in parts of London and the UK. Stay warm, my friends

    @daffodil……Spa day and a sexy dress….. sounds like you really gave yourself a nice treat!

    @anna6……I’m a YouTube junkie….I had to giggle cuz I just watched a buzz feed video about Malta recently…… Beautiful country!

    @rosettafaery….. sounds like you need to add some salt in your WOL……a lack of salt will cause a heck of a head ache!

    Okay well…..I’m trying to find my morning groove again, now that it’s getting warm again!

    Wanna know why Santa’s so jolly?
    He knows where all the bad girls live!

    Day 12 North Wales NFD

    Day 12 USA (Illinois) – NFD

    Good FD yesterday, a bit over my normal at 600 calories, but still good. Like normal, I didn’t sleep well on the night of a FD. I know I have compatriots on that regard.

    Today I have my Christmas Party evening (holiday auction for my PEO ladies) but will try not to “graze” too much around the appetizer and dessert tables. And there is always wine. I will be careful all day long to allow for extra calories tonight. I have found additional ideas on the Spanakopita recipe, so I plan to do that.

    Will read up on posts and respond later — onward and downward!

    Day 12, South Wales, FD

    Thanks for the encouragement @basyjames and @debster251 – hopefully a temporary blip as I’ve been keeping track even on NFD…

    Congratulations on your new low @fatrabbit and on going into maintenance @mogaman, what great results!

    Day 12 – Prague – Definitely a NFD!

    How beautiful is Prague? This is all going to go tooooo quickly!

    I knew I was going to have to work alongside the gluhwein dragons (they have been so charming) but no one told me about the Czech chimney cake dragons!!!!

    We took a guided tour this morning about Prague in WWII…. a chilling reminder of how lucky we are… very thought provoking.

    Thinking of all you fasters! Bizarrely I’m looking forward to my next one on Thursday…. Never thought I’d be saying that!

    Day 12 UK NFD

    Yesterday’s fast day not quite as disciplined as my first 3. Got really hungry mid evening and stirred up leftover rice with overripe banana, a little almond milk and lots of cinnamon, into the microwave for 2 mins to make a sort or rice pudding. Hit the spot, but brought my total for the day to around 850 calories.

    Forgot to weigh myself as overslept this morning; I’ll do it tomorrow. Daily weighing is helping to keep me motivated and connected while I get into the swing of things.

    ON the plus side, a minor breakthrough today. I usually avoid having crackers etc in the house because I have no self control. But today my mother pressed 2 pkts on me when I popped over with a form for her to sign. Despite not having eaten, the first thing I did was read the packet to check calorie content – they’re made of pea protein and chickpea flour but still high in calories.

    At home I came to check email and opened the packet, but after 2 crackers I stopped and thought “I need to eat proper food”, took out a handful and took the rest to put away in the kitchen! I prepared a quick healthy lunch, weighing items and calculating calories as I put them on the plate, including the snacks as part of the lunch. And now I’ve eaten the healthy things first, even while and have left the crackers on my plate with the fruit to eat later on.

    I’ve never been good with this sort of self-control which is why I don’t have these things in the house. I’ve often envied people who can have just a taste, or say no to things really easily. And now I’ve done it too!

    The posts here are inspiring and encouraging – thank you. I’m learning so much from you all and am so glad to be here.

    Day 12 NFD Oregon USA

    Made it through my FD at 550 calories so not perfect, but not terrible.

    My body is definitely adjusting to it because the last two FD’s have been much better and have really felt pretty good and not hungry (until I ate last night) which gives me hope that sometime I’ll be able to do a LFD and maybe even an B2B.

    Lots of great successes in this month of temptation/parties…congrats to @daffodil2010, @maayyaa, @fatrabbit,@michelinme and whoever else I’m forgetting.

    For those who are hanging on by a thread or even gaining a little…stay the course, don’t give up, and as @at said–Believe in yourself!
    I’m right there with you all.

    May your holidays be blessed, and your pounds be less. (Or at least not more) 🙂

    Day 12, Québec, FD

    Yippi ! Still going down. 134,2 this morning. With my FD today I guesse I’ll break the 133 pounds mark. It encourages me.
    On your side, how is it going my friend ?

    Wow, congrats on your self-control. I love your “I need to eat proper food”. Will make it mine.

    Yes we are having real snow. For the time being it’s all white and beautifull around my house. It brings such a peacefull atmosphere (when you don’t have to go out with the car ). Big winds are still to come.

    I love reading posts in this group, so inspiring !

    I need to eat proper food.

    Day 11/FD/Melbourne/Australia
    Day 12 and 13/16-8 CD

    Up early to give my garden a thorough soaking before the heat of the day arrives. It’s expected to reach 37 degrees before cooling off again. Melbourne’s weather is very changeable and we can have 4 seasons in one day. I’ll be thinking of all northerners, especially @quebecois. I’d love to experience a white Christmas.

    I’ve finally replaced my ancient iPad. Looking forward to updating the spreadsheet when I find it. Loving the new functions. Especially the split screen function allowing me to type and scroll through posts at the same time.

    @bert the flu season has been bad this year. Glad you are recovering. The cough is debilitating.
    Welcome back @backtothefuture. Glad to hear your daughter’s recovering
    @lilymartin I love the heat but not the humidity. We’ll be in WA for January looking after our grandchildren whilst their parents have a much needed break.
    @miraclelou and @michelineme have you read Dr Mosley on the possible relationship between gut health and depression? Since reducing refined carbs, adding foods high in prebiotics and switching to a Mediterranean style diet my mood has improved.
    @daffodil2010 your spa weekend sounds fabulous. What a boost to wear such a beautiful dress.
    @metuata enjoy every precious minute
    @at lovely to hear from you. Very inspirational post as always. Love Melbourne in January. So much quieter.
    @toddybear Prague is on my bucket list. Enjoy without guilt. My temptation is Czech beer!
    @maayyaa it is a lovely feeling.
    @emma-taylor it is impressive. My goal is to stay as dry as possible between the 3rd of Dec and the 20th when we leave for Perth. The scales are celebrating. My weight is the lowest in 6 months. No alcohol equates to no over eating for me.
    @songbirdme I love Spanakopita although I haven’t cooked it in years. Melbourne has the largest Greek population outside of Greece. Lots of brilliant Spanakopita. Couldn’t agree more. Maintenance can be tough. It does get easier once you find your rhythm.
    @timetochange welcome. Love this international forum and this WOL
    @lynned I hope the scale is kinder? I’m sure the 3lb increase has much to do with day to day fluctuations. Remember it takes over 10000 excess calories to gain 3lb. Hopefully it will be gone in a flush!

    Gosh I must go. I’m so excited by my new technology I’ve lost track of time. I’m off to do grandparent duty. Have a fabulous day everyone and stay warm (or cool)

    Day 12 – USA – NFD

    2nd post
    Made the fast last until we went out for the Indian banquet. And a nice amount of dog walking thie morning and lunch time, so burnt a few calories.

    Lovely food (still struggling with leaving food on plate, which even the waiter commented on… I was the only clean plater!). Four pints of Kingfisher won’t have helped. And now having some red wine back home. Hopefully any gain tomorrow will be water retention and food “in transit”… B2B coming up.

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